Gloomhaven - Deep Customizable Party Based Tactical RPG

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what's up guys gals welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're going to be diving back on into gloomhaven we haven't checked out this party-based rpg since i guess 2019 when it first came out it's been a long long time since i dove on into this one and there's been kind of a reason for that it's that i'm a big board game guy like i love things like descent journeys in the dark and hero quest uh things like tainted grail i really really like crunchy board games that have a lot going on for when you don't really have time to run a dnd campaign and gloomhaven is considered to be probably one of the most revered of that genre and for the most part it's a claim has largely flown over my head i've had the opportunity to play gloomhaven on a couple of occasions and each time i was sort of underwhelmed with it i guess and so like for years i've been pondering this game and just sort of thinking about it because this is one of those games that's like sacred in the world of board gaming like no one ever says anything bad about it and so anyways it's getting a digital board game conversion on steam and that started about two years ago as of right now the developers have been hitting their goals on the road maps that they released they're scheduled to have a new road map in the next six months or a year or so i think from last i checked uh you'll double check me on that one because my numbers might be spotty but i think they're going to publish a new road map for where they're going from here because they're approaching the end of their old rap road map effectively and so anyways if you don't know what gloomhaven is the party-based rpg that is very very crunchy i'll be the first one to admit this is probably not a game for everybody this game is for people that really really like rules and really really like a lot of depth and a lot of things going on the game is also really weird and so i apologize but as we're playing this there's gonna be a lot of i'm going to miss things first and foremost i'm not going to be able to explain everything that i'm doing but i'm going to do my best to explain everything that i'm doing because unless you have a solid handling on the fundamentals of gloomhaven you're really really going to struggle with this game it's one of those board games that you gotta play it a couple times before you really start to wrap your head around it uh this game was designed basically to sort of rebuff the idea that you have to have dice in an rpg that's basically the foundational design core of gloomhaven and it accomplishes this by some unique mechanics some of them are contrived some of them i don't like uh but at the end of the day it works and it works pretty well uh so we're gonna dive on into guild master mode the campaign mode has not been released yet this game can be played just as a standalone board game version on the internet so really how gloomhaven normally plays is that everybody picks a character and you play through scenarios that come out of like a big book basically and the scenarios are very very difficult i'm going to add that too this is not a game for the faint of heart this is definitely an rpg where you can die in this game they're they're working on it but the multiplayer is in it's all doing its thing so you can do that if you want to and use it as a replacement just in case your friends are too far away to play on an actual physical tabletop but the campaign is not in yet the guildmaster mode which is effectively the sandbox version of the game where you just go as far as you can as in i don't think that they have i don't think that they have the progression system in yet so gloomhaven is also unique because it was a board game that had in-between game progression which is something that other board games had toyed with but had never really fully gotten into gloomhaven does so gloomhaven is sort of a unique board game in the sense that it's got progression in between the runs and what i mean by that is your goal in gloomhaven is not necessarily to run your character till they die like it is in d in gloomhaven you want to run your character until he reaches certain goals or she reaches certain goals and once she gets there you unlock i forget the name that they use specifically for it but it's basically how wealthy they are and once they get to a certain level of wealth they can retire and then that wealth transfers down on into your next character so that your next character can start off at a higher level with new cards that weren't previously unlocked and this was like a really new novel idea for meta progression for board games at the time like this is something that no other game had really done a whole lot with that was tied to a board and it was something that i mean even most tabletop games like d and d had not played around with unless the gm took the initiative and actually folded you know the other characters stories into a news story to somehow boost up the party using creativity so anyways gloomhaven is very very much a weird game in that like i've never quite gotten it and why it's so popular but it is a crazy popular game so we're gonna dive in and check it on out let's go for guildmaster mode that was a long intro i'm sorry about that we'll go new adventure right here i am gonna put the game so i would definitely recommend for the sake of new players play on easy if you play on normal you may struggle so basically if you play on easy it de-levels the monsters and there's less of them because this game is very very difficult we're gonna play on normal for right now i may get outright smashed while we're playing the day uh but i normally play on easy just because like the game is hard enough when you're