$2300 White Gaming PC in the DeepCool CH560 Digital (i5 14600K / Aero RTX 4070Ti)

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what is going on everybody Welcome to the normal part of the show the part of the show that you guys are used to I am your host Justin Roby welcome to Roby Tech and a special intel Edition for those of you joining from the Intel twitch channel uh we are here today building a core 14 I5 14600 K build which should be absolutely a lot of fun and we are back and uh we just got finished checking out the new map from Rondo over at pumg I ended guys I ended with a chicken dinner guys I actually got a chicken dinner from literally like 41st Place to 10th place to I got a chicken dinner which was uh super epic so thank you very much for joining me for the Intel that special edition of Intel plays uh yeah Ronda went back to his condo uh that special edition of Intel plays uh where we got to check out the new map from uh pubg huge shout out to everybody for joining me for that um it was a super super super fun stream and I'm really glad um to have you guys here now for this part we actually have a lot going on because um this is actually kind of a fun stream one of the things that we were able to do last month is we actually got to hit uh the first goal for partner plus and in part of that celebration we're going to be giving away a 14900 K and what better way to do that than to actually have it on an Intel live stream uh so so we're going to be doing that as well which should be super epic um and hold on I'm just going to start the music again so we're going to be giving that away the end of the stream we still have giveaways that we're going to be happening throughout this stuff so I'm going to give you guys an update in terms of what's going on 250 likes over at youtube.com/ techlive and we'll give away a $25 newa gift card uh if we get a level five hype train sometime during the show we will give away $25 newa gift card if we get 50 Subs a $50 newa gift card and then also every 25 sub points which is all going towards partner plus will also be giving away a 1 tab Kingston nvme drive as just a way to celebrate um us as we drive towards partner plus so it's been awesome super excited to um super excited to uh actually get to do this and at the same time we're building a really epic build thanks to the folks at Deep cool so here is the build we're building in partnership with Intel uh so we're going to be building a deep cool in their new ch56 digital uh this is a white case with a digital display on it uh we're going to be using the Intel Core i5 5600k we're using the MSI MPG z690 Force Wi-Fi uh for for our graphics card the gigabyte Arrow Z Nvidia GeForce RTX 4070 TI for our SSD a 2 TB Kingston Fury NVM drive for Ram 32 gigs of 6,000 MHz ddr5 Ram uh for our case the deepcool ch56 digital and white for our cooler the Deep cool AK 620 digital and white and then our power supply is The Cooler Master v850 I in Gold so um we are going to be doing no 14 600k so we it should be a super super fun build and the best thing about it is this is a beautiful 14600 uh sorry a beautiful 1440p build chumming coming in at just over $2,300 and there is a way to get this sub $2,000 if you wanted to you could do things like drop down to a 470 uh the other thing that you're also capable of doing is instead of using the digital version of this case drop to the non-digital version of both the cooler and the um the cooler and the case and the other thing that you also have the option of is dropping down to a 1 TB mvme down from a 2 terb in vme so very very nice build it should be a very goodlook build one of the reasons I really like this case is it comes pre-installed with four RGB fans already should be more than enough air flow to cool our 14600 K and of course we're going to set it to Intel standard so it's going to be pulling about 220 230 Watts Max um which would be great for the air cooler so we'll be showing you all of that as well now we get to the end of the stream the way that we always kind of wrap this up is we'll also be doing things like air cooling testing so we'll show you thermals we'll show you all that stuff as well and then you get to see the experience of building inside of this case from beginning to end but guys this case is going to be SE magnifi by the time that we uh get to the end of it which should be should be really really fun um try to think of what else um to oh so I know a lot of people are saying Roby it's like 2:54 you're like an hour and a half early from streaming that is right because tonight I got to go jump on a plane and head over to the Video Game Awards we're going to be watching them live and then of course we're going to be recapping them on the Intel Morning Show on Friday as part of the experience and then just talking about what it's like to get to go to something awesome like uh the game awards so it should be really really fun uh trying to think if there's anything else that I needed to know Blondie am I forgetting anything we're giving away a 14900 K we're giving away a bunch of nvme drives we're potentially going to give away lots of other stuff is there anything else I forgot uh no no no okay how many points do we have well we need to get 20 well right now we have none oh total we're at we're at uh 56 of 350 points that's where we are in our total climb towards the uh this month's uh this month's uh uh partner plus so that's what's going on but welcome everybody who's never seen a show like this from uh the Intel side uh it's going to be a lot of fun you're really just going to see a build from beginning to end we have lots of cameras so we try to show you the entire process uh as we walk through it and this build should actually be fairly short just given uh what kind of build it is but I've said that before and then shot myself in the foot so that should be fun dream hack is around the corner oh and those for those of you guys who uh zeison one thing uh I did talk to the dream Haack folks they were going to move you uh but they need your ticket ID so can you get can you round up everybody's ticket ID so I can uh get that over to the dream hack team so they can move you guys to those seats that would be huge and then we'll get that squared away I think that's my dream hack news um give away a few on this channel and then on Discord we did some SWAT Roby gave away oh okay okay yeah okay so there we go yeah uh that's just that's just Sarah being Sarah and Sarah being like Santa Claus right now so by the way guys uh I'm going to be playing some more pubg for sure that game I I think the one thing that I I think there's some things that you have to do just you know recapping my my Rondo experience I remember changing my graphical settings because the foliage and stuff actually gets in the way of making things easy for people to making it easy to see people so there's a couple things that just you got to get better at and the only two is just understanding what weapons I got to be good at but anyway let's go Ahad and get started on the build and uh get this get this uh get this experience going so here we go we're going to grab everything we need for the mobo and everything and get this going it it it's a yeah but I mean again if you kill more people the chances of your survival are higher but yes I uh I really enjoyed I really enjoyed the last team we played with because that team was they weren't overly aggressive they just took their time got geared up and then they were very very tactical about their approach so uh the overlord is here she is over I think she's chilling on both she's chilling on both channels she's going to be hanging out till about 3:30 so she'll be here for about half an hour longer if you can dodge a bullet you can dodge a ball that is very true very very true okay guys here we are Dodge a frying pan yeah you can't you know and that would I think that would have topped off the experience honestly Zeon if I would have been able to just kill somebody with a frying pan at the very end there okay so here we go let's kicking off with our beautiful z690 Force Wi-Fi now one of the reasons I chose this mobo not just because it's white but the other two is I wanted to show people a lot of people think with uh the latest generation of Intel that you have to have like a z790 but actually z69 z690 is still more than capable uh a mobo and usually you can find it for less money so it's one of those ways to save a little bit of money is getting a z690 which for $99 9.9% of us is going to uh do a more than good enough job of handling whatever workflow that we throw at it so yeah um yeah so Z Zach's like let me see the mobo we're gonna I'm going to show you the mobo right now be patient be patient what's hiding Blondie what's hi what are you what are you looking for am I missing to giving you something oh she was saying that the rest of the mods are hiding oh yeah well guys it's it's it's pretty early I mean yeah like so all in all Zeon may actually be able to save for the entire stream because it's only like what five there right now so yep he's like he's like I'm enjoying this yeah this is a perfect time for me he's like all right he's like yes let's continue this trend okay so let's zoom in here we're going to socket our 14 600k now one thing I want to let you know if you've never seen me before um this you know if you're on Intel and you've never seen this show before um I already have already benched the builds now that that's not to say I can't do something stupid and completely ruin it so we we do have some poles and some some um some fun games that we like to play while we're doing it the first one is and you guys are going to see this come up will this socket cover clear the vrm will this socket Clover clear the vrm uh Zeon what your calls yes or no uh no okay he's saying no so here we go we got our four we got our 146 and our 149 in the same cover so we're going to get that we're going to get that up right now for you guys to to get the choice while