how to clean a glass stovetop with ingredients you already have in your kitchen / stovetop cleaning

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[Music] hey fam so you're looking at your stovetop right now and you're wondering how enough am i gonna get this clean so don't worry because i got you and you've got this three ingredient right in your kitchen you wanna see how i get this to that keep on watching all right fans so these are the very simple three ingredients that you're going to be needing for this stovetop cleaning so you will need baking soda or bicarbonate of soda which you already have in your kitchen icicles and you also need some white vinegar any white vinegar will do and you also need some dish soap everyone has dish soap in the kitchen so basically these three ingredients are in your kitchen and we're going to mix all three together into a paste form and then just smell it onto the stove top leave it on for some time so the longer you leave it the easier it's going to be for you to clean it off so let's get started with the mixing because you need a mixing bowl and something to stir okay a spoonful i'm gonna leave it at that so you're going to adjust the quantity as much or as less as you want depending on how dirty your stove top is or how big your stove top is so this is about a spoonful and i'm gonna add in the liquid soap also about two to three tablespoons of dish soap and your vinegar i'm just going to be eyeballing it but it's gonna be about two tablespoons you can add as you go so first let's mix yo you can see the chemical reaction right there so we have two natural ingredients apple cider vinegar and also the baking soda so you want to have a consistency that looks like so it's kind of creamy it looks like food but it's not okay i do have a video up already on how to clean your glass stove top and that video is one of my videos that went viral and it's doing really well and i use the serum cleaning milk in that video and someone drew my attention or suggested i should do another one in case someone doesn't have the ciran milk so this is why i came up with this once because i believe everyone has these three ingredients in their kitchen so this is the consistency that you should be going for all right not too runny and not too thick just like so so much more like a lotion consistency a thick lotion consistency so now we're going to go ahead to the cooktop and just smear it on it and let it rest you guys have you seen the bones you can see that this this is bones like it's all blurry and creamy this is all bones that you're seeing right here these all bones so and these can be really really stubborn to take off but with this mixture trust me guys it's gonna work like magic just like that in no time and the rest of it i was making some pancake and things got splashed a little bit all over the place so yeah so this is the most messiest one so i'm gonna start off by smearing from here and work my way through the four burners so i'm also going to be using a serum um sponge i just dump it a little bit with some water and i'm going to use that to smell all over the surface so you could just go to any store and get you some serum um and get some serum sponge basically just smear it like so make sure it's really covering the affected areas most especially just like that [Music] you basically paint it looks so good it's so satisfying [Music] this is an induction um cooktop so i'm not gonna be i'm smearing on the the touch part right here because it's so sensitive that whatever touches it is going to be alarming the whole time like a security alarm so i'm just going to leave out that back i'm not going to do anything to this area right here till the end too [Music] it's all covered up with a mixture so i'm just gonna let this be for about half an hour you can let it be as long as you want you can even do this overnight i think doing this overnight would be a great option because it's going to have more time to walk through and just break down all the dirt and the gunk and all that so if you like i also suggest that you do this at night so after everything you've done you're done with your daily activities and all that before you go to bed just do the solution and smell it all over like so and just go to sleep next morning you wake up all you do is wipe it off and everything should come out right off so yeah that would be a great way to do this as well but but for the sake of this video i'm gonna leave it for half an hour okay 30 minutes so see you right there all right fam so we are back after half an hour and so now i'm just gonna go ahead and scrub a little bit and that should come right off [Music] [Music] so just give it some easy scrub trust me you don't even need a lot of effort because this mixture has literally done all the job for you there's a little bit of scrubbing [Music] it's so satisfying guys watching this [Music] so now the next thing you want to do is get you a damp cloth so i am going to be using my microfiber and fold it into four halves like that and wash the magic [Music] okay let me bring this a bit closer so you can see like the like just look at how everything just comes off so easily remember how this place was so a bunch and blurry and all that it comes off easily okay so i'm gonna rinse this and wipe again [Music] so this side here was left behind so i'm just going to go ahead and use the sponge that has more texture [Music] so it's off now i am going to go ahead for the second time and wipe off and i'm gonna wipe it one more [Music] time all right so now i'm going to use um a kitchen paper and just polish first i'm going to go underneath and get all the residue that slide underneath you just go underneath to get all those residues [Music] out polish until it shines until you can see your reflection through the glass that's how you know you have done a good job okay wow just look at that look at that so there you have it guys just three ingredients right in your kitchen and your cooktop is going to be good as new sparkling clean okay so that's it all right fam so i hope this was helpful to you and you also enjoyed watching this if that's the case don't forget to subscribe like comment and share this video it might help someone out so i will see you in my next video thank you for watching and bye bye
Channel: at home with Amzo
Views: 253,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8AsWud8Mtlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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