trying to grasp the basics so if you're a new player definitely play the tutorial and definitely play your first campaign on easy i promise it'll help you solidify the basics of the game and get to a point where you feel confident taking on the higher difficulties so anyways what are we gonna name our party oh no we'll name them like the douche brigade there we no not the douche bar dade the douche brigade we'll confirm that and then i actually will just go quick start because i've played through the story and the tutorial and they don't really add a whole lot for right now like they would teach you guys how to play the game but that's what i'm kind of here for so we'll go for it okay so we've unlocked a bunch of stuff at the beginning of the game don't even stress about all this it doesn't really matter this is effectively it unlocking a bunch of classes and things for us that we can play so we've got to decide on our party as of right now we've got the brute and we've got the scoundrel one thing that i do really like about gloomhaven is how all the characters are kind of like not typical they're all weird they're all kind of like the scoundrel is pretty much the only normal human in this game everybody else is like a corrupted husk or like a monster or something else like that i do really really find that appealing on the left-hand side we've got the douche brigade over here the general overall level of everybody else they've got their xp listed underneath when they level up they'll get access to new cards uh new abilities stuff like that you can take a look at their decks right here at any time you can basically go through and you can rearrange these if you want to so that you can have like different abilities on in here i'm going to leave them all in their defaults because like i've learned to play using the default decks on each of these characters and i just don't know how to make a coherent strategy out of all of kind of the secondary abilities and stuff i haven't had a chance to play around with them and so i feel like it's safer just to do it like that everybody has equipment over here uh nobody has a helmet on or anything apparently this guy's walking around just butt ass naked with some boots on i respect it he's got the puss and boots things going on he's a big fan of shrek what can you say he's got the boots of striding they let him move much much further in combat like one time per day basically she's got the stamina potion over here it looks like during your turn recover up to one of your discarded cards so there you go this game uses a card burning mechanic so your deck right here well we'll talk about it once we get into we'll talk about it once we get into the game that's probably a better time to do it we need to get some more party members the default group that's pretty much considered like the standard for gloomhaven is the cragheart and the spellweaver so this group of four right here is considered kind of the original four for gloomhaven uh a lot of the tutorials a lot of the early scenarios are kind of written as though you have this four-man group of with these specific abilities however there are new characters that they've added to the game there are many many characters in this game that are planned to be implemented and each one of them has their own progression their own play style they've done a really really good job at making each of these characters unique uh the reason i'm taking the standardized four is because when i was spending a couple hours relearning the game for this video i played with the standardized four the entire time and so i know what i'm doing with these guys it may take me a minute to find what i'm looking for but i know how to play these guys together uh but there are other characters there's the mind thief that uses all kinds of psychic abilities and you know it's a cool little character cool little character and then we also have the tinkerer who uses all kinds of traps and things like that it's up to you what you want to play any of these characters are available as of right now and there are going to be more implemented as the game develops because the board game has tons of characters we also have a couple buttons down here at the bottom we have the merchant uh if we had any money which we don't we're absolutely destitute right now the merchant would sell us stuff so that we could augment our abilities these weapons don't specifically get used think of these as a card that you can tap to add special effects to your already pre-existing abilities uh so for example like the leather armor it makes it so when you get attacked you give your opponent disadvantage we'll talk about what that means once we get into combat with like things like the piercing bow during your range attack and neural shield values for the entire attack action you would tap this when you take a ranged attack and this would just give them armor-piercing so the enemy's armor doesn't matter like this is not actually your physical weapon it's basically a it's just a modifier you can throw onto an ability like once per battle there's also potions there's going to be armor and boots and everything else that you can throw on in there we can't afford any of it for right now so it doesn't matter we have a trainer over on this side the trainer is going to allow us basically we do in-game achievements and it will unlock things for us as we get further and further on into the game so you'll unlock people's storyline quests you'll unlock people's origin quests you'll unlock relics you know that you can go after you'll unlock entire chapters of like scenarios things like that basically it's just to check how far in you are to see how far you can get so for right now we've got set a trap down here there's a couple locations we can go to this area of