Gitz vs Slaves to Darkness Warhammer Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition Battle Report - The Lost City Ep 23

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Luca here from and welcome to another episode of the lost city our open sandbox age of Sigmar narrative campaign designed specifically for our guests [Music] we play and call it works age of Sigmar battle report I got Josh here who has traveled all the way from the Hickory North Carolina bringing his Gloom Spike gifts they are going to be representing the destruction Alliance to fight over the territory of the Gilded way in the realm of metal the conflict there never ceases to end I will be taking the role of the defending army with the slaves of Darkness representing the now ruling forces of chaos let's take a look at my slaves to Darkness first yeah using this Force to represent a reallocation of resources to the realm of Medal specifically to verulam so these guys were on the march to Bear Alum when they came across the uh immediate force of Gloom Spike gifts that have seemingly popped up in the way the entire Army is going to be Marco nurgle to represent the Ascension of nurgle through all the recent successes of the magikin thus taking the map by storm leading the entire force we have a chaos lordon Cocker drag here he will be Lord grolgore for narrative purposes here in a kind of randomized all of his stuff here so he's gonna be favored of the pantheon First Command trait which will give him a role in the eye of the Gods table in addition to that we went with the Hellfire sword again randomized that one I would have felt bad grabbing the other two here before I let the dice decide we are going to increase his uh he's got a Hellfire ax essentially making him a little more Killy in combat I should note the entire force will be a battle regiment because I got a lot of other fancy bonuses from territories eye control or chaos controls not really just me uh taking a look at the rest of the forces here I'll be running a chaos source for Lord uh can you because Mark I'm gonna use a raw finger Source we're here the only other source for Lord we have as a markazine channel so it didn't really feel fitting and because of all of our territories we get an extra artifact of fawa enhancement that will be from Talon's perch and we randomized on this guy a chaos familiar so once per battle I can cast an extra spell if I want to from the lore in this book and this wizard will be a specially skilled at casting and unbinding Magic because of the golden waste and and The Rusted Woods giving him plus one to unbind dispel and all casting rules chaos is strong and randomizing a spell from the lore of the Damned we got demonic speed on this guy our last character will be an exalted hero of chaos with a rune-esh blade and Rune Shield I never really ran this guy just wanted to throw him on the table and go take some skulls ah the rest of my force will be a lot of battle lines so I will have a unit of 20 chaos Warriors marked by nurgle and you better believe they've got the eroding icon on them though I don't know if it actually matter that much against the gets I'll have another unit of 10 chaos warriors uh with nothing too fancy on them just mark an ergle I'll have two units of chaos Chosen and lastly there will be a unit of chaos Knights accompanying Lord grolgar there I can take an extra in Social Banner so I took the Blasphemous icon for the list build here but there is no uh priest in the enemy list so the action won't matter that much and finally mostly because I haven't seen one before I'm going to run a Soul Grinder because he looks really cool and the idea of one marching on the road to Barrel seemed neat to me I suppose but that's it that's our slaves of Darkness forces today on the way to berelum and rudely interrupted on the way and communication has been cut let's go take a look at what Josh's forces are today hey my name is Josh I am from a war gaming group outside of Hickory North Carolina and I'm happy to be here first up I have Ingot riding his Mount huffa iggit is a brewmaster the only get that's earned the title of brewmaster there and for this he's going to be running as an AOA character with the monster key word he is a wizard and is taking a spell that I've named The fungoid Rot it's the curse spell from that from there to give -1 to the armor save the individual and D3 wounds mortal wounds it has never heard the moon talk but if you want to know what it's like to reach out and touch it come try some of his Brew next up in my list it never goes very far without his Ruckus rabble I've got got two units of five Spore splatter Fanatics shown here on screen as snotlings just a couple of they just like causing a ruckus for engine I'm also running the gabapalooza you can't leave home without them they're going to have the hand of gork spell to back up Edge it a little bit with his casting I have one fungaloid cave Shaman two loon bosses to lead the hordes of goblins into battle and two madcap shamans for a little additional support on the side I am also running a unit of sneaky snufflers and then the core of my Army consists of three units of 40 goblins all right that is it for the gifts today let's go take a look at the mission that we devised to try to represent the conflict going on here today's mission to represent the surprise appearance of the gets on the Gilded way will be the lines of communication both forces are cut off from well civilization and communication has never been more important to win this battle the forces must use their isolation against the Foe and force them to break in confusion now what that means in this mission is we have three objectives one directly in the middle and then two more adjacent all in no man's land as our territories are gonna be along the long table edges halfway up the board in a classic dawn of War style deployment a deployment's so good one of the best video games is named after it now with this Mission uh the goal is to disrupt the enemy and score victory points by claiming the road or holding the points on this road here and forcing the enemy away You're Gonna gain a victory point for one objective a victory point for two or more objectives and a victory point for more than your opponent and on top of all that you'll score two victory points for every battle tactic you complete once per turn and three at the end of the game for your grand strategy Whoever has the most amount of victory points after five battle rounds will be the winner however the twist to this one is the destruction mechanic at the start of every battle round after determining who will take the first turn the player taking the second turn can pick a phase two disrupt what that essentially means is during that phase in that battle round every time you want to issue a command on a three up it's going to cost an additional command point now you can choose not to actually spend the additional command point but if you don't the command is still issued and the initial command point is still spent but you can just save that second one in case it pops up and on a three up that's gonna happen quite a bit and here we have the Gilded way to Bear alarm I realized that the three objectives in the middle right in the middle of the road means uh more scrapping in the middle obviously and less dynamic because we don't have anything interjecting between the objectives but uh we'll see where this goes all the same I won the roll off I chose to March upon the goblin enemies from this approach and then Josh's forces his many forces are deployed along that part of the battlefield but the bad moon or the Moonshine right in the middle and the bad moon starting in this table corner boom over there and it'll bounce to the middle Boop and then it'll bounce over here Boop and then it'll be gone if it decides to do so I've had quite good luck with my battery you you as well yeah I find turn two hits the middle it just stays in the middle whole game every time I've had one game where it didn't and I was like huh what do I do now I just I don't know I don't know they for whatever reason the bad moon very consistent these days otherwise for deployment I got voy uh I had one drop because I had a battle one two three four five monster and characters yeah I had a battle regimen so it was one drop or two drops you were like around six or so six drops six drops okay so I'll get to dictate who's gonna first it will be you you're gonna have priority uh the the Warriors of chaos here are going to wait patiently to see what the goblin masses like to do uh Lord gold over here is uh he's had some experience with the gets in the past and he likes to well he knows that they like to squabble and run about in a mock and aren't normally organized at least that's what his experience is she's gonna wait to see what kind of rattly mess they get up to then he'll approach the enemy afterwards uh that is the plan of attack there so I got Warriors of chaos uh chosen cast Knights Lord grogore then we have our chaos Warriors in the Middle with the Rob bringer sorcerer sorry not Rob bringer sorcerer the chaos sorcerer Lord right there our exalted hero is going to be right in the muck of chaos Warriors our other unit of Chosen and then our Soul Grinder digital Soul Grinders can run and shoot their weapons that's kind of cool they have what we'll call implacable Advance why not they're actually quite simple I just uh I just brought it because I wanted to bring them he looks cool and uh he looks kind of nerdly he actually his flesh Blends in with the mat quite well and then across the table Josh what do we have here if you could summarize your deployment in your forces I set up with my units of goblins here um just kind of blocking the way they're gonna muck things up real good um Egypt and huffa on the back um he's going to be casting spells he's going to be throwing fungus Brews we're gonna see what kind of trouble he can cause for you absolutely okay well I got a few things to roll on the table he is chosen the pantheon so he rolls once on the table The Chosen themselves roll on the table because that's just what chosen do even even though they're marked by nurgle I uh and then we have the exalted hero who allegedly rolls on the table too I've never run it before so we're gonna give it a shot and then uh his Hellfire weapon I said to Hellfire acts I think in the Army showcase Forum so that means his uh upgraded his ax to be a Hellfire weapon which just means on six to wound it does its damage in Mortal wounds instead of going through the whole attack sequence this is my favorite part of playing slaves of darkness and after this part it's it's one of those like okay instead of Iron Man rolling the other guy stable I see what I got I'm okay to concede and do it again uh this is the part I always care about the most so I let's do grogar guard last let's go with the chosen here now they're not a character so they just uh rolled an eight that's pretty spicy that's the corn one I think they get an extra Rend I know how to do math five plus two is actually seven not eight keep that note that down people who might who might be surprised by that one that is even more fitting that's the nurgle one that's on Unholy resilience they will have a six award save for the entire game now it's on me to try and remember all of this but uh we'll see then we're gonna roll for the other chaos chosen Squad please roll a five please roll a five please so I don't have to remember much more than that six dang it it's a little bit of a hint of slanash that is on Earthly reflexes plus one of their charge rolls now their drummer already does that so that's plus two to charge rules for them again hopefully that only needs to be remembered once you can make fun of me in the comments every time I forget uh let's go ahead and roll for exulted hero nice character he's Gonna Roll 2d6 I got a 10. that's kind of spicy that's Aura of chaos it gives him a five upward state which is a shame because the loadout he has he has a five aboard savings more wounds we but he gives up his attack I guess he gets a better save too now he has a five upward against everything not just mortal wounds that's not bad it is technically an upgrade and the last one Lord gold Gore marched by nurgle are you blessed by nurgle as well three oh snubbed by the gods he is uh which is uh so his command trait lets him roll on the other guy's table and then the gods are not quite ready to give him a a boon of chaos yet they're keeping their eyes on him and their eyes are on the prize just not yet gotta prove yourself now before we get into battle round one proper uh if you want to know what the rules for the lost city of no Barack narrative campaign are you can go to the lost city and you'll find all the rules there they are being updated live and you can check out the videos in the order of the k-mode and you can kind of see why certain factions have certain territories on the board heck you can even see why Josh and I are scrapping here on the road because you have a plan for you and your friends the goal is to open up a way to Bear alum for the forces of Destruction because this whole crew from North Carolina are playing distraction for some reason so it is silent in the realm of fire in the realm of Shadow only action in the realm of ger and the realm of metal these days and a couple other things no we are playing in the Gilded way which has its own realm rule called magnetic forces which kind of sucks for me and only me uh the magnetic forces of the road are kind of weighing down on my Warriors of chaos anything with a save before better will suffer and negative unto any running charge rolls as it's harder to accomplish and when they're being targeted uh they're easier to wound as well so anything with a four up save will you can re-roll wound rules for attacks made against those units as they're having a there it's harder to move around in their armor and uh harder to defend themselves of course if this whole campaign excites you go to challenge like Josh and his friends did and come play some Sigma with us amongst all the other war games we cover here I'm also looking for Lord of the Rings people because uh I'm always I'm always starred for Lord of the Rings players so we're in well in Ontario not near Niagara Falls if you want a geographical reference for where we're at so go to challenge you'll talk to Josh not this Josh or Josh all right we'll figure that all out anyways turn one gets I get to pick a phase to disrupt I am gonna say movement phase for this one because I don't think we'll be doing too much fighting overall so if you want to like at the Double or anything like that it'll cost you a little bit more command points maybe I guess we'll try it turn one gets going first two to three command points I'll be on the left I'll be own and then Josh will be the enemy uh and then this is we're going to keep track of all of our points and everything all right Josh your turn what's the plan right now in the hero phase so right now I'm Gonna Roll for my extra command point from the fungal cave Shaman that I've got um I plan to I think I'm gonna do uh control the center for the battle tactic that's just that have the most amount of models near the center here yeah yeah easy enough I should note for anyone curious where's that battle tactic from because we're not playing the Roman Beast I don't like to use the realm of Beast Grand strategies and tactics because they're based on like the Frozen areas of and tour I believe so for this one we're playing with the core uh Battle Tactics and our own Battle Tactics in our battle tomes as well as the grand strategies from uh the battles homes and the core rule book so it I feel like that just makes a little bit more sense but we're taking one of the missions from the new season War because they're just new and fun and it gives uh new shows new fun things to do so conquer the middle is the battle tactic from the core rule book easy enough to do there now that does remind me I never said what my grand strategy was and I don't believe Josh did either I am gonna go I believe it's called dominating presence it's the slaves the darkness one where I have to do four of these slaves the darkness Battle Tactics from their book and you wanted to I'm gonna protect the shrine we've got this fancy new Shrine here so you built that quick you built that real quick but they're they're used to doing that so that's kind of just fling it all together and all that stuff so that's your battle tactic what did you want to do for your heroic action um for my heroic action I think I'm gonna use the realm specific um remind me of the name mutation that's what it's called so around the metal mutation it's all about change and all that stuff right I'm gonna go ahead and do that on Egypt and huffa so this is you roll a D3 and you're either gonna get uh plus you get reroll saves one you get a five up board saver you get plus one wound and melee let's see what you get a two this reroll says of one as your armor mutates to be physically better I guess in a way uh now because it's your turn you can do two heroic actions uh what's the second what would you like to do for your second one I think I'm just gonna go for a command point on uh let's do it on this little loon boss in the trees here yeah loon boss there on a fork you get a command point poop that is a five and then we get to roll again for the fungoid cave Shaman because he's got the mouthpiece of Mork I believe all right nope all right easy my heroic action will be unbending willpower on Lord here just because I have no one in I don't put him kind of far back