Gloomhaven: Jaws Of The Lion - Game Play

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[Music] hi and welcome to watch it played my name is money and i'm naveen and today we're going to be playing the one to four player game gloomhaven jaws of the lion designed by isaac childress and published by cephalofair games who helped sponsor this video if you're interested in learning how to play this game rodney's made a tutorial video for it which we've linked in the description below and if you'd like to see other gameplay videos like this we have our own channel called before you play where we make more of them which is also linked in the description now before we begin you can all do us a big favor and turn on your klingon subtitles just in case you make any mistakes we can add those corrections there we're gonna try our best not to have to use them i think we're ready to begin that's it all right so if you please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up here for our two-player game of gloomhaven jaws of the lion and welcome to the sight of the massive stench stinkiness is here yes we are doing scenario five today which includes this long hallway that culminates in the boss the blood tumor yes who we will be meeting shortly hopefully hopefully yes and so today i'm going to be playing as a demolitionist and uh so i have a starting health of eight and i'm gonna be starting right here yes i am uh hatchet i also have a starting health of eight and i'm going to start here and the reason why i'm starting here is because most of my attack from my deck is ranged weapon so i'd rather have you kind of lead the charge oh thank you i'm going in to the uh the front line here yes and so we're starting in this first room that only consists of two uh enemies so far we have the two base level uh chaos demons and so as soon as we go through this door then we will meet some more now before we get started we do want to mention that today we are going to be playing scenario five of the tutorial so even though it is a part of the tutorial it still contains spoilers but just from that scenario right so are you ready to begin i yes i am i definitely because it's a long hallway i need to get moving okay i have range so i'm basically going to try to hit this guy with some level of range uh and then move okay yeah i would like to end up somewhere really close to this this enemy so that i can uh hit them against a wall okay you're trying to wall them up huh so just so you know that's my plan okay sounds good ready yes reveal twenty-one twenty-two wow okay i'm gonna fan it out just like this i'm gonna move my health bar yes over to the side so that we have some room okay and so because we only have chaos demons here then let's flip over the top of their card oh no oh shoot i wasn't expecting them to go first dang um that stinks but we have to reorder the initiative order looks like chaos demons are going first yeah i'm going last that's terrible yeah dang okay wow we're shocked that's not good i mean let's do it okay so the chaos demon over here is gonna go first because this is number two yeah and it looks like they're going to move from mine for less for one less yeah so they have a base movement of three minus one because of the modifier on this card so they're gonna move for two so they're gonna move one two right next to you fantastic which is bad really bad and then i'm going to get attacked by a baseline of three with no modifier basically so they're going to attack me for three would you care to do the honors ah yeah let's do it okay uh okay minus one minus okay for two i'll take that so i have uh six health now right and then uh if we had the ice element that was charged then they would be able to spend it in order to deal two extra damage whenever uh one of us attacks them but since none of the elements are charged thankfully then nothing nothing happens that's it they do have a muddle though however oh so monique you have been muddled oh that's a shame yes oh my gosh that stinks okay so i'm muddled which means i'm gonna be at a disadvantage until the end of my next turn yes at least it's temporary right so now we have this second chaos demon who needs to move so they're going to move also for two and they're just going to move closer oops to the both of us one two two no attacks uh thankfully since they are too far away all my moving is going to be pretty much limited here so so can you just attack them from where you are so what i could do is i i could invert what i was going to do i was going to try to attack this one okay and then use this movement but i might invert it now so i might use the center mass and tell me what you think about this it says i get to move three and then push uh an adjacent enemy unfortunately i don't think i can now that i think about it because it's not adjacent to me so i might just have to forgo moving all together the issue is you can't move past the chaos exactly so the only other way around it is for you to move past these traps i don't want those and you're gonna get a double a double uh condition here double negative conditions so it looks