merchant camps is silent due to nightly bandit raids set a trap and drive them off we have gibbot hill over here but we don't have a quest there the hollow men the blood ford is plagued by walking corpses near a nearby crypt of the blight okay so we only have the two quests let's go after the bandits since they're like a little bit more human and less terrifying for a new party and this is gonna be a hold your ground mission this is gonna be a mission where effectively we just have to be king of the hill you find a large clearing in a small cops and set it up to look like a normal merchant's camp as night falls you hear low voices converge on the location as they charge into the clearing you jump up ready to teach the bandits a lesson they won't forget however you didn't expect there to be quite so many of them alright and we go the good news about this mission is that we don't have to dungeon crawl we are all in one big arena and the enemy's gonna be spawning and coming in and attacking us and we just have to brawl it out with them so this is purely a combat mission with no other sort of puzzles or bumps or hooks or knobs which i think actually makes this a good starting place for a new scenario of level one characters all right so here we are it's a bounty mission we gotta kill ten of these guys and they're gonna keep coming at us in waves uh we've got ourselves a nasty elite guard up here he's got armor it looks like yeah he's got armor so all of our damage against him is gonna be reduced by one uh you could tell because he's got that little shield next to his health bar these guys are going to be pretty pretty tough right here so you can see how much health they have they all have little character unit cards and stuff that you can mouse over there is a trap behind him so i think there's actually a fertile opportunity to knock him back across those two traps and get a free six damage right there if we can pull it off if we can hit him with a three damage attack that knocks him back over to there we'll pretty much one shot him and that's actually where i prefer to be our spell weaver is kind of off to the side so the general flow of gloomhaven you'll notice up here at the top this is the this is going to be the initiative track your initiative is decided by the card that you pick first over here on the left for the character that's going to be taking their turn you don't know what the enemy's initiative is going to be until you select and lock in all of your initiatives basically now i know the game so i know most of these guys are going to be between 30 and 60 as far as their initiative goes that's a little bit of metagame knowledge so it allows me to sort of cheat a little bit because i've played but if you're a new player just be aware that you're going to have to trial and error it out and figure out you know what's my turn versus what is their turn sometimes the enemies are going to do wild and fantastic things too that throw you off there's no particular order that we have to play these characters in we can just kind of like click through and you can pick them once we lock them in the order will be decided by their initiatives so let's get started shall we uh we've got a couple of options over here we've got everything from attacks we've got things like defenses if you're wondering the core mechanic of how this works on any given turn you're gonna pick two cards during your turn you can pick a top action and you can pick a bottom action and that can't be varied on top of that you'll notice in the middle of the card there's a little sword with a two and there's a little foot with it too you can forgo any of the effects on this card in order to take two damage i mean deal do damage that's what i'm it's the same thing it's called taking two so you can use it to deal two damage to an enemy or to move two spaces if you want attacking is always a top side action if i recall correctly taking two for movement is always a bottom side action if i recall i i might be wrong about that one but trust me we'll get a chance to play around with it there's a lot of abilities here so what i'm gonna be doing is there's gonna be a lot of cuts and edits here because i'm gonna select my cards and then i'll sort of describe to you what those cards do after i've selected everybody's turn and we're all ready to rock okay so i've selected my cards my general plan here is that i'm trying to set these guys up for a combo you can see my initiatives they have now been listed these have not been locked in though until i do my end selection starting out with the rogue actually starting out with this guy he's going to use rumbling advance it's going to allow him to move two tiles i'll probably move him to i'll probably move him so what i'll probably end up doing is i will more than likely well let's just play it as it lies i guess we'll play it as it goes i don't know if my strategy is super rad for right now because her flanking strike is not i need her to go after everybody else actually so i've got to rearrange her real fast i want her to go last so we'll go special mixture i at least need her to go after these two into a flanking strike there we go so we'll end our selection uh looks like they actually went for really low initiatives this time around like i said 30 to 60 so it's kind of a pain in the ass but we'll we'll make it work the best that we can here uh the two guys that are important are up first so this guy is ready to go for him i selected unstable upheaval and then i've also selected rumbling advance so what he's gonna do is he's gonna rumbling advance over to here so off he goes and then rumbling advance should deal damage right there perfect that's exactly what i was going for so they took a little bit of damage it allows us to move to and then all adjacent allies and enemies