he's got no range to unbinder to spell but I'll fix that for later so I got one unbind on World War here and then over here we want to adapt or die from is it idiot yeah exactly so we got to get over there he's going to use adapter die in the command phase which is zero command points again Roma metal stuff uh that is gonna give them a six aboard save because of their unit size we got a bunch of stuff from gabapalooza here uh to affect these various units what do you what are we thinking here Josh yeah I think the best thing I'm trying to get the center there so they're gonna try to cast a hand of gork because they're casting hand of gork my Spiker here is going to use his um know what in order to give the L plus one to their Rand as well right in there and then they um this room Rider here can just use his personal spell for the minus one to hit if he can catch up with them yeah he makes like the the Squig mushroom Underneath Him puff out a big Spore magically and protects all the gets nearby is it might just want to hit or wound I can't remember it's to hit him okay sure yeah it's just a really good defensive a big massive Aura I want to go ahead and I have no way to unbind their magic so we got free casting on them what are we cast him first okay so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna just cast his bubble because I'm not confident so here's the Spore Cloud coming off sport Cloud you got a nine that's good to go and I am bad snatches so I can choose to re-roll one of these if I want to as long as he's within range of another wizard um but I'm gonna keep that roll Fair that was the little bubble of negative one hit and then would you like to cast the hand of more gork that's what it is yes did we get here and teleport uh you can re-roll if you want to right same same rules yeah same rule applies to all my Wizards so I can reroll this too and I think I will not fair four and eight all right same rules the six working it will not go oh it's a seven okay did forget to mention your campaign bonuses will be uh with the ma the great beasts you get free like at the Double all that attack uh forward to Victory like all the aggressive command you can do that one for for free per battle round and then you also get all your Wizards do an extra spell which we've already kind of we'll announce that when that comes up when we go to cast we've already figured out all their extra spells there so that's it is that it for them casting we have uh that's it for the gabapalooza I've still got a few Wizards fair come back to the fun boy we're gonna go ahead and huff over here he's got two spells he can cast uh he's gonna go ahead and do a Mystic shield first of all a five and we got a seven all yours and the engine here is uh out of range of those other spells they're mostly offensive uh to Target my stuff with so won't come into effect yet this little guy beside the Luna shrines in the cast has built-in spell what is he is he just uh kind of Shaman he's a mad cap Shaman he's gonna be cast in Night round nitroud what's that cast on um that is going to cast on a five and it's going to Target the unit of 40 goblins there as if you get that five you do I'm not gonna bother stopping that one that has something to do with shooting I assume yes it's minus one to hit when they're being shot all right last thing is the fungoid cave Shaman can only really he's got itchy Notions itchy nuisance but can't Target me a little too far away but he can or can't Bolt so we'll see if we get that on a five cool that's a yup I actually the only unbind I got is not gonna stop that so he's got a little Arcane bolt swirling around him that's it for the hero phase the hand of Mork did fail we're gonna go right to the moon phase I'm gonna show you where all this ends up afterwards the goal is to get at least some models near the middle of the table here to claim that battle tactic now before we move too much we're gonna start right away with an at the Double on the Goblins in the middle but because of the disruption mechanic on the mission on a three or more it'll cost two it does cost two command points to have to double them but I guess you could just do the into the mall the great the great Beast one for free so it only costs one command point because it goes from zero to one so if that makes sense second and fourth yeah back and forth a little bit on that one so we're gonna use the mod the great Beast free one for the battle round you might as well so instead of causing two command points it goes from zero to one I'll show this off for now then the rest will matter afterwards with at the Double uh they go essentially nine inches because the wall in the way but that is enough to get uh the conquer the middle battle tactic complete easy peasy lemon squeezy on that one now the red rest is inconsequential moving so we'll be back in a hot second and the rest of the movement is done now because these are stabbers they can control objectives with the nine instead of six so these are all Goblin objectives I got like eight in range over there I got like a lot there over ten uh and then how many over here over 10. nine okay so I got a lot to compete with there to say the least I guess and uh that's about it the that guy's got his Arcane bolt over there and do you have any shooting I have a little but it is not in range oh okay okay who does the shooting uh that's the engine huffa oh he's got a little bit of shooting on him I figured okay fair uh and then to point out we did move the gobble palooza boom back there and the sneaky snufflers didn't do their War they didn't look for uh little truffles or anything because they moved the stairs so next turn they'll probably give an award saves and whatnot oh and then that's kind of it you get your battle tactic boom and you got the majority of the objectives also known as all of them uh so it'll be five victory points for the glimp bike gets on the first turn not bad I knew I was kind of getting myself into I'm I'm hopefully going to get into a position to get victory points later on in the game here and I don't want to give up the road to destruction so we are gonna hold the road to Bear alum for the forces of chaos and keep it protected and if anyone's curious on how the Goblins are attacked in this area when there is no destruction anywhere nearby that's a glooms by get rule they can attack any area with a value of zero they just dig out of that hole because that's that's that is their specific thing they are so insubstantial that they're not really too worried about until they're a problem you know as it should be anyways we're gonna go on to the Warriors of chaos turn one and uh see what they can bring to bear all right so I'm gonna go up to Five Command points because I control bear alarm as chaos and I'll get an extra on my command phase in my General's still alive so five to two command points and zero victory points so I've thought about it a little bit because my grand strategy is to accomplish four of my Battle Tactics I gotta think about them and keep them in mind so I'm gonna do lust for power as a battle tactic I am gonna pick I wonder maybe this guy if this guy rolls on the eye of the Gods table this turn then I will be able to complete my battle tactic and the easiest way of doing that is taking an objective away from Josh problem is he gets he's got a lot of models on the objective and he can redeploy on top of it uh as well so the goal would be to charge him who all things considered not the most likely but maybe we can make this work so I'm going to try less for power here and uh roll on the eye of the Gods table yeah I'm gonna choose him because he doesn't have to worry about the negative two for going over the fence whereas uh these elements still have to worry about that and I might hold them back all the same we're gonna see what like a redeploy and all that stuff kind of looks like and we'll figure it out otherwise I'm gonna go for a an adapt or die as a heroic action on my on Lord grolgar here which gives him a 50 board save actually I'm going to do the adapter die on the chaos Knights because they're unit of five or less and I would like to do the Soul Grinder would be a little too far away so I'm going to adapt or Dye them we're gonna have our sorcerer Lord do the draw on Power Saves The Darkness heroic action which allows him to cast on three dice but he throws two ones on the three dice he suffers a miscast that deals D6 more wounds instead of D3 and then I am going to invoke a random mutation on uh girl Gore here which is a three on the chart which I believe is plus one to wound in melee I have a board safe even better because I would have almost adapted or died so I guess I should remember to uh do the random mutation first and that lasts until the next player's hero phase so until the end of this turn adapter die over there if I have a board save I got all my actions done got my battle tactic figured out so I only really have one spellcast here and I think I want to try and conjure a the emerald life swarm he only cast one spell I kind of want to get them to spell on the table I technically have the umbral spell portals in my list as well because I get them for free from the forest in the aroma Shadow but uh I don't believe I'll be using them all that much this game so let's try to do these the last one all right let's go through dice life swarm well we didn't get double ones we got a seven it technically oh technically an eight he gets plus one to cast so he got on eight on do I take all three days you might as well try to unbind the spell because that's my only wizard I'm gonna cast would you like to with digit absolutely yeah so it just got the snap of sticky stealing so he's uh if he if he's able to dispel this or unbind this then uh good things happen for him there but you need to do you have plus one two unbind I do have plus one to Environ because he is an art Mage brewmaster in this case in this case exactly so you just need to roll a an eight I guess technically on two dice uh that is a four can you re-roll that with your Traders only casting think it's only casting we'll just conjure that right there very nerdly thing so hopefully that makes sense oh and that's about it that's all my hero phase we're gonna go right to movement and I don't think I'm gonna run all of the any of these because I want them just to go up there but this guy's got an implacable advance so I'm gonna run him for the fun of it where he goes ah one oh boom boom he can't run a charge but he can run and shoot just clear the wall there get near the objective doesn't beat you from the objective that's my five models to your I think we figured out it was eight in range of it and then I'm gonna go ahead and remove the rest of my forces I'm gonna run these guys I'm gonna run the chosen gonna run but they're gonna stay in the woods I suspect and then these two units are gonna move forward and then I'm gonna not move them yet I'll move them last but as we go back to this I realized this guy would need an 11 inch charge to make it into the Goblins because the effect of the battlefield reduces run and charge Rolls by one so I'm not gonna risk him trying to make it in there so I ran him instead I got a three which is a two and he's gonna move to there staying outside and nine of them though and then these guys have a 10 inch charge because they only move five not move six and we are 15 and a quarter inches away from the Goblins in the middle so we're gonna move forward our five and we're gonna hopefully roll a 10 inch charge it is negative one but their musician gives them plus one to try and counteract it a little bit okay and then our bringer sorcerer is going to run three or two technically we're just gonna go over here with him I think bam this was supposed to move but I didn't want it could have moved at the end of the hero phase but I did not want it to these guys over here uh just gonna run I got a bunch of command points I'm gonna add to double them I guess now it is minus one to run rolls so they have to double still has the full effect taking it up the field there and we're gonna run the chosen actually zero so they're gonna go there five and up there we do have an Arcane both here's technically at the start of the shooting phase but I just have those guys to move so I assume you just want to let loose the bolt now uh they have a five award against um this nonsense uh we take a damage then oh on that guy I did forget about irregular Visions I will put that on the blob of 20 Warriors in the middle that's the sorcerer gives him a six-up board say they already have a five up against more moves but this gives him a six up against all types of damage and then the chaos Knights I don't love the idea of charging them in right now and I think a lot kind of banks on me uh getting this 10 inch it's re-rollable because I got command points but man is it uh stressful the Cracker Jack Lord God we'll just hop over the fence going seven inches then we're gonna move our chaos Knights as well no runs so we move him to there I think uh the Lord grolgore he's able to clear it but these guys they could have cleared the fence especially if I ran them then I thought oh I don't want to risk them getting tied up I'd rather get a charge with him at some point so I'm gonna keep them behind the fence and not overly exposed go to the shooting phase technically I Get Zapped by the bolt boom I take my damage and then this guy can fire oh and uh he's actually on this side of the fence because I forgot minus one of run rolls so he run he ran just enough to get over the fence he rolled the one technically which is zero so he doesn't quite clear the fence but that's okay because he's gonna shoot his guns all the same I'll just put everything from the Soul Grinder into the the goblin unit opposite him you'll start with his Harvester Cannon they get plus one of their save against range attacks because they got the bad moon banners over there so Forest to hit with the Harvester it just pumps uh shots in room four saves at effectively no rent because of your banner just have five UPS normally so these are gonna be three damage in total we'll fire a flum bombardment at them as well hits does not wound because it makes this loud sound it's kind of scary but ultimately three day goblins isn't that big of a deal then we're gonna go to charging 10 inch re-rollable charge with these guys let's see I'd be outstanding if I make it that's for sure uh that's a fail uh and then we're gonna use four to Victory on them four nine oh the minus one to charge freaking got them so that means I lose my battle tactic and I'm not getting a lot of primary points here so don't get that objective don't get this objective and if I was smart and ran him I could have actually taken this objective I forgot the at the Double because you only had 11 models there I could have had 12. then you could have read just redeployed and stopped it so I guess It ultimately doesn't really matter uh I would not have been able to grab that objective if I wanted to in that case so I get zero victory points on the first turn of the game as the Goblins are gumming it up uh and I don't even know like I technically need priority to start scoring and get my and starting to get my Battle Tactics that's where it's getting a little iffy and we get like tied up in combat so that brings us to a priority role my man you ready all right turn two priority two you went oh I have to take her or else I just take another zero point turn I think all right but that'll at least give me some pacing for one of my battle taxes where I charged with rooms which I should be able to pull off here just an update on command points because I'm going first in the battle round and I have Barrel mom I'll go to three command points uh to Josh's three as well for uh having this General live and going second and Josh gets to pick one of my phases to disrupt me in for this battle round and make my command points cost more what phase are you thinking it's like we're gonna have to go with combat face like all that attacks all the defenses and stuff like that yeah I'm a little worried about how hard you're gonna hit me and I need to stick around a couple more turns okay fair make those make those little more costly so I'm gonna try and remember every time I use the pretty much all the attack Hollow defense it'll cost me one more command point on a three or more uh as for my battle tactic well let me go look at the words uh the name of it that's gonna be run them down three or more my units have to make a charge movie this turn to make this work so we're gonna try and make that a thing uh let's go for a couple of heroic actions here let me go ahead and see if we can't dispel this uh Emerald life storm as well you want to go with that mad cap Shaman kind of tucked away in the woods there I think it's a six to cast so this is seven all right unless you get a bonus I don't know if he does or not no bonus uh is that bye-bye swarm with the random mutation on my guy again and I'm gonna put adapter die on these guys again so they're gonna have a five aboard safe Boop that's for re and then this guy is going to roll a random mutation and he's going to roll the third result again which is five award yes five aboard I'm gonna go leadership for mine on Lord grolgore he got it then Josh would like to do leadership and he got it who's getting it that's going to be it didn't Alpha it didn't Alpha all right they're gonna have the extra command and other things like I do I do oracular Visions that's gonna go on these honored friends right there then I'm gonna use his built-in spell I believe it's called demonic