Defeating The Spirit of Mammon | Pastor Alph Lukau | Sunday 10 November 2019 | 2nd Service

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[Applause] [Music] the majesty [Music] the man you saved [Music] yeah yeah yeah [Applause] you either Carter where's Louise a nice Jesus Jesus [Music] and in you [Music] oh geez you are the miracle word yes you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are [Applause] [Music] [Music] put your hands together is Yahweh ECOA [Applause] Alpha and Omega can I see your son of victory can I see your son of victory you win the lose I win you weed they lose I win they lose oh Jesus Jesus [Music] god bless you will you find a neighbor and give him a high-five Selah miracle in his life [Music] please have a seat god bless you greetings to all of you those of you here those of you are here for the very first time leaders disciples ministers pastors bishops greets you all in the name of Jesus one thing will happen today you'll never be the same I received the Word of God will transform you it is my prayer it is my faith the Word of God will molds you and the Word of God will produce the miraculous in your life I if you come to the house of God and you believe that the Lord is meaning he exists I want you to expect something from him if he has done it for one he will not do it for you I am prophesying already over you if it did it for one he will do it for you please have a seat we are in the season where the Lord through a merry hand is destroying the works of the enemy we have been dealing with the four most dangerous spirits evil spirit in the church and ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters wherever you are I want you to know that your time for freedom is now this season is not going to pass by without you enjoying the miracle less power of God your tongue of Liberty is now I don't know how many people I'm speaking to but there is a child of God who's ready for this world there is a child of God who's ready for this if it is you I'm speaking to wave to me please be seated I had said that the crossover from 2019 to 2020 is very prophetic and very significant our generation will probably never know another Yale at 2020 our forefathers knew 19 1918 18 17 17 we are about to experience 20 20 I was save it from 2020 it will take literally 101 yay for another 21 21 to come let me tell you I want you to make the best of this and as we cross over we'll all come dressed in white and we'll reconnect with that Alto whether he knew ourselves on the altar many of you out there have about your Alto but you must know you not need to sustain your Auto you do not build an altar and you move on you forget you forgot your outer many years ago or last year no you must maintain your altar the power of your altar is key but it is seen a truly sacrifice that is often built on it so a cross over will come about sacrifice and will renew our covenant we will speak to our altar from around the world you'll be expected well I have our IVP that will begin on Sunday the 29th of December and I will go till the 1st of January which is a Wednesday so will I have three nights together great moment in the presence of God are you ready for it are you ready for it we are ready now I'm speaking on the fourth most dangerous evil spirit giving you a break and giving you time to get yourself the book the arising the rise of the prophetic voice I want you to make sure that you have a copy and as God gives me time I will emphasize on that later on or next time but just I want you to know you have you should have your copy I feel pressed with time this morning for what the Lord want to share with you or speak to you about is what a lot and I do not want you to miss out of it we have spoken about the spirit of pattern as one of the four most dangerous evil spirits in the church and today we have to date we have three more to speak about that is worth of Mammon Jezebel and the spirit of Absalom I will not do justice to the Word of God if I will combine all the three-in-one teaching I will not still do justice if I will break it into teachings if only we had time to carry on speaking a little more on the spirit of pattern maybe for another week day by day seven days many of us will be enlightened from inside but I just trust God that a wafer the deposit he has made a truly teaching the Spirit of God and they are knowing thing that teaches us all things we'll take it from there because this season is your season of Liberty is your season of victory but I will carry on and present to you the Word of God speaking today this time on the spirit of Mamo know the spirit of maman and the third service I'll speak to us on the spirit of Jezebel now Absalom is a one spirit that has affected every home every group every people as a Lord will maybe on Friday a world jump a Friday will not take a full weekend and break it down making it a Sunday a Friday and a Sunday for all live-streaming as I will want as many of you here and out there to have an opportunity to grasp the truth of God it is say you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free stories do not set you free the truth sets you free and the truth is set you free is not a hidden truth is the truth that you know the truth that has been revealed to you if you do not know the truth the truth will not set you free but when you're in come to the truth the truth is revealed to you that proof will set you free as you hear this word today be that you are a man or a woman in respect of irrespective of your gender your race your color your culture freedom is about to knock your door and come to you hope I am speaking as a notarized mother of God I am speaking to those who are present in this auditorium I am speaking to those who may be watching me live from around the world freedom is about to knock your door and come to your home in the name of Jesus now I want you to do something for me find a neighbor seated or standing give him or her a high five and say I'm glad you are here I'm glad you are here I'm glad you are here I don't know if you are finding a good neighbor find a good one say I am glad you are here ladies and gentlemen there is a turnaround in the atmosphere and everyone connected with me today will experience the turn along are you ready for it now when I said there is a turnaround in the atmosphere you have seen my hand turn this is just a symbol prophetically to say that uh every other thing will turn around talking to your situation is about to turn around there is the spirit that lead an ambush against you elf against your life Lee would the spirits of patron that tries to grab you and wrapped itself around you that spirit the slowly opens up it's awesome to swallow you to swallow what is your soul I am here counting one two three one two three one two three one two three Heymann you will not wait for it you look take hold of it I see you do not wait to eat you will take hold of it I am talking about your next level I am talking about your marriage I am talking about our relationship I am talking about your finances I am talking about your healing and your deliverance you know not just sit back and watch whether it will show up another in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach you attending heard of it up what is yours is making its way to you the devil is a liar you will not miss another season you will not miss another moment am I just meeting no I am prophesying I am imposing these words in you I am establishing it in your life hear me social it be it cannot be otherwise up I see you matching up weeks like an echo those who expecting your don't fold will wait and wait and wait up for God I say no more going back forward always back what never I don't know how many people I'm speaking to but there are 5,000 people who are receiving their miracle under the sound of my voice it is yesterday Sophie will happen the devil like it oh no you are making your way out of this dimension to the next level to the next dimension to the next glory in the made of trees Jesus I was saving somebody's expectation is taking form and shape somebody's expectation is manifesting in this season I fish up you say seven weeks to the end of the season seven weeks to the end of the season week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 let me tell you you don't miss it I see you not missing the Egyptian that you see today you will see them I want you to find 5 neighbors and give them a prophetic high-five that seems your miracle that seals your blessing you are going places where you are calling the devil cannot stop you that devil can all stop you that devil can all stop you hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are just to acknowledge that to fall so I am too and knowing that to fall I so you are I am too blessed to be cursed the devil like it or not his reign of terror in your life is over every taste of your life turns into a test you understand and say look what the ludus dad he turned my mourning into tension I'm a child of God I will not die with sickness I'll note our diseases I'm a child of God there is one thing that will happen it doesn't matter whether you shout or not this one thing you can't escape that you will not live here this broadcast this live stream the same something is about to happen to you I don't know who I'm speaking to but if you can grab it is yours if you can't do it it's yours in the name of now please have a seat bite on the spirit of deceit definition clairvoyance the spirit of fortunately the spirit that lays nimesh to catch you the spirit that has been behind everything you lost your finest has been swallowed your opportunities have been swallowed your dreams have been swallowed the Lord sent his word and his word healed us from our ignorance by told will never rain in your life a battle spirit cannot stand or withstand fire from the smell of it the pattern knows I gotta move out of here unless fire comes the pattern is delayed in the corner in a concealed position but when the fire of God comes down every by10 spirit is destroyed 1 2 3 fire if there is no fire in your life you are in trouble but I bless God today that the fire of the Holy Ghost is burning in your life the fire of the Holy Ghost is burning in your life somebody Happy Hollow fire please have a seat now what gives me joy is that after pattern has been dealt with the spirit of mom on one of the most preeminent spirit in that time he's about to be injured and badly dealt with may I announced to you as a journalist will ladies and gentleman something is about to take place God is about to destroy the destroyer Who am I speaking to ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters child of God Toto's of Zion anointed sons of God God has remembered you every yoke of my moon is about to be destroyed if you can receive it it shall be settled in your life in the name of Jesus please have a seat I try to teach you very quickly and we pray together Matthew 6:24 Jesus cross exposes a spirit that has been operating from the olden and ancient days a spirit that no one could put a name on Jesus cross exposes it he says no one can serve two masters because it's dealing with a spirit that is not just a subject a spirit that moves a spirit that hath dominion a spirit that is a master positioning itself in the high level even the level of the AG he says no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other now when people who were around him were listening to his word they did not understand who it was getting to some could have quickly conclude that it may be speaking about the Roman soldiers or the Romans officers the rule of the rock of Rome in Israel others who say is maybe talking about the uncle and you because he's talking about two masters you and your partner you and your colleagues oh come come read but he was speaking about something deeper he therefore continued and say