Giveaways + $3000 PC in the Color Changing APNX Creator C1 (i7 14700K /MSI RTX 4080)

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[Music] [Music] hey there we are everybody welcome sorry about that um I was turning on Pig radio created a new a new sound thing for us today so uh I wanted to make sure that we got that set up so I forgot to to turn it on but we got it in we got it set up so sorry for about that and uh obviously I had a little dinner uh my wife had started cooking and it was going a little longer than she expected so I apologize for starting late but don't worry we'll get the build done there will be benchmarks and all that sort of stuff we will absolutely make sure uh that you guys get the full show and all that sort of stuff but thank you very much first and foremost welcome to the first episode of December we have conquered we have hit partner plus but now sorry we've done our first of three months of partner plus but we are back we are back back to counting it I got a new stack of 1 TB nvme drives for us to give away for every 20 points that we give so we'll give away a 1 tab nvme Drive um and uh at the same time going to get that second month and then we have unlocked the 14900 K the 14900 K we're having a special intel play stream tomorrow and Intel stream tomorrow we'll be giving away that 14900 K tomorrow so we're going to be playing pubg we're going to be playing the brand new map condo uh and then from there will actually be jumping in and doing a deep cool CH 560 white build with the 14600 K uh and then we'll be giving away a 14900 so that's going to be great uh what is it normally I think it's 25 Blondie whatever it is will uh whatever it normally is sorry I didn't know off the top of my head 25 so every 25 points we'll give away a 1 tab nvme Drive uh if we get to if we get if we get past 125 then we'll give away a 2 tby drive and a huge shout out to them eigor dropping a tier three three Subs that's six points right there we got GSX therapy dropping tier one we got e eor dropping is two just gifted Subs fifth L dropping at tier one so we're already at 678 sub 678 points already and then if you wanted to upgrade those to tier 3es then we're good to go guys we got 398 of 350 points last month and uh we're hoping to knock it out again remember if we do it this month we'll give away a 7950 x3d that is a gift from AMD and then if we do it 3 months in a row Nvidia has graciously given an RTX 480 so we'll be giving away a 480 which would be cool if we can't be here tomorrow can we still win no you have to be present unfortunately um so uh that's what we'll need so thank you very much there's another one there's nine points right there so if you can tune in uh make sure you try try and pop in it'll be near the end of the stream that we'll be giving that away so and by the way we did find the $100 sub who uh gifted the sub so thank you very much for that as well um you know I I sorry the1 the hund $100 tip um so thank you for that um and then uh Blondie asked about the winner we do have the winner we I I said who it was um and I'm I'm trying to find what the name is once I get it I will send it out that person is already the actually the the the the system's already been shipped so it's already that person if you you if you want to know who won that person already knows has already claimed a prize and it's already on their way so uh that is that is kind of it for that one we were pretty quick because we're trying to turn around all the the oh nice of course you did uh smoke uh that we tried to turn around a lot of builds we were so far behind on on shipping I have a serious question for you and you can answer it in Discord you asked about my take uh yeah I saw that I don't actually have one cuz here's the deal on here's a deal like I know that Gamers Nexus did a bunch of research and all this other stuff I will tell you the stuff that actually goes on and having been through a lawsuit and seeing these on the other side there is so much that we don't know that is going to be exchanged between lawyers that it is hard to have an opinion and ultimately until that stuff comes out in court a lot like um what happened with the Activision Blizzard thing there's not really a whole lot you can uh there's not really a whole lot um you can you can uh you can glean until the the the the lawyers start doing their thing so we'll have to see how what goes from there uh what you can win today is there may be all sorts of prizes so it goes in there are you looking forward to CES absolutely uh just got you know we we got a couple things that have already kind of started happening uh some events that are going on and then guys it is going to be a crazy week so I mean a crazy couple months lumans thank you very much for the tier one sub there's another point right there and you are amazing um so uh this week I literally we're stream today and then we have pubg and we stream till 5:30 tomorrow so at 5 like at 5:00 no matter what we're done the stream starts early tomorrow so starts at 1:00 we're going to play pubg till 2:30 and then at 2:30 2:30 we'll starting the stream then we'll build I have to be done before 5 because I literally have to leave grab my bags and then go jump on a plane to fly to La where we're going to do the game awards so I'm there for the game awards then I get back on a plane on Friday morning to fly back here for the last the last in studio live show of the Intel Morning Show uh and then uh I basically get the weekend next week we got two streams which will be pretty awesome we're doing a we're doing a Le and Lee stream and then we're also going to be doing there's one other one I forgot what it was it's on the schedule uh and then I fly I leave on Thursday to go to dream hacks we're going to it I leave on Wednesday to go to dream hack Atlanta where we have a bunch of people joining us there I'm in Atlanta uh that during that time we gotten back we have a full like we we're going to do like five streams that week we have Starfield giveaway a be quiet uh Nightmare Before Christmas giveaway uh we have a uh we have some really other epic um just cases and things we have an all a pro art um we're checking out our new Pro art case uh we're going to be so there's a bunch of builds a couple commission builds all going to happen that week and then we basically get to Christmas uh Christmas there will be one stream only one stream the Christmas week and then afterwards that is that is going to be it we have to hit partner plus by that one stream because then I have to go to Washington DC uh and I'm in Washington DC until the 31st um I might do a game stream on December 31st just for we'll see where people are if people want to do anything for for a New Year's Eve stream uh and then we have uh we come back we stream for a normal week then we have CES CES I then get done with CES and then I Jo go to Taipei and then I'm when I'm back from Taipei so we only have like three weeks in January to basically do that as well so it is a crazy crazy time yeah we're doing Nightmare Before Christmas so uh if you so if you pay the channel you still have to be here not fair so J wax uh the thing that you don't have to be here for you don't have to be fre for the subon PC giveaway yes that one you have no Jay the thing is is that we can't there are C we have the sub only giveaways that you have to be here for but the 14900 K that was unlocked for everybody and so if you the only way for us to do that is to actually do the the drawing here but the PC the subon PC you do not need to be present for that yeah so yeah we're going to be doing a Nightmare Before Christmas build um for that month yes i60 Cas it came out first out I was going to get it and now the screen is 45 then they decided to sign the case with the screen in well the other thing too is Ryan the height y70 is bigger than the height y 60 um the height y70 the highway 60 wasn't really prepared for what was the bigger gpus so yeah that's that's the thing so yeah so it we're we tried to do a mixture of between drawn live and drawn offline so yeah so yeah I hope you post case spoilers on the Discord J wax it's a live stream dude it's it's a live it's a live giveaway so that's the thing it's unlocked by everybody and then people who show up basically get to enter to win so it's like the thing is is that we if I do that then the people who aren't subed don't get a chance to win yeah you have to enter in live chat that's how those work the ones the only one that we have that's the other way is the sub only one the sub only PC dude you if you you do not need to be online to win this that only goes to Subs everything else is an unlock so there's no other way to do it so yeah all right so that is that we are bu we are building it we're we're so the fo team over at Blue Horse is basically doing it um is doing it uh for uh is is um modifying a 800 DX build so yeah it should be cool Eternal rage thank you very much for the tier one and there's another point right there so anyway that is it but let's talk about today let's talk about what we're doing today right cuz everybody's excited we're here for a we're here for a fun build if I'm not mistaken who's ready to do a good PC build today because uh so two builds that are happening this week both of them by Intel because we've done a ton of AMD builds and we've done an awesome all AMD deal build so I like to I like to uh kind of uh kind of mix things up and the other thing too is this case so this is the apx C1 uh and this case is actually changes color based on heat so um the other reason that I had to choose this is that I needed an Intel CPU or a CPU that generates Heat and the problem is is that if I use like a 7800x 3D or something like that then we don't actually get to see the heat changing technology so this one is going to be uh this one's going to be a little bit we needed something that could actually do some work so we we chose a uh Intel Core i7 14700 K it's a Workhorse CPU it's absolutely phenomenal CPU it's definitely the best of the new 14th gen stacked um and so we're going to be doing that and that's what we're going to do for the jwx thank you very much for the sub another point that we're getting right there so should be cool cine bench colors exactly so it's going to be a color changing case we're going to see it turns from purple to Blue and that should be a lot of fun let's talk about the parts we're putting oh let me tell you about all the other giveaways cuz people are probably curious so first and foremost 250 likes gets a $25 newa gift card all you got to do is hit that Thumbs Up Button at rychli the other one is is that if you uh if we get a level five hype train which we got to be getting pretty close to actually unlocking a hype train if we get a level five hype train we'll give away another uh $25 newa gift card if we get to level 10 we just give away $100 cash just right there anybody who does it we basically give away 100 bucks whether you want it in Amazon whatever PayPal you get it we get level 10 we give away 100 bucks uh if replica game is dropping five gifted Subs we got Ric dropping five gifted subs and we need one more to start that hype train thing uh the other thing too that we also have is that uh if we get 50 Subs we give away a $50 newa gift card 100 Subs $100 newa gift card $1 150 Subs $150 newa gift card and so on and so forth it starts getting more and more crazy as we get higher up and there it is blade of ice unlocking the hype train so again those are the giveaways that happen normally somebody's like what else do you what uh what else do you get that's all the stuff that you get Faith makes a way thank you very much for the 27 months and the other tier one getting us toward that uh towards the um partner plus and remember guys every 25 points will also give away 1 tab in vme drive as well so that is all the stuff that we got going on should be a lot of fun um and today we're going to build inside of this case so we are at level three let's get to level five but while we're waiting and you guys are trying to build all the hype and make all the giveaways happen Let's uh let's talk about the parts that we're putting inside of this PC first and foremost the first thing we're doing uh so inside of this PC uh we're using the Intel Core I74 14700 k for the motherboard using the MSI z790 Tomahawk Max this is their new their new version of the tomahawk uh for the graphics card the MSI gaming X Trio Nvidia RTX 480 for a terabyte we've got two two terabyte uh SN 850 XS for our Ram gskill Trident z uh 32 gigs at 6,000 MHz we're using the case is the APN X Creator C1 for the cooler The Cooler Master liquid 360 Atmos so they brand new AIO which we'll get to see what the cooling capacity is for that and then finally for our power supply The Cooler Master v850 I gold and then we've also got some purple cable extensions from Asia horse as well as an easy DIY black extension as well John the papaya thank you for the gifted sub and then also you your gun yunu o yunu uh thank you for the prime sub as well so there we go guys we are almost to we are just out level four we got to fill up the next two to unlock the next one guys let's make it happen on Moder processors we might see gaming temps in the ' 60s to 7s so that's all it takes I don't know so or I don't actually know what it takes I have no idea I don't I don't know what or how easily it changes temp so I wanted to make sure we had something for sure that was going to get like when we were doing cin bench if if we see gaming temps in it changes then yeah the 7800 X 3D would probably be fine I just don't know what the Temps change at so I didn't read a whole lot into it I just knew it was going to do there and went for kind of worst case um so yeah that's that that was kind of the plan um trying to see what else guys we are almost to let's finish it out we got two more levels uh 3 minutes and 30 seconds but while we're doing that I can start the uh the build process um eagor dropping five more gifted Subs getting us there thank you very much eigor we do not want to start any of the permission any of the pred ition until we um finish the hype train um Blondie norx resubscribing at tier one there is another one point we got to be what are what what how many points are we at right now Blondie I'm not sure would you ever do budget builds we do budget builds actually quite a bit um so we have a tendency to do $1,000 builds and all that sort of stuff we've done a $1,000 AMD build $1,000 in Intel Nvidia build um so yeah