Silverrun Let's Play (Full Series) | Farming Simulator 22

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hey what's going on everybody it's DJ welcome to the silver run forest super kind this is a collection of all 10 episodes in the series making it easy to watch one single video and see the entire Series without having to select the next episode we're gonna go from trying to farm on a logging map to rage quitting multiple times even in a similar episode we're gonna end up by cutting down all of the trees just to spite the map itself so sit back and relax and enjoy the silver run forest let's play series welcome to Silver run forest I wasn't quite sure how to start this series because there is a lot to do and there's a lot of different fun stuff that we could do in between so I think what I'm gonna do is start with what we know best and go from there for the first time as well I've started in the the medium mode of farm manager I believe and we got a couple Fields right here that I think we're gonna go for I know a lot of people are gonna be doing logging and you know what that's okay this is a logging map at the end of the day I mean all of that all of that's logging but I'm a bit of an idiot when it comes to logging so uh like this I could use it but not probably the way it's supposed to be used however one thing I can use is this the Volvo Globetrotter it's actually in the used equip it so we're gonna buy ourselves one there you go so this is gonna be a are starting hauling pack I guess and yeah I know there's nowhere to haul it to we'll figure that out as well so we got the Volvo with the big engine used so we are gonna have to fix it up however I did with the matte grain hauling Pack trailer for this uh with some modified colors that'll be great also uh the color I believe this is like a gold Hopper something like that ah Bachman it is a Bachman color looks great as for the combine harvester this one's a tough choice but I have decided on the xbr2 uh with all the smaller stuff except for the engine and I actually went with a header that goes with another mod this is the case that goes with the Case IH like uh 1500 rice version or something yeah well you could change it black so decided to go with that I was gonna go with the Colossus but uh it's just a little bit too big for the short pipe version of this additionally this come on Harvester will bucket 31 miles an hour let's go boys all right so we got the Harvester we've got a Tipper to move things from point A to point B and a semi truck form and we got Fields I did go ahead and buy these fields so we got both of them we are going to use the straw off of both of these fields as well so heads up there we're gonna try and do something with the crops themselves but I'm not exactly sure what or if we could do anything I guess we'll figure it out first headlines done and we have 14 000 liters of wheat in here let's see what we get off the whole field and by the end of it we've got 55 846 liters let's put it in the Tipper one of the things I love the most about this trailer is the double Hoppers so you got one at the front one at the back let me put both of these crops in the same trailer first handling of the soybeans is done and we're doing pretty good 5900 liters while our Harvester's running we need to get ourselves a loading wagon and we need to get ourselves some type of windrow or something to get all this up you'd probably think I'd go with this first but I'm actually not today instead we're going with this one we've used this before but it's been a while the windrow you ask well it's gonna be this one right here the r90 this thing is epic and yeah we're definitely using this and we're also gonna bring back another bit now this is something you guys probably haven't seen in a while as well the big fan the Black Beauty this one came as a pre-order bonus early on and well uh not quite sure what's going on with pre-order bonuses for this DLC but I know we got this there's one thing uh the front window this is like 10 meters 10 and a half meters so who's the header I was using so I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to pick two rows up at a time I guess we'll find out won't we yeah that's not happening yeah I'm still gonna use it though this thing's super cool let's kick it off to the to the side there it is and we're picking it up straws going in not sure if it's gonna come in handy down here at the end or not but we will find out I do know that these are pretty big pretty big spots yeah it worked a little bit we should probably just kick this front thing off though because I'm not sure it's gonna be actually worth it to keep on air I don't know let's let's try it through here ah I mean it made it a little bit easier I guess but it put it all over there now if I'm honest this has actually worked really really well I'm happy that I was able to put this on the front of it I've never used this piece before I've always used the mowers with everything or the balers with everything built in but this was nice our soybean take wasn't as high as I kind of would have hoped that it was but 26 700 not bad all right so look real quick I know I said it wasn't gonna do any logging but I might have to at some point this currently right I was 43 off normally it's like in the 400 000 range it's got good horsepower plus this is one of the ones that accidentally was modified early on to do 464 centimeter logs yeah uh this is basically a cheat code and a half there's also a six wheel version as well and you should definitely use both of them what do you guys think it's definitely not as crazy and wild as I could have gone because there's a lot of color options through here but I decided to go with like a nice metallic orange same with the seat same with the processor and base game gray wheels not bad did increase the price four grand though so there is that one thing I hadn't really thought about yet is where I'm gonna Park all my stuff when I'm not using it like this combine harvester which I'm currently not using for anything you know what let's just find a nice happy place right inside here I think it'll be all right yeah right here see No One's Gonna bother me right here so here's the end of the straw boom what do we got 449 000 liters and that's pretty good I'll take that so there is a bit of a problem because the only place to sell wheat is at Silver Run market and the only place to sell straw is at the Silver Run Market there is literally nowhere not a bell sell point and there's definitely no processing for flour so I see we fixed that so let's fix it what I'm gonna do is go ahead and snap everything in and go ahead and turn on the uh I'm going to build where I want you can leave me alone man bam not enough money for another one oof and that is actually scary because I need the Sandy Sweet Shop to go down too and I'm not saying that I should own field 41 or Farmland 41 but I should probably own Farmland 41 if I'm gonna do this so it will take out a 200 000 loan that should be enough so I'm actually gonna have to do this I think because there's no way to really get this the way where I want it so I think I'm gonna have to make it to where the spawn location is actually behind this fence right here well it was doable and we did it also this may or may not be one of the places that you could sell straw and it turns itself magically into flour I've never heard of straw flower myself but um I do know that in Farming Simulator works pretty well for me straws in wheat is in and the soybeans are in and you can see we are already rocking already up 46 5900 liters of wheat flour stop you know what I'm talking about hush now because we're gonna have to plow up everything I need some of these now I didn't buy them we just leased them but I got wanted to do some uh well trimming I wanted to literally just plow straight through the whole area yeah yeah taking a look at the areas that we own we own almost all the way down to the road or the uh the Water rather so I'm gonna go past the road maybe just a little bit but we're gonna try and keep it pretty stationary through there I'm gonna keep this straight side in this straight side but we're gonna extend it out a little bit towards the top and then back down and around I think that's gonna be the best thing or at least be something that's going to be the easiest for us to make sure that we have this entire area take a deep breath Boop and if I failed to mention uh it's got Stones turned on I don't know if anybody knows whose house that is but I'm getting ready to plow around it and this is an interesting little bit because I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna do this maybe down and around like this yeah I guess so that's about the only way it works and one round is done but bam let's go ahead and pull them up get it parked out and we can kind of take a look here and see exactly where that Field's gonna be go ahead and return the little one and grab the big plow yeah I didn't really think about this one did I uh can we do this actually yes we can barely missed it but we got it yeah now hopefully nobody comes through the road oof supposedly I've got enough horsepower to run this but I have some serious doubts as to how much power I actually put down we got 400 it says it only needs 380. there's a little bit heavy so we're going to turn it on set to create fields and it's okay it's working nice so I'm gonna plow all of this up and then we should be about done for the day I've totally forgotten how long it takes to actually do anything with this plow goodness that thing is absolutely massive bud we're done actually I'm keeping a lookout on this as well nothing's moved over yet I've got it set I think Distributing oh well anyway here's here's Fields one and two oh boy we're having a good time the farmer is on the login map so are we gonna be able to create a whole Farm without doing much logging the only time is good to tell one of the things I despise more than almost anything in Farming Simulator is picking up rocks which is why I'm not gonna make you watch me do it now we're done kind of for the most part oh I got a pile of uh rocks right here let's dump it out if you thought that was the only pile of rocks I got you are sadly mistaken we got a bigger one over here it is slightly unfortunate that I don't have anything to lift those stones with but I think we could probably handle it one of the great things about silver run forest is they actually give you some tools to use now my trailer can hold stones but I don't think this can actually put them in there there's only one way to find out um it's tall but it's working so that's great all right so uh free way to get the stones in there perfect I just had a realization this is a loading wagon right so if it's made to hold stones won't it just pick them up off the ground oh I'm stuck come at it from an angle here it should just pick them up right oh it does so I didn't even need to load it or it will load it awesome anybody else like driving in first person but working in third person just me anybody else hello I tell you what this map is just absolutely beautiful I know I had to drive halfway across the map to get over here to the Rock Crusher but I don't even care Gore was so beautiful hey in our Iron Horse doing pretty well too all right let's go and dump this out we'll get a little bit of cash it ain't gonna be much but at least it'll be more than zero that means free money 2300 bucks it was literally free money so this is interesting so right now I'm unable to like transport to the this Volvo right here right well I'm Gonna Take It see my father there we go I'm gonna reset it which I've set my spawn point here and now I can actually enter it so I guess if you guys want to use these as vehicles that you can enter reset them down to the main store which anyone can do on any platform you're good yeah a little cheat code there for you now since pumps and hoses came out we really haven't done any slurry or digested spreading so we're gonna do that today what we're gonna do is we're gonna run double application rate on here I've got a couple trailer and a uh uh live folded boy as well uh these have been modified a little bit by me but they just hold more and that's about it but great thing is double application rate we only have to fertilize this build one time so here's a fun one I I was actually getting ready to fertilize this field as one would uh however my double application rate isn't working and get this three fertilization States um I don't know what has happened but I can tell you that I've contacted Marcel uh because every other map that I load in even without mods loaded in I load this in three fertilizer states is it the same with you guys well I guess it won't hurt just to do solid fertilizer and then plant and then solid fertilizer and plant again I don't I don't know what order I'm supposed to go in onward fourth we go I don't think I've done regular solid fertilizer and oh it's been months what's the worst decision I could have made right now spending a whole bunch of money on a planter when I don't even know what I'm gonna be putting into the ground however I do like this plant here it's the same one we used old Griffin Indiana Oh it's fresh by the way we gonna be making some money soon as you can see flowers going in we've just got a little bit of straw left plenty of flour going out though flower going in is real good and the bread yeah um I also wanted to check corn soy flat sorghum straw soybeans look at their soybeans oh you know what we gotta do oats oats going on the ground you know what it is oh yeah and this fence is kind of like drive through as well so don't worry about getting too close to it I will give you this this is a very very interesting field to try and do any planting on but it's working and also there's a couple trees back here not saying we should cut them down but I do have a new toy and I think we should definitely do something with trees in a fashion that makes them fall on the ground in paces and we do a little bit more salad fertilizer and that way we can at least get what we need to do today done usually this will be it but nope more fertilizing to do stage three we got money I just looked up we got a million dollars oh no what have I done what have I done well filled ones get the fertilizer in there so at least there is that I got some lighter spots I guess that's where I missed the uh regular fertilizer