Giving Flynn his Birthday Present!

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several things did you watch jojo and meghan trainor's new music video i believe in santa meagan trainer is very much pregnant and could not do a music video but she loves jojo and jojo loves her so she had jojo do the music video it was just good i loved it i was smiling the whole time it was great okay and now i was working all day slash watching my walking my dogs i posted my video she's doing well you guys seem to like it and now i'm on my way to my sister's with flynn's birthday present because he's two years old today so i'm gonna go see him and go jump on the bounce house my friend joy is texting me and i'm driving i'm doing all okay i need to focus on just driving so i will see you at colleen's i just wanted to say hello before i got there because i'm really bad at talking to the camera in front of people even though it's my family and a family of vloggers still for some reason i just can't hold up the camera and do this when i'm hanging out with other people i need to get used to it i just can't i just got to colleen's and she was busy making this cake for a good hour it's adorable it looks like trash it looks like garbage it's cute happy birthday just a man with his cat did he scratch you did he scratch you and then trying to act cute afterwards cats hey flynn i know you're really distracted can you come open a present i got you i wrapped it myself no okay can you excavator open this oh yeah you can actually can you gotta work it a little bit yeah get in there there you go perfect oh sorry i use a lot of tape that's my bad thank you for that trash thank you thank you it is a red truck does that look like rachel's red track [Music] whoa do you open it yeah well yours is in a box okay out of a box okay my apologies but i did open it from the side it did make it easy to get out of the box [Applause] that's your red truck oh hi what's your name oh wow okay you picking me up [Music] thank you excavator happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear flynn [Music] happy birthday to you get it make a wish good job go go go go go go really hard [Applause] [Music] felt like i was singing for a cameo just now i had to leave flynn's rager of a party because i needed to edit my vlog and post it i was editing this guy very sweetly asked for some attention so we're gonna do some treat training he loves treat training because he loves a treat yeah okay let's treat train you want to show them what we got let's show what we got all right lock blaze up so he doesn't steal treats good sitting wait ah let's get this down to your level so they can see you they don't care about me they care about you [Music] good boy [Music] good job baby [Music] no he doesn't like this one thanks good legs okay good boy in case you drop something that they're allergic to or shouldn't eat they don't immediately get it people think that one's mean but it's actually to save their life yes it's worked on you both several times thank you for the pause it goes fun good boy come on good boy good job we did it there's a good boy that's a good boy neither of us were perfect just now but that was just to get some attention and love oh we gotta let blaze out it's 8 p.m and i'm still not done editing my vlog oh my god i'm behind uh i paused because so i can't give details cause it's not my life to tell someone i know had a rough day so i sent them i stopped everything i was doing i went on edible arrangements and found a plate of chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate covered candy and a balloon and i had that shipped to their house so i'll get to their house tomorrow but i was like i must do this right now i must stop all of the work that is time sensitive and order an edible arrangement i need to cut a minute and six seconds out of my blog post it and i gotta work out and then i think i'm i could i'm not doing any cameos today nothing's gonna expire tonight so i'll just do ten tomorrow to make up for the five i didn't do today i'm trying to do five a day see how that works but just more and more keep coming in as christmas gets closer which is awesome oh yesterday i did i love how i'm like i have to get my vlog up it's so time sensitive so guys as i was saying no as i was saying oh um i bought the ronald mcdonald presents for the teens yesterday did you want to say hi to the vlog hi baby uh do treat tricks with me okay just let me finish this anyway so yeah i'm so out of it i got the presents so thank you for voting for the suggestions cause they sent a wish list out and i got half that i got like half the stuff i bought was like on the wish list and the other half was like suggestions you guys gave me were better versions of what was on the wish list i mean i'm sure there was reasons for everything they put on there i was like ah i can make this better i'm talking i figured all the money i make from cameo just pays for all that presents so thank you guys for getting cameos you helped get kids presents this year congratulations you're a good person okay i'm gonna go do this vloggage all right that's exporting so let's bust out a quick ab workout it's 8 30. i can work out shower t cuddle post the vlog in the meat he got kicked out of the room because he was digging in the bed you can come on the bed if you're nice okay he knows he got in trouble sit we're gentle on the bed yeah we're gentle on the bed see we cozy yeah mommy washed the blankie today and then that made you excited and you dug in it he gets all his energy at one hour in the night you sleep all day you sleep all day and then one hour in the night you go berserk no no no kisses oh thank you do i look like i need kisses yeah you do you guys says that he really thought oh thank you thank you okay i gotta argue well i don't have to but i want to there's a difference i finished my ab workout i yes i posted my vlog just had to stress about it for a second i got up at 9 00 pm it might be the latest i've posted a vlog before but i'm making some tea while simultaneously eating everything in my kitchen and that's what we do oh it wants to whistle at me come on baby just give me a little whistle there it is you hear it i stop it there when it like starts to whistle it doesn't need to scream at me it doesn't need to get that hot that's just that's overkill that's being dramatic is what it is i need to plan my week because i know i have a lot to do when i stress out because i know i have time to do it all but i try and do it all at once i got time and i just this is my last sleeping i need to order more tea anyway hi where are you going you not for like a second chill i have a tripod and i'm not using it i need to write down all the things i need to do and like when i'm gonna actually do them or else i get overwhelmed and then don't do anything so i'm on sit down with my toast write things down he did it again he dug into why does he do this there's no don't dig in my bed that's not a hard concept blaze i'm gonna shower i'll see you when it's bedtime exposure notification available get notified of possible exposure to coven 19 by california department of health what your iphone can tell you if you may have been exposed to oh sorry i'm up here to covet 19. so this is going to track where i go and when i go and so let me know if someone near me has had it what i'm doing it don't be like oh it's a way for the government to track you i have an iphone i'm already being tracked there's no difference that is so bizarre all right i love you you can do anything you set your mind to think outside the box don't let people define you or stop you these are inspirational words if you didn't know be a butterfly and fly through the air and make everyone go oh look a butterfly that's what you need to be i'm done bye [Music] you
Channel: Rachel Vlogs
Views: 131,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missrballer, rachel, ballinger, vlog, vlogs, vlogging, traveling, vlogmas, 2020, daily, christmas, holiday, flynn's, birthday, party, two, year, old, colleen, truck, gift, present
Id: xh9ZOTI8rwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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