Glasgow’s grooming gangs - Alex Cairnie tells his story

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you can now follow me and all my social media platforms to find out who my latest guest will be and don't forget to click the subscribe button and the notifications button so you're notified for when my next podcast goes live everyone's trying to tag an agenda in me right uh people are saying oh you're clearly an snp here affiliate to no party james a philly you know football team i don't affiliate to any other narrative other than what i see there are children getting taken in a the governing health health center and surrounding health centers with stds there are wee girls at two and three getting taken in with general tales in a you know vaginal damage and anal damage babies gems right and stds genital warts children what kind of things are people saying either no okay so you know the pub uh involved with the public for a couple of years blah blah blah uh so that you you'll get the throw popping up or the fake twitter account it's only been live for 10 minutes saying that you i use the pub to play 16 year olds and 15 year olds with alcohol right all that [ __ ] everybody's looking for your videos but people still need to see an end product they're you're getting a bit with a phone and exposing it and shedding some light on it that's done there's no more point in doing that um proof because the show people this is what's happening we can get convictions can we build a case uh you know what i mean yeah try to really help people to then say [ __ ] me that guy's doing that because now you've built your platform no it's a case that you need to kick on it and get end results let's not even mention human trafficking james let's mention taking five-year-olds to school in the morning down a stairwell that's got 100 [ __ ] syringes lying in the stairs and foil with a smoking crack no one's ever been generalized right i'm not about aces bone in my body james i just don't boom we're on today's guest we've got one and one alex kearney how are you good james really good yep good to see you mate yeah you've been everywhere all those social media making our moves we are sail shedding light on some nasty [ __ ] inside the glasgow governor hall there's a lot i've had the pedophile hunters on here as well and they've spoke very disturbing things about it and talk about grooming gangs this and that and you're out yourself with your phone shed and lay on it your name's everywhere now your videos are getting shared thousands of times they've been watched millions of times it can be difficult becomes that attention comes a lot of [ __ ] pain and misery and hard work and stress but you're doing it fair play to you have you been fine busy few days a big momentum just kind of you know a lot of people are asking why now uh it's been it's been getting you know it's been getting shown for a long time several years ago uh david cardwell well-known governor hill guy had been putting on bits and bobs and it just wasn't getting attraction that it deserved for for one reason or not another and recently there was another little push on it there a couple of couple of girls i know that are involved with the the whole child protection campaign uh you've had stephanie bonner on you know love stephen he's definitely awesome and laura steele just there at john square every saturday and since i came into glasgow a couple of months back i've been watching them and saturday and just following uh that energy and when stephanie bonner talks you just see that that that ache you don't mean that it's that's not going away it's horrendous and then i spoke to them about governor hill and they said well we kind of know but we don't know we hear this we hear that like what everybody's now saying you know there's tens of thousands of people coming out and saying well i've heard that gossip and my question is what did you do about it so i shared videos numerous times and they just vanish into oblivion you know facebook's a funny thing and if you don't have the platform or it doesn't capture an audience it just falls flat on his face so why this time i don't know maybe it's because of the the the images they're quite stuck they're quite dark images uh you know but we're a couple of weeks away from 2000 and we have that and the fifth or sixth richest economy in the world apparently yeah it's this not acceptable yeah it's scary because govind is only 10 minutes from here it's the highest poverty rate in scotland it's got the highest and it's the biggest slum in scotland i believe yep it's nicola sturgeon's constituency so it's scary to think listen this happens everywhere though that happens everywhere but there's been more grooming gangs done in garvin hall than anywhere else in that's the problem it seems to be the epicenter and it's not it's not there's no everyone's trying to tag an agenda in me right uh people are saying oh you're clearly an snp here affiliate to no party james a philly you know football team i don't affiliate to any other narrative other than what i see so what i see is what i follow and i need to see the proof i need to go and look and take a look now everybody's talking about it but there's no outside footfall in it other than the people that live there i've read and i've read and i've got a few people reading the general consensus is that everybody's going well i've drove by it i've never looked you've got to go and see uh you your opinion's almost null and void and if you've not been there uh there's there's a there's a bad energy down there and i know there's amazing people and in queen street yesterday i watched two romanian guys playing violins and stuff absolutely amazing two old guys brilliant talent and that's the true culture that are very very they've got a very musical orientated culture skillful musicians and just you know but there's that bad element and there's an energy and when you're walking through it i know somebody that is easily intimidated when you're walking through it you feel that energy touching you at times it's like an actual physical field physics because we spoke to guys you know we had the pedophile zone they were saying there was kids as young as 10 offering oral sex sex now whether it's good weather's bad is always good you know what i mean so the big places and they're good they'll be hard workers as well but that has got a stigma to it and i know one of it i think it was maybe this year last year that this police uncovered one of the biggest um grooming gangs ever in scotland but it was kept secret why these things are happening i don't know but people need to understand as well there's been police cuts um there's no as many coppers on the street absolutely there's not as much money involved and it's not a case of why does it please not get involved but some of the cases i've been reading there's been intelligence there for three five years you can't just say those grooming gangs in there and the coppers kind of just go through our door and jail everybody they need intelligence they need the evidence to get build our case to get convictions one of the cases there i think the god the young girl's name was jordan ferguson who was only 14 she's actually came forward and told her story she's 1920 now she was contacted with two young guys not young in their 20s she was 14 at a time filled her up with drink drugs took her in parties and like they were writing the young lassie 14 and 15 they get convicted well this is this is the thing i believe and anybody can say anything right they can go conspiracy theorist uh i seen somebody posting that trolled back in my facebook page that i'm a covert denial right irrelevant whatever i think of that is irrelevant it's got nothing to do this is a bit children it's not about me it's not about anything other no agenda you know it's about children and but just what you said there uh would that be girl i know that i know but that we get all right and there's the the volume of people now coming forward you only need a look i'll put it i'll put it across the table and you can look at the evidence we're screenshotting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people were checking them out i've not been in my bed in three days i was taking them off at four five six o'clock this morning names that they're active working professionals who are the people that are providing us the information to say alex you're right there are children getting taken in the governing health health center and surrounding health centers with stds there are we girls at two and three getting taken in with genital tails and a you know vaginal damage and anal damage babies james right and stds genital warts children now that can't be denied when it's serving medical professionals that are saying it and they're saying i don't even care if i lose my job there's a there's a gag order or there's a secrecy order be it that the authorities just can't deal with it's such a secret of society are you telling me that when you look at a lot of those roma or romanian whenever he's debating right maybe my generic term isn't suitable you know the two cultures are slightly dif different ones like more transient than the other a and a variation in the language the romani uh what was i going with that so um my point was that when you look at the women look those women look oppressed not all of them but a lot of them they don't make eye contact they just they just look absolutely beaten down beaten down you know they came here for a better life 10 12 13 years ago it's worse it must be worse than what they had because it because at least they knew what they had did you get me at least human trafficking what i'm hearing is people are getting offered 10 grand for a girl some as young as 12 and 10 to then get arranged manages to then get the visa here so what happens is these girls are getting promised jobs security money that's what happens fluently [ __ ] is gangs they're getting passed about and this is kids as young as 10. this is a fact this is the information that i have and i've got some very powerful contacts with them i don't know everything all the answers about that i just know there's a lot of duck there just like a lot of places just worldwide this shit's going on it's scary to think listen you're talking high politicians high police officers they're talking about the elite this doesn't just stem from the schemes at glasgow this is global this is this shit's going deep and some deep waters but a lot more people are speaking out about it which is good including yourself james they're an oppressed ethnic group they come from oppression to oppression that's not a rosy life down there right slum landlords are doubling up and