around him when he stops are gonna take damage on top of that we've also got unstable upheaval right here uh unstable upheaval we're gonna have that go off apparently we can have him use a minor power potion to get an extra damage in there but since it won't result in a kill i'm not gonna go for it now you might be seeing little numbers right here above their heads these are from the modification deck i still as of right now i miss the modifications all the time but in the board game every single one of these characters has a little envelope that are full of cards with minus ones zeros plus ones in it and you draw those on your turn and that's how much it modifies your attack value by in order to provide a little bit of randomness so that the attacks don't always hit for the exact same amount the crag heart is done so we're going to stop him right there he's going to pick up the gold you automatically loot any tile that you stop on top of over here what i need from you is i need you to walk over to here he's actually going to waste his attack right there though which is kind of a bummer i don't want to do that but i do need the push i may have planned this improperly [Music] yeah i don't think he's gonna be able to follow up on it but at the bare minimum we need to kill off the elite so i'm gonna move him to right here we're gonna skip the rest of our movement we're gonna push this guy we'll confirm him as a target and we're gonna push him back across both of those traps and there you go we killed off the elite very very nice this guy is going to move and probably shoot the spell weaver the general rules are because this game doesn't require any dm the general rules for the ai is that they move against basically whoever's closest and they attack who's closest the only time that that changes is if two characters are a similar distance away and then it goes by initiative they will move and close towards the person with the lower initiative between the two that are a similar distance away so i think that's how it works unfortunately i'm not going to be able to do much with this right here i'm going to go ahead and go with that right there and we'll skip the attack that little icon right there is how the stamina system works in this game so any card that has this in the bottom corner is burned for the rest of the battle once you use it it tends to be like your really really rad abilities that change the course of an entire combat we kind of wasted this one i feel bad about it that was a dumb rookie play i still make mistakes a lot when i play this game but you know for explanations purpose the other thing that i didn't talk about is any the two cards that you pick they get discarded at the end of your turn which means that you can't use them again until you take a rest and the penalty for taking a rest is that one of your cards gets burned permanently so anyways we're going to be kind of going through as much of our deck as possible before we take a rest in order to avoid attrition because a big part of this game is that your cards are your stamina and they are your willpower and they are your ability to stay in the fight and when you run out of them effectively your character is instantly one shot and so that's really kind of the timer that affects every single mission in this game is you've got to be careful about it his turn is now over i don't know oh it's an archer elite that's not great yeah i was gonna say it's probably gonna sting a little bit when you take damage in this game you can choose to burn a card in order to avoid that damage or you can just take the card uh or take the damage i'm just gonna take the damage for right now because it's not that important to me he's going to attack the crag heart with a plus one good little hit right there we're gonna receive that damage we're not gonna try to mitigate it at all uh what i would like to do is i'd like to move over to here and finish this guy off so that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to use the bottom to move over here and then we are going to skip the action of poisoning because it's not going to matter anyways we're going to confirm our target right there and wow that dude is now dead as hell we've managed to clear half the field in one turn not too bad not too bad as far as gloomhaven's concerned and now it's the spellweaver's turn to return fire we can decide what we want to do here i brought impaling eruption because i figured it was going to be useful to me unfortunately it has not turned out to be so so instead i'm gonna move oh the spell weaver has been immobilized by that last attack that's a feel that's a ripper rooney's right there that's what feels bad she can't really do anything then since she's been immobilized she needed to close the gap in order to get something done over here so unfortunately i think that's pretty much her turn neither of her attacks will reach good play on the part of the ai very very good play because she had enough damage to basically take this guy out in one turn if the modifiers come up good huh all right well that's unfortunate into the next turn we do the exact same thing that we did last time we're going to pick our abilities and we're going to try to get these last two guys nice and skunked we're going to start out with the spell weaver with the spell weaver i'd like for her [Music] it doesn't really matter what i play i just need her to move back is really what it comes down to i'm gonna go for fire orbs right here that's gonna be it's gonna put her pretty far back in the attack order which worries me a little bit maybe i'll try to get her a little bit closer then again i don't know if i want her to close with this group let's go with we'll go with fire orbs and reviving ether for right now no yeah we're gonna play the bottom part of reviving