power and I didn't draw on power so I'm just gonna throw two basic dice of this a 10 ain't bad though you're gonna go ahead and try to stop that with digit he does get actually technically rolled an 11 because I get plus one cast uh but you also have plus one to the spell so just looking for an 11. uh okay not quite so they're going to be plus one to hit and moved if I can remember that and uh we're gonna go ahead and go to movement I guess because that's kind of where we're at my forces are gonna push up so we're gonna go put pressure on them put pressure on them and we're probably gonna shift these guys that way I think a little bit or at least I might keep them back a turn still and wait to see where things come in then going with them on the third battle round the chosen is going to move up they they're kind of slow so that's the that's the hope there I think I'm gonna keep these shows in the woods as well I'm gonna wait to see where I need help oh everything's move Soul Grinder moved up and I decided you know what I kind of want the chosen to back them up a little bit so they ran to get to that position our exalted hero and war is the cast moved forward no redeploys and then this unit of Warriors moved forward and then Josh did redeploy these uh stabbers three inches so they jumped over the walls a little bit now the walls only so down normal moves run moves and charge moves not Pile in moves or uh redeploy moves then I say you know what screw it girl Gore is hungry for battle so he moved forward keeping the chaos Knights back I think uh well if I'm gonna charge everything I'm probably gonna I'll move them over the wall too I'll just run them over the wall and then because you redeployed there I it was the nine inch church for these guys to make it in after they moved so they did a normal move and they're gonna try and charge a little bit later and it brings me to realize I want these guys to run this is going to clear the fence they're just gonna literally just stay right here just they don't have to worry about the fence later they're gonna hold until the third turn and I think we are good to go I guess to your shooting big guy let's put everything into those same goblins I was firing up before let's do the Harvester Cannon which should hit them on fours and then wound them on threes and you'll have your five up save against three of them oh they forgot the Mystic shield on them so they have a Mystic Shield they'll be four of saves on them which okay didn't matter I don't even know if you rolled that well last time so I'm not I'm not too sure it wouldn't matter you got three more dead than the stuff Let's uh shoot some phlegm at him that's gonna hit three to wound that is a wound this is rent two so six up and they put their Shields up it does not matter on them so it just lands right in the middle and three goblins also die so kill six goblins not too bad the flumber barman hits the back of the goblin unit a little bit and that's where they die and uh we're good to go ahead and start charging I'm gonna start ah let's start with these chosen they have a nine to make here uh They're Gonna Roll a six I am gonna do four to Victory from Lord gold there if he's within 18 which I believe he is let's try that again round two odd nine so they get minus one because of the effect but their drummer is given plus one these are the ones with plus two over there they ran so they're not charging but they're gonna make it in that's kind of uh that's spicy it was with the heroic leadership command points so we're gonna send them right in there oh I already know glorious chosen charge not bad not bad uh we're gonna go for warrior chaos charge right there cool that's uh 12 with all the modifiers it's the second unit in let's see what gold Gore's got going okay also pretty good charge roll We're not gonna be too ambitious with him we're just gonna have rogor go right up into him and then when he charges he does impact hits on a two plus he'll run down one get as he charges in one over here gets trampled will complete my battle tactic for run them down let's see if our exalted hero can make a charge he doesn't get minus one to this role which I'm not in love with so he does roll a five which is gonna want him like right up in the middle there so he's gonna go just so he can't get overwhelmed on too many sides and then we'll have the nergo Warriors in the back here charged they get plus one minus one so they're gonna roll seven not too bad then let's see what that Soul Grinder can do as he charges five search him directly I'm gonna stay I don't really know what Huff is capable of uh so we're gonna stay outside of three on that one for the uh safety the whole grinder is gonna stomp on the Goblins I guess for he'll squish three goblins just step step step boom three in the back die with a kind of form up in the front again and uh we're good to go to fighting do you have to do anything at the start of the fight phase or anything I do have one thing at the start of the fight uh moon face moppet on the fungoid on the other end there yes uh that'll be uh chosen or The Warriors of Chaos think we're gonna hit the Warriors of chaos with it understood so vomiting them which is minus one to their same characteristically four up and then I'm gonna remember every order I do is potentially one more command point I think I have to fight first with my chaos Lord because he charged grogor gets the strike's first rule when he fights so we have to resolve him first an attack with his hexed Hellfire battle ax he'll have three attacks with it your negative one to hit if I recall always so we have three hits threes to actually crack Goblin skulls though not bad no sixes though so we got two at run one two at run one oh wow pocket six is very good let's see if that demon blade he has will do any threes to hit normally with the demon bound blade but fours now because of the netters he's a little stuck on him didn't really matter I suppose no sixes to roll either so two wombs at these are run two so these go right through your save directly through and these are D3 damage each uh okay you need the cuts through four goblins with that cargo track gets to go he is heavily affected by the Nets though as they mostly hit him fives to hit with that guy well the net stop one of them and it does wound the one that gets through his friend of one so we have a six up save on the goblins oh he just Gores two of them dead that he made he made a little bit of a clearing in the woods there that's the strike first effect uh I mean I guess it's not that bad because I get to pick what's now now we go to the normal order of operations for fighting I think I'm gonna go with the chosen makes the most sense I think so we're gonna Pile in with them let's take three away from him it looks like we'll pile up and around and we're just gonna make room for that guy to get in there they are gonna issue an all that attacked themselves for command point but would you like to roll me a D6 there Josh to see if he get a three and it'll cost me a second command point it does I have one command Point left after that all that attack I don't know if it's worth it but it's gonna counteract the netters to get them with our chosen weapons threes to hit again uh no sixes for more wounds but the threes to hit were relevant because I have four and five in there even threes to wound oh that's really good that is going to be nine saves these are random ones so sixes I see one that is 16 damage as they just do damage per ouch so just just Ashley Cleese through 16 goblins that's what we got left there that's my pick to fight now and go to Josh's pick I think I'm gonna go on the Soul Grinder over here and that will be me just 24 while Josh is piling it in like a throw off some thoughts here I wish I ran halbirds on this brick of 20 in the middle I don't have any warriors with halberds but because there's no Galician the first time I'm playing war is a chaos or slaves of Darkness since the uh seasonal change and the non-inclusion of my beloved Galician veterans so gobs are piled up and around the Soul Grinder lots of goblin attacks here uh they have a they're if they get issued all that attack from that guy they get more wounds it's from a loon boss so it has to be from the guy in the trees here yeah um is this the one to do it on I think I'm gonna wait and do it on that middle block ah middle block it is fair 16 goblins able to attack or 16 attacks the goblins and the netters three of them three netters three netters all the Goblins stabbers what are they hitting on they're gonna be hitting on uh Force oh the force and force kind of thing that's right a little bit under there these are fives to them because of the market nergo though so that's kind of what we're banking on here nor go protect blessed grandfather get no one's to re-roll I think so here's my four up save you do three damage to that big boy 15 minutes left from 18 then we got the netters three attacks each per nether are they fives and fours they're fours and fives also okay so they're fours and six is excellent Force to hit boom that's a damn good Rule now we need the sixes yeah and we get to reroll once and remember we pretty much always get to re-roll Once against me that's one when he hit boom Ah that's the damage 14 on the big guy ah my next pick I wonder right in the middle doesn't really matter too much because now that one of us is going to be able to kill any amount that would affect the fight so I think I want to keep putting pressure on these guys because anything I kill at this point will actually detract from attacks back at me uh the Warriors of chaos are gonna go we got one two three four five six seven able to attack I got a few three lingering back they do get a an additional attack because they're fighting uh within range of an objective they do not control yet so it's gonna be 22 attacks with the seven guys fighting the Champions the fourth attack Forest hit because of those netters here's the first half we've got three hits on the first half and I'm Gonna Roll the second volley and then these all hit plus three that's one two three that's all I got for hits not ideal threes to wound okay there we go not too bad they don't have so don't re-roll six wounds at minus one six UPS oop that is okay six more dead these gobs are just falling over here we go and uh I didn't oh sorry earlier I did not declare their Bringers of ruination and Damnation they get to fight twice a turn but they Strike last effect applies I was actually too afraid of because I did 16 damage in that first volley I figured once they jumped in I figured I'd do a little more than six damage and I would have they would have been pulled out of combat I would have wasted the ability something like that's why I didn't want to use it but I would obviously they did much worse than I thought they're gonna do so I should have done it but it still works out we're gonna let Josh have some fun piling in this giant is that 60 in the middle it's still 40 about 40. it feels like so much more over that wall it does it does we piled them in 17 goblins striking three of them are netters got one two three now the trick here is we're gonna use one of the two remaining command points from The Loon boss to all that attack them gives them plus one to hit and is it six to wound or more wounds six is the wound or Mortal wounds is it an addition in addition spicy nice okay uh that's about it there and I guess we're gonna roll it up yeah one command Point left and then one more heroic leadership on Egypt and huffa huffa and they the units wholly within nine of the Spore splatter Fanatics so it's gonna be 34 attacks on the Goblins do the first half forced to hit poop it's threes because of all that attack I forgot about that immediately and then go ahead and do the wounds here is that the is this all 17 attacks again this is the ones okay roll them up this should be minus one Moon because I'm Miracle minus one that means fives it is but sixes are scary I don't wanna see six because I see three sixes those are in addition correct yes for them I do the second volley here should be threes fives to wound damn good hit roll can you follow it up though no no three these are the netters these are threes to hit because I get the plus one uh six the wounds still because the nurbal but the Sixers are Mortals so I do they're ideal that's all I really want that's two of them this is we got four we got nine sales in total and then five mortal wounds afterwards so these are three UPS yes oh I remember your real one once let me go double check all that somehow only two ones were rolled for wound rules on the status so let's go ahead and re-roll them because I got a good armor save you know I don't want to see sixes one more wound there you go as much of the state of the game fixed as possible there so I still have five more wounds afterwards these are all three UPS so these are fails uh I do have a regular Visions on them so six up board save against these so I'll take that kills two Warriors off and then I have five five board saves against Mortal wounds it kills okay four warriors dead not bad oh one two three four I guess that's about it I you can you get to fight with those guys over there still I have to go with the exalted hero these Warriors and the Soul Grinder still that pretty much doesn't resolved all the fights over there let's do the exalted Heroes right in the middle let's see how many little gobbos he can play through four attacks with his runetch blade oh it cracks a hit with every single one netters aside uh oh Rin one sub saves on him he's just he's here to party uh these goblins aren't messy he just killed eight ones but he's an exalted hero he just carved up eight goblins no problem and then you get to go with these goblins afterwards we'll kill the five there and three more there and then the rest step up we're just leaving the goblin so they're not really gonna Pile in too much they are these are the sports splatter Fanatics right yes yes so okay plus one attack on all of them they don't have an all that attack on him so we're just looking at fours and fives but they get lots of attacks do the attacks into the chaos Warriors first then these two goblins one being everyone being established into the chosen will do last all right roll them up we are forced to hit okay I've swooned knuckle protects no not much but two of them are gonna go through for three oh the one I'm gonna remember before having to check the clips again all right there we go another one these are three Ops good arm with chaos armor holds and then we have did you do the netters yet I've not done that all right all right the netters not bad that's a spicy looking roll I suppose yeah six dude let's see that exact same roll again we're gonna remember rolling ones if you wants to re-roll a couple and then we got two we got single ones so far you have two wounds not just the one three up okay we're good and then we have the two goblins attacking the chose let me just give get them out of the way quickly I guess two attacks from the one Goblin he hits once wounds on a five no and then the nether has three four attacks actually because of these four splatters one hit six to wound go goblins all right well that was uh that was something I guess piling in my chaos Warriors a little bit as we spread out even further I have three on the end four five six seven eight nine attacking over there 28 attacks because we're fighting over an objective we do not control including the champion and they're forced hit because of the netters on the first bit so we got six second one on fours as well let's add six to this so that's four I think these all hit that with the first Folly threes to Moon the Goblins no re-rolling oh not bad not bad at all that should be ten wounds it's ten to six UPS kill stand balance just the problem yeah I don't know this is I don't know just discussing uh Josh used up all his sixes on those two save rolls against the uh Hellfire the hexed Hellfire ax there oh that means you should be done resolving attacks I just have the soul granter to go he's only hitting on fives with pretty much all of his attacks because of the netters I am also gonna all out defense on those goblins with the free Command point I got from Egypt start with his piston driven legs there uh six attacks on fives because of the netters oh one miss threes to crush the Goblins into the dirt now these are only run one you have Mystic shield and all out defense so back to five UPS or four UPS even I don't get to reroll any wound rules against them because it has to be the base save characteristic of form or not stacked up to a four up save uh these should be four UPS boom and yep that's uh continuing in Josh's pattern classic two damage per fail so he crushes four goblins with those Toms and slam the ground twice with that blade uh five oh nice the nether the nether stops one of them from hitting I think he's gonna try and pick up a goblin with his Claw on a five but if we're all six all the nether stops that one as well excellent so that's that's all the damage I deal with him that's all he's got bringing to Bear uh that is I think all she wrote for the combat phase so we're gonna go right to battle shock where would uh now this wouldn't be so bad if uh somebody rolled it just that's a little just I mean you know a six every now and then I don't know I think you only made two save that's the beginning that was it so you lost a lot this one lost the most that one lost almost 20. they didn't lose too much but they took uh they took some damage here and there so what who's getting inspired oh how many points did you have in your list anyways uh I'm 1970. 