Glass Top Stove Cleaning in 3 Easy Steps

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show me the secret I found keeping my stove nice and clean and shiny and it doesn't cost a lot of money to do it and it doesn't take a lot of time all you're going to need is these items here plus water first of all before we start though I want to tell you if you procrastinate and don't clean yourself pretty much every time you use it you're going to have to resort to baking soda and wet towels and a whole bottle of this expensive cleaner my way is fast quick it takes about three or four minutes okay we're going to start with a little squirt of a liquid dishwashing detergent be sure and get one that cuts grease it doesn't take a lot of this you start with that and then you're going to grab one of these little hand ease glass top stove cleaners they don't scratch and they're practically indestructible you do need the water I'm going to wet this and then I'm just going to start kind of going around in circles around here pretty soon you're probably going to start seeing a lot of bubbles that's good the cubby needs it's dissolving the oil and grease that I use tonight let's make a dinner so we just keep going back over this there may be a few spots you feel a little rough you could probably go over those a little bit more that might be a little spot work out burned on but in general this pretty much does a really good job okay so now you got it all nice and sudsy the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take a sponge just a plain sponge no scrubby sponge and you have to keep this sponge only for your stove you don't ever want to put anything else on it but just you're going to be wiping up the suds here so I'm going to want wet it and squeeze as much water out of it as I can so the dryer to sponge the better and you're just going to start wiping those soapsuds off kind of rotate the sponge and then I'm going to notice little spot here that was kind of cooked on I'm going to put just one little bitty dab of tenure on that I'm going to get my little red scrubber we're going to go over that real quick this that was Krypton I don't know what actually oh but it was it's pretty much off so we get rid of that rinsing my sponge out wringing it out little dry and we're going to continue wiping the soap suds off this usually takes about four or five minutes it doesn't take a long time I'm going back one more time and finish getting that soap residue off of it nice thing about this sponge as it dries it dries nice and clear there's no soap residue on it no paper towel residue on it and when it finishes drying you don't need any paper towels to finish it up it's going to be nice and clean and you're ready to go for tomorrow
Channel: Carole's Home & Garden tips
Views: 553,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bXhUYpEGunU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2016
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