ether anyways no that's gonna get discarded never mind we gotta save reviving ether she is one of the only cards in the game that allows you to recover all of your burned cards and so we don't want to waste that on something like movement let's see here do i have anything else that moves her around not really but we can take two on one of these other cards and i think it'll be okay so potentially she'll be able she's got a range too so she'll be able to move to like there and then fire orbs is range three one two three so she's still not going to be able to reach so we don't want to use the fire orbs right there either instead actually i think i'm gonna have to use ride the wind if we want her to get anywhere near the enemy let's set her up for a big turn right there we'll set her up for a big turn she's going to burn cards a little bit faster than everybody else is going to burn cards but i think it'll be okay we need you to move so you've got rock tunnel right there he's going gonna have to burn that to close the gap kinda sucks not really something that i'm incredibly stoked about doing he can pretty much only move three he's gotta move four right there for massive boulder but that's one of his like primo attacks so i don't love using that right there it's gonna necessitate kind of an early rest i think but i think that's what's gonna have to happen he's got earthen clawed which is range five and immobilized i think that sounds pretty good yeah let's do that right there on him that sounds good uh for her we need her to move like the wind she's got move six right there move six would do it that would probably put her in harm's way which i don't love they've kind of split the spawns on this one which is going to make it a little bit more difficult you can see the spawn points they're these little lit up areas you can see one right there so oh there's one over there too interesting okay so we kind of want to have like a front over here but we need to get that archer down like asap that archer's gonna become a big problem if he starts rolling big modifiers okay well let's go we've got a move five right there let's go with smoke bomb and venom shiv that sounds good so the venom shiv to close the gap the smoke bomb to make her invisible to set up for the next turn so that potentially she can one shot somebody over here and then for our beast man we've got grab and go we've got trample all right let's go eye for an eye i guess which is gonna allow him to retaliate and then we'll probably go with grab and go right there so that he can close some of the distance these guys are going to get a little bit closer unfortunately that elite archer is just really becoming a headache we've got the move five right there let's move five i'm trying to get on into this thing and then we're gonna smoke bomb right here but that's gonna burn so it's got the little burn icon this card is gone for the remainder of combat so we've we paid a hefty price to kind of get here scoundrel's turn is over scoundrel put down a trap actually kind of a weird choice but i accept it that guy's gonna buff himself with armor so that's gonna make him a little bit more resilient and hard to take out we got really long spawns the last time i played this mission all three spawns were in one corner and so you're basically able to spawn camp em this time around not the case uh we can take a move right here which i think is a good plan yeah i'll probably move down over here so it'll be kind of a 2v2 we'll probably send this guy up here to help out with that and we'll probably have the spell weaver and this person down here to make this happen uh we will go with the retaliate we're not going to get attacked on this round so i don't think it matters but we'll throw it on there because we have the card and like why not there's a little bit more money that we've gathered for ourselves we need big moves out here so let's go ahead and do that he's got the earthen clawed that he can throw at somebody so you move over to there and then with your earthen clawed go ahead and make it so that immobilize him i guess so that he can't move we can consume an earth charge in order to like make him not be able to move but i don't know if we actually have that available it looks like we do have it available so i'll give it a go there we go we dealt a little bit of damage it wasn't anything too impressive but if we can get his initiative to come up before her initiative on the next turn it'll force him to come to him and then we'll be all right okay so for ride the wind we're gonna decide what we want to do with ride the wind we're gonna need to be within three range of these enemies that we're attacking and we get to select three targets i think right there is the sweet spot yeah i think that's our sweet spot it overextends her and it gives her a chance of just getting absolutely bushwhacked on the next turn but i think it's worth it yeah let's have a bang-up turn right here why not so there's some damage out right there very nice there's a big grip of damage out right there which i'm absolutely a fan of and there's a nice little hit right there spell weaver please uh let's have her i'm actually gonna have her go invisible to protect herself on the next turn i'm gonna have her use the cloak of invisibility just to make sure she doesn't get glomped and whomped on the next turn all right so on this turn we need somebody to square up with him so i'm going to say warding strength into leaping cleave that gives him a little bit of mobility and it gives him a little bit of attack too so we can decide what we want to do with it we can use our three to either move down to here and kill him uh presuming he got like a good roll on his modification deck or we can use it to get over here behind these traps and start to pinch this guy if we need to