we've done those because we like to so like I and some some sometimes depending on the case uh there are cases that are just really kind of focused at budget build so we have a tendency to do them okay so we're 10 away uh we're 10 away from unlocking um the first one tab nvme Drive guys 10 points so that could be one tier three sub and then like one tier two sub and then we basically unlock that uh Max bunny you know that's kind of on my list I got to figure I want to do some of those fun ones too but the next one that's on our the next more crazy build is we The Nightmare Before Christmas and then we've got a full custom water cold build too yeah I mean Budget can mean a lot of things to a bunch of people but $1,000 is kind of where most people think of as as budget you know what I mean that's like kind of like the safer spot to consider budget okay two minutes left we need one more one more to hit to the to get to level five and to start filling that out okay so here is this beautiful motherboard I love I love the ref fresh with their uh with their bright yellow paint and all that sort of stuff so there it is right [Music] there yeah t i I mean yes the the economy is definitely uh bringing the cost of what budget means down guys one sub let's get one sub and get that level five unlocked um and somebody can draw you know maybe a tier two tier three just helping us get there John the Paya getting one more taking us to that next tier we still need 10 points to unlock that first giveaway uh the first nvme giveaway I want to get that away as soon as person yeah mid tier is yeah mid tier is, 1500 to 2,000 I'd say I'd say even, 1500 to 2500 and then highest is like 2500 and above so for sure okay guys we just got to finish out this last one we're good this is the last one we got to do fill out this one and then we basically unlock a $25 newa gift card and then if we can do that and get the last 10 points then we'll also give away an nvme Drive okay so there's that our 14700 K is now in [Music] there the peel glare don't worry I'll peel it yeah it's funny cuz you can do like really like great builds um at$ 22 and $2,500 you can do really good builds for like 1,500 bucks for real I mean really I'm not like trying to Josh you okay so let's get our mvme in three minutes guys and see if we can finish it out we're close I want us to unlock that $25 new gift card [Music] okay let's pull let's pull this off so we don't trigger [Music] people there we go now you're not triggering [Music] anymore Actually I don't even think this needs a thing you're okay easy [Music] Optimus honestly I mean PC part picker is okay YouTube is usually the best there's lots of beginner guide bits uh on the interwebs right that can help with that stuff or honestly Discord would be another place to ask those questions mihoy John the papaya dropping another another little bit of bits there this is like stuck stuck on this like they're like please don't oh I guess this they want this to keep on there another 100 bits guys we're close let's do it dmat dropping two gifted Subs John dropping five more can we get one person to drop a tier three can we get one person to drop a tier three and then that'll just get us so close to that 25 that's 25 points mihoy that's what our that's what our community is for man love doing stuff with that yeah I know I or or just chimes in when he does I know he's there okay here we go flipping this around so we got two two terab EnV me 1 minute 44 seconds who can step up and help with that partner plus thing we're already one month in just need to do it one more time and then remember you guys could unlock a giveaway right [Music] away this thing is being not kind to me right now there he goes it's like wow that was like problematic in a not usual way okay oh oh yeah I peeled it okay there we go okay there's that one I've been good Supra how are you man 40 seconds guys let's get it finished we can do it we're so close now it's literally just that little [Music] [Music] bit I'm glad dude 27 Seconds come on guys let's not we're you guys are really close to a $25 new a gift card rck dropping five taking it to 100 and there it is okay so rck got it so he comes in clutch Ric's always like the community savior there and we're eight Subs away from a five $50 but we unlocked the $25 at [Music] least does using the top .t so no so it can I would say that so there was some concern that if you do it for on the z790 that it'll actually split the lane for the x16 I will say if there's only two m. tws it does not do that that's what I was told from uh from MSI and I was told that from Asus if you wanted to be safe you could do the other one too but the other the main reason you want to do this is actually uh this actually uses the lanes directly from the from the um CPU so what's up kelt how are you okay guys we got level six there we go so we've unlocked a $25 hey let's go Ahad and do uh or what do you think the clicks are going to be today any any any thoughts it's G [Music] skill I don't know well those tend to stick around 96 so I'm not really going to overshoot on that one okay 96 no we already we already put it in blondie it's already it's we've already put in the thing so it's no vrm today so 96 let's go Ram 96 guys yes Maiden is right and if you look so in the a lot of them don't have manuals anymore this one does not this one has a regular regulatory you got to yeah you got to look in online so yeah if you look online it'll tell you bck resubscribing with tier three there's six so we're like we're like four points away from getting our first nvme giveaway let's go there we go what's up Bach how are you dude I'm doing well how about you good I'm getting excited for Atlanta yeah for sure okay got that done the ram predictions up guys I'm going to look online z790 tomahawk Max we'll see if it Bates just make sure my thing doesn't bipoc if I use the top J the top slot yeah he's going to look okay if I need to switch it I will cuz we're waiting for the clicks anyway so we'll let you know we're going to we're going to find out here pretty quick cuz I asked about a specific board and this one might be L I was talking about a Godlike and I know that one doesn't do it P E1 slot will be Gen 5 * 8 when installed with a M M21 slot yes okay so it does all it [Music] okay okay so it does bifurcate and it's and it's and if it's and if it's even if it's Gen 4 cuz that was the thing they were saying is that it if it's not if it's not Gen 5 it shouldn't do that that's what I was told by a couple of motherboard manufacturers but it's saying it any m.2 is put in there they need to specify that because if the GPU is only Gen 4 and the nvme is Gen for spine say it they don't that's the problem it just says it just says that it just says that if it's in there basically yes okay because theoretically you could run a 4090 at Gen 4 * 16 still and it'd be perfectly fine but if they're not running at 4 * 16 still it could be a problem [Music] okay hold on one sec guys it's another reason I actually prefer uh asrock's manuals they actually show all the lane diagram yeah I like that too oh they got one on the um the tomahawk Max at the bottom yeah it's supposed to work with Gen 4 but does it show so I'm just going to take it out we'll just be safe not a big [Music] deal oh my gosh it doesn't come out wow this is like stuck in there guys there we go yeah so basically the way the diagram shows it is there's two sets of 5.0 time 8 Lanes going to the GPU and one of those shares with the M21 so there's a mck switch so if you put anything there it automatically it should switch it off yeah okay so we'll just turn it we'll just do this we're gonna by the way guys we are going to have JJ from Asus on the show so you guys can ask these kind of questions so I told him so we're going to actually have this stuff and why they did that and stuff like that so uh I'm trying to get that scheduled so we'll have him pretty regularly I'm trying to have him on the show once a month um as like a special like as a special episode he's going to also talk about the new stuff that Asus is doing too so but I thought that would be a fun episode JJ's good people it says right above that it says PCA will be Gen 5 by8 W but isn't a 5x8 the same as a 4x6 oh man this stuff is so exciting so confusing sometimes even for people who build PCS all the time guys so you guys want to understand confusing this is what we do you're welcome chasing and it's it's it's not understand this is a gen five thing so yeah yeah so that's that's what I understand org but uh that's what that's what he said so that's the thing is like yes it went down to 5 by8 which was the same amount of band with this a 4x16 which I mean on a 4070 TI we probably wouldn't have had any problems whatsoever so it's fun guys welcome to New Tech new tech is is this RGB Ram did I not CH is this is this not RGB looks non RGB to me what are we doing guys we're not going to not put RGB Ram in this that's that makes no sense who was it or cuz I'd like to talk to him I we can always I can always test it too we'll get the sound meter don't worry we just chose the wrong Ram let me go get the right Ram I have lots of RAM well it's technically this it should do the same thing right if you're doing if you're doing cuz it's the top slot as Gen 5 it would do the same thing right or does does it have more Lanes gen five lanes for AMD I don't know if you know that Bach I don't I don't honestly don't know why they split it because the Intel CPUs have 20 20 lanes available so they should be able to do 16 and four yeah I know that would be a good good question for JJ yeah we'll have to ask JJ guys but AMD has up to 24 available if you do it the x670 E boards um yeah but most people do b650 they have some boards that can do two five uh M vmes yes no most of their boards don't bifurcate which is weird why Intel does it it doesn't make any sense AMD doesn't for the most part we're all going to find out here in next with Alder like it's all going to be different anyway Intel's Intel's got some stuff that they need to we're about to hit like a new new round with them you know what I mean okay here we I think this is the right Ram now I just put it out like pancakes guys it's funny cuz I had a really good conversation with AMD today I was on I had my phone call with him today and the thing is is like everybody loves competition right like even AMD even AMD in some ways is rooting for Intel because AMD doesn't want to be like Intel and int now is to the point where they don't want to be like old Intel and so competition is good let me grab the the the click so I just want them all to do well because that means that people just have choice and choice means better competition right and more cool more cool Tech and everything else they're not going to run out of lakes they can just go to Minnesota dude they can just go to Minnesota it's got a 10,000 lakes he here we go guys checking our clicks 96 according to org oh that was 93 that did not sound all that clicky 98 okay org we saved it we saved it 98 [Music] woohoo yeah it's a little hard to tell you can pull out a 94 or 96 98 is pretty good though yeah 98 is good my uh I found out that the the loudest scream in recorded history is like5 DB and it's by a teacher like according to the Guinness World Book of Records hey thank you very much uh elicos thank you for the tier one sub and subscribing for 6 months man hey thanks Malik I love you too so right here we go guys so there is everything the only thing we don't have in here right now now is we don't have the AI section so let's uh let's get our AIO out here justiny has a and on his show he builds PCS with a dad joke here and a zip tie there RGB RGB and Blondy biki Justin Roby has a show AI aiio guys we haven't got to do an AIO and we we've missed it so it's could that it's like coming back finally thanks or I appreciate it we finally have the info and uh here we go guys we're uh we're uh we're going to we're going to finally use an AIO today so there it comes and then Falcon wants dad jokes too what's up niiga how are you okay now this one the whole thing is already like pre-installed so it's actually pretty straightforward I also like when you look at their box here and I if you guys watched that massive Cooler Master stream so they've actually got everything just ready to go in nice simple boxes so we just grab the Intel socket section there's our LGA 1700 two Intel brackets four bracket screws and a partridge in a Paar [Music] tree there we go guys all the stuff that we need oh I don't need this right now now and this right now I just need the bracket bits yeah 129 DB yeah see there it is right there thank you juon uh Superman that is a here okay guys it's it's a little bit of a rant time and let me tell you something Falcon Northwest kelt I'm very grateful for you let me just let me just add this right now so here's here let's just just play along with me because this this frustrated me Rost sta thank you very much for the the sub the prime sub this frustrated me so here's what happened Grand Theft Auto 6 everybody thought the trailer was going to drop L you know unfortunately it leaked which sucks by the way and if you're one of the people who helps leak trailers I hate you it's not nice it's not there's a lot of work that goes into when things get announced and all the social plans and everything like that so it sucks when something like that actually happens but that's not what I'm talking about so anyway GTA 6 the trailer comes out and everybody's like dude awesome this is great and then every PC company I mean every PC company minus a few was like now you have a reason to go get a new pc when you looked at Rockstar's announcement which which they should have done they did not say it was coming to PC in 2025 and so uh and so the thing was is that you know have all these PC companies they're like we you know GTA GTA 5 took 2 years to come to PC so to sit there and say that there is there is there's a reason to buy a PC that is not a reason like I felt like it just like I felt like that was like it's like don't do that because like you're you're like there the game's not even coming out like it might be 2028 um so it's just like it was I was frustrated and then like you know there's a couple companies that were like saying hey check out this cool GTA 6 design and like I posted a couple funny memes I think NZXT posted a funny meme even though they were one of the companies that said hey now is the reason to buy a PC and then they realized that