we're waiting for that to happen over on uh twitch and the poll to run uh I'm going to go ahead and install our nvme Drive uh and then uh we'll uh get over to the clicks uh and all that sort of stuff but let's let's get Blondie prepped with the clicks what are you thinking for loudness today uh Zeon um it's Kingston Fury let's go with uh 97 97 some people are saying well lots of wheel KN not clears we're going to get those votes up there it is will the socket your prediction the prediction is live okay so we got a ram out let's go and throw our nvme then though this one actually requires me to use a screwdriver it's not fully toolless vote is live guys if you want to get in on that how many people can I get a raise a hand who who's joining me from the Intel twitch Channel and how many people stuck over from the pubg gameplay just you raise your hand you you can usually find whatever way nobody okay they're all on my channels oh nice okay well welcome zachor there you go some people watching over from pubg well welcome I think a lot of you probably know me from uh from doing the Intel Morning Show are you the only one watching from a deer blind that would be pretty cool I'd be all about like while you're hunting while you're what are you waiting for like what are you are you looking for deer I'm assuming cuzz you're in a deer blind there we go okay okay prediction is just about wrapped up we still have one more on my side that we'll do a little bit later we'll just throw it at the very end and for those of you who want to re I I believe for you who want to actually activate those pubg codes you just got to use it um you got to use it in game it is an ingame code so when and the game is obviously uh free to play okay so here we go guys will the socket Clover cover clear here we go going to test this out on this beautiful 146 here if this works Zeon a lot of people are going to lose a lot of points and somebody's going to win some big points this could be a big one right here you know what I'm saying yeah yeah no it definitely could be odds are low but it could be I actually missed the vote myself after telling you that cuz I'm chasing down everyone's dream pack ticket information thank you very much for doing that dude problem here we go here comes the moment guys will it clear oh it did it did guys that's like the first first time in I don't know how many streams it did it it totally cleared dude did you see that that was like a good jump yeah that was that was probably the farest J had that that was that was like that was like winning the Super Bowl [Laughter] level dude Z okay how who won the most points out of that holy moly that was actually pretty epic and you said 97 for the next one yes 97 okay 97 is the the volume we're doing for the clicks here guys that that was a serious pong sound it was it was like pong while we're doing that I'm going to grab our air cooler no aiio today guys okay prediction is up for the next one will it be 97 or louder for the ram clicks that was a good that was that was fun guys we actually saw something right so while we're doing that I'm going to go ahead and pull out our get our cooler because the one thing that's always fun about this is coolers are actually uh we can actually start doing the cool the cooler like it's like putting it's like doing the AIO outside so we're going to open this up who's surprised I mean I think everybody's surprised like that just so rarely happens on the channel somebody said rigged I don't even know how you could rig that like that would take a lot of work on my part to rig to rig that happening guys you guys ready to see a beautiful cooler this is a very pretty cooler it's like every time I pull out a deep cool AIO Zeon it ends up being one of our favorite builds look at that it's just it's so clean and the good the digitals go ahead what were you going to say I was going to say it's pretty and we all know that I'm not even a huge fan of air coolers yeah yeah thanks Andrew I appreciate it okay so we got everything that we need out for our air cooler installation okay prediction is just about wrapped [Music] up you feel attacked Maiden says Maiden feels attacked all right here we go guys Maiden always feels attack I'm talking that is true okay 97 that is not that is not a low number so here we go 98.7 on the first one there it goes bada boom bada bing we were uh we were all sorts of uh good predictions today and then 95.4 on the second one dude could you imagine trying to cool your system with barbecue sauce that would uh no no that would be a negatory on my part I would not think of that okay well there we go guys first prediction draft which you know what honestly I think it it's actually less dependent it's actually less dependent on the mo on the ram as it is actually on the mobo I think mobos actually provide better clicks cuz I've actually had combinations like always think G skill does a really good job the other one is Dominator Platinum because it's really tall or Dominator Titanium because you can get some good force in there but the the ram the the the slots themselves will be super smooshy so I think it's I think it's actually a connection between the two yeah zachor can you go ahead and drive that down can you figure out what the thermal capacity is for uh barbecue sauce I'd love to get the answer to that and I I love that you volunteered already he's like I didn't volunteer I'm just saying like it it would just like it would just Gunk up there's no winning I think in that [Music] scenario okay first thing we need is our [Music] bracket you know on top of that just think of all the sugar that's in barbecue sauce oh I know there it it just it it just doesn't even sound like a good idea and here's the thing zeon's up for almost anything Barbie you but I think even even he draws a line there not a whole lot of sauce though to be honest with you I don't even sauce my ribs oh that's right that's right I did I actually did know that okay what we're going to do is I'm just going to verify that I'm going to do this right so you guys may say Roby people who read people who read books are lame well no even me who builds you know three PCS a week uh in three diff with all different parts um still reads the manuals okay so what we're going to do is we're going to take these little bad boys right here and we're going to put them into each one of these posts just like so bless gu is like genuinely offended some people what do you you do rubs right I dry rub everything and then I Spritz while I cook yeah he's got a spritzer freeon there's a couple like there's been a couple like companies who've tried like the freon route um and it just it hasn't it hasn't like it hasn't caught on you know so it's never been something that's like been like crazy in terms of that anyway okay getting this tightened up there what's up to poets never had pork before but give me some buffalo wings can he make Texas brisket oh yeah of course he can yeah Buffalo I I love I love chicken wings like chicken wings are some of my favorite so okay I need these top screws then when you look at this it actually shows you which way the CPU is and I think does it go in the middle I got to verify yep okay they do really bad job of like and then you just got to make sure that it is centered I yeah it's funny cuz like I I know a lot of people who like really like like the Buffalo Wild Bills but I haven't been a huge fan of their wings and then I saw that um uh a couple people are like really getting into making wings now so and they're trying to different sauces yeah wings wings wings I will I will sauce but I smoke those first okay so you're like a smoke then sauce yes yes smoke then sauce and then they go on a very hot Grill to crisp up the sauce There you go chasing you I've never been to Wing dome in Seattle I've heard that mix liquid smoke with thermal paste that doesn't sound like a good cooling solution at all no that actually sounds like it probably smell pretty bad too yeah it doesn't that doesn't seem like a win on top of that liquid Smoke's pretty gross okay we just got to make sure this is straight or you end up with a crooked air cooler nobody wants a crooked air cooler okay so we got all that just going to make sure our air cooler straight okay mounting is up now time to put the cooler on put the cooler [Music] on yeah do you now do you use Liquid Smoke in like uh in in cooking like is that is that what it's for Liquid Smoke it's what it's for but I don't own a single bottle of liquid smoke it's just to make it smell like to make it taste more SMY that's like the whole purpose yeah so it's it's more meant for foods that aren't being smoked that should be smoked so if you were trying to do some faux barbecue or something but it's it's not my thing somebody asked why does the CPU get so warm um because as the CPU has electricity pushed through it and does its calculations um it it the components inside of it the transistors Etc generate heat so that's why it gets more warm that's why it gets warm I think I've tasted liquid smoke before I don't remember it being a an overly good experience so no in general so it's really easy to overdo it with liquid smoke and when you do it is super acrid okay okay guys let's zoom out a little bit so you guys can see a little bit more oop I for to put that inside the B the Box not so good there I don't know kurasaki I don't think so YouTube chat sitting there going wow I didn't know this was actually a cooking show oh it's an everything it's it's a here's things we talk about while we build you know what I mean okay so what we're going to do now guys is we're going to take this off so this kind of just pops off pretty straight straightforward usually I'm going to disconnect this now because this is a 14600 k we're not going to be doing push we're going to be doing this the right way okay and then this comes off that's why I had it trapped by the fan and then what we're going to do is we're going to take this middle one off just like this and