let's take a look at it real quick what do we got looks like this is from our uh Brad most of it's sold but we're gonna have quite a bit more the good thing is I could go in here and now pay back this two hundred thousand dollar loan and we'll have what about eight hundred thousand dollars left something like that yeah 814. not bad I would say it seems like it's probably enough to buy ourselves a Timber trailer wouldn't you say so we're gonna go with the 4x3 layout so this is so I could do four meter logs I could also do six meter logs and load the six meter logs in appropriately but I don't think I really need to ah yes doing a thing I said one episode that I wasn't gonna do at least I'm on par let's go be loggers yes you guys missed the last one remember this thing is basically a cheat code on Wheels it's got a whole lot of goodies and the great thing is here too we own everything up to the road and down to the water and there's quite a bit of big trees through there so I'm gonna start with these These are big old hunk of trees I think we got a couple of them only thing I ask for is the judge-free Zone I need a judge-free Zone judge free zones also wait for the train cause I know I'll mess something up and that first tree has been cutted yeah so we're doing six meter logs here the reason I'm doing six meters is because well that's really hold two by six and that's pretty easy uh also the last one probably won't be six meters we'll cross that bridge well we have to but I don't think it's gonna be quite six meters but I guess we'll find out here is it going to make the left of it disappear nope that's just kind of doing its thing that's like three and a half also got some pretty tall other trees we'll go ahead and cut both of these down I think there's two maybe three well there's yeah there's two fish bring the Harvester down line it up and zip zip and we've got another set of trees right there sweet this is gonna be a dangerous move trying to cut this down and then drag it across the train tracks I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not which is what I'm gonna do it there we go grab the tree run run run run run run run run oh that was a little heavy go go go go go go go there's a couple more over here I want and this this is one of them it's so big just oh my God it's a big tree but this this is why I was worried cutting down a tree while the Train's going by because my idiotic brain would be like huh I could probably make it nope this is gonna be the most dangerous one trying to cut this tree down while big across the train tracks at the same time and I know you may be saying DJ the trade just went by it's been a minute been a minute so now that we're getting everything cut I'm gonna show you how I'm gonna load up because I don't have anything to load the trailer with all right check this out so we've got Universal Auto load turned on which should allow us to load all if not most of these logs let's see if it'll let me do it there we go yep and it even attaches the straps for me when it's all said and done oh it's so easy now with larger logs of course it looks a little bit nicer but here I mean it works so I ain't gonna complain a whole lot and also you can see this is why I've gone for six meter because you can fit a total of I believe it's like 12 or 13 meters worth of logs in this trailer and they work great but this this makes picking them up so much easier look they just go boop boop I do want to thank yosemonic for sending this over uh it is an epic mod and I had it installed beforehand but uh nothing like this what load area is full oh come on all right we could totally fit more on there I got a new toy yeah so this is well I think it's a pretty good collection of bonds that make Logan super easy yeah oh yeah so this right here is the Merlot but it is the lizard version so the all platform version uh I got a big old um something kind of weight on the back don't remember what it is Tim wiggle the uh 2500 kilogram weight on the back of this thing so plenty there and uh well you guys know what we got all the front of this Miss silly Piece Special right there uh this is a a clamp of some sorts ah yes here it is to see it said big bag Handler all you gotta do is just strap on and uh well the the it works this is pretty cool right we're good there I'm gonna strap everything down oh I'm caught all right we're good nothing too crazy let's go and pick up the other two loads real quick throw them on here and I think we'll be ready to haul this off oh yeah and this is another reason I got this version I can load in six meter logs in here without having any problems I could load in four meter logs without heavy problems like I mentioned that already but there's no problems um oh yeah um uh I I want to go home what just happened the logs are everywhere oh I think I'm kidding me I think I'm gonna be sick yeah okay yep that's this is the thing can I jump in here real quick let's go ahead and just detect yeah yeah cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool uh I quit I quit I'm out of here I'm not dealing with this I think it's safe to say uh the last time I tried vlogging did not go well which is why I've decided we're better than that and I'm gonna make way too much farming on this map anyway because I've kind of figured out the golden way to do it so uh we're gonna try this a little bit I'm gonna try this again but as you can see totally different place I think the smart thing is probably to do or logging close to The Sawmill so that's exactly what we're gonna do figure eventually we're gonna have to buy this anyway might as well do it now so there you go we own all of this area and I don't think there's a single tree that's cuttable all right maybe there's like two but that doesn't really matter what does matter though is there's a whole area right here and it's cheap 142 000. I got 580 Grand so let's try this again but this time let's try not to die I thought I don't even know what button it is there we go we're gonna try and find the largest poles this is a large pole Pine with a 36.3 meter uh up there and I'm gonna get it just like before we're gonna be going with four meter logs these are a whole lot easier to load up depending on what I want to do I can also do six meter honestly six meter probably a little bit easier for me but I've already decided on four all right so far so good we're doing okay cutting down the third tree I think these are all the same tree it's all the same Pine anyway that's for sure all right this is probably good I've definitely made a mess over here that's for sure so now it's gonna come to time to see can I auto load these and I'm getting the trigger to say yeah go ahead and start bro so let's see see how we do all right get a couple on there nice nice one thing I'm not gonna do I am not gonna push this thing past its limit so as soon as it tells me hey that's enough homie uh no Moss then I'm gonna have to watch it hey what happened with that one and we'll get a couple more and this will probably load us up almost full all right so far so good nothing crazy it's now bouncing I'm not being sent to the other side of the universe I think we're okay so we'll come down in here and uh cool that's pretty deep and we'll go ahead and just kind of sit and wait on all this to sell I'm sure you're probably pretty curious on how all this sells anyway just get in the water and you'll be just fine all these logs are they're cool but they're not real oh we should probably readjust this wooden beams that's what we want wooden beams and there's a reason because planks for some reason are free for me and I don't know why I don't know how if I started a new farmer without any mods installed it's it's not free but if I start with mods the ones I have it is free and if you think I don't want free oh you crazy while that's all going on I'm also going to utilize this time to come and delete some objects because some things are trees but man they're just so annoying just all stuck in the ground and stuffed I can't run over them ew that one's good oh we got some dead Woods over here let's go do those so you guys know deadwood's basically sell for like two bucks something like that actually these are so close I'm kind of considering just cutting them down and selling them because I'll actually get a decent price for them also uh there's a stump in here I don't know where it came from but I don't think it could go anywhere and I can't delete it now obviously I'm not gonna make any money from this uh we made a decent chunk of change from the last setup but I'm guessing with uh with dead Woods we're gonna get nothing and I'm gonna prove it logs are in and we've done pretty good says 34 840. so um decentish a little bit more than let's say a little bit more actually a little bit less than a third so we just need to do three of those again however I've got ourselves a whole pile of dead wood here and a really laggy OBS for some reason today morning's a great evenings not so much let's uh um it's like nope I'm not doing it oh that one's crooked you know there's one more right ah all right got a couple more over here as well hopefully we don't hit the stump even though that's exactly what we're doing right now yeah there we go I think I needed an off-road semi truck for the first time ever let's go ahead and load a couple of yeah that's uh-huh yep that's where that's where I wanted those um no matter what happened though hmm a little bit confusing oh well it seems if I just obey the rules of the road and the laws of auto loading that is not pretty I could have done a way better job than myself I mean um no this is great this is good uh you could you could definitely tell how good this this trailer is uh loaded by the auto loadingness of it it ain't gonna be a whole lot oh yo hang on I think I just found something ew it's one of our first Collectibles oh it's gone where did it go yo I got 50 grand for that you oh oh yeah forgot they all appear here in the Great Woods gallery so let's see what we got so this is the one that we just found and do I have any more oh I have no more I thought I had more all right speaking of more we got barely any more wood like what less than a thousand liters something like that ridiculous so if you're gonna do anything with uh logs don't don't don't do anything with the dead Woods just delete them or something because that's what I'm gonna start doing all right this one might be the biggest tree that I've cut down today oh yo that's a big tree dude it's got a bunch of Limbs on it even though I can no I can't do nothing with them let's uh let's get this thing cut oh that's big also I switched up to six meter logs I feel like this is probably gonna make things a little bit easier for me moving forward going into the trailer six meters I think it'll do me just fine but this this is actually going great that was there was no drama in there whatsoever nice all right we'll cut some more down and we'll get some uh more piles up ready to go might it got a little bit carried away I've cut down a whole lot of trees I mean look look at look at this [Laughter] it's it's happening I'm just gonna cut down the rest of them real quick and then we'll worry about loading them up well that was fun and they're all grown now all the trees from this one little Hill they all gone oops now I gotta go through and load them up and I'm not sure which ones or or to load up and and there's some that I'm not even sure where they are I do know that I'm gonna Auto load as many of possible so the six meter logs seem to look like they loaded in pretty well that's good waiting for it to kind of strap them down there now I did realize what was going on before so it's shorter logs of course you know the tips of the tops of the trees well some of them it says like oh hey by the way that last one was this long so your next one needs to be here and and that's not good and another load in for the bucks oh yeah like I know you're supposed to cut down a bunch of the same tree and stuff but like look at this one it's got all kinds of trees in there it looks pretty good all right we're all down here let's get them all loaded up after that last load the logs are looking good 61 969 000. nice all right so I'm having a hard time finding the logs here I know they're in there of course we could see most of them this way however what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna come in here and we'll go to painting and I'm gonna find just this uh Forest ground texture and I'm trying to make it big enough where I could get these stupid bushes out of the way and maybe see look at that there was a whole log under there didn't even know it but there's some under here too nope but uh this is one easy way where you guys can find kind of what you're looking for on the forest floor just by going in and painting a little bit of forest ground on it and now you can see I can see much much better I got bored sit here waiting on the darn thing to finish up load and unload see it's still not done yet but logs are coming in so that is good what I decided to do is well uh DeForest is the entire Hill I mean the whole darn thing one thing I am gonna do is uh well I gotta go through delete all of the stumps but after I do that I think I'm gonna come through and plant some trees yeah kind of get some trees ready to go for that was did that cool in the ground no I'm still got it uh this should be fun right have some extra trees wait a few years and let them grow back just a word otherwise um never accidentally delete your own Com or Force I deleted Komatsu it's gone and and now Farm Sim has crashed this is this is the oh why does it always end up like this you see this thing this thing in the ground I need to get rid of it and there's like there's a lot more too and we're gonna go with old trusty fan now I've got something new I believe this is Rachel Force because it's using their their colors game in it yeah so I want to get that also I'm going to turn this off because I end up deleting things on accident don't worry I got another one however this one doesn't have as many hours let's get zero because I had to hmm it's here now and that's what matters leave me alone how do I change driving direction there we go all right so we're gonna swap up our driving direction with this and it's going to now be a uh backwards tractor got it I figured this would probably be much better on the back than the front Okay so the only thing