quadrupling up and then some i've been in two bedroom apartments we blew it up close line across the ceilings and bed sheets or whatever hanging down as blinds so it becomes four rooms and the bunk beds are four or five or six high and there's 14 kids in the room six adults there four men here and whatever they're in a makeshift kitchen have you seen this with your own eyes right with my own eyes put me in a polygraph lie detector no problem i've got a guy that was with me and i posted it and we made we told the police three years ago we went down there at a res find resolution between a landlord and some guys that were basically not paying um anything and he it asked us to help him and i've always been able to find amicable resolutions between landlords and problem tenants they've done it for a long time uh and the guy was fearful of these people and i says look you know the softness off the approach put the kettle and let's talk about this right what can you do for them and they had just no intention because they knew he was soft once they were in they weren't going anywhere still a lot of that going on so we went to another flat with them and this guy i'm talking about that was with me as my friend and they witnessed it and he they would testify that this guy offered us his daughter or his niece whoever she was how old was she probably between 10 and 12 but maybe more so that 10. a week anything can i be dragged looking a hot pants on you know a wee boob tube thing and it was run about the winter time so it was cold and looking on the the the property it was a [ __ ] it was oblivion it was disgusting and it stunk and it was just not fit for habitation and she had the dead eye look no when i look at that i see a child an african child that i saw 20 years ago in a civil war in sierra leone when we were young marines went behind the ears landed in sierra leone and saw west africans for the first time and you see oppression and the rebels that destroyed freetown had just ran them up with them butchering people decapitating people delivering people on a massive scale and you look at those kids and you never forget that look james that look that's how i looked at haunchy you never forget it but you don't think about it when you're 22 25 28 30 you're mad wait you're looking a baby you're you know you're you're living that's the 11 years and then you become a father and you get your own kids and that comes back to haunt you because you stop all the 11 year stuff the drinking and the carry on and you start to go i've seen that look before not as if the soul's been ripped out of them ripped at them removed the eyes are dead she's just staring at she was staring as if she was waiting to put her hand up to go away as james and it was your reaction my reaction was did i hear you right and you know we're on camera james but you can imagine what the what the result was it never ended well no i don't i'm fine with that many comebacks for that i still know the flat james i still know the flat and i can still remember what it looked like it didn't look like that for very long that wee girl has put her hand out with somebody before and she's been taken away for half an hour or another up to the kafkin brace to a car park or somewhere and that's what happens and i don't care who calls me a liar i know what i see and that's what happened and i've told people that early years and i've and we we went to the police we called them we told them we initially gave them dummy names because that was just because we had you know what i mean and they said okay we'll give you a crime number i said a crime number i mean you need to come to now the child needs to be removed and we waited and waited and waited and waited and nothing happened and i saw a woman a a a white woman caucasian woman whatever i call her wear messages and asked but no excuse me have you got a minute she was about 50. i can still remember her uh she had fantastic hair uh and i said can you help us and she's like what is it and we told her and i says can you come up here because see when it's a child and it's two men you don't want to go you know you're right peter what do you do james do you lift the kid take her in your car or your van and take her to a police station you kind of do that we know that are you done for kidnapping right you can't so so your hands are tied what you gonna do just drive away and leave her there so we we explained that that woman and she was hesitant and she's going i don't know if i can get involved and she eventually did and i think it was a lollipop woman or something she'd done the scoot the jacket i'm sure she was a lollipop she came as well no what we never did was leave her details with a but they women are out there somewhere and they'll recall that and and maybe they'll see that swan dance maybe they live there still i actually read something yesterday two young boys were getting raped i think 14 and then one of them escaped they got a guy they gave it back beat a guy to death um yep and the guy's just been charged with mother jailed jailed so as so it's a sticky situation but all you can do is keep fighting and keep pushing forward we'll try and get a better back story about you and you're in the marines where did you grow up so uh i grew up in neilson james south side subway village a small village small population it's up high countryside can a farming community probably quite a dull place i was probably quite shy quite introverted as a young guy eh i was good at swimming i was really good at swimming won a lot of competitions and diving competitions and i don't think i really ever lost many races because i used to convince myself that sharks were behind me any swimming pools do you remember the greats james when you went under the water and you looked and it was the pump i used to see the sharks so when i was in that race and the whistle went the sharks were behind you so that was always the the way to get the you know that to win the race telling yourself you're getting chests be sharks so the swimming was a big part of your life because it was the only thing in your village so read this 10 pound season ticket for the year you could go three times a day you know the fun session a saturday and i was a really good swimmer but i was a torah so i was always getting thrown out and banned and stupid stuff but because i was a good swimmer they wanted me back for the competitions and that was fine so i was running about maybe nine or ten it's a wee bit vague but it came back to me one day during a an incident a and i'll explain this so some people have said to me alex what's your drive you're a workaholic you don't stop you're constant you're 24 hours a day here they're everywhere uh what's your drive so i've been a busy phil a lot of times you know what and sometimes things don't work sometimes they do so my drive's quite unusual it is quite excessive and i'm quite obsessive about stuff and i will work stupid hours and silly hours in a you know i was never a 95 guy i understood that very quickly when i had a poor apprenticeship yts 2950 i think it was a labour government it was human slave labor probably four depends on it well something like that and i didn't i hated it so i knew that i had to do something else i had to be tested james because i always want to test myself and i still test myself to this day doing stupid things like running up hills and try to do 500 press-ups in 20 minutes you know but that with the house now you're always looking for the next target so i was always testing myself and i realized this working's not for me so that was how i transitioned to the services but we'll go back to that so i'm in the swimming and people have said your drive's quite ferocious uh you know there's nothing scary i say well i've never done a business plan and i've you know i've never really had the rational thought about financial i just go for it if i like it i'll go for it and i just go with a feeling so i was a young guy swimming and there was two old pool attendants like locker room guys tommy and eddie old tommy's dead now and oh daddy's still alive he had right good age but they were absolute salted earth guys nelson man brilliant and if you were last at the pearl at night and you're whipping your mates arse or hiding these locker keys are they just mad they'd grab you and they'd cheer eight we're gonna that door we're gonna that door that door was up to the foyer but all the mothers were sitting drinking hot chocolates and smoking that's how it was then and your bare ass so you tell me not eddie no no wait you're good at the backdoor then and it'll be the winter's night but rain and so they throw you the the engine room the pump room brilliant guys they're fantastic always good ways and this one night for some reason i don't know why i was like there was older boys and and i was always shy james i'd only like them looking at me right you're a wee guy you're nine or ten you're you know they've got and they're developed and you'll know they've got hair and you're like oh well why is the one let me see me so i'm in this cubicle in the houston baths have no change there's still cubicles and i'm in the far one and it's got cream tiles in the wall it's an extremely vivid memory so i'm in there and i'm getting dried but i'm probably fighting a bit just keep you know myself and i just looked through the blue the cotton and i see a guy an older guy a man fat and he's looking at me and he keeps walking to the end but you've got the lockers the cubicles and then you've got the main area and he's just looking up and doing and stuff and i've never spoke about us james in a uh to anybody and he basically comes back and he keeps looking and he's like just staring at me and i was like a mummy boy you don't talk back to adults james you don't ask them what they're looking at you for you've not got a clue you're kinda i was probably frozen in [Music] he just pulled the ship the the cotton back and he's like he said go there so i thought he wants the cubicle so i had my towel at my front and i went and grabbed my shots off the deck because i had them off my clothes were there so i went like that and i could only have been 10. it's probably unlikely that i was any older uh i don't think i would have been older and as i went to go out bearing mine's a big fat guy and it has a tight space it's still tight till i stay when i go back no i don't it doesn't bother me right what i'm going to tell you but it's a tight space so so he's standing there and he's he's bollock and i and i go like that and he goes like that and i go like that and he goes like that so i darted and you've got the tail balled in the metal locals got the keys on them and he presses against me against the cold tiled