Alien Encounter Stories | Reddit Aliens Stories

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serious redditors who claim to have encountered aliens what's your story somewhat long story driving in the uk from a friend's dinner party we set off at around 2200 for a 15-minute drive home there was myself my wife in the front and three sons in the back of the car we were driving near a usaf base in the south east of england along a long straight piece of road when there was an incredible flash that the wife and i noticed and seemed to wake up one of the elder sons in the back he would have been about 12 at the time something i have no idea what flew with absolute silence over the car i saw it my wife saw it and the sun in the back that was awakened by the flash saw it something flew right over us so close you could touch it and it was big we got home discussed it a bit and concluded the flash was a flare from the usaf base and the large object that flew over us may well have been an eurasian eagle owl one had been spotted in this area it was promptly forgotten fast forward just over a decade in me and the sun that was woken by the flash are talking about this weird event over dinner when the youngest son who didn't wake up during the event tells us how he remembered it happening he recalled an event that was vastly different than ours he had never told this story before he thought it was a dream until we started talking about it he described how the car was stopped when we saw the flash we weren't moving and the low-flying object sat on top of this for a few seconds then flew off before the car started again apparently i completely ignored this stop slash start and simply continued driving now here's the really cool bit that we had never realized my wife had made arrangements to call her sister when we arrived home safely we left at around 2200 for a 15-minute drive my wife called her sister at 23 45 approximate to say we had arrived home i have no idea what happened that night i was completely sober my youngest son insists that something very odd happened my wife is adamant we took approximately 90 minutes to do a 15-minute drive her sister backs this up i might not know what happened that night but i'm secure in the thought that something happened a few weeks ago was working promo outside one of the bars in town pitch black sky but cloudless so the sky is black and you can see some stars decently enough my town isn't exactly massive typical yorkshire town not all of them so it's bright enough to make out objects in the sky but dark enough that their shape is obscured standing there holding the sign fully sober wide awake never hallucinated and no lights were there to cause sunspots in my eyes or any logical explanation for some reason i look up i sometimes look up just to make sure the sign is still facing the right way i usually hold it hard fast and get paid to stand around doing duck all there i see what was either one large craft or four smaller crafts basically imagine a four x four o slash column one two three four two three four where two and four are red lights and one is the front these lights were quite bright themselves but didn't attract attention from below i was lucky to look up and see they all moved uniform and they seemed quite low down so it was either four amazingly synced crafts or a single low craft my guess would be a single low flying craft the issue is town was dead it was silent safe for the bouncers chatting with staff outside you could hear cars a block or two away not that there were any that night but this thing that seemed to float over the building's low down made no noise whatsoever it wasn't lanterns it wasn't affected by wind the lights didn't light up anything above them but they couldn't be seen through like there was nothing above them it was as if a large craft flew over that was both silent and had the ability to blend in with the night as the craft itself absorbed its light so it gave the appearance of four floating lights this was in the uk and all the ufo and stealth plane stuff i've seen isn't quite the same but i've only seen it that once it went straight over the street and behind the buildings where i couldn't see it anymore nobody said a thing and the people here have neither the means nor brains to pull off a hoax like this especially on a day that's dead unlike today will be knows edit i realize this is more of a ufo but if anything i wanna know what it was and the tech behind it the only alien encounter i can say was a repeated dream theme in my childhood and i'm sure it wasn't real so it's nothing my friends and i we are hanging out a park at night just talking and hanging out i look up to the night sky and look at the brightest star which there aren't many because we're in boston cambridge when i see this really faint red slash purple looking object circling the star i'm like freaking out but at the same time thinking i must be seeing things i tell my friend to look up and he also sees the faint object circling the star at first i'm thinking if it's somehow possible it's space junk reflecting light but the object then starts moving in random directions around the star so i realize it can't be space junk to this day i'm curious of what it could have been i was freaked out yet excited at the same time some people in history have reported a flashing orange or red hue