Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion - How To Play - Part 2

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hi and welcome back to watch at plate my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're going to continue learning the 1 to 4 player game gloom Haven jaws of the lion designed by Isaac Childress and published by cephalo fair games who helped sponsor this video the rules to this game were introduced over the first 5 scenarios and in this video we're going to look at the new things found in scenario 2 so if you haven't already be sure to check out the instructional video we have for scenario 1 which you'll find links to in the description below but with that in mind join me at the table and let's continue learning how to play here we'll be setting up the next scenario by turning to its pages in the scenario book and you'll follow the same steps as before with just a couple of changes that we'll go over together though first I should mention when setting up the map we don't add any monsters to the area below this line here and we'll see why that is a little bit later first notice there are some new symbols in the scenario key these are new tokens that we'll be adding to the map representing damage traps treasure tiles and money tokens where they go will be shown on the map like this so just put the tokens on those matching spaces also any where you place a trap add one of these value 3 damage tokens on top and we'll learn all about these new tokens in a moment but notice that although I said monsters are not set up below this line any other tokens or objects can be it'll looks something like this when you're done and also notice we're using the burbling Raiders again but now in addition to their stand ease and initiative token which you'll take from their bag you also need to collect the four cards labeled as basic verbling Raiders which you'll shuffle into a facedown pile also don't forget at the end of the last scenario each player replaced the two of their ability cards labeled as a with two new ones labeled as B now let's move on and talk about some of these new tokens like this one it's a money token and some will start the game on the map but also any time a monster dies after it's removed from the board they drop a new money token which you take from the supply and put in the space that they were removed from any time a character ends their turn on a space with one of these tokens they automatically loot it it is taken from the board and then put on their character mat the important thing is that you must end your turn on a space with a money token in order to loot it you can't just pass over it and pick it up that way the exception is if their action includes one of these loot abilities when this is resolved you gain the coin in your space and on any of the spaces within the numbered range shown here so I would also get to collect this coin and this one here even though a monster is standing on its space this here is a treasure tile and it can be collected in the same ways as money either by ending a turn on its space or by using the loot action and once collected you remove it from the board and put it back in the supply but then check the number written in its space 14 in this situation you'll pull out the gloom Haven glossary rulebook and then turn to its final page where you'll find this treasure index and if you look up your revealed number you'll discover your reward which in this case was to gain 3 money tokens which you then take from the supply money and treasure that are not looted by the end of the scenario are lost in other words you don't automatically get the leftovers that are on the map just by winning the scenario so keep that in mind if there's something you want to pick up you'll have to do it before the scenario ends this here is a trap token and any figure whether it's a character or monster that enters its space will suffer three damages you're reminded of here and then the trap is returned to the supply traps do not however end your movement if the figure still had more spaces to go it can continue after taking the damage we also have a new type of space as shown with this outline known as a door doors will help to separate different rooms in this scenario so we have a room area up here and one down here this is why during the setup we didn't add monsters to this bottom area because it's a separate unrevealed room you should also keep in mind that door spaces are considered walls when checking line of sight and monsters can't enter them however once a character enters a space with a door for the first time it is automatically opened and you place one of these tokens here to show this that space is now considered open for characters and monsters to move into and through but you now pause at this time and set up all monsters in the new room which is referred to as revealing the room with the new area set up the player who reveal that continues their turn which might include finishing a move they were resolving when they entered the door space all right so that's the new information about the layout of this scenario along with looting and some things that affect movement but there are also some new actions and symbols that we need to learn about here so let's discuss those next first off you might have noticed these small attack and move symbols on all of your ability cards but we didn't use them in the first scenario well now you can these are called basic actions and instead of using the abilities on the top or bottom of any card you will now have access to an attack - as an alternative top action or move - as an alternative bottom action and when performing either of these basic actions you completely ignore everything else on the card here's a new symbol that you might encounter with some actions and this means that if you perform that related action afterwards instead of discarding this card you will send it directly to your lost pile if you don't want to lose the card you can just use its basic action instead which ignores the rest of the cards effects including that lost symbol or as always you can just skip that action entirely you may also find some new cards with symbols like this which indicate that they are area effects in other words they target all of the monsters in the red hexes shown if you see a gray hex that represents the one your character is currently in and it means the attack will be considered a melee attack against enemy targets in the space is represented by red hexes though I should mention it will not hurt friendly figures who might happen to be in those spaces as well also when looking at the board this arrangement of hexes can be rotated in any way you like just as long as the shape shown here doesn't change in other words if there are two enemies in these positions they can also be targeted by this area effect sometimes an area effect will not have a gray hex but instead specify a range and only one of the hexes that make up this area need to be in range of the figure causing the effect and the target hex doesn't even have to have a figure in it this will still