there's two side bits that come out just like that and then we're going to put this on and I I did oh you know what I need to do though put thermal paste on that would have been bad I would I don't understand why my temps are so bad yeah there's nothing to uh transfer the heat over guys yeah that probably would have um felt a little more like a 14 900k yeah it would have been it would have been pretty warm uh guys we are when we do the studio when we do the studio um we are going to have a kitchen that is fully that is fully camed up so cooking streams are going to be in the future cuz I have a lot of friends who are chefs and stuff so uh Mr bless guy that would honestly depend on whether you're using it for G gaming or for productivity you're gaming it would be the x3d chip there we go just getting this cleaned up oops little bit little bit uh Andrew Ward uh Roby is based out of Washington uh I'm based out of Texas and a lot of the rest of the staff is based out of everywhere else okay there we go right so we got everything there there's our beautiful there's our beautiful uh clean build or thermal paste job which was very necessary before we decided to just put the lid on there we go what's up D Dave how are you man okay there we go that's clean now we can get our build on I mean our cooler on oh so far so good let's grab our screwdriver I'm just going to tighten this down until it stops going back and forth just to keep even pressure and luckily you don't it's not as big of a deal when you do it uh to to make sure the pressure is even because um we have the thermal paste spread everywhere so it just you know you're not going to really kind of spread it so it only spreads in One Direction which is why you used to do the star thing but because we spread our thermal paste it just almost more guarantees an even spread which is actually kind of easy we'll see you later dep poets and we will see you in Atlanta very soon eh okay that takes care of that now what I need is a middle here so when you reput these back on there's two little metal Clips on each side one there and one there what we're going to do is as we put it down you're going to catch these I'll show you on the side cam here how this works so I've got those kind of ready and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to slide it down making sure this is kind of out and then down just like that and then you what you do is you grip these they grip over so they like catch onto the metal which makes it really easy so that's how it does then we're going to do the exact same thing with the front one but before we do that we put the lid back on here and it's magnetic it just pops right on just like that so it's really easy to get in and then pull these cables straight taut pulling this one down too there we go just like that and we're going to undo their two twisty ties I'm going to I don't know why I have paper towel still over here we'll get that out of the way hey kid named finger thank you for the hi from Turkey that's [Music] awesome oh dude I absolutely dip my wings and ran somebody make sure that they they vote that yes blue cheese is terrible a blue chees should not be consumed yeah no thanks all right there we go okay so now that we've got that on we're going to do the exact same thing that we just got finished doing with the second fan oh still forgot to do a twisty tie so many twisty ties guys wow so many people say absolutely not mystery is like wow I did not know that I thought most people were going to be like okay okay Al so absolutely not one but there was only one less person who voted for dunit and then it was actually divided between dunit and little dab so if you had Duncan little dab that one if they were combined yeah I see how it is like basically Blondie didn't want ranch to win yeah yeah Blondie was like Ranch is not going to win so we see how it is Blondie is anti- ranch that's what we've learned okay there we go okay so there is our cooler is now all set up now we're going to do is I'm going to grab our secondary camera here and what we're going to work on is just getting our c camera set up our build setup okay so what we're going to do now is what you do is you have two cables coming off of this there's two fan cables they look like this and then we've got some RGB and a USB that's all there is to it so what we're going to do is we're literally just going to go put this in here and this in here like this and then we're going to take this connection and right here at the end which I can zoom in and show you guys see how this one says CPU hit the focus here that's weird there it goes so you see where it says CPU fan what we're going to do is we're going to take this and plug that right on top of CPU fan so that's going to basically make sure that our two cables all of our cables are hooked up for it okay so let's put this back okay so now what we're going to do is we essentially want to put this into like a tight oh before I do that let's grab our zip ties put this into like a tight we go just like that okay zip tie predictions up guys I don't know the words yet don't trim hairs from your snout cuz it makes Blondie Scream It's the Most zip timey time of the stream that one is from that one is from Pig radio and here we go guys so time for the zip tie prediction zip time man zip time man guess the count of them if you can even who can know make your Wagers the zip so there we go guys getting the zip ties done all you got to do is you got to do the prediction whether we're going to have an odd or even number of zip ties and then you can use those Channel points for things like unlocking giveaways and all that sort of stuff and again huge shout out to Intel for for sponsoring today's stream when I am going to do real quick I'm going to disconnect this uh I made it too thick I'm going to try and see if I can I should have enough clearance room here to get this in move that out of the way okay and then that is just to hide our cables there we go same thing just getting this in now and all we just want is no visible cables essentially there we go oops trapped our I might be able to hold let me see if I can get it out with this there we go okay cool okay so now all we have have coming out of this is essentially our cables that we need for here and we'll get those installed here in a minute okay so that is our K our cooler is already ready our mobo is already ready and so now we just got to get it inside of the case sweet win so time to start getting our case stripped down the nakua D5 nhd15 is one of the best coolers on the market um if you want something that's actually better um and you don't want to spend it uh and I think the price is actually a little bit lower The Cooler Master IM 825 is actually a better cooler um and a little bit less expensive the only thing is is that uh you can't replace the middle fan but it's like I don't know if that's going to be an issue the fan the did the display is digital yes okay right so there we go so now we have all of this is ready now it's time to split I mean strip not split the case strip the case guys we don't need to split another case yeah we're not going to split another case we're just going to keep this case together here we go okay so this case is pretty straightforward just comes apart just like that luckily the digital display is nothing nothing too crazy it stays in there terbs at the top there is a let's go to the rear side there we go okay so we do have some proprietary Tech here I mean okay job in terms of of cable management almost feel like they don't want you to take off the top but that doesn't make any sense maybe they don't oh okay nope the top doesn't come off it just the only thing you take off is this and then you have access to your top if you were going to do an AI install we're not going to do that for our build let's open up our bottom here and then we are going to take off the front not because we need to W just but more because we want to uh make sure that uh we um it just makes the the case lighter so which is makes it just easier to work with Okay so what we we got here we got quite a few cable extensions they actually gave us a RGB some RGB stuff and then here's all of our fans there we go keep this in there over there okay cool um see what else we need we got all of our cables here we'll worry about Cable Management stuff here in just a few definitely going to want to make this prettier they've actually already kind of Daisy chained all the cables and stuff like that so um but we're going to make it look prettier for sure and then like I said in the front we actually have three airflow RGB fans already ready at to go so there it is popping this down guys this is not I mean like love you deep cool but this is not okay I just need to make sure that I don't want this I don't want this fan and this is also on a splitter too okay this fan I will probably there luckily there's another oh let me show you from the back sorry guys that's terrible I'm not even giving you a view of what I'm talking about okay okay so this cable right here was just it was it was just too it was like coming across so what I'm doing is I'm taking it out and more than likely when I add in the um when I add in the the air cooler I'll have more I'll be able to daisy chain this in but I just need to make sure that this cable stays hidden right and I need to create create room for that because right now it's not going to so that's what I'm I'm fixing right now so I'm just going to take it out and then I'll deal with it once I get all of my stuff in and everything so that's what I was fixing okay let's go a top down [Music] here there we go okay now what we can do luckily we have a lot of room here nice to see more and more Cas is putting in a GPU sag bracket though yeah it is actually really nice oh yeah it's right you can't grab it that way there we go okay oh I do not grab from here that would be bad as you can see which is what oh see and now I've got other thing you got to be careful is