1970 okay so that was it because that was a dummy and bought them the spell you actually get to try them do you usually go for the we've got to talk about in the beginning I assume you should go for the auto pass Inspire one for Goblins the goblin build yep that which is uh indomitable and so you get to use that once per game which is good and because of the campaign you actually get a second Triumph I I gotta double check I don't know if you have to pick the same one I don't know if you can pick the same one you might be able to oh yeah you can double up on indomitable so we have two indomitables this game because of the campaign one for the base game mechanics of having Triumph with less points and then the other one for because chaos is so dominant in the campaign any faction that fights chaos always gets an extra Triumph and it could be the same one so we're gonna use the indomitable there and an indomitable over here so they're gone we don't have to worry about them anymore but they're holding because they're determined to take the road and then these guys are just gonna let run yeah speaking of gone they're actually going so they do leave now half that unit can come back at the end of your turn I believe on a D6 world before do you have the clammy hand at all what's your command tree I don't have the clammy hand no clay I love that one what is what is your command trade I can't remember my command trade is the uh loon touch so it gives the extra spell to agent okay okay perfect perfect so these guys Boogie and uh that means I take this objective at least I don't believe I take this one though I have to double check that one but what that means is um uh Lord grolgore guess we're on the other gods table because he was part of taking an objective away from the enemy let's see does he get stuffed by the chaos Gods again I guess see nope he gets what's the point he heals D3 wounds or something so it's even funnier than they healed D3 because if he doesn't have any wounds allocated to him you treat the result as uh snubbed by the chaos Gods again so is he really a chosen of the pantheon or is he just telling his followers he's the joke goes into the pantheon he's like I'm I'm pretty big up there I'm big with those guys you know like I know the guys upstairs is that what's going on here girl lose four Wars of chaos they're bravery eight with the banners oh roll a six we're good these ones are just kind of rolling around on the ground being I think succumbing to the poison this objective is still under Giddish control because you have 22 models nearby and I have uh 18 because I just lost uh four oh actually not even all the units in range some some of the guys are too far off to the side there so I don't get this one and then this one how many gets do you have near it and taking a look at this one you have 10 in range of it I have nine this one guy's too far away even if I had him in range it wouldn't have mattered uh just because uh um well I had to at least exceed you so unfortunately I only get three victory points that I did really well in killing that's that's not bad but this list is all about scoring primary points typically right holding the ground holding the line and buying time for reinforces come bursting through the Loon Shrine narratively but I do get my one Victory point over here that's not bad and we got stubbed by the chaos guys again all right so I killed 75 goblins and lost four Warriors chaos the numbers look good for me on that regard but I am having a hard time taking score here so we're going to the second term for the Goblins is five to three and Josh is able to score quite a bit of points this turn it looks like so uh current standing of command points and let's see what he's got to bring to bear cut the accent I gotta stop doing that I have this amazing opportunity at work to work and meet people from around the world and all I do is mimic their access I have this horrible habit of stealing accents when they come by so I apologize the southern accent's just too good that's too good man oh my gosh I actually don't know what's his name what's uh you know what I mean Matt yell his accent man you guys know why he's playing against Steve right now uh not really death guard he's got an amalgamation of a horse like nurtle demons versus uh votan you guys don't know what I mean when you see that battle report oh all right so we have a lot to figure out uh this guy's mutation stays active this adapter die goes away for me and um I'm probably gonna just put well I won't worry about that I'll let you figure out your battle tactic and stuff I'm probably just gonna put adapter down on them again I guess after all for the moon we get to four up and just move to the middle right right four or not it's just gonna keep it real over there that's fine I think my battle tactic uh for this round is gonna be broken ranks and I'm gonna kill this whole grinder oh Fair okay I hope you don't okay so that's two points for that one I'm still in the I'm still in the thought process like do I even just do I just like scuff my grand strategy to try to go for the easier tactics because I technically think this is the darkest ones are easy as you can imagine and do but they're still a little iffy but I'll figure that out on my turn I guess uh so that's the battle tactic what would you like to do for a heroic action um my heroic action is going to be to morph or mutate oh that's right uh mutation on him roll it up D3 and you get to do that in addition to another heroic action essentially which is the five upward save yeah so just change that red dye to a three so we remember an adapter die this unit over there uh my oh we have to figure out another heroic action as well my adapter die is gonna go there you have a six up worth it for a regular Vision I can't do adapt or die on him he's got no characters nearby he's not holier than 12 of him is he he's not son of a gun it's like 13 inches away okay fine so no adapter die over there I suppose I am gonna put adapter die on this unit of chosen over here they have a six up board say but I might as well give them a five award save because they're unified or less try leadership on the Loon boss over there boo that's a six so you'll have that and then we can roll from the mouth piece of Mork over here to give you your nope okay so just the one on the loom box the leave I want will power for mine because I don't think I need to do anything else it still has the random mutation on so I'll give him heroic willpower to try and unbind a second spell and when I go to say that there was probably comments about the moon face vomit on these guys and I definitely rolled three or four threes on them for their saves then those would have been fails I'm gonna go ahead and quickly fix that right now they would have a they have no Ward save on them against that just damage on them that's just it so I lose two Warriors of chaos they should be dead which means uh they can't fail a morale check and uh that's it that's all that the moment should have killed two Wars the chaos at least all right we're gonna go to idget he's gonna use funkoid rot which is the curse Spell essentially I can't remember what it's called but it is uh damnation for some damnation this is gonna do D3 mortal wounds to him in addition to reducing a save by one and you get plus one cast uh he gets plus one to cast all right roll it up that's a 10 in total that's pretty good I respect that role ah this guy does get plus one to one bind but I have to roll a 10 on the dice to stop it I'll let you have this one it's a little hard to cattle hard to stop I'm gonna do hypothetical though oh good cold so D3 mortal wounds on him roll it up he's got 14 moons he's got 13 moons but a save is reduced by one so he's got 13 remaining I'm gonna hopefully remember that we're gonna cast a final transmutation against him as well to uh reduces that real herbals of one against the essentially because his armor saves so good let's see what we get you need to show a six on the dice that's a seven and eight in total oh you think about rerolling it I'm also a bad snatchers I think I'm gonna reroll the two in that in that role don't roll the one make it easier for me okay a nine rule here was a one and Rule one rules of one because the uh the road the Gilded way so I'll try and stop that one uh he rolled a nine in total nine in total so I'm gonna show Nine stop it six not good enough he does not help a tune negative effects on all right I'm gonna do some more of all on my fungoid it's only a six inch range so it's only going to hit the chosen here but I think the Mortal wound output is worth it all right roll it up seven to cast we could be roll the two could technically reroll one of those oh yeah let's why not why not there's no downside right yeah it just happens so seven there you go uh I'm gonna try and stop that I guess with my Lord uh we do all right uh this little mad cat back here that's been hiding um is gonna mistake Shield my little boss so many little characters uh they got it so Mrs shield on the loom boss all right Cobble palooza are gonna do Agave palooza do and they're just going to buff slash debuff all this middle block we've got going on here right um so first things we're gonna try to roll for the Spore Cloud spell um that's the one that gives them the extra minus one to hit if they're Within 12. that should be good okay um Boggle eye here is going to Mesmerize uh the unit of chaos Warriors there and we're gonna get a seven in total there and then it's like it's probably good enough to cast I assume yeah and you don't have any unbinds left NADA so that'll work so that means I can't issue or receive commands but with them correct okay what works for me uh The Brew get down there is going to give Egypt huffa some petal potion I guess he thinks he makes better bruise um and it's going to give him plus one to hit and wound easy enough that's pretty good for a little monster there and what would the Spiker can the Spiker do well the the Spiker so I only get one of the know what oh I could give out a buff as well but I chose the pedaling potion yeah it's because like the Spiker the extra rent on them doesn't actually matter against the miracle warriors with the sourceled banner all right well that's it for gabapalooza I think yes yeah all right the sneaky snufflers as we go to the movement phase do they want to move this turn are they going to try and buff up a unit no they're definitely buffing a unit they're going to start digging around for some mushrooms and um I'm gonna buff the 24 or so remaining goblins I've got that's a 50 board save on a two up because they're under the effect of the bad moon but the Loon Shrine here and then on a five is it they get the extra attack five all right roll up what do we get uh well they get the effect they get the uh it's normally a three up a plus one so five aboard on the guys in the middle a lot of freaking things going on in this game with the campaign bonuses all included too a lot of little busts let's see if we can remember Mystic Shield uh five upward save I can't issue receive commands I can remember that one you get plus one to hit Moon my guy is final transmutated and the fungoid curse thing these guys have a six up board say from adapt or die uh what about mutations he also mutated to get a 50 board save my guys mutated for a five upward save these guys have adapter die on them oh brutal brutal brutal brutal let me put another little notification there to remember that they have a thing on them and uh yeah I'm sure there's I'm missing probably five other ones somehow too the move idget and huffa just gonna shift up and around the claw the three inch control zone of the Soul ground he's gonna charge in to get in combat there but we want to make room for the Spore splatters all right yeah they get a three are they gonna run or just move uh they're gonna run they don't need to do anything else um so they're basically going to be 3d6 all right 3d6 move I'm Gonna Roll all three dice at the same time because that's uh they move 2d6 plus a run so they get to go no 12 nice just moving up and around they're trying to stay in range of both units uh give them extra tax each how about losing is gonna run five technically because Oh no you're not slow down only me they're gonna do the full six and then shift over this way a little bit right in front of the Moonshine and then if nothing else is retreating we just have a couple of elements to move over here the sneaky Mufflers have to stay still we're gonna move back the fungoid cave Shaman then the Loon boss is gonna shift through the woods Aaron down girl Gore I like it I'm gonna move the sports bladder Fanatics 2d6 not running them though they're gonna go up to six is go in the woods there ah that should be it for movement uh we got a little bit of shooting with huffa uh he has like a little breath attack as well as uh slings on the Gretchen on the top there breath attack is the animal of apotheosis when you pick a unit within Ranger will die for every model in the unit every six steps of more wound and there's 16 in the unit so we're looking for sixes here on these 16 Dice and normally this is like a breath attack for a dragon but Egypt is breathing in fungal fumes and stuff all day and he's just back out at it it's these breezo toxic pubes and does it get through the armor well it looks like three of them might four mortal wounds uh so that means we have a five aboard save because of the chaos root Shields they used to protect their uh their breathing noses noses apparatus I don't know these it doesn't help what a surprise to die oh from the back bam bam this whole grinder all those things in this old grinder all right you get to re-roll hit rolls one because the final transmutation these are force and fours all right forced to hit uh two hits nice good start two slings excellent and then fours to wound be rolling ones because of uh the Gilded way all right one wound on that but I am minus one of my saved from the spell so we're good we're on to the charge phase where would you like to start um the sports bladder Fanatics are going to charge into grow gold let's see what you get T6 and the o10 oh bring it on charging there we took the trees off so you guys can see better is the loom boss going in as well the loom boss is going in we're Wards of chaos I'm gonna take his head oh yeah he's in seven I'm excited but the the sport spot of Finance are actually scary I gotta deal with him the loom boss is free to do as he pleases I guess uh is the staying outside of three of them it looks like you're RS out of three but I don't know if you want to drag him in or not yeah let's double check it I want to stay outside okay that's easy enough spanning out the Spore splatters a little bit more to make room for him to be able to charge no problem and then we want to get huffa in here I assume uh he can't really fail his charge he just has to go into that little Nook there to get within a half an inch to charge so let's see what he gets for the dramatic effect I guess all right ten excellent does he do it he looks like he does impact hits when he charges that does not I wasn't too sure if that's an ability you can give them or not yeah all right Fair it totally is the thing we didn't have the points for oh not fair okay huffa doesn't quite do impact hits uh that should be it for charging uh so would you like to do a monstrous Rampage uh yeah I think we're going to he's already plus one to hit and wound um oh so you could stop a roar oh I can't stop he can only Roar yeah I guess I want to roll it three up to Roar nice and do I want to stomp or do I want a Titanic duel huffa how many wounds does alpha have how of us got 12 whoops you know what I'll Titanic Duo huffa is half a negative on the hit right now um because you're within an inch of a goblin ah I I I'm naked on hit all the time I understand I'm in a Titanic duel yeah that's the plan that's it all right I forgot the moment over here technically for this phase but it shouldn't affect anything but in case it does we'll go on these guys 12 inches out one of those Warriors chaos there would you like to fight first with huffa you know I think so all right well I got nothing I can do about it I cannot issue I cannot receive orders because I got yelled at plus if I do any orders in the combat phase it's going to cost me two and I only have two command points so it's likely gonna cost me too which is going to attack first with his stirring spoon into the Soul Grinder what do we got here plus one hit and boomed three attacks it's normally fours and four so it's gonna be threes and threes all right perfect and re-rolling any ones no ones there two heads so far with the stirring spoon and three spoon oh but I'm nurgle that's right Force tuned one wound sixes don't matter right right I'll write down the stirring spoon but I minus one from the spell uh make that with a five how much damage is that spoon just one oh it's just one damage okay I'm so worried actually I'm gonna ask what the profile is that also any with AOA characters I'm always afraid of anything but Huff I assume Huff has got some hit he'll punch a little bit all right we'll see what health has got what's up next what are we starting with this is gonna be huffa's horn um it's gonna make six attacks after all the negatives and positives we're at threes and fours all right so we got six scores here threes to hit ruling any ones no ones but hey pretty much five hits almost all hit and four is rolling ones uh two wounds and sorry what was the rent uh this is Rin one so six of saves oh I can make six what's the damage on