wall and he puts his nails into my shoulder all right and i squeeze by him probably shut my cell and i get up and i go right up the far end and i get ready and i keep staring and he walks by me fully dressed and doesn't even look at me him so nobody knows hey i'm a wee guy you don't want to tell anybody you know it's a weird thing that's happened you don't understand what it is but a man's he's been a he's obviously been a you know a [ __ ] scumbag hey we are we're the only guy that's any changing rooms so that was that any problem years later i'm in the services and two things happen the first one on an island and we're in a gemini a twin engine boat in belfast lock there's maybe eight or ten of us in there we're armed we're building vessels we'll checking them for contraband mouth of belfast lock carrick fergus a very dark cold night and maybe the ferry was 10 minutes late either way and there was an appetite or something and the water coming across it created a gigantic wall of water 10 or 12 feet high i'm all commanding officer uh mark golden is we still talk he's actually in glasgow just now we're meeting tomorrow he was in the boat with us my mate davey is where i was on it with me for paisley hey david ross and this wall of water 10 12 15 i don't know what it was it smashed this now these geminis go over anything but whatever happened it was a freak flips the boat the car sergeant opera in the boat legs are snapped females bones everywhere bosses wrist snapped everybody's smashed but i'm not but i'm trapped you've got foot rubbles for jumping waves and you're in them and you have your weapons you have your life jackets so they go off straight away so you're pinned and there's there's no air now until you've experienced nowhere doing that and that is not good enough if i hold you under water for three minutes you'll know but no errors james it's not a nice feeling because you're dying so i'm cutting light i'm cutting life jackets off and everything in the middle of belfast locks a big old swim we kept on all right you've got you've got a zip top suit on but it's absolutely baltic you've got boots webbing ammo magazines weapon strapped to you anyway we get and i kind of laughed i got out and got under it but the thing that was in my mind for some reason was i need to survive this and what about the lady i thought about that incident it came back to me and it was the first time it ever came back to me and this is how i started and it was like a shock it was like it was like getting punched and then i got out under the boat davey everybody was injured there was a lot of seriously bad injuries and it wasn't a nice incident and it ended people's careers anyway we somehow raided ourselves we got back whatever we did it's still quite vague it's 20 years ago but i remembered that okay and it was as if i must get rid of this um no matter what i've got to survive going and it's just that we think remembering remembering being a boy and having a squeeze through that gap we're a man pressing against you well that touches you and that touches you and i didn't like it but then i like it then and i don't like it now so maybe a year or two later i'm in i'm in plymouth before two commando i'm based in plymouth brickley barracks and on the baby all day stella you're fat you're young you're 22 23 you're big drinkers and end of the night union street rough place darkest town everybody can fight i'm having a fight middle of the street bouncers are watching the guy in the snack vans watching and mean this guy for whatever reason i'm having a tear-up and i'm he's hammering me right he's hammering me i'm hammering him but he's hammering me a lot whilst uh he was just a tough tough guy and he gets me down and he's just boom boom and he's strong as a bow he's wild he's a he was wild like a devil tasmanian devil and do you know what he'd done he clawed me james he stuck his fingers in my neck and it came back to me again and i got superhuman strength and i mowed them i just mulled them in seconds flat and that was the end it and i got up and i walked away and i never even looked back and as we were walking up the road my mate who i'm still on my facebook he'll verify it he looked at me and he went because you never you don't jump in on a fake day it's a one-on-one and he went oh you went what the [ __ ] happened there he says you just went cycle you just changed and i went ah none and i knew what it was it was that it was that the claw i and that's how you see my nails they're they're cut away down your ribbons and my toenails i don't like fingernails james i don't like them i even struggle to talk to a guy that's got long fingernails she'll have a guitarist i love music i never have a look at their hands because i know they've got long nails i don't like fingernails and it and it's it's saved me a couple of times it's gave me strength that i didn't have an incident i've never spoke to him there but you're the first person i've really spoke to about it you know it's not a it was a it was an abusive incident it was an abuse of trust between an adult and a child he's certainly a certainly a sinister bastard you know but nothing else other than that happened there was physical contact it's still abuse but still obviously affecting you because i had a guy called jeff thompson on my podcast he's next level he's what they say he's the biggest self-defense read his books phenomenal best self-defense teacher in the world and he was abused when he was younger his martial arts teacher put his horn in his he's bars and what happens is he called it a parasite so the parasite opinion but as as you got older that's parasite gets bigger everybody until they come back and identified but and says okay this is where the connection is why i do what i do how i'm angry so as a kid people need to understand there's so much [ __ ] goes like i've and i've heard so many victims people it's been in children's home being abused and raped what happens is they blame some of them blame themselves because they they think they weren't strong enough to say no but you're being manipulated it's [ __ ] tricky do you think that's why then you want to keep doing what you're doing now because that's triggers things in your mind the more i've thought about that place and the more you you see those kids with that look that we spoke about that vacant empty dead look the more i think about that no i'll go one step further james only a few years ago that guy died i knew who he was and i approached them and i told my cousin i was going to do it and i approached them and i said i'm not going to name them james and if anybody asks me after this interview it's dead in the water it's old hat doesn't define me it never defined me it didn't affect me that much it gave me something i absorbed absorbed the bad energy and i turned it positive it gave me strength okay and that's the lesson that i'll give my kids you know i'll tell them about the sneaky things that an adult might try and do if they're in somebody's house if it god forbid should that ever happen do you know what i mean what to watch for i've already had that conversation with my boy at 12 anyway but no nice conversation but hey what was i saying so i approached him where i live and i said how are you doing hey we'll call him joe for instance how are you doing joe all right son how's it going oh up ally james because he's not thinking i've got the memory but it's came back to me an incident's brought it back pulled out the heart it's been there all the time i see you're safe how are you keem aye aye i says listen i want to speak to you about something as casual as you like why was it and i said do you remember you were always swimming face changed uh hi hi i had a swimming passai i said do you remember me being in the swimming baths oh i don't remember that far back instant the guard up i don't remember that i mean i mean i used to go but i mean i don't remember any noise we're all boys these all look the same i says you see joe i've got a very specific memory of you rubbing yourself against me in a cubicle i said then it's not my imagination i said i can see that in your face i says but the problem i've got now as i've left it so long is that you're an old man and a fast stiffen you here a day it's just a liberty and i would be the bad guy and you would be exonerated and blah blah blah we know how that works i says and actually don't feel any malice towards you it says i've said to a lot of you for years uh i says and i'm guilty i should never have said to you says but i just want to tell you you know that you're a sick bastard and if there is a hell you will be in it and i hope that you've never done it anybody else this is because not everybody's as strong as me because i know the strength of me you you know your cell jams you know you know who you've been in your past and you know who you're becoming nobody knows me but me you know who you are and every day that goes by you know who you are even more because you leave that guy in the past we were all wild we were all headstrong young guys you know bravado machismo you wanted to be the alpha male in your group of pals the toughest guy the best fighter the best looking the best clothes you wanted all that but ultimately they all get in this age and they're all quite similar they're just guys for houston schemes in glasgow and survive you know we'll just try to get by now and and find the balance that we've never ever had in the last 20 year i've never had balance until the past couple of years i'm not the guy i was 20 years ago i know the guy i was two years ago i'm probably know the guy i was five six months ago i don't think i've ever had clearer thinking so i told them hey i said look you're you're a horrible i said i'm saying it with a smile joe not going to do anything you're just a horrible despicable bastard i says and i hope you [ __ ] die really really quickly and i hope it hurts and i hope you know me and i hope you know what i'm talking about i think you do anyway but i look in your face i can see it and there's no point there no son i mean you may be uh yeah you might be bumped into me or something bumped in a i said i'll bump into you i know it was one of the moments the rage is up the adrenaline's up the angle's up but you've you've got a bad control you're not 25 you're you're 35 see i was 37 38 oh my i'm 38 39 i was anyway so that was that and i have used it as an energy i've turned it positive doesn't he bother me it'll never happen to mine hey there there there how long were you in the marines for uh i was in the marines for six six years six and a half year and then i came out and i went into the oil industry uh i had several good years in the marines james i don't regret a day