just make sure that none of your cables are trapped underneath here okay there we go okay so there it is cable the system is down and in the spot now how we doing likes on YouTube guys it looks like we're at 60 I may need to refresh though nope at 60 okay guys we're only at 60 likes there's over two oh there's almost 300 people here right now so let's go ahead and hit that hit that like button guys so we can uh get that and unlock that giveaway I inspired you to go to Wing Stop that's nice I like like that okay here we go now we're just going to get our stuff in there we go and then what we're using is we're using these small screws they have a little lip around them there we go that feels like it's I don't I feel like I've got it feels like it's not it's stuck on something hold on before I get too far and find out the case is very Borg like huh the Hulk what does that mean in what way yeah see there was a cable another cable stuck under there that would have been painful later on when I would like dang that's stuck luckily I caught that when I did what's up Alaska how are you okay guys well north of 300 now H guys head over to youtube.com/ live hit that thumbs up button and we'll unlock a gift card at the very end there we go there we go just getting it all nailed in there rck reminding people about the twitch clip of the month that's a chance to win a $100 gift card or $100 if you want to just got to find a cool moment and clip it okay guys just get the last of the motherboard screws in here one more up here okay build looks good so far nice and clean get this out of the way now next part is just doing some cable management getting that cleaned up and then we'll jump over to doing our front panel connectors hold on one second guys hold on one second sorry about that guys okay I'm getting that [Music] done J wax he did all the peels for the motherboard what you're probably seeing is the the one on top of the yeah the one on top of the air cooler right now is not is not um peeled okay guys let's get to cable management and getting all that stuff done and this is like we this is where we use the other camera to kind of do that first thing we're going to do is on the inside we're going to grab these two cables these are the ones for the AI the air cooler not the AIO oops let's go to side view and grab these two cables which were the ones that were left over from the air cooler and we're going to pull these through like that and then we're going to pull these through like this and the critical thing is just keeping them together so we have one cable set of cables coming through the top there and the other ones I'm going to do that to are these over here these are the fan cables that I pulled earlier going to pull these through up here like so and the critical thing is making sure that this stays up in the corner fortunately we have like no way to really do that I have one way okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a a white white zip tie here and this is just to make sure that we can keep the we want we just don't want this cable to be visible right it's all about making builds look pretty I use nth1 uh I I would use nth2 it's just been hard to it's been hard to get actually okay so that that what that does is that locks the the cable up here so what we've done is we've locked we've we've essentially added a zip tie I'll show you guys this way so what we've done is you can see up there in the back right here see see right there I've actually added a zip tie on the inside it's white so you can't see it but the main reason is just to keep these cables back here when we put the uh the CPU cables in it'll make sure these stay hidden you won't be able to be visible so that I just want to show you what I did there to hide the cables in this case okay so I'm going to snip that cable real quick okay there was a giveaway using Rondo it's not active anymore if you're you guys don't need to type that anymore guys the giveaways are gone okay so guys that takes care of that now what we're going to do is we're going to start fixing cables here and then we'll run our cable extension so this is where we just kind of clean things up because it needs to get done as you can see it's it's quite horrendous but luckily because of this now they actually had all these daisy chain but and it's oh it's Daisy chained into this now that's the fan one I feel like I just went and looked as well cuz I I like the nth2 that's normally my go-to thermal paste noctua now has their own selling group on Amazon it's actually in stock for next day delivery okay well there we go yeah it was hard to get at one point in time yep um trying to think of because that'll go this this gets zip tied this is going to USB so this is going to go down here I don't know how I'm trying my best to figure out how to make this as pretty as possible but there's not there may not just be a whole lot I can do about it uh I'll leave this fan disconnected so this fan will just go and run up here so I'm going to run this one up here what I am going to do is do this there we go there we go that takes care of that so this will run up there th this though I feel like this one we're going to run up but I feel I thought we have had a okay there it is that's what I was looking for so there is an RGB controller yes there's a button that lets you control all the RGB okay so this all runs into this and then everything has to tie in so it may be better to do it this way and what I'm trying to do guys is generate the most length to be able to there we go see to generate and get everything into okay so there's everything tied up now it's about let's see what we can do to make it look pretty as best as we can there may not be a whole lot we can do here feel like they haven't given us a a fighting chance here with just how short some of these cables are okay so I'm just working on creating clumps here that's gonna I'm just GNA shove that up there because it's going to go in there this is going to try to go down I don't know if I'm be able to run that okay so we're going to run that separately okay so I have to tighten this up yes the black argb cable was coming from the front panel for the case yes Andrew which so that allows me to control so instead of using the mobo which I'll I mean again instead of using the mobo we're going to use like a like a bit of a blue so we're instead of using the mobo the rest of the fans will probably make white and then we'll have the um kind of the um main stuff here more of a blue and it's like a it's like a sky blue and it's almost like these all need to just kind of get controlled down together there we go so I'm just going to get this cleaned up looking nice okay so next up is down here and I'll probably have that go across like that okay okay this we're just going to kind of have to get out of the way you know what I mean Ze it's like sometimes you just got to control what you can from the chaos here yeah stuff and go you know not that bad definitely not stuff and go but it's just like there's just it's just the way these cables are there's very little I'm going to be able to do to just kind of make so I'm just going to get them kind of under control and then leave them over here there's just not much I can do to make it look better okay and then run this down there we go [Music] there we go okay there we go guys uh there's a question here for you on Twitch Roby what would you say which AIO would you say is better the new NZXT Kraken or the Leon Le Galahad um I would have to go look at the data uh let me ask I'll ask Kevin CU he's run the date and I can ask him real quick um because that I'd rather give you the numbers I don't I actually don't remember the new Kraken doing all that well but I could I could honestly just be mistaken so I I know it had an improvement but I don't think it improved I don't think they didn't use the latest pump I don't they did they did not use the latest pump I do know that um right I think the Galahad screen one was actually really good but I can let me I I can ask Kevin and I will get back to you um because we do have the data for that and josha if uh he or I don't answer you back just ask again before the end of the stream and someone will make sure that it gets to you we'll get it we'll get we'll get the answer here in a minute let me I'll have I'll ask him in just a second guys which one it is hold on one second let me go ask real quick and then I'll I'll have him text me the answer right so I asked I asked Kevin guys who for those who don't know Kevin's our Tech director and he said the Galahad was like by far the best way better than the Kraken was middle of the road so there you go so if you want the best performing the Kraken I mean sorry the Galahad the new G alad sorry so I wanted to give you the data you're very welcome that's why we're here he that looks better this is terrible guys but I there's black rock thank you very much for the tier one it uh Hey his PC got here today oh that's awesome so he just got his new pc that he uh yours was the fractal right black rock or was it yeah it was the fractal so he just got his new pc that's amazing um we I think yeah there's just not a whole lot I'm going to be able to do okay guys let's go and start running stuff the world's longest USB cable for this uh for the screen there wow okay so I hoping we'll see how this ises okay so now what we're going to do guys we're going to start running all of our front panel connectors and then we'll go from there there we go okay little cover thing there Roby you've you've uh you've tested the new h170 I link haven't you yes it's fantastic it I mean it it is a really good cooler um you just have to be into the link you know you have to be into the link um the link ecosystem okay so here's what we're going to do now this is our rear fan plug that in right there pull this down a little bit more okay now what I'm going to do here on the back so i' P I've plugged in our our our exhaust fan right there I might do one more zip tie