Gleaner Combine vs 300bu Corn

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remember what i said yesterday about not saying good morning just saying morning this is why morning [Applause] [Music] i'll put out some decon this morning or rat poison if anyone knows any real good stuff to use around the grain bin better than the crap you buy in town let me know we got rats everywhere good morning so if you missed last night's video we had a bin start leaking out of the top of it out of the cushion box the cushion box let's just get to where we can see one of them that's a cushion box basically what the grain hits before it goes down into the bin have one of those start leaking so we leak probably 20 bushel under the ground maybe maybe not that much enough to know that we need to stop so we are going to address that tomorrow it's very foggy it'd be a very slippery morning to try climbing up on top of that bin it's really nothing to hang on to up there so we're getting another bin ready to go cleaning the floor out of it bj's doing it now i'm gonna pull this truck around all of our trucks and our cars are all loaded with beans we end up doing about under six thousand bushel beans last night so we need to get all the trucks empty because this morning we're gonna run some corn we don't know if we're gonna run it with this demo combine that was here last night the mystery demo or the gleaner or both hopefully both so we didn't run the gleaner yesterday in beans because we were leaving it on corn we knew we were going back to corn today and we only got around beans for a few hours yesterday that's what we did uh right or wrong we don't have a lot of beans that are ready so we maybe have a half a day running today where we could do beans then we'll be going back to corn anyways it's supposed to rain tomorrow so so we kind of do what we did it's a great looking morning for bean harvest good thing we're doing corn so we are still looking for another 40-foot aluminum hopper so if anyone has a tempe wilson any other kind of aluminum hopper let us know bj's gonna finish up this truck i'm gonna see if dad needs any help see what he's into or figure out what the plan is for the day doing something with the celexia on i don't know what he's doing drone remote been looking for that put it right here let's be vacuuming so the parts for our devastators are here so we were missing some hardware when we went to install our devastator so now when it rains we can do that take one farmer's hog in the road can you believe it a nerve it's a neighbor's field lots of replant in the middle of it we've got a couple fields like in fact the bean field we did last night had to leave 10 acres in but dad's up here running corn i went and picked this all up some 10 million sandwiches eat some lunch in the cabs and keep corn bushels rolling now we have a 40 acre field up here we're gonna do and then after that i really don't know where we're going we're kind of i don't know how many more corn fields we have that are ready to be real honest with you the demo combine is here we're going to run it for a little bit and then it has to go on to other customers that are going to demo it and then we'll be back in our combine so dad open this field up with the cleaner the demo combine's going to run the middle of it and then we'll be done with with the demo that is still unnamed so dad's back there i think he's in the back of the field bud's over here waiting on the load so i guess me and bud will eat some lunch and if dad gets here gets here i don't know where bj is [Music] so this field that we're harvesting it is right beside the field that we ran with the gleaner a couple days ago where i said that along that tree line our yield was basically cut in half or even more and i said that you know it'd be nice to get rid of that tree line a lot of people ask me about wind erosion there and i didn't think about that wind erosion is not really an issue here where minimal till operation as our most in the area we don't get a lot of wind erosion we also have hills all around us baby mountains as i call them so wind is not near as big of an issue around here that comes with the minimal till uh we can easily get away with no tree lines now in a wind storm like a thunderstorm in the middle of summer sometimes the tree line will help sometimes these tree lines funnel the wind into a small area and make it even more severe so you know kind of helps a little hurts a little in that situation this field has no tree line so i'm curious to see how it does i'm going to walk out here and see how the gleaner combine is doing see if we're throwing any any corn way out here into the neighboring rows i haven't really got a lot of gleaner hate on youtube but man go on to tick tock post a video of a gleaner and and watch the trolls come out of the woodwork okay so rort thompson from pipe ag he is down here today we put all this stuff in the machines the other day and i've been kind of playing with it but he's here he's going to give us a real good walk through on how to use the pipe ax system and we're also installing a little bit of hardware on our grain cart to tie into the pipe bag system okay for the pipe ag system we're going to go weigh our trucks again part of that system is they will help you get your cart dialed in so we are going to weigh a few loads today try to get that thing where it is within a hundred pounds every load so one of the things we do with our grain cart is we keep track of grain and where it's stored and how much we have where so having that cart be accurate is very important and for the pipe system it's very important so that's what we're doing really and truly we should probably weigh it this much every time we just get lazy and usually do two calibration loads the beginning of the year and check it every now and again throughout the year boom trucks so i can't show you the machine but we are in the machine you can see the corn falling through ah so pretty okay so all the trucks are full everybody's been standing around bsn and a combine at least one of them or both of them have been rolling the whole time so uh now we're backed up but realistically this might be the only field we do today there's 40 acres here and we've been playing having a good time it's friday evening it's just me dad and my brother now it's supposed to rain tomorrow but tomorrow we are doing some family stuff we actually have to move uh my mother to a different nursing home so fun times this might be the only field with you and all the trucks are here hey we're showing corn here again today uh this their 40 acre field we're about done they got a whole lot better seven or eight acres baby i just uh getting real fluffy and dry this down here has got a shield over the auger i remember flapping it's pretty close to the auger when it gets to this dry corn it starts to bridge up and won't feed in it just lays there getting moved a little faster here to show you it's a bad spot right here but it gets to dry fluff it what take that off it looks like then i got a problem with the augers i have horns getting under ears it's too high or what but it slips every once in a while i don't know what that is oh about see how high the auger is off the floor here's getting there probably and plugging it up stopping now if you can see