it's not coming to PC so they kind of walked that back but um I posted like what gpus will be like which is like the 4080 and then what gpus will be like when GTA 7 GTA 6 comes out which is like a 8090 um and so point being guys is like if you're buying a PC for Grand Theft Auto right now now is not the time to buy a PC cuz we have no idea uh about when that is actually coming out so I'm just saying PC folks set set expectations and I would say set realistic expectations it's going to be a while before we're playing Grand Theft Auto on a high-end gaming PC so uh you know and but if you want to go buy a falcon Northwest in preparation then that I completely am okay with but I'm just saying yeah dude and and the thing is if they're saying PC's not in 2025 I'm guessing console is holiday 2025 not spring 2025 and PC is I mean hopefully it's GTA 5 and it's coming out November of 2026 but dude that's three years away yeah it's like that's crazy okay so here's a deal and this is the other thing too so PC mag and this is this is the game developer and me so PC mag released an article which I completely disagree with um and and I love that I do and PC mag sorry PC yeah PC mag and PC World do good work so this is not a hate thing but the thing is I just feel like it's you're not educated like you don't know and so the thing was is that um they said that GTA 6 shouldn't be harder to get to PC I will tell you releasing games on PC is far harder than it is on console and the reason is is it's just literally the sheer amount of configurations and the config testing that has to go into testing for PC as well as drive drivers and everything else right so even though games are developed on PCS they are not that does not necessarily mean that they are PC ready and so the amount of work that a PC Port actually takes is way harder than it is on a console and understand the thing is given that PlayStation 5 and Xbox especially nextg consoles have actually very identical Hardware both of them are AMD CPUs both of them are AMD gpus both of them use direct storage or have direct storage for uh shared memory architecture that all in all releasing something on those two consoles the fact that they skipped LAX gen makes the console release actually very very easy so when somebody says it's not easy that that sounds like somebody who's never developed a game before as somebody who's developed and released you know AAA titles over 20 years PC ports are not easy and they do take a lot of work so when somebody says like it should be that's actually not true and if you go make games you would know that that it's it's just not as straightforward as people think so yeah please don't yeah nobody should be suing doing anything now in terms of their motivations and whether they're double dipping and stuff like that I have I'm not going to have any feedback on that that is between that is a rockstar thing I don't know you know what I mean please don't send bad vibes to Rockstar or whatever it was rumor is that game cost $2 billion to make and it looks incredible they make great games because they release them on T you know they release them when they're done just like boulders gate was kind of the same thing so I just want to make sure that we're I just want to do a little bit of Education to say hey there's some things that people may not understand and so spouting off that you may know why or or or come up with like fantasies as to why this is happening just doesn't do anybody any good uh no you you know the 12 Days of Christmas five of the six days they give you the bird oh nice yeah it's I mean Roby you know so you could do I mean that was Boulders gate Boulders gate did exactly that Boulders gate developed for PC first and then released a console afterwards but guys no offense but PC is not going to sell anywhere near as much as what it will on Console console is a much more ripe and I mean a ripe like instantaneous PC takes longer to do to go and and to generate and honestly the other thing too is console helps find a lot of bugs PC gamers are a lot more picky so there's actually a lot about PC there's a lot that we actually benefit as PC Gamers from the game coming out on Console first so that I'm just saying we're like you know PC is like a fine wine it takes a little while to age and get there it araxis it is but it's made on a very specific PC very high-end PCS it's not made uh it's not made on PCS that are running low-end Hardware so it's it's made on a PC but not in the way that would make it good to release on PC yeah yeah and you're right Maiden balers gate has a PC a very a very um what's the word Rich PC history Okay so we've gotten the motherboard done in all that amount of time and uh so let's let's go and we're going to I don't think I think I've yeah we've already tested this so I need to put AI I need to put stuff on here it has it is always released on Console first it it's they've never done it the other way okay zip tie guys got to pause this for a second and I'm trying not to be hateful notice how I'm saying this I'm trying to have a tone of information and giving you thing but guys get ready for a new song it's the most zip timey time of the stream though your clippers are out don't trim hairs from your snout cuz it makes Blondie Scream It's the Most zip timey time of the [Laughter] stream there we go guys thank you very much to uh it's time for zip tie prediction but thank you very much to um uh Pig radio for uh doing that one for us I really really appreciate it so [Music] I mean I I will Pro I will more than likely just like I did for GTA 6 just like I did for Red Dead Redemption 2 I am part of the problem because I will buy it on both let's just let's just be honest there's no way I'm not going to play GTA 6 when it comes out and I'm pretty sure Rockstar knows that so but is that why they're doing it I don't know I am part of the double dipping Club of rexus I know and it will look so much better on my Falcon Northwest GTA 6 special edition PC that I will be using right right Kell [Laughter] [Music] right truth there it is right there we'll talk talk about it in 2027 we got lots of time to plan it Kel for 2028 he's like I don't mind the aliens W have come by then oh man you know what you I did you know it's funny bear I had I know you need to I do Falcon you're right I need to buy it right now I should get it cuz it's it's you know this is what you guys are telling me um uh yeah start saving up for a falcon PC for GTA 6 um you're right I the one thing is is that I saw the graphics and I don't know if anybody else saw this I saw the graphics on GTA 6 and I was like dude how is that going to run on a Xbox or PlayStation 5 like I really was like I'm like how is it going to do that I mean FSR is good and and all that stuff but dude it ain't that good and I don't know did anybody else think that yeah like I thought the same thing I just like I was like I was wondering like if we're going to how many of those like here's what they promised you know it's like Instagram versus reality posts so I don't know that's my question cuz I don't I don't know if it's going to look I just I just don't see it I mean it's just like even now you look at something like cyber Punk Cosmic Jordan one month tier one how many points are we at guys so it yes but it was I know it was cinematic stuff but there was stuff like the like the city and the pans and stuff like that or that top down view of the uh uh over the water so yeah we're at 19 points guys we're six points away okay guys so now we can get to this beautiful case okay so here we are guys here is this is the apx Creator C1 so it it is a color changing case couple things check this out it's got like a rounded rounded edge here in the back ain't that kind of cool so it's like rounded it's not all square around it so we're going to start getting this kind of strip down I'm actually pretty excited to see how this build comes out by the way apparently the new Godzilla movie is really good I I've been watching who's been watching Monarch anybody yeah the color is really nice and it changes color too apparently dude oh man I just thought of something guys what if guys conspiracy theory time okay conspiracy theory time we're going to we're going to be a little bit conspiracy theorist here what if what if nextg consoles are 2026 and they're triple dipping so they're going to release the current gen knowing that next gen is 2026 so then they'll get to sell it again with the nextg port along with then the PC Port even afterwards could that be could that be what's happening that it literally is like that's their whole like that's that's their whole plan I should call Phil I mean dude it it it makes a certain amount of sense right and then the other thing too is by showing the graphics they did they know that more than likely like a you know an Xbox next and a PlayStation 6 or whatever it was like will be the equivalent of like probably a 4090 maybe a 5090 by then I doubt it but you know we'll see so hm I know they talked about like it was in the Activision Blizzard it was in the Activision Blizzard stuff but the thing is is like here's a deal even if it was 2028 even if it was no I think it's I think it's yeah I don't know that's 2028 seems that'd be a pretty far out but yeah I don't know maybe maybe if the new consoles were honestly going to be 2026 the dev kiss would already be out under NDA no no we did so it'd be a year before it'd be a year before I i' i' I've launched three consoles or so we'd have we'd have the P the dev the first Dev kits you'd be doing you'd be basing on PC specs two about a year and a half out and then a year out is when you'd start to get your devkits and it actually may be closer to nine months out when you first first get your new console dev kit um so it's they're pretty they're way more tight than people think um but you would have hard you for the game develop like game game developers who were developing for that would have an idea yes that part would be super IND a or you are right on that but we wouldn't have devkits out quite yet okay guys now I got to figure out I'm going to have to look at the manual because I don't know how to take this panel off cuz I'm too busy talking okay so this there's a little screw here let's take this off uh honestly cuz I did 20 years and it was time to do something new and this was a very cool thing to get to do something new I mean how how neat is it to go from basically making video games for 20 years to then going and getting to build and play with PCS and Tech and toys for you know another 20 years I mean that doesn't sound like a bad life you know so I kind of felt like it's not like I hadn't had a very successful career at Microsoft you know I ended lift shop shipping one of the biggest titles Microsoft ever shipped which was Halo infinite it wasn't as good as I'd hoped but yeah still b32 BR Bad Brad thank you for the sub I lost my oh there's two things down here wow W we're going to have way more cable management on this than I thought guys I mean GTA I mean I I think even kelt would agree GTA 6 when it comes out on PC will sell Hardware like people will absolutely buy Hardware to play that [Music] game people will be like I'm buying a PC to run GTA 6 at ultra settings okay so we got that off so we took that off yeah but that's not as hard so that's where you can put hard drives hard drives okay so this top comes off here okay so we'll pull this [Music] off okay there's that oo that's a look at that that's a pretty panel guys that's a pretty panel okay there that comes off does the side not come off that's the question this never shows the front off oh so it lifts up oh interesting it lifts up guys here we go okay so it doesn't it doesn't work like it normally does thank you very much for saying that see it just pops right up see look at that boom and there it goes that's kind of cool okay there we go so there's all our panels we've got a pretty nice reminds me of a little bit of the one we saw on MSI and then this thing also has ribbon cable for the Gen 3 and we have an integrated sag bracket so we won't have to use that one that comes with the um the MSI okay so there it is there's it stripped we're going to use the stock fans here it also for not bad as well it also has at the top uh integrated uh uh RGB and Fan Hub which makes that easy so yeah and then we have all our stuff so there's actually quite a bit to love about this case and then and I'm pretty sure does the Shroud come off I can't tell I don't know if you can do bottom fan mounts let's look at the manual see if you can fan Mount fans at the bottom oh I'm looking I was like looking at the manual upside down good job Roby so you can do fan in the back if you wanted to interesting you can take out the Shroud and you can mount side fan so you can do so you can take out this you can take out the bottom shroud here and then take this out and actually Mount 3 120s in the side so like the uh Corsair [Music] 5000d but not really anything not really anything for uh not not you can't do fans on the uh on the PSU shroud that I can see Okay cool so pretty cool so yeah like I said you can remove this and remove this and then actually have three fans on the side here we're going to leave it in stock configuration should be fine we're going to do intake exhaust we have 140 mm 140 mm and then we'll do a 360 mm up top so it should be pretty straightforward just going to run all this stuff out and get it going from here um I'd say the one that we've been most impressed with uh the reuen you have a choice between the reuen and that has a the rugen and the um h150 are the two ones I like especially the the IQ link one um are the ones that I like the readout the most the other the MSI one is not bad either um their one is okay too but I've been really the temps that we've really appreciated are the rujan um and and the uh h150 IQ L uh mihoy we just tear them apart some of them are some of them are uh some of them are commissions we actually have had people on rare occasions who've literally just called and said like can I just buy that PC you just built and we we just sell it depending on what components are inside of it so like we'll replace them with retail components but yeah they're like oh I just want that PC you just built I'm like oh okay we can do that there we go I had to check first but the reuion you're talking about the reuion 3 360 that comes with noctua industrial F so they perform great it it actually reminds me more of the L it reminds me more of the 