that two damage he's got 11 remaining wounds uh he's one way from being bracketed office got a bite so he gored a little bit there now he's gonna bite what are we looking at here he's gonna bite you um we're gonna be at twos and fours all said and done all right twos to hit all right nice good start fours to wounds one what's the rain on the bike this is Rin two no save at all no it's gonna be four damage oh seven wounds left on the Soul Grinder that's a spicy hit I like it oof I kinda oh dang are the gums gonna kill me we are gonna go ahead and correct a little bit there the Spore spotted Fanatics would give huffa and idget extra tax let's do that wooden spoon we're just gonna go through a few of the attacks wooden spoon spoon uh was it threes and fours yeah it was threes and fours yeah because I'm plus one hit plus one wounded uh that is a wound and we are gonna suffer a damage red six a horn attack from huffa that's a hit and does he wound yes he does uh that's a four we fail that how much damage two two damage four so if this mouth if you hit and move the mouth I'm dead it's all you twos re-rolling it oh okay does it wound let's see if you can get a Chomp and just bite the legs off it's big this is a four four the moon grilling ones oh up to you I'll let you call a if you want no I'm not okay okay all right so the Soul Grinder lives with four wounds and now I am thinking that the Goblins could probably kill him especially with an all-out attack order from that Loom bar so let's go with the Soul Grinder and try to get like a glorious uh one attack out of the way before he goes down with Titanic duel were just counteracting the Nets so we're back to Forest here we're gonna start stepping on and around huffa got bad threes to wound two all but Huff has got a four up safe base right yes so I get to reroll that ah so we have three wounds on you at red one this is gonna Hollow defense here for a command Point who had your leadership this is the loom Boston that was the lumos so I was probably gonna order himself himself he's been one so back to your four reps Force you're gonna continue failing most of your saves that's four damage on huffa Huff has got 12 wounds he's down to eight the warp metal swords can have fours and wound on threes that's a wound at Ren two so you got a five up because of all the defense oh nice stack is the claw let's see if that claw hits you it oh it grabs you because I rolled the six that's just D6 more wounds one one not bad all right that's it just that reminds me I do have a six six up Ward so we'll make those four Awards together absolutely let's do all five then yeah that works I have a block three six so board saves on him because of all the shrooms poop uh okay just take the four damage still the little Titanic duel there got huffed down to eight and the Soul grinders at four and uh that's my pick the Spore splatter is gonna go over you what are they running two on their attacks uh they are I'm pretty sure they're in one but they're D3 damage uh he's gonna order an all-out defense on himself because Gregor is uh a little worried about being overwhelmed here so on a three up does it cost to be one more there Josh from the uh I can't remember the mechanic but it's the mission oh my gosh and I got one command Point left hey it only costs one they get D3 tags each there's four mechanic effects other gets not themselves so five D3 attacks we got let's see what grow grass has to deal with so twos and fours or twos and fives in your case I gotta roll up the amount of tax first oh yeah that's right oh almost Max ah I'm more average I guess technically one above what are we hitting on tubes okay fair Bring It On and we roll once to wound for the fact not the heads yeah five to one because the marketer go we're rolling ones though because my armor save show me some fives I see a five of course two wins to re-roll so just the one pretty sure the market nogo stopped four or five Wednesday what's the he said run one although defense we're good I am gonna fight next with my Warriors of chaos were they gonna get much more for piling in so tighten up there three I keep thinking I can't do it so three four five six seven eight nine again same idea but we're fighting on an objective we don't control so it still will be 28 attacks because of the champion I am going to attempt an all this is the end of the battle round right yeah I'm gonna I only have one command Point left oh but I should probably just save it for inspire I'm not gonna risk it yeah I'll just I'll just do a hit on fours forced to hit oh that's damn good all right let's do the wound rolls here threes okay not bad five nine wounds so far and the second one threes on top of the nine we got 10 11 12 14 15 14. I believe they're gonna have a five aboard save this time so here's the sixes foreign that's not bad that's a great improvement over the last one all damage but we do have the sneaky stuffler 50 board save on them that's gonna stop I see four or five there's a six over here so okay we killed nine and thin out these ranks a little bit leaving mostly dudes near the objective there that's my pick you're gonna go ahead and attack back with these goblins before the uh what's the name of the exalted hero gets to go 25 attacks all into the Warriors of chaos are gonna ignore the champion uh 25 for the boss and because the help from them and then we'll have one netted there's only one net left eh I'm getting there four is dead with their attacks on the stabbers first whoop that looks okay fives because of Mark and Argyle and rolling ones because my receive is good I will remember it and gravity is my enemy so we got the ones re-rolling and that is an additional wound in there so we got three four five all right so we got three up saves here oh yeah so that's two save and they currently have oracular visions which is a six award uh oh hey Dave they see they're coming we take a damage oh where does that want to go that guy can afford uh this guy right uh none of them can really afford to take a wound because the coherency issues uh I will fix that later and that means I am going to take a wound on the banner I guess can afford it there that's not the instructional Banner that's the one with the skulls on it over there with that the king heads I should four attacks from a net uh fours to hit yeah and six dude oh nice let's see that roll again sixes I see a re-roll there's at least that I guess the logical choice is the Lord on Cracker Jack got a does the loom boss have a three up safe base uh no it's four up Base Four bass he's got Mystic shield on him he charged me he doesn't get the bonus in the woods so but the Spore splatters could be kind of clutched to kill I'm gonna go for the Spore splatters because I technically Need Your Heroes to kind of live for one of my Battle Tactics start with the hexed Hellfire battle ax there threes to hit normally but they are holding within 12 of the Spore for negative one to hit uh six is to wound or good on the Hellfire ax that's the Miss as well six dude let's go uh oh I hate nice I it does damage okay so I just uh that's two more wounds uh this is where it's funny so two mortal moves there and then this is minus one you're saved so it does uh two damage yeah so it might as well so it doesn't actually doesn't matter at all find them so we do four damage so far he's got the demon bound blade which also hits on fours those Miss and so is that actually the tearing horns are on fives because of the spores nothing all right so I just do the four just the four damage one lips oh they're one wound each yes outstanding come to the Soul Grinder we're gonna get a few extra Goblin attacks as they wrap in and around and they're staring holding within nine of the Spore Fanatics uh I assume they're gonna take the Loon bosses all out attack uh yes and that'll be from leadership so they're gonna do Mortal moves on sixes to wound 17 gets in range to attack 35 attacks because of the champion threes to hit after that we have the extra reach on the Nets so we got three Nets coming in as well we do the first half on threes from the stabbers uh we're rolling ones to hit because of final transmutation re-roll all right oops sorry a little more help the moon roll uh looking for one stereo we got one in there that's re-rolling that was where'd that goes one hey it's still another one so that is going to be these are fives to wound and three Mortals on top of it it's three mortal wounds and six saves so far second volley this is probably the end of the Soul Grinder yeah following the ones excellent eyes to wound here marker nergel let's protect me a little bit we're only once I see a couple of ones in there you can go ahead and reroll them then these are gonna be oh beautiful that's five mortal wounds Plus in additional two save so seven more saves than five Mortals it's your own mortal wounds Actually I don't even have a ward saving because he's just dead I'm like I think I got all these mortal moves I gotta save against no he's just dead that's eight more wounds all right well it has no death Rose so he is overcome by uh toxins and poisons and that my friend is a completed battle tactic not bad you killed you killed something he killed something now I got that if I get priority or if I keep priority let's see if he's chosen go in there and clean house I hope banking a lot on them my pick will be the exalted hero swinging into the gets in the middle four attacks on fours oh he's a little tired from last time threes to wound oh nothing on him and after that your loom boss gets to go into my one the girl go over here the car could drag Lord yeah threes did with this sickle good start one fail and four is because of nurgle it mattered for one we roll the one because I have a good armor save two of them actually yeah two does have all of Defense so these are back to threes he's good all day should be it for combat now for scoring objective you got your 2.3 battle tactic you definitely still have this one because you have the nine inch control range on them still they lost their nines controlling so I believe we'll double check but I think I took this objective and I don't have to worry about battle shock on that one guy I got 14 to the nine on the gets there I mean not that they need the extra nine inch control they're pretty much all in range of it minus a couple but uh that means I think he rolls on the eye of the Gods table you so you get one object you're on one of them and you got your battle tactic for three victory points putting you at eight to my three uh but you have a couple battle shots to do if you want use both your indominables but you still have a indomitables is that what it is yeah but you still have your inspiring presents if you need it hi would you want to keep it you can use that or a plus one attack well the sport splatter has a 10 bravery so oh yeah that's right they can't fail at the Fanatics as well do you want to inspire them I will inspire this unit all right and I have a command point but I got nothing to inspire I expected to take a little bit more cash with these there but they held pretty strong so uh there's just be a waste of command point but that's okay with that in mind let's see if that Shrine has more to offer so you lost 40 goblins earlier on a four up you get 20 back is that right that's right all right let's see no rerolls no nothing just dice yeah just straight dice yeah so it's holier than 12 more than three away from me and then we roll for priority they are gonna pop up there holy within 12 and more than three of me to reinforce this flank and because my exalted hero is uh part of taking this objective away from the gets we were on the other gods table six which is plus one was charge roll okay uh for the sake of naming it is unearthy reflexes the slimesh one all right now we have the priority roll it's gonna be big I win Ties on this one let's see can we keep priority a four oh six yes the gets get to take priority back I assume you would like to take it absolutely okay so it'll be turn three for the Gloom Spike kids so I'm going second in the bat around here uh this is currently with the scores I got nothing on my first turn three on the second turn gets got five and three and uh we have to roll for the bad moon technically supposed to do it before but it doesn't really matter it changes literally nothing no we're making it's making us Liars here man it's just there we talked about how consistent it was now it's just it's just sorry whatever that's fine that's fine now we go into your hero phase proper let me reset some of this nonsense I have down here uh that guy keeps his mutation until my hero phase adapter die falls off and I can just reapply it if I need to the only thing that sticks around is that mutation or because I had no other lasting oh I have oracular visions on these guys they have a six award safe they keep that they're all for the most piece of work that's easy to remember four up yes there you go you're up to three command points as for my action I'll go with willpower again I'll just keep trying to get the willpower going we're gonna go ahead and put the adapter die command ability over here and I'm gonna reallocate my adapter die to these chosen over here they'll get their 504 save the battle tactic one is going to be conquered to take an objective away from me this turn that's easy enough I suppose we are going to attempt a rally on this unit uh that's from why does this work it does something weird it's the action I've never used it yeah it's the goblin specific heroic action yeah so it allows me to issue rallied up to three units that's what it was okay but I'm just gonna do it here oh okay fair we're missing 17 gets from this unit so they're not under the effect of the bad moon so we're looking for sixes here I'm gonna counter rally with my Warriors of chaos on that flank there's only two missing models though oh that's kind of cool it does let you do with those spinning command points but it does issue the rally order Fair all right so it's kind of like better leadership in buffer rallies because typically like heroic leadership into a rally this one just lets you do it I like that I was looking for 17 sixes here all of them only 10 will count though ah oh hey that's not bad three six eight that's pretty good hey bad at all luck getting saves now oh yeah never we'll see where they end up and while Josh is doing that I'm gonna rally over here for one of my three command points oh I try I have to pick a phase uh for you to cost extra command points I'm gonna go combat phase makes the most sense so in the combat phase if you issue an order it will cost one more command point maybe and rallying those guys over there uh okay I get a guy back oh let's just go ahead and put you right there I guess so the Mystic shield from huffa well mostly from uh Egypt all right you got it really good roll at the 10 I'll let you keep that one I won't try and stop that and what's his second spell uh the fungoid rot that he's been using all game yeah trying to lower their save and do more wounds I think it's going on the Warriors right let's see if you get it I would definitely want to stop this one if I can seven would you like to roll that one I will reroll that one there we go and okay I need to roll a an eight to stop it because I get plus one to dispel I get a seven also boo nice three mode wounds two they have a five up to ignore more balloons I take two that's my wounded Banner and put someone elsewhere I'm gonna put that wound on this side over here so minus one of their saves as well so they have a six up board with regular visions and minus one saved and that's his two spells done I have one more unbind on grolgore go ahead and cast itchy nuisance from The Little Wizard back here the very back all right let's see what you get and You're Gonna Roll Up uh seven strikes last on them oh I fear yeah throw the one for the tribe I'll take the opportunity to try and stop this one on an eight not support doesn't matter what I try to stop with him he was gonna fail so that is going to be another effect on them they are going to be a little weaker do an Arcane Bolt from that little madcap Shaman I have no way to stop it you got it so he's gonna have a bolt on him we're gonna go ahead and run to the fungood cave shop he's gonna try and Nick it Nick it just does D3 mortal wounds to a unit uh in this case because they have no artifacts on them is that the one that takes artifacts the yeah that's the one that takes artifacts and the reason I get it is because of the special realm trait that lets all my guys have a spell that's a spell I've chosen oh okay that's fair yeah yeah all right we'll roll it up let's see what we get here okay that's it you got it uh D3 more wounds it is to The Chosen they have a six sub word say from the uh the rewards of chaos so at least have that going for him show me a five or a six please one one single mortal wound and they they don't Ward it they take it who's left on that chosen last but not least the nose Watts from the gobble Blues then a couple spells what are we thinking I'm gonna do the um scare face um glare face I think maybe is what he's called um but he's gonna give plus one to run in charge to my unit against get them away from him oh spooky spooky run uh and then this spell the cloud puff fungal cloud might just want to hit you got it and then we have the mesmerized from the shroom man there onto my carcadrack Lord on a six I believe oh you got it all right so no commands can be issued or received by him is it issued and received issued or received that's pretty good this one General and then these guys get bonuses to their runs and