that I need this for is for getting rid of stumps that's quite literally it I've never actually used this before because well I didn't do any forestry when the game came out so there's that um oh this is going super slow don't like that so this is pretty annoying you can't delete these bits right here like they just don't go away also yeah I changed the driving direction again it was it was really really annoying yeah look at me to work it's like it wants to do it but then it just doesn't which is kind of annoying gotta be honest with you for stump removal this thing is killing it yeah I was able to kind of flip the flip everything back around what did I hit oh who's Dirt cool all right um I think I've gotten all of the most of them I'm sure I'm missing something but you know what I just don't care we do have some rocks around here though I wonder if we get oh found another one I wonder if we can pulverize these rocks so there's no way around it if you want to get rid of rocks you gotta have one of these and I really shouldn't spend so much money on this but oh my goodness look at it and the main reason for using this one uh it's got a telescopic bit on it yes all right so this uh first one oh it only goes eight miles an hour so I gotta have the wheel version to go 12. oh man all right well it is what it is I don't know if this will go oh that was quick um will this one be it uh is it really all the Rocks like it left me just a little itty bitty piled like here you go so here's the question is it even gonna be enough to pick up I don't even think so man that happened so fast hey holy cow all right anything on the ground zero this one took a little bit longer let's see if this is any more why do I have my doubts oh there was some yeah 16 16 liters there's there's still some on the ground right there how do I pick it up got it 32 liters nice on to the next one hopefully this one is a little bit more um fun it's a breakup yeah now this one's gonna take a hot minute we're gonna get some rocks and it goes poof man now that is a pile of rocks let me add it let me add it I think this is gonna be even more than I could pick up in this bucket maybe yeah yeah that's full it's okay don't worry I know a guy and we got another one unfolded oh yeah and I increase that I'm not really sure why I did that looks cool though let's get it and what do I get another big pile of rocks sweet one of the cool things about this entire area is that there are so many rocks just everywhere there's so many and they're all my land so I can give oh look at this rock I'm gonna do it oh it was just decorative boo here's a little rock I'm gonna be pissed if I get the same amount for this is now okay yeah there's a lot of rocks around here that is the one two three four fifth one like that up sixth one yeah there's like I mean there's some don't get me wrong there's some but not as many as I want all right we got some piles of uh rocks up there I need to go get those up and I think we'll be ready to head up to the Rock Crusher and deposit them so I kind of want one of these uh the the one that we've got in the game right now is it's fine but this I mean this is so freaking cool and and it'll hold a lot more five times more roughly to be exact I think it'd be kind of cool to have this but the thing is we would only really need it for rocks and and we don't really do those that often so I don't know how to use this but I want it so running out of room and I don't want to make two trips nor do I actually want to drive that darn thing back across the map so what I've done is the trade at the tracks out for Wheels because this goes way faster I'm gonna get myself a low loader somewhere and we're gonna load up something part of something somewhere and and go from from there is that is that a log on the ground oh come on how did I miss that in this bucket also holds twice as much as well so should make things kind of nice and easy since money's coming in way faster than I could even handle it we're going to Helix 3500 because I'm not sure there's anything else that's really worth this map also I'm going to transfer all of the Rocks into this trailer right here and no I don't know how I'm gonna do it [Laughter] um turns out the bucket's too heavy my bad my bad I should have known I'm not saying that I had the truck lifted up on two front loaders to try to get the back end of the Tipper bud I am saying that it didn't work so there is that at least might have been one that I forgot but don't worry imma get it so the great thing is we got all these other bits there we go we got our TLX 3500 and I've got the 50-foot gooseneck down there as well oh yeah forgot this doesn't do it oh hang on don't want to throw it uh this doesn't do anything unless you're in it nice decent amount and we got 1286 liters off of that rock nice and that should be that should be all of the Rocks so now it's time to get clever and I really hope I don't crash in anything because of mine too oh boy is it gonna be fun let's go ahead and close that up oh yeah that's that's the good stuff should probably lower that down just a little bit don't know how all right there we go yeah what is this saying about uh loading things off uh off kilter off sides off something I I can't quite remember it but I do remember there's something about like don't do it yeah we're gonna do it first up is the dump truck because it's got a load of rocks and I'm terrified of it basically and lastly we'll load up the loader and with this with the log in it that's great I forgot that was in there all right now we got to do is strap everything down bring the tail back up yep and then I think we could probably bring the wheels in unless stuff is moving which it is cool awesome this is gonna suck why why is it already up oh come on you know what I don't I don't even care these things are so uh I don't I don't want it I will say this at least driving from one point to the other is kind of fun uh there's also no way I'd have been able to do this with a big trailer on the back not well at least not the way I'm driving now yeah by the way it's just me it's it's just me it's all the trailer and I may have reset the other pieces uh the way I didn't want to but you know what it's if it worked I'd be happy it's not David's fault it's not A2 Studios fault I don't know what's going on but I don't like it what I do know at least is at the top of this hill there's gonna be vehicles that I may or may not have reset uh and they're right where I need them to be and I'm gonna go dump these rocks out now and I'm gonna make basically no money whatsoever and that's gonna be totally cool I'm fine with it yeah 684 dollars totally didn't fight for that amount of money oh let's do this again more rocks going in 822 bucks you know what you know what I'm gonna do yeah I'm gonna do I'm just gonna go go through here and and find find that place where it says uh filled stones off in the last episode we deforested this entire area today we're gonna reforest it we're also gonna do some other stuff too so it's not just me going through and be like tree plant tree plant what I've got here is I've got 240 pieces yes they work on this planter uh 200 photo pieces of a little something I like to call Lodgepole pie this is actually going to be really interesting because I don't I don't know if 240 trees will fit through here will they there's no way also just for the sake of ease later I think I'm gonna come through here and see if I can get through oh look at there there's a stump that I missed we're gonna have to go back and get that uh I'm gonna go through here and put down the forest ground texture uh everywhere and I'm gonna try and get all of the uh bushes everything like that that way later on when I'm in here again I don't miss anything it's not gonna look as good but man it's gonna make plans so much easier also again all of these extra little stumps and stuff like that like you can't get rid of this stuff it's it is so pointless to be here it's kind of neat I'll give you that but like I can't delete it I can't use my PC trickery just gets in the way let's let's get rid of this stuff please also gonna come in here and do a just a little bit of a soften see if I can bring some of these really high areas on top make them a little bit more smoother and maybe bring it down all right I like that so the whole point about doing this is so we can get uh well I guess the whole point of doing this is so we could put trees in the ground I don't even know how to use this I've never used well I think the last time I used this planner was Farm Sim 17 put that down let's go ahead and turn it on and I believe it will start depositing said trees down um in Perfect Harmony that's right speed and layer and everything so I am not gonna fast farm this that might be dangerous it is such a bad idea to plant these so close together but unlike in Minecraft these will actually grow so I'm not too worried about it if I'm completely honest with you guys that we played it a bunch out of 240 we've only got 80 left 79 sorry 78. uh also fast farming yeah it works works really well for this and all I'm doing is just utilizing the tracks that I laid down and the run before and I'm just kind of going around in circles of the inside of it trying not to get too close but then again I mean it is what it is it's they are trees after all man there's gonna be so many it was that 240 uh 240 saplings I may buy another box of saplings just to really overdo it palette number two oh there's gonna be too many trees it's definitely getting interesting right here at the very end but this is a lot man I've already planted 300 trees three Honda baby oh boy all right 301 Lodgepole Pines oof so now that we've got 301 trees planted I think it's time that maybe we um fast forward today finally because we've gone five episodes now without moving to type forward and welcome to the next day in game good morning I don't I don't know what's what's happened nothing grew huh that's how's the new trees doing they are not growing either they are just little tiny things this is getting a little bit bigger though probably need to do something with this but before we do that we've got one more fertilizer state that we need to put on this ground even though I'm not quite sure it could use it oh no it can't sweet oh here's a fun one um all of my fertilizers gone after one day uh oh also uh oh uh it doesn't even know that I put crops in the crown I I'm not even done with the video yet oh man all right so all of the time effort and hard work put into getting crops into this stupid field right here it just kind of reset itself overnight great there's a chance this could be the shortest let's play on Earth logging just infuriates me my crops physically disappeared overnight you know what you know what I'm gonna do you know what I'm gonna do we'll do this right here yeah for some reason it gives me planks for free don't know why I have no idea why it gives me free planks but I do know one thing I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna take it over here to the thing and and I'm gonna make money if you know anything about picking stuff up and running with it in Farming Simulator you know that this is a balancing act speaking of balancing here we go through it push it give me free money this is annoying hey don't we have pallets that are supposed to be appearing over here as well I got stuff I need to deliver is it are we doing good well we are doing good check this out yo that's four pallets I think we should make an adventure out of delivering pallets so one neat thing is the same mod that we used to Auto load logs also works for pallets which is kind of nice we're gonna take these over also get these delivered and yeah I bought this trailer because it's super cold it's the new Schwarz Mueller trailer and uh and it's pretty epic this is the one where you can kinda uh scooped it back and forth but I can't do that right now because I got stuff on it and it won't let you wouldn't that be funny though the good thing I will say at least about these I got a 4 000 liters of planks or something like that back there we're gonna make money off of these too not that we need it we've almost got two million dollars but hey money's money right money's money should start selling it is how we gonna do 35 Grand that's pretty good against my own best judgment I'm gonna try this again but I'm gonna try and cheat a little bit and give it a little bit of a oomph not that I wasn't gonna cheat anyway let's be fair and let's try this one more time they're gonna take me a little while I'm very aware I'm pretty sure I was doing oats I don't uh don't remember you see this right you see this I have planted yes and I'm gonna fertilize again and now we've fertilized it twice I'm gonna hit a little button here and see if we can speed up the process just a little bit also yeah I don't know what's been going on recently but like my computers absolutely hate me hey there we go this is the way it was supposed to look this morning at the beginning of the video all right all right let's go and fertilize this one more time and we're done yes pretty pretty much for the most part so field done it's been fertilized pretty annoying if I'm honest having to do three fertilization States ow head back over to the Salt Mill I want to see how much wood we've got left back here because it's still maxed out ah we've got a decent chunk right here actually I don't think we're gonna have to worry about running analogs at least for another day in game something like that well let's see and here we are next day in game logs are going up so they are disappearing let's kind of take a look here oh look hey my Field's exactly the way it's supposed to be uh jumping over here we do have wood that's kind of gummed down but does it look like it's even had enough time to go in so well that's easy how's my little baby trees doing um they are as bored as it gets I decided to pull up the remote the thing called the Farming Simulator academy by the way you should go pay attention to the Farming Simulator Academy there's good stuff on there so this tells me my Lodgepole Pines gonna take 13 months okay it's been two months in game I think now yeah two months and and it hasn't grown any so I have my doubts but I guess it could be worse and that's really all that matters here um let's pick it up I really really need to do something about this dude I remember yesterday we planted