of it um i i served with guys that i still see this day we still talk regularly and some of them have not even seen in 15 years a lot of joined up a lot of good guys still in touch one's coming to glasgow on sunday for london he's a handful yeah he'd be a very good guest for you and a lot a lot of guys gone a lot of guys lost various you know tragic events great guys still happening a lot of suicides bts do you that's what my youtube channel is about coming back to life hey try to come back for just whatever it is that's put you on your your ass you know and put you down in the ground and every guy's at a battle james everybody's got about women and all but i'm only talking about guys dinner uh everybody's got a history a lot a lot of guys a lot of good guys are certainly dead buried young men very very tragic circumstances still regular suicides i'm on a lot of pages we get updates regularly such and such such and such share the did room tour of him did this did that went in the piss film you know it always affects you james you don't get used to hearing guys you share the roommate i you don't get used to even if they're 42 or the 35 or the 48 is still young you know because i'm remembering remembering them in the prime of their life i'm remembering them at 22 when we were sailing in the mediterranean or going in the piss in turkey or fighting the legionaires in marseille do you know what i mean we were wild so you've got a lot of good memories as well brilliant memories when you change our day of it of course those things affect you of course there's memories that you'll never shake they become part of who you are your dna of course my ass isn't multiple person you're the danishes but everybody battles every day the battling doesn't matter who you are how rich you are i mean i do all right you've got some guys horrific so when you commit all that then when what when's the first video we've done in government hall i'd some days look back my facebook and i had been put post somebody says post some nutter or is this just going to be this week is it just are you bored i said well no there's other so somebody's actually went and trolled the way back and six years ago those videos me going on and on and on about it five years ago four years ago three years ago two years ago last year same with david cardwell incredible footage he's put you know people in excuse me james on the spot the first minister he's had a face-to-face knuckle come down the back close to me no no come in my constituency he says what in the nice better pull up shields about whatever it is and she won't go down and but a confrontation and i can understand that you know some women and whatever maybe feels intimidated i get that i don't have any agenda at all for the moment nothing at all people will make one up but that's not what i'm trying to come across way he's campaigned effortlessly to put the spotlight on it and for some reason for us know what happened it's it's always been in my mind james i just hear about it constantly i know a lot of taxi drivers are no company owners i know business owners and i know i know other guys i know i know crooks i know you know i know hoods i know tough guys i know all sorts of people have from every walk of life and the narrative is always the same it's happening and sometimes you that's this will be mad but sometimes you almost just take it for granted like it's govern hell it's normal it's fine and i could maybe even say i've been guilty of that i'm not gonna paint over any cracks and you know i'm whiter than white i'm absolutely never been white ellen white the the problem is for some reason i know it's really really grinding on me it's killing me constantly the more i hear the more i read as i said before i don't own a television i read constantly i'm not a good sleeper james an hour or two is that stress worry i don't know where that is james but i can go four days when i sleep that's not right i went to a gp two years ago and i said i've been waiting for seven i know his brother was a marine so you'll see making a a text message you know maybe the nd's shift have you got five minutes and i'll go i'm not going to name him well and i say seven days and he's like i like your heart i'll just stop just seven days uh i'm still the same i'm a very erratic sleeper you need to be careful how you're dealing with all the attention because now your videos are getting shared thousands of times and listen what happens is people don't understand like when i had the pedophile hunters on these guys are doing this out their own free will [Music] says ella the polis are losing funding there's not enough for them so people say let the police do their job it's not in fact the police don't want it there it's just there's not enough people to actually investigate it when you start shedding light onto stuff you create enough noise people eventually listen this is what people need to understand so when you're starting to get all this attention you know what happens is success i get it daily so when the success comes the hate comes understand that yeah no i'm in a place i couldn't give a [ __ ] genuinely otherwise yeah at the start at hearts of course when people are trying to make it only human changes when you're trying to make change and you're trying to push through what happens is what a negative [ __ ] comes out and why 99 people fail is because they step back can you handle that just go back into their small box and then they [ __ ] all and then change doesn't happen so you're at that stage now so what you're going to do is push through and just keep going but what you're going to need i know you want to date yourself personally you need to build a strong network and a strong team to then go right what's around goal witness so when you start they know that people are calling your assistant aren't they yeah they're all or a bill shut the door in sight and racial hate that's ain't about this sketch this is about [ __ ] helping innocent kids are being [ __ ] raped i've used so yeah audible shattered it doesn't matter what color with religion yeah if you're [ __ ] willing to help me shed light or shed light on it then good because if you're shedding good light in life whatever energies are really our sources will guide you and it being that you're going to have to protect yourself understand people don't want to see people make mistakes and if you're getting people doing their sailing reigns you become afraid so your life is in danger right now it's big revenue [ __ ] them so what happens is [ __ ] them how you're dealing with that then that people are coming forward and and try to call you try and slap you out trying to build momentum anyway you've bought a machine yeah yes yeah yeah 99 off as positive so what kind of things are people saying you don't know okay so you know the pub uh involved with the public for a couple of years blah blah blah uh so that you you'll get the throw popping up or the fake twitter account that's only been live for 10 minutes saying that you you i use the pub to play 16 year olds and 15 year olds with alcohol right all that [ __ ] the problem with that james is that we had 20 cameras a proper system we have three months hard drive accessed by the company a dozen 14 15 internal cameras in the place everywhere every inch of the function room the toilet doors the at the exits the access the egress deliberately and when i spoke to the contractor i said every inch that's going to cost you around every inch you know three four grand system and protected my cell way good stuff uh good stuff three women on every weekend busy and busy pop saturday night young young crowd but brilliant drama on it you know never any hassle right brilliant crowd great relationship with them and always made sure instant the toilet empty toilet roll shout one you know no name the girls but don't they know who they are a young girl might be a bit drunk we didn't apply them with threes of shorts we then they do the old jaeger you know they could have as much as they want now we were always watching and scrutinized passports and just people talk [ __ ] [ __ ] we're trying to punish your name slander because the lassies are coming back to me and going we are absolutely disgusted that that person would say that would you have to feel this time james your faith also right here's an analogy if i can even spit the word out right you're from apostle park i knew about porcell park 25 years ago from going to the old glasgow angling center up jesse street you used to hear stories right don't take a detour and end up in porcell park you'll get it done right anthony nielsen i'll bet you'd never heard the nelson until past couple year right about 15 years right it's a wee tough place and that's that size in porcell park every guy that comes out apostle park's got to be a tough guy you've got to be a tough guy to survive a place like that it's a tough place it breeds tough people like the whole city does you remember the book no mean city it breeds hard to people breeds a lot of good people but it breeds tough people we used to come in the dance and finished in as young guys bonkers hope street you know the savoy and we would make boys and schemes and they had they'd slash marks you know they looked older than us and they looked harder than us but we got one great with them my baby just going greatly anybody that's just who we were mean mark in our pals but you always you always had to try and be slightly more than you were inflate your chest a bit you know maybe drop your eyebrows and look a bit tougher and in the toilet everybody's measuring each other up you know the crack you know it's a it's a it's a scheme thing as vu easter house you know yokai van and that's we were we were naive we were coming into glasgow's young guys totally naive and then in the toilet there's guys pulling up they're tackling he did a toilet and a blades falling at their back pocket and they took and they're like [ __ ] it you know it's already awakening and that's just uh that's just a lesson in a it's just i'll never forget these things you know what i mean i was probably over the nightclubs before i was 21 or 22. glasgow wasn't really for me glass was a tough exposure and then things remember i've done a homeless documentary slept in the streets for seven days and i was getting stick for that because then you start questioning yourself but you've got to look at that no matter what you're doing no matter your [ __ ] past who cares no matter what you're doing or what your past is you're still doing it so no matter what anybody says you've got it but you what you must do now you've built momentum if people if you start stopping and then just kind of forget about it and then try and