charges and then negative on a hit to everything older than 12. go to the move phase oh we got to do that we're just double checking we have to do the snufflers though uh they're thinking about just Auto running through but there this Gap is blocked off between the two so we'd have to charge in oops we'd still Target them with the sneaky snufflers on a two plus because they're under the effect of the bad moon did they find the mushrooms probably in a wasted adapter die here but the extra attack could be spicy oh it didn't matter didn't matter what you targeted so the adapter Drive is a call it works out in the end there the thing with these goblins is they don't want to move at all because the second they move it a millimeter these guys redeploy and close the gap a little bit making it harder to conquer this objective so they're gonna have to just long bomb a charge in Pile in but they with that in mind they can stay outside of three no problem let me come over to this side these gets they're gonna run they get plus one another roll or plus two even because they're musician I assume use at the screen and I can't risk redeploying over here because then that would allow you to move with them over here is not ideal so uh that's it for the big moves does that fungal you want to reposition or is he happy where he is uh he's going to kind of stagger in behind them a little bit I'm we can just do it right there we go that works there and then any elements over here want to move got a few shamans you can't I think the shamans are kind of okay where they're at did you want to shoot that Arcane bolt out now do you plan on charging in with them for D3 more wounds I'm gonna I can shoot it out at the end of this phase so we can go ahead and do it if you want all right I assume the cracker jacket five aboard he's got the uh nope he takes a damage the eight moons left after that I'm gonna move the uh explore spot of an action just a couple of inches just to get them other ores a little bit further up and we have huffa engage in combat with these Warriors of chaos still and that is that I guess the sneaky snufflers can't move and the gobble palooza doesn't want to move so that should be it right that's it all right we're ready to shoot him got a little bit of breathing from huffa and some slings 14 models in that Warrior of chaos unit potential mortar wounds coming up six is I see one they have a rune shield to protect the face with oh look at that they learned this time double slings for fun should be that's a hit and then a moon roll no it's force and Force if I recall just the one charge here I don't think they get bonuses to it and they're not slowed down so you don't really need a long one you just it'd be the higher the roll the better right you just need two charge essentially is it Bob A6 is not bad I come in six this way again the idea is they get to control objectives with the nine so they can really put a lot of pressure on it so they're charging in with the idea of keeping a lot of models on this subjective still it's not coming to my attention that I completely forgot about my plus one to hit moon on that unit of uh chaos whereas there and honestly don't even care they don't even have it on as far as I can tell I'll just try it again next year and try to remember there's a little bit too much going on in the campaign with all the little realm rules and all the little bonuses so bound to forget a thing here and there game's complicated enough with just the battle tones it's a lot to remember there so when you started adding all the narrative campaign all the bonuses all the armies get in addition to that man it's a lot that's the only charge huffa is engaged we're gonna look for a Roar on a three up uh yes no commands on them we're gonna go first with the Loon boss over here against my chaos Lord yeah do you can't he's right so it doesn't really matter he's just gonna tank it five attacks on threes all right two hits and four is to wound cousin hurtle that is a wound three minus one that goes right through he's only got three up and D3 damage he does have a five oh nice he does have a five up board saved from the mutation he takes two he's got six remaining wounds uh fights last with these guys over here so let's go with the champion I suppose the exalted hero is gonna put his attacks into the Goblins in the middle there everyone's engaged with uh forced to hit now one at minus one is six up all right two damage but they have a six upward for adapter die he kills two kills two not too bad and then that's my pick Spore splatophonatic matters next because these guys have itchy nuisance so they can't fight uh D3 attacks from him let's see what he's got one awesome I think it's a four on Tuesday I see twos to hit that's a hit and a five tune because in our goal big bucks uh yeah random one now four of them okay how much damage D3 damage he's got six wounds left and he is gonna go to two more rewards neither he's got four remaining ones look at that he might as well go I'm gonna put the mat everything's negative I'm gonna hit so I'm gonna put I'll put the mount into I'll put the sword into the Spore splatter fanatic and everything else in the Loon boss Loom boss has cover right now though because he's just chilling in the woods so let's do the hex Hellfire ax on four six the wound are good and we got uh okay two more wounds a six upward save why does he have a 60 board safe this is the loom boss that's just what they have that's right it takes one damage and then the mount on fives oh the mount hits three times that's uh for this the Spore Cloud three wounds that effectively run one but you're in the woods so three up save still or four up I guess yeah ah two more damage she's got six upward and all right two more damages it takes three in total two remaining wounds and the demon bound blade into the Spore splatter two more wounds we got him or at least two more that's like uh 2d3 motor wounds technically but bye buddy or two more ones in addition to the damage yeah got him though that's important we're gonna go on to fighting my chaos Warriors here marked by nervous they're completely surrounded by goblins huffa is gonna go first the spoon the steering spoon won't be in range but the the gore and the bites I assume are at least two inch reach yes yeah all right all right horn there should be resist threes to hit this one is well um it was threes because I mean buff I did so it is forced to hit right of course room because of Mark nurgle rolling ones though oh two one Super Bowl and two wounds not bad uh and if there is a red we do ignore it but our saves reduced by one so that means we go back to a four up on them so fours okay make two it didn't really matter any of those modifiers how much damage two two each so we got six up board for oracular vision we take two kills this guy and it's gonna put one on that guy and then we have the extra bite attacks there's gonna be uh actually there should be a seventh uh Gore attack because of the sport splatters it's hard to remember yeah it's always AOA you wouldn't think of it too much right you're not used to using that kind of stuff yeah that sport splata I keep forgetting he's a git although obviously that is a hit and then a woo not a four uh yes and then another four up we're good okay and then we're gonna have three bite attacks fours against you all right easy enough all hit that's scary these are four damage each forced wound ah two of them and these are run two we're in two so these run one so five UPS oh we make one nergo saves us there four damage though irregular Visions I did not see it coming so these guys are gonna die odd one was my other musician so one dies I lose that guy I guess because he's technically so I got one more wound to put down let's go ahead and do it to this guy I guess why not so we're down three chaos Warriors sorry for them we're gonna fight with these guys uh all the attacks on the boards of chaos and I assume we want all about attack with the Lord I'm just outside of holy within 12 on these guys so I'm gonna have to use it here they still get the extra attack which ain't bad because the Sports Labs on the three up though because it's the combat phase order it costs you an additional it costs two command points for that one leaves you with one left and then uh quite a bit of a tax though the reason tape with the stabbers these are all the attacks uh re-rolling not the ones tip of the ones to correct on ones fives to wound but sixes are Immortals in addition and only have a fourth save against them ah but we do get to rule the ones and the re-roll okay just another wound there's no netters in that unit that's it so Five Wounds in total and Immortal so the Five Wounds uh we have four UPS so we pass three and then that's gonna be two six upward saves because of oracular vision if we take two damage and then a five aboard from the Mortal okay just two you're gonna die that should fix our coherency ish that might be a little suspicious oh I get a pile in though uh let's put the wound on that guy why why not he lost not bad though it's pretty good killing five Warriors of chaos there uh Mark and ergon the banner uh is that it for all your attacks no these guys I have the Goblins at the end they're attacking for the should be 10 attacks and threes fives here we go fours uh they don't have a lot of oh that's true nice five spooned huzzah four of save oh we're good oh my guys can fight back let's just make sure we fix that coherency a little bit have you go a little more that way oh no that's right you have the pile in there you go there but I can only really fix the coherency these two guys are unable to attack still because uh coherence the issue side it doesn't look like an hsd there we go fixed so we got one attacking this way and then one two three four five six attacking this way we only have two attacks each because the champion is occupied these should be forced to hit and again I I they probably have demonic power but it's been feels like it's been hours so I'm not gonna worry about it threes to wound uh and we have five at minus one the six step for rollable effectively because of uh after die and nope that's not gonna help there and then the ward say for adapting to the Roman medal okay not bad three die there and then I have one of them attacking this unit two attacks Two Moons just gonna be two six up saves I guess bye kills two take that who's got your Mystic Shield I can't remember was damn they had Mystic Shield boom it's only one dice you made a five and a three okay that is kind of it I think that's everything result uh your battle tactic is probably good because you took the subjective you got a total of 17 models in range of the objective because of their unit size to my four seven eight nine ten eleven-ish uh but we do have battle shots uh I am going to inspire my guys I don't want to afford to lose any of them I'll have one command Point left for them you're gonna Inspire your own guys and then these guys will have to take a battle shock with that one guy can they they actually lose anyone maybe yes they can because they are I think a four bravery oh that's a very night Goblin thing to do ah they're good they're good perfect that you gain four victory points battle tactic and two of the objectives just an update I am only at three victory points to your current 12. but I have a chance to get five five of five I just gotta do a lot of damage still forgot because I control Barrel um I actually go to an extra command point this turn before I go too deep into my turn we have to roll for the Loon train you lost the units on a four up you might get half that unit back it'd be the fungal the fourth spat of Fanatics I can't say words ah no not quite keep going with the theme of being a little risky and taking Battle Tactics uh for my grand strategy at the end of the game that might help offset the first turn if I can actually go for it uh the best course of action this turn is in lust for power I pick an objective that has enemies within 12 and if there are no enemy units within 12 at the end of the turn I'll get the battle tactic now that means I got to take out the 20 goblins only the only the Goblins there so it's not too bad and that Loom boss with two remaining wounds that means I gotta kill a character which is not ideal for one of the grand strategy or one of the Battle Tactics for later okay well with that in mind let's go ahead and do some heroic actions uh if I can remember plus when I had to win this turn I'm gonna draw on Power and cast demonic power on the chosen this turn I gotta do actions and everything oh that actually that's my action drawing power that's what he gets the cast of three dice what would you like to do for your action you could recover huffa that's what I'm gonna do ah there we go nice leadership uh he's at eight current moons and he's gonna go up two uh oh nine all right you tell me his bravery's five he went to Euro could cover him he is a five and I wrote a five okay fair all right so with that draw on power for my chaos Source forward we're gonna cast demonic power on three dice well we did not miscast so we got it uh total of uh 10 I guess with the plus one that's my only spell so they might as well try and stop it and thanks to the staff of sneaky stealing the stern spoon in this case he gets an additional plus one to cast no intention of using the chaos familiar that phase if anyone's curious if I forgot or not that should be mostly it this guy's gonna use the random mutation command ability on himself or heroic action I should say and he's going to get okay the ward save again that's ideal he's kind of hurt he could use it didn't really help him too much later but maybe we'll help him now and then adapt or die is going to go on these this is going to stay on them who do you want to put your adapter die on because it was on damage this goes away every player turn yeah I think it's gonna have to be on the Big Blob this time six upwards save for them gotcha understood it's gonna bring us to the movement phase we're good we got that we have to hammer them Hammer that flank Hammer the flank we got the tools for us we got the chaos nates coming The Chosen come in they can go and fight I haven't used my fight twice yet on either chose news we can try and use them to clean things up a little bit here and I would love to kill off the Goblins over there as well because if I can kill them and them I can rally this unit and then they have the better rally so I can probably get a pretty good chance they'll get about five models back I hope with that in mind there should be no redeploy as I care about so these guys can move that way they're gonna move around this way and we'll be back after these messages we moved the chosen up and around we move the The Source row because I'm just going to send them in anyways just again I need to get my characters to the front uh the chaos nates move over this way and then both of these units are going to move forward as well I guess I don't fall on a risk it I think I'm just gonna stay where I am just going to charge from where I am a weird six on the replay could ah it gets away from the objective though so I guess I might as well move forward move them forward again not really worth risking the redeploy because they would just help me in this case for my battle tactic I gotta watch out for the hand of gork later two or hand of Mork that's the gospel Shenanigans you can pull off there got no shooting so I'm good to go right to charge I'm going to start with these guys they get plus one to the charge minus one of their charge see what they get going uh so just a five oh we're gonna not worry about going over that these guys are just gonna go three because they got to go up and over the wall gonna charge like that they'll be able to Pile in and get arranged we're gonna have the chaos Warriors declare charge oh yeah hell yeah charging like that keeping those guys on the edge there coherent between the Goblin and then those two guys hanging out back there not able to really make it in and right to the other side of the table these chosen declaring a charge they are effectively after all modifiers plus one to charge uh because they have plus two to their charge for unearthly reflexes charged like that let's get that sorcerer in there uh three inch charge should be good enough barely makes it he's about there and then these guys are in clear charge oh they're minus one two oh okay there you go I think oh nine and that's then making it in there they get no their charge bonuses extra punch with their lances when they make their charge I got no monsters so we are good to go right to fighting you have somebody to start the fight phase right I keep forgetting now you always do the moment the moment yes who's going on uh I think it's got to be the chosen chosen it is fight first with these shows and it's more important that I kill stuff off over here then again I'm afraid of my Lord dying over there it's like technically have to go first with him can't issue or order anything because he's got mesmerized on him still I believe so uh we're just gonna go ahead and we'll pile them in a little bit and then attack the loom boss kill his uh butt right here so let's go with the hex Hellfire ax on fours because of the spores uh there's two misses and then these are three swooned one wound uh rendo of one but you're in cover so boom three four up I guess oh uh you ever six the board this is two damage one of many attacks I could go through oh no does he die he does all right so we kill him that means at the end of the phase We're Gonna Roll on the other gods table for Mr the pantheon