right there now what I'm going to do here is I'm just going to literally zip tie that down just like that there we go okay so that takes care of this so there's those and then what I'm going to do now I've got that okay so that takes care of this this okay so let's show you guys now where cables are going to come so this is our USB and there's two of them so we're going to run this one back this up a little bit here so this one's going to go right here in this bottom hole and then when you look at this side it's going to come down right here so it'll be coming out right here on there so there's that one now what we're going to do is we're going to grab all of our front panel connections make sure they're not twisted up here so the front panel Connections in this case are going to be you have power switch and HDD light really that's it I feel like there should be more but I do not see any more so not even power plus and minus which is interesting okay so power switch HDD light is going to go in the same place where you just uh ran the um the USB so now we're going to pull through here pull it tight just like that so those will run through then we're going to grab our next cable this is a fan header from the back so this is the fans this is all of your three fans all our front fans all daisy chain together so you're going to run that right here into this second it's a second hole it's going to come out right here there's that okay n next one trying not not to have it fall out so have our USBC and our USB 3.2 which they gave you a lot a lot of a lot of uh Headroom for this so looking on the front here they're both in their usual spots right up here on the side so I'm just going to run them both to the rubber grummet right here just like that and then next one that we have this is our HD audio so this one's going to go right over here in the far right just like so same place where we ran the fan connection there we go and then last one this one's the interesting one this is our oh and sorry just so you see that that the HD audio just came out right here and we pulled it all the way tight so that's where that one is and then the last cable is a USB now this is actually connected this is actually connected to this panel right here so that's what you're seeing here and what we're going to do is run that over here on the left side right where we ran the other USB and then when you come to the side we're just going to run it all the way through okay so there's all of our front panels run and then we're going to just try and nicely set this down and we'll hook them all up so now that you've got them all run now we're going to do is start hooking them up sorry on the mini pitch list this one the cube and the AA build right yeah do you also want the C1 just yep yep okay cool okay so we're going to pull this in right here okay and then we're also going to run this one right here now the question is sometimes yeah there we go so luckily that one and then we from the back we'll zip tie that together so it's just one little cable and then you only have that little bit sticking out okay so now down at the bottom I'm actually going to hook these so you guys can see them a little bit better via the r candle it just works a little bit better and you get a closer view here so we're going to go to roaming here turn on our light okay so first one we have two front panel connections and they're going to be over here in the far left and they're power switch and hard drive so power switch is going to go right on top like that and then hard drive is going to go right underneath like that okay so there is your power switch in your hard drive and you can see just a little bit closer there sorry for the movement so we hit the focus button there and there it is power switch is on the top hard drive is underneath so yes there are white cases with white cables the uh Asia horse sorry the um Asus gt502 um the Rog Hyperion um and a number of other like more premium cable cases have the all-white cables but you usually pay a more premium premium price white is just usually more expensive okay next up we have our white USB cable just so you know that's going to go right here and fill this spot USB is going to be up then we to take this really long other USB cable and plug it in right next to it don't know why they made it 65 ft long but they did they wanted you to use your other computer yeah exactly you can plug it into your other PC if you wanted to there we go okay so that takes care of those so those are all plugged in and then our last cables we have our HD audio that's going to go on the far right here oh it would help if I put it no it was the right way okay and then guys just so you know there's one pin that's filled in and so there's only one way that these this cable goes actually most cables outside of the front panel only have one way they can go there we go and then last one is our fan cutter fan connection that's going to go right here and I'm going to show I'll zoom in and just walk you guys through these again so you can see them all okay so they were routed there we go so again just giving you our cables here so we have our HD audio that's plugged in right here in the corner and then from there we move over then we have our fan connector that's the next one then we have our first USB that's the long black one for the and then we have our second USB which is the AK 620 then we have our front panel connections those are over here uh and then from here we have our USB uh C USB 3.2 and then up here at the top this is the fan from the rear fan and then this is from this two fan and these cables are coming from the cooler and then that's it for what's hooked up from our front panel connections guys so that is all of our front panels now we can do real quick guys is we can actually flip this over and just get our cable our finish our cable management Aquatics it depends that question depends on what you're going to do with the 490 if it's just gaming believe it or not there's actually you could do something like a 146 a um you know you have lots of actually inexpensive options it's the moment you want to start doing work Workhorse stuff that you may have um that you might need something more powerful you do not need a beefy CPU for 4K gaming just as an FY and I think that's a that's a misn ner that a lot of people think well if I'm going to do 4K gaming I need to have a 4K like a high-end CPU and the and that's actually not true okay so now what we're going to do here for these okay go to top down oops o OG it's slightly outdated yes but it's not irrelevant he's and he was asking specific orobi about a 2060 yeah really just I mean like again that can be a great card depending as long as you're just realistic about what you're going to run on it you're like Roblox and valerant sure Grand Theft Auto 6 maybe not okay so what we're doing right now is we're just getting our cables up and run just to get them under control little bit of cable management guys that's all it is yes OG it is it more more specifically in some of the things that RTX is um most notable for and that would be things like Ray tracing Etc there was actually some big upgrades in that in that regard de Dem minded de mindd is not wrong 146 is a great gaming a great CPU to pair with a for with a uh with a 4090 okay what we're doing here is we're just getting our little bit of cable management done it's last bit of this build comes together okay cool now what we're going to do guys is we're essentially going to pull this stuff up and get it into okay first thing I'm going to do is get rid of whatever this giant Yellow it's like thanks for the warning label but you're making my cable management situation hard here guys okay so this is just to get cables up and into like a cleaner Zone best we can the other one we need need to do this to is right here look like we're just going to have a little bit of a hang down here that's really all we can kind of do there we go we're just going to get this one done and then we'll have kind of our our rudimentary Cable Management kind of done because we're a little bit limited by what we can do because of the case then this we're essentially going to do is just turn that into a little bit of a shorter cable and I'm talking about the cable down here yeah hopefully that wasn't the mattress tag and I haven't I just I just didn't create I just didn't commit a crime in like Florida you're being asked over on YouTube Roby um Can the Deep coal assassin 4 handle a 13700 K on video rendering for video rendering no well yes and no the answer is yes if you set it to Intel stock standards then you could do it on you should be okay um if you don't if you have anything like MCE or it's not set for box cooler than you could see pretty high temps again all it's going to do is it's going to throttle um it's just going to throttle but I mean again which may not necessarily be a bad thing right but if you run it with like if you run it with like just you know a good with a good temperature controls and honestly if you get an Asus board you can actually set the thermal lits and say like hey just run it until it gets to 95° freze and uh the their AI overclocker will just make it do that and then stop when it gets to a certain temp and it's been pretty pretty awesome we're going to we're going to do a video on it early in the new year but it's been pretty awesome to kind of see that Tech and that's unique to Asus if you do it with an Asus board you could do it that way eigor so yeah hopefully that answers your question I know that wasn't like a straightforward but the but the answer isn't entirely straightforward because it really just kind of kind of depends on how you set up your build I don't know why the FBI is interested in me poor little old me I don't know why now this this this case does allow me if I wanted to I could put some additional fans like if you wanted to make your cable management a little bit simpler you could just use uh you could like replace