like it's a poison and a muddle so i don't know if that's worth it to you you know what i might just do the top attack it's my strongest attack that i have in play and then honestly with the second card i i might just forgo all movement because of what what's going on with me so i'm just gonna waste a turn uh honestly i'm just gonna attack for three with a range that i have this is in sight okay so let's just go ahead and pull okay so no modifier so it's gonna be a three attack to that chaos demon beautiful and the chaos demon has a health of is it eight yeah eight okay so five more so five if you can deal five i'm gonna try to do something are you done with your turn uh yeah so i'm not gonna move so these are both out for me okay and i need to figure out where i'm going to keep this i'll probably just keep this up here there we go perfect okay so then it goes to me and i am going to have to invert my cards as well i was kind of counting on the chaos demons staying there against the wall so what i'm going to do is i'm going to start with my one-two punch and i'm going to do the top half here it's a double attack i can first start with a attack value of two okay so i'm going to attack them for two and it is melee so we're fine here but i'm going to disadvantage so i have to draw both okay okay so it's gonna be unfortunately i have to take the lesser the lesser yeah so i'm gonna hit them for two okay so they're at five uh five hits to their eight total okay and then i have a second hit with the same card that gives me an attack of one so i'm gonna hit them for one and same thing it's a disadvantage right zero okay perfect so for one so that's a one hit how much more damage do we need we need two more so they're at six total this is perfect because uh since it was the same target that i attacked for both of those hits i'm allowed to add a push of up to two nice i muddle them okay and i gain one experience so let me take that experience right now okay uh you can go ahead and muddle them but i think i'm gonna end up uh being able to defeat this this enemy anyways let's put it out there so i'm gonna do the push of two spaces i'm gonna push them back to where they were right there against the wall and then now that the one two punch is done i'm gonna do my crushing weight the bottom half here which allows me to do a move for two okay so one two and then um it says one adjacent enemy that is adjacent to a wall suffers two damage so this is not an attack this is non-negotiable they are suffering due down they just take two hits take two hits so i believe that's it then yeah that's it so six to eight all right this model is no longer in use and now we just destroyed that chaos demon one chaos demon down and when that happens you drop a coin where they lay perfect i don't know that i'm gonna loot that coin i think i'm just going to probably ignore it but now my cards get discarded and we are ready to begin again so we have one more chaos demon in this room uh we need you to come to come this way i got blocked in there uh yeah my movement was useless unfortunately didn't really go as planned yeah so uh so so come come up as quickly as you can and then we'll we'll try to deal with that okay thank you for stephen okay ready yes all right i have chosen are you ready yes i'm ready one two three thirty twenty twenty okay so yeah well let's see what we have with the chaos demon ready now 41. that's better okay so they're in the back that is so much better out in front yeah it is better perfect okay so this could this could work right i would like to rid the world of this chaos team yeah right now so i'm gonna do my best to do what i can okay and so i'm gonna start with this card right here no sorry i'm gonna start with this card so this is a big one and i'm gonna be using it for its bottom action which is movement of three so one two three cozying up right there next to the chaos demon sure um oh and i'm no longer muddled oh yeah let's remove that that's very important don't want to forget that and then this action lets me destroy an adjacent obstacle which is going to be this spot right here somebody may i please have a destruction token very nice thank you and in doing so i gained one experience so that's nice and i get to perform a bless so i get to introduce a nice blessed card into my my modifier deck here we're stacking it hopefully so that uh it can do some nice things for us when it comes time to get to uh battling the blood tumor all right so we are now stacked and then i'm gonna do uh the top action here on this card which is knock out the support it is a melee attack of three so i'm gonna attack this uh chaos demon ready um so it's a six attack six damage that is perfect they need eight total okay so they just need two more damage uh yes i think i could take them out well i have a potential too unless i draw really poorly that would be great yeah uh also it says that all heals targeting the target have no effect this round to signify this i place one of my uh character tokens on the target i don't think that they are healing this round but just to kind of follow the instructions