Glock 19 vs M&P vs Sig 320: Who's Champ?

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[Music] [Music] by the way that was a good roast on your part the whole [ __ ] when i hit myself at the end of the trailer yeah it's good roast good roast solid i'll give it a pass sig 320 m18 the [ __ ] up that never happened that's what i meant boys and girls of america um moms and dads and grandparents not great grandparents that's too old you're pushing the limits of how old you should be uh everyone else uh welcome and uh thank you for liking and subscribing and no doubt if you're commenting it seems like it's probably to uh say something negative about me so you guys have fun with that today's video is a bit of a head-to-head to head three heads three heads today okay everyone and uh the first head is gonna be on the sig 320 my old friend second head is going to be on the smith and wesson m p 2.0 compact the third head is on the gen 5 glock this one happens to be an mos version so what we want to do is uh break down a little bit of a comparison between the three they seem to i would say largely probably be the most three popular uh polymer pistol platforms i guess we could throw walther in there that seems to meet a bit of be a bit more niche probably a smaller market there we've got like i was going to say xd's but no one cares about people who shoot xds so uh you know i think we've got the big three here so let's just break it down i'm probably going to be a little bit more uh technical and and stats oriented than i normally am but this is going to be an attempt at actually giving you some some real data so let's break it down we're going to track all over just a little bit but let's start with some stuff on glock now as a true youtube reviewer [ __ ] i got notes today so first thing uh let's just look at uh price on these three so we've got a uh gen 519 mos msrp is actually kind of hard to find for whatever reason everyone just lists what they sell it for but my best uh guess is 6 30 on the msrp so 6 30 on this bad boy and by the way i get it you're like you just flagged your arm [ __ ] calm down man okay guns okay calm down i'm juggling three guns you ever juggled you ever been in the circus it's difficult uh 320 320 msrp is uh 530 which will be our cheapest of the lot and then our old friend 2.0 compact here is gonna be five 569 okay now of note that you have to make on these and again we're going to track all over just a little bit but of these three the uh gen 519 is going to be the only one that comes red dot ready in order to get red dot ready on the m p uh you're gonna have to jump up to the pro series that uh we have also been reviewing today and that's gonna start you at 700 okay there's a couple other little modifications that they do but generally speaking it's basically a stock gun with an optic cut that's going to be 700 on the 320 you could jump up to the m18 my old friend that no doubt some of you watching this have already ripped me a new [ __ ] for um which i did not enjoy i prefer one [ __ ] um you gotta jump up to the m18 and that's gonna be i believe mine out the door is like 680. so they're all in the same ballpark it would seem that for what you get if you wanted an optics ready gun your glock is actually your best bet these are all really kind of designed up being compact carry guns so our 19 obviously you got a four inch barrel you've got a three nine on the compact 320 and then you got a four inch on the mmp so they're all pretty close but to tell you the truth for some reason you know when i look at that 320 to me the proportions are um i don't really like the proportions of it it's just i've got a slightly shorter barrel i mean a 10th of an inch which is nothing but a big difference is that at least on this particular one i've got a 17 round mag versus uh 15s on the mmp and the glock and so the net effect is it just looks really long to me like i mean it just looks like like especially given that it's only a plus two capacity it's like man that's a lot of extra it's a lot of extra length you know what i'm saying for only two rounds now obviously you've got modularity on this which is going to be one point for the 320 that you really don't have on the glock or the sig so look if you're looking for maximum modularity aka i want to pick the frame that fits my hand the best and um make the most yeah i mean that would be the main thing when we're talking about modularity because you've got you know you can flip the uh magazine release but hey look the reality is you can do that on gen 5 glocks and m p 2.0s now all three of these have the giant annoying feature for me which is the full-time ambidextrous slide release so i can release over here i can release over here and that's the same for the 320 and the mmp a point that i will give to the 320 which i never uh really imagined happening in my lifetime is that uh this is at least the smallest of the mag releases which i know is going to seem strange because look there's a pro and a con to that the pro is that i'm least likely to uh create downward pressure on it just because i don't have as much surface area so i'm less likely to override my slide stop therefore not locking back my slide on last round so i'm less likely to have that happen on the 320. it is still possible but i would say less likely and it's going to be more likely to happen on the glock and the m p just because it's going to be a little bit of a bigger mag release there um let's see where do we go next real men own a home a big one they definitely don't live in their uncle's garage everyone knew you were cooking meth in there anyway is it really a surprise that it burnt down and you wound up in a high speed pursuit with the sheriff's office and guess who won't be there in 18 months to pick you up when you finally get out mwah let's uh it's not about you just wrap it up 1911 syndicate can totally help you buy a home unless you're broke in which case they can't so i think one important thing to talk about is aftermarket availability cause let's face it most maybe not most but a lot of people who would buy any of these platforms they're going to do some modifications to them so i think it's important to at least look at if i plan to modify my gun where is the most or the least options well look obviously the aftermarket that's going to be the most busy with the most options is going to be glock um a million different things you can do whether you're talking sights or barrels or comps or trigger i mean you name it and hey we can aftermarket the [ __ ] out of that so glock definitely wins on aftermarket um sig 320 would probably be in the middle one cause of the modularity stuff so i can swap out grips and all kinds of stuff like that or if you're stippling your own grip and you [ __ ] it up cool you can just go buy a new one and not uh impact the the gun itself you just [ __ ] up uh you know aftermarket or not aftermarket but it's the grip module so i'd say medium on the 320 um and then probably the gun with the smallest aftermarket i would say would be sig or uh [ __ ] uh smith that said okay let's look at this so glock's got the most available options mmp's probably gonna have the least but let's look at okay which platform has the need to do the most or the least look i