you cannot serve God and Mammon leash your hands say I cannot serve God I cannot serve God and Mammon the master Jesus was talking about that that you are unable to serve along while serving God he was referring to maman who is maman where is my mom is mum on a matter to be concerned with I want us to break it down maman here is a spirit maman here is not a person maman is not an officer from the Roman ruled government in Israel maman is a spirit and if you understand the working of maman you will understand that this spirit has its hand in the world and in the church today more than any other spirit more than the broom flying wizard the spirit of maman is at word and to an extent of 85 percent of believers who are affected by the spirit they remain blind on its operation maman is a spirit that the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ who understands Authority must take position against as long as the spirit of maman will easily operate and freely operate in the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ the worship of God will be divided for this spirit competes for God's worship has the Bible say you can also have gardens of Mamoni as long as the spirit is easily and freely in operation in our lives no matter what we do our heavy will be a problem for you seem a mourner Clem's control offer any I mean of worth distribution where in the globe book mamon has been seen by many in one dimension maybe truthful that maman is a spirit of money now ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters daughters and sons of God when we talk about money money goes beyond just a paper there is a spirit in the spiritual reign that controls money because money being a medium of a change is so key in the happenings in the natural reign that the devil knows it cannot close his eyes on that medium of a change the devil knows that if you will control it he will control the manifestation of things in the realm of the natural this he want to be in control of what will come what will go what should manifest what should be and what should not be he knows that he has to have control over money are you hearing me god is liberating the church from the spirit of my morning and as we go through this the Spirit of God were begin to open our eyes what is maman or who is maman one mammal is known worldwide as a spirit of money in the first book of Timothy chapter 6 verse 10 the Bible reads for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil money itself is not evil but the love of money the love of money is the root of all evil it carries on say for which some have strayed from the faith in the grittiness and pierced themselves through with many sorrows when money becomes a prayer number one two three money becomes a true issue and when my moon is a present in your life money becomes more than just a medium money becomes more than just a mean money becomes the goal and every time money becomes the ultimate goal you must know mamaan is in operation ladies and gentlemen you must understand money is made to be a mean not the goal if now you preach because the goal is money if you work and everything you do your only thought is money I know you may say that I have some bills to catch up with but let me tell you you know far mamaan same is with you the spirit of money and today will break that in the name of Jesus Christ maman is the spirit of money and it is Express to greediness you want more more today MA tomorrow wanting more by itself is not a problem as long as you understand you want it as a mean it is not just a goal it's not just what you want to attain the for what are you understanding me mamon through greediness has been operating today people will marry you because of money not because they love you they care about you know that marry you because of money today people will join hand with you in friendship simply because of money the friendship is false the day money will fail their relationship with you will also fail people will stop at nothing when it comes to money money itself is not evil let me say it again because you need money and money will come to you but when money becomes priority number one number to number three just know maman is at work and out there you will see men and women can gritty this putting every other value back just because of money somebody was bleeding in a hospital was taken because he had a car accident they say if they do not operate on him in the next hour or so he will bleed and die the hospital that received this man bleeding this innocent man set and looked and say if you don't have money there is nothing would do for you we rather see you bleed to death unless there is some money and people run say happy tomorrow we will see what we'll do they say no not tomorrow now he's bleeding he has nobody ladies and gentlemen this is our generation it is money first if no money no marriage if no money no friendship if no money no church if no money no preaching if no money no worship if no money nothing happens the devil is a liar you see God gives you money because it gives you an assignment God does not give you money because he wants you to have simply a relationship with money God gives it to you because he wants you to build a school God gives it to you because he wanted to take care of your children God gives it to you because the kingdom of God has to be built God gives it to you not because he wants you to look like the best in the community no it's because he wants you to be a servant with it for money is an instrument somebody won't say money is a good servant but a bad master and you hear me there are people whose movement an action is simply determined by money they will follow money wherever it goes if money goes to street key number seven you will find them in the house number seven on the street kapu see what are you doing here and invited I'm here because I heard there is money here that's why many children of God have compromised the value they have compromised the value just to get there to get a promotion instead of looking to God what else did you do how far did you go what maman is operating the spirit of money takes over I am a preacher I'm now a preacher because the my apprec-- the man sustain my preaching is alive when Jesus Christ appeared to me he said I'll take care of my affairs and I will take care of your Shh I don't run after my own budget I don't run after my own needs is he he said to me as I take care of his business he will take care of my personnel I have him covering my back so I can preach the gospel with no compromise I don't preach for your offering and I will never preach for your offering you give your offering it goes out to your way I give also and it goes to Yahweh are you hearing me somebody because I am covered that somebody said I am covered the spirit of Mammon is the spirit of money green it is the spirit that leads me to a level of attachment to money that's suppose not to be marriages are soured today not because their husband doesn't smell at all he's just got fired and is broke they say when money leaves the house love jump off the window why now it would be a wrong perception that you may feel that I am a shooting money down it will be a tragedy that you may feel that money in your pocket is the devil in your pocket the love of money is the root of all evil meaning loving it making it your all removing God where God has to be because of having it that's a problem you look compromise your value you will say things not because your heart is clean you will say it because you want to have out I came to learn in my little walk on earth that money has been here before many of us if not all of us put together and money has more experience than a you with your qualification from that college and varsity money is faster than you know maja many time you go Jimmy and working out on the treadmill if you pursue money money will take you to houses and places you never thought in your dream you'll ever enter some people find themselves in backyards offer some wicked deceivers during and call him on the day simply because they were pursuing money and money went in there money said if you want to help me I am here a young man will sleep on the tomb of somebody he doesn't even know in a symmetry every night simply because I gotta be famous and have money money's fast you run up date it will take you to the house of a drug dealer before you know it you have all kind of things in your pocket you have to trade things you suppose never to enter into you are now a trader they'll call you a dealer simply because you were after money just wanting it loving it running after it many who yesterday had long skirts in the house of God so the skirt growing shorter and shorter and shorter and shorter and shorter and shorter because many say if you want me you gotta compromise but ladies and gentlemen I say again this is not to tell you that money in your pocket is evil it's simply to tell you that the Mammon is a spirit that controls money and is a spirit of money and the world said the love of money is the root of all evil we may need money not the need of money the attachment of money everything around you your peace is linked to money you have a problem there are many who have money and do not have peace but simply because you do not have money you think that God has forgotten you you have a problem balance in your marriage you can't enjoy your wife anymore you can't enjoy your husband anymore you can't enjoy your children anymore everything seems to be blinging simply because the check did not show up you can't breathe so listen for your breakthrough just money money if someone if you are said today they just show you hundred dollars everything change you are ruled to those who are with God and have money but money does not help them they will have money as if they don't have money does not influence the love toward people money does not change their attitude toward things and life because you see they have money money does not have them I am dealing with the spirit of Mamo now the spirit of Mamun is not the spirit that leads a pastor to stand and say we will have the second offering in church no that may be the Spirit of God the spirit of Mammon is not even the spirit that says that this young girl is setting herself to work hard and has a target she will achieve this know that maybe a dream from God the spirit of my bond is a spirit that makes money God money has the last word money directs you when manases in everything else falls it is the aim of money that matters you rather miss a convocation with God when money calls you then miss an appointment with money when there calls you you are in charge because it doesn't cost you if it had to cost you you won't make it now I'm not talking to you I'm talking to the one who is not connected now listen to me you cannot receive money from God when your attitude toward money is so wrong the reason why pastors who lay hands on you leave sits on you and those who big stomach pit you with estimate and nothing still is manifested he's not because of the pastor's it is because your attitude with money or to what money is completely wrong ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters my duties today is to Detroit money from the seat of God in your heart I am here to take the spirit of money down when you deal with that attitude you are no longer pursuing money man is that pursuing you and let me tell you when money pursues you you can be fast it will catch up with you that's what the Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and the rest shall be added unto you I don't know how many people I'm talking to when it comes to God I will spend my money because you see my money is not about my god it's not about my worship is not about my god-given assignment and because I am in pursuit not of money but of God and God the King of glory God Jehovah the provider