pick it up again in six more people it's now another gym so the momentum is there so it's all down to you but what is your end goal what's your own product you're trying to get you're right the the the the momentum is massive i think big paul said this morning earlier this morning there was a hundred and two thousand people currently watching it it trended at number two on twitter i don't really understand twitter james i'm quite new to that but i've only ever really had facebook but together said that i had to bypass all the big things the celebrities all the things that we see and hear a bit that people actually constantly watch you know a kim kardashian 10 million people 100 you know all that can i carry on so it got up there really quickly it got up there overnight and people started boom boom boom my phone was melting just screenshots look at us look at us and so that was fantastic at which point the hate starts instantly you know it's like glasgow is a great city but you know yeah you know you've had it because because of the you you become an average james of who you surround yourself by you've had the imagines with a mates that you think are mates but when when the kitty runs dry and you come to the end of the race it's only you there yourself there's nobody there with you you're just there yourself i don't my my mates my my two three mates are the same mates i've always had we don't see each other a lot every few months it takes them i'll come and get a coffee it never happens the living they've got kids they've got you know that's just life but it it it grew so quickly that it was a shock because it didn't work the last time it didn't happen for me it didn't happen for laura steele it didn't happen for davey cardwell it just happened this time for some reason we will never know why it just happened maybe it was the fact that the the videos were made more public this time i don't know if the last time i made them pop i don't know if i just showed them in my facebook page i know a lot of people they have had a lot of people on it already so it's happened now the hate doesn't bother me james and the slightest that's no bravado it doesn't bother me i'm used to it see whatever comes it's fine with me see as long as the people that know me know me i saw the miles james the hang is on and the the ones that are trying to destroy the narrative or destroy the momentum or damage the message uh it's like darren in liverpool l5 alive that they're trying to rip his thing off him they'll try to derail it and destroy it maybe last year they might just have defeated them as you've you put them on it you to use is brilliant together it was fire and he was cracking it was cracks tough guy you know resilient guy a you know borderline bulletproof kind of fella and you could see it in him it was eating him up they were saying he was this he was annoying he was a peter all the [ __ ] of the day uh but he's got a true heart he's got a full heart and it's came tenfold and probably didn't know you james oh no blow the wind up your ass but you've helped the guy michael mazie you know there's a great relationship performing there's a good guy you can just see michael's got a great way of speaking as well he's very soft-spoken but you can see the toughness that cracks that's what i'm saying people try and break you this is where people are darren's not going to be able to take two steps back and when people actually just keep pushing forward through the darkness through the clouds but because you're now getting exposure you need does it matter your past but just make sure you're cleaning your hands now yeah because people will keep digging people will keep looking james everybody's looking for your videos but people don't need to see any end product you know you're gonna bit with their phone and exposing it and shedding some light on it that's it there's this is what's happening we can get convictions can we build a case uh you know what i mean yeah try to really help people to then say [ __ ] me that guy's doing that because now you've built your platform no need to click on it and get end results i don't know how you're going to get them myself it's not my field it's going to be difficult so it's multi-agency stuff james so this is the the the next level so in an ideal world maybe somebody like the first minister might have said oh do you know what i'm going to meet this guy and call him out and that's the definition isn't that there's a petition you know it's fifteen twenty thousand people within a day or two would they need a hundred thousand signatures to get it spoke about in parliament you need you need it up around that last week i think it will hit it and i hope that it does happen uh the average posts are five six hundred thousand views accumulatively they're way up in the millions when you count them all up about half a dozen eight nine videos way way up in the millions so there's traction uh that will fizzle as well though absolutely james everything's just on it now to then creating awareness you've created a wellness and people human beings are weird they like to see this kind of dirty [ __ ] weird [ __ ] they really love real [ __ ] they will jump on something so right now you need to utilize it to advantage to then try to save innocent kids who are now being abused so when getting through your videos and and closes how you how's people treating you then i posted a video yesterday first day nobody knew what i was doing second day nobody knew what i was doing third day they all knew what was doing how do you think that is a young guy for [ __ ] austin texted me a young fella said alex me and my mates throw a book down there and there's squads and squads are young guys going about with scarf son and just you know on bikes they're looking for you he says i'll tell you why i think that he went because i've never ever seen that before and i've been doing here a million times he says my butt stays done this way he went i've never seen that and they're all in a bit and i kinda have to agree with him because james i've got kids right and you know their mum's worried and i can't he puts stuff it looks slightly confrontational if somebody spat is right big deal they're firing ball bearings at me putting lasers in my he got me here a good one irrelevant doesn't matter uh and just the chat they've followed me about following cars three men here three men there i'm in the middle and i just walk the white lines at least you can see them coming james you know what i mean you can you can defend yourself your limit two three um i'll take that six you're probably getting beat hey even in your best day so it was fine fine third day negative everything oh that's so i was kind of like i'm here i'm back and then i get the warning a [Music] threat to life uh an osman yes right uh-huh i was like what about the guy with a shorten bag and had the lofts in his phone james how did that come about you'll stay away from me big mike's everybody was talking about that i know they will lay that comedian i'm not going to name him i want to give him the the satisfaction i'll see him in wayne thank you see if somebody as then how are you doing mate hey no fair play him let me i actually quite like he's a funny guy and advanced [ __ ] raging really does that how you got me yeah so no the big guy appeared james phenomenal right now i'm very very aware of my surroundings i've always been aware of my surroundings my whole life avoided a lot of potential situations when i was young because i was cute with my eyes and my ears and i just could always have that sick sense i knew when a danger was coming any you know it just appeared for nowhere and i'm like where the [ __ ] did you comfy where did you he he either came out for between two cars and he just slipped right up the back of me it probably didn't have any bad intentions but he got within a meter of me and did guard come up absolutely absolutely you know you're getting something in the back you're getting something across your face i'm going to try and avoid that at all costs of course i'm i've i've been 40 odd year we have to try and do another 20 you know and i just he kind of looked at me and he absolutely knew who i was by the way because he i don't know if he can hear it but he says something he kind of mumbled something he absolutely knew who i was and the three boys right in the doorway there but just dying they jumped me they were just dying to jump me they were the chat was there you know and they are you gonna start thinking more people with you no no james no categorically the anita go back down there of course i do right but no a lot of people have offered lots of good guys uh you know i can't i can't do it my mate boyfriend paisley wally there's only so much you can do is knows if you've got wants to go through the doors all you can do is just and then if i do keep getting down and there is a scott phone there is a drama they'll say well you asked for it you keep getting into the lines then yeah you're provoking it boy wally paisley it phones me out of the blue my mate john at the canine raids dog training and stuff i know johnny i know john great boy hey he's alex my pal wally wants to speak to you and he's like he's got a donation fee and he might be annoyed with me saying his name but kane believes he was very very generous and he's like i've got a stab vest for you a good one a really good one and i thought he really means well with that you know he's not it's not like he'll wear this you know for effect he's like watch me out then mate and i thought thank you thanks very much you're rough really roughly do you know i mean these guys are abusing kids and selling them and so they're not going to be wanting people doing their they want everything silent james a half inch ball bearing a catapult will shut your skull like a melon so you know where do you go then what's it what's this next step for right so my agency's so right i'm disappointed yesterday no footfall i didn't put the videos on i walked around every single place had some chat i had some romanian people say to me yeah thank you you know they did james people in victoria road witnessed this people in westmoreland street and annette street and daisy street gal talk street i've been all around it and there's residents just looking out windows and going like that they're saying good keep it going and a car stopped and young men and i thanked them on a video young asian men get out and they is alex five seven eight of them two cars would stop me and i walk and uh they ever walked to me i walked to them we met in the middle and you don't know what their intentions are gonna be but the young guys were lovely you know real impeccable manners and just they said