would say to tell you the truth out of the box ready to go mmp probably gets my vote i mean legitimately the only thing you need to do on that is swap out the sites like unless it comes with good sites but if it's just coming with you know just standard crap uh you know three white dots something like that cool yeah swap those out but i mean legitimately i'm shooting this and i'm going okay i got you know a stippled frame i've got a good trigger i mean in all honesty i've got a good trigger like throw some sights on that you're good to go i mean that that's the reality you know one modification you're done on a uh gen five glock you're likely going to need to do sites like the m p it's really up to you on grip texture you certainly could need to probably not but definitely could and for a lot of people i think they will uh again you're running the risk of warping your frame unlike a sig where you could just throw on a new uh grip module so there is that risk of of glock but uh you go look minus sights there's nothing else that you need to do but if you look at those two compared let's say you throw on new sights on these look the m p still gonna have a better trigger than the glock and it's still gonna have more grip on the frame than the glock so again leads me to my conclusion of m p is going to be better in terms of just overall the box capability uh the sig would come for me at a distant third it's that horse where you're like you know it'll get to the finish line like it you know it's definitely got some sort of disease or something so we don't know if it's gonna be here for the next kentucky derby but it it'll get across the finish line you know it's just just struggling a little bit out of the box i mean look it's it's pretty rough you can do a lot of stuff to it so there's that there's a pretty good aftermarket so there's that but i mean out of the box yeah look you're probably going to want to swap out sites uh the trigger is no bueno trigger say you know it's the price you pay for that modularity sure uh you can swap out grip modules the con to that is you know given that your trigger isn't naturally a part of the frame trigger's not great right let's talk about triggers actually so i mean for stock triggers by far and away the best is the m p um it really is there's nothing you need to do to it you could throw in an apex or something like that like still probably the best trigger i've ever felt on a polymer gun was i had an agency m p and their m p trigger was the the best polymer trigger i've ever felt no joke i mean it was as close as a crisp 1911 trigger as as you would get on a polymer gun it was amazing but trigger's definitely best out of the box on the m p glock would be uh second and then uh sig would be third so there's that one note since i know everyone would say okay you know sig with with the different grip modules and everything to fit your hand better cool obviously you're gonna have to go buy more grips if you want them one thing that i think starts to balance that out is the m p and the glock if that's not a movie poster it should be someone please make that um they're both going to come with interchangeable back straps so that's one thing um that i think levels that playing field a little bit when you go you can make the sig grip exactly the way you want it to be to a large extent you can do that with the m p and the glock as well it's just called back straps instead of uh grip modules and they come with the gun you know so it's not even something that you need to go get and i believe on my m p they were already stippled on the glock they are not so obviously you could do that but that is one consideration um one other thing i would look at too just on the cost front is hey how many mags come with the gun so sig is very um as i've taken a hit for recently uh six very confusing like what are we doing with mags here you know like i was told on my m18 hey it's uh had to do with military contracts i've heard that a couple times and then everyone else chimed in and they're like oh they were basically had ious on their mags because they were trying to keep up with uh coronavirus short shortages and their mags were coming from italy and italy melted down so hey look i don't know what's true or what's not but sig's a little tough to figure out what's going on with their mags um so most these 320s they look like they're coming with either one or two so basically same gun do you want one or two mags and that's going to alter the price m p is coming with two and my uh gen 519 came with three okay so there's something to be said for that even though you're paying 630 versus like 530 hey you're getting an extra two mags and it's optics cut and has some other features that are pretty cool integrated mag wells different stuff like that so um look in terms of final thoughts final thoughts final thoughts you know if you want it if you said look i want to do the least amount of work i want to have a good polymer gun out of the box and do the least amount of work go get an mmp okay like it shoots they shoot really good i mean that's that's the honest truth man they shoot really good even though i am primarily a glock guy because it's kind of what i grew up shooting and training on i lean towards glock because of that and i just trust it and ultra reliable and all that kind of stuff but i would say hey look out of the box especially if you're kind of starting from scratch mmp's probably your go-to bet um glock would be hey look the most sort of tried and true proven biggest aftermarket all that kind of stuff most options um still a really good bang for your buck at 6 30 because hey look again to get these uh m p with optic cuts and everything you're talking 700 that's still coming with a couple mags versus 630 with three mags with an optic cut you see what i'm saying like glock starts to pull ahead a little bit there and then sig sig's just kind of like you know that kid at the back of the bus where you're like you know they'll get there they'll get there you know like they just need some nurturing and we just gotta mentor them and you know kind of get them there i love a lot of what sig's doing everyone i do i've got a couple cigs myself i rave about some of their product they've got some phenomenal [ __ ] uh i don't really feel this is one of them and i feel like i'm supposed to think differently because the internet thinks differently but i'm sorry man these don't really do it for me they can be good but i'm yet to have a particularly positive experience with them so yeah take that for what it's uh worth probably didn't steer you in any direction whatsoever but you got a lot of great options out there and go buy whatever the [ __ ] you want man i don't care i don't care goodbye
Channel: 1911 Syndicate
Views: 84,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: glock vs sig, glock vs M&P, M&P vs Sig, glock 19 vs M&P, sig 320 vs glock 19, sig 320 vs M&P vs glock, best polymer pistol, best polymer gun, glock killer, what is the best polymer pistol, top guns for new shooters, top guns for new gun owners, glock 19 gen 5 vs M&P 2.0 compact, glock 19 gen 5 vs Sig 320, 1911 syndicate
Id: UDT2WLoiZ3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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