Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion - How To Play - Part 3

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hi and welcome back to watch at plagues my name is Rodney Smith and in this video we're gonna continue learning the 1 to 4 player game gloom Haven jaws of the lion designed by Isaac Childress and published by cephalo fair games who helps sponsor this video now remember the rules to this game are introduced over the first 5 scenarios and in this video we're going to be looking at the new things found in scenario 3 so if you haven't already check out the videos we already have for the first two scenarios which will find links to in the description below but with that in mind join me at the table and let's continue learning how to play you set this scenario up just like the others but on pages 6 and 7 this time and also notice there are two doors in this scenario so that means we have one to three separate rooms and we'll only add the monsters to these ones once they're revealed speaking of monsters gone are the Vermillion Raiders and this time we have giant vipers and zealots as shown here this means we get out there stat cards initiative tokens and standees there are 10 standees for the Vipers and that means we have to use the envelope that tracks damage for up to 10 monsters like this one does you also collect the 4 ability cards labeled as basic for each of these 2 monster types that we'll be using in the game their remaining ability cards you can just leave in the box also notice the map layout key is a little different this time when you see a colored page number like this it's referring to this supplemental scenario book if there is a line like we see here separating it from the other pages it just means that this contains some extra text you flip over to the indicated page and matching scenario title and as you can see this is just the conclusion and rewards so we won't need to look at this until the scenario is completed but having the information here means the pages were playing on can have more space for the map speaking of the map we now have a couple of new features printed on it like these hexes here surrounded by a purple border these spaces are known as difficult terrain and they require a figure to spend two of their movement points at the same time to enter each of their spaces for example let's say I had hatchet go through these or spaces here that would cost me 1 2 3 4 5 6 points of hatchets movement you also need to keep this extra cost in mind when determining Mansoor focus because they will as usual want to move to the character who will take the least amount of movement to get within their attack range now one exception to this difficult terrain penalty is when you're resolving a push or pull effect in those cases figures will move into and through those spaces at no extra cost another new feature are these section break symbols when you open a door in addition to revealing the room as you normally would you now find the related section of text in the scenario like we see here and then read this out loud ok so that covers the scenario set up in some of its new map features now remember at the end of the last scenario each player added 2 new ability cards to their hands so now let's talk about the new abilities and features that these will give us access to some actions will now have this starburst symbol with a number inside of them and this represents gaining experience sometimes like we see here you must fulfill certain conditions to get the experience in this case it says the target of the attack must be adjacent to a wall well over here the experience is just shown with the action meaning you just have to complete some part of the action in order to gain it just keep in mind completing the smaller basic action that might be on the same side as an experience point does not give you that experience point when you do collect experience show it by increasing the value on the right side of your dial here and will see the value of these points a little bit later some actions will give your character a bonus that might last until the end of the round at the end of the scenario or for a certain number of uses unlike other cards that you discard after resolving them these type you'll place in the area above your character mat labeled as active to show that their abilities are still ongoing if the ability shows this symbol it means it's a persistent bonus so it's active as soon as it's played and will last until the end of the scenario or until its effect runs out now the symbol beside it might seem a little odd because this effect has both a persist and symbol and a lost symbol the reason for this is that although the effect could last the entire game players are also allowed to discard any active effect if they want to putting it in their discard pile but in the case of the favorite ability if you decide to remove it you must put it in your lost pile instead this is also a persistent effect meaning once it's played it will stay on the table but it only has a certain number of uses before it's discarded this is represented by the circles we see here on one played you put one of your character's tokens into the first slot you'll find these tokens in your character box then each time its effect is resolved in this case when you perform an attack you move the token forward one space if the token ever moves off of the slot that shows an experienced symbol then your character gains that amount of experience and as soon as the token is moved off of the last slot you put the card into your discard pile unless it shows a lost symbol then it would go to your lost area instead anytime an effect occurs while playing that would trigger a persistent bonus like this you have to resolve