5000 000 D than the lancool oh I guess the lcool 2 except the lcool 2 actually has the mounting and then the it actually it's it's a little bit more corish then I'd say Lan coolish thanks [Applause] Falcon yeah I mean you could if you wanted to I mean I don't I I I don't I don't see why not if you really wanted to or axis if you're serious it's not cheap that PC is crazy expensive okay hey I like that they actually label their screws one day we're going to build a falcon Street we're going to build a falcon PC on stream guys it's going to [Music] happen that side panel is removable and you could do fans there too yeah that's that's what I was talking about like it's more like a cair 5000d you can take this and this off and actually do it's it's 140 mm too or is it 120s I couldn't I was looking in the manual you can do 140s on the front and top but not on the not on the so you could do a 420 at the top then no one watch a 3-day stream uh you'd be surprised Falcon uh only a 360 on the top it does two 140s ah you guys there's a lot of the amount of people the the amount like people watch people like what they like and they'll watch it for a long time there's things that blow my mind that that people watch and I'm like okay and it if it makes you happy I'll make the content there we [Music] go um for CAD work uh so I would say I would say for CAD work yes a 4070 4070 TI uh in terms of your CPU you actually have less of a concern I will say CAD is much more Nvidia happy um than uh AMD happy um but I will like either one of those CPUs I would not do I would do if I was going to do a 7900 I would do a 7900 a um over just a plain 7900 because you got I mean you you like CAD which is very mathematical and stuff like that can actually get some benefit from overclocking 13 7 would also be well turog the 147 actually has more ecores right um which for multitasking actually does and and for multitasking does help especially with with intense programs like CAD that can actually make a difference in performance but if you really want to save money turg's not wrong I'm just giving you a bit of in some some info right some things to think about I like how everybody's telling Falcon like Falcon was jokies like nobody's going to he was like kidding and then every's like oh I'd watch it Kel's like dang okay guys just getting our cases and stuff in our bits and Bobs I don't know what happened to my I put my magnetic plate somewhere when we were doing something and now I can't find it and I kind of want it back where did I set it where did it get set oh it's right there okay pH I was like I want my magnetic plate back I make a joke about a certain Tech but they're not even here to defend themselves there we go all right cool uh yes we've used kpx the one thing I the reason I don't use it um is it's not very viscous so it's harder to spread um it's and it's not to say that it's bad or good it's I mean it is good right and I like Kingpin is a friend um but uh it's just it's not the most viscous stuff I actually have some kpx I do I have I thought I had kpx in here I did have kpx in here at one point in time maybe I used it all Falcon uses it yeah they use they use kpx okay so guys we have bracket in what we're going to do real quick is now we're going to hook our first we're going to hook up all our front panels and everything like that before I do that I'm going to kind of do some cable management on the back here to just get it a little bit more under control the aiio is actually already put together so once we get that in we pop the AIO in and the rest actually goes pretty pretty quickly so so we just we're going to what we're going to do right now is we're going to WIP we're going to take out all the stuff that is going to be connected to the motherboard and then we're going to take the stuff that's not and just kind of clean it up oops there we go there we go okay so this is just so I can make a nice clean cable management and there's some there's some like there's some attempt there which is interesting like they they really did this and then the rest is just kind of a train wreck which is kind of like why did you do it that way but okay we'll probably keep that all zip tied together okay here we go time to time to get S down to the serious business guys serious business time Pig radio we played your song people loved [Music] it they really did they said I loved it [Music] [Music] okay here we [Music] go it needs me to harmonize with it I'll have to work on that I'll work on my next time I play it I'll harmonize with it it was still good pig radio it really was it was very well done thank you okay guys first spit of cable management done here okay let's see what we can do here for these these are like I feel like these need to like go up like what is going on [Music] here same thing with this one well that's too short well then we can bring this up and over oh okay then this one can go even further over okay this is what we're going to do now we're going to make this look really good the new tune was good the new tune was good how many points are we away Blondie from unlocking our first our first uh [Music] giveaway Five Points guys one if one person one person could drop a tier three sub right now for themselves it can't be a gifted then we would unlock a n.2 giveaway right away that's where how close we are guys five points away okay now I've got all these up here I I'm not gonna I promise not to play any Mariah Carey guys no Mariah Cary sorry it's like this is like CH Christmas chill music you know well that's a good question tur dog she's too divisive she's too divisive arxus Blondie was impressed um pig that you actually got her real scream into the show I mean into the sound clip she didn't know you how you captured her scream she was like wow how did he get my scream in there I was like I don't know Pig radio's got P radio works a mysterious ways I'd love to do a vote who is a fan of the Mariah Carey and who is not how can you not be a fan of M right that's why that's why I love you Bach I knew you were gonna I knew Bach I knew Bach would be there to defend we're going to get a vote blind is going to do a vote I mean honestly I don't really know anything that Mariah Care's done since I was a kid so well it's here her Christmas song right is like well known for like being like the first like it's like the one that like a lot of like it just it's it's like she thaws out right is like always the joke oh wait wait wait wait wait is this okay so these actually okay these actually are list I'm glad I didn't connect those wow good save there [Music] Robby [Music] this one's actually going to go pretty quick guys cuz this this this cable management is just naturally working itself [Music] out current pole still going guys we're one shy one tier three away from unlocking a giveaway right away uh turog I watch die hard and die hard too at Christmas Die Hard is The Ultimate Christmas movie and anybody there are only two kinds of people people those who think Die Hard is a Christmas movie and those who are wrong it even has Christmas music in it yeah I'm doing uh doing home alone while I'm doing the Home Alone Lego home I got the the Lego set I I it's probably no surprise to many people that on top of building PCS I also like building Lego as if like building stuff on stream isn't enough now I need to build it also when I'm on my off [Music] time [Music] oh yeah you got to watch that one for sure Superman yes animated animated uh Grinch for [Music] sure okay guys there we go all remember all those crazy wires we had now it's just that that's all there is it's all we got I got all of those wires down into that and it's way cleaner now the before and after on that would actually be impressive they I don't have a replay system right now okay so now we're going to run this stuff down that kind of cable management I could almost get a job at Falcon Northwest uh we I started the we're were watching I was watching the Christmas carol like the the um the Jim Carrey one I was watching it just the other night like uh I've already watched I think I've watched like I think I'm on nine I've already watched nine Christmas movies [Music] I got to watch them mu at Christmas Carol yeah it's it's on my list too um I may not want to do that one yet so I'm going to go a and snip these and I think we're kind of where the end of where I want to be from a Cable Management [Music] standpoint okay so this is where we are guys from where we were remember what it used to look like and now it looks like that now we had all those wires down to just that at this point in time so it looks much much cleaner let's go and run our let's go and run our front panels real quick so let's get our roaming camera here I feel like even Blondie's uh even Blondie's um like preference came out in that with the with the uh with the vote okay here we go so here's what we're going to I'm going to so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how I run it from the the back and then we'll run it to the front Okay so first and foremost these are our front panel headers we got power switch power plus and minus so that's going to run through this right here then from this direction it's going to come up and it's going to run out right there so it's going to run that one right through here next up we've got a these are these are the connections these are the connections to the hub up here the Hub up here so I'm going to run these to this uh looks like I'm going to I'm actually going to split these up so I'm going to take this one which is the fan I'm going to run the fan to the same place where I ran the front panel connector so that's going to come through right here and then I'm going to take my HD my my um RGB I'm going to run it through the second hole which is going to be right here so it's over here on this side so there's that okay so there's that front panel then what we have here is we have our HD audio cable literally labeled HD audio so this is HD audio this one is going to go also run to the same place where we ran that RGB cable and then that's going to come out right over here okay so there's that and then last one we have two more cables let's see where these Run Okay so these are going to run right up over here so I'm going to lift that up a little bit these are going to go right here just like that and then around just like so and they're going to come out just like this okay so there we go now all our front panels are in those are all connected we're going to flip this around go to roaming so you can get a better view I think you can see it better with this camera now I got a little light there yeah okay so here is the connection it's very Overexposed okay which is fine I want you guys to be able to see okay so here's what we're going to do we're going to take this cable our USB 3.2 run that right here there's that one and then we're going to take our USBC here what in uh gaming Pro what in what way cuz that can mean a lot of things in terms of download in terms of what okay so that takes care of those now we're going to go down here to the the front panel connectors okay so we're going to do our power plus and minus so we're going to do power plus and minus so these are just going to go right along the top [Music] here oops actually I'm like completely blind okay Power Plus here power minus here and then power switch right [Music] here okay so there's those show you zoomed in here so that's actually how they're connected so power switch power plus and minus sorry it's not let me see if I can hit the button that make it do anything trying to see if it'll focus there it goes yeah so there you go power plus and minus there you go focused it Focus power plus and minus and then we have that okay so that's how those are connected so you can get a good view there okay so next up going to run this bring this down next up we have a fan header this is for the Hub that's going to go right here pull that through there's that and then let's move over to this side next up we have RGB and that's there's a plug right here it's going to plug into [Music] [Music] that there we go there's RGB then the last one we have HD audio and that's going to go in the far leftand Corner okay so just to recap what you've seen here all up so this is our fan connection right here that's from our Hub so power power switches were first those are our power plus and minus that was right there then we did our fan from The Hub which you saw me route then we did our RGB and then we did our HD audio so that's it and then up here at the top here we have our USBC and then we have our USB 3.2 so that's all of our cables all hooked up now so now what we can do so it's uh it's actually by Ben q and we're trying a bunch of different ones I'm not I'm not super happy with the quality but one thing I will say is it does I I'm asking you guys just dead opinion I'm trying to make sure that there's you guys get to see see all of the steps and uh that c it feels like having a camera like that is critical to it you know what I mean so even though the the quality isn't the highest it feels like it's still better than what I was doing [Music] before I don't know if you guys have an opinion we have we also crowdfunded one for the Logitech so I'm hoping at some point time we get something [Music] nicer okay what we're doing now is we're just basically making sure that these are tight and clean and okay so no we don't really have any [Music] good [Music] we [Music] [Music] go [Music] oh man that went right through here there we go yeah I wish I had a cable manager Harry Potter spell but I don't mind Cable Management I seem to be pretty good at no I can get a link for it uh I'll send it is is Tom here I can send it to Tom and he can put it he can get a link for it I don't it's it's the Ben Q I can get the name of it hopefully hopefully I'll be at the launch for that the Charlotte one I was at the one for uh for Indianapolis just getting this little bit cleaned up they sponsored yeah they sponsored the uh they sponsored me going down there for the other one Leroy tether thank you for the prime sub guys we still need like one more one more tier three there we go guys so that's what remember what we were dealing with before and this is where we're at now feels like a much cleaner Cable Management situation here what do you guys think seems much cleaner don't you think compared to where we started right uh I can build we can do commission builds if you want that is an option for you if you want to do that if you