around sirius known as the brightest star in the sky except for the sun some have even said that sirius itself is completely red it's been sort of a debate for centuries there are varying theories as to why this is and i don't recall any descriptions of red objects it's still very interesting i wish i could say this is my story but it isn't it's my dad's he's told it to me a few times while growing up up and i called him after reading this thread earlier to have him tell it to me fresh when my dad was 18 or so back in 1978 or 1979 he was riding home from wednesday night church with his father his sister and his brother their black book made its way back home along an empty stretch of highway my dad leaned his head against the glass and watched the stars he says it was a perfectly clear night and he could see the huge expanse of sky stretch to the horizon we live in rural country and even now in 2016 at night i can see stars unaffected by light pollution his vision of the stars was suddenly impeded by a black mass so large he estimates it spanned half the county his father stopped the car in the middle of the highway and all four passengers got out to stare up at this huge flat black expanse the bottom of some sort of craft it was gigantic and silent dad says that little lights shone here on there as if through windows but it remained unmoving for a moment as did his family as they stared in shock at this massive object it was so large he couldn't identify its dimensions it just looked flat he could not even estimate its distance for the size of the thing suddenly a rectangular hatch or a door of some kind lowered allowing a dazzling bright light to escape from within the craft and add could see that at least where the door was this part of the craft was curved like the bottom of a saucer a much smaller aircraft like some weird plane or a strangely shaped rocket slowly exited the hatch door which raised up and closed once the craft was free of the doorway the looming black mass remained still for a moment then as suddenly and silently as it arrived it flew away and up into the night sky impossibly fast the smaller craft it left behind and it too hesitated perfectly still in the night sky before it shot away laterally toward the horizon my dad and his family were too shocked to move or say anything for several minutes finally my grandfather said y'all dinners are waiting and they piled back into the book my dad says dinner was quiet none of them spoke before going to bed the next day they didn't speak about it but by christmas a few months later they treated it like a joke a novelty story to entertain the extended family but my dad has never forgotten the experience my dad is unfailingly honest he doesn't like tall tales he has no interest in unsolved mysteries or unexplained events he dislikes cifi other than the original star trek series he's just a simple country man who keeps to himself he has no other story like this one so i believe him 100 that he witnessed this event and that he is not exaggerating anything i live in the same area he did back then while he lives about 30 miles away i drive along that same highway and i pass the same baptist church he says he passed just before the craft appeared and i look up into the sky each time and try to imagine what it must have been like to see something so big looming overhead i've heard theories that ufo sightings and run-ins with extraterrestrials can run in families and i always have this small hope that one night while driving home i'll pass that church and have my own experience so far my life has been bereft of ufos though the time my dad and i both had the same dream on the same night a few years ago basically i vividly dreamt that the two of us were in a field of high grass and i pointed at the sky and said wow look at that shooting star then the low clouds parted and a huge unevenly shaped ship with lights came down right above us and that's all i remember i casually brought it up a few days later that i had a weird dream and he just looked at my mouth a gape before i finished he described me pointing at the sky the clouds putting and what the ship looked like i know i definitely wasn't misremembering because i'd been thinking about it a lot since it happened and there's no way you can just something like that without even knowing it really freaked us the duck out i posted about it to slash our slash ufos a while ago and someone suggested that we were abducted and remembered it is a dream which is ridiculous but i don't even know what to think of the whole experience what a rollercoaster i used to live next to the beach inner apartment complex one night i was with my friend looking at the ocean from the balcony we couldn't see much as it was dark but the light from the moon was enough for us to watch the waves on the shore after a while my friend tell me it was so dark that if i stand up over there the only thing she could see are my teeth and we started laughing seconds later we see a light on the ocean it slowly came out of the water what we saw was like an orb shaped ball of light it lighted so hard for a moment that i almost couldn't see it it kept going up slowly and it suddenly flied fast to the sky at light speed disappearing in the dark sky everything happens in like eight seconds we both were freaked out and went inside the apartment my mother and brother didn't