the fans with like Le and Lee or whatever it was and then that would be a whole lot easier and then you wouldn't have some of the struggles I'm having from this uh from the cable management standpoint but that's just because I'm using the stock fans and using a stock configuration in this [Music] case you're welcome I'm glad I was able to answer your [Music] question [Music] okay okay just getting these cut out we made that as clean as we we could there we [Music] go that's normally true Dan crying and tell you decide to go to a bunch of lands and everyone just you know makes you open the back of your case there you go yeah you uh it just really it's just it's I mean cable management is an interesting it's a it is not necessary right like but it comes down to you know it's like the thing is is like it's just a little bit more it's like a pride thing for me more than anything just making sure that the back and the front looks good good is it necessary no does it help with performance no you know Justin even bullied me into doing mine yeah and his was like bad that's an understatement but he did it and he feels better and he's a better human being because of it it's statistically proven that doing Cable Management makes you more attractive I just I just want to let you know that um to whomever you want to be attracted too so that's just there it is so if you want to be more attractive do Cable Management oh I'm definitely undoing my cable management now stop picking on Zeon he had five controllers six okay so there we go there's the front take a look here okay we're going to do one more in the corner just to uh keep those a little bit more under control and then we're going to throw in our I may not be capable of doing this guys like my hands just may not be able to I might be able to do it with this weird finger thing here had it going oh it was there it was there going once going twice no there's another one gone it's going to happen we all saw you get the the stuck fan header out of the vrms you'll eventually get this too yeah I'm I'm just too stubborn had it there for a second no you got that fan cable of those vrm just to spite Kevin there I'll just do it this way actually there we go we'll do it this way and then cut it here and then we can just slip it there we go I did it okay cool okay guys all we have left for this build is we have to do our we have to do our cable extensions and put in our GPU and we have I need to be wrapped in 45 minutes so yeah uh Vig gaming it's technically at 14 core you're welcome GL to glad to answer the question guys we're at 114 of 250 we're at almost 400 people here in the show can we go ahead and hit those get those thumbs up and knock that out and we're currently sitting at 115 of them thumbs up yeah head over to youtube.com/ techlive hit that Thumbs Up Button keep it going what are they they 1200k no oh weird okay I think they're I think they're oh those are oh no those are for Max uh Kevin yeah those are for Max to to take care yeah to um mhm okay we're just getting our our cable extensions in right now guys what is your favorite game my favorite game of probably all time like the one that I have the Fondest Memories for is a game called Wing Commander but and then my favorite probably modern day series is Mass Effect um and then I really enjoy like up there is like um up there is uh like uh World of Warcraft and all that sort of stuff now guys for people who are curious what are the parts that are inside this PC we have a core i5 14600 K the MSI MPG z690 Force Wi-Fi using the gigabyte the gigabyte Arrow Nvidia RTX 4070 TI the arrow is their white one we have a Kingston Fury 2 TB mvme Drive the Kingston Fury ddr5 32 gigs at 6,000 megga trans for in white and then we're using the the Deep cool AK 620 digital and then we have the Deep cool AK 620 uh digital in white the CH 560 in White and The Cooler Master v850 I gold that is all the parts we're using inside of this one today I am a big Star Wars fan as well and I of course played through things like um Rebel uh what was the um Star Wars rebellion uh I played played through uh X-Wing I played Tie Fighter um I played um dark Forces uh Jedi Knights um all of the Star Wars ones too what's up pig radio so right now the only thing I don't think we've unlocked any giveaways we haven't done a hype train we haven't done a we haven't gotten any any of the sub ones uh we've gotten I think we've gotten like one point and see you mentioned the uh Star Wars TIE fighter that original game that that brought back some [Music] memories okay sorry about that guys uh just hey reic your system will be there on Saturday and it's got a 7900 XTX in it and you're good to go just as enough way okay right there we go guys just need to make sure he's good for dream hacking you need to make sure his there we go all right so we're just making sure that we get all of our cable extensions in so we only have all we have is this left guys and then GPU PSU and then we can turn it on such a quick build yep we had to because we have uh we have um hey Sergeant nobody dropping five gifted subs thank you sir Sergeant nobody we're still waiting for your huh Sergeant Noby we still waiting for your uh your thing to come in but it's it's all it's all fixed you're just waiting for it [Music] let's see if we can get a hype train going guys let's see if we can unlock some stuff again driving us towards that also towards that partner plus and everything else as well trying to give you guys all the good showings and all the cool stuff yeah that's an understatement Sergeant nobody there we go okay okay guys there it is cable extensions are on now we just got to get these now we're going to do is just make sure that these stay there's not a lot of room here so we got [Music] to the key is just making sure this stays at a 90° angle so it's nice and clean okay that looks good and then here going to zip tie this in so if you look at the rear here you got a Super Chat $10 from Andrew oh I do this all Andrew I'll be doing this like we do this three times a week normally we just have some weird we have some weirdness for the next couple weeks but dude you if you want to tune in on the the week of the 18th we will be doing a lot of like it's like five days of builds so don't worry you you you'll have more chances okay there we [Music] go elk asks Roby uh what are your thoughts about the new deep cool case Morpheus I uh I saw the I I asked for it it's going to be here we'll definitely build in it there is a lot of there's a lot of expansion in that case you know what I mean uh you know in terms of its ability to fit a lot of things it looks like a more premium case to be honest we've we've done a number of deep cool cases and they've come out pretty nice um so uh I'm I'm actually excited to give it a test so yeah okay guys there we go there's all of our so now our cable management as it looks right now we we've covered most of this stuff so this is how it looks from afar so it looks pretty clean right I think so as best as it I mean again we have this little clump of stuff here but for the most part it actually has a nice clean look to it looks relatively organized the back will go on nicely should be pretty straightforward and we can put the rest of this stuff kind of away because all we have left is the GPU and PSU and then we're done guys okay let's go to static we're getting there okay gigabyte Arrow time did you see figments idea there for you over in twitch chat what was that I'll I'll let you read that figment I don't see it no okay say Roby idea here I think we need to take all of Alex's cosplays and make a calendar for Intel giveaways and Blondie chimed in the 12 months of Alex 12 months of Alex does he have 12 months yet figment there we go all right so we're close he will I mean he will get 12 for sure I mean sometimes he gets two or three in a stream so yeah you never know think we'll need two there we go might be three but we'll take two I know it's two for sure I think the arrow is at 2 and a half slot card so probably three well I guess we'll find out who's right it is two only two we only need we only need two we only need two out it's two and a half slots but you only need two bits out there you [Applause] go and because we have an integrated table I mean integrated sag bracket we don't have to worry about putting the side bracket in saves us a little bit of time there we go yeah exactly stormfist that's always the truth all right here we go there it is we'll tighten that up here in a minute that looks really clean in there it does it it really does it fits the uh it fits the dimensions and everything of the of the cooler so it actually even the even the cross has lines match the motherboard yeah it's a very clean looking card this is the uh gigabyte Arrow 4070 then we're going to do that to hold it to do the SAG here and then what we're going to do is go to the side here because we can't we can't have GPU sag that's a travesty go I think just make sure that that is straight feel like it could go a little bit higher hold on and just as an update we're at 146 likes on YouTube if we hit 200 50 there is an additional $25 new egg gift card giveaway see how that looks that looks beautiful okay that looks the way it should tighten that down okay we now have a non saggy graphics card okay ain't nobody wanting no sag okay last part let's run our 12 our beautiful cable extension here okay I'm just get this to okay cool there we go so that's what the build will look like from the front yes it's Wednesday cuz I have to head to the game awards tomorrow so that's why we have an early stream than normal okay guys so there it is the build is pretty much built from the front all we got to do now is put in our PSU and then we'll turn it on and run a couple thermals little bit of benchmarking and then call it a stream and you guys saw the new map Rondo from pumg we have not unlocked any giveaways I want to be super clear guys no giveaways have been unlocked in this build at in this stream