of the card we're gonna do that okay and i charge the earth element nice so it is now strong oops that's me okay perfect so uh i need to get in range so i'm going to be using my 30 this bottom the care package and it says move 3 and then i can i'm sorry it's going to be power pitch that's what i'm going to do for the move three so i'm gonna move uh one two three okay and then that charges the wind element uh yep so these get charged at the end of your turn uh yes okay uh just so we don't forget that and then now i'm gonna use the care package to top side and it's a two strength attack from a distance of three away so i do have one two three two that chaos demon so hopefully if i don't negative we'll be good good luck okay plus one so a little overkill uh so it's two plus one so it's three uh so it is overkill so it's six plus that three is nine this gets wiped out it is overkill yes why just one why i just wanted to draw a zero yeah yeah okay so one loot goes right there and luke doesn't go there now that's that i could have used towards another enemy that is okay we're not going to think about overkill but now the room is clear so we are not no longer at uh in danger here you just gotta get past the trunks and then i have this right here heel two target one ally adjacent to the target of the attack so there was that target that was here so i believe you get the heel for two oh nice thank you so i'm back to full health and that's it that's it so then so now we charge wind perfect and that is me so now the chaos demons are supposed to go but because they're no longer there there's no no more movement here and so we're going to end the turn by making these a little bit weaker and i must now shuffle my deck because i drew that 2x is there anything else that needs to be shuffled uh no i don't think so i think that's everything all right perfect so i've shuffled that and we are ready to begin so what's our plan uh just breach the door as fast as possible i mean i'm really far i'm one two three four five six hexes away from the door so you need to come quick yeah right i'm gonna try i'm going to try to open this door as soon as i do however we're going to spawn some monsters or the monsters are going to more like appear from the second room right and so depending on which initiative value they may they may ruin our plans so we'll see what happens all right ready yup one two three eighteen twenty-eight all right so you are first it's me yeah and then let's see nope uh no yeah nothing yes that's right yeah so let's just do you scared me for a second no i know i'm so used to it we'll just put that out of place so uh i am very far from that door which is kind of the next step so i'm gonna do this bottom action of my second wind which is basically just move three so i'm gonna go one two three on top of that coin nice uh and then it does say add two move and gain one experience if i killed an enemy this round which has not happened so that is that card and then the next one is the favorite so this one is is pretty interesting it's a top action here so this this card is basically a setup card i can take one of my character tokens and place it on here and then in the future for a ranged attack i can target a specific uh monster and basically get deal a plus three extra damage and then i can go retrieve that token and kind of reuse it again so it's kind of like a boomerang almost yeah once they've been defeated they dropped the token and then you gotta run over there they could pick it up so that you throw it again exactly okay this is the perfect time to to set that up yeah it's a setup because i'm not even progressing anywhere further forward so i'm going to keep this kind of up here a little high so i don't forget let me place one of my handy dandy character tokens on it so i don't forget and i get too experienced for putting it out there nice there we go awesome cool so that means i'm going to be opening the door the door all right so let's do that i'm going to start with my explode card but i'm using it for a movement okay of four nice and before i forget i get this little oh yeah yes you got some you got some money it's mine okay so i'm gonna do this movement of four so we're gonna go one two three four and uh i'm actually gonna spend my weathered boots which is my item the door that gives me plus one movement to a single movement i can reset this if i long rest we'll see if i end up long resting sure just for one additional movement and before i continue my turn we must spawn the baddies yes okay so we need two regular chaos demons so those basically the two chaos demons come back yeah no just one uh because we're playing a two-player game oh yeah that's right thank you thank you for reminding me that is blank up there so one case demon and one uh elite zealot zealot yes so it's gonna go there and we're gonna use this little yellow token to kind of signify that it's elite perfect and now we must draw their cards so let's do the chaos demon first uh 52 okay so i had played at 28. oh it doesn't matter because you you already went i've already gone yeah so and now we have to figure