actually i guess we can't get around those traps right there feels bad all right well we've got freezing nova mana bolt yeah we're gonna have to decide what we want to do here let's go with the mana bolt into a reviving no reviving ether is a top stack ability okay well then let's go man about reviving ether and then for our crag heart we need something that continues to move him forward he can jump in and cause damage right there but i don't really know if it's necessary oh we've got another spawn right here too we've got issues we're going to figure something out it's getting hot on this side do they spawn behind us too no okay so we've got four enemies on this side real potential for a character death right here i think with the crag heart we're gonna use back or we're gonna use backup ammunition to move adjacent to this guy and then crushing grasp to kill him i think assuming he doesn't act before i do if he acts before i do we've got an issue right there we're gonna have to adapt the plan as necessary and then the last person i haven't done anything with is we can go with throwing knives that deals two damage to two people that would give us a nice little backup and she is getting a power bonus from being invisible right now she adds a whole bunch of attack power the other opportunity that we have is that we can backstab but we're not necessarily going to get the bonus out of that i think that the throwing knives may be the best thing we can do here do i have any bottom attacks i do have a bottom attack right there so let's go that into quick hands i guess that'll give her a little bit of adaptability on this turn so that i can kind of move her where she needs to go their initiatives are all way lower than ours the nice thing about this game is the ai plays by the same rules you do so they're exhausting cards as well the same way that we're exhausting cards i'm gonna have her heal right here there we go so she has healed herself and then we're going to use reviving ether to bring back all of our burned cards it's a little early for reviving ether but like this shouldn't be a long fight anyways this should be okay we'll end the spam waivers turn and the scoundrel is up now uh what i would like to do is throw an attack at both of these guys no damage you she crit failed feels bad oh that leaves me in kind of a dubious situation okay um not in love with that hmm i was not expecting a crit fail right there to deal zero damage yeah not in love with the hand that i've been dealt here i'm gonna move for over here i guess to pick up that gold may as well i mean what else am i gonna do the brood is up it means technically i could jump him into this spot to force the engagement this guy can't get through without stepping on a trap so unless he's got a throwing knife he can't get to the spell weaver i think that's exactly what i'm gonna do we'll do it like this we'll kind of have him fill the gap right there since we're dealing with unknowns uh kill the elite for sure so the elite is dead we no longer have to worry about the elite and then that leaves us with two guys over here we should be able to ace one right there but we're gonna take a little bit of a scuffing on this turn i prefer not to take any damage but you know that's the way she goes sometimes rick it's just the way she goes we'll move over to here and then we will cancel the rest of our movement we'll use this attack right here please no time zero it's okay he still got the damage off enough to take care of business uh kragaard's done so now the only one that's got a turn left is this guy two damage out we're gonna receive that and he actually did exactly what i expected him to do which is fantastic that gives us a little bit more breathing room to get her out of the way on her next turn she's got ride the wind it's back she's also got fire orbs again i would suggest we go with frost armor to finish off that guy and then fire or no fire orbs is an aoe like we get to attack multiple enemies with it so i don't want to waste it right there it's kind of early for a rest i'm a little bit worried about using a rest right now she does need to get out of the way though we'll go frost armor and then i think we'll use freezing nova just to move her two spaces away maybe it seems okay to me with the crag heart i think the crag heart is gonna be my designated hitter down here to finish off that enemy he doesn't really need anything too crazy in order to get this done i would like to break this obstacle right here actually breaking that tree trunk might work out for us pretty good and then we can leave the leftovers to the beast man or the brute yeah i think that sounds like something that might be workable yeah i'm gonna destroy an obstacle and we're gonna use dirt tornado in his boots to move him down here to face off with this guy i think that's that's kind of what i'm looking at right now i think that sounds alright uh for our thief it's probably about time to take a short rest so short rest versus long rest short rest you get all your cards back that have been discarded except for one one of those cards is permanently burned a long rest you get to pick which card gets burned uh but it takes up your entire turn and you heal so it's up to you what you want to do for most occasions you're probably actually do i have something playable here hold on if i have something playable we do actually have something playable like i have backstab i do i do have something playable here so like we can make a turn out of this because we have a move and we have an attack we actually have a bottom attack right there which is actually kind of rare as far as this game is concerned i'm gonna go with backstab and we're gonna go with single out i guess that sounds okay and then for this guy right here we really just need him to kill this guy