Jehovah Jireh the Warner for whom life is small insane it is a dirty nose the height of the highest mountain and therefore offer the deeper sea gold and silver belongs to him up he owns cattle on a Thousand Hills of he met Solomon the richest man he will make me rich he will give me money because he understands that money in my hand is one assignment please have a seat first mamaan is the spirit of money firstly modest extent say we should be mindful for the love of money is the root of all evil to money Mammon is the god of materialism mamon is the god of materialism the spirit that gives us things more value than even God materialism how do you dress how do you walk before I really walk with you I need to see the kind of shoes you worry the kind of watch you have the kind of hair you bought in the shop unless I see that I can't associate I say you are not of my level not because I pray more than you but simply because I earn 2000 rent more than you do right in the house of God you see somebody say do you know me if only you will look back and realize why God brought you from you will be more low understanding where you are was not always where you used to be you used to eat pop and in Kumasi every day now because of it chickens and a Greek salad Greek salad Greek salad have you forgotten white puppy with ink amazi have you forgotten how enjoyable it used to be have you forgotten of thankful you went to Jehovah over the meal that looks somehow but you enjoyed it I will praise you every day but now because you finish your degree and got a job and you earn a little more than what grandma can could afford yesterday and you can afford to buy yourself a fried chicken you are undermining those who are eating peach out and bread because you can afford a fried chicken you say I'm not your kind you eat Dean but me a fried chicken I'm a fried chicken level let me tell you there are people who are dot levels fried at levels speak faster look at your neighbor say no matter what you have out do not have no matter what you have you my brother you my sister what makes us friend is you drive and I don't drive or I Drive and you don't drive materialism you train it just not because there is fire in the church you join the church because the change comfortable my god when my money's operating you take note of race because the god of materialism you check who else comes there is the aircon good initials I love the church because I love the big screen twelve meters nine meters or whatever the case may be are you coming for God of a shame even when you are in a pool of nonsense you says Amen why because I am under the authority of my moon what makes the preaching good is not the golden microphone and let me tell you even the black one will do this one is not captured the reason why whoever's preaching I'm dealing now with some folks in a ministry who happy who are here I am NOT throwing a stone to a pastor who may sit down sit that sounds of me know I don't even know you I'm looking on the other side the reason why many of us fall into temptation who are trying to present the Word of God to mix it with things that are will uplift us you know I travel in the world thirty nations we also do not know if it's true or not we just hearing you have not shown as they stand total passport and if you have traveled 30 nation and you want us to know it because you think that it will impress us in the natural Mammon is at work in you but if you will see it because you're trying to give us a good testimony of what God has done we thank God how I tell you ah I pray one day as a lone matter to Korea katha Tata it gave me a pair of shoes and a pair of shoes shining and you see it is red and if it's red you know let me tell you you can have a blue or purple no one is saved because your shoes are blue or purple give us Jesus Christ what gives you value is not the material things you have your position in the natural rain now preserve a season I am NOT of those who will say every material thing around you is not of God there are people who are so intimidated I am here dealing with agendas and a spirit behind what you see the action to have a nice car is good because you're about to have a new one now I would say to have a full wardrobe and that you have to literally go this one no this one no this one no no no no no no no it's good it's not bad but you see when it defines you it becomes a problem when it defines you when it rules you when it dictates your next move it becomes a problem material things you must have but material things should not have you I was saying are you hearing me you should have it you drive the let this car but still when you see an elderly person you bow in respect your bank account is loaded you have properties across Africa but when you're supposed to love somebody you show respect you show owner uses show reference that's what we call being free from the spirit of maman but you see when the god of materialism has taken you you may not even have much with the little you have you a broke guy broke the only thing you have is that multicolored tight tie it's like a flag from an unknown country but when you put it on nobody is alive but you hey [Applause] I am counting 1 2 3 fire I am seeing you coming out of the latest Range Rover and he saying hello to your neighbors I am seeing you buying a new property I was saying and she'll be able to invite every EV even the old friends of yesterday as they please star feel comfortable feel home we grew up together in the township now that you move you got an apartment in the suburb we are no longer good to come to your house no I don't trust some other people's is defining our pulpits today who should stand here and who should not stand here those who stand here what does she say what I should not say maman is controlling the god of materialism controlling our routines our behaviors brothers and sisters and one of the brothers and sisters because when my mom comes and puts his foot down maman rules today God has anointed me to deter all the spirit of mama from the city of God in your heart important to you that even God does not find his place anymore you will not get it from him anymore you may say O Lord O Lord a new house God will say no for God understand what is it that profits a man to gain the whole world if you lose his soul if your soul is not right God knows adding anything more in your life beat material of financial will just give mamaan more prominence and he will destroy you the thief cometh to steal to kill and to destroy no matter what my mom does steals and kills and destroyed and he knows what matters so even know exactly what to kill some time it's not your church your suit is your soul that the devil is really looking after when you were broke you did not have much you will come to this altar you call on your over it gives you just a little bit thousand dollars you vanished and you and the money are gone you a bad investment to heaven I seen the spirit hear me good I see in the spirit I'm not thinking what I'm saying God is opening a door where men and women will be free from the rule and the control of mimouna and this man and woman before the season is over we'll see a great opening for their lives financially I say that God is raising up serious Bologna's in the kingdom I per say but men and women will understand my money or money in my hand is a mean it is an assignment they will have money but money will not have them thank you Jesus not just as a preacher I am speaking as an authorized mouth of God this word is certain it shall happen no matter what men and women are about to receive rejuvenation receiveth such as have not been seen before some of you when I'm speaking you are wondering whether it is you and how you trying to figure out whether it is you you are checking the possibility in the natural do I have anything that that can really facilitate that I may become that person that will receive the breakthrough my job my education how will this happen there how does not belong to you how it will happen it will be the hand of God are you ready for a miracle your fire are you ready for a tsunami miracle in your father's so shall it be it cannot be otherwise you cannot experience the hand of God in your finance and the hand of God in your resources and the material things around you if God is not first in your life you'll receive from other sources never from God if it has to come from God the blessings of God God must be first that's why I say seek first priority even as a Sikh only is a seek first the kingdom of God the system of God and it's righteousness it's like standing and they say the rest shall be added unto you i prophesy in the next seven weeks before the season is over the rest in every sphere in every front shall manifest in your life your bonus this dam will be greater than any bonus receive your bonus system I say will be greater than any bonus you ever received in the past in the name please I have a seat my moon competes with God's worship in your life in your family in our community in the Church of God my moon is so powerful that it competes with God's worship mamon wanna be the center the center of your energy the center of your attention maman want to be not just a mean away maman want to be the goal maman said to Jesus if you bow before me I will give you because you see maman is seeking that your knees may bow before you if you worship me if you know exhaust me that high I'll give it to you sometime it's okay to say no to what seems to be a an opportunity some time it's okay it's okay not everything is for you because not everything that shines is gold sometimes when you know and since that the so-called opportunity is coming with a cost of all your values you will have to break yourself break your value system for it walk away with it from it walk away it's okay God will honor your heart you must be principled if not you know hand up on your knees in front of mom on because maman is competing with God's washing maman wanna be worshipped you must be careful for maman is a spirit that claims control of resources and this distribution thereafter maman is a spirit that claims the control of resources and it distributions thereafter meaning maman want to control every source everything and Mammon wanna decide we shall have it and we should not bet to look for when the devil spoke to Jesus the Son of the Living God and about to me I shall give it to you he was saying that I have control over the resources of the world and I give it to whoever I win maman claims control of everything so you you won't you want to be famous it's okay just do this for me maman says if this one gets so much he will favour the kingdom of God so he will not get that's why many claim the faith in God they speak of a great and mighty God but that leaves miserable because you see they are facing a spirit that is vicious a spirit that will never allow them to get hold of money the devil knows that money makes you more who you are money has the ability to make you more who you are a wicked man with money becomes worse a generous man with money becomes even more generous a pedo filled with money is a weapon against young ones a drug dealer with money who not just sell drugs in a corner of the street he will spread his operation across town across the city money makes you know who you are if you a good man and you do not have money you are stagnant but if you're a good man and you have money you will show goodness to ever you come across ladies and gentlemen ii understands that and maman will never allow just anybody to have it that's why some people can worship from morning until evening and their sweat as if we're Jimmy but still be broke Israel is negotiating its way out Moses anointed has confronted Pharaoh and he spoke the Word of God saying to Pharaoh that says the Living God let my people go and as Pharaoh resisted the command of