out for the zealot uh-huh uh 46 okay okay so the zelda's gonna go first before the chaos they're both gonna go after i finished my turn there we go yep all right so now that i'm here hello enemies i'm going to do the top action here which allows me it's called load uh log charge i can create one three damage muddle trap in an empty hex within a range of three nice so the reason why i spent that extra movement was that i can go one two three and maybe place it there sure but now i'm realizing i don't know if they're gonna go around that i was kind of counting on that that monster to be there well let's see is the chaos demon moving this turn they are they are yeah so it might be a good idea to just place it there then and i'm thinking that this is a good spot because uh although enemies will try to avoid traps as much as possible from what i understand they will still step into them if it is their only option to try to get to you to attack and so fortunately that means they're still gonna attack me so let's do it yeah yeah um i that means i wasted my weathered boots but oh well that's okay so let's create a three damage trap so can we put a trap right here please sure and it's gonna have a three bit three damage as well as a muddle so this is a double punch here this will be good and that's pretty much all that happens during my turn i also get to charge uh fire right so this is now strong gosh now i'm looking not looking at their cards here i charged fire so the zealot won't be moving because there is no move action on their ability card here uh they have a range of two but they'll also gain an extra two range with the fire so they're gonna spend fire so they're spending the fire that i had fused the battlefield with what was i thinking yeah and so they do have the range now one two three four which is a two plus two so uh you are a target they also target two different people but because naveen is safe then it's just me yes so their attack strength because they're an elite is a three minus one to the modifier so it's two okay all right so let's go ahead and flip this over come on minus two ah zero so what is the total attack though uh two so i take two damage and you get muddled all right thanks for the reminder you're my teammate i don't want you to be muddled is that the only thing that happens muddle uh yes and i have to find this question mark perfect question mark all right here is your model thank you yeah so i am muddled i have a health of six yeah and but now the uh the chaos demon or sorry the zealot is done yes so let's not resolve the chaos demon it looks like they are going to move which is fantastic because they're gonna step right into my trap nice so they have a three move uh but it's a minus one but it doesn't matter because they're only gonna move one space to get closer to me so they step right into my trap they're gonna take a three damage and they are also now muddled okay and what number is that that we have for the cast uh four okay so they're right okay uh and then they're going to attack me again yeah so their attack is actually three plus one with this modifier a four yeah but they are disadvantaged hopefully the blank comes out oh my gosh yeah this is too early for me to go down that quick i'm so far from you i uh yeah and that's it they're not gonna be able to do the element attack okay so let's see let's see my fate okay well we draw two of these so okay minus one that's a good thing and then minus one so it's a three hit t three hit i am i have had i have three health so yeah just letting you know if you have any uh healing abilities in there uh i would welcome that yeah so the chaos demon has three damage we need five more damage on that monster right oh my gosh and i was supposed to be wounded by the zealot yeah this is bad gosh this is bad so at the start of my turn i'm gonna uh take a damage unless i can heal it i mean i'm gonna take the damage regardless you can now you can always discard a card to avoid all damage yeah but that card will be lost yes so i don't know if i'm ready for that just yet okay what's your health total uh three oh if you can go before me and heal me by any chance uh that would be that would be greatly appreciated so anyway let's end this this round we are going to weaken these two now no elements are charged i regret charging anything infusing the battlefield with anything wow all right so then we begin again i have three cards in my hand which means i you could long rest but you're just a sitting duck i could long rest but i would be long resting with initiative of like 99 yeah so i would have to survive to my turn take that down i don't think you can ready yeah i'm nervous i don't like my numbers here well i am declaring a long rest so you better like your numbers um i'm kind of desperate i only have three health i am wounded so i'm going to take one damage every turn unless i can heal that so i'm taking some chances here i'm i'm doing a long rest okay all right well uh i'm playing 35. so 35 no this is really bad 35. really bad okay so zealot 82 okay that's scary that's very good oh they have range that's not