believed us as expected it was a scary but incredible experience years later i saw a report on national geographic about orb-shaped lights flying around forest in usa i knew it was the same thing i saw i've actually seen something very similar i was at the beach with my girlfriend my mom and one of her friends we were walking along the beach and i saw what i thought was a firework going straight up in the sky it was bright green which i thought was odd it basically a ball of light probably about 300 yards away it actually came from the land side of the beach not the water i didn't think anything of it it began decelerating so i was thinking the firework had reached its peak and was about to explode instead it just sat there not moving for about a full second at this point my stomach dropped and i began to feel panicky next thing i knew the light shot straight up into the sky too quickly that all i could see was a green streak for the blink of an eye what's even stranger is that that morning the clouds looked like an almost perfect image of a bird i thought it was pretty cool but thought nothing of it i've seen all sorts of neat shapes in the clouds who hasn't what freaked me out was that once we made it back to the cabin on the night of the green orb i saw the exact same shape in the clouds but pointed in the opposite direction from a slightly different perspective it wasn't just another bird-like shape it was distinctly the same bird-like shape with the same features from a slightly different perspective pointed in the other direction i'm an incredibly skeptical person who doesn't believe in alien visitation or ghosts or anything like that i'm sure there is a natural explanation for what i saw but i haven't had an experience like that before or since and i genuinely do not think i was hallucinating or misremembering i have never felt so odd or freaked out before in my life and i expect i never will we were hiking with friends and my sister and i got separated from the group as we stopped to look at the night sky it was a gorgeous summer night very clear i remember being able to see the huge array of stars extending over the sky like a carefully crafted mantle made out of glitter we stopped on a high rock and when we turned around to continue our way up the trail we saw this little person about 200 meters away from us we stopped cold and didn't move for a while then the little person kinda waved and started walking with a high speed towards the forested part of the park away from the rocky mountain i will never forget and to this day i avoid going hiking by myself or late at night i couldn't sleep for a few days if you don't mind me asking what other features did the little person have besides being little it was thin with long legs i mean his legs were too long for his body also when it sort of waved i noticed it had long fingers too it had normal sized eyes and no mouth or at least none we could see this will probably get buried but a story regardless penisville ohio rewind to august 1996 97 and 12 year old me my two older brothers and our neighbor friend are laying on the trampoline in the backyard after a summer night just staring at the sky and talking when the neighbor girl says hey what's that light me my oldest brother and her saw what looked like a lime green rounded diamond shaped sort of like an egg and its side float in the sky it had a foggy aura around it and left a short trail of mist slash fog slash smoke slash exhaust behind it but nothing lingered just dissipated immediately it lasted for about three seconds then disappeared totally and completely it appeared without warning no sound at any point floated from left to right about the length of a house and long and disappeared completely i'd say it was about as big as your smartphone held at arm's length but in the sky it was low to about 50 to 100 feet high my middle brother is the only one who didn't see it due to his position on the trampoline like if you think of a compass we were laying in e s w and only n e and s saw it close bracket to this day my brother and i maintained what we saw i've asked and looked everywhere for an explanation and nothing my dad claims it was a lightning ball i call malarkey do the lime green color and slight smoky exhaust i'd love to be proven wrong and or have this explained still not exactly an encounter but i was sitting outside late at night trying to spot satellites and shooting stars managed to spot what looked like a satellite speed seemed right and it was following a regular orbit all of the sudden this satellite made a 90 degree turn and just took off and in the blink of an eye it was gone i had the same exact experience when i was about 12 on a scout camping experience we were out in the desert camping and i was looking at the sky watching a slow-moving satellite it made an abrupt 90 degree turn and disappeared that was over 30 years ago and i still remember it similar experience fishing on a beach in delaware about 2 a.m the light didn't make any abrupt turns but it traveled in an irregular pattern unlike any star or satellite my brother and i watched it for several minutes until it eventually disappeared over the horizon i filmed it for some time but it didn't really turn out all you could see was the light against a pitch black background so it looked like i was just focusing on the a single star and moving the camera