God flags are hitting the land of Egypt one after another to a point where Pharaoh called Moses back to the negotiating table and say I agreed to let you go first you say go live your life you're young and you're old hear Moses say that cannot be then they've already said to Moses I agree you can go that you're young that you're old leave you are free to go but leave your wallet with me you say your life stock small or be she'll remain in Egypt but you have your freedom Moses say if we will leave our livestock with what are we going to worship the Lord our God in the wilderness we will go with all that belongs to us all our resources are getting saved when we are saved I would not just be a town speaking believer being broke in my pocket with what will I worship the Lord my God or devil whatever you took for me I am in the name of Jesus the greatest problem we have today in the imbalance we are seeing in the world it's caused by the spirit of mamon that controls resources and distribution of wealth it looks at you because you pray and it knows your heart it knows that are with what you have you will do good maman say you not have it now ladies and gentlemen when you hear maman you must look beyond just love of money you must look at this more seriously the reason why many people have are facing the Gnaeus access syndrome all the time in the world is because of maman you always get close you live in the spirit of almost you almost got married last year you almost got you broke bread through there almost give you that contract you almost so money showing in your account your life is almost mean that you run the race until you get close just at the nick of time maman says hi he is too holy to have it if he has it it affects me so it stops you and all the hope which I told you is a manĂ­s evil if you don't have it is good you go to heaven if money is a mean it is for you a key because without money you are not able to fulfill your god-given assignment and set the nose but you will not be able to fulfill your god-given assignment only when you have it you can even be a good father and have your family on the right track if man is Feli you're gonna send our children to school you must make sure that they have what they need and for that to be so you must have it that's why Satan to Mammon controls it you had a CV that is better than the one they have chosen they have employed the wrong so you said there the position is yours but mama mama knows that if you sit in that seat on that seat he's in trouble but you feel like I soaked a it's okay your life is okay well if I don't have it here our have it in heaven if it's heaven heaven heaven kill yourself and go to heaven you are here to take over until Jesus return somebody said my lord your reign of terror in my life is over have a seat if you can mama knows that certain people cannot have it with that him filling the pitch he gives it you give it to every wrong person in town you give it to smoke us will give it to drug dealers he will give it to satirist and makes you dependent on them you go to their hospitals it is according to whether set if you can't pay you can't have your way it gives it to them because you know that if you build in a hospital a hospital and you have enough provision you will say that that when people come life is taken priority first so you know give it to you for you to have it you must clam it you must take authority churches filled with believers with good heart still cannot meet the monthly budget that the doors in leadership have to become creative some have to write letters in other countries to try to get provision let me you if the provision that will sustain to you in the church comes from outside the blessing that follows will not come to you as a church it to go to outside maman understands this all kind of schemes to blind you maman will speak on the pulpit and tell you don't focus in this side don't give your attention on what you show here because he knows they empty the empty are are your hands the battle for him listen to me it is the perfect will of God that your hands may have resources the reason why God created you after creating already everything that exists Adam was created on the sixth day the sixth day is the last day of creation God made sure when men existed everything needed to have was already around him if you do not have your god-given resources you will not be able to fulfill your god-given assignment money is not evil the love of money is the root of all evil prosperity is a blessing of God many wants you to be ashamed of prosperity they tell you will not be saved if it was not we will not be saved to prosperity who told you that prosperity saves us what saved us it Jesus was and when we are saved prosperity follows are you hearing me pressure asks are you one of the prosperity preachers answered I'm not sure I'm surely not a poverty preacher Jesus and hear me and hear me good I am not ashamed of what God has for me I will choose but you see the evil one maman controls resources and controls this distribution we will not allow it anymore everything that has your name on it is making its way to you [Music] your child of God your testimony here is I got a job that job came from somebody who is the owner offer your employer who is a devil worshiper a devil worshiper that's your testimony you know why because as long as you are under you are fine you can go and testify hallelujah I pray for 40 days 40 days and the Lord gave me my breath true I have a job and this person is giving you 4,100 gross and you take net two thousand nine hundred you say I'm moving forward for well you're not moving forward you're going backward wealth inequality today and the imbalance that we see around the globe is caused by the one who is controlling resources and distribution of everything man can have the world's richest 1% of the population have more than 45% hand on the resources of the world 1% of people controlling 45% of the resources and you sit you sleep you wake up you think that the sky is still the same poor the poor today are very poor and the rich are very very rich voila anger preventive preventable diseases are killing many every year in the continent there are people who have and do not know what to do with I am a pointing finger them I am NOT saying that if I don't eat is because of them while it is important for us to look at the proper share of what is already manifested but there is greater than what we see there is a lot in the untapped wealth that the most of us have to go and develop I am saying this because it will be literally unfair to feel like a if this guy drives two cars and I have no car he's evil no if it runs two cars maybe for mamoon and got it you too can drive two cars just like him the factory has a Range Rover does not mean that that there is no more possibility for you to also own a Range Rover there are people who turn evil and beat there simply because I see you are eating your chicken and the thing that if you're eating chicken there'll be no more chicken out there chicken farms are every way it is very important that we may know that maman is a spirit that claims the control of resources across the globe and put his self or himself in the place of the distributor to an extend that a maman presented Jesus cross a deal bow before me Jesus son of the Living God and AH maman will give you because you see the glory of this world has been given to me because of that you pray you child of God you want to see the glory of God you look at your church and say oh no paint the church I'll buy a coat I will do this it remain a wish why because maman will never allow it that's why God is speaking to you so you may get what is yourself lift your hand as high as you can get so what is - what you at eat I am speaking as a notarized mouth of God as an apostille in my generation as one who speak on behalf of Yahweh that we are entering into a season in this season God is about to open those unbelievable dosa for those whose heart are completely aligned with him when it comes to finances when it comes to resources up those who are completely free from the yoke and the rule of mimouna ladies and gentlemen get ready God is about to give you mean that I will bring to pass the dream and the vision he had promised and given you who am I talking to poverty that we see wrong is not by accident that it's so evidence it is maintained by system a system that is favoring one master the enemy the devil poverty steals your dignity there is nothing good in poverty poverty does not equal spirituality you know spiritual because you are broken poor there is nothing good in poverty that's why all of us in society had to work with war against poverty Jim Yong Kim the former president of the World Bank set a target to leave eradicate poverty at least a critical poverty by 2030 we applaud for it because beat the World Bank beat governments beat institution known big or small the families and churches all of us have to arise against the spirit of poverty it steals men's dignity poverty is disability there are things that you never be able to do because poverty has you wrapped itself around you like a snake there is nothing to applaud with poverty it should not be your language there is no spirituality there is no godliness well Jesus Christ was poor because he was born in a manger read carefully he was not born in a manger because he was his father and mother were broke he was born in a manger because they eat were full they had enough to put him in the inch or at least to have him come in the inn's the faster the seven-star all of them were fool oh well he was a son of a carpenter if only you knew that a carpenter means that his father had his own business right Oh as a mega scam from the east kings of the east and presented him according to what you saw in the pictures from a religious group that presented him with some meat and some aramas and the presenters and some gold and represented you see Sam if you now understand the word you are saying no king will go and honor a king who is born with a little in the box it was a show of force a king that visit the birth of anarchy first he would not work alone don't steal coming from the east to the buffer of Jesus cross one could have have maybe hundred people just around him to an extent that they knew that we cannot be in this city and notice they want themselves to see the main king the ruler because something happened in town they presented him wealth at birth it was fun and the provision was there the kind of gold at that abroad they did not bring it in the pocket they didn't bring it in some boxes they had camels to carry it glory to Jesus [Applause] [Music] God was making provision that after this birth they will need to be in exam they went to Egypt in exile having enough they ruled Egypt may i prophesy your timer of being low is over your dhamma being broke is over your Tama being average is over you are taking a giant step to the resource that God has set for you I have seen the rise of multiple Lanier's under the sound of my voice are you hearing me can you have a seat are you filling it are you filling it yes I was reading trying to understand what is happening in the world now I came across many lists of those who are making it and I said to myself this list pointing at a specific list and say it's not over because at least ours pointing at is the list of villanies in 2019 and I said this list cannot be over because 2019 is not over yet as we speak today last year Forbes say that there are two thousand two hundred and eight billion years in the world out of over seven billion people living only two thousand two hundred and eight billion years last year this year they have said there are two thousand six hundred and four below news and that this is according to well for X below near census of 2019 2600 and forbidden ears this list is from over