good uh and then the demon the chaos demon is 98 okay okay okay so you're first i'm first then the zealot and the zoe chaos demon me i need to survive sitting duck oh man oh god oh man oh man with a zelda it's not gonna move no but they have a range attack i don't think they can reach me they can't reach you so i have this fateful compass that i was really trying to throw them into uh into these pits over here but that would put them in range so i'm not going to do it okay so i'm first so i have to move so i'm going to use the stopping power to move three uh so we're gonna go one two three uh i could jump if i wanted to but there's no uh no need to do any of that it would just be over fancifying myself immobilized there's no enemies within the hexes that i just crossed through so we can just completely negate that i will be charging the um the wind element and i do gain an experience so let's go ahead and do that okay well at least there's that yeah is that okay and then i will be trashing this card all together so this one's out of the game so i'm just gonna go ahead and put it into my lost pile okay so the next one i'm using is the follow through the top action here i have an attack strength of two with a range of four and it says add two attack and gain one experience if the target token has your favorite token which is this one so this target i am targeting this one with that it's gonna be two plus two so four yeah plus three for having this here so a total of seven attack i better not draw that negate all attack card because if that happens let's just pack it up yeah just back it up go go okay zero so that's perfect that's perfect i would have liked a negative two that would have been great because i would have got it out of my deck but we just figures get me two so they're up so yeah we hit them for ten total okay so these this one's out and we they drop a loot they drop a loot and my little axes there so now you have to for your favorite token you need to go over there and pick it up right yeah okay so that's that's perfect and that's it for your turn that is it yeah i do gain and uh i do gain a um an experience experience for doing all this and you also infuse the battlefield with uh with with this wind element right over here perfect so now wind is strong yes okay okay so who's next that was me is it the the well yeah the chaos demon is gone so now there's only the zealot yep zero the thing that's great about this is the zealot looks like they're not gonna move no so we are not within range they only have a range of three according to the unholy flame yes so uh that's it nobody nobody gets attacked yes they do charge the flame though which is good for you it is it i do i do have some cards that will uh utilize that but that is perfect oh my gosh i feel like we just like dodged dodge a big time bullet yeah so then it goes to my turn and unfortunately i have this wound so it is the start of my turn even if it's a long rest i still take that damage so i go down to two health okay but now i'm gonna do my long rest and it's going to heal me of this wound um i'm not technically doing anything else on my turn so i'm going to remove this muddle token as well right and uh because i did a long rest i gained two health two health so i am now at four four okay you're halfway there better than three yeah but now i have to remove one of my cards i lose one of my cards that i get to choose from my discard just your crummiest card all right i'm going to lose this card which is the big one that might be controversial for some but yes for reasons i'm getting rid of that and because it's a long rest i also get to refresh my weathered boots your boots so i believe that's it okay i am now uh revitalized right and ready to take on the next next round yes so that's everybody okay uh we are going to weaken the these two elements yep and i think this these both yeah both of them get shuffled shuffle that one sure okay so we just have one one last baddie in this room which is the the friendly zealot yes the elite friendly zealot by the way this chaos demon was dead so yeah and i'm thinking this zelit wants to do a little bit more than have a conversation right so there's that all right so there's the zealot so i'm taking the chaos demons marker out because they are done done okay yeah that's true yeah i don't even know why we had you shuffle so planning wise you know obviously we're going to push forward yes and try to defeat this person if you have a health it would be nice for you to heal me i need short rest then i'm in a short rest so i i'm not allowed to pick this one up i'm allowed to pick up the discard so i'm going to do that before you do oh yes you can only yeah that's right these two are not part of it right yes yes you lose a random card from your discard okay that's a close one that's true yeah all right it's this one right here uh extra life extra lift or extra lift yeah so this is the one that allows me to move really far which would have been really nice uh going into the room you can lose a health if you'd like to randomly select another card and you can only do that once so