around it saying what the duck what the duck instead of the object actually moving across the sky it was kind of funny actually but yeah still have no explanation for what that thing was this was 2012 or 2013. my ex and i were driving down a remote highway in rural west tennessee late one night i was in the passenger seat it was a very open area no treason surrounded on both sides by flat fields i'm looking out the window to my right and see this thing travis the sky it was a blue light an artificial looking blue think the color of the lights on a cop car but a little darker it blinked with an even rhythm three or four times the thing that stunned me was how fast it was moving it was low to the horizon and it moved from the area of horizon in front of us to the area of the horizon behind us in about three to five seconds i wasn't able to estimate size or closeness to earth because of how fast it happened but it was big i've seen shooting stars that were close to earth and this was definitely not what that was my ex saw it too and it freaked us both out when i was in elementary school about 9 to 11 years old i think i'm pretty bad with long periods of time i was playing hide and seek in the dark with my little sisters and my neighbors in the yard next to my house which belonged to my friend c our parents were chatting with one another on the porch of my house while we were playing i kept looking at the sky because it was a clear night and i've always loved to look at the stars out of nowhere i see this big black circle block out the stars it was completely black like a silhouette but it had white lights on it that rotated as it moved across the sky it started in the north and moved south flying very low around 50 feet up i believe and its passage was completely silent we all noticed it and were staring up at the sky just as silently as the ufo the strange thing was that i didn't feel frightened or nervous or anything at all i just watched it it passed over us and then over my house looking as if it would touch the roof if it went any lower as it passed over my house the lights disappeared and then reappeared as it rotated making the thing seem to have some measure of thickness to it the lights seemed to be on the sides of it instead of on the bottom after it passed we immediately asked each other if we had seen it and tried to figure out what it was our friend zed who was a few years older tried to suggest that it was geese at my questioning how did they glow why were they flying in circles and moving he expanded his explanation to include that the geese were phosphorescent and moved in circles for some weird reason the rest of us thought that it was a flying saucer because that's what it looked like and what kid wouldn't want to see one when i went home with my little sisters our parents were still chatting on the porch they hadn't seen what we had and we never told them about it for a reason i still can't figure out it just seemed like it wasn't something important it was strange but just not something worth telling to your parents we went inside and went to bed as we always did and none of us mentioned it until a few months ago when i asked my little sister if she remembered it she did found a crop circle in a field when i was a kid this would have been the very early 80s i lived in an apartment complex and there was this huge field next to my building where all of us kids played one day my friends and i went out to the field and there was this big circle of broken and scorched grass slash weeds maybe 40 feet across we all just stood there staring at each other for a good amount of time then we ran and told our parents who dismissed it as childhood imagination it was 2008 my family and i were stargazing at our hotel swimming pool around 12 30 a.m in arizona after about half an hour of stargazing a giant ball of fire shot from out of nowhere in the desert sky and then disappeared after about four seconds it was incredibly bright very close to where we were sitting made zero noise and soared slowly through the sky without curving its path in any way my entire family saw it the next day we watched the local news googled and asked people of nearby towns if a meteor had hit everyone looked confused and said no to this day my family and i have no idea what it was it's a silly story so we haven't told anyone if people might know what it was please message me when my dad was a kid he would lose time well and be able to remember anything that happened for days at a time e tc northeast time he was in his house in birmingham england andy the next thing he knew he woke up in ireland no money n no passport in some weird motel a week later and no memory at all of what happened or how he got there and everyone in the motel had no idea who he was or how he got there either he also used to suffer migraines all the time and other stuff but i can't remember the list anyway he had these pains his whole life and he was born premature and had severe health issues so he didn't question it much except for one day when he went to the dentist in germany his dentist pulled something small and mechanical looking out that was wedged between his tooth and gum and as they were looking at it itself destructed it was really small so there was no harm but ever since then he stopped having sleep paralysis migraines weird nightmares and no more blank moments