from 2604 as he one being added another one being added and the doors will be added as I speak prophetically they're being added because God has opened I do know waste my time to check who was number 11 number 12 number 1000 because the space where God is bringing you easy is in the top is happy you should not be the Taylor number 10 the first 10 countries with more billionaires that makes the majority of the total number given to you for 2019 10 top countries on a number tenth of the country with the most below needs in the world they talk about the United Arab Emirates having fifty five billion years five five billion years am i talking about millions I'm talking about billions fifty five billion years with an estimated combined wealth of hundred and sixty five billion hundred and sixty five billion far more than a most of the economy of the continent where I found myself preaching from the united arab emirate has 55 billion ears still in number 10 of the richest or the country with the most billionaires is France still number 10 the number 10 position is shared between france and united arab emirate the france has more a combined wealth than the united arab emirate meaning the were fees the the the 55 france has 55 baloney but the total of 195 billion 30 billion more than united arab emirate the 55 below kneels in france have a combined wealth of hundred and ninety five billion both the United Arab Emirates and France share the same number of men who have reached the level of billions though the wealth is not in the same level number nine in the list of the countries with most billionaires is Saudi Arabia having fifty seven billion years with a combined wealth of hundred and forty seven billion they are number nine the France among the fifty-five have a more powerful combined wealth than them Saudi Arabia has fifty seven fifty seven below news India number eight with eighty two billion below nears eighty two billion years and a combined wealth of 284 billion dollars in wealth number seven Hong Kong 87 billion 87 billion years with a combined wealth of 259 billion Hong Kong considered to visit number six Switzerland with 91 billion years next time you go to Swizzle and look at people carefully there are ninety one below Neos in Switzerland with a combined wealth value of two hundred and forty billion far more than a handful of countries in some continent together lift your hand say things have to change things have to change and that change will start with me and that change you will start with me number five United Kingdom UK with 97 billionaires just and a hundred billion years ninety seven hundred billion years with a total well of 209 billions now if you check you see the total wealth is lower than Hong Kong and India but detect the sixth the the fifth position number four in the list of the countries with most below Nia's is Russia you gotta learn to speak Russian Russia has a hundred and two billion ears in the country hundred and two billion ears close to seven times more than a number of billionaires of Africa combined with a total well for over three hundred and fifty five billion almost double what the total sum of billionaires in Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates among themselves and France if France has 195 billion combined among the fifty five billion Russia has three hundred and fifty-five it is not a boo but it's not far they're just high number for Russia number three Germany Germany has hundred and forty six billion years with a total value of 442 billion now I am speaking it is English not thanks some of your loss you are also engaging with me arcade Robo so - I'm speaking English not tan and the reason why I am speaking is because I want to this list and I can feel deep down me that there is a turn around in the atmosphere your name is about to be mentioned if your name has to come close to certain names or in certain lists you not have to fight my money my mana is serious claims resources control of it the distribution of it who should have it and should not have it those are mentioning and not born in space some of them you are far more intelligent than them in those lists they did not come from a different planet they were incubated in the womb of a woman for nine month some of them premature for six month if they are able to be there you with God you are able to be there are you hearing me number three Germany with hundred and forty six billion years with a total value among the hundred and forty six billion years of 442 billions enough to build churches across the globe enough to take over the world for Jesus Christ number two here Hong China China has two hundred and eighty five billion years Chinese polonius two hundred and eighty five billion years with a total wealth of close to a trillion there two hundred and eighty five billion years Chinese billion years have a total wealth of nine hundred ninety six billion close to a trillion Chinese because you see when you are enjoying the character and the kungfu and they shown in move they are making something i am cutting one two three fix or change one two three now please have a seat while we are talking about this some folks so distracted things that are oh well mom on is there because in the book shop they have all well the church is commercialized they do not know what is to be commercialized go to a supermarket pick something come out your experience speaks of what we know as a commercialized environment not you're coming saying Amen and leave the number one country we foremost below kneels in the world is the United States of America having seven hundred and five billion years more than double what China and here's Oh health that's why when you speak English put an accent you hear me man [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen 705 Polonius is 7 0 & 5 billion years with a total wealth of over just over 3 trillion dollars hear me man I see you marching up a wings like an eagle I see you calling where the devil said you will never go somebody holiday delgo is a liar the devil is a liar [Music] America has 705 balloon ears with a total combined wealth of three trillion thirty six billion dollars lift your hands say I am next in the list I am next in the list now please hear the total number of baloney a--'s in our continent is 19 get a height the total number of billionaires in our continent one nine nineteen one two three three and you don't want to hear about the prosperity that God has for you there is a serious thing wrong with you Jesus the population recorded the current recorded population of people in Africa 20:19 stands at 1.3 billion people 1.3 billion people the total number of those who are rich and in billions 19 it used to be 20 we don't know if it's death natural death how are we going to build schools that's why many now continent still struggle and crimson dust I am speaking this way to provoke a mind that we may understand ladies and gentlemen that maman has been in operation mo here for if we have 1.3 billion people in our continent just that is one huge market just that is one great wealth it is impossible that there will be only one 919 billion years the richest of them all a great name you can't get there unless there is something a liquid on Cote with ten and a half billion I was looking for your name 19 below near the richest man in Africa is in Nigeria the richest woman in the continent of Africa is an Angolan Isabella dos Santos daughter of the former president of Angola Jose Eduardo Santos I sincerely was looking for your name [Applause] but hear me there is something in me that is telling me I should not stop looking for just about now your name is about to join the list of those who are on top my moon is about to lose his grip on you I said my moon is about to lose his grip on you you know build the next Church for God who am I talking to you know build the next Church for God you look provide for the house of God for the kingdom of God you know make the house of God look nicer than the malls in town are you listening to assignment more than just jumping for the money you must understand your assignment you look build the next house of God he left the house of God look better than any mall out there any seven star things out there people come from around the world just to take a selfie in the house of God because the God is about to give you enough to keep the devil Mahmoud out of the way maman is losing his grip on you wolf is making its way to you will have free school free education for all Africa needs it Africa where you are right now you are sitting on wealth wealth underground worth on the swell who have in a population worth in the future the ones I'm talking about in majority is still unkept the reason why I am Telling You about those who have made it out there it's not that you may begin to figure out whether they have married to true maman or some of them are in dad I not saying those names oh that's those are statistics so you may begin to compete and clip in what they have leave those who have what they have to what is still there and I tell you there is far more than what you see you can also have it I was saying we have a society that is so broke now it's affecting our heart our heart has turned bad toward anybody who seemed to have something we are the society that today does not celebrate success anymore we are suspicious of success when we see success manifest with one finger we say could it be the devil we point finger we say what is the trick we point the finger we say that he stole it from me and that is because we do not understand it doesn't matter what he has you two can have we can all prosper I've been prosperity for all is a possibility do you know that God created men to live in abundance abundance is where God wants you to be from creation day number one to even our last place Jesus say I'm going to build mansions for you he say in my father's house there are many missions and he said if it was not so I would have told you and I am going to prepare a place for you that where I am you may be also it is possible oh well if everybody's prospering how will the world be you see we have been subjected to a mentality that the world functions are only when people needs money you can work as a doctor and what you are working for is not what you are getting is the joy of fulfilling your call you are I meant are you hearing me we can all live in abundance and them was in abundance in the heaven the Bible said we will walk on roads that are paved with gold the Bible reveals black and white that they will be dressed with the fun linen robes and we'll all have a belt of gold around us and that magnificence is presented to us because God wants you to understand where he is there is abundance v cometh to steal to kill and to destroy and Jesus said I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance some 35 verse 27 says please have a seat let them shout for joy and be glad who favor my righteous cause and let them say continually let the Lord be magnified who has pleasure in the prosperity of a sense we read it again all together so that the truth may enter your soul from your hearing and from your eyes one two three God has pleasure he finds pleasure in the prosperity of his sin that's why when you see somebody trying to drag you to a debate whether you should pretty prosperous or no or not just put your hands speak to my hand no time for such debate I am born to prosper you will prosper by fire Africa can save over five million people that are dying from preventable diseases such as malaria just with a little more money not will money poverty has been a killer destroying futures of people there are people who are not educated not because they did not make an effort they are just there is no way they could have been educated you know why no means we will change that you me you prosperity you more wealth is not that