you'd still be taking a chance and losing a health what are your thoughts should i do it uh i don't know every card feels important i feel like a move four is fantastic oh i i like this card i like the ability to move so i'm gonna lose a health to discard another card randomly so now my eight goes to seven ah all right so this is the only this is it whatever you randomly select that's that's your favorite one oh oh man okay heal six uh to myself oh no okay that's 18 priority wow that'd been great so that's fine we're just gonna it's gonna be all or nothing that's all that means that's what that means we also don't really have a choice yeah so what's your health right now uh seven so i you know okay fairly healthy individual i'm glad to hear please heal me then if you're not gonna heal yourself okay so since you want to heal uh if you can end up here that would be really nice okay yeah just end up there so without giving away cards in hand or initiative numbers right i will do my best to end up right there right there okay so end up there and attack okay yeah chip away a little if you can all ready ready yes i'm ready one two three reveal 30. 19. good yes good good good so 19. uh but the question is where is the zealot please 46. okay this is good that's great so it's new than me than the zealot okay wow this is perfect okay perfect uh the zealot has a health of eight therefore they are fully healthy and they are going to muddle if we don't uh do anything about it no they're going to wound our wheelchair wound doesn't have the chaos even yeah worse i think okay so then i'm going to go first and uh what i think i'm going to do is i'm going to move so i'm going to do the explode card but i'm going to use it for its move action sure i'm just going to do the two move that you requested so i'm going to go one two good and then with my other card i'm going to use the explosive blitz to do a two attack that's a range of four nice so this is good because we are we are within range nice uh i don't think i have any conditions so just whatever it is at that come on no zero okay okay that's good i mean no blank out oh yeah like that zero blank out okay good so that's uh two damage correct okay two damage to the zealot and i infused the battlefield with just a little bit more fire than there was earlier this is a very fiery situation at the moment yeah uh and that's me so i'm gonna go ahead and discard these okay so you went and so now it's me so i have a care package and extra lift so i'm going to do the extra lift first okay so this one says on your next four move abilities i add plus two so i'm going to put my little marker on top of this right here so that's gonna signify so i i get four move but i'm actually gonna stop short one two three so that way i can pick up this hatchet thing over here your favorite token my favorite token yeah exactly so i'm gonna stop there uh and then i'm so that's that this stays in play for about basically four uh turns because this is gonna slide down uh the next thing i'm gonna do with the care pack care package at the top which says um well actually before i do this i'm actually gonna use my item this is the fateful compass i have from an earlier campaign it says during your turn force one enemy within three one two three to move two by me controlling it so i'm gonna force it to move into this trap one two right here so now it's gonna take a three hit from that trap so now it's at five this trap goes out it's gonna hang out here that's awesome and the reason why i had to do this in this order was because if i attacked it first you would not be adjacent to heal so i need it to get adjacent to you so this is done this is trash that is out for me well it's just after the scenario for the scenario i would technically get it back we need that in the future yes so now i'm gonna do a uh two attack at a range of three and then i will be able to heal you after so i need to do that yes nice two plus one is three so that is exactly the eight that we needed it was exact exact yeah perfect okay so one loot will go right there one loot will go there yes and oh that was nice because that was a terrible terrible terrible you get to heal two uh because that's what this says right here nice target one ally adjacent to the target that i attacked you were adjacent all right so now i'm at six that's right yes you're at six i'm at seven so we got you to survive a little and now i'm gonna loot so i'm gonna take the money that i stood on top of and in addition to that i can loot and now this hatchet comes right back to my favorite yeah i can use it in the future yes your favorite token has returned tokens so this stays in play as well this is that extra moves uh in the future and so this goes into my discard perfect all right that's great no enemies uh take any moves and uh that's the end of that turn so these weekends so no more wind element fire just becomes a little bit weaker so we are we gotta storm this and get into there yeah i'm thinking about how we're gonna do it so we are now approaching this last room here that has the blood tumor who is the terrible terrible