we've seen all your videos we follow your page wheel it excuse me too much water need a coffee we live here i went right and how is it anyway you're right it says okay and that says would you talk and he went with connie no the video you might be kind of do that but you're right it happens one of the young guys comes forward and he says we're grateful for what you're doing he says we don't tolerate it it damages our culture our heritage it's against the beliefs in the quran the muslim no matter what folks by nicola and james right they talk a lot of [ __ ] about it same as they do with the baby it says this you know it says that you should go and kill the infidels read it anyway you like the bino and interpret it any way you like i've read it i didn't interpret it like that and i know a lot of muslims and they're fantastic people they're they're stunned people that you know they've got pride in themselves so we can't he just had ever seen me and that's was never my intention and if anybody actually genuinely believed that well unfortunately yeah wrong i've got too many mates for ethnic groups so the young guys said thank you and one of them stepped forward and he said he's mate went go tell him tell him so this week i was the ringleader and he says uh the guy looked quite you know he was a bit disheartened and he said my uncles are in jail for it i went all right i mean that's no good i says but you'll know you're a good guy you might be the family have disowned them but my two uncles are in for a and the other and they say and he's pointing at the other boy and he says yeah my brother's been done for here in govind hill babies i mean i'm sorry he allowed son and he went yeah of course and this young guy the bravery is to just come up to me doesn't he know me if you had a man 20 odd year older than that could be the da he comes up and he says my brother's done it and we hate him and we hate him for it and we're ashamed as a family because it was in the papers and people know the family and i said oh you're a young gentleman your manners these are all cracking guys i says i really appreciate his coming over to me and make me feel welcome it says because i've got no right to be here this is your community and they said we've tried we've tried we know what goes on down here i mean know the reputation this place has got if that's not enough proof then i don't know where's what about the mattress season that you were seeing in the closet so taxi drivers james so there you can read it all the screenshots hundreds of them 10 in a dozen single mattresses stairwells bolded up courses the metal windows a single mattress is underneath them or a ripping asylum or the old handles well baby wipes condoms whatever you want single mattresses and know that they're and know that that happens disney stickers peter pan the little mermaid a girl a boy certain doors there was a phaser it was people were saying it was the light bulbs pink blue pink blue i'm not going to comment on that i've heard that i've got absolutely not a shred evidence so i'm not going to comment on that the disney stickers the pictures of the women and stuff and the taxi rivals telling me that's a brothel that's a brothel that's a brothel if you put that door in the new there'll be women in a bedroom and you open the door and they're all sitting like this addicts a you know sick stone wet through underfed unclean probably locked in a room externally you know what i mean and it does happen james and the police let me two a day two last night four the night before eight maybe ten couples have stopped me up around this area where we're sitting just now flag me down the other night one in the morning eh james i've got a ma i've got a mask uh uh a scarf and a hood up and i'm on a bike alex at the monday they've clocked me in cctv crossing the city this is initially went no no alex not so they said come here so they were nice really nice said to me you know and this is across place scotland he says you know our level we know nothing about this we know as much as the rumor milnos this is way above us serious organized crime serious crime squad you know the trafficking the teams that really specialize in that high level stuff way way up the ladder and there's a there's a there's a massive gulf between the beat cops that we see every day who are people just loves whatever you say about them we've all been through phases that we don't like to pause big deal i've had my history with them and then you get this big gulf and you get at the top of the ladder and these are the real you know the 30 40-year guys the old-school cid that the old-school detectives and they know this and they so the big coppers are saying we know what happens our hands are completely tied we don't there's no privacy that information we've heard horror stories and they all said that james and some of them said we're following your page we hope it we hope it works we hope that eventually this is dealt with on a massive scale and that's coming for coppers i know it's not they could drive by me and go there's that [ __ ] clown there's the last thing you've seen there so far seen all the rats and [ __ ] i've seen all of that but that's [ __ ] all that that just magnetizes people at the close games those that's a double-edged sword right because folk will go look at worst it's just a [ __ ] all right so [ __ ] let's not even mention human trafficking james let's mention taking five-year-olds to school in the morning down a stairwell that's got 100 [ __ ] syringes lying in the stairs and foil with a smoking crack and everything else and piles are human [ __ ] you've seen it it's no dog up for debate james this isn't the up for debate why are we taking children through that to a nursery school in the morning do we mind see it and they get traumatized in the damages forever we were brought up single-parent family love i don't know if we had much but we had probably more than we need my mom was on us 45 year what our life night shift in a mental hospital uh you know took nobel last year right out of the blue super youngest of seven and it was a shock we are brought up by love we know of one who says we go and we know what the heating is right the heating zone i went with night again for school to tell you in front of the fire we know what dinner is we know what a clean bathroom is and we know the smell of bed sheets comfort i used to go to a guy's history and he bullied me all my life but i idolized them they were pals they used to bother me all the time if he hears us he'll know who he is it wouldn't happen no but it was a long time ago and he's more used comfort and i used to get his sister and get his bedroom in a block it was the best smell ever because it made you feel safe james so we know the emotions and doing there that doesn't exist there will be love and there will be good and there will be there are very different people and it's hard for me to portray us and get across without somebody jumping on it and going yeah you said this you can't you know i mean i'm no i'm not one for generalizing which has been printed you've generalized an entire ethnic group absolute nonsense no chance and and i don't care who says it they can come up and say to my face if you read the content it's never ever been no one's ever been generalized right i'm not about ace is born in my body james i just don't eh so what was i saying there he's frazzled so the the the general the the worst thing i've seen are women covered in bite marks all over her body all over her body big deep big mouthed teeth bite max bite marks all over video footage i've seen i've seen men i've got a guy that i'm going to meet tomorrow night he says i'll probably get severely dealt with for this he says but i feel ashamed because i'm albert okay taxi driver he says i feel ashamed because of what you're doing and because i know about it says all right tell me he said i'm gonna show you an address at a certain time when children are getting picked up in the morning half six seven o'clock in the morning three all under seven or eight the weirdest ones three or four the middle one maybe five and they go together a woman puts them in a taxi and takes them to an area which is far far that way 10 mile away i'll tell you later and they come back at night and we've all had avoid partners james right you've spent a night in your bed maybe you're laying in your bed on a sunday with your partner and you've had sex and these are drunk you're hungover and you're minging and you need a shower but you kind of get up what's the smell what do you smell of sex the smell of sex right his words to me these children when we pick them up stink of sex now is that not a very very strange thing for a taxi driver to say the kids no crying or anything are traumatized they're silent they don't speak they sit in the back like meerkats now my first response to him which is there i said well you're not my [ __ ] type of guy then this went back and took that fare i said you know my type of guy mate i would have picked them up once right and the second time i picked them up i'd put them in the back seat my taxi and as i took the head off the guy that brought them to me but again you don't know he's just saying the smell's there you don't know first other he said it's a very sinister setup there's very little communication with the woman that puts them in the car all right you could say well they're gonna wait to get watched it's no community james this woman doesn't leave the house she doesn't go to a job it's not a community that they're gonna win paying for childcare in the the north side of the city for three kids for a full day childcare's not cheap it's the same as with a lot of people a lot of the romanians who are homeless and begging for money in the streets when we were doing the documentary stuff we still do the homeless stuff but they get dropped off in a van maybe 10 or 12 people see them they go back it's not that they want to be there they're forced to be there they're people getting chained in rooms that's that i know that happens but i don't know i don't have all the evidence nor approved because this will go to the masses so people will watch this with a [ __ ] magnifying glass everything and they'll rip it up and they'll say so i've got to play it from both sides of how other people see it so we'll get the messages right from right so say for instance we've got 300 people saying categorically this happened i worked here at this year two years ago and babies were coming in wait stds are in hotels there's a lot of that lot far too much for there to be a hundred knuckles all saying the same thing the doctors don't have to yeah report that though of course they report it but they say so when we