10 Biggest Snakes Ever Discovered

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like and subscribe right now or you're going to have terrible luck for the next week there are over 3 000 species of snake on the planet they are found everywhere except in new zealand greenland iceland antarctica and ireland each of them boasts impressive and unique characteristics and is differentiated by size color and venom efficacy this video beams a light on some snake species that grow to immense proportion prepare to be amazed as i take you through the list of the 10 biggest snakes in the world number 10 the black mamba the black mama is the largest venomous snake in africa they are covered with olive brown green or gray but are rarely black it measures between 7.2 and 8.9 feet long but some species grow up to 13 feet the longest one in history is confirmed to be 14.11 feet not only does this animal clinch the price of one of the longest snakes in the world but it is also the most aggressive and fastest with speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour they are known to attack even without provocation their venom is toxic and can cause a human to collapse within 30 minutes if not treated with antivenom they hold smaller animals in their mouth until the venom takes effect but larger prey suffers two strikes until it is weak and swallowed females lay up to 20 eggs and incubate them for two to three months babies are independent and femme for themselves immediately after birth although they are climbers they prefer the solitude of the ground because that's where they lie in way for an unsuspecting victim number 9 king cobra the king cobra is found in asia and is one of the longest venomous snakes in the world it flaunts his fearsome status and would attack whenever it chooses however they typically avoid confrontation with humans but wouldn't tolerate provocation they grow up to 18.7 feet long and weigh up to 9 kilograms the male variants are more extensive than females which is rare in snakes from birth to death they never stop growing after a bite from the king cobra the victim can die within 15 minutes although their venom is not the most potent among other snakes it contains high neurotoxin levels in a single bite it is so effective that they can kill 20 people simultaneously this poison causes respiratory arrest cardiac failure and eventual death king cobras live in southern china southeast asia rainforests and plains of india they feed on other snake species including lizards and smaller mammals in vietnam it is a protected species and specialized organizations like the king cobra conservancy are recruited to protect their habitat number eight reticulated python the most enormous recorded reticulated python is 28.5 feet long and weighs 145 kilograms although they are known to be aggressive they wouldn't hurt a human until provoked the average species is about 16 feet the beauty of their skin makes them a target in commercial skin trade their infrared sensitive pit organs and a keen sense of smell help them identify their prey this snake lives up to 20 years but attains sexual maturity two years after birth depending on its size females light up to 80 eggs which incubate between 80 to 90 days within this period the mother fasts and produces muscular shivers that warms the eggs during cooler times despite habitat disruptions they are tolerant and survive still medusa is a radiculated python in kansas city according to the guinness book of world records it is the longest snake kept in captivity as of 2011 it measured 25 feet and weighed 158.8 kilograms as a rule this animal swallows prey one quarter of its length and equal to its weight number seven burmese python native to the grassy marshes of south asia burmese pythons need no introduction they grow up to 25 feet in length and 90 kilograms in weight in their early days they spend more time on trees but they transition to the ground as they grow older because of their swimming skills they can stay submerged in water for up to 30 minutes they feed primarily on birds and small mammals they prey on larger animals like goats and pigs adult deer and alligators as they become mature although they suffer poor eyesight they can capture their victims through chemical receptors and heat sensors on the jaws burmese pythons are solitary serpents that prefer to be seen during spring mating females lay up to a hundred eggs which they incubate for two to three months before you jump in the excitement this creature is non-poisonous its constriction can kill faster than the deadliest venom like most snake species this one is prone to endangerment thanks to illegal hunting and habitat depletion number six titanoboa serogenensis the biggest snake that has lived on earth's surface is a titanoboa it existed 600 million years ago but only 6 million years after tyrannosaurus rex left the scene the remains of the snake showed it measured 42 feet long to put this in perspective is about the same length as the longest school bus you'll ever see its weight is estimated at one thousand one hundred and thirty three kilograms the animal's remains were discovered in a coal mining pit in colombia scientists believe titanoboa was the top predator of its time and acted like a super-sized anaconda since it spent most of its time in the water it first constricts its prey before swallowing it whole judging by its jaw structure scientists suggest that it was wired to catch fish crocodiles and turtles its size could be an indicator of a tropical climate warmer than what researchers previously thought they realized that a cold-blooded animal couldn't regulate its body temperature and survive in mean temperatures number five eastern diamondback the eastern diamondback is a strong contender for the scariest and weightiest snakes on the globe it is dubbed the most dangerous venomous snake in north america even guinness world records does not have a single listing for the world's heaviest poisonous snake but it admits that it's probably one a specimen caught in 1964 measured seven feet and weighed about 15 kilograms which is too much for a rattlesnake according to a reliable source its double action venom contains