uh stinky stinky boss yes yeah i don't know i think the only the only answer here is storm the gates yeah i am going to try to do a big punch in the beginning okay so i'm gonna try to give it all i've got right now to see if we can deplete its lives as much as we can in the front end well this is public knowledge i i have my favorite token back so i'm definitely gonna try to target the uh the boss with it all right so let's uh let's figure it out what happens i will say though that i need to go first in order for my plan to work without giving anything else away i need to go early i need to go before you oh i don't know your deck uh just so you know all right here goes nothing ready yeah one two three sixty twenty okay okay perfect dang it why well sixties quite a bit because you so keep the 60 on top just so we know where yeah uh enemies lay dang i should have played my 24. so you know we know that the chaos demon is no longer uh no longer available so let's just replace that yeah the chaos demons out because there you it won't respond in this game so we're gonna do some prep work for the blood tumor knowing what we know yeah well i guess let's open the door yes do your thing all right then i'm going to start with my lobbed charge i've been waiting all game to play this card and so this is this is an awesome card it says i can move up to four okay and then i'll be able to do a really big hit so i'm gonna go i'm actually gonna add my weathered boots to that nice so then it's gonna be a total of five movement okay we're gonna go one two three four five nice and before we continue let's open activate this room let's reveal it yeah okay who do you want to reveal first do you wanna uh the minions first or the big boss what's the zealots let's see if the big boss relax so we know the zealots uh so they are back to any uh wound giving elite zealots which is nice okay so zealot number two and zealot number four for designation over there hello how are you both doing and then we have the the blood tumor the blood tumor the boss okay so the boss is in uh it's gonna be right there this one's interesting it's the health that we have to damage it is a total of 20. it's 10 times the number of players exactly but it's gonna start with wounds that are equal to four times the number of players so it's gonna start already with eight total uh damage to it so we really only need to hit it 12 times and so sometimes okay oh that's a lot better than you thought then my mind was thinking so we won't be able to stun muddle or disarm the blood tumor right so all of your muddling plans out the window sure okay we also have a boss deck that's coming in nice and shuffled all right so let's reveal let's do the zealot sure come on high number 35 well i played at 20. yeah you did so i'm still i'm still before oh you played a i played a 60. see this is where i regret not playing that 24. yeah i'm willing to sacrifice myself for the good of the team the boss is 85 hey that's great so oh and this is gonna be when it gets to the boss's turn they're going to do their their special one move which is healing yes you can heal for two and of course we need the boss the blood tumor to make an appearance look at that thing yeah i can smell it i'm right next to this thing okay so back to my turn i moved for five and it says that i can designate one adjacent enemy so i'm going to designate the blood tumor nice if each of the hexes of movement that i just moved brought me closer to that enemy i get to attack it for that many essentially so i'm gonna do a five attack um and then i can push it if that is part of the plan so let's do let's see what's in store no no no blank no blank okay perfect zero is fine so five hit i hit it for five yes that is very good i'm just going straight for the blood tumor which is a good thing that we went for the blood tumor first because uh we forgot to mention that upon the special rules of this room yes if any time any figure other than the blood tumor suffers damage the blood tumor will also heal that amount of damage right so how do we attack either zealot then uh any damage to zelda's take will will be healing yes you know will be damaged that you remove from the blood tumors yeah so we lose if the blood tumor fully heals so we really want to focus our attack on that blood tumor okay so would you like me to push the blood tumor i have a push of up to two uh so i my move here is gonna be let's see one two three four five you know actually let's not i just realized my other card here is a melee attack okay i wouldn't be able to do it if i were to do that yeah so then that's it i gained one experience for the card nice and the card is now lost so that was my one my one hold on one moment in the limelight there and then i'm gonna do the top action of my knock out the support cards this is a melee attack of three oh nice uh this is the same card that i played earlier all heels targeting that target have no effect this round so i'm just gonna place this so that it can't heal this round perfect and so let's see what's in store okay so there's another three three damage okay here we go so that's not bad i dealt eight it started with eight yeah so that's at 16. 