spoke 10 minutes ago about multi-agency stuff those let those level of services james are in collapse right britain's and collapse britain's britain's collapsing the the financial the financial obligation to those services is restricted because it doesn't generate any money it's a cost code it's a cost code so they're losing it's in somebody's opinion it's money down the drain i know my kids don't think for a minute that the people that governors in this country care about is i hate even saying their name you can read about that horrible horrible individual in in in westminster rhys smog you know i don't know jacob rees-mogg multi-million pound dividends every year and with a maze there's amaze husband you know they own the biggest cannabis farms in in in britain but we joe you know doing in renfrew is now out agrobe but oil for his mate next door let's get cancer and he's criminalized and put in the dock and he's dozing off the hinges but these guys are pumping out on on mass billion-pound turnover it's all right for them it's not leaked up but but but cannabis is classified you know it's illegal but they're actually cultivating it on the ground scale but they're doing it under the medical banner but the person that truly believes he's helping his neighbor will be a bit oil doing the right thing is a criminal they're the [ __ ] criminals million percent is the yeah yeah gangsters under the ones that stole the street corners your gangster is the one who wear the suits man and are pulling the strings for everybody else the real criminals barely switch james and the real criminals of bill empires real empires but james empires fall empires crumble two examples the catholic church and the church of scotland go to any one of them any sunday and look at the demographic it's old people and it's young people that have been dragged there on a sunday you're coming it's your grand it's taking you you're gone chapel [ __ ] something like that for an hour you know the same old crack i don't care what md believes in we we god it's not my thing but so be it you know fill your boots they're dying that that is an organization you can buy chochies james in chapels all over glasgow now and developers are flipping them in ice flats you know condominiums as you know and they're everywhere they're available everywhere and they all need the roof so you're getting them for peanuts because they've never spent money for 40 years that money that goes in the bowl 100 years in the bowl and the bowl and the bowl funneled back funneled back funneled back and now now this this industry right the industry that is the church is an empire it's crumbling there's nobody hurry jesus james going that isn't he they're falling apart and probably rightly so it was a business model and it's it's running out of stuff when the money the catholic church taken that they can can we put um hunger in the world one day the money they take the money that an irish billionaire musicians got in his current account could probably like wipe out third world where do you go over here alex videos and building up momentum where do you go what's your next plan if they would if they would speak to us instead us instead of taking direction from consultancy so no qualifications james left school i don't have anything right i educated myself after i left school in layman's terms from what i can see and from speaking the interest in people and you know listening to everybody and saying right what what feels right what feels like i want to follow that you know that dialogue that education so so they take consultancy and they say we need this agency i could i could rhyme off 15 child protection agencies just now right and you would go well what does that mean i'll tell you what they all mean the upper echelons you know of management top-tier ceos 250-300 k salaries enormous salaries save the children unicef all of it right they're all in phenomenal money if you offered me a job tomorrow james to protect children on a salary and it was i thought they cared a year job that let me live and pay my mortgage and put a car in the road i would take that job you know i wouldn't be i wouldn't be motivated to i wouldn't be you know drawn to it because it was a 200k salary it's jobs for the boys and it's a gang and it's it's the whole it all goes back it's all the same machine they will not invest in anything that's destructive to the revenue stream if it's a draw down the way it's not getting an investment mental health is the most underfunded crisis in the uk try and go and try and see a gp and tell them it's mental health you'll be four months for an appointment at which point you're probably already dead the suicide rates are the biggest since the second world war get young men taking their lives because they lost their job or they fell out with our bud other than debt or the other mates got you know a nicer car in it and it might it's magnified the alcohol we substance abuse we cannot but just you know cannabis to smoking too much energy is bad we know that no we've never been better educated than we are today we've never had the free education when we were boys you went to school and a teacher told you a lot of rubbish and you believed it right i mean we just believed everything they told us and every generation before and after gets told the same thing how do we know that's right i don't i don't know what's right it's madness so they don't fund it so mental health gets nothing it gets nothing i know i've been i went to a gp and i said i don't feel great no i don't feel great i feel as if i could just have a really bad day you know and the things are that everything's out of sync the chemicals the serotonins nothing's working and you and and you have to do it yourself because in your six minute appointment they go there's four boxes six are the acetal apron citrulline you know mitrazepam totally mind-bending drugs and the first thing they do is they numb you from your temples to the balls of your feet and they slow down your testosterone and they block all the pheromones and all the endorphins that make you feel averagely happy they nullify you lose your manliness your test levels drop everything stops working the way you are used to it what can you lose your sex drive you can't understand yourself and you become even more confused and you get lost you're in you're in oblivion what's up with me the [ __ ] is up with me and you can't work it out and then the answer is that what you're consuming has changed your makeup it's changed who you are it's not just took away the thoughts of harming yourself for the the deep depression it took away every thought every thought train these drugs are potent potent drugs i know and when you ditch them and you and you actually fight to get back to who you were for me it worked for some guys it doesn't work but i don't believe that's the answer james a six minute a six minute interview will be a doctor you don't know yeah that's not the answer james so before we finish up brother for anybody watching can how can people contact you james i'm a technophobe uh that there is the the page obviously we're trying to keep on top of the of the messages but it's impossible there's tens of thousands of messages came in tens and tens of thousands and at one point even at four o'clock this morning there was 100 150 messages every 10 minutes you can't answer them james now paul's been brilliant paul mcelveen i need to mention them they include me too club and bad head this james mcguire building might be called the the james english building one day you never know where i'm going and it can be called james paul he's a big gentleman he does he wants to be already asperger's grip's artistic he's a fantastic guy and i went to him to help him set me up a page because i'm a buff and within 30 seconds i've said right so you'll just add me all the messages then pull and he's like bastard you know what i mean another optimism which is a lot he asked somebody because all the messages well you don't know if there's one in there but it's maybe caught in [ __ ] some hellhole that and like i say this isn't just goblin horses worldwide so many places it's everywhere what's your whole outlook on government holding the area that you're working and sharing videos thank you how bad do you think it is i think it's horrific james my heart of hearts i come here today we are true heart with genuine intentions a company offered me money bizarrely a well-known glasgow company offered me money last week for my expenses says i don't have any it cost me a coffee to get over there and back so i went so i'm very grateful if you want to make a donation under the bridge or something do that i says but i'm really grateful but no i don't want anything for anybody that's no you know i've never been my motivation uh there has to be a resolution james they have to take a proper look and i and i and i i'll never blame the the street level cops they don't have the authority they don't have the power to go deep and look deep beyond the secrecy the veil of secrecy that that culture and that ethnic group have it's a closed ship it's it's it's it's tied up it's tied up through fear and intimidation we've all been who have been in my life james uh none of us will make any excuses right but maybe we're looking for redemption maybe this is redemption maybe maybe maybe there's not anything that bad in my life just now that needs so much of my attention so i've directed it somewhere else and focal goal you're a [ __ ] lunatic you know running about there da da da and they'll spin it any way they like to suit their mood and that's fine i'm prepared for that it's for the right reasons james there's children getting abused in this city on a grand scale it was rife when we were young we idolized celebrities we tv personalities were idolized disc jockeys and they were doing it in plain view of millions of viewers on top of the pops on a thursday night while we sat there eating my dinner we were more and my dad our sister and my dog our granny we sat and watched it while it was happening in front of our eyes and they knew about it then and they know about it now and they're untouchable because they protect themselves with barristers we get loyal you and me get loyals when they go to court they get barristers they get qcs they get the best of protection 100 grantee a barrister in a brown envelope it's toffee it's peanuts we're struggling to pay a lawyer two grand to get your baby accumulated points and a speeding fine [ __ ] coil is nice you know what i mean these guys there's nothing in them because they're so high up how is it james that that when it comes to abuse every single person says the same thing it's getting taken down your videos are