want to go that route okay guys so there he is there's all our cable management all done now so now we're going to do our aiio [Music] here's how the build's looking so far nice and clean all of our cables are run and look beautiful so I like I like the way this is looking thus far we actually have we can remove the top I don't know if we'll need to yeah let's do it let's let's do it all the right way let's let's let's not lazy out guys let's do it the right way okay so we're going to remove these screws at the top [Music] [Music] there we go this is the apx creator C1 and it's a it's a color changing case we'll see when we get to that spider just you know okay one more it's kind of a thin radiator wow that it's not really anything to hold this in that's kind of interesting so they made it so it doesn't really hold all that well though okay okay next up guys time for the AIO again which that means AO song oops oh not that one has a show AO and on that show he builds PCS AO with the dad joke here and a zip tie there RGB RGB and Blondy biki Justin Roby has a show I there we go we've now got it again again okay here we go top down we've already got all we got to do is put on a bracket and stuff the uh packaging for this is actually pretty impressive so people were huge fans what I learned is that all of you guys are massive fans of um Mariah Carey that's what I've learned spider 879 just go to rchive it's all right there it's not it's actually like a blue and and the color changes so we'll find out you guys will see more when we we get there and then this thing comes pre pre-built so we'll need this and [Music] this and they all kind of the best thing about this is all of this stuff kind of Daisy chains together so unfortunately the fans do not look like they do they're probably in the accessory bit in here there it is there we go and there we go so this is going to be like that this means they're going to come through the middle okay so what I'm working on is I'm going to Cable manage this so I'm going to Cable manage this so the only place where that I'm not you're not going to see any cables the ca's going to come down from the AIO there we go so this will just come down and plug into the motherboard so it'll be hidden behind it [Music] for me it's all about showing and having as me as little few cables as possible okay so this is going to be the same same way this one's going to run through the back and then they'll be so we're just going to hook this up right here and then this is going to go right in here okay so this is going to get also zip tied and what I really want here is I just need a longish cable to run through and then so I can basically have this run through the slot and connect [Music] to connect to the hub the Hub in the back we do not want the fans from the bill from the AIO connected to the hub we want want to control those independently we're going to have those be the CPU fan so that's why I have these two particular cables separated out and this I'm not as worried about making look pretty because these are going to be hidden behind the back of the aiio it's just about clumping here clumping and you'll see when I hook it all up what I mean okay there we go so that's all that'll this all be hidden behind the the case so it won't you won't even be able to see it in the back which makes it easy easy okay now what I need to do think there's anything else I need out of this oh yeah I need screws I need all my screws oh something I will use though I appreciate them giving him to me just basically just hold the hold the GPU connections all together this says that there are screws in this but I do not see them remember they're in here oh here they are I was like where's all my screws okay now we that's like you get no look you get like no choice you're like yes these are how it's going to go it's like way hung over it wants it to so you have some you have some movement okay all right here we go you know what I haven't been using guys which nobody's mentioned the wow stick nobody's been asking where the wow stick is nobody's been like where's the wow stick what's up DW Slayer dwam Slayer dropping a a tier one guys we just need one more person to drop like one tier three and we would be basically do that giveaway just need a tier three sub and we would do that giveaway immediately we don't even wait till the end we just basically you can unlock it and be the hero you could be the hero baby you could walk away the pain Please Don't Take My Breath Away help me unlock an nvme giveaway I'm doing very well Hawthorne thank you for saying hi [Music] wow this goes in so nicely I like like well tooled Parts you know what I mean like just like go in so butter smooth that's what you need there we go okay so we I think we have everything I think we might want to put our I think I'm going to go ahead just to be safe not so far I don't know we don't usually get snow this early if we get it at all we usually don't get it this early oh DW Slayer why do you feel tired that's what we need there we go let's go to side view here hu Odyssey thank you for the gifted [Music] sub we're literally four points away from that giveaway guys and we're over 50 Subs wow okay let's end that one next goal is up come on what are you doing to me cable get in there finally little purple there starting our okay there we go now what we did do drop that down here we go and this we go in here to be controlled by this will be controlled by the thing in the back it looks like we're all good there find the ca the cable where is the things for this here oh did it want it the other way looks like it did guys I put this on backwards okay that's that's actually not that big of a deal I can s flip this around oops luckily these are very well [Music] done I didn't know how I thought this would run I thought this was the other way but I guess it wasn't now I have everything hooked up it's just easier to do it this way there we go come on get it guys get it here we go [Music] okay there there you go all right that takes care of that now it's the right direction I had to flip it around sorry about that luckily these are so easy to put in I'm like I'm super impressed with just how easy this is to like it's I mean the and it's actually has nothing to do with the case it's just Cooler Master did such a good job with the tooling that the the the screws just going so smooth it's fast to watch me do it you know so for when you lose a screw that's around here somewhere there it [Music] is kind of our last bit of RGB there okay I just got to find the how does this wow okay so we're going to we're going to want to be as far this direction as we can be okay so you actually have a little bit of flexibility in terms of where you put oh come [Music] on okay that takes care of that okay I'm going to lower the the table a bit you just see the C the screws a little bit [Music] better whoa how is this being so hard okay there we go we just got to make sure you go straight down with that okay oh wow okay I realized why it was having so many problems now that whole thing I was trying to do which was like to hide the cables find the aiio there's like no room in between the AIO and the and the back wall which is weird usually I do not have that problem there's like no room here I could move them up to hide it up here which seems like the right call there so I'm just going to have to move this up higher which is fine we can do that okay so let's go to side here I just need more room here that means that we've lost we've had a couple zip ties sacrific their lives for nothing sorry zip ties okay all right [Music] so we need to move this stuff up where I can actually use the room it may just be better to run this I think I'm just going to have to run this back okay I was hoping to just hide it all and have like pristine cable management but the case does not allow that so we're just going to run it all through the back here and then we'll try and fix it there little bit of a bummer I like it when you have the room there but apparently this case is not going to give it to us [Music] guys [Music] it's unfortunate because like now the way that it hits is like you can see all of the cables up at the top I really want I don't like that how much visible cable there is [Music] [Music] Wario thank you very much for the [Music] resub I try and get try and do the same thing I was doing okay going to top down here what I'm trying to do guys is I'm trying to make it cuz CA you know cabling is important and we have like we have an area of the of the case up here that we could hide cables and then just have our one little bit come down so we're going to do this because I just really don't want to see any cables you know that's not that's not what you guys come for that's not the entertainment you sign up [Music] for sorry okay just lift this up a little bit don't need to bend down this much yeah I wish Wireless but it's just like I like I saw this and I just started to see the amount of cables that you could see and I was like yeah that's a no bueno okay so if I want I could actually have this this is going to be my best bet so I could actually run this down you know what I mean that's going to be short enough it's got to be really far left though [Music] okay what I'm doing is just like [Music] preemptively we work within the power of the cable the case [Music] here okay I think this is going to work guys okay CP that one up okay I think that'll work guys and we've got a better solution here and this is now all [Music] this can just all be sitting over here we should have all sorts of room over here for this just to sit here now [Music] hopefully I was not expecting this to take this particular portion to take as long as it is taken okay I think guys think we got it okay let's see should have room now if I did this right question is did I do it right here we [Music] go okay so first thing we're going to do go to side here take this cable come on plug in and then we have oh shoot did I run it the wrong way I did did I okay no we might be okay okay might actually still be fine okay guys I think this worked yep it [Music] did yep it worked and then we have this cable here we go wow it actually worked guys yep all those cables are hidden okay cool ah we did it need to find the [Music] one thing that's hard is like I wish they would have lowered there's nothing I can do about this top portion like I know the black will fill it out so you won't be able to see it or anything like that but it's like there's nothing I can really do because the um the Gap at the top is too um is too big so if you're going to use the H the The Hub like I'm using which you would right you you you're going to have that you're going to have that visible a little bit the back is black so you won't see it but still looks way better okay aio's installed all the cables are in for that now we just need to do our mounting okay going to top down so everything's ready like I said we have what we did is we ended up running running just this one cable down all of the main aiio cables are actually hidden over here in this corner so you can't really see them and then there's just not there's nothing I can do about the visibility up here actually I think rubber grommets would have been really nice here cuz this I was able to hide but there's just nothing because of the RGB hub for me to be able to hide that there we go cool okay so let's get this done where's M there it is this will [Music] be probably almost neutral means there there's it if like yeah because you you have exhaust coming through the radiator right and then exhaust it'll be it'll probably be close to neutral if anything may be slightly negative no that's right okay let's put these in they slide under just like that guys we need a 100 more likes on YouTube head over to techlive hit that you guys are usually pretty quick about getting that nailed guys we also need one more tier three if somebody wants to upgrade a tier tier one to tier three that would unlock a immediate nvme giveaway can we get one hero to do that head over There's the link guys head over hit that thumbs up thumbs up for free and it unlocks a $25 new gift card we're all relaxed not hitting likes huh okay so that's all that so that's all the Intel stuff installed there we go we're at 150 guys let's keep going we need to get to [Music] 250 yeah Robi glacis I can be your hero baby I can give you a tier three sub you can make partner plus happen how is this twisted like the what [Music] the oh that's why this doesn't make any [Music] sense there we go we got a tier one just up for grabs like just all we got to do is just hit it you guys are so close now you just do an upgrade and that or whatever that would make it happen too there W that was like almost off okay there we [Music] go [Music] why did I do that hold [Music] on okay just running our last little bit of cable management here there we go just want these cables to disappear [Music] [Music] okay okay this putting our re just routing cables real quick you see we're to hook them up already okay guys we are just about there [Music] [Music] finally this is the last of the AIO stuff and then okay aiio is done always a little bit of a lengthy bit but that's it okay guys all we have left is cable extensions GPU that's it we are done after that and we'll do some cable stuff I mean we'll do some some testing and uh do some testing and call it day gpu's coming up yep just got to get my cable extensions in real [Music] quick cable [Music] extensions there're what I am they're shutting wa I announced it I shut I announced they're shutting down araxis we'll find out cuz we haven't we haven't actually we haven't I know it's I think this cooler was tested we just haven't uh we just haven't done it live on the show there's like no no tie downs for this cable it's like none it's like nope no tie downs that's interesting there's like literally no tie downs on the right hand side huh was not expecting that weird okay let's just throw the only thing we got to do is grab our big purple cable for 24 pin wow that is crazy really like that's I thought you were being like joking no you're serious wow that's actually I mean they probably have like they they have to have high viewership what the it just surprises [Music] me I mean there like Korea in a lot of ways was like how like watching video games watching video games like like originated in a lot of like they were in a lot of ways like kind of what started even started that culture that's like really [Music] surprising mean think about like Starcraft dude I mean how many but like how many pro Korean how many pro Korean esport players are there like where are they going to stream now is there another one is that where it's yeah it's all going to be YouTube gaming I don't know if Kick's over there that's really [Music] surprising oh okay so they have is there it do they stream there is that where the majority of Korean stream maybe is Africa TV Africa TV that's a weird [Music] name okay here we go for okay right here we go oh geez sorry guys you guys couldn't even see it okay wow this is going to be a weird I don't know what to do with that maybe [Music] okay going back here to [Music] roaming this is just to make sure we get that right angle in the front there [Music] so what we have is on the front so we have that like little pop not a ton of color coming out of that but it's just like they have a really tight really tight um like place to run that cable okay there we go okay well there's all the cable extensions little bit of purple there in the front but nothing too heavy okay last Parts guys GPU PSU we're done just weird that we have like nowhere to there's like nothing not even anything on the edge there's like no place to put this [Music] cable going to top down okay hopefully that's the right length we'll find out okay let's grab our GPU looks nice and clean though right yes Defcon you can absolutely use them with that they pretty much work with anything okay here we go we don't need the C we don't need the luckily all we need is a GPU here [Applause] big old honking GPU to go in oops we go triple slot how we doing likes on YouTube guys uh you can you can do a slim 480 with the Asus um Pro art is a slim it's actually a two slot and I have it my Falcon actually my [Music] Tiki um you uh I if I use like a 14900 K or if it's like something I'll sometimes use a um a u a plate for to keep to improve temperatures but to be honest like I only use it when necessary um but you uh I don't know if they fixed the problem I think some of the problems the problems have been a mixture of things one is um things like multicore enhancement on which has made things really hot but yes they do the plates do improve temperature still there we go where did I okay and then luckily we got that beautiful built-in sag bracket so we use that to improve our sagginess once we uh get this up and going here yeah we have a new we have a review and a All Pro art build coming up actually pretty soon so that should be in a couple weeks actually okay let's see here just going to make sure that we have no sag that looks beautiful and even okay okay let's throw our GPU Cable in and then put in power and we're done hey koala thank you very much for the prime sub how we doing likes on YouTube guys there's 350 people here come on guys head over to rchive hit that Thumbs Up Button we only were very close to being done with this build so we want to get those likes done uh we're still four away we still need four or five points right so we need four points so I'd love to see somebody just convert to a tier three that'd be awesome and then we would basically hit that point goal for that g for that giveaway wonder if this makes the most s here [Music] okay guys there it is so that's what the front of build will look like uh when we we're going we're still going to put all the case cover in all that stuff in it here pretty soon but yeah that is the build in terms of it's it's pretty much all I got to do is put in the PSU this is not going to take [Music] long okay let's grab our v850 I gold I think we I think actually it's funny cuz like all I need is three cables three power three cables that's it I need a PSU oh no I need one sat okay so I'll need four cables stretch okay stretch in okay makes it far less heavy okay so we need one of these araxis not really yeah it is a nice bag you are right there's our not that one there we go [Music] need a CPU another pcie another SATA Molex U there's our CPU cable uh even I'm talking to all of them so ad deal we we don't like it's too early I I literally did a rant on this a little bit earlier but uh with GTA 6 coming out in like 2027 or 2026 for PC it's too early to do a GTA 6 PC cuz we don't even like we don't even know what the we don't even have an official announcement of when it's coming to PC hey b32 Brand there we go so right there we have unlocked a one tab Kingston nvme giveaway let's do it right [Music] now there it is exclamation point partner [Music] plus one tbte Kingston nvme giveaway starting right now and it's uh exclamation point partner plus there you go two minutes guys I have all my cables I need [Music] two minutes guys don't forget forget to hit that like at the same time oh jeez I was like wait a minute I was like doing I was like doing this I was like wait a minute these aren't lining up at all cuz I put them on wrong want to make sure these are [Music] straight okay so now going to put in this this is your [Music] motherboard there we go next up is our one sat our there [Music] are there we go and last [Music] one okay there's all of our cables and we're just going to run these through and then tighten this up [Music] [Music] [Music] congratulations to Dorian the critic Dorian the critic you are the winner [Music] all right wow that was a little harder than I [Music] thought okay here we go boys and girls the end the end of this build okay there's still $250 there's still a $25 newa gift card up for grabs we still have some giveaways still guys that we got to unlock we've unlocked one $25 new gift card and a $50 new gift card that's what we've unlocked thus far so we are not done yet okay logging that in 191 to 250 guys let's finish it w this song is pretty special [Music] guys thank you very much b32 for doing that man that gets us there we're now on our way to the next one and I'll do a I'll get official tally for where we are at the end of [Music] tonight as long as you guys are staying subbed you know what I mean as long as people are like doing it for the three months and let it auto renew we will we will be fine but I just I know no you're very welcome [Music] Dorian congratulations we still have more giveaways at the end here guys that's we'll have all the big ones at the end there's still giveaway still left guys don't even if you're you're just getting here we still have all the ones at the end of the stream this is why pays to watch the stream throughout there we go so there's that now we have left we have two cables left well I appreciate that the weasel okay make sure that's nice and there we go last cable Jay wax wants to be the next Mr Beast huh how we doing likes on YouTube guys getting to the end of the build here 198 guys we're 50 shy there's 37 almost 400 people here [Music] now you can do it just head over and hit that like button that unlocks the giveaway okay guys this build is done now we're just going to put [Music] the put the put the case stuff back on this is where you could install rear fans or nvme drives or anything like [Music] [Music] that [Music] yeah I know they are stressing me out just like it took so long to get the 25 points you know what I mean here we'll do a partner Plus Check real quick see where we are from a part and a plus standpoint but there there is the build with the cables you know what I mean looks good nice and [Music] clean let's check out partner plus to see how how we're doing [Music] we are at 48 so we're just at 50 now it is only the 5ifth right so we're 50 so we're 300 away from hitting that goal right now but we have a lot of people that have done it the thing very much mark thank you very much for the prime sub right so now lift this up make sure our cables are all correct everything looks good here nothing Twisted that looks clean [Music] okay so let's go to front here [Music] there we [Music] go next up so this slides down [Music] okay there we go think it is on okay that's all in okay so that puts that on okay let's go to side here it's a little bit more unique than what we typically do and this holds this down there's that then this covers is this and there we go now and there is our build with the like the blue and the purple and everything [Music] else you can't really see the cables which is nice and then again this case is color changing so what we're going to do real quick we're just going to pick up count our count our uh our cable ties do our sponsored bit do our deals and then we'll turn it on and finish this build uh then we'll start our benchmarking and do our giveaways so yeah it's like a mood ring exactly how we doing likes on YouTube guys [Music] 207 let's finish it out guys we're getting [Music] closer okay let's take a drink let's do our top down 40 more likes and then we're going to start okay so there's the build we're going to turn it on in just a second let's count our cable ties I think I'm going to do purple but I'm not sure yet we'll have to see okay here we go one two three four five there's five one two 3 4 5 there's 10 1 2 2 3 4 5 there's 15 1 2 3 4 5 there's 20 1 2 3 4 5 there's 25 1 2 3 4 5 there's 3 32 guys it's even today 32 32 guys even today it's been odd the last X number it's like almost it's been odd a lot so 32 it's nice to see some even here 32 today guys okay congratulations even winners okay let's go through our deals and talk about we're going to do deals real quick and then talk about our SP sponsor and then we will get right to turning it on and doing our benchmarks guys and then uh just something new when we do new cases I wanted to give you guys an update uh when we do new cases uh when we recut we recut the streams and then we release them on YouTube as cutdowns and that will have ADD addition thermal and benchmarks from now on so for all new cases um so you will see it for like the Eva O2 um and all and even in certain cases like if there's a very unique commission build then we'll go ahead and run it for that so when you see cutdowns uh so if you're like oh I really like this build I'd like to see additional benchmarks go watch the cut down which will be the highlights of whatever you saw on the stream plus and then also just some extra graphics and an intro and my my final thought so uh just some stuff that you guys will uh if you guys want to know more uh after a build stream and some additional thoughts that's a great place to go get uh more information so I just wanted to throw that out there if you're looking for uh you're looking for a little additional information on the cases we are putting more stuff up for you um now um okay so if uh let me just finish these out [Music] yes and we'll we'll I'll make sure that they have the AIO song in its full Glory from now on okay what's up electric Yoshi how are [Music] you okay so say for instance you finish a PC like this and it's time to install a copy of Microsoft Windows right you can download Windows for free but if you want to do things like do customization all that sort of stuff you do need to have a license copy of windows so if you were to pick up it's like Best Buy or new it's about 150 bucks but here at VIP GDK you can pick up a copy of Windows 10 Pro for $23 or Windows 11 Pro for $31 and 89 but let's take a look here let's go Windows 10 Pro uh and then you go here and you hit buy now and use code RBC at checkout and hit apply what was $239 drums drops down to $16.16 which is these are onetime use codes so you can't like move them from system to system like the $150 ones but most people don't need 10 systems you know what I mean so still pretty crazy and all that sort of stuff what about copies of office if you want to pick up a copy of office so here's office uh here's Microsoft Office 2021 usually it's 250 300 bucks but here at CD VIP CDG deals you can get it for 10344 so go in here same thing use buy now uh and use RBC at checkout for instead of it being 10344 you can pick up a copy of uh Microsoft Office Professional for a whopping $724 so if you have questions literally thousands thousands of people here in my channel have used it um it's a great place to get in expensive Windows they have great customer service they are licensed copies of uh Microsoft Windows and if you have questions you can always just ask them here in chat uh and then uh like I said it usually takes what maybe five minutes 3 to five minutes for you to get your key after you purchase them um so yeah check it out VIP GDK great place to go and get copies of Windows and Microsoft Office they also sell games in other things but that's up to you so and then again using my code RBC at checkout will get you additional savings so that's uh VIP cdk deals the other thing I want to tell you guys about is so people are saying stuff like I love the mod mats I love the jacket whoa I love it when my my Des starts going up well all that stuff you can just find at as well as uh written articles and uh information and stuff like that so here for instance we have a whole thing on our favorite things of robit tech um so these are my top items so if you're curious about what my great Christmas lift uh we have a whole article just on that the other thing too is we also have The Insider um which is a great place that comes to subscribe for a weekly basis that shows all of the streams that we did as well as highlights from the community all the builds everything that's going on in robit Tech so you can just find that also at inssider last thing I highlight real quick is you can go over to builds builds and you can find our builds plus the live stream as well so here's a great place to find all the parts that went into a PC so if you like the particular build and you wanted to follow along with the build just head over to builds and you can find it there um last thing deals let's see what he's got so here are the stream deals that Tom's got for us uh for 125 2023 uh gigabyte 15.6 in 144 Herz this is a core i5 12500 with an Nvidia RTX 460 uh this also has a 512 SSD which you can upgrade um it'll have a second n VM slot and you can also upgrade the RAM on sale right now $749.99 uh the ukom Nano 3in1 wireless charger I use this I have the blue one of these these things are amazing especially if you travel uh it's currently 20% off making it $34.99 at Amazon thero T Duff power gf3 1,000 wat PSU it's a uh we've seen these in a ton of our builds this the MSI and uh The Cooler Master are three of the uh the psus we use a lot um the only two I like about the thermal T and specifically the MSI is that you can get cable marcket extensions for them uh but it hasn't atx3 