loves me so much oh I can't wait to see what we get happy third Saturday dude I'm up the cottage with them we're playing golf I swear they know me by name all right who's uh you get to go now though who do you who do you who do you want to play with here who is the big threat technically my objective is all based around on the combats over here yeah as we're probably gonna fight over here and I forgot to mention the oracular Visions on them again just so I don't have to worry about it myself currently they have oracular visions uh they fight last I assume that last until your next hero phase and their save is reduced by one still they're gonna go know all that attack on him no we're gonna pile them in and see what kind of damage they can do so we piled in we're gonna fight we're gonna start over here nine of them with stabbers and uh there's two Nets over here that could reach oh there's a third net there so it's gonna be three Nets and then nine stabbers too far away from the Spore splatters so here are the stabbers hitting on fours I guess that's two hits yep uh no re-rolling ones there the wound rolls is what you get there should be Vives really ones more there's the re-roll and no and then the netters nine attacks on fours okay fives to wound of course the sixes it'll be sixes all right I'm more stabbers and two Nets on the chaos Knights yeah this has worked out nicely it's all even fours and fives remember the ones two re-up on the chaos Knights we're okay and the two netters oh spicy roll let's see that roll again six is I see a re-roll at least did we get the six no close oh we hear seven stab is into these chaos Warriors hitting on fours that's three and one fives fives yes four UPS because the nasty spell and then they have a regular Vision oh nice he's seen his death coming and he decided not to die instead it's actually zero damage dance impressive that's very impressive miracle I know it could be pretty it could be pretty obnoxious uh let's go with uh I guess I'm kind of safe to go over here you guys here are gonna all that attack I can't afford to not all that attack with these guys so I have you Pile in there uh secondary that's gonna mess up my coherency that guy's Not Gonna Die come on he's not gonna die he'll pile into a boat there uh and then this guy's just gonna pile into a boat there but they have good reach so they're good to go I think you kind of need both here but uh I think the Gamble's worth doing we're gonna although defense here but because it's the combat phase on a three up it costs another one which means you can't Inspire because you only have the two command points but I think if you don't although defense they're just all dead anyways so it's up to you what do you think I think I'm gonna do it do you got to take risks all right it costs two no command points for an Inspire which could be real nasty so we got 15 attacks from The Chosen back to threes to hit because uh all in all that attacking here got some misses in here and then that's two more wounds and threes with uh back to your five up so you owe me six five UPS six five up Center more wounds oh the defense helped the one so it's gonna be seven dead on that first one there and they're definitely gonna declare they're fighting again this turn uh which is ruinous Onslaught or worlds of a ruined nation that was actually not as much damage as I was thinking they get to Pile in and fight again they have the strike slide they fight later but with the strikes on this Rule and that's my pick I'm gonna bring the fight to these gets here they get plus one attack because they're near the Spore splatters eight stab is in there no more Nets and an additional one for the boss these are fours and fives to wounds because nurgle uh one oh the rerolls though it help I hope so two or UPS vision that guy also seen this death coming no damage uh let's go with huh I don't know if it really matters that much I'm gonna go with these chaos Warriors next there's three four five six seven that can attack and uh they have this objective and they're not holding their territory so just uh two attacks each these are forced hit because you got a Netter in the unit still that's a damn good roll though and threes to wound oh look at these guys are still Unstoppable girls that's ten wounds minus the five UPS five UPS okay three saves that means seven die all right not too bad that's what we got left there to deal with and that's my this guy's within three compile in a fight if he wants to you might as well go in we got the who had the mom that shows and probably at the moment on they did yeah all right I act as a sacrificial lamb so that I can't pile into uh more of the what they call the gets over here all right this is gonna be three attacks two hits and then fives to wound I guess because of nurgle absolutely I and then I'll go coming in clutch a little swing homie a couple of squeak attacks Force One Hit and uh I think three normally the wound right with this wig normally four so it's half five okay it's a little squeak hey you know coming to Big again all right well that's pretty much all these guys still can't attack yet because of the strikes last I'll do the let's do the chaos Knights first let's do you know what let's do this guys let's get him out of the way a little bit we'll have his attacks his staff to attack with he's gonna hit on a four no five they have netters in there don't you yeah so Missus and the rude blade is fours with the naked okay he's done the last thing for the gets to attack with are the Goblins over here and the boss and the other guys uh got uh okay two hits fives to wound this is the real the one the stupid floors keep coming up man hey that's a damage uh I don't actually have a ward saving wrong rolling it let's take advantage if I had to charge things up a good point I had I had the word save I would have made that one one damage on that guy and then the single Netter in there the single Netter uh okay well I have a couple of attacks over here with the Stray well no not strikes last I'm gonna go with the chaos Knights first I guess we'll have you Pile in this way you can attack over there and you can attack because you're within half an inch of another guy they have four guys with lances these are five stick because as they charge in they get barraged by Nets uh it stops a couple of the hits and then that's what I have uh two wombs at Red two we rent two uh so I but you have four Ward saves we guess we could make a big pool of them Champion is modeled with the cursed flail threes to hit normally he does not care of Nets uh and then three wounds no Rend five UPS ET so we're at seven wounds fourth board stays for adapter die and then I got the trampling Hooves oh I'll just move that guy over a little bit and get the horse in there I realize the horses don't get to attack an extra rank so let's get the two extra attacks from horses let me tell you one thing I know a lot about horses and one thing they hate the most is Nets fives to hit with uh because the Nets and uh one five up save and naturally so that's eight Ward saves okay let's see what we got here slaves are not Goblin strong suit no but maybe words are okay seven die pull from over here and pull in that way and I think you've attacked with everything so I have to go with these chosen before I can do my two strikes last unit so that's what's left naturally The Chosen are gonna Pile in so if you go here you go over that way and closer to him and then share whatever it doesn't really matter much 15 attacks negative one to hit though 15 attacks on fours that is Immortal oops that was Immortal look at those netters kick off there that's all those misses that's like Forge or misses and threes all right so uh three six up saves see if we can make any six up saves hey you made one so that's four damage plus a mortal so five uh Wards five words four damage all right four die and then I'll declare that they're gonna fight again but with uh fights last which I'll just go ahead and resolve now bro now I got strikes last there strikes last oh no this guy's got a fight actually the exalted here Ord two hits I wish it was ah two wounds run one sups I kill oh no Ward on that they had the no because they failed last turn yeah no Ward on that's just he skills four oh no the exalted hero is the champion of Chaos all right and then now my strikes last guys so I got strikes last there strikes last there and strike slash is there and they get to fight again so I'm just gonna do let me get these Warriors of Chaos in the middle of the way I don't get to attack with a lot of these guys I can't afford to Pile in anymore because I gotta stay away from them because I want to kill them and rally on my turn so one is in range two three four Warriors of Chaos but we are fighting over an objective we don't control so Champions and range show will be 13 attacks no netters so threes ah kill all the Goblin netters and they're not a problem anymore three's to wound uh four minus one kill you better believe this is six upstairs which they're probably gonna run so we'll leave the champion Knight Goblin there and uh after a long grind the middle looks like it's mine over here and then I will resolve these guys and their strikes last uh don't really need to pile them in it'll just be another 15 attacks the netters on fours okay a little bit better they've they've taken the Nets off of them and they've learned how to fight a little bit better oh that is uh six more wounds and threes okay okay uh that is seven six up saves six UPS okay you make three that's not bad that's 14 more saves though because of the Mortal wounds and the four fails teen Wards adapt or die okay 11 die Shadowood the goblin news that were here okay they don't like prolong prolonged combat with Warriors of chaos apparently all right all right I knocked that over let me fix that Boop and then uh these guys get to Pile in but not much we're just gonna go beat the crap out of a nerd I guess uh this guy is gonna stay as close as he was to him this guy is gonna this guy's gonna pile up and around up and around this guy's gonna get to there so I can put two into them and then these three are gonna Crump this guy's face in we got the two inch reach those two are good to attack over there and they're currently still under the olive attack the two attacking the goblins on threes because they have a there's still a meta in that unit there's a mortal novel and two saves five UPS okay so that's three damage on them and uh I don't even think that one now so that kills three of them yeah dicer fun to roll yeah I guess it's a fun roll now granted uh I think I don't know what the I think the right answer was not although defense because technically you all have defense and kept him you made enough saves that those three are there because of the all-out defense but the Inspire would have been now granted you would have never stopped the battle tactic because without without the all-look defense they were dead yeah but you would have had the Inspire for that here yes that's that's in hindsight that's what we see here I'm with three guys attacking here still hitting on threes though because of negative one to hit at the before I roll anything so he'll take Immortal wound to the face and four saves that run one there's no save at all against these attacks he just dies he just gets completely caved in by all the chosen weapons I mean at least that's an honorable death he got killed by three chosen of chaos that's not a bad way to die duh there we did it we did our very brutal combat and uh these guys run away to battle shock oh end of the phase let's see if Mr dummy here uh ten that's a five upward save Aura of chaos five on board safe told you everyone told you they had their eyes on me look at me look how blessed I am look how blessed by chaos look how much they love me and then I think these guys take a pretty nasty battle shock I think they might all be gone if by nasty you mean they're all gone I think so all right they're boogieing plus 14 plus a D6 minus so even if you roll a one they're gonna lose 13 models I think is that nope nine but yeah nobody lost 17. that is uh on a one you roll six you lose eleven is there 11 there four eight nine there's ten okay they're gone yeah that does give uh the end of the turn I take control of this objective back did he helps so he has to roll yet again on the other gods table a few times oh wait this plus one just charge or something uh eight plus one it was charged five up board save and uh uh Slaughter of strength is extra rent he's renting two on his attacks I'm not going to be able to remember all this stuff I guess but we're gonna try our best uh we do get Five Points finally for chaos we have all the objectives and we got our battle tactic complete and uh we didn't see where that bad moon goes are you ready to see this bad moon goes to the middle I need it in the middle I live that bad mood's gonna jump because it should be before the prior to roll I believe kind of my only chance to have enough points to at least compete will give you a lot of additional options for Battle Tactics and stuff as well you ready for priority roll I'm ready you win ties I'm gonna get a spicy three oh six I assume you would like to keep that priority I'm Gonna Take It All right so it will be turn four for the gets in this game so on to turn four current command points uh and that this is a little confusing for scoring but I do this break for about around one two three four five on the bottom here I guess uh and I am at eight to your 12. so you're up by four and you're about to go but I am in a pretty good position and if anyone wants a goblin kill can I have killed 140 gets this game so far so many dead goblins it is getting to be a lot I have lost 11 Warriors of chaos specifically and a Soul Grinder but 12 Warriors of Castle is one rallied let me tell you I'm gonna rally that unit right now I'm gonna recover this guy right now that's my plan this turn no matter what all I've left you with is a bunch of nerds just a bunch of the you know textbooks swinging let's see if they can handle the Warriors of chaos sneaking up on well not really sneaking up on just approaching up to him uh what would you like to do for your battle tactic I want to do a Moonlight raid you know like is that kill the unit while under the effect of the Bad Moon Under the effect of the bad Moon's still an objective from an opponent oh okay easy easy easy easy I uh you for your action that's a better question um you go and try another clutch recovery on like bravery five you know what you can do it you can do command point or maybe I don't know a rally though nothing there's nothing really actually like I should do a command point on him I think that's the right call man I want to do a recovery though I think do a hypothetical recovery hypothetical all right now he wasn't ready to recover let's do the command point I rolled that he just wrote the opposite oh no that's dice though I guess I am going to recover girl Gore maybe he's nine he is just so very brave uh he'll heal two he's back up to six of nine bloop and then he is still under the effect of the mutation and then my adapter die is probably just gonna go on them again just so I don't have to change that and my I'm going to Rally these guys at the start of the hero face as well from three to two command points and I have three four five six seven eight nine ten there so I'm rolling 10 dice rally on fives because they're the host of the other shows and I don't think they reverted the Nerf to Fours I haven't looked but yeah I am gonna get one back I'm gonna bring back a musician I guess uh if he dies that's a problem for this guy's coherency so we'll go like this I guess what's the problem for everyone's going it's really but it's all the same they're down to just a rack I'm trying to remember everything so they're gonna have adapter die they're gonna have a regular Vision on them still he has the uh mutation of a five abort save and that should be about it because everything else is reset we just have to reapply all those negative Buffs again what do you want to put your adapter die on who you want to have a 50 board save uh it's gonna have to be agent half of this turn and and huffa are going to adapt or die Fair start the spell casting with ijit and huffa I only have one unbind left from the world's worst chaos sorcerer Lord he's gonna hit the knights with that fungaloid rust again oh yes okay bring it on plus one to cat plus two to cast right plus two to cast now nine hmm do I care but then Heights hmm not really I'll let them have it I guess roll up the Mortal wounds and they are going to take three I just have two days with me they have a five up board so that's two damaged okay one's got a wound list we'll take it on this guy one left a little red marker down to hopefully remember they only have a four of Saved now we're gonna throw it a hand of gork this is the one I gotta stop but you gotta re-roll so it's gonna be kind of hard to prevent uh okay how about uh 13 which I can't stop it okay Hannah gork is gonna pick up a unit and put it down somewhere be picked up and be put down that is your objection now that's Moonlight raid complete I can't do nothing about that uh Shaman here is going to put Mystic shield on this unit all right Fair why not give it a shot oh that's a myth we can re-roll I assume um yes he is close enough to another wizard so he does get through still fails still fails the other madcap Shaman is going to cast um we're gonna Nick it Nick boom on this guy uh cast on we'll find out there's a three no there you go tonight no bonuses on that one I kind of want to give her