these little guys right here Lodgepole ponds well there's a mod out old PC that I totally forgot about it's not even a new mod the tree growth managers I'm gonna find me some large full ponds there we go and we're just gonna go ahead and crease that up to about 200 percent should make things easy look I'm not saying that I'm always the most realistic player but if a tree grows faster we keep this moving along I'd call that a win 200 across the board let's rock and roll and also here that we've got another delivery ready to go got a few boards set up ready to go we're gonna go ahead and use the Universal Auto load and try and get these loaded up Bam Bam Bam give me a couple more better you know one thing I should probably do is go to bed in here I know that we've got a lot of stuff kind of ready to go The Sawmill is treating us very very very well we do have some trees kind of sitting around in the in the water or there might be no more trees in the water oh my goodness they are gone no well I guess there's that huh all right so we fast forward another day in games we went from October into November and and not only that but my uh frame rate has dropped and the trees are strobe lights exactly what I wanted well at least we got a full load on here now so there's that all right switch capture cards maybe that'll help us a little bit it's not uh it ain't gonna do much let's be completely honest the trees are still doing their thing but at least the gameplay looks smoother and you know what that's kind of all that matters to me right now so I guess before K capture card is done I don't know let's come over here and let's sell this there's only so many of these that are actually gonna sell though looks like we did sell all of them what's left in storage so we're at 12 000 liters now I believe you could put like 30 000 or something like that I don't know we got 100 Grand so that makes me happy actually very happy just kind of coming over here looking at the iron ore I don't know how much is in the pile but I can tell you it's too much all right moving along we are pushing the days so today's currently January in game we've got another full load here of our wooden beams uh which reminds me actually I should probably knock off the wooden beam I think we got enough let's go there and see what we got so wooden beam yeah I think we're good here let's go to planks you know I think uh I think Plank's long is probably what we need to be doing so let's go ahead and deactivate that and we'll go to Plank's long by the way I want to show you guys this so you know it's been like four months right what have I done wrong I don't I don't know what I did but they're just not growing cool and our last load of beams is coming in we should make another I think about a hundred thousand dollars depending on if they all sell and they do and we have made 103 000 we are now up to two millipedes so I think it's safe to say that that uh Tree manager mod um though before Platinum may have been perfectly fine uh appears to be a bit of a scam now uh well I'm doing a quick little test here to see if the trees are actually gonna grow or not um took about six or seven months for them to actually uh do anything and it looks like the growth thing that I did uh they don't even care because they're growing at the exact same rate that they were beforehand actually they're growing a little bit slower than they were how's this 200 percent I'm getting out of here yeah we're just gonna go ahead and go ahead and install that that's not that's not it does kind of appear that the the season here oh let me say I'm not moving or rabble all right I think that's a full ish load right yeah we'll go ahead and take this so we're kind of pushing forward making ourselves kind of push forward in time just a little bit because even though I do love playing in the snow uh we got work to do so I'm gonna try and do that uh our trees have grown into the first stage thank goodness I have removed the mod so we should uh should maybe be good from here maybe needs an update maybe I'm just using it wrong who knows hey let me know you probably figured it out by now the one thing about this load is I have no idea how much money we about to be making for this hopefully it's good but we've got a lot more here than we did previously oh boy that didn't sell at all oh retro Reggie all right so we've hit our our limit as far as planks long goes all right um what else takes long planks where can I take these and also I should definitely cancel the production all right so Plank's long in the game at least are boards because somebody forgot to change the name in one way or the other so uh we need to figure out where we could take boards and it looks like the armor chair and Tabla so the Furniture Factory it is zero percent sold products I don't understand that one bit all right let's come in here let's buy ourselves a new production baby yeah all right so we need to uh I guess bring everything over here my semi truck fit hello delivery from uh DJ uh makes too many boards hey I'm here all right nice all right we'll take a look at it real quick should be up here at the top yes so we've got about 4 000 liters in but we need to figure out what we're gonna get out I know that later on down the road we're gonna need chairs and tables I don't know how many so I think what I'm gonna do is figure it out so planks long for the chairs planks along for the tables and we'll go from there it'll take 18 000 liters in so I think what we'll do is we'll make plank song for one more day hey look we've got a field ready to harvest I'm totally didn't forget that we had stuff down here nope not me I would never forget anything all right speaking of forgetting real quick I forget how tall this thing is and I don't know if I can make my way in here or not but if I can we're gonna try because I want to get some free stuff but I don't know I am the best backwards driver in Farm Sim but even the best can't do it all I think Klein farmer might have to do this one for me uh we are ah yeah that didn't work I'm just trying to cheat the system then I'm gonna pull right here beside it all right so this you may remember oh somebody left the door open um I get these for free I don't know why and I don't know how but I do love it I bought them they were totally free look foreign truck real quick and see if I can load them up I'm a genius oh I'm so good oops uh turns out only if you can load up over here I think we're gonna we're gonna misplace one of these let's jump back in here yeah this little guy right here yay nine more magically disappear I don't know how that works but I do love it what I'm not doing this over and over again you're you're doing this over and over again it is also funny because the rest of the stuff I have to pay for so planks long I have to pay for wooden beams prefab walls like I gotta pay for all that but planks it's almost like I unlocked a cheat code mode in a previous Farming Simulator game and it's like due to your previous progress you now get planks for free I I don't know all I do know is I'm gonna go over here and start making some stuff with these if it is going to be a gift I am going to utilize this gift I don't actually know if this will take anything oh no it's just selling stuff no more capacity for plugs all right well I made 85 grand for free I didn't mean to do that but it did happen so that's cool oh I still got 40 000 liters of Planks on here oh something tells me that this production chain it's going to be absolutely full by the time I'm done with it that sign didn't need to be there anyway I think we can all agree all right so we'll come through we'll try and give this as many planks as it'll take no more capacity for flakes yeah I didn't think so so now we're back here what can we do with planks we can actually do a lot but I'm thinking the flooring Factory is definitely gonna be what we want next found it all right no more capacity for plank seems to be uh a key factor here flooring Factory's been purchased sweet hopefully this place is easy to get in and out of it looks like it's going to be pretty simple so at least we've got that we should also double check and make sure that we are setting everything to either selling or Distributing um like good boy oh man no more capacity for place I still got twelve thousand dollars leaders worth here man well this is interesting totally forgot about the boat yard let's go sell it there ah yes the boat yard the magical place that that a lot of people have probably already forgotten about a little bit it come on take all of it yes all right so we made fifty two thousand dollars nice let's uh let's do this so I know that in order to get the money for the boat at the end you got to pay for it oh you can take planks long here too man I should have done planks along the wood beams and stuff like that why does this keep clicking go away all right um you know what might as well buy it pick up the money on here fine no straps you get no straps I found a thing I found a thing I'm gonna block the whole road I don't even care yo down here I don't I passed this how many times now look it's a fish and it's and it's mine well I got 50 Grand sweet yo I hadn't seen this before check this out the blue advantage Kenzie yeah I've never seen that before in the past year I do think that was pretty cool though I mean Train's also already gone yes it has so we're just gonna cheat our way through here all right so let's figure out what we're gonna be doing here so we've got our floor tiles stuff so planks longer planks uh we will go ahead and just deactivate planks long since we delivered only that we've also got everything here so that's running very well none of this seems to be well mattering I do need some more wooden beams so I'm gonna activate that and I'm not gonna activate the wood plank because well I'm not gonna you can't make me all right eventually I'm gonna have to deal with this this is a lot man this is a whole lot so I wonder if there's anything in our used vehicles that could Aid us or are we just gonna have to buy something brand new oh I like that too bad it doesn't have a front loader that would be awesome well unfortunately we don't have anything through here that's gonna Aid us and pick it stuff up and move it so maybe we'll have to get a uh excavator or something or a nice big front loader so you probably remember we planted 301 trees get out of here deer cow cow I just wanted to kind of come stand in the middle of the woods and see how insane this is absolutely insane the good thing is they're all gonna grow around the same amount of time I guess nothing planted down the middle through here did it it is definitely not a rose it is definitely not perfect but I tell you what that's pretty cool that's pretty cool indeed man let's see if we can fast forward a few more days and at least get a little bit of work done next time let's go ahead and get a couple deliveries going you know what I I guess today is just delivery day I have no choice over this and no um no control I guess as well my my control level is is that a zero let's see if we can load these up and we'll try and load up just these there we go good good good and then I wonder if I can load up all of these as well or if I can only load up a certain setup ooh they let on the front too I didn't know that I could have done more so I think the big question here right now is where do we deliver to First do we take things to our flooring Factory do I take things why is that like that uh do we take things over to uh tiles no we don't have tiles floor tiles that's the same one isn't it I'm an idiot probably wouldn't hurt to just look huh so it looks like uh Plank's plank song over here at the flooring Factory we could probably put a couple more there as far as the Furniture Factory goes we need metal um and we need planks long so we might have to figure out what to do with metal as far as our Furniture Factory goes same thing here we need uh metal nope that was the same one I clicked on Old Sawmill nope that's that's what I own okay so it looks like we just need to take these two Furniture Factory and flooring Factory and I need metal nice and easy we'll go ahead and start off with the flooring Factory hopefully it doesn't take all of it what it did was take all of it well I guess there's only one other place to go because beams don't go up to the Furniture Factory at least I don't think they do do they nope special delivery for some boats let's build a boat Maybe not today but later on definitely and since we are in April as well it looks like um we should probably Harvest because April showers bring May flowers and it's calling for rain soon all right well at least go ahead and get this set up I'm not sure if we will do much and or anything with this as far as harvesting today because I would like to spend an entire time doing harvesting and doing field work that type thing so it might be another little bit before I would do that but at least we've got this ready prepared and uh and set and do we have straw spot turned on yes we do cool so I think if we're going to take ourselves seriously we should probably start working on some metals so the very first thing we need to do is buy something that's going to help us pick this up yes these machines right here will help us in doing that but uh yeah I don't want to use them as a matter of fact I'm going to use the mobile vehicle Workshop mod to actually get rid of these all right they're cool they're super cool I don't wanna nope instead what we're gonna do is first things first we're gonna get my bucket right here so the universal bucket modded I think it holds about a hundred thousand uh liters that's one and then we want to get one of these little Bad Boys from the Zia Z Pack we want to go wheel loader to telehandler we'll go and get that and then and only then are we ready to just buy something cool man I want to get a big Volvo wheel loader that's exactly what I wanted by big I mean probably gonna buy the smallest one because I do like this one the best so let's go uh here I don't know what kind of Wheels I want to go with I think standard two look great uh safety Beacon absolutely regular Beacon absolutely and no license plate yeah little dude that'll do just fine there we go yes sir and I do love the noise that it makes going backwards all right I gotta hook up to this thing but it has uh fallen on the ground and I've got a toggle heavy work