getting removed they're no lying it's happening to me see a week ago if you'd asked me as i said that's a lot of [ __ ] people are just dramatized dramatizing james it's happening i can look in the eye right i know you're a good guy i can look in the eye and in time you know i mean and you time you know i'm telling the truth that they're taking the videos away my phone's acting bizarre it's turning itself off i think i've been logged into facebook for 10 years it's kicked me out about 200 times i've never had to log into facebook in 10 so something's no right and everybody's now saying it james you can look i've screenshotted hundreds of people saying i've just posted your video and i've had a warning instantly for facebook who's monitoring it and why did it go from number two on twitter to not even in the top 30 after midnight that night all the twitter experts have said that never happens the reason being 11 o'clock at night for instance there was 50 000 people and at 10 past one in the morning there was 350 000 people so surely james the only way is up you know i can at least count to ten from number two you go to number one when when the numbers quadruple surely it doesn't go down the way and drop out the top 30. doesn't it bother me if it's nothing nothing and that bothers me it's just a bonus for the cause but there's things happening i believe the authorities pulled it of course they've got their power they do it twitter are still bound by legislation every platform every platform is bound by legislation james you're bound you there's certain things you can't do although you're going fuckies i'm saying whatever i like and it's it's fantastic the subject matter that you deliver weekly is brilliant it's better than any newspaper that's ever been printed it's great stuff because it's a guy or a woman from every walk of life the the variance is amazing you've you've got you've got the the old counselor guy with you know with the big belly and the suit with a big sashes in that and he's he's been getting around in cars for years and housing schemes kidding on he's doing his butt you know all the back candles and then all of a sudden people are writing books about him that he's abused me boys for 45 years bound by fear parents uncles can you say that he's the local politician he's important and we are not important but would you like to finish up on anything for anybody watching maybe it's why i come forward and help out if they come forward ask me to meet you anywhere and i'll meet you a woman a former prostitute she'll don't mind me saying it message me she says give me her address i've checked her out she's genuine i know people that now know they're like she's absolutely sound she's came good you could come in my house it says i cannot come to your house that can't happen but if you've got a couple of witnesses couple your good mates i'll come to your house they will have a coffin you can tell me where it is you need to tell me she's listed stuff james trafficked by her father in conjunction with an asian gang for 12 years heartbreaking horrific it's she's still got all the police logs over treatment no prosecution ever brought why was that one of the asian guys was a community leader colorful sweep it under the carpet swept under the carpet coppers uh i i lose that 10 like i use that term lately there's good ones and there's bad like those good ones and bad in every walk of life a police high up high level police guys getting fingered by women now in their 40s and 50s you abused me you did we not sure multiples of them james these guys are retired they're almost at the end of our lives it was you we know it was you how did they prove it james it was 50 years ago you know what happened with the savile thing right the ut inquiry people coming out historically in everybody's first world mind hands up your first train of thought is how did you know say it fought a year ago i knew i could punch myself for even thinking like that and in the gary glitter we idolize them you know dancing and he's what he's done we'll never know he's a horrible bastard piece of [ __ ] the ones that are active people i want to expose and get information to expose like the ones who are still like everybody the ones who die now then they'll come out i want to get the [ __ ] who are [ __ ] active now they're active james in this city everywhere everywhere so look at the epstein stuff you look at the glenn maxwell all protected higher up because maxwell level ring for right from the top to the bottom and this is some scary [ __ ] you can go down the rabbit hole and look at stuff but you question it someone's is about far-fetched but that's the one you should be keeping your eye on yeah there's so much shout out that again is to concentrate on your own life trying get yourself in a good position in them you can help others and shedding light on these kind of things it's tiring we couldn't we can't fix america james we shouldn't care about this right because i can't do it i bet it smiles this is us glasgow this is those james and we're bringing children into this environment and they're bringing children into this system and it's like some of the guys ex-criminals reformed guys that you've mentioned uh that were put in the system the the boston system the care system four five systematically abused by people that are there to care for care for them males and females not just two or three 95 percent of them 90 percent of them michael maisie's project that cip he's done his homework that guy he's got the facts and the figures and the statistics are i've been proven to be accurate that 90 of people that go through that care system end up in prison why because people like you and i have got a bit of meat in the bone we've got a fire in my belly right so if somebody does something to you you eventually rebel you keep poking a dog it will eventually bite you so read a bell and they rebel because they're maybe in their community they are a hard family the g's for instance they're tough people i know guys that grew up with them they rebel ferociously they start battering men and battering care workers and wrecking secure units because they're they're protecting the life james men are tying them to beds and raping them they become 13 14 15 they fill out the train you know they become violent men and they protect they've got every right to protect themselves they've got every right to try and kill their abusers just fills them with hate and fear and falls on me hate for their whole lives and now they're in the the back the back end they're into the 40s and the transition just following from his first recently stopped postcard podcast is incredible he's he's laughing he never laughed in the first one you know he's smart the sick noise he's laughing there's laughter there's our softness to his eyes he's getting crow's feet he's he's breaking a smile you can nearly see his teeth he's a very intense guy he's carrying baggage he's got baggage that he'll carry every day dies kidding away you don't get anything more protective than him now because he knows because he's lived and he's breathed it sisters rather incarcerated life off life tariff you never see daylight who puts these people in power that decides that a guy that's never killed anybody should never see daylight the same people that are denying that that's happening two mile away james that live in millionaires row in perfect harmony with our chauffeur-driven cars and our champagne lunches and i'm not going to say they're all bang at it but there's a [ __ ] lot of the mat at james and it's horrific for somebody like me and you who are just normal alpha males among ourselves with the fire in my belly that you want to put your hands in the throat and pull it pull the windpipe how did you feel today coming on and telling your story i'm grateful for the opportunity eh i didn't i didn't expect it i hope it comes across the way it's meant it's meant as a father and i hope that people take it the way it's meant as in i'm not i never ever intended to just say those people that was an area james and and translation you just mentioned you know it's asians it's whiteness everybody it's one machine and if it's and if it's white guys they deserve to hang as much as anybody because this is scotland and it's as everywhere james and no one will convince me any other way i will not deviate from this message i will not change my course until we come to the end of it the massive massive footfall of multi-agencies down there seriously investigating what's going on in govern hill and what's going on in southern ireland i've had messages for groups of guys proper guys pedo hunters and southern ireland have asked to speak to me have a zoom call tonight they've got so rock solid evidence that people have been trafficked from glasgow to ireland and they know the guys that's doing it because they're connected the dovetailing james the drugs game this game that game they all dovetail each other crimes crime as whereas right but there's levels to crime there's none of those angels but there's levels to crime there's [ __ ] you do not do if you're even dealing with somebody that that is at the far end of a spectrum of trafficking children or women vulnerable women you're a [ __ ] dog and you deserve to die or you deserve to be incarcerated for the rest of your life children are the cheapest commodity in the world because they're [ __ ] innocent they're innocent they don't know any better and when i see my sons and i look at my young one and i think about you know the mccann case and i say what if he vanished how would i feel how would these mom feel their lives are over imagine never seeing that face again or hearing that giggle again or smelling their hair again can you imagine that sensation james you've got kids in you so you know what i'm talking about can you imagine never getting in at night and going look at me are you a lion watching the lion king or just making them their breakfast for what you're doing it's stinking just like thanks keep them you're doing try and get an end product and just and keep creating awareness and keep shedding light on it before coming on the daymeet and what's your first proper interview it can be wary but i appreciate everything you're doing me i wish you the best for the future i'm very very grateful check out more of my podcasts on the right and be sure to like share and comment your thoughts on this week's podcast thank you
Channel: Anything Goes With James English
Views: 231,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aLLHjjv1I3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 40sec (6040 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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