it you can't ignore it and save its effect for a later time if a bonus shows this round symbol like we see here on this action for the Red Guard character then that action will only be active for that round and then it will either go into your discard pile or you're lost pile if there's a Lost Symbol with it another new effect you might encounter is this shield bonus which will reduce the damage that your character suffers from an attack down to a minimum of zero to see how it works you first get the total value of the incoming attack let's say a normal zealot attacked and we can see that it has a base damage of two if it then flipped over one of these times to attack modify our cards that would bring the total damage to four you then apply this shield effect subtracting its value from that damage total the remaining amount 3 in this case is how much damage your character would suffer it's possible to have multiple shields active at once and if so they work together and can be applied in any order but shields can only help prevent damage from an attack not other effects such as damage you might suffer from a trap some move abilities will now have this jump effect and if so any movement affected by the jump will ignore all terrain and enemy figures meaning you can move over enemy figures obstacles and traps in difficult terrain without penalty of course you still need to land in a valid hex and you'd suffer any penalties that might be in that hex like a trap but I should mention that landing in difficult terrain doesn't cost you any extra movement along with the new actions we also have some new conditions so let's go over those starting with poison if a target is poisoned a figure attacking it now gets a +1 attack bonus and the only way for this condition to be removed is to have the poison figure targeted by a heal effect no health will actually be restored to the figure you just remove the poison condition after that future heal effects played will restore health to it as usual a figure that has a wound condition now takes an automatic 1 damage at the start of each of their turns and like poison this will be removed if the figure is targeted by a heal effect but you also restore a health on its dial as well based on this value so for example if this heal was applied this condition would be removed and this character would be restored to 5 health the exception would be if the character had both the poison and wound condition then if they were healed you would just remove both conditions but not heal any damage since the poison blocked it next we have curse and blessed conditions these don't involve assigning a token to a figure instead you'll need these bless and curse stacks from the Box their backs are all the same they look just like regular attack modifier cards but their fronts will either show this symbol for a blessing or this symbol for a curse curses also have one other symbol either an M in this corner for monsters or a star for characters so separate those as well when resolving a curse you shuffle one of these cards into the figures attack modifier deck for monsters it will go into their group deck but at most only 10 curses can be shuffled into any one deck if a target gains a blessing you instead shuffle one of these cards into their deck blessings and curses remain in attack modifier decks until they're drawn if a curse is drawn it works just like a regular cancel card and a blessing works just like a regular at times two card and once they're drawn and resolved just return them to the supply they don't go into a discard pile and at the end of the scenario and he's still in player or monster decks are also removed okay well now it's time to discuss something that we briefly mentioned in the last video long rests we know about short rests already there's something you can do or maybe forced to do at the end of some rounds but a long rest is something that you do for your entire turn instead of picking two ability cards to play at the start of around you just let the other players know you're going to be long resting and then you'll resolve that for your turn as if it had an initiative of 99 in other words at the very end of the round when resolving a long rest instead of choosing randomly you pick a card from your discard pile to put into your lost pile and then return the rest to your hand you also heal to damage during a long rest and this resolves just like any heal action and that means it interacts with any poison or wound conditions you might have in the usual way then finally you turn up rate any spent items that were sideways so that they are available to be used again during the scenario long rests can be more effective than short rests but remember even if all the characters long rest the monsters are still going to take their turns acting and potentially attacking you while your rest speaking monsters they're also getting a little more clever in this scenario so let's take a look at some of the new things they can now do some monsters will now be able to attack multiple targets and if so it will first find its primary focus as usual and then chart a path that will get it to the closest necessary space to attack that target from while still being able to hit as many other targets as its attack will allow with its modifier here this giant viper has a total movement of three and wants to melee attack up to two targets moving just here would allow it to attack its primary focus but it will move one more space so now can attack both of these characters now sometimes in some cases it may not be perfectly clear exactly how a monster should behave but the rules are very clear on this one thing you're just meant to do your best make the monsters behave intelligently but otherwise don't overthink it don't