mode for some stupid reason there we go and then we'll hook up to the bucket that I have modded and hopefully it won't go too wild and crazy or Shake around like things do and then secondly we need this just a big old trailer that should hold as much of this as we could possibly put in here so let's do it Bubby iron ore going in the bag uh it is a little janky I guess it's the best word to use here um it does work so that's good oh that's a lot of iron ore that is more iron ore than I was hoping we would be getting oh boy that's picking it up so that's good but I think I'm Gonna Fill the bucket up oh boy we're just about full oh no all right we're up we're totally not glitching everything's fine it it definitely worked and I definitely recorded that whole thing because it totally was a glitch to the first time I did it nope not me I mean yes yes me wait what and last little bit here but bam got him and I got a wheel loader I don't know what I'm gonna do with it but uh I guess we'll find something to do with it do like the wheel loader there we go iron horse in the bag I'd say probably for right now I'm just gonna bring it over here and park it up there's no reason to have it anywhere else I haven't needed it anywhere else yet let's go and turn that off too just in case look I'm in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas right now following along through the train tracks all right so we are yeah and uh we need to do some stuff also may have forgot to change all of my production points um okay well they're set to spawn so at least there's that there's really nothing else to do with it let's put ourselves down an iron ore production plants we'll jump into Productions we're in factories and then we just need to find iron ore iron ore assistant iron furnace there it is anything around the back yep that's a bad place let's spin this around just a little bit well I actually put it here it's not going to hurt anything let's go ahead and snap it and we'll go ahead and turn on free mode as well and then I've just gotta slowly figure out how I'm gonna place it without it causing any problems I think this is it what bam got it hey and now we got to do is dump this in unfortunately I think 97 000 liters of iron ore might be a little bit too much for this and unfortunately I can't cheat it because it's locked under the uh DLC so um yeah it's it's it's gonna take some but I don't think it's Gonna Take It All yeah there it went so we've got about 37 000 liters left in here I guess there's that we'll go over here we'll go and activate it and hopefully get some metal being produced that'll be nice so I think as far as today in the game goes that might be about as far as we head out uh we're definitely going to be doing a little bit harvesting probably in about two or three minutes if you guys are watching the super cut so uh that's gonna be nice otherwise I think at least for today what I've been able to get up to I'm pretty happy with where we've landed basically today was transport simulator I'm sorry it wasn't even logging simulator man this boat ain't gonna build itself and nor is this whole field full of else I want to put these oats in here you guys will help me out let's do it so we've actually been waiting a little while what do you mean I need to unfold it it'll unfold uh oh Odo Odo Odo Odo Otto Odo we're good I think we're good we're good for some reason I thought I had a different header on here and that would have been bad as what that would have been all right so we've got an entire field right here full of oats and and I don't I don't know what I'm gonna put in here afterwards but I do know that this is probably gonna be just fun it is a big field we are going to be collecting the straw as well all of this is going to be going into the um the Green Mill from Mr truckamatsi then over to Sandy Sweet Shop and then that'll fund our operation here for at least the next year or so also uh not that I'm able to say I'm sorry for being an idiot but I'm going to say I'm sorry for being an idiot so I reinstalled the tree growth manager I was under the impression that if I increase this to 200 percent what it would do is it would grow 200 faster however if I go to the right just a little bit it tells me the default's 208 hours currently it's at 416 hours here it'll grow a full bit and at a whole lot less some go through here and change all these to five percent because I think I mean it's quick growth right it's fast fast enough and hopefully all of my trees will grow quickly too just pretend that this is basically the bone Mill mod a farming simulator pretty good nearing the end of our second Headland which is as many as we're gonna rock and roll uh we're about 36 000 liters in which is pretty darn good and we've done all right and the next part should be pretty simple I guess overall I'll show you how I'm gonna do this field I'm gonna use the worker but it's not gonna be the easiest before we do that might as well go and empty out the Tipper for the first run combine empty empty the combine you know what I mean okay so here's how I'm gonna run our worker I've got everything kind of set and if I look down there at the bottom I can find my angle so about 270 degrees right there that's a good Angle now I need to find all the areas right down here at the bottom you can see my planter marks in the ground which are going to help us a bunch and I think about right here maybe we'll go ahead and hire a worker and now and a little bit off to the side but I think it's gonna be all right and this is how I'm gonna do it now all I gotta do is go to the end and line it up as a matter of fact I could probably just let the worker do it but I'm afraid it'll run into the water I kind of want to let him do this to see how I'll do though so he's made it all the way down back to the end again but is it gonna line up properly or is he just gonna keep dragging along dude park it all right I can't wait to see this is he gonna do it yo worker a has successfully done okay minus the fact that he went straight through the uh Headlands all right well I think this will work something else that needs to work is a silo I've gotta find something or somewhere to put all this iron ore maybe I'll just dump it on the ground of air that'll work I'm not even sure if a silo is gonna work here or not but you know what I don't know we'll figure it out I've I've managed to make this bulk and I think it's moderate made it a whole lot more as well uh yeah okay that works we're good and now back to this guy oh yeah man it's so funny because it's been I think over two weeks since I started recording the let's plays for the series at least in real life and we still have yet to see the new version of this front window there's supposed to be a like an 18 or a 20 meter version coming out but I don't know man I haven't seen anything yet hopefully it'll be out here soon maybe it'll even be out the damn recording this video which is like a week before the video comes out yeah hey and our workers do a great too what's up idiot ah yeah this is what I'm talking about right here hey look at this I can actually get two rows at once what this machine is oh I missed some all right so our combine Harvesters do a good but probably gonna give him just a little bit of help there's a few little spots right here and then we're gonna send them all the way to the other end it did well we're just gonna hire him on a worker kids what we're gonna do and we should be done the nice thing is this is a small field it's an interesting size field but it's a small field nonetheless so it doesn't take a whole long time to do it I think real life maybe huh 15 minutes do all this and definitely take longer if I was going slower but yeah well it's me so well I'm not done picking up the straw yet but the combine harvester has already finished 65 000 liters which leaves us with a total of 103 055 liters very nice and we'll go and bring everything over here and we'll basically be Fitters because there's really not a whole lot for us to do with it other than this it's gonna do its thing and we will make the money and just like that we are done with the field oh nope I'm pressing the wrong buttons here let's go and bring that back and unload it so what do we have so here we are we do have a little bit of wheat left we've got a hundred and three thousand liters of oats in here looks like there's a couple soybeans left and 665 000 liters of straw so all that will uh kind of do its thing and I really don't want to do any more farming on this map so according to all my settings that I've done long pole ponds should take about I think it's 16 hours somewhere around here yeah 16 hours to grow completely this is where we're at right now so tomorrow in game they should be better right let's find out uh yep yep yep yep yep it uh it happened 36 meters high uh 0.6 meter uh diameters of 600 millimeters 60 centimeters it's fully grown I like that it actually says that at the bottom instead of you know adult or whatever I'm also curious to the productions here as well so uh oh it's uh oops I forgot to activate well we may have to go one more day in game for all of that to take effect but we're still at 1.5 million dollars so that's cool again as always I'd just like to kind of poke around in the used Market here and see what we can get a hold of uh right here so we do have one thing but I'm not sure I want it uh let's just go a little bit too slow that being said this would probably handle all of the uh stuff that we've got just fine it's cheap as well it's about half price right now uh I don't I don't know if I want it or not all right so the fun part about doing video recordings is I can skip a day or three and then come back in a few days after I've got a new capture card I found out the issue was not actually my capture card believe this or not it's because I planted too many trees and the capture card just try to capture 60 FPS but it can't do it because there's not 60 of them that being said I am going to attempt attempt to um try to cut some trees down I did get this we got the lizard uh no I don't know how to use it there's a lot of buttons that I don't know what they do but this should work pretty well for us uh we're gonna do six meter logs and we are going to uh well I guess grab a hold of them and take off some of these are going to be a little bit different of course because we take a look here 36.3 meters height which is great however part of that tree is under the ground see just like that so the top I'm gonna be losing like two meters ish roughly so really instead of 36 it's like 34. one number goes into 34. 11.33333 yeah I'm gonna quit being an idiot we're just gonna go ahead and cut some trees down how about that this thing should work pretty well uh it is uh that's okay um turns everything works the way I would expect the only thing that doesn't is the tilt on the head yo look at this it's so slow the world right ahead uh is very very slow but we can do this also I feel like oh did I just turn it off sure did oh I'm in the tree now ah cool not what I wanted not not what I wanted but please can I can I have this back how did this happen come on I'm gonna say something and you guys can believe me or not but I've got a feeling that using this machine is going to be a bad idea all right cut them down grab a hole back up just a little bit do the cutting thing where it goes zip zip yep there's one another and the whole pile let's do it again but 300 more times since I know all these are gonna be exactly the same and I'm gonna have that little thing on the very end um I'm really really hoping that these work out I might try like five and a half meter logs just to see if I can get them all about the same size I don't know we'll cut a couple of these we'll get a load of them out into the uh water over there actually it's funny this set of trees will probably last me um I don't know like a year in game something like that so there's really no reason for us to try too hard but you know if we cut down I don't know like 10 for now I'll probably be more than enough uh it was wiggling there it goes wiggle wiggle wiggle they're getting a jiggle on yes sir this is like a little happy dog just getting this tail whacking his stuff all right I think we got a couple good trees right here I don't know how many it is but they are a couple and good and I will say as well like this is it's not a bad machine for this I do prefer a wheeled version more like yeah I I would always prefer a wheeled version however this one's not bad and it just kind of handles the log it's like oh give me mine oh yeah there's another thing I was gonna do as well however I can't quite get out of this situation that I have for some reason put myself in because driving straight means that uh your trailer jack nice welcome to Farm Sim so we're gonna drop that bad boy off we're gonna put this right here I think it looks pretty good we'll go ahead and take this and say bye and now we has new trucks it's a truck baby yes sir so we're doing a little bit of testing for 82 Studios oh it's oh it's not gonna fit under there is it David it won't it won't go farther enough down I can't pick up the trailers well I guess uh times call for measures something I don't know this is a saying that goes along with that I don't got it you just gotta trick it into wanting to be Auto loaded oh boy um and by Trick it I mean yeah I don't think this trailer is gonna work for this um well I guess there's no time like the president to make uh things happen that are not supposed to happen so um because something has found a way to strap itself down on this trailer man I have no idea what's going on right now let's see let's unhook we're gonna re-hook and it's like it just doesn't want to move I'm starting to think maybe David's truck to look quite ready yet um that being said we should put a little bit of weight on this truck oh yeah I was not supposed to do six meter logs supposed to do like four oops Yeah as much as I want to use David's truck I'm not I'm not sure that this is like made for this kind of thing oh boy um yeah this this ain't working so I'm starting to get a feeling that maybe it's it's the uh it's the truck yeah I don't think it's ready yet I believe I have found a solution and it's tracks because of course it's tracks look at this this works A-Okay just fine dileo and I like this this is this is pretty cool this is pretty cool indeed all right so uh yeah I think