at all no Jimmy uh oh I would do gold don't that's one place where you never never save money really CH chusan really and we just hit over 400 well thanks truth I'm glad you like it that's what we're trying to do make good-looking builds we need 100 more likes on YouTube uh and then guys we need some subs that's really what it is we've unlocked no giveaways is there a CPU connection there we go there we go there's that and then all we need is our single sat cable over on YouTube tag is asking do you always always update your Motherboard BIOS on your builds yes yes we before we because it's always the safest time to do it before you run an O you install an OS and everything so we just run the latest bios where's my PSU there latest non beta bios because those can be a little hairy yes we to be yes that's a good point org it's always latest non beta there we go glad you guys are liking the build okay we have all of our cable connections out now let's go to top down okay so we have our cable there cable there our single SATA nobody makes that nobody makes it SATA CPU and then last one that we need is our 12 pin there we go there we go okay so now guys slip this in here there we go go the only thing we're going to use the wow stick for today guys is the PSU cuz everything else was like we didn't do an aiio there we go I mean it's not a build if you don't get to use the wow stick right exactly oh really I dropped the screw it try to escape it was like I don't want to be in the PSU don't make me be in the PSU give me a chance to come over here and correct this it's white he the screw didn't just want to jump off you just wanted to come around and correct the cable SC the screw I'm like dang it all we we caught you dang it you guys are too smart okay there we go I'm going to top [Music] down okay guys all of our cables are plugged in whoa okay there we go guys build's done seal up the back there there we go okay top there we go then we want the let's go to static I'm just going to make sure our cable looks okay it's it's moved a bit wow think I might move where this cable comes [Music] [Music] through this will be better if it comes on the other side come on [Music] [Music] really really it's like just too thin for the cable to get through so I got [Music] to it was all because of that one screw yeah it was just it was just just too it's just that with the PSU in it's just that much too th thin thin for the oh come on okay here we go come on give me the right place but it was just like the it was caddy Wampus I don't like cadd Wampus looking cables CAD wus is not okay yeah Redbeard Kev in YouTube wants to know if you've ever had any problems with the wow Stick Over torquing anything in a computer build uh no because I don't I don't actually use it for places where there can be risk of that like for instance motherboard screws and stuff like that I only use it for screws that I don't have to concern about that and this doesn't provide enough torque to do anything like strip a screw or anything like that um so it's actually pretty safe in that regard okay trying to see like the best place to how's that look let me see that from the front I like the way that seems to look okay and that is definitely well within the right of managing the cabl so that looks okay there we go okay cool come on one sec guys oh come in one sec okay guys oh okay there we go okay let's throw the front on okay and there it is guys the build is done the question is let's do our cable management our cable our our zip tie count and then we'll will it post and then we'll go from there time to light it up okay this go over here how we doing likes on YouTube guys 181 we may not unlock any giveaways today guys okay let's do and we still have the, 1400k though 1 two three 4 5 there's five 1 2 3 4 five there's 10 1 2 3 4 5 there's 15 1 2 3 4 5 there's 20 1 2 3 three four five odd today guys 25 25 it is odd today always odd it was it was even yesterday uh Parker asks over on YouTube Roby do you think an RTX 3060 and a 13400 f is good enough combo to play AAA titles at high FPS uh at 1080p um at 1080p you probably you may not be you might be okay um if you're looking at anything higher than 1080p not really and when you say AAA titles like single player ones that's where you might see the most struggle for sure um but yeah 1080 he says 1080P and maybe 1440p when he's just chilling so 1080p I'd say yes I 1080p I think you're going to be fine 1440p you're going to struggle 1440p you're definitely going to have to lower some settings even with a 3060 TI you couldn't run all games at even high or Ultra okay here we go guys time to turn it on oh we're just going to finish will it post okay the prediction is going while we're doing that I'm going to turn on the lights and then we'll get the we're going to we do not have a lot of time so it might just be thermals today guys but don't worry you can catch the recap of this stream um where we will do um where we'll show we will show things like what it does in other games so just stay tuned if you don't see gaming in this I just have a hard CAU off today um okay so here we go [Music] predictions almost done and then we'll we'll get the digital stuff installed and then that'll bring up the digital display and then we'll do some [Music] thermals it's all good it's all good pig radio probably your GPU Jeremiah and pig radio it's only off key if you admit it's off key okay here we go [Music] guys okay three two one whoa there it goes get all them lights yeah it's it's weird because like the they all they have is like a Flo they don't have like a solid light color one they have like off and like like fade in Fade Out I'm not familiar with that particular case but like if I went back to my p400a it had three different settings to where one cycle through was all flashing and then if I held the button down it went to just all Statics through the clickthrough and then if I held the button down again it went to just motherboard control yeah this doesn't hold this hold the hold down is basically motherboard [Music] control I wish there was like a static color there's like a cycle rainbow like I'm just it surprises me they just don't have like a static it is all and it's it's interesting because it's like it also controls the RGB on the AIO but yeah that is kind of strange it's strange that that's like the only option [Music] yeah that's the only option so there it is though guys it's all in there it's white yeah the edge Lighting on the cooler is is actually a lot of [Music] fun I'm just surprised that the that's like your only lighting option I just going to do a solid white you have a green we could do the blue which actually which I don't mind as much or the pink and the purple the pink and the blue and then they have like a fade [Music] in and an RGB cycle it's like I pushed through it and I'm like hoping that it it has something else but the answer is no well we'll leave it on that is that still memory training no it's all it's 100% posted okay I wasn't I wasn't Shar blonde asking it's posted it's 100% posted we're in Windows ready to go oh that's right that motherboard has a temperature readout on it yep all let's get [Music] our there we go do that let's go to side view here and red dragon zombie just subscribed tier one thank you Red Dragon one 31 months okay we're going to get get the digital displays on in just a second there we go then here we go let's get our peel done boom okay let's get our digital displays on real quick and then we'll do temperatures I'm going to I don't I think it's it should be set for box cooler I already I should said I said it before so we should be good there there we go looks like it's in the 50s right now [Music] okay yeah we can check but let's go to the Deep cool thing real quick and go to capture there we go all right guys just just as an update as the stream is getting closer to winding down we're only at 190 likes on YouTube if you guys can knock out those last 60 quickly that is a $25 newa gift card giveaway let's download it [Music] wow what is it's like 20 minutes to download 70 Megs wasn't this one really slow last time I don't remember it being that 3 hours it wasn't that long but if I remember right it was really slow for like the first two minutes and then yeah it like went fast or something like that I remember I think I remember the same [Music] thing it's a little better now but those are some dialog speeds yeah back in the old days of wi 7 doing Windows updated were dialup good luck with that that was brutal yeah I remember it was like yeah I remember the same thing it was like slow and then it just sped up yeah cuz we were we were joking about it last time and then all of a sudden it's like oh wait I'm done [Music] yeah [Music] I just couldn't do that anymore nasty [Music] Yoda it's almost to 100 kilobits per second wait oh I betch I know why is steam updating that didn't make it a whole lot better it got to 100 kilobits it's up to [Music] 200 I it's not it's definitely not my it's definitely not my internet it is it's just there their CDN must be really slow I have no idea what it would I have no idea it was going to take this long maybe next time prep a USB drive yeah no K going be like this let's uh take a quick look guys while we're waiting is just talk about the parts list real quick what we have is the uh Intel Core i 54600 k the MSI MPG z690 Force Wi-Fi the gigabyte Arrow Nvidia GeForce RTX 470 TI Kingston Fury 2 TB nvme Drive ddr5 32 gigs at ,000 Mega transfer this is Kingston Fury as well the Deep cool ch56 digital white case the Deep cool AK 620 digital white aiio I mean cooler and then air cooler and then The Cooler Master V 850i is the PSU so that is everything and really what we're waiting for right now is literally just this thing uh Roby DB me in on YouTube Welcome I have a little question about choosing Parts what do you think about an I9 14900 K and an RT RTX 490 will work with a dual 360 mm radiator custom Loop well yeah that would be fine yeah two you