it's on sale right now $169.99 great for a 4090 build you don't necessarily need it for anything higher than that uh or if you're going to do overclocking Intel Core i5 12400 F on sale right now $34.97 so good price s 20 205a I know nothing about this PS uh about this case I haven't used it but apparently you can put four 120 mm fans in it uh and it's on sale $58.99 and then the soundcore anchor 3 portable Bluetooth speaker uh you know great stocking stuffer uh 31% off making it $24.99 so if you're looking for a cheap in expensive bluetooth speaker there's your options which ones am I most stoked about um honestly the top three because this laptop with a 460 and then you could uh grab a 1 tab nvme you're still spaying 1,000 bucks for a 12400 with a 4060 I use this charger a ton and then this is a good PSU so there it is gums and it comes with oh it comes with 4 argb fans I don't know anything about about this case I don't know if it's easy to build in or anything but it is super cheap so if you're looking for a cheap case there you go so everybody say thank you Tom thank you Tom for the deals how we doing likes on YouTube guys I think he's ordered them I don't know if they're out yet 215 come on guys we got we need 34 more 35 more likes okay time to turn on this bad boy and then we'll start running it through its uh it's it's it's pieces okay here we go guys time to turn on the build what you've been waiting [Music] for here it is guys we'll give it like little little bit more so you guys can kind of see it the whole Direction and and this when we heat it up it will change colors I don't know when or how often or what when it will happen or when you when you'll get to see it but we're going to find out together but this case does change color based on heat okay and then will it post I'm assuming we're good Blondie okay here we go guys three two 1 ooh I see Power there it is it is [Music] on it's like it's like I hear I keep hearing something like it's oh this is not [Music] oh I was like what is I was like it's trying to spin and then it's stuck ow oh that really hurt that was a powerful powerful force [Music] there there we go wow those are some nice those are some nice oh jeez guys I literally look [Music] like that fan that fan like cut me look at that I I lost blood there you go wow it like cut into my hand like it like took off a chunk of the [Laughter] skin the blood sacrifice has been made oh and there he goes it's all purple he made it all purple I didn't know he was going to do that it is posted by the way there it is guys it is [Music] posted yeah Dean if if uh if anybody wants to buy this PC it has has my DNA in it ow so there is the build I think we're going to have to uh that like that like took a big chunk okay let me uh let me get the mouse and [Music] stuff yeah you could you could Roby clone it yeah for sure I will of course I think we'll try and to have Dad for uh for Santa Claus for [Music] sure oh man [Music] um it says MSI in it okay I need to I'm trying to get my finger to not [Music] hurt [Music] all right here we go all right let's get we're going to we're going to we I think because I switched Ram no do not install freaking okay here we go okay so here we go let's do it again okay so the ram should apply there we go beautiful that purple it looks really good the purple with the other blue is actually going to look really nice okay I I think my finger is done being paint now I'm looking around cuz the C the case remember it changes color we haven't generated a lot of heat yet so let's uh let's get let's get a let's get a case in here and keep going and see if we can change the color of this case okay okay I do like the uh I do like the atos like how bright it is okay I'm going to glue I'm going to glue my finger back together guys that's a big chunk okay here we go blood has been sacrificed for the good of this [Music] build guys we still need 23 more likes on YouTube [Music] thank you very much Superman I I may need it guys it might I might be dead in the morning oh okay so build is ready this in a little bit closer and I want to put this underneath in case colors start changing or something like that you know so here we go that's it's all lined up for you then here's here's oh let's give you the static look so you can see the build from the front now remember this is a color changing build it's supposed to change when we heat it up and all that sort of stuff so we haven't heated it up yet it does it actually looks like it's more purple but I can't say Okay so let's let's start getting some heat through this okay apparently I don't have cin bench or anything on here right now guys what am I going to do if my if I die like what well my f you think my family will you guys miss me if I die will you carry on and get me partner plush I mean partner plush yeah it looks bluish right now please tell me that you will continue my destiny if I die workers come [Music] okay let's download Hardware info monitor I have to say guys the fans are pretty loud [Music] how many tokens for a tourniquet okay just installing our other the We [Music] [Music] need oh one sec guys I'll be right back 236 I'm just going to run some cold water over and wash it just in case that thing uh yeah here let me bring up here here's a parts list for the build you guys can see that while I'm right I want to make sure that switches and then I will be right back there it is there are the parts for the build that we're getting ready to [Music] test going to wash it real quick just don't want it get infected I don't know how dirty those I don't know where those fans have been what if this guys what if you guys just saw like a Roby Tech assassination attempt what if that's what this was and somebody was trying to assassinate me with a poisonous fan but I just saved my life because I disinfected it it's like the scourge from Transformers what if that's what just happened get it I like how this is like escalated so anyway that's what's in here guys we have the Intel Core i7 14700 K MSI z790 Tomahawk Max this is one of their refresh boards the gaming X Trio uh GeForce RTX 480 two 4 terab 2 2 terab WD black s850 X's 32 gigs of G skill Triton Z at 6,000 megga transfer the APN X Creator C1 Cooler Master Master liquid 360 at Atmos which is their brand new AIO and The Cooler Master v850 I cooler so that's that's everything inside of the build why is this not up okay there we go then I have these I don't think I have MSI After Burner either guys so we get all this stuff installed I think I feel like our our fans are like on like I might go into the BIOS real quick Roby yes in in the specs they show the case fans will reach 33 debels oh just just but I feel like they do they are they they're pwm so they should I couldn't slow down they just feel like they're running at max they're going to be a bit louder than other fans okay yeah it was a pretty easy case to build in 70 oh by the way 772 we did find your uh thank you very much for the um for the donation we did find it I don't know why it didn't ping but we did find [Music] it well it's it's yeah the case fans are a [Music] little I don't feel like this installed like it was supposed to it didn't this is the second time that this has happened [Music] okay I like how this asks you to install the Bing [Music] Bar yeah we that would that it is set up to Ping still but yeah yeah next case metal fans let's take out roby's let's take off roby's [Music] hand [Music] [Music] yes oh drinks are for sure no it's it was it's just it's it's Al I think this one we had my team set up because I was I was on vacation so I mean sorry I was traveling for shoots and so it's not all set up yes a 409 I mean the 4090 this is a 4080 so yes it would fit inside of this case no problem you can see here from the for you how much room yes a 4090 would fit in here so if you were to switch this out with like a stricks 4090 or any of those cases it would fit in here no problem so it's got plenty of room for 490s [Music] okay trying to make sure why did this there we go oh no okay let me check something real quick this song wow this song is something okay I can't that's too much it's too much it's too much it's too much it's too much okay we okay let I think we have everything we need here I just going to make sure real quick make sure our RAM and stuff cuz I switched Ram that it's running at Max yeah it was high octane that was like the best song We like that song yeah see now they're quieter so I I'm going to check change of fan settings just for those one there we go okay so they're now smart [Music] fans okay so now our fans are on a a much more smart fan curve and not near as loud anymore they were a little crazy but we got that fixed you guys are all over that song it is absolutely a Christmas movie who is saying it's not a die hard it's not a Christmas movie knockout thank you very much for the tier three sub thank you knockout that's another six points what are we at the next point Point [Music] wise this is critic we're going to tell you're going to see it out in a minute 237 guys in YouTube we need to finish it out oh we have four okay that's not as close as I thought all right here we go back into the capture everything went purple fans sound better okay here we go let's see if the case starts changing colors we're going to start generating some heat out of this bad boy okay temps right now are [Music] good we're going to set this for 10 minutes here we go starting right [Music] now band started [Music] spinning 266 Watts wow dude that just like jumped up 35,000 points but now the question is I'm starting to see heat okay heat is coming out of the top we're going to see I'm looking to see if the color changes I can definitely feel Heat okay we're going to go to the top camera here okay so we're seeing if there's any color change this thing is running it's killing it's running 92 or 8990 right now looks blue we're going to see what happens right like let it like we wanted it to heat up it's staying at 90 so Oh I thought it was a heat thing somebody thought somebody told me it was a a heat thing so it's a it's an ambient lighting thing okay let me look it up dang it I I might have failed guys I thought it was a heat thing chroma flare [Music] [Music] oh I know or I know I thought it was a heat thing like the so it's not it's a light [Music] thing oh that's oh it's all based on light well guys guess what doesn't change color this is now the lamest stream over okay here we go let's uh let's let's do let's see how it changes when you okay so now it's blue guys it's heating up now look look it's heating up now it's purple look it's purple now it's it's purple it's red now it's it's got so better after I gave it all my blood I bled for nothing I give it all my blood well okay well temperature- wise temperature wise is sitting I know I promised a fire dance it just I'd really just oh my gosh guys well it's sitting at 93 it's been running for 5 minutes I think it's going to sit at about 93 the entire time it's not really you know nothing particularly crazy um you know what here here watch this watch this um it's look it's it's color changing watch see it's blue and now you can't see it it's brown and then it's blue and then you can't see it it's Brown look at how the ambient light changes how it looks oh my gosh look it's oh it's so incredible it does I mean you can see some of the chroma flare and all that sort of stuff on [Laughter] it yeah it's got some purple and then of course when you kind of move it around you know what I mean you can definitely it's definitely got that like color changing look to it you know what I mean like as you move it around especially here let's go to the back you can probably see it a little bit more here on the back but like you know what I mean so it's got that purple like the corner really blue you know what I mean so would it be cooler if it changed with the heat yeah I mean it's a high air flow case Scandinavian design you know what I mean so it's got It's kind of cool like it's got like a nice paint the the the paint is like it's like super rough it's almost like you know like I I was reading I think it's like sandpaper the the corner is not being Sharp As Nice in case you like have somebody who likes to run into your PC you know like me with your dangerous finger now I can't cut it on the outside so they made me cut it on the inside but yeah it's funny cuz I was originally going to put the ma24 reacting air cooler inside of Cu I was like oh man imagine if I had two two pieces of of uh two pieces of like heat adapting technology and I was let down guys this cooler is doing a great job it like literally I I mean we're at I think we're at Soak temp it's just staying at 92 so um I think this like no this temp this cooler has no problem with this and I didn't change anything I didn't modify settings it's just basically doing its job the purple is great so I mean all in all it's a very it's a very attractive build it just uh doesn't change color when you turn on the heat so there is that yeah it's yeah but I mean look it went went up to like 300 look at this it's like 300 and it's just keeping it in the '90s so again it's way it is not running stock right here it's just basically this this AIO is doing a great job honestly the fans are feeding it it's a little loud comparatively for sure but yeah six more likes guys I know deel I'm sorry it if it probably would have been better if it posted yeah it doesn't change color and it attacks you that is the that's what you need to [Music] know okay well I think we're good there it's yeah temps wise we're good okay so let's go ahead just check a couple games see what gaming temperatures are like I do need to set this up real quick just so you guys can see it so on screen monitoring GPU temperature okay so let's just set this up real quick um GPU memory GPU core clock GPU memory clock GPU power I'm sorry guys I should have read I thought I yeah yeah I did not okay CPU temperature here we go let's see how the temps are when we're gaming wow it's way quieter now CPU usage CPU clock CPU power uh frame rate so you guys can see that and then frame time okay there we go let's go to onc screen more make that a little bigger okay there we go okay we're [Music] [Music] ready hey we hit YouTube goal I hope that oh man you know what guys cyberpunk is going to have an update cuz a [Music] 2.1 won't be too long Hogwarts is updated okay that's good at least we got some things okay so how long I think the updates how long is how big is the [Music] update