dust is pretty good so I'm gonna go ahead and load the rest of these up we will get a little Auto load sell on go ahead stack them up stack them up baby a little bit high but all right I'll take it I'll take it we're gonna go ahead and put these away and uh I think it'll be about that time welcome to DJ switches hello uh yeah I'm not using that thing anymore the the big lizard one man it's like it's not that it's a problem but I'm so much better using this one also what's my uh tree cut link set at six meter yeah I feel like that's probably gonna be fun we could even do 12 if I really wanted to now I'm starting to think about it a little bit 12 fits on that trailer perfectly doesn't it or from a trailer hat here it is 12 fits on this trailer perfect so that's 36. I feel like this would work let's try it me and my idiot brain let's do it got a hold of a tree let's go ahead and pull it back nice and easy don't get too far though because 12 is gonna be long here we go keeps going keeps going keeps going you never know when it's gonna stop there it is there's 12. look at this it keeps coming in it's probably gonna be like 10 and a half all right let's do a bit of simple math here to figure out what we got so we've got a 12 meter 12 meter and then this is a 10.7 so I feel like if we did 11 and a half we would actually come out right about perfect out of recess been on 11 and a half oh boy come on follow on the ground there you go uh let's see how we do here I feel like 11.5 is going to work a lot better there's one eleven and a half here's two 11 and a halfs and that should make up for any problems it did snip off a little bit on the end right there but it is 11.5 11.5 and 11.5 yes so now that we've got enough trees cut down we should be able to start doing a bit of an auto loading and I think I might be able to get them all right here let's see oh they fit perfect and hopefully they'll all be about the right length as well where I really don't have to worry too much here I do want to be careful about how much I load in because obviously we could get more from any other way is it going to load it all nah one left got it oh I'm terrified because I feel like I'm gonna crash uh but let's do it okay we're we're doing fine nice and easy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy get about get him out get back come on unloading area is not blocked face is blocked get out of the way yes all right so wood going in uh about 80 000 liters right there hopefully we'll be doing all right I think probably one or two more trailer loads I think we'll be good at least for today yeah I'm gonna guess I've got enough right here probably I think this is enough for one load yeah me too and I'm not sure what I was thinking whenever I planted 300 and one uh trees let's take a baby you know this would be easy this would be fun this will be worth it where's them where's my truck found it I I don't know what I was thinking but this was a bad idea man I am not having a good time no I am I am I am I'm having fun I'm fine the only thing is it's was a lot of work ain't it it's a whole lot of work as much as I want a chance that this is probably enough for right now let's go ahead and do this so then go back oh map is so laggy so this is gonna be the last load right here we'll go ahead and do that and uh yeah that's how it's supposed to go all right so what we've got is we've got sport on there everything is good what I need to do now is move a few things because there's a few things that have well they didn't appear out of nowhere I just kind of forgot about them yeah you see these yeah totally forgot about pallets let's let's go ahead and load these up because because that's the thing that I could do right now yup yup yup yup yup and then we've got some more on this side as well I'm so sorry I totally forgot hopefully it'll loader in the front hey nice nice nice okay so we got beams and we've got long I believe believe they're called boards here yo real quick what happens if I extend the trailer out oh we can't do it with a load on there oh that's interesting all right so what I'm seeing right here is that I totally forgot to activate planks Along on some of these and some of them not so uh building storage at least for the Furniture Factory as well as our flooring Factory could definitely definitely use to drop stuff off and so the best backwards driver in Farm Sims strikes again is this full wait hang on did I fill it up Maybe what where am I oh yeah blinks along and filled it up look at that next delivery spot should be right here but I don't know what it's gonna take ooh took most of that very nice very very nice do you need any boards no you're just taking planks long goodness gracious all right well let's uh I guess find somewhere that wants these boards uh maybe we'll start off with the ooh Boatyard baby I'd love for you to keep in mind that I don't remember what the uh boat yard actually takes oh so it does take that okay but not all of them all right well hopefully the uh roller Coaster's hungry today please take the boards please take the boards please take the boards just take the boards yes you want to hear something funny I have deleted this like four times now could we could go and save the game just to see what happens every time I load back in it's there I don't want it to be there I want uh planks for free and I still have yet to understand why my planks are free it's zero dollars for all of them oh could I not can I not load anymore um I could have swore I had extra room look look [Music] um I didn't have the uh trailer selected keep going I would say this is a pretty darn full setup right here 84 000 liters count whatever you want of planks all auto loaded so beautifully oh it looks so good let's let's go do some stuff come on first stop is to the flooring station no more capacity all right they took about 9 000 liters not bad no more capacity for planks oops let's go see if our buddy Bob the Builder over here wants any of these I don't remember if any of these actually go into this or not I think pallets do hey oh all right here's my last hope otherwise we're gonna have to buy another production chain even though I've God crap I got 63 000 liters anybody want any of these all right so I think I've basically uh turned in all this so I'm not taking these to Elm Creek Silver Run Market's not gonna give me anything for flooring Factory already own Furniture Factory on roller coaster is full so I physically can't do anything with these right now so I'm looking here I think the only thing really to do is just to either put down another garbage or anything because I can't do barrel Factory though I could probably do something here with like Furniture Factory something like that man there's just so oh oh I think I cheated too much why y'all waiting on me okay go away all right so uh I have unloaded the pallets um evidently there's some bugs or something in them because they are bouncing around I don't uh huh oh this is this is fun to watch yeah let's throw that over there and just throw it on the pile and let it uh let it keep going oh let's throw one at the side yay [Laughter] I don't know what in the world's going on here man but something something is uh I can't like did that just not stop it all right I gotta do something else with these look at these stupid things all right let's see how many of these will actually load on here without doing anything wild and crazy oh I see what happened when they unloaded they got stuck in the ground aha well that'll do it won't it don't mind me I'm just using my liftable pallets mod which is actually on all platforms by the way go check it out uh there was also somebody to say something about that's the reason you got free pallets well I'm not gonna complain so here's a fun one that I'm just now finding out um this will only load up full palettes not half full all the way full huh I wonder if this is full or considered full um not seeing it so it looks like these out of all those we have 48 000 liters of good pallets oh actually I've got an idea oh uh well I had an idea it turns out the the idea that I had is a farming Sim but it's a t-lex 19 or 20 20 feature this I need the box it but it doesn't work on the 3500 is there a is it oh hi so this should work should I'm not saying it will but it should all right let's open the doors uh let's see what happens here because this is a base game thing and they should Auto load up and they are ah yo boy I need help oh this is another thing too because this should unload pallets right so I should be able to unload these pallets and turn them into full pallets again oh I'm such a genius I unloaded them but they're all in a circle the thing [Music] I don't know if these are gonna Auto load or not I guess we'll find out no the answer is yes yeah they're working just fine there is one down here on the end though that doesn't wanna do it there we go that one on the end must be the one that's just not quite full dude yeah I got a feeling this one's not full and it's not 924 uh liters all right come on buddy let's take you home it was a good palette it was a strong palette it didn't want to give up and it uh single-handedly calls me a whole lot of problems but It's Time Has Come how do I hey how do I unload this oh it's already unloaded hahaha Blake's not accept your face oh I'm so done yeah come on train let's go still waiting oh wait hang on my bad that's the Green Point the silver run like sell stuff is right there how about let that get hit by a train I'm an idiot I wonder what would happen if I just pulled out in front of it and then let go of all the boxes maybe one day so not that I think it's wise to steal and then sell the thing that you stole um I will say that uh yeah I am well I had to get rid of it somehow so there's that okay so the final take from all of that is 276 thousand dollars since it was free money and I didn't earn it nor did I get anything from it other than the 276 thousand dollars I feel like we should go sell that real quick sell it no no no no no spend it yeah yeah okay so this is on sale for I want to say 36 off but if I'm gonna get one of these I'm gonna get the one that hrforce did so I'm not gonna get this one this this is the one I'm gonna get yes this is the thing yeah yeah yeah and we're also gonna have the uh the which color the the the the yeah that thing we're gonna put it on the front ah how do I get on this I got it oh nope no at all I don't got it because this is just pushing the trailer out of the way why is it not just going up there uh okay that makes sense look at that that was too easy almost oh well that's kind of cool too check that out yo you get out to a certain point let me put that you go a little bit more I'm gonna put that and we can unfold that and it goes there and we got a freaking light dude all right so this low loader is pretty cool uh just just saying that out loud we are strapped down ready to go I do have my my flashy flashy lights on and I I'm not sure what I'm doing with my life anymore but this is cool uh oh bad things bad things bad things bad things bad things oh I was going too fast just a little bit too quick the uh there's not quite enough weight on the front of this truck to hold the trailer down so now we've got a tractor for the farming side of things and a tractor for the uh I didn't need a tractor for this side of things it looks good let's get off here real quick I need to find my uh the scraper thing over there I believe that's it yep there we go I also forwards backwards of such a cruise uh it's gonna it's gonna tell you that that it only goes a certain speed it'll go faster don't you worry we'll hook up to this real quick come on three point got it and and that's it this is my ultimate logging vehicular thing yeah also I mean the change of driving direction is kind of cool as well I do like this yay look at this bam now right in the middle and it looks like it's supposed to look but for some reason I don't like that also pendulum axle lock and I'm not sure what that is but I'm gonna go ahead and we spin it back around I think the most unfortunate part of all is I don't actually need to use this right now which sucks because I want to use it um I'm a little bit uh uh befuzzled so these are here I I don't know what these are but I feel like um I don't know why these are here but I've got a set of boards I got a set of long planks and I guess I'll just put them to the side yeah man this map it just throws stuff at you it's like haha you thought you knew what was going on buddy no clue no clue what did you think I was just gonna hang on to these no man I'm selling them and the last goes in 8 300 bucks I'm done today run run with only two days left including today by the way on our lease old silver red Forest I think we're gonna have to get to work if we want to cut all these down we are also gonna have to ramp up production and thank goodness there's an upgradable Productions mod out now so we could do that I'm not exactly sure how much this is going to cost but I do plan on doing this a little bit all right so 121 000 for that cool definitely gonna upgrade the furnace so there we go we've got the furnace upgraded to level two be honest with you I would be absolutely terrified to update Sandy Sweet Shop so I'm gonna do it and we're also gonna upgrade these so well yep so basically I'm gonna upgrade everything yay so we're about a million dollars of the holdout and you can see what was full is is now kind of like half full because we more than doubled our production overall so I upgraded a few more things as well and I do believe the Old Sawmill I'm gonna increase this maybe just a little bit more was that 350 000 oof whatever 1.2 million I think we could do it so that Old Sawmill is up to level six now we've only got about a half a million dollars so let's get to work and let's see what we can do about getting logs put in here because it is going to be taking them in baby work harder not smarter they always say so I think I've got a little bit of an idea yo check this out so I know this might take a little bit longer but we want to use some chainsaws I'm gonna find those chainsaws they do the plus plus and we'll go with the McCullough because I always thought it looked the coolest so now we've got that oh yeah I'm gonna come through maybe cut down I don't know some of these trees but facing the other way down through here I think that'll be okay that way we could at least cope