allow the entire area to be affected by the ability which in this case is an attack with a base damage of three the only restriction is that you must have line-of-sight to an enemy within the area in order to be able to damage it and again friendly figures in any spaces are not affected so here's an example where maybe my figure is using this attack in order to target this space here which is a range of two away and they have line of sight to this space now looking at this arrangement of hexes that means all of these hexes here can be targeted by the attack and each enemy there will suffer a separate attack of three damage except for this one because I can't draw a line of sight from my character to the one here because of the walls between us remember walls will have a double lined border but these two here I can draw a line of sight to through the open door and don't forget you draw a separate attack modifier card from your deck for each of them also note that even with a ranged area effect attack you still gain disadvantage against any of those targets that are in spaces directly adjacent to you another effect you may have is a push or a pull and each will have a number indicating how many hexes your target will be moved with a push your target is forced to move up to that number of spaces away from you and each space it enters must put it farther away from you sometimes it will be possible to move further away in which case it will just stop moving with pool it works the same way except each space the target moves must bring it closer to you as the person causing the push or pull you otherwise decide the direction and even distance that the target goes up to its maximum but if you want you can move it fewer spaces also keep in mind the target can still move through its own allies as usual but never through its enemies obstacles or walls and a really clever way to use this effect is if you can move an enemy onto a trap which will cause it to trigger and then cause that target to suffer damage now sometimes a monster will have a push or pull ability but if so the players will decide the direction that their character is moved but the target must always be pushed or pulled the full allowable amount this scenario also introduces a new condition as well called disarm and as explained here it means that the affected figure cannot perform any attack abilities and then the token will be removed at the end of that figures next full turn in this scenario and all future ones you now have a new technique for cancelling incoming damage whether it's from a monster trap or any other source let's say for example a monster attacked you and they had a base damage of three and then they drew this x two modifier making it a total of six well that's a lot of damage and you might not survive it well now you can either place one card from your hand directly into your lost pile or any two cards from your discard pile into your lost pile to cancel all that incoming damage now one thing to keep in mind is that any cards you pick to play during the turn if they haven't been resolved yet well they'll still be on the table so those aren't in your hand or in your discard pile so they can't be used to negate damage with this effect okay well now it's time to talk a bit more about the monsters because in this scenario they aren't as predictable as they were before so let's go back to the table and I'll show you what I mean during card selection after players have revealed their two cards for the round you flip over the top card of the ability decks for each monster in play here we only have burling's so there's just one deck and this card will be for all of the verbling Raider figures instead of their initiative always being 50 like it was in the first scenario it will now be whatever value is showing here so based on the numbers that we are displaying it means the verbling Raiders will act after hatchet but before the demolitionist the skirt will also list all of the abilities that each verbling will resolve during their turns at the beginning of each new round you'll then reveal a new card from this deck and eventually you'll find one with a symbol that looks like this if so then at the end of that round you reshuffle all that monsters cards into a new deck that you'll continue drawing from now the interesting thing about these cards is that in addition to telling you what actions each monster will take as listed here they also modify the normal values for those actions for example when it would get to the Burling raiders turn in this round as you activate each one first they would push all adjacent enemies one space away and then they would follow that with a range to attack of +1 this means you take their normal attack value and modify it by the +1 creating a base of 3 and then of course it was fill draw a card from their modifier deck and adjust it further the important thing to understand is that a monster will only perform the abilities listed on its revealed card if it doesn't say move then the monster won't move if it doesn't say attack then the monster won't attack some of the monster abilities will have a ranged value with their attacks and if they're also moving then the monster will only move as many spaces as required to get within range of its focus but it will also move away from its target to avoid disadvantage for example let's say the verbling had started here if it had a movement of two and let's say a range of three it's already in range of its focus here so it doesn't need to move except that it has disadvantage because it's adjacent to its target so we would then move to here and that way still be in range but no longer have disadvantage now the exception would be if the monster already had disadvantage from something else let's say the muddle condition in that case it would gain no benefit from moving away so it will just stay put and do its range attack from here the special rules were talking about here for monster movement only apply to ranged attacks if the monster is doing a melee attack or no attack at all then it will instead just move in an attempt to get adjacent to the character that has its focus if you want more examples of monster movement and focus open to page 26 and 27 of the glossary and look these pages over to help reinforce your understanding of how these rules work another thing to keep in mind is that we have traps on the board so if a monster is moving it will take traps into consideration when determining focus in other words it will always try to find a path that doesn't take it into a trap unless that's the only choice for example in this case the verbling has a movement of 1 and it wants to do a melee attack which will have a value of 2 technically hatchet is the closest target but it can only attack hatchet by moving onto one of these traps so the demolitionist becomes its focus instead on the other hand if the Burling had a ranged attack of two it wouldn't need to enter a trap space so it would stay focused on hatchet something else to remember about this scenario is that we have two separate rooms and so if you start around and