in time when he couldn't remember what happened to him while i do believe in aliens i'm quite a skeptical person and would usually find this really hard to believe except for the fact that my dad has this huge issue with lying can't do it to save his life a and he won't do it he has even nearly lost jobs because he is too honest i don't know if there's a history with aliens but it's the best idea we've got here's other experiences he has had which he hasn't told me about yet edit i'm on mobile and i'm kind of bad at telling stories i was 13 at the time and thinking about it kind of scares me this happened two and a half years ago i was in my room staying up at around to am doodling and just avoiding sleep as i had been for around three days bad idea sleep deprivation i know but before i get too far into my story let me tell you that i have always had a kind of super irrational paranoia at night so whenever i was doodling and i look at my 80s tv in my room and see my closet door opening with a hand sticking out i can assure you i freaked the duck out i try to ignore it and i tell myself i'm dreaming but then i look outside my window i see some sort of triangle above my house with extremely powerful flashing lights i see another movement in my tv screen so i decide to book it into the master bedroom downstairs and hide under the gigantic covers i slowly peek out and see four different figures surrounding the giant queen-sized bed i then see the power flicker out on the monitor on my desk i see the figure in the dark reach down and touch my head i pass out and start having really vivid dreams that i knew were dreams like i could feel that they were fake and that i needed to wake up but every time i did i woke up to a kind of surgical light and a very scary sensation i now know to be sleep paralysis every time i would go back to sleep i would feel some sort of tingling sensation in my legs arms and head after a few times of waking up to the light i woke back up in the bedroom with the figures standing over me whispering in a rough scratchy voice about something the one closest to me touched my head and i semi-passed out again with the sensation of sleep paralysis freezing me into a fearful kind of passing out i wake up the next morning my clothes completely drenched in sweat and something super sticky i was afraid to sleep for about two years i have barely slept without sleep paralysis until a few months ago i have always kept this to myself i now am afraid of being alone my paranoia has heightened and sleep is very hard to come by has anyone else had something similar occur edit i did have long skull like marks on my legs head and arms where i had felt the sort of feeling you get when you are being numbed and cut into accurate tingling feeling that sounds like typical sleep paralysis teen years are the worst of it because of all the hormones and brain fluctuations you're going through it's scary but it's not abnormal i've had similar dreams where i've been ripped in half and woke up to giant red burn scars fading from my body it felt very real at the time there's a game where you close your eyes and have a friend tell you that things are scratching and biting you and when you quickly sit up there are little scratch marks on your body that fade away in a few seconds the human body is weird i've also had dreams where i was abducted by aliens and given a juice drink with a new identifiable flavor i also had dreams that felt so real that when i woke up i was confused why all the lights were off and i was in bed but anyway i learned a good trick is to just relax when it comes to sleep paralysis it's scary but it won't hurt you now when i can't move and i just wait for it go away and switch sleeping positions it happens most when you sleep on your back try sleeping on your side or stomach i've seen many strange and unexplained lights in the sky however i lived near a military base at the time so i don't know how legit they are still technically ufos though i had been driving down an empty road out in the country when a bright orange light flashed across the horizon it looked like a single orange diamond which multiplied as it streaked horizontally then merged into one again at the end then disappeared i pulled over and saw about 20 small pinpoints of light flying around the entire sky they were about the size of stars and were kind of circling in all directions and were too small to capture on my phone's shitty camera suddenly on top of me in the sky two bigger brighter lights started descending in opposite directions then one of them made a turn on a dime to chase the other one it accelerated so fast i could hear it like a jet eventually they flew out of sight and all the lights just kind of faded out i saw the strange diamond light one more time too never seen anything like it since happened less than a year ago not my story but my history teaches he claims that one day he was washing dishes with his mom and saw sparks coming from the roof he checked on it and they saw a giant saucer over their house and then it zoomed away really fast nobody really believed his story but he swears it is true roughly 16 years ago myself my friend and his girlfriend at the time went to the lake to smoke a joint and hang out on a nice summer evening this was in street catharines ontario on the shores of lake ontario as it started to get dark we