I cuz 2.1 came out today and it actually has a new Benchmark and all sorts of [Music] stuff Microsoft Flight Sim had a update I I'm ready for flight Sim too why is this this is [Music] terrible oh there it goes a little bit better oh there [Music] goes so we have a nice we have a nice speed this shouldn't this shouldn't take that long so we can just have it real quick so we'll run we'll run cyber Punk we'll run uh we'll run cyber Punk Starfield um and then probably just those two for tonight um and then go from there yeah turog it does I don't have I I I need to put Microsoft Flight Sim back on here and then we'll start our giveaways we've unlocked two $25 newa gift cards and then we've got the $50 newa gift card that's all we have left right hey Sergeant nobody thank you for the gifted sub giving it to the t- Man well let's while this is waiting let's go and run our2 $25 new gift cards exclamation point Community boys and girls exclamation point Community two $25 newa gift cards up for grabs okay let's go to giveaways okay two up for grabs two minute two minutes guys $25 new gift cards up for [Music] grabs two minutes and then we have the $50 newa gift card and then that's it for [Music] tonight for for there we go okay congratulations uh delucious Shadow and kaisy for winning the two2 $25 new gift cards how did that go so fast that was like the fastest 2 minutes on the planet elusive Shadow and and uh yeah congratulations elusive Shadow and kaisy yeah congratulations uh cuz it I thought this was this took 2 minutes oh it's updating that's why I was like wait a minute we I was like what's going on but now I realized okay guys we're going to run these we're just waiting for the waiting for the download to finish I mean the update to [Music] finish that didn't take too [Music] long uh it's a gig turog it's a gig so I don't know what that I don't know I don't know how to do the conversion in my head gig up gig down [Music] here you can just see it here yeah this only shows [Music] there we go I was the 50 billionth [Music] test this thing is like crazy Faith makes a way ours is masted so that's just that's behind that you could do that but it would it's it's fine because of all the stuff that the things that we have like you can't trust that yeah it is fiber we're trying to go to 10 that's what I want but I mean none of these support it but [Music] internally this is like all the work [Music] ever it was like it was like installing verifying checking validating it's going to be like 30 times uh it the color it's a the it's a it's a purple if you guys want to hear you go I can show you the colors and then again the the case itself is like a um a chroma non color changing color as well so there you go so that's why we put it we matched it with like the overall just look of the case which actually changes color based on lighting and stuff like that so there's like the full build and again parts that are inside of this if you want to know we have an Intel Core i7 14700 K uh we're using the the refreshed um MSI Motherboard the MSI z790 yet Tomahawk Max we have the MS the MSI RTX 480 gaming X Trio 2 2 TB WD black s850 X's G skill Triton Z 32 gigs at 6,000 megga transfer the APN X Creator C1 which is the case we're verifying today Cooler Master Master liquid 360 Atmos which is their new aiio which we saw uh managing our 40 or uh 147 no problem and then we have The Cooler Master V 850i CPU I mean uh sorry PSU so it's a good it's a good build it's a really really good build the cas is the case is good it's okay easy to build in couple things I would say is like for instance the I wish there were I wish there were um rubber grommets in the top uh there's weird there's no tie downs in the backhand side for the build so for like doing your back Cable Management um but I mean like outside of that everything else is pretty straightforward the um lack of cable management like with their Fanning fans and stuff out of the box was actually pretty terrible so there's some like additional work there but yeah it's it's an okay case uh Gertie wordy like I'm guessing I mean like again that's actually really hard to do given that um uh given that we don't know what year it will be right so I mean like it could be a 60 like a like a 50 a 5060 you know what I mean okay let's look go and La launch uh cyber Punk or like a 40 60 you know what I mean like because it it would be 3 years from now or four years from now champagne com communist we do have warranties we so what we have if people wanted to buy a build from us they're allowed to ship it back to us we help with any warranty issues we haven't ever had that happen in my three years of building PCS we haven't had any issues uh so we do pretty extensive testing on our builds before we send them out which is probably one of the reasons why the other thing too is because we hand choose like the odds of the because we can choose a lot of the parts like we don't we just don't choose stuff that's going to fail um in terms of optimizations uh it depends um we have offered it and have done it in certain cases and people have paid us to do it um but it's not something we do very frequently yeah Gertie wordy we're talking about like four you know it could be four years from now they've like completely changed this now so we're looking at the new thing yeah Kenneth Kenneth is right well you could actually 4090 runs on 850 Watts but you should be using a th000 watt I don't know why people do it but it's it's suppose you they just show some different data wow look they even changed the UI okay here we go Graphics so we're going to rate tracing all we'll choose rracing Ultra dlss super resolution we'll change it to balanced rate tracing is ultra path tracing we can turn on so now actually we'll just set it to we'll just put it on overdrive resolution balanced Ray reconstructions on we're going to put freay generation off for now okay let's apply that let's go to video go to full screen there we go uh vyncs off monitor one okay run benchmark so if you're going to air cool a 13900 K there's only one case that we've been able to successfully do that in and that is the fractal torrent so the fractal torrent is a great case to do that in and it will you can air cool at 13900 K yep uh Blondie what's up yeah we can roll it oh so this is running at 70 this is like 60 with dlss and it's actually this is really impressive I was expecting lower this is with path tracing no frame generation okay I'll roll we'll roll one more okay okay one exclamation point Community guys exclamation point Community starting it right now so running at 57° 60° for our GP CPU and 63° for our GPU and again this is patch racing so the GPU is definitely going to be warmer here um and then CPU is still 35% but yeah attempts are fine again it's just we could put it on uh Intel stock and the temperature for the CPU would go way [Music] down so 80.2 three if we just want to throw it in there just for fun we can turn frame generation on just to see our best case and then we'll run over to Starfield which we're still waiting for the bloom in RTX [Music] patch Lord Servo thank you very much for the tier one sub man appreciate it and this is 14 40p so if you were going to do frame generation you can get 100 plus frames per second or you don't have to run it hey eigor is playing Starfield right now just so you guys [Music] [Music] know six seconds guys so there you go guys there's all your temperature your frames your memory your all the stuff you care about wattage temps are fine congratulations to Superman congratulations Supra there you go dude so there we go game version 2.1 114 frames per second with um path tracing on so that's like the worst of the worst and that's how the game would run which is on a 4080 is fine oh I forgot I kept thinking it's a 4070 TI sorry 4080 that makes way more sense this this these these frames make way more sense I was like wow this is really high for a 4070 that's cuz it's a 4080 okay so let's go and check out Starfield real quick I I know it's like it literally says for I just because tomorrow's build is a 4070 TI I think and I that's the one I bench today I've been confused all day like when I first put this in and set this up it actually said it was an arrow 470 TI which is actually tomorrow's build so yeah H it's my bad okay last kind of kind of last test for tonight sing out Starfield again if you want to see more we'll have a cut down of this build with a lot more uh benchmarks in Apex fortnite Cod um Tiny Tina fortza uh and all these ones too we just want to make sure that we like we we're trying to do a better job um of balancing uh all that sort of stuff so those will be and all new cases that we do on a live stream will end up with a stream so okay so let's go here let's turn vsync off let's turn motion blur off let's just run let's turn Dynamic generation off turn FSR off it does have oh wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no it's here oh dlss is on oh guys we have [Music] it okay so we actually okay so we have frame generation [Music] now wow okay let's check it out so now this is with frame generation we finally can see how it runs with frame generation so this is a 4080 with frame gener without frame generation I I don't remember if I turn frame generation on there's a 480 with dlss did we turn frame generation on or no frame generation is not on this is dlss oh yeah that's a big [Music] [Music] difference [Music] okay so there's that let's jump into let's jump down to the planet look at that 150 160 no frame generation okay let's just I just want to see let's turn it [Music] on okay it got worse what so frame generation made it worse it's like the same okay so here's my here's my thing don't turn on frame generation do anything not really you got like six more frames yeah let's go to we'll go down to Quality whoops so you can actually I mean like you really could go I mean you could instead of I mean this [Music] one that's [Music] quality 140 frames per second 1440p this could run 4K this could run 4K um Starfield well let's just test it oh [Music] [Music] uh uh [Music] oh [Music] okay so now we're at 14 we are at 4K no it's not [Music] okay let's just do this hold [Music] on I just want to see what what the frame rate would be like at 4K and then we'll call [Music] it so I'm wondering if you could do 4K oops what if you could do 4K Starfield with a 4080 [Music] so everything is at Ultra we're going to set dlss to Quality frame generation's off okay here we [Music] go this is 4K this is 4K dlss at dlss on quality this isn't even on [Music] performance that's actually pretty cool that's actually really good so they've definitely done some improvements with nvidia's Nvidia runs way better on Starfield now than it did okay so let's just check native this is native [Music] 4K so that's native 4K with a 4080 okay well there you go guys so that was Starfield and cyberpunk with um this brand new game with uh this brand new build okay guys well let's do our last one exclamation point New Egg now exclamation point New Egg now $50 newa gift card up for grabs starting that giveaway right now $50 newa gift card up for grabs right there two minutes guys okay so what's happening for the rest of the week we are back tomorrow we are going to be playing checking out the new map from pubg condo so we're going to be playing that tomorrow starting at 1 p.m. Pacific time we're going to be playing from 1: to about 2:30 at 2:30 we're going to be jumping over and checking out the Deep de cool ch56 in white the digital Edition we're going to be doing a build with a 14600 k and a 4070 TI uh just playing around another good 1440p build um which should be a lot of fun coming in at just uh what just over $22,000 so it should be a nice fun very attractive build so it should be one of those beautiful showcase builds so that's going to be happening tomorrow and then I jump on a plane heading to the game awards and then I will be back on Friday for the Intel gaming show we have a uh we're going to be playing some Lego fortnite uh with Alex and the team so that should be a lot of fun um you're going to definitely want to tune in for that uh plus we're going to be talking about some of the builds we've done uh as well as I you know I don't know what else is happening but it should be cool we'll probably be talking about one of these cases um and uh maybe doing some uh some playing around with the 146 or something like that so that's going to be on Friday uh and then no streams until Tuesday next week we're going to be building uh one of the uh building a um awesome uh lean Lee um lean Lee commission build uh and then I think we also have I forgot what the other build we have another build oh and that's right and then you're definitely going to want to tune in uh Wednesday of the next week because we're going to be doing the Starfield giveaway PC so we're going to be building a PC in the NZXT Starfield PC with the custom GPU and CPU and we're going to be giving that away so that's going to be happen happening uh on uh Tuesday of uh sorry on Wednesday of next week and then Thursday we fly out to uh we fly out to Atlanta so that is kind of the rest of week for you and we're going to be giving that one away on stream so we'll be giving I think we're going to give that away on stream I I will confirm I will know more next week so that's going to be super super awesome if you want to turn that and then I'm going to go and touch the propellers on the on the plane yes for sure congratulations to Mark H in North Carolina I'm or yeah that should be uh that'll be congratulations on that so anyway guys that is it thank you so much for hanging out with me I hope you enjoyed the show we will see you tomorrow 1:00 playing some pubg uh and then uh building in the Deep cool ch56 should be a really good show and then I will be doing lots of uh posting and stuff like that uh from uh down in uh Los Angeles where we'll be attending the game awards um which should be a lot of fun as well anyway guys we'll see you guys tomorrow and we'll see you later bye guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 7,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 14700k, PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step 2023, pc build, pc building, apnx c1, apnx creator c1, apnx, 14700k intel, 14700k build, 14700k 4080
Id: h5kl1XFz6CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 44sec (14204 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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