Giving China a 'free ride' while we 'handicap our economy' is 'gobsmacking in its naivety'

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well look before i go to an outstanding speech by matt canavan that he made today at the brisbane mining club i wanted to raise with him this absolute nonsense about the biden virtual summit on climate change matt cannon joins me matt canavan thank you for your time look they're still going on about net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 china are too smart aren't they they say they'll do it by 2060 by which time will have inflicted irreversible damage on ourselves yeah look alan um uh the the china is playing the west off a break here and everybody can see it uh seemingly except the u.s administration and and the european governments as well i mean to go around here and demand that we and other countries handicap our own economies handicap our own industries destroy uh our own jobs and give china and other countries but china in particular a free ride is just gobsmacking and it's naivety we've already seen this alan we've seen this show play out in trade we let china join the world trade organization they haven't abided by the rules they've continued to massively subsidize their own industry against those rules uh they've stolen jobs and industries from the west uh they've produced 58 of the world steel last year on the back of chinese government subsidies and we continue to let them get away with it and the same recipe is being repeated here and i i i reckon the chinese were very quick to hit the hang up button there at the end of that climate conference because as soon as they did they were rolling around the floor in laughter on this net zero missions who was government listening to forget canavan and jones and others bjorn lobborg is an acknowledged world authority he said that biden's climate alarmism is almost entirely wrong that as a result of covert lockdowns he said world emissions if carbon dioxide's the problem world emissions did reduce in 2020. but lomborg says if you want zero emissions by 2050 you'll need i quote 11 global shutdowns a year by 2030 and economic models he said show this will cost tens of trillions annually who are these government leaders listening to well they're not looking at reality alan uh we saw the world economic forum come out the other week and and claim that there was positives about the coronavirus lockdown and we'd look to repeat those in future years seemingly to to meet the these fantastical net zero emission targets that are completely unrealistic uh it's all well and good alan for those that are lucky enough to be in the laptop class in our society to welcome lockdowns and stay at home orders if you can do your work on a laptop from anywhere in the world it's it's fine your life goes on you don't have to get on a train or a bus and you still get a paycheck every week but those people that rely uh on on on hard jobs that don't pay much at checkouts uh mechanics small business owners they don't have the luxury of working from home of of just sitting behind a laptop in their pajama bottoms all day they've got to get out the real world and make money and they're often competing for their jobs absolutely against subsidies that are provided by the chinese government people we can't give our competitors more of a leg up here by handicapping our own industries with volumes upon volumes of red tape to do with carbon emissions and and have them go away and do nothing and absolutely nothing they'll just take all their jobs and weaken our country and especially at this time where we can all see the risks of conflict emerging we have to do the exact opposite and be strengthening our nation and re-industrialize it not continuing the de-industrializing that we've been on let's come to that in this wonderful speech i mean people at home i'm saying don't be embarrassed but people at home are saying why isn't this black running the country but a magnificent speech today and congratulations on that you talked about essington lewis the managing director of bhp in the 30s anticipating then what japan might do in the region and he began your words to draw up plans to start stockpiling raw materials and to manufacture munitions to improve australia's defence what is your point given the aggressive conduct today of the chinese communist party yeah my point is uh the the state of our readiness uh for any conflict uh uh i mean we often reflect on on our military or how much our defence spending is or submarines but i actually think what's more important is our uh just our aptitude or our our our readiness to respond uh and protect our country and want to do that having willingness to do that and as you pointed out there and or i put it out today in the speech essington lewis was the managing director of bhp uh he wasn't a government official he was a corporate leader and he took it upon himself and his company his australian company to start making bombs to protect australia in the in this was in 1934 let me ask you where this is i mean should we be the war began where would be the corporate leader right now who would do that right now in corporate australia on that on their own let me ask you this should we be exporting our raw materials so that china can build everything that's needed to secure its expansionist ambitions at our expense well i i've often and repeatedly said no alan and especially right now and i'd love to see uh our corporate leaders uh display some patriotism uh display a love of country and seek to value out to over more materials even if that is not the most commercial initiative i realize companies have to make money but it's quite uh in vogue to suggest that companies have to protect the environment before profits but companies have to pursue social objectives before profits why shouldn't our companies our australian companies uh also put patriotism over profits as well they benefit greatly from being here in this country uh from having access to schemes like job keeper uh there is a moral obligation for australian companies didn't want to protect this free and open society that they thrive under because and and i've got no problem with companies pursuing social agendas like gay marriage good luck to them if they want to do that but let's face facts they couldn't enjoy that freedom they couldn't do that if the chinese communist party are in charge because last time i checked homosexuality is not particularly welcomed by the chinese communist party we can have these debates we enjoy these freedoms because we live in this great country called australia and we should be doing more to protect and defend it good on you and sacrifice to do that you made this outstanding point today when you said the difference between essington lewis in 1934 in corporate australia now and quote your words the distinct lack of evident patriotism of our corporate sector and a great line quote he said that you said of today's corporates more likely to find rainbow flags flying in our nation's corporate offices than australian flags yeah alan i'd love to see us uh well look i i'll break this point if you go to it's a long weekend here this weekend in queensland i think we've got this mayday now still here but a long weekend you go to a barbecue this weekend you will find almost to a man or a woman in that barbecue people who love this country who love australia and would sacrifice sacrifice everything to defend it and support it but very rarely do you see that kind of of passion from and i'm talking about our c-suite executives here a lot of business leaders do do that a lot of people who own businesses love their country and express that but i'm talking about the heads of companies who we've seen we've seen the last year some of them organize press conferences with chinese government officials but they'll never they'll never come out in in direct support of something that is uh uh all about defending australia but might hurt or might be a little bit uncomfortable for their business relationships but i mean you've asked corporations haven't you sorry you've asked corporations haven't you face to face if they've got a china plan and all you gets a blank blank response i've i've kind of taken it on board lately to do that because i you you know yell and a lot of these companies now in their boardrooms develop climate change plans and and in fact our own regulators this is another issue australian government regulators like apra the prudential authority and asic the corporate affairs authority they require companies to develop climate change plans and okay they're worried about the risks of climate change good luck they're a business they have to be aware of different risks fair enough now but i would have thought for many of our companies a big big risk is what does china do does china invade taiwan does china do something to cause conflict in that region that will have a big impact on many businesses especially those in our mining sector some of them might be out the door if that happens but when you ask them okay you've got these climate change plans you've spent a lot of time on them a lot of effort they're glossy brochures that you put out what's the china plan what's the plan if something goes wrong with china and as i say there's usually just a blank response they don't really know what i'm talking about but here is this direct clear imminent existential threat to their business to their shareholders yet there's just a complete unwillingness to engage or confront what is clearly understandably a difficult reality definitely listen you are don't be embarrassed but you are fantastic absolutely people at home are cheering you i can tell you no i'm serious you've just got to keep at it we'll get there in the end matt but he always will worry about that wonderful ideas i'll keep fighting ellen absolutely thank you thank you there he is
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 12,845
Rating: 4.8643146 out of 5
Keywords: 6251024940001, fb, jones, msn, yt
Id: PUdMlcozUQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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