the enzyme crotolase which can clot fibrinogen the eastern diamondback boasts the longest fang of any rattlesnake measuring an inch when activated it can inject enough venom to take down three adults fights are excruciating but there's an antivenom that is readily available within the snake's range during raiding season males compete for their female counterparts by asserting dominance the gestation period ranges from 6 to 7 months about 20 snakes are born alive although deadly they avoid humans and would only attack in defense the eastern diamondback is not endangered but is a victim of widespread hunting and habitat loss number four african rock python as the name goes the african rock python is a species found in africa it holds its head high as one of the colossal snakes on the globe it is shorter than a radiculated python and grows up to 20 feet in length in 1958 an african rock python was killed and according to a report it had a 4.9 feet juvenile nile crocodile in its stomach its native habitat is in sub-saharan africa and it eats antelope warthog herons and other small mammals unfortunately they are infamous for attacking and killing humans by encircling and sniffing life out of them the african rock python lays up to 100 hard gel eggs in an old animal burrow cave or termite mold the female shield directs from predators for two weeks after hatching since men fears them it justifies wanting killings by ruthless hunters although they are not endangered species it may happen soon because their habitat is frequently disturbed number three amethyst nine python i must confess that the python family features prominently on this list the amethyst times scrub python is found in papua new guinea australia and indonesia while small ones spend more time in trees adults prefer dense rainforests rivers swamps or streams there are four known subspecies larger snakes measure 16 feet in length but there are unconfirmed reports of snakes exceeding 28 feet females weigh between 15 to 30 kilograms but there are reports of oversized specimens weighing as high as 90 kilograms male variants are much smaller with an average of 5.1 kilograms to 11 kilograms like most massive pythons amethyst stein feeds on small mammals like rats possums bats and large lizards like monitors it detects its warm-blooded prey at night through heat-sensing pits on the front of its head when prospective victims within striking distance the python sees it and coils its body around it this suffocates the animal and gives way for a decent meal now it's time for today's best pick [Music] our best pick features our gargantuan snake that would rather swim in water that slivers slowly on land they prefer to be alone but when you get too close you'll understand why they're nicknamed elephant killer stay glued number two green anaconda talk about the heaviest snake in the world and this slithery green anaconda would proudly wave its hand in the air it boasts a massive 227 kilograms in weight and 8.43 meters long although the reticulated python is longer it is slenderer than this breed researchers say that a 5.2 meter long anaconda is the same weight as a 7.3 meter long regulated python luckily they are non-venomous and found in trinidad and south america they spend most of their time in slow streams marshes rivers and swamps as a result their eyes and nostrils are on their head instead of the sides this arrangement allows the creature to see predators above the water while its colossal body is submerged in water they feed on a variety of diets like deer turtles capybara and even jaguars since they belong to the boa family they use their long and muscular bodies to constrict their prey before swallowing them although anaconda refers to the green species three others are relatively smaller before we move on i have a little challenge group that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal just leave a like on the video smash the subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you'll get 25 years of good luck try it it really works number one boba constrictor boa constrictors are well known for their distinctive markings depending on their habitat they could be red tan green or yellow they grow up to 13 feet long and weigh more than 45 kilograms because of their size they move in a straight line instead of slivering back and forth their specialized jaws are wired to hold and grab prey while they wrap their muscular bodies around the victim tightly until it loses breath bows eat virtually anything that comes their way including wild pigs monkeys squirrels rats and birds luckily their jaws are stretchy and can accommodate larger prey after which digestion takes up to 6 days although they are excellent swimmers they'll rather lay on dry land in abandoned mammal burrows or hollow logs females incubate their eggs in their bodies and convert 60 babies simultaneously when it's time to shed their skin they are stressed and become more aggressive they wouldn't tolerate disturbance newborns are only two feet long after birth but continue to grow until they die because of their attractive skin they are hunted for sale thankfully the animal has a protected status there you have it if you've encountered any of these reptiles you'll know they're far from being a joke have you seen any of these creatures would you love to meet any of them soon please get into the box below and drop a comment there like and subscribe to our channel to stay updated with our latest content until another exciting episode adios
Channel: FactFile
Views: 50,555,913
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Keywords: top, factfile, education, biggest snake in the world, TITANOBOA, biggest snake in the world found alive, biggest snakes caught on camera, biggest snakes ever found, caught on camera, caught on tape, worlds biggest anaconda, giant snake, biggest snake ever caught on camera, largest snake, largest snake ever found, biggest snakes on earth, The Biggest Snakes Ever Discovered On Earth, biggest snakes to ever Exist, giant anaconda, giant snake caught on camera
Id: rLycYSY2V6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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