there are no monsters in the room where your characters are located then you don't flip a card for them because there aren't any to activate once a room has been revealed and the monster is added to it if one of their abilities hadn't been flipped that round then you flip it now and if the initiative showing is lower than the character who revealed the room the furlings will act as soon as that characters turn is finished and you'll show this by putting their token next in the initiative order however if their value is higher than the player who just revealed the room then they will activate when it gets to their initiative number in the turn order as usual with that you now know everything you need to play this second scenario but there are still two things we should talk about one is what happens after you lose a scenario and the other are the rules for after this scenario is complete because now you'll be able to shopping with the money that you looted first things first though let's say you didn't complete the goal and instead lost the scenario in that case you reset the scenario and try again but all money tokens that you collected will carry over with you into your next attempt let's say I had these three coins I'd keep them but everything else my character would reset as well as on the scenario except for treasure tiles if they've already been looted and removed from the board then they will not return when you retry this scenario again if you're having a lot of trouble beating a scenario first of all make sure you're playing the rules correctly but also there is a way to make things a little easier at the start of a new attempt of a scenario feel free to rotate the months or stab card in the envelope so that a zero is showing here these monsters will no longer be quite as challenging which might be just the break that you need now though let's assume you did complete scenario two what happens well first of all remember that a scenario doesn't end until the very end of the round in which you completed the goal so if some figures haven't taken their actions yet make sure they do because this could be a good time to pick up any last-minute loot remember anything you didn't collect will be lost even if you win the scenario as usual you'll read the conclusion text and gain the rewards listed with it here it says to reveal the new black ship location so on the map check off the scenario you just completed and then add this new sticker to it each player should also record how much gold they have every money token that you collect is worth two gold each so in this case I collected a total of 10 gold but the scenario also rewards each player with 25 gold so I personally now have a total of 35 which I then record here in the gold notes of my character sheet the money tokens you collected during the scenario can now be returned to the supply and keep in mind players may not share gold or money tokens at any time we have one last reward to resolve here and it's the opening of the item shop from now on after every scenario whether you succeed or not characters may go to the shop find the cards with this back and they'll have numbers here and you'll pick out the ones numbered 1 to 13 and put the rest of them back in the box on this side of the divider that you see here the currents we kept are known as the available items and players can acquire any number of these by going through them and paying the gold cost shown here reducing the gold on their sheet by the amount that they paid a character can never have more than one copy of the same item and each item also has a type as shown by this symbol here there are head body feet hand and small items as long as they're different you can own as many of each type as you like but when starting a scenario you can only equip at most one of each type the exception are hand items because you can have up to two of those equipped at a time any items you own but choose not to equip you can just return to your character box and maybe you'll want to use those in a later scenario every item has a function as described here and you can use those functions in addition to your normal to card actions for the turn now some of the effects on these might be new to you but don't worry we'll go over them in the next video however the symbols here in the corner are important to understand so let's go over these this one here represents a spent icon that means after using an item like this you rotate it on its side and it can't be used again until your character takes a long rest and a long rest is something we'll learn about in the next video here's another symbol you might find on items and this one means that once the item is used it's consumed and cannot be used again during that scenario to represent this you just flip it over now you don't actually lose the item you will get this back the next time you're playing a new scenario and you'll be able to flip it over to have it ready for you so on the other hand if you have an item that shows no symbol in the corner this item is persistent meaning its effect can be resolved any time it would apply during the scenario once all the players are finished making any purchases sales or trades that they want to you'll return the remaining items you didn't buy back to the box on this side of the divider as a reminder that these items will be available then next time you go to the shop characters can also sell items they bought previously returning them to the shop and then collecting half the amount of gold that it originally cost rounded up and although I said you can't trade or give gold to other players between scenarios players can trade items or give items that they already purchased to other players with the shopping done in the scenario complete at the end of scenario two players will now get their stored pack of ability cards from their personal box and find the first two labelled with a one here and then add them to their current ability cards bringing them to eight ability cards total for use in the next scenario now you can save your game or continue with the third scenario and you'll find a link to the video for that in the description below but otherwise that's everything you need to know to play the second scenario of gloom Haven jaws of the lion if you have any questions but anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance and if you found this video helpful please consider giving it a like subscribing and clicking that little Bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video but until next time thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 116,966
Rating: 4.9600148 out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Board Games, Play Throughs, Celophair Games, Rules, Board Game, Tabletop, Instructions, Jaws of the Lion, Isaac Childres, Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion, Learn To Play, Game Rules, Gloomhaven, Tutorials, Learn, How To Play, Miniatures, Watch It Played, Part 2, Card Games, Learn How To Play
Id: 2BKuCmPCVu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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