want two 360s would be because a 4090 won't like it even though it's a big heat element uh it would still be I mean you're still getting some benefit out of the other 360 um which is why you see most 409s with like 240s when they do liquid cooling so I mean you're essentially getting a 420 for your three your 14900 and a and a 240 for your uh 4090 so that should be that should be fine yes especially with the Dual 360 I don't know if you guys have any thoughts wow guys it was not we this was not a uh this was not a typical stream for us for sure I I would say dual 360s is fine I would probably prefer to see them on separate Loops but you know it is what it is it's I mean they're it's getting a lot of cooling with the Dual 360 I just make sure that the GPU did not reach like 83c on the loop but it shouldn't with 2 360s on there yeah cuz it would basically it would go 49 it's actually your it's funny cuz your CP your 4090 is going to heat up more than likely your 490 is going to be before your 14900 K so your uh your GPU would give it a slight heat so you might see slightly warmer temperatures on your idle temperatures on your 14900 but with dual 360s that's a lot of cooling that it's going through before it hits your next before it hits it again even as the even as the water normalizes or liquid normalizes this is so brutally bad yeah that's that's really bad can anyone do a SpongeBob voice so one turn to do it later I just need this thing to freaking be done I didn't like I can't believe they made it this slow it's only like 100 Megs [Music] well I we can test cooling at least so we'll just test cooling we don't need that for the cooler so luckily enough there is the motherboard read out there as long as it's set to the right probe yeah right now it's sitting at 31 what does a motherboard say I can't see it's too small okay well it's sitting at 31 right now which is a totally fun idle temp so let's check cinch we're going to see what our wattage comes out to as well so right now we're fine file Advanced 10 minutes okay starting [Music] multicore [Music] it's 240 Watts 250 Watts the fans are spinning up finally and the temp's going down [Music] I think you have M of cor enhancement on yeah I think so too I mean it's managing it it seems I mean like really is and gaming temps are not going to be anywhere near this well and you've only you've hit what 98 yep and then it kind of stops there so you haven't even hecked techically hit a Full Throttle so nope and it's dropping down I mean I think it will I think we I think we need to set these temperatures yeah we need to change our temps the we don't have the right bio setting right now this wattage is too high there we go there's your first full throttle yeah it's out we we need to change the cooler yep yep but I can't because I need to wait for this stupid download stop the download yeah cuz then I it may not resume so yeah remember when downloaded through a thing yeah but I've seen stuff where it especially on slow cdns yep it'll give you a Timeout on whenever it retries and then you got to start from scratch yeah exactly truth acolyte it's almost there okay here we go that was a lot of work I'm definitely going to save this to a USB from now on [Music] guys we should see everything light up I'm going to reboot and then while I'm rebooting here I'm going to switch the oops this will be 1440p that's what this system is targeting okay uh memory XMP we'll do oh this will go up to oh 6,000 is fine fan [Music] info just going to make sure these are set to smart pwm and then I want forgot where it no I don't want game boost I want here and before you exit out too it looks like the XMP check unchecked okay I want it to this is what I want okay just waiting for the system to reboot and if you want to give an in-depth answer there to cookon over in twitch what's the difference between pwm and DC on fans uh DC is Direct Control uh yeah Direct Control pwm is starts for I forgot what PW but it's your variable your voltages are creates voltages and variations in speed so pulse pulse with with modulation that's what it is pulse with modulation thank you all right let's try this one more time guys let's hope the Deep cool thing I don't know why it's saying it can't read it oh there it is it's there it's on is the other one on does it have two different apps like it doesn't control both oh no it's on no it's not okay so it must be download number two oh yeah I'm not doing this sorry guys I don't I actually don't have time um let's uh I really honestly I'm surprised they have two different controllers um I'm just going to Tech check yeah so it sees the e620 digital so it must be oh my gosh really I'll start it whatever but at least I have the one on the on the oh it's not even loading yet okay let's load check this I am going to exit Steam and then bring up cab bench because that will actually change our temperatures okay go to 10 minutes and then we should see something a little bit better yeah there we go see that's much more that's much more [Music] reasonable yeah there you go that's what I expected guys about 100 so it was like it was like basically that's where that's where controls like wear motherboards and stuff what this does is this creates it to the points where you could actually tweak The Tweak the CPU yourself and look the score was still the same so this is why just pumping a bunch of wattages doesn't make a big a lot of sense yeah much better temperatures right oh yeah the temp the temperatures are way way better so it's down the the same setup literally the same setup and look at it it's well I mean so it's like it it's not it's actually not even so it it acts like it doesn't see the other [Music] device so I don't know if what if it ever does the thing where it has two of them plugged in but yeah there you go temps are great so no problem there I just want to do one thing and then we'll do it during the giveaway just to sit there and show so that way if you're curious what gaming temps are going to be like well you know we we need uh 30 more 39 more likes 38 more likes over on YouTube bywise the giveaways are going to be pretty short today so oh steam come on okay so we'll just do something simple let's throw we'll do Hogwarts Legacy nope nope let's do what's on here um Library okay so let's throw we'll just throw we'll do um tomb shout out the Tomb Raider and then let's go ahead and start the 14900 K givea away guys it's for Intel Core i 94900 k remember Subs you get an extra entry for these so uh robit Tech Subs you do get an extra entry for for uh you do get extra entries for being a sub so you get three for this one because this is like four that and we'll do exclamation point Intel for this starting that giveaway right now Subs you get three extra entries we're going to run it for three minutes so if you want to get your chance to get extra entries just uh do a subscription to go okay starting it right now three minutes guys and guys uh if you're on Intel's Discord you do need to move over to mine it's you got to be at twitch.tv/ robobitch the enter sorry it doesn't work on the Intel one so uh you do have to move over real quick and you have time 3 minutes okay so there's your we'll show your your um oops we'll show you guys what temps uh gameplay temps are like so this is dlss full screen on exclusive full screen brightness vsync off okay there we go we're just going to run the Benchmark so you guys can see what Temps what gaming temps are going to be like still two minutes guys hey there you go so again Intel temps are for you know in the 60s and 70s on the air cooler you can see those actually here on the side as well so you can see it running no problem on the side there's your temps hey Roby when this uh when this Benchmark ends will you open up your task manager and verify as well that your RAM is at uh 6,000 yeah someone dm'd me and said they'd actually had a lot of trouble with that particular board running XMP yeah sure so again guys just showing you temps there that you guys can see them 25 seconds and she's going to draw the winner in just a second congratulations to Westside Connection Westside Connection you are the winner of the uh 14900 K congratulations Westside for [Music] okay there we go guys so that'll give you an idea again temp's not a problem in when you're doing gameplay stuff so no issues whatsoever so and then again even when running full loads also good so I want to just verify what my Ram speed's at there it is it's running at 6,000 MHz there it is right there okay guys um where do we end on the uh give on this on the likes we ended at 229 okay guys sorry it's it's time up so I really appreciate everybody doing that stuff unfortunately we didn't unlock any other giveaways today uh but again I really wanted to thank everybody from the Intel team uh from the Intel stream tuning in um and everybody else uh just being a part of today's stream a huge shout out to uh everybody uh pubg for sponsoring today's uh basically Rondo stream as well anyway I got to go I'm uh already out of time I need to uh I need to go check off and uh join and go and hang out at the Video Game Awards which is happening tomorrow so have a great night we will see you on Friday for the Intel morning show thank you so much for tuning in and we'll see you guys on the next episode bye guys [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] ch
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 4,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 14700k, PC, building PC, custom PC, gaming pc, how to build a PC, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a pc step by step 2023, pc build, pc building, deepcool, deepcool ch560, deepcool ch560 digital, deepcool ch560 digital build, deepcool ch560 digital white, 14600k, 14600k build, 14600k benchmarks, 14600k 4070ti, aero 4070ti
Id: p7-myUg9cB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 9sec (9069 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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