over here so i think provoking roar and is that within range right there for spare dagger i was gonna say because we can stab this guy one two three ah he's too far out it kind of depends on if actually if i manufacture it so this guy goes last we might be okay yeah let's go trample and spare dagger this may not work out the way that i think it's gonna work out but i want him to go last we also have another archer over there that we're gonna have to deal with so that's fun so i think i'm gonna use this to move her over to here we're gonna take two on this one so the card doesn't get burned because we only need a little bit of damage and there it is that little bit of damage we were looking for so that card's not gonna get burned now that card's just gonna get discarded because we took two instead of playing the attack ability with the flame on it he is gonna armor up which is fine actually that buys me a little bit of time to play around with i'm okay with that we're going to i think we're going to take two right here to move her over to there just get her a little wide we're going to attack right here i can add i can consume any element in order to deal damage you can see the elemental attunement of the battlefield over on this side we don't have anybody that's using that right there so that's what i'm gonna go for it's a little bit of damage she drew a minus one plus he had armor so unfortunately we didn't really get a whole lot done uh the crag heart what i would like craig fart to do is possibly well i said i was going to destroy this obstacle over here so with a three move we can add two right there that'll allow him to destroy he can take a two i guess i don't really want to take a two but like we can't take it too yeah craigheart get down here dude we've got healing and stuff left we'll take a two right there he drew a minus one did he have retaliation oh he put retaliation on himself i'm an idiot i didn't notice he used retaliation that's a problem that's not uh magnificent i guess the archer's just gonna hang out over there oh the archer's only got an attack card with five range so unfortunately the uh the ol the old archer had a bad day i can jump you over to here which i think is a good plan we zooming out here three damage i'll take that i'll take that that's all right uh but now's the point where we're gonna because of all the movement we've been having to do during this combat this is when we're going to start short resting so do a short rest apparently we're burning warding strength that's fine you can deal damage to yourself to change which card comes up if that's what you want to do so he's done his short rest really what we want sweeping blow would be ideal right here because he could step to right here sweeping blow then pick up the gold that's kind of what i'm in the mood for so does it really matter what we use in order to get over there let's go with i don't really want to burn overwhelming assault right now but i think it's an okay idea to do shield bash on this guy over here we're kind of getting towards the end we don't have to kill that many more bandits before we're out of here so like we can start using more powerful abilities if we want to i'm gonna take two on an eye for an eye and then we'll use sweeping blow on these two my spell weaver she is absolutely at the point where she needs to take a short rest we do have fire orbs available which is a really good ability i mean we can piece together a turn here one two three one two one two yeah if i so if we go fire orbs ride the wind to that spot right there she can aoe all three of them with fire orbs and i think that's probably the best turn we can take for right now uh with the crag heart we've got opposing strike over here which will deal three damage [Music] he may have to short rest too let's short rest them we lost massive boulder that's a bummer because massive boulder is pretty good feels bad i'm not gonna re-roll it though i don't see the point all right so we've got three damage we could put out right there if he's got any bottom stack damage that would be amazing does he have any bottom card damage he does not have any bottom card damage feels bad okay well cressing crushing grasp right there and then earthen clawed i guess to heal himself and then she's got thieves neck she's already she needs a short rest pretty badly too she lost throwing knives which is one of her best abilities feels bad we're getting really really unlucky on the rolls right now i keep losing like the one ability that i don't want to lose oh well that's life welcome to gloomhaven uh we've got three damage right there if she's got any bottom damage we can definitely make that work right here like a fla yeah if we can go flanking strike into thieves neck i think we could take this guy out right now yeah let's do that oh bandit guard rolled a really low initiative with poison on it too yikes okay well let's start it on off minus one damage on that roll this guy right here hey we got the kill very nice you gotta take the kill where you can get the kill oh it's that bandit guard hey and he wasted his turn putting up a buff nice i love it when they waste a turn putting up a buff ah he crit failed very nice it still put a poison on my guy but that's fine i can live with it so for you our plan i think our plan was to take two right here if i remember correctly move to there skip the rest of our movement and then i believe the goal here was to hit those two like so worked out okay he crit failed on that guy which is a bummer but at least we eliminated one source of damage i can live with it uh craigheart what's up dude how you doing you want to uh smash this guy's face off huh crag heart smash four damage and an immobilized very nice you got a plus two on that one hell yeah heal yourself brother you earned it alright