you may start eating one cow in the morning one cow food for for lunch one cow no because even if you can afford to eat three cows a day let me tell you in fact the more you have the little you eat the more you have the little the less you eat is that eating ostrich meat one portion but when you are broke your stress is confronting Elisha on the table I bow to eyeball we will win you are 80 when you broke you eating and you sweating because it stress you eating out your stress so you are not getting because you want to be big no you are getting because you understand a the assignment there is an assignment that's why your money will never be stolen again no devil will steal your money okay because your money is in covenant your money has an assignment your opportunities will never be taken by another never again you will never experience any success syndrome from this day forward when you put your hand on something it turns into gold prosperity will go everywhere you go God will go before you and make every crooked way straight I am talking to somebody who is about to be added in the list of the multiple owners of this world somebody who understands data with what out of heaven I will help those who cannot help themselves I received I will help the orphans I'll have the widows I'll let the underprivileged out of build institution I want to push the cause of Christ I'll build the house of God I will make sure that the church is well the man of God is well the work of God is well if that is your heart and that is your assignment you are a weapon in the hand of God and the spirit of Mamun will never be close to you please I have a seat I had to prophesy I had to speak I had to lay hands but we will pray this is important for you to understand there are four important ways four important ways to destroy the spirit of Mamoon the first if you want to destroy the spirit of my moon in your life in your finance in your surrounding submit yourself fully to God whatever you have must be fully under the control of the Almighty you will never be able to defeat mamon if you are not aligned and submitted to God so to defeat my own the first thing that you have to do is submit yourself fully to God to change your attitude toward money through the Word of God change your attitude you may be in Christ anchored in God submitting submitted fully in God but if you think that anything that is money is the devil your attitude will allow Mammon to keep on stealing from you look at things around you as an opportunity to have somebody or to fulfill a mission do not say it is enough if I have a roof over my head and a head I have food on my table that is the most selfish thing you can ever say because the demand of life on you is more than what works for you if it is good for you to have a roof over your head food on your table what about the next-door child what about those who are sick and cannot help themselves you are selfishly looking and being satisfied by the roof over your head and the little in your hand it has nothing to do with humility its foolishness you must say Lord may I be a fountain of blessing Lord make me so strong that the next door person is blessed by me so you must change your attitude toward it if I have one ring I look at it as my assignment if I have ten rains I look at it as my Simon if I have a million rain what an opportunity to do so much more no if you give me ten million I will do even more my attitude toward heavy is not that I may buy my shoes thank God for my shoes and it has nothing to do with you thank God for my hair and it has nothing to do with you thank God for my plasma TV and it has nothing to do with you because enjoying the blessings of God has not met me evil if you have a problem with it take it up with him the men obsess but I understand beyond the car drive beyond the big house I live in beyond the bay bathe I lay on I have an assignment and as long as I keep in fulfilling my assignment I'll be well if only some of you knew what sons and daughters and brothers and sisters in this house are doing with the finance for Jesus cross you'll respect them more you look at the sister that is coming and you move her from this chair to the bed chair you look at her with a different eye if only you don't know that whatever they have been doing with what God has given them goes beyond the makeup they have they have been in first thing in the kingdom of God the reason why we are here is because they have been pushing the kingdom of God you will respect them well and for that I can tell you at earlier ministries we are blessed and a fangirl for you a friend that for your heart I think that for you pushing toward the kingdom of God and I am sure that the outlook keeper as I keep on checking this list your name is about to pop in you you are about to embrace the miracle of power of God in finest and resources who am I talking to I will never beg for bread because the Bible says so bread is not my issue David say I was young and I'm old I have never seen the righteous forsaken no is Osprey begging for bread I'm not in the bread and butter story I am in the assignment of the Lord you must get in the place where you can get any car you want it's not about cars your money is an assignment cars you can get any in fact may you have any car you want in the name of Jesus you're coming out of a Bugatti and you're speaking in tongues is lip a short rope oh shoot Oh even those are not baptized in the Holy Ghost want to speak in town where because if you speak in town and you come out of a oh shut the robotic represented my microphone can make you want to become a preacher handmade gold and diamond in showed Jesus [Applause] don't be jealous now Africa only the finest of the finest of the finest uses it that is a say I'm provoking someone told me every year every two years I have a microphone no microphone of mine gets broken before it's put aside I know where we're going I'm burning it for a museum when they talk about us so I have the microphone used from this year to this year is this one the microphone using this year and they say you know there is a place in the United States where only the top of the top have the microphone and say what did I do in the ban they see what would I sing secular I said okay preachers do not have that it costs a lot as I wanted all that three for me because you see my job of preaching is more important than the shoes away and if this is the instrument I give it to you you have a breakthrough [Applause] Laurita Jesus if you don't like me you want to cry you want to dip yourself in the sea that's your problem leave me out of it I say this you are about to drive well you about to eat well you are about to dress well you're about to live well you know put all this out of the way and then meet the true assignment you know build universities for Jesus Christ you know sponsor research against diseases and sickness you will appreciate and you're supposed to eat because you understand your assignment you'll say well pastor F is praying and laying hands on everyone who's HIV positive I wanna sponsor research against this virus I will sponsor Doctors Without Borders to reach far places and fight Ebola that the assignment ladies and gentlemen but you see sometimes it's very difficult to get the assignment because there is no bread at home that's why God will give you abundance day gotta give you abundance in everything and then you can focus on what matters because what matters goes beyond your shoes your microphone you tie your your your earrings your Cobell you and all the type of things you are focusing on God now be seated if you can do you beat the spirit of Mammon one submitters are fully to God to change your attitude toward money 3 work smart and rigorously if you have changed your mind your attitude toward money and you sit down you still not eat you have to have a culture of work ladies and gentlemen success is tensional you reach your goal not by accident you defeat the devil on the field not by accident you must know if you have to finish your school you need to invest yourself onion in your books we work hard work smart work rigorously put yourself be meticulous in what you do be in the details of your world push hard work pays sitting down and expecting everything to come to you maybe a dream that will never see the day you must believe in working you wanna sleep for 10 hours and sometimes 11 hours if the dream was good let me tell you poverty will be your friend some time to leave like a king you must learn to work like a slave you must work yourself somebody said no God gives the same to his sound and asleep I said I see that God ona's your work God honors hard work they came to Jesus and say stop it the rulers of the areas are not in agreement with you say go and tell the folks I'm here today tomorrow and the day after I go he said I shall do the work of he who called me now that is still day the night is coming when no one can work one who still have strength work oh well I was working hard ass at work at nano clock and at 3 o clock I finished but coming taking transfer takes me one hour boom I'm tired work if you have to be part of those who are making it and changing the world you will have to be one who understand working some people I don't know what the problem you have with four holy days you love it you think that the holy days is a breakthrough you love it Tony D's what people are working overtime you love holy days the resting days out of thirty days that the Lord has given you one-third you do nothing ten days you are resting when you die in that coffin what are you going to be doing you be so cold is a turning turning because you ain't there when you can you still young read that book finish it go out there make things happen don't just deliver them a prophetic after being prophetic in yeah kapa haka going get a job bring me some tight [Applause] hard work you push a message we do not know if you study or you ending because even the message you have to present you did not work in it you didn't work on it you just I got it I no no no no you miss it believe in the hard work starts yourself if it means that that you have to start on the street start on the street if nobody employs you employ yourself if you're not good enough for them it will be a tragedy that you're not good enough for yourself if they cannot employ you they see no value in you see value in yourself and do something refuse to always be dependent they are not doing it for me they are not blessing me they're not employing me and you employ yourself sell tomatoes on the street if you have to with the grace of God and anointing of God the selling of tomato will take you from the street to a supermarket and you become a supplier and before we know it you are running a multi-billion business a life of convenience is a life of no progress you can see in the spirit if you pray one hour a day you got a do deeper one hour a day is a minimum God will speak to you but your frequency to catch the signal or God will be forty it takes work you will have to align and position yourself believe in work it'll get to sweat because you're working last if you want to defeat the spirit of Mammon learn to give [Applause] my beloved maman want to be in control of what you have and how it is distributed anytime you give and it is not in line with maman with him let me tell you you have broken something learn to give Satan will always find an opportunity to control you in what you cannot give them away I explained second knows sometimes he sees what you have and what you give if it is little it's fine you want to control you it sees an opportunity with what it knows you are unable to give do you know why God has asked Abraham to give Isaac what was the test all about God was testing obedience and the readiness of his heart in releasing literally anything you ask not that God wanted it it is the