that shield out there right down there and get some dryer pouring up here bigger corn and show you what it does yeah it's pretty good corn through here and uh you can see maybe a little bit it's dragging a little hanging up not too bad this corn a little greener some of it over there earlier it was it was boiled up down there one feet in and might slow way down probably it went on in there but this cord got a little more green to it looks like it's going in pretty good all right so dad and bj they're just finishing up this field they've got about i don't know probably 10 acres left but i'm here with thompson this is the guy who started pipe bag so rory's been hanging out with us all day helping us get our cart dialed in and stuff but work how can people find pipe ag if they are interested in it oh you can go to or uh you can call uh eight five five pipe bag zero uh and then you can get ahold of me or darren either way uh but either either one of those ways to be the best how would you describe pipe back just like a real brief so so it's it's logistics management for agriculture combined with extremely easy to keep track of record keeping yeah i like i like things simple and easy so that works extremely simple and easy yeah i'll put a link to their site in the description and if you guys are interested check it out here about graphics field up uh pretty good corn we've got an over 200 bushel pretty good for this crayon sandy don't have the auto shear on this yellow core head the feelers that go down there on between the rows guide it through there senses the row works nice got it on the other hand but uh i've got the order on this it's supposed to be on its way so heat that on here it's pretty nice for taking that bit i really like that load rate on this uh it's a lot faster than what my lecture on is it it makes a big difference don't look like it's coming out that fast but it's only pretty bad going fast must be done there's that power ladder going around that's pretty slick oh boy mason's learning the ropes he's learning to be a curt man he's oh there he got it every kid loves a horn take this thing out start dumping it so with this load being 17.5 we are going to throw that into the bin that the dryer's dumping in we are dumping corn in there that's too dry where we're we're we're kind of having issues getting our dryer set corn's coming out at 14 which is it's too dry it's too dry by putting 17.5 in there we're going to be able to blend that we put already a couple other loads like that should help make up that difference so i'm going to shut everything off change bins the leg's still turning but we're only going one spot over so we're just going to pick up and we're done so that moved a little flapper up there at the top to go down to this bin we weren't going to that anyone need some crack corn ej didn't get the door sealed all the way up and we're uh we're grinding a little bit in the lake yeah so anytime you handle corn you are going to damage it some so the pit is damaging the corn the drag that's jumping into the leg is damaging the corn and then the leg is also damaging it a little bit not much the air system that is probably damaging it the most well over here by the bends and just trying to open this up so we see how the road looks better 21 see it 20 21. pretty good core i've i've never i don't know i've never seen one like this you're about full with doug 1 800 one acre along the woods back there wasn't very good trees around that house and the winter's eating they're okay we're running what two and a half three mile an hour i don't know it's i hope the screen's up a little bit the corn looks better than that i don't know well dad is that the best corn you've ever harvested in your life i don't think so i've seen the pickles pretty good i can't make that go to the other roads and i'd like to see the ferris wheel 21.6 average average 246 around the woods back there was another first houseback yeah i've been watching you on xfinity so dad is running corn that's uh he said the highest he's seen in that so far in that acre and a half he's done is like 350 bushel which i don't think he's not an acre the rain tanks 385 bushel and he's full um wow wow i said wow um i wonder how the silver legend is doing harvesting that kind of corn it's a 21 moisture too so it's a good test so bj parked the card i think him and his son are grabbing a snack dad's full i'm gonna hop in the grain cart i'm gonna do this much anymore so i might remember how to run it more than anything i just want to see 350 bush of corn now just to clarify this whole field is not going to make 350. one spot in it is going to i don't know what the whole feel to make but probably not 350. that'd be pretty cool though well we're full and dad didn't carve out of place so apparently we're just gonna load right here on the on the road benefits of low traffic i guess ah okay i'm gonna pull in around this corner and he's just gonna back right up and dump a little on there okay i see what you're doing now dad i get it i get it so right now we are just doing this pass basically so we can see out leaving the leaving the the grain bins and so we have room to park trap so i think we're just gonna do this pass load a truck and then that'll probably be it for tonight so i'm gonna hop up here with dad i've never seen the combine harvest 240 bushel farm don't know this whole pass is making 340 but sounds like it's all pretty good it it was 300 right back here do what i can't believe that jesus christ there it is he needs a spray drone thirty thousand dollar spray drum for a 10 foot section of cucumber it's all over there and it would take years to spray it if it's all over well that makes us ready to uh i i really just want to fish this field i've never seen dad and i actually giddy in a combine that's uh that's fun so right through here we were consistently running 300 bushels there's a few kernels of corn like three four so if we're running 300 bushel i believe industry standard is a two percent loss uh that's six bushels i think we're doing pretty freaking good at two to four kernels so i think we're doing pretty good 300 bushel corn 25 moisture i would call that minimal loss definitely need to dry this stuff or change the length back to go to the dryer on your back that way i don't work something out when you have a camera rolling huh you're filming in here right yeah you need a sign or a light or something that comes on whenever you turn the camera on that way i never shut up just hot wire it to my head yeah all right guys we've got the dryer situated all the trucks are dumped everything's put up if all the corns like that the rest of it that's uh that was exciting that was very fun but thanks for watching folks do me a favor and thumbs up this video if you're enjoying it don't forget to subscribe the channel check out some merch link in the description especially if you're a gleaner fan you want to check out that gleaner shirt and we'll see in the next one
Channel: Brian's Farming Videos
Views: 115,751
Rating: 4.9811273 out of 5
Keywords: Gleaner, AGCO, Demo, John Deere, Fendt, Agleader, Unvertfeth, Gleaner, AGCO, Demo, John Deere, Fendt, Agleader, Unvertfeth, Harvest, Dekalb
Id: T13VaXqYDWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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