noticed a weird light in the sky that appeared to be dancing we rationalized this as being a plane and our eyes playing tricks on us especially since it was towards toronto and pearson airport after a bit of watching though another light appeared slightly above the first light and to the right that moved in the exact same pattern and they never changed how far apart they were around this time an elderly couple out for a walk approached us and asked if we were watching the strange lights to which we replied yes they remarked how old they looked told us to have a good night and continued on their way by now we've been watching for about an hour and the lights are getting closer but still quite far over the lake all of a sudden both lights dive towards the lake and disappear thinking that was it we get ready to leave when one of the lights reappears in the sky only even closer a few minutes later the second light reappears in the exact same spot relative to the first light they are still dancing in a synchronized pattern again they dive towards the lake and disappear this repeats numerous times over the course of another hour each time getting closer and closer they are bright white lights up until this point much brighter than the lights we see on the planes taking off and landing it towards pearson airport eventually only one light reappears and it is no longer a bright white light but is a combination of blue purple and red spinning lights it is now much lower and coming towards us very quickly not just like we were in its path but that it was coming exactly for us this freaks my friend's girlfriend out and she says we have to go now so we laugh at her for being scared yet make no attempt to try and get her to stay i wasn't terrified but i had like a nervous fear that i tried not to let show i'm not exactly sure what we saw but i know what it wasn't on clear nights you can see planes flying over the lake either arriving or departing from toronto this was not that those planes also don't dive bomb into lake ontario at extreme speeds they do not have spinning lights nor are their lights as bright as these lights were not long after this incident i searched online and found several reports of similar sightings from roughly the same time and location i reported this sighting with either mufon or something similar online i can't remember exactly i will try and find my original report if i can or the ones that were similar in total we probably watched these lights for about three to four hours we've gone back to try and see the lights again but i have never seen anything like it again edit i can't seem to find my report or the similar ones from that time maybe the site no longer exists most sightings over lake ontario are of bright orange lights that are most likely flares the closest reports to what i saw seem to come from a book about sightings in the 1970s here's a link for anyone interested link vws magma caslash gateway01 html oh i must have been 15 at the time i was living far up north in wisconsin and i believe it to be about november or january i was sitting in the snow waiting for the deer to come through this trail after a few hours when the sun is first starting to get low i get my deer and track it maybe a half mile from when i had shot it about halfway though gutting the deer everything got extremely bright like i had been on the sun and i was completely blinded at this point the only thing i remember was something that looked like olives before waking up in pitch darkness around 3am with a deer carcass missing one night i was sitting in my backyard smoking and watching the stars when all of a sudden an object appeared it looked like a third diamond it made no sound it looked like it had mirrors on it or it might have been transparent kind of like predator i could make out the shape of it but i immediately froze it hovered for a couple of seconds before slowly flying by i did feel like i was being watched or like there was someone inside looking at me if that makes sense i never understood how their ice and better quality ufo videos until i saw that i was so engrossed by it that getting my phone out to record was the last thing on my mind maybe this doesn't really answer the question but what if a human being or more have a real contact but they cannot speak about it for obvious reasons no one would believe like really had a talk slash both human and aliens or each other thinking about aliens in space can be frightening but it's so fascinating thanks for watching don't leave before leaving a like to this video also hit the subscribe button to support my work and as always have a horrific nightmare my dear
Channel: Reddit Paranormal
Views: 4,575
Rating: 4.7750001 out of 5
Keywords: alien abduction, alien abduction stories, kidnapped by aliens, abduction by aliens, alien abduction story, aliens abduction story, abducted by alien, abducted by aliens, reddit alien, reddit aliens, askreddit aliens, reddit alien stories, alien stories, aliens stories, aliens story, alien story, alien abductions, aliens abduction, aliens abductions, alien encounters, reddit paranormal, reddit alien encounter, alien encounter, aliens encounter, reddit alien story
Id: YAwwhW8grNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 35sec (2015 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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