attitude that matter more than the action more than the outside if God asks you to give him your shoes with you there are some matters more if God will ask you to give him your house will you oh my god I give you hundred but this area these type of things no no no no no don't come here that is where the enemy will play if you stand before God and you prove to God that you are literally able to give him anything that you ask not that that Allah has to empty you because God has too much more to give you then what to text you but you wanna know that eros one of the things that shows that the rules is your availability and the disposition of your heart to go an extra mile and give God literally anything Lord I can give you my pocket money I can give you my entire salary if I have to I'll give you my income if I have to I will give you literally everything I own if I have to you pitch that spirit by giving that's why most of us before you have a breakthrough God will ask you did that to me many at times and remember my sinus I was a pastor leading a linear ministries for eight or nine years or so I still had a full-time job I had to be at work I had to do all the two we had few thousands of people but I was still working and I remember in any days when I was working God saying your income for the next six month is mine I had no other means to get any other feeling out there but God say if you're able to give it to me I'll bless you but in that time how am I going to leave but I decided to do so I knew it was just a test now the combined income that I gave God if he will multiply it by hundred and give me today he still represents nothing but that time it was everything but you see by ma obedience in releasing that God had a better plane I'm not a struggling pastoral I'm well but you see I had to do that six-month goal I come out of it victorious I had literally given God everything that head was an earned income how did I live I don't know following year the same guy comes to me he said give me everything that has your name on it I said I gave you my salary he said no even your furnitures again everything I had that had my name on it furnitures cotton I removed that I was married to Bishop Celeste AJ was born my bed I brought you to church not that a church needed it in fact they kept it in the bathroom probably some people saying is taking space what we do with it it was not about the church that was receiving it it was all about me that was giving it my fridge my everything I brought it you have a baby in the house you have no bed nothing and I found out for Bishop Celeste when it comes to giving she's always in the yes to Jesus always she doesn't struggle I remember from a boy AJ to find a soft place to sleep I had to sleep with my back on the floor and put my boy on my body because it was softer while I was doing that I was the group managing director of a company I was the senior pastor of ami so when you see me drive my girls rose and you want to open your mouth think twice twice with Jesus well how can you be a possible and rather rosboroughs if you knew the kind of Bentley and Lamborghinis handbook at ease that about to come to everyone here you will understand that it is a god thing some people are about to prove the devil wrong and change theory out there are you listening to me I had to literally go through that is night maze you sleep and you put the chart here the child is not comfortable and you need to hold the child so when the child is sleeping you know sleeping please have a seat I remember one of my son's spiritual songs came to my house because he had to go and minister in our branch in in Adele came that morning my body was so I just managed to sleep a few hours because I had to keep a baby on my stomach not because I could not work or I did not have anything but because I had entered into another vow to say yes to God this time giving him everything he came and say I cannot go to another I'm always going to preach today and the dough I'm using the church girl but I don't have few you know the handsome that gave me a few was two days ago all kind of complaints the only thing I had truth my muscle s was a hundred rained now my life was not a low life is my decision for that six month and listen to him complaining to go and serve God in in other didn't want to do it using his own money as a poverty why would I use my money to go to N Adele the last time the church gave me money to go and minister was at two days three days ago and that the few in the car I want to speak to mama say let's see someone gave you a hundred when you said have it yeah they cannot have it from you as one will not to say but AJ is drinking tea with no milk there was a price to pay son there's a price to pay if you're not ready to pay the price you'll never be able to have it but as long as you keep on paying this price you enjoy the promises of God my little boy at home drinks tea is drinking tea with no milk the pastor my son is complaining to God minister using his own money the last time church gave him money to push her in the car that belongs to the church was few days ago I did the hundred and I came and gave it to him he looked at it say thank you God bless you daddy he left unsatisfied I said if only you knew going to the in Adel my mom was going with you because if money was not presented to you those people out there could never receive the word I remain with nothing but you see if you learn to give you know how to destroy the grip of maman maman doesn't operate in me I am a money magnet I don't struggle God has placed people who do not be manhandled rent for me but people who make sure that I do not like the hundred rain for ministry I work hard both in the marketplace and in the work of God all my life I have worked so that I may serve God with no need from the ministry I teach my children as you serve that tomorrow if God will give you an opportunity to be ministers study develop yourself so you may not be a wait so next time you see me do something please delete it to your mind that is offering from here cannot control your wealth anymore maman cannot control what you have in your pocket anymore and what you do not have in your pocket but of as I see number four you must be able to give what you keep and tell that I cannot give is where the enemy will keep an eye to see how we can mess you up but if you are able to die for Christ be able to give anything I ask not that God will ask you all the time anything do you have but I tell you you would have passed the greatest test and you'll be able to have the greatest breakthrough prosperity is coming in the house the our daughters and sons of God who are under the sound of my voice beat physically present or watching live that are about to receive a turn around miracle in the finances you will not only have enough to pay rent God is elevating you far above the bread and butters Ishmael God is giving you such wealth that the assignment of it will impact the world the assignment of it God is giving you such wealth that I will not only bless you but it will surpass all that you ever desire to reach other people in the name of Jesus sons and daughters under the son of my voice about to walk in different field on different field on different grounds how will it happen is not your problem there how not belong to you the house belongs to God everything that is closed in your life breaths open in the name of Jesus when you will see 6-0 in your account and you entered into million just know you have not arrived yet when you will see seven zeros in your account just know you have not arrived yet and professing when you will see nine zeroes in your account just know you have not arrived yet even when you see twelve zeros in your account just know you have not arrived yet because zeros can go to 1824 I am talking to you in your spirit I am calling what God has set in you you are born for an assignment your life would mean something greater than anyone's before you in this generation millions of lives will be touched through the assignment that you will have and fulfill with resources given to you with the money given to you you look at the next house you will build a hospital to CERN lies you take care of orphans in the thousands across the continent you need to get men and women who by themself cannot find an education God is about to use you to uplift your nation God is about to use you to uplift your continent God is about to use you to empower generation gold and silver is mine says the Lord the one who owns kettles on a Thousand Hills the master of everything that exists in the visible and invisible the Lord is trusting somebody today is trusting you today please stand up please stand up if you are a believer not this many calamities happens to you simply because mamon want to control resources some people are sick not because of a simple flying spirit of infirmity but because of maman maman knows if you are in good health you will work well you will support your children because it is a scheme to control you to control whether you will have or not you can go as far as sticking sickness in your flesh you have cancer you used to be on the right way on the right rail now you cannot fend for yourself maman when my moon will be destroyed suddenly that cancer that he has brought in your life will disappear maman can stop a woman from bearing a child not only money because maman is more concern about resources and we will have it he will close your womb if he sees that the true your home your breath true will come if a king will be born from you maman is able to make you a baron Baroness not because of your tubes or ovaries but simply because mama knows if that child is born and if that chard leaves our or loose ground be careful some of you are frail right now you are seeking healing no it might be that are you are seeking deliverance from maman maman is higher than witchcraft my moon controls spirits of infirmities he can orchestrate things using all kind of evil spirit er ma moon can set up an accident for you because he doesn't want you to have that car he wants you to lose your legs he wants something and when it happens you are thinking of the uncle in the village the uncle that village cannot do a thing maman that's why those who understand paying tight there's free themself those who understand easy when you pray paytag the bible see for you not for everybody for you who pay tight i will rebuke the Devourer now I'm not saying this because I'm collecting some tight no I paid my tight I pay my tithe the tight of everything I receive God is my witness I paid a tight of my company I paid a tattoo of my gift I paid a tattoo of anything that comes my way and often time I don't give pain and I don't do it because of the Lord I do it because of the relationship I don't do it because I'm afraid of Hell no it doesn't even cross my mind but you see the Bible say if I will bring to the storehouse my tent my tides all the tide not sometimes all the tide is it for me you'll open throw open the windows of heaven and shower me with such blessing that there'll be no room enough meaning that al Mamoon is being dealt with and they say and for you I shall rebuke the devour the devera is a spirit is my own those are soldiers that match in the orders of my own so as we praying against mama I want you to know just think that we are dealing with finance no we are dealing with your life holistically holistically your freedom from the grip of mamon will affect your health will affect your relationship will affect everything you'd a divorce because they'd never knows that if you remain together in the same wave there'll be more prosperity you are struggling to meet your mr. right because God knows there is a companion for you in this walk and your next level it is designed that you work together but ma'am one does not want you to work together and get it what does he