like one and then they all just fall the correct way I don't know let's I don't know this is gonna work man here we go let's give it a try let's see and then we're gonna drag them all out of here so here's the first one that is that is definitely taking a while but it works Timber yay yes this is working but I'm pretty sure the other chainsaw work perfectly fine too so we may remove the uh the long cut pull from this hang on so I just bought the exact one that we had but there we go so now will this go faster slower I don't I don't actually know uh kind of feels like it takes the same amount of time so what I've done is we uh we did the The Cutting thing right there and now we've got this and we're cutting and I'm pretty sure this is gonna fall the wrong way yep sure did all right um nobody look perfect you're not gonna be honest with you I'm not actually sure if this is a faster way of doing things or not yay and Owen mirror right yeah come on please please please please oh there it is now is when the button comes in because this is the class cesarean that we bought the last time around however we're gonna be using the winch on the back of it to winch all of these trees that I'm literally going to drag them in in yeah I've not I'm not gonna Auto load them nope I'm gonna drag them in oh this is a bad idea actually I don't no this doesn't look good oops let's see what we can get into here I know it'll go far so maybe like right there's a good place to start with I don't actually remember how to do this there we go oh it's rabble so you're telling me I got one all right well let's see how this goes not good so far not good at all all right let's try this again but I attached it to the top of the tree um what I've done is proven that even with the right intentions you can still do something wrong which I have uh certainly done oh oh that worked didn't it okay just for funsies I wonder what it would be like if I auto load them oh hang on hang on hang on there's only one way this could go and it's bad so I'm Gonna Save my game before I go any further oh boy here we go here we go all right all right there we go all right let's get close to a tree maybe one of these down there since there's two of them in a row oh stop that right there and it is not loading them yeah I don't blame it ah there's another tree turns out I could only hook up one of these at a time this did not go according to plan whatsoever we're gonna we're gonna go back to doing long trees we're gonna cut them down the the right way this sucked this is this is not fun I do have another update um we could use one of the John Deere Feller Badgers that will run two logs at a time ah let's see that disappear that's great take a look at our Old Sawmill we're we're doing okay actually we I don't think we've increased by like twice as much but we've done pretty good but yeah one of the John Deere fellow budget we take two trees at once and just like cut them both and then go drop them in and then do it again instead of taking each tree cutting it into three pieces and then taking those three pieces and loading them onto an auto load trailer and then putting them in there and waiting I think it's dead Johnny filibuster and then we just drive it down here I don't know if it's gonna work I hope it does well at least we've got the money for it so I guess there's that uh I would love Michelin tires thank you very much don't need to worry about window tint we'll go ahead and buy one of those and try it out now I've I have used uh unfeller buncher um I didn't do a good job I didn't I didn't do a very good job I even did a first look video on it but I personally did not do a great job so there's one oh this is this is top heavy is what it is trees too thick for the yeah all right so what I'm seeing is one at a time um I guess one's better than none but going two at a time would definitely save us time but this what this is not doing is that yay [Laughter] I mean it worked it's definitely more fun it is so slow but it was a lot more fun before I sell this back I'm gonna do that again because it just worked way too well all right let's do this again we'll go get our turn around oh boy oh no no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no that's that's not where I wanted to put the tree uh can I get back on my wheels uh maybe oh oh this is working this is working this is this is not working it was not it was working but it's not is this is this difficult to watch because it's difficult to be here right now all right nice and easy chop down the front easy hey yeah oh no no no no no no no bring it back just a little bit I don't think in real life you're supposed to cut one down this big I'm not sure that this would work ever at all I feel like an idiot more so than usual Drop it Down Yay all right let's just go do this the other way I did not get all of my money back for it but I got back some and I guess that's all that matters okay let's get in here let's do some tree cutting and uh see if we get a couple of these together yeah I gotta be honest with you guys this is it may not be fast but it feels like I'm doing things the fastest if that if that matters so I have spent a good little chunk of time I don't know how long it was but it didn't seem like the shortest amount of time cutting down trees and I can Auto load these pretty easily yes sir we'll come around this is probably gonna give you like maybe three truckloads something like that especially I try to put them all in one spot so that this is a little bit easier to do I think that's gonna be about one truckload right there yes not the lightest bit even with 1100 horsepower engine in here and we'll come through hopefully we don't uh flip and it should take the uh oh boy well cool here we uh here we go if anybody anybody wants to go for a little ride yep yep let's just let's just get out of there uh oh that's interesting look at that that's where I was are you done are you done flipping a fan come on let's go well uh it just disappeared and there it is wherever there is going 3 900 miles an hour where am I uh so I was here but obviously that is where I am no more um oh boy so it's still going but I'm just curious what would happen if I saved the game and came back in and we're back but is my truck back no it's not it's actually speeding up a little bit oh boy ah they David your poor truck man I'm actually convinced there's only one way to get away with this um because I can't oh yeah show on map oh boy that butt doesn't work I wonder why because it's under the stupid map let's go to trailers nope no vlogging headers where's where's logging crap but Forester equipment there we go huh let's try this again but I'm gonna want to use one of a HR Force mods which is an man truck that's based off of a uh piece of equipment that we already have in the game it's a it's an interesting piece oh boy oh no oh no oh no um but it's it's kind of neat it's kind of neat we're gonna give it a try that sounds like a flashy lights and I like that that's cool can we do this are we gonna are we gonna have problems no yes maybe could be problems I don't know I don't think it's gonna be three loads of uh Lumber either um I'm definitely stationary yeah all right let's let's not push it all right we'll just come down here slowly I may add not fast as I have been doing we'll get to the edge right about we'll stop I'll unload it and it can deal with it the way that it wants to deal with it from there and one more again and this may even be yeah there we go uh this may even be the last logging that we do I'm not sure yet we'll we'll kind of figure that out but all the stuff that I want to do and get done before now and well the end of the next episode not sure if we're gonna have time this is a pretty neat looking truck though oh look a log um not sure where it came from but I'm not sure it's supposed to be over here huh interesting let's let's just take this over here and throw it in the water man I really wish things like that didn't happen oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy actually it's taking all that long all that wood in really quickly dang you know there is one thing I totally forgot that all these Productions actually make things and I have them set to spawn so I could take them where I want to take them um so yeah I'm just kind of going through let's go here where's uh it's all around back in it yep it's already full our furnace how we looking here there's probably nothing oh one two three oh no it's full that's right it's full and the Old Sawmill which is kind of where we came from by the way the Old Sawmill the first two pallets always go boop boop right here so I gotta find something to put here because well they make themselves nice and home a homie yeah yeah homie they're making myself and hold me over there all right let's I don't even know man let's just fast forward today and see what happens so have we done uh one thousand dollars of Productions costs overnight which ain't too bad however check this out what one night we'll do dude yeah it's literally like three to four times what we've been making I mean you can see here we've got 40 000 liters and it's growing by the minute what are we on times yeah times one I'm scared uh flooring and everything this is looking good the Furniture Factory actually we're not full yet but we need to go get those the iron furnace shockingly it's not in full uh and then we've got everything else through here as well holy cow yay by train hi train Blitz um I guess get everything I don't know how in the world I'm gonna get in there but I guess I'll figure it out what should we get first uh both of them because they both don't take up the same amount of space let's just start here and and work our way around from there all right so there's that and then we'll go around the other side and get the other ones never mind more just more just kind of fell out of the sky we're good we're good everything's good how many more how many more you got for me more tell me there's more is there more I don't even know where I am Old Sawmill yeah there I am [Applause] there can't just be a perfect amount watch I'm gonna back away and they'll go boop boop boop boop boop come on don't make me look bad in front of people there's people watching right now it's gonna make me look bad in it yep Oh come on I can't do this man there's just literally spawning just all over the place hey I'm full I can't take anymore [Laughter] let me know what's on here right now man um Plank's long yeah I don't where are these going so I guess we could just start off with the flooring Factory I'm not sure how much of this it's gonna take but it can have all at once because well we got to make a bunch of stuff from the floor as well uh even though you know I'm starting to think about this we should probably start off at the roller coaster because the roller coaster is going to take as much as it could possibly handle in a single like workout session and then I didn't use my words right but you know what I mean so I'm gonna give this as much as I could take which is apparently that much and then we will just take the rest of it to the other two factories right after I attempt to deliver some of this to the Boatyard I don't actually know if the Boatyard needs any of this it does sweet huh it won't take the other two still yup yup yup yup yup oh it's taking all of it um that's more than I want to give up uh it's I mean it's taking it though it may as well make pretty good money off of the boat oh that's all that it wanted it took everything that it needed oh no wait there goes more um you know I'm not sure if the boat really knows what it wants or not let's just move on a roller coaster in the boat have taken everything that they want so the rest shall come over here who's this guy yeah I'm going back it up nice and easy totally make it look like I know what I'm doing yep yep yep hey nice all right let's go ahead and come around here as well because we are at this production chain I know we've got quite a few tables of chairs to manage here so I'm gonna try and go ahead and take these over to uh with a roller coaster I don't think the boat needs these could but I don't think it does what am I stuck on I'm stuck on the back on the other side my bad can we even Auto load this stuff hey oh oh hi more stuff okay I think that's all it's gonna pop down because I've got these 7 000 liters with stuff right there we'll take a look quickly Furniture Factory um there's a lot more holy cow load it up back away slowly and they should go yet again because look there's yeah there's a lot more in here finally got everything to unload from here here we go we got two more tables Bam Bam Bam all right I'm Gonna Save the game because I don't know what that kind of little hiccup was let's run over to the uh roller coaster and see what we got Yo real quick uh maybe one of the craziest greatest mods of all time what do we got what do we got I know it's gonna take some of this stuff but I don't know how much so I want to make sure that it takes as much as it needs but again not too much and it looks like that's gonna be all it wants to take at least right now I don't think we can sell chairs or tables anywhere else though no really nowhere else uh so at least production wise so I guess the rest of this is just gonna go to Silver Run Market gets old not happy about it but I guess it is what it is we should make a pretty penny nonetheless boom boom boom boom boom or all of this what do we good 100 grand wish I could get that much set on tables and chairs in real life since we've got our flooring Factory right here around the corner too I'm gonna go ahead and stop by and start picking some of this stuff up as well I think we're just doing floor tiles at least for right now so we'll probably get quite a few of these here's a fun one 28 000 liters of floor tiles this might be one of the heaviest loads I've had to pull yet because this is the dense man so it looks like we can bring some over here oh that is turning real low and slow too oh all right we'll bring this here we'll kind of sell off what we can I don't think it's gonna be that much yeah they ain't a whole lot selling off that that is full now uh looks like the other place Elm Creek which is going to be on the the train and then silver on Market so we'll just hit silver on market and be oh it took some more it was weird wasn't it uh probably because time's moving forward when in doubt Silver