so that got rid of the poison we have to worry about that for quite as long we will end the craggy's turn and now it's our spell weaver's turn i believe there was a perfect spot that we could move to where we could hit everything but i've done a such a good job devastating the battlefield right now that i don't think we need to um kind of a bummer kind of a bummer you ever have that situation where you're just too good at killing a guy because that's exactly where i am right now i'm just too good at killing a guy i wasn't expecting a guy to die out here now i don't want to use any of this turn hmm i guess i'll just move her towards the center it's fine and then we'll take i could attack right there but it just feels like a waste of me yeah i have miss she was my contingency plan if everything else went wrong because there was a guy over here two guys over here i moved her up to here and she could hit all three of them she was kind of like my my my nuclear option just in case this went wrong unfortunately it went right i don't get to say that very often here on the channel but unfortunately it went right so anyways feels bad feels bad all right so spell weaver's gonna have to take a short she got flaming or she got freezing nova that's fine actually i can lose freezing though i don't care about freezing no but like at all we're gonna go for a big dps turn right here cause one well uh so that's four away that's that away she's gonna need to move i think but i think there's a sweet spot here where i can get all of them so from right there we've got one two three one two three yeah so if we take two and we move to right here she should be able to fire orb everybody and that'll be the boobies that'll be amazing uh craigheart over here we just need you actually he's got people on both sides of him i can do something with this yeah i can do something with this so we're gonna want opposing strike and i think we're gonna want dirt tornado assuming dirt tornado doesn't like wuss out on us and fails to kill this guy um we should be in good shape right there because he's gonna get attacked we're gonna give him retaliate so that he deals damage back every time he gets hit um he may actually go down right here if they get really really good rolls we'll see what happens we've got another fight over here that we're gonna have to take we've got backstab on this side we've got venom shiv on this side we can go single out so if we go single out plus backstab we can deal five damage right here and basically one shot that guy or at least put up the alley-oop so that our mage can finish everybody else off he's still got a fight over here so really we need bottom card damage so i'm gonna go with provoking roar into spare dagger i guess looks like the enemy is acting way after we do and only one of them gets a turn since these guys are all fresh spawns so i think we should be good here uh we want to go single out that's gonna burn that card but we're at the end of the scenario anyways into backstab for a seven please don't get a time zero a minus two feels bad dude the best laid plans i tell you what i tell you what spell weaver i have a plan for you we're gonna use this card to move you oh this is risky dude this is risky all right let's do it sometimes you got to live life on the edge is what it is do it plus two right there plus one right there very nice times two right there hell yeah spell weaver getting mad gains right now uh the brute can't really do a whole lot right here so we're just gonna disarm you so that you can attack you got a plus one which is beautiful i love the sound effects and the brutality of the attacks i think they did a good job with this if he gets a plus one that's a kill hell yeah dude that's what's up well done uh we didn't pick up as much of the gold as i would have liked to have picked up but i don't love that he put armor and retaliation on himself i'm not enamored with that but let's finish him off here oh crit fail feels bad yeah not great burn a card we'll burn backup ammunition feels terrible i don't like the way that this is going i wanted him to die on this turn that's what i wanted very dearly and he did not die he did not oh we won never mind is this going to let me out nice and so that was your first mission of gloomhaven uh you're going to get achievements down here they're going to unlock various things as you accomplish them all of our characters they're going to have their record up here what they did during the combat looks like everybody got a little bit of xp so that's nice nobody got like a ton of xp but we made a little bit of money we got a little bit of xp and that's gloomhaven uh the missions can range from boss hunting to dungeon diving to king of the hill like we just played it really depends it goes mission to mission but i hope you guys enjoyed it i will see you all next time thank you for stopping on in my name is splatter cat i sift through the pile to find what's worth while in the world that indie games every single day so you don't have to i'll be back tomorrow with some hot fresh off the indie skillet sorry i cut this one a little bit long but it's a game that needed it dude it like it you gotta you can't play this game in 25 minutes it just can't be done so anyways i'll see y'all later bye
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 204,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gloomhaven PC Game, Gloomhaven Walkthrough, Gloomhaven Gameplay, Gloomhaven Playthrough, LEts Play Gloomhaven, Gloomhaven review, gloomhaven preview, gloomhaven impressions, gloomhaven download, Gloomhaven Classes, Gloomhaven expansion, Gloomhaven guide, gloomhaven tutorial, gloomhaven trailer, gloomhaven soundtrack
Id: 5vWTa6efQ40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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