do it stops you from getting the right one I was praying for my son I don't know where he is today on Friday and I mentioned Tamera is you Tamera Tamera is said that she she's the one who messed me up maman will commissioned a Tamera because now you everything you lost your house meaning your trio you your wife you lost this and but I think that because the good God and my son sloth is open and God has placed the prophetic in him and that will do even more with him so you do with all of us draw your hands together Zappos SATA if God gives us an opportunity I will prophesy and lay hands on many in the first service right now I want to deal with a spirit that spirit of mom on that spirit that has been messing you up witchcraft is under maman and some witchcraft are out or some altars have been erected against you because of jealousy mama let's work begin to pray pray and release yourself from the grip of mamon release your son from the works of mamon baba baba city za Reba Kanta you will not be broke again you will live in plenty you will serve God with what you have you have enough strength you have enough strength Mikoto besotted a baby llama sotto sickness is not your portion from mature death is not your portion you will not die before your time and leave your loved one and your children uncovered Rey family pray [Music] praise be to God praise be to God rocoto saturn rickety local so to knock a decision go shake a rakish Oh Joe Gatto so to Sam mahmahmahmahma Soto the assignment of God their salmon of God Rea travail prevail against the spirit of mumble [Music] [Music] shuttle opal City travail travail prevail you are free from it you are free from it anakata [Music] leave [Music] [Music] would be my son Reba [Music] Rupa [Music] see my [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Music] leave it open [Music] she [Music] [Music] [Music] so good [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sotto voce lifts your hands if you can lift your hands so to rape a cantor we break the spirit of maman we break every spirit that claims control of resources in your life we break the spirit of the enemy that is unleashing every other evil powers to come and destroy you to undermine the plans of God in your life we destroy it in the name of Jesus every spirit of luck every spirit of stagnation every spirit of no progress every spirit of near success Sandra every spirit of the almost you almost get it you never get it I break it today every spirit that disqualifies you from tapping into your god-ordained wealth in the name of Jesus now lift your hand I am seeing in the spirit I am seeing there are people who are walking but they have death certificate in their hands and I'm asking that what is the meaning of this the Lord is saying that there are people who are already lined the enemy has already drifted a plane or drafted a plane and in this plane death is coming your way God say this is the enemy this is a spirit of Mammon that is trying to bring sudden F to stop you from getting where God's say you'll get lift your hand your right one as high as you can get say I renounce I Reno the death certificates the death certificate the enemy want to impose into my life that the enemy to impose in my life say I decree and I declare I decree and I declare I will not die before my time I will not die shade in fix it I will not die before my time I will not die before mine keep your hands up the accident will not surprise you ha you will not die of crime on the street sickness and disease will not pull you to your grave lift your hand as high and say I will not die before my time I will not die before my time I will leave and declare I will live and declare the goodness of the Lord the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living in the land of the living I want you to begin to pray against the spirit of death pray against it is a spirit of mamon that when I rub you the spirit of mama you don't die before your time your husband will not die before his time your work will die before the time your children who don't die before their time their feasts not your sudden they're full of love your way i decree and I declare it you shall live a long life you shall leave along the prologue life of wealth you shall be satisfied of days a burn and destroy the gift certificate can an enemy stick into your life in the spiritual realm I destroyed and destroyed I destroyed by fire by fire by fire you live a long life I was seen forgettable [Music] positive gave up a sotto here is I am seeing somebody you have a difficulty in your health you mean that nose with an incurable disease and this has been affecting you deep inside I see you had suffered of a spine TB from March 2017 you have been treated for close to six months before you got out of it and see you have one if missing one tooth or you want to me seen on the left side one tooth missing God is showing me that the enemy has been planning a comeback your blood pressure sometimes especially lately will just shoot high the enemy has been cooking something is coming after you what you had experience in 2017 is trying to bring it again but today where are you is that you is that you I'm decide look at me Oh show show show show day that that what I saw let the camera see you know precision in the holy ghost Zocco tapasya somebody leaves her and said I would not die before my time I will not die before my time the blood of Jesus Jesus is I guess you he's against you you see your prayers have been heard your prayers have been heard [Music] this is what I'm sold March 2017 God spoke to have you ever spoken to me before normalized God said that the dismay had Tipene his spine it took six month for him to recover it was a battle literally is that precious giving him problems garcy as you stand here I see I don't know if it was you or something road suffers civil a company are you listening to us and that this company is looking for tender but this company is not happy do they have a lot of do it has a lot of promises but you still not getting is not getting meaning that your hands are empty this is the working of mama are you hearing me God today is about to turn things around God today is about the tools of in you in your life and the Sun today is about to turn around in your life in the name of Jesus treasure hands let pray Baba Kotoko Chiara ba Baba so taboo you will live you will not die the sickness that was in you above the microphone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] most suitable Shia I was telling him of personal matters if God would do it for him you'd do it for you see that lift your hand let pray we can serve the work of the enemy in the name we decree and declare you shall leave and not die your Tom has arrived receive it may God who began this good work fulfill it in the name of Jesus lift your hands lift your hands you you are a model you lost a child 2017 you lost another you lost another you lost a child you lost a child and you lost another child Baba Soto is that you is that you [Applause] [Music] is that you you lost two of your children yes best do you have two other children oh yes first so you lost two children yes best ba-da-ba sitting are you working right now and no pest you're not working no pastor I think's difficult because I'm seeing six rooms and people is like people have to rent them yes those are yours yes pastor were you working before yes faster because I am seeing is like a department of educational so yes best 16 years working yes you worked there for 16 years and you resign because I'm seeing February 2017 you're taking a decision to go a different route but the same February is like a child I a girl and I am NOT not the same February the same year 2017 yes December yes correct yes first so you cry in 2017 and in June the following year you cried again because I was seen in June's as I can linda's wha this one how can a mother lose a child this year and discharged before dying I'm seeing a child with a yellow house as if disturbed or suffering of Aleppo show Lou and I swap Lou and I swap the blood of Jesus is against you [Applause] December 2017 after you resigned in February you were working for 16 years for the Ministry of the Department of Education the same year you lost your daughter you show your daughter suffering you saw a pain the following year in Jude literally six month or so after your other child dies Linda sua but I'm seeing a child as if she was mentally and and physically disabled what Hey lift your hands great for her for her God has remembered her and God will turn things around if you are here you serving God and that you have been exposed to such pain or any different pain I want you to connect with a miracle connect with a blessing that is coming true the prayer we pray if you are serving in any department if you are a son of God a daughter of God if you are present here even if you just come to church you too can tap into it God is saying your lambda will be fine cancel your lambda will be fine now live those two are your children alive somebody praise be to God oh we break every spirit of death we break every yoke of the enemy we break it in the name of Jesus Jesus Messiah stand up if your City put your hands on your head declare the blessings of God in your life declare the blessings of God in your life declare your blessing you are under the shadow of the Almighty you are covered by the blood of Jesus no weapon formed against you shall prosper the works of the enemy will not manifest and work in your life in the name of Jesus you are blessed two plus two because Rama say take a rebel City your life is blessed I said your life is blessed under the anointing of our spiritual father with your hands on your head your life is blessed you are not cursed the spirit of Mammon has left your life that which Mammon has kept from you has found its way back to you somebody say I receive the devil is a liar every form of death left your right hand as we come in agreement and under the anointing of our spiritual father that every spirit of death over your life has been broken you shall live and you shall not die I said you shall live and you shall not die you shall love to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living it is well with your children they shall live to declare the goodness of the Lord they shall not die I decree and I declare under the anointing of my spiritual father that your life is not exposed to Mammon anymore no accident shall befall you in the name of Jesus oh I said no accident shall befall you in the name of Jesus death is not your portion death is not your portion sickness is not your portion receive your healing in the name of Jesus I decree and I declare that it is well with your soul I said it is well with your soul it is well with your body it is well with your mind in the name of Jesus healing is your portion you shall not lose another loved one this year in the name of Jesus you shall not receive any bad news in the name of Jesus somebody left your hand I bless your Monday I said I bless your Monday under the anointing of my spiritual father I bless your Tuesday I bless your Wednesday Mammon will not find you on Thursday your Thursday is blessed your Friday is blessed your Saturday's blessed your Sunday is blessed go now in the uncommon favor and the peace of Almighty God bless you and we love you [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 142,487
Rating: 4.8279033 out of 5
Keywords: alleluia ministries international, alph lukau, pastor alph lukau, pastor alph lukau live, alph lukau live now, alph lukau live, alph lukau prophecies, prophet alph lukau, alph lukau 2019, alph lukau prophecies 2018, lukau alph, pastor alph lukau miracles
Id: IkOEfSJ8no0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 21sec (10581 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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