16. you only need to hit it for four okay oh okay you can do this i yeah i could so it's actually the zealots next though because well i infused the battlefield with earth earth so that's it i have uh i'm done i hope i really hope that you can defeat this too you know that's not bad that was that was a pretty good that was a great little combination you had there thank you so who's next uh so it is going to be the zealot then me and then the boss i feel good about that because they might take me out now yeah so we're going to start with zealot number two and it looks like they are technically supposed to move it's not a range attack so they're already adjacent to me so they're just gonna omit the movement uh and then they're gonna attack me they're both gonna attack me they are both gonna attack you so we'll resolve one at a time each so it's two but then minus one because of this uh this uh hasty assault okay so it's only for one okay would you like to pull these zero minus one minus one okay so that's the first one so then same exact thing for number four so it's gonna be uh one one hit okay not bad i am good with that okay so what's your health at five okay and my health is at seven so okay let's go ahead and start uh yeah i don't know if i'm blocking the way now i'm like literally right you know well i'm all ranged i can smell their breath i'm so close yeah i'm i'm all ranged i don't even think i i brought in any melee cards into this scenario so i knew i liked you this is good yeah so i'm gonna do this the bottom action here on center mass it's gonna be move three so we're gonna go one two three but because i have that extra lift card playing over here i'm gonna move it down and then i get uh an extra two move so i'm gonna go one two so i'm in i'm in with you and then i guess because i do this i get a uh experience point for doing that yes whenever well whenever your token leaves the spot leaves the spot that's right that's right so i will get one that's that and then that was this card i am gonna not uh choose to push an adjacent enemy because i'm not next to one that's okay that's that and then i have my power pitch right here this is attack six with a range of three so this is definitely within range plus i'm gonna lock on to the blood tumor as my favorite so i have an attack of nine your favorite blood tumor as long as i don't draw that negate the attack i think we're good uh nervous ready go times two wow so that's a nine times two that's 18. yeah you almost did it yourself yeah let me take them out the blood tuber is now out and that was the only that was the only uh goal of this scenario yeah it doesn't even get to take a turn because it's gone yes gold kill the blood tumor done stench is potentially still present in the room we still don't know where the blacksmith is that's right but technically at least the blood tumor is good yes so in addition to that if you're continuing on with the uh with the campaign because i played this card i would get two experience oh yeah very good all right so at this point you would now write down all the things you've earned including the money that you've looted the experience points you would technically finish out the turn had any other enemies needed to move you still need to survive it right which i believe we're done yeah because everything it was me going third the zealots had already gone and then we defeated the boss meaning the boss does not have a turn so then you would log all the loot that you picked up the experience you've earned and resolve an event card and then you would be able to continue your journey through gloomhaven jaws of the lion number six yeah did you complete your objective we started the game we didn't talk about i did not okay well did i read it did i do a short rest i had the straggler objective never short rest did you never short rest you long rested i don't remember i remember now well had i completed this then i would be able to do a little check marky thing but that was my objective okay mine was the conservator uh never lose a card to negate suffer damage oh i did do this fantastic good job yes good job thank you all so much for joining us today for our play through we hope you enjoyed it now we do have plans to be back here in the future but in the meantime if you want to see more videos like this you can always check out our channel which is in the description below and if you enjoyed watching this video please go ahead and like and subscribe here as well and if you're interested in solo gaming paula has a wonderful table for one series here on what to play and until next time thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 27,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Play, Watch It Played, Instructions, Board Games, Card Games, Tabletop, Miniatures, Play Throughs, Board Game, Tutorial, Tutorials, Rules, Learn, Learn To Play, Game Play, Play Through, Gloomhaven, Jaws Of The Lion
Id: m4Buco_1674
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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