focus too much on monster focus instead focus on having fun something else to notice is that monsters can have extra bonuses on their stat cards sometimes on the left or right depending on whether or not they apply for the normal or elite rank of its type these are permanent active bonuses that will always apply no matter what else their ability bonus might say for example elite zealots will always apply a wound condition on any attack with that you now know everything necessary to play the third scenario and don't forget when it's over you'll look in this supplemental scenario book to see the conclusion text here and gain your rewards and remember at the end of any scenario you fully refresh your character recover all cards and items remove all condition tokens and all bless and curse cards from each modifier deck and return yourself to your maximum health dial also don't forget to record any money you collected as two gold each on your sheet and then go shopping if you like but that's not all from now on any time you complete a scenario including this one you gain 6 experience so add that to any showing on your dial here and then put that total amount on your character sheet since I gained 6 experience points from the scenario and had 3 on my dial that's a total of 9 experience which I recorded here now if you fail a scenario just like money you've collected any experience that you had on your dial will stay there when you reattempt the scenario again and you'll add in a new experience you gain in your next attempt to it experience will help your character go up in levels gaining new powers and it takes a total of 45 experience to get to level 2 so nothing happens yet but we'll learn more about levels in the next video moving on as you can see in the rewards here in addition to gaining the sticker for the fourth scenario which you'll now put on the map you also gain a perk this means you pick any perk effect from the list here on your character sheet and then cross off the box next to it you'll notice some perks have multiple boxes meaning they can be earned and resolved more than once but either way once you've crossed off a box you've earned that reward and resolve it now these will change your attack modifier deck in some way in this case we're told to replace one +0 card with one plus one with a wound card in this case I would find one of these cards then and remove it from my attack modifier deck and store it back to my character boxes I will not be using it again then I would find this deck which contains all the upgraded attack modifier cards and here's the one that I would need which I would add to my deck her changes are permanent so you'll want to choose wisely but this also introduces a new rule we have to consider as we modify these attack modifier deaths because remember when an attack has advantage or disadvantage it forces you to choose either the best or worst of two drawn modifier cards but what if you draw a plus two and a plus one that applies a wound in that case which is better well thankfully the choice is simple when you have advantage just pick the one that you think is best in the case of disadvantage if it's not clear which is worse then just resolve the first one that was drawn and with that we're almost done but now we have one new step to resolve at the end of each scenario resolving a city event to do this you take this event deck from the box these are double-sided cards and you'll give them a good shuffle you only need to do this once you won't need to shuffle the cards again in future scenarios you then draw the top card from the deck and read its introductory text on the front side after you'll find two options at the bottom and you read those as well and then players decide together which option they're going to pick once that choice has been made and only once that choice has been made you flip the card over and resolve the related outcome to the best of your ability event cards are stored in the box here and every complete event is put behind this divider and the new ones are always put in front and you just draw them from here with the city event resolved the third scenario is complete and now you take the rest of the ability cards for your character from their box that are labeled with a 1 here at the top and you add them to your hand you then return all of the cards labeled with an A or a B at the top back to the character box they will never be used again for the rest of the campaign you might notice that some characters have more cards than others and that's okay it's based on their hand limit which is the numbers shown here in the top right hand corner of their character mat with your characters all set up you can now save your game or continue with the fourth scenario and you'll find a video for that one in the description below but otherwise that's everything you need to know to play the third scenario of gloom Haven jaws of the lion if you have any questions but anything you saw here feel free to put them in the comments below and I'll gladly answer them as soon as I get a chance also if you found this video helpful consider liking subscribing and clicking that little Bell icon so you get notification anytime we post a new video but until next time thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 122,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, Play Throughs, Board Games, Rules, Celophair Games, Part 3, Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion, Board Game, Tabletop, Jaws of the Lion, Isaac Childres, Learn To Play, Gloomhaven, Game Rules, Tutorials, Instructions, Watch It Played, Miniatures, Learn, Card Games, How To Play, Learn How To Play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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