Run Market they take everything here all right 150 grand for that not bad at all so we've got a lot more work to do I need to get all of our Productions at least emptied for the most part so we may fast forward another few days a game I'm not going to cut down any more trees but we will kind of make sure at least the production chains are emptied out before we move on it may have been a little bit of a shorter series but we've had a good time and we would just kind of continue doing the same thing over and over and over again but I will tell you economists working in the field a little bit this has brought down a new appreciation for logging so we've got a little bit more to go isn't it we are done so join us for the next one our Productions have definitely gotten out of hand however we've got a 1.4 million dollars to spend so I say to finish it all off let's go ahead and upgrade everything that we could possibly upgrade one Mo again so let's cut through four hundred thousand dollars that hurts uh we'll come through here get that 140 whatever that was um iron furnace I don't need to upgrade that anymore do I I feel like that's probably just fine no one needs that much iron ore the good thing is it's not completely undoable to say that we could take all of this and be just fine the well the issue is is what I'm looking at it hey wait a minute what is this I didn't select that did I planks being prefer oh well maybe I did um deactivate yeah I could get those for free I don't need you all right let's take these planks over here um I would have been done with this a while ago you could probably look up at the top oh none of these are selling oh well it must be full um you could probably um tell the time's gone by probably about 30 minutes maybe a little bit less at somebody's fault Dave sorry this is now a multiplayer video and it's all your fault I'm sorry I'm trying to sell where am I supposed to sell planks the G it's not even sponsored he ain't gonna pay me for that I'm sure can't say I will now anyway so that's that's Dave Dave's awesome he's cool he's also the one that's been keeping me up uh man we gotta find somewhere to sell these are you sure you don't know where to sell these like I said I thought but I'm not sure anymore ah well I'll figure it out all right now that Dave's gone things are a little Bitties here uh need to find places to sell all this stuff like quickly of course right here I'm not making any money from it and it's probably gonna take it all but we've got plenty more some planks well all of them are down however we've also got 26 000 liters of wooden beams that we need to figure out what to do with oh um also if you think I'm not gonna cut all those trees down you are out of your mind because I have a special tool let's take this time to go ahead and gather all of the goodies so we'll try and get as much of this stuff all of this stuff as much of it as we possibly can so that we can start at least taking stuff and selling it because I don't know how long it's gonna take us to do all this why is it so off-centered oh we are just gonna have to do this the old-fashioned way with the well heavy lift I gotta split all this stuff up because it tried to take too much away from me and it tried to take the wrong the wrong stuff so let's see if we could split these bits I was about to say crops but these are not crops let's split these up there's also one other bit of planks that it's uh well it's way over there right here why there there's one under there and then the rest of them aren't there maybe I need to get one of those mod pushers maybe that would help out just a little bit more but I guess for now that will do first is first these are loaded and they're loaded well next we're gonna load all of these because they will load very nicely too see look at that nice and easy all right oh look out we got a couple idiots in the middle of the road totally not me though a couple ass bits here we're gonna try and sell anything and everything that this will take and then I guess that's it right there yeah won't take any more than that we'll take the rest over to the boat but I'm uh I'm looking at this thinking yeah we're we're unfortunately not going to be able to build this roller coaster or a single boat I guess it is what it is we cheated a man before the series started it'll be fine oh no no no no no no no no we're good we're good we're good I saved it best driver informs him K bot ain't got nothing on this keep on he you know I heard that uh that he's a bad driver yeah if you can imagine that or not uh let's see if we can sell some of these boards I know it'll take some but I think it's now full we'll take a look real quick get close yeah wooden beams 9 000 liters all right I'm pretty sure the rest of it is going to the market because I'm not taking any more to Productions give me that money please so much money yeah 80 grand cool and we're done absolutely finally we are all said and done I just sold the rest of the beams there are a couple more pallets left over there however um there's like five of the pallets that yeah does that say season two pass hold on a minute yo season two pass literally came out a week before I record this video no crap yo yo season two let's go it's a little low res for in-game but uh I guess it'll it'll have to do for now anyway that's pretty cool yeah um yeah IRL it's one week ago before recording this that they announced that and now it's already in the game that's kind of crazy so for cutting down trees and doing it quickly um there's a couple things that work however we want to do this fast and I want to get this done as quickly as possible we're not going to load anything we're not going to take it all and put it in here for whatever reason I mean I might save the game and do that later but for now we need to go through find all of our pieces of equipment there we go and uh and back some of this out because there's gonna be a lot of trees falling down and I got a sneaky suspicion that it's gonna be a mess and here she is the lizard 669 buncher this has got an update coming that actually cuts the uh trees a little bit slower than it does with this uh also uh yeah there's there's a little bit of lag between the two pieces but that's okay I want that right now because I could come through here oh um it turned this on it basically it will just slice anything that touches it I said it was slice anything that touches it just see it just falling so it's gonna kind of be the uh the game plan here to to make that happen to every true to every tree is it coming down boys hello uh so yeah that's the plan here this is gonna take a while I think I don't this is not gonna be a quick thing if I've ever uh you know cutting all of these in this direction is such a bad idea this is not gonna go well please cut please please cut there we go and I'm also thinking about this as well if these are all facing one way right I got it uh how am I gonna get through here especially with all these laying on the ground it's it's quite literally just gonna have to crawl over everything to get to where it needs to go and eventually something is gonna fall right on me oh oh it's a pendulum this is a bad idea this is such a bad idea oh this is such a good idea cut them a little bit high but that's all right you know you gotta get it over the gonna get it over that come on I have encountered a problem I'm stuck I had a tree fall on me this is exactly what I was afraid would happen ah man and I really don't want to get in here with anything else please man sometimes you gotta get down and dirty and get it done I know somebody had originally sent me a a chainsaw that wins and literally just like chopped right through it but uh yeah it's definitely not this one it's starting to get a little bit crowded in here let's get just a little bit crowded all right yoast where are you hiding the time in here well I don't know where uh yoast has hidden his code but I just sent him a message he's like yeah it's not an XML all right I now have the Lumberjack mom mustard which should allow me to do things I think it said cut twice as fast uh yoast is still uh working on uh working on that is uh unbelievably not twice as fast but I could reach him way further actually that shows his mod too I'm I'm not actually sure this is doing anything no that's that's definitely cutting them down twice as fast you know this this will be probably okay it'll be okay how many more do we have crap so not bad it it looks like a storm came through instead of a logger but uh yeah not bad it's only way too many more to go might also be best if I decide to cut the trees from uh you know this other side and and then let them do the thing instead of trying to climb through all of this so let's uh Boom come there we go let's try one here boom there we go I'll tell you what this is something boom baby it is something else oh so yes just sent me a message said that I'll enjoy this I think he's making me a new toy either way I've said I'm gonna cut them all down so we're cutting them all down uh just pretend like this is clutch Memorial island or something and that it doesn't feel so bad here in just a second we're gonna take a look at everything but it is uh it is moving along pretty quickly yeah there's there's a lot of trees falling down right now if I ever come back through here and want to do any logging I mean it's going to be on yeah look at that there's so many trees down dude I haven't even made a dent in it yet but we're gonna keep going actually I'm gonna trying to do it a little bit differently so I've been cutting everything down facing one way I just think it's easier that way but um one thing I was not doing I was backing up when I was cutting everything down so I I didn't have a clear view picture of what was in front of me so this way I can actually have a clear view of all the trees that are in front of me and where they need to be cut I can make a better decision so which trees to cut and where all of them and right here all right we're back in a just loaded in and I've been cinnamon said .01 seconds to cut a tree down [Music] [Laughter] like that boom boom ah get yourself out my house yeah bam scoot yay [Music] ah come on press the button Timber baby look at all this we're we're doing good I would say we probably got half less than half I will say that my uh FPS is nice and low through here that's for sure all right I'm gonna try something I'm just gonna hold it and I'm just gonna walk all right well I can't hold it and walk but I can oh my gosh you can hold it and walk look at that all right let's do it again bam bam bam oh that was way too high uh a little lower got it right there there we go I'm gonna have to get this one under the tree I'm a sniper with a chainsaw that's no I didn't say never thought I'd say that out loud in Farming Simulator before this one I'll have to cut it up high and low what you doing oh crap I was gonna punch it I think we still can I think it's still there get out my house all right I got a lot more trees to cut down but I don't think this is gonna take very long give me do it again yay three times yay like I can walk under it before it's even done being cut look at this thing oh all right uh I'm having a hard time right now so we're down at 50 now 48 but watch this as soon as I start cutting trees oh there it goes there's 19. that was a little high whatever I can't I can't aim there we go three down 17 FPS that should jump back up to like 50 something here in a second once they're all down yeah there we go all right so it it jumps back up but like while they're being cut down oh it's so rough [Music] we are close baby we are close to getting all the trees cut yay yay how bad does this hurt all right I'm just gonna cut the rest down last three oh it's kind of anti-climatic go ahead and let that number jump back up at the 50s there we go so um 300 trees well not 300 this is probably like two I missed one bam bam oh the FPS hurts it hurts all right let's go back up there you go so what have I learned from playing silver run forest which is the map that comes with Platinum DLC um it's fun it's done really well locking is incredible on this map um I have gotten frustrated so many times and I really really really um maybe should have done done it a different way maybe it should have gone about doing this map a different way to start with but you know what I had fun I did have a good time other than the you know 15 rage quits or whatever it was it's it was a good time it was fun and most importantly I got to chop down like 300 plus trees um I would say total I've probably cut down maybe 320 trees maybe 350 trees overall um and most of them are laying in that pile right now uh if you've got any uh anything about this map that you guys want to know or maybe you guys have uh some some ideas about something I could have done differently let me know otherwise we are going to take this opportunity to move on from Silver run forest but I don't know where we're going next so stay tuned well guys that's it for today that is the end of the silver run forest series and the end of the super cut I hope you enjoyed it if you did drop a like get subscribed if you're new join the go ham fam make sure those notification bells are on as well that way you never miss daily farming simulator videos here on the channel we've done Supercuts of all the other series that we've done here as well I know 10 episodes were short but I can only take so much logging before I need to get back in the field so that's what we're gonna do if you enjoyed this one uh do the like thing yeah I said that already I guess it's time we leave now all right well we'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: DjGoHam Gaming
Views: 413,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: djgoham, djgoham gaming, djgoham gaming new mods, djgoham new mods, dlc, farm, farming simulator, farming simulator 2022, farming simulator 22, fs22, fs22 dlc, fs22 mods ps4, fs22 mods ps5, fs22 mods xbox one, fs22 mods xbox series, fs22 new mods, fs22 new mods pc, fs22 new mods ps4, fs22 platinum, fs22 platinum edition, fs22 platinum expansion, mod review, mods, new mods, platinum edition, platinum expansion, simulator, volvo, volvo dlc fs22, volvo equipment fs22, volvo fs22
Id: P9-ES8A7OQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 1sec (8161 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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