that negative one to hit or I was gonna pop off here what does it do Mortal wounds it's gonna do a D3 mortal wounds and not take his thing away because it's not a 10 or more correct I'll let this one go off I guess just don't do three more wounds and I will be okay he's protected by chaos or technically the mutation but also both then gabapalooza spells Mesmerize put it on him again try and lock him down might as well keep him from issue in commands okay uh yeah you can have it I guess I don't it's okay and then I just want that I want something the negative one to hit spell and here's that the fungaloid cloud cloud God Nine's not batting to keep that I'm Gonna Keep it yeah so I gotta roll a 10 on him to stop I gotta roll a nine on him to stop it because he gets plus one you suck negative one hit bubble it's okay I've been dealing with it all game I guess I can just keep going moving idiot and huffa up and around there he's gonna he's got some chaos nice he wants to look at and the Spore spot of Fanatics are gonna move up ah yeah it's they go They're exactly three look at that let me get some of these Heroes out of here just so you can deny one of my Battle Tactics I only have two available Battle Tactics left one of them involves me being near Heroes so you gotta deny me as much as you can gobble's best strategy has always been running away boom hey he's gonna go one sure or slowly walking or slowly walking away and then we have the other mad cap there I did forget to mention that I was gonna choose combat phase for the extra command Point ability because I'm going second in the battle round that's where both those sillies run off too palooza is gonna try to make a wall to cry protecting the characters and then we have a little bit of shooting here from huffa uh who's he want to go for these guys again I think it's still gonna be them they're the most most people in the unit 11 in the unit sixes all right shows up boys uh one damage it kills the guy it's so sad he just breaks Michael here and see I'm gonna lose like three models who don't charge me which I seems to be the case all right next up we have the snodlings students had a couple slings at them same unit yeah one hit and a wounding on not that all right and then we have a charging is a huffa it's agent huffa they're the only ones charging this turn all right let's bring it in Bob good enough it's a four but it's all that matters ah he got it perfectly three inches away from the Chosen and the Warriors of chaos I was hoping that you know you had to release Engage The Chosen so I couldn't Pile in but I guess the smart thing would just be allow them to Pile in and not fight the chosen naturally and also yes the audio is different because uh mic issues all the mics in the studio are dead because everyone's games went super long here and you would think five sets of mics are enough no not one you got all like three different games going along and uh the other one's in use uh so we gotta have a slightly crappier audio for the end here but I'm sure you guys don't mind all that much anyways that's still in charge that means we've got a monstrous Rampage what are you thinking I'm thinking roar or stomp you know I kind of need to clear them out stomp might be the better option the question is does raw I think roaring gets more damage mathematically but it's hard to predict because it's all over the place but then again you could fail what you gotta tell you go with you guys helps me roar Rory is then three up uh yep you had no commands on the connects and we're gonna go right to fighting first starting with a stir spoon naturally the staff is think he's stealing spoon is sneaky stealing uh should be oh yeah fancy roll minus one we got nurgle here eyes all right nothing we got seven Gores now because of the Spore Spyder Fanatics nearby should be threes and fours I guess oh Sports and threes so that is not as good oh fourth Oak is it fourth hidden only on that eh okay oh cause you got plus one hit Moon last time I get it it was a spicy roll though uh these are forced moving then because of nurgle it was so fun interactive hey not bad two of them Brenda of uh one right they were and but they also the spells on them as well yeah so technically Ren two so that's gonna be five UPS which I'll boxcar was it really was there only two yeah it was only two it was only two okay the chompa chompa two hits not bad and uh I think it's four zero Wow real the one I don't think nurgle mattered here at all you just ruled like crap man oh lee all right well I guess I'll Pile in a fight your bag pilot I'm gonna Engage The Spore splatter Fanatics in case you want to come on in and let me fix my cohere and see all my Warriors and Chaos I got two lances a flat oh sorry four lances because they can fight like the old glitch of veterans because they poke far and then one flail and then three hopes I'll actually just do the hooks now they're easy enough there's no negatives to hit here right shouldn't be no excellent the Hooves fours and fours one moon no rain this should be a four up all right I forgot one damage I guess uh he has the five aboard though for adapter die and then we have the six attacks from the flail which is threes and threes I'm gonna remember I rule ones so four saves because we have four up save on your guy and that is gonna be three damage but you have a five award safe and uh three more damage he's got six remaining wounds and then I have four lances for a total of 12 attacks no Force to hit okay there you go you're fine you're fine oh Walmart Reese the womb and that is gonna be a re-roll because your armor save four at run one five UPS okay four more damage but five aboard okay okay and then that's two damage he's got four wounds left that is uh would you like to piling with your sports bladder Fanatics um I think I can pile in one and stay outside of oh yeah her combat and commit ones for Spotify V3 attacks let's go what do we got one and they hit on twos and moon on bikes that's uh nope okay excellent nothing other than uh I guess these three guys die because of coherency and that's kind of it you get three points for your battle tactic and you take one of the objectives from you that's not bad so eight to Fifteen but we as long as we get five five we're good which we should be able to kind of do all right I think I believe I'm considered oh at the end of your turn to get a unit back maybe that is true yes before we go too deep into my turn before I make any decisions let's see what you get you're on a four more no okay nice we don't have like I I'd love if you got it but man we could kill a lot of goblins already would love the plan would be to try and go for the three hero turn now I could go for can you show me where your territory is if you measure from that back Edge there that is where I have to get this unit wholly within range of that unit or these chaos Knights holy within range of that unit because they have the other in terms of the icon uh that has no effect in this game which is not gonna be it'd be like them charging the Loon boss which is not ideal I think I'm gonna scrap my grand strategy just try and stop yours and go for Five Point turns because then mathematically that'll get me to where I need to be we're gonna go for some basic Battle Tactics here and just try and deny Grand strategy so we're gonna go for slay the warlord we gotta kill huffa and idjit he's got four wounds left shouldn't be too too bad let's have to work on taking this back for Five Points so I gotta kill them kinda over there and for our action we're gonna attempt another recovery on the great growgor every night he is A-Okay and he's gonna heal he's got uh one he's that eight eight wounds left on the green core boom boom and your action finest Hour off uh plus one save plus one not bad not bad okay are gonna go ahead and issue a rally to this unit here uh we are missing 13 models should have been at four command points because of bear alarm so I'm gonna stay at three and uh let's see how many we get let's see what we got here we are gonna get back one two that's four five that is exactly the amount we're allowed to get back because that's ten wounds worth of Miles we're just gonna technically they were dead three of those guys just kind of ran away and the exalted her was like uh uh no no no you come back here so they just warm up again uh right there and uh oh boy they're gonna adapter die themselves because that's pretty good for them plus it's gonna adapt or die himself and then I am gonna go for a random mutation on my Lord would huffle like to randomly all he already did is that heroic action this turn it's my turn I get to do two uh that's the SEC D2 that is re-roll sales of one I think which is quite good for him so that means we're good to go to oracular Visions on these guys to keep them with their six upward and then we're gonna have him try and cast demonic power do I want him to cast two spells sure whatever I'll have him use his chaos familiar to cast a second spell this turn so let's do at the start of the hero phase I think we're technically still there in a roundabout way and uh he'll cast a second power this term the chaos familiar but it has to be from the lore so he's gonna use um oh I already did my action too drawn power is not useful here okay that's fine let's go ahead and do demonic power is built-in spell uh that's a nine because he gets a plus one you might as well try and stop it because I have two spells to cast but you have like 42 denies um I've got three denies okay so we do get demonic power that's gonna go on the chosen I suppose I am gonna do miss a shield oh that's not from the lord I can't do that uh I'll do Spike tongue curse for the fun of it oh please don't fail to cast it or get Unbound that's a nine what this does is three mortal wounds to a unit I'll just try with one of the Mad caps no bonuses nine you Nintendo not enough yeah all right can you oh you can only rework customers all right three mortal wounds to huffle but he's got a five upward save travel more damage on him okay one damage tough has got three wounds left and that should be it for my hero phase we're gonna keep uh these guys can move like I'm not gonna bother they're gonna stay there uh they're oh they're everyone's kind of engaged we'll have this guy move up and around these guys are gonna reform up and around him as well a little bit there keep all this where it is uh guys gonna just go Loop right onto the objective and the little cracker Dragon morning I am gonna send the crack of drag Lord and the Warriors of cows back this way these guys can't redeploy because they got no Champions not coming out of the woodwork here they're gonna move our chosen five inches is gonna get them to here the goal is I need to put pressure on the Loon Shrine to deny the grand strategy let's go something like this we're gonna go ahead right to charging we're gonna go right into them and they're gonna get uh so plus one of the charge of a minus one so nine inch charge so okay it's all cool it's gonna Rampage through the goblin lines nobody Minds Mr grolgore is gonna declare charge Mr grogore uh actually fails his charge uh because he rolled that so I'm gonna forward to Victory I guess he does make his charge we have him go right there move these in and I'm down to two command points and then he is going to do impact hits on a two up and it'll be uh two five aboard built in them and I kill one get these sneaky snufflers and then the chaos where is gonna charge uh eight because of bonuses and negatives charging just like that to tell me what the moon stays in the back and then over to here our exalted hero will declare charge good enough we'll just go and then these guys are in clear charge it actually technically failed because I can't get within half an inch of them because the wall itself is about half an inch and they are as you can see away from the wall and I can't quite cross the Wall so they are safe for now these chosen are in the clear charge though let's see what they get they are plus two to their chart well plus one so eight inch charge there we go just like that uh would you like to do a monstrous Rampage uh yes I'm Gonna Roar all right three up for the Roar it works nothing for the chosen this day I will fight first with my chosen over here all the same no commands though I am gonna have Pile in a little bit like this keep it kind of how it is I'm going to put two of them into these four spider fanatics and then these three are going to attack huffa these are the two of the Spore splatters on threes and threes all right three at minus one but I don't think they have much of a save we don't have a save at all so it does six damage to them that's still yep just cleave right through and pop their little spores not attacks in the alpha it doesn't carry me pretty well they they have very they averted a lot of danger though so that's a mortal wound on how far from the single six and then five saves at uh effectively a four up oh you could also defense I guess uh tap it three up yeah I should have declared that um that's okay yeah I'm kind of playing kind of fast at this point yeah I have three UPS because the finest hour and a low defense okay well it's still five so that's five damage because the single more wound and you have a five bubble words make some of these can't have a live he takes exactly enough to die we got Hoffa everyone oh my chaos snake no he wants to go he's really in there oh my God if you clear out this area brings us to our sneaky snufflers over here nothing's gonna put everything in the warriors uh is it Ren on their attacks or no oh minus one on their sights actually you know what I'll just I'll load defense fine I'll have one command one left five of them attacking are these the sides first these are the sides what are they hitting on Force okay that's not a great Rule and then fours again so fives against two five yeah and re-rolling any one just the one in there back to a three up because of okay we're good and then the squig's forced to hit bored five student I guess several the one you got two saves it's gonna be three saves and uh we take a damage they just dog that that's the end of this chaos Warrior and go ahead and just uh I guess I'll attack with a chosen they're gonna all that attack if we can't kill the gobble Blues your uh your fun is over now you know yeah these guys are done I hope let's see the party's ended keep this guy back here 15 attacks they are negative one to hit so we're back to threes pretty tanky little units though three used to hit him because of minus one plus one uh one single mortal wound and then threes to wound them all right so five saves that is 11 damage on them because they only have a six up save do they have a word No Award their words weird it uh it sticks up after turn three so I do have a 604 on that damage oh does it like start high go down low yeah it starts at four and then turn two it's five and then turn three and later oh okay that's right that makes sense the effects of something you're wearing off here so like I don't know what it could possibly be with these guys though wards every three fails the dead guy we make three so it's gonna be one two two and a half two and seven there's two over there and one guy's got a woo left gabapalooza can fight back three wizard staffs here we go oh there's a head or two hits I should say and then probably fours with the minus one then uh it'll be fives with the minus one four is okay fair we're rolling any ones that's a wound chosen no how much damage D3 damage oh gosh kill a chosen oh one uh they had a ward save I think they had a six-up word from the nurburg one they take a damage no one left excellent oh that's kind of it I get to fight over here this is hex Hellfire ax okay yeah one move minus one two damage then two five upwards boom all right so we kill one more of them let's get the rest of the way in a faster order here this is the sword It's gotta hit uh one wound and then we'll do the uh Mount so that's two that's D3 damage so far so that's three in the pool and the sword then the mount just cracks three hits like a monster and puts four more in there so seven wounds in the pool five upwards okay that kills three and a half leaves one left with one move then I got uh these Warriors of chaos we're gonna attack here's like some of the attacks uh they're fighting over oh look four more words die aha aha we did it can the gobble palooza run away well they'd probably be inspired by one of the characters nearby makes a lot of sense yeah I've got that um command Point Sports I get five victory points because I took down the character oh the warlord and I got all the objectives this guy gets to roll on the eye of the Gods table I really want to roll the eye of the Gods table anymore but I'll do for girl Gore because uh he gets to uh maybe he'll turn into spawn that'd be kind of funny oh damn that's demon hood dude well ain't that darker apotheosis for roggar we haven't saved the whole time he's chosen of the pantheon oh my god oh all right fine he could be a demon Prince what's this what's happening look he's got knacks and wings and he's just so cool he's like turning around looking at everyone look all your doubts I told you every single one of you I know what you said at the at night during camping you know when we set me up camp you know Gregor thinks he's so good and all that no no no look at me now now Look Who's laughing it's me the demon Prince Who's Laughing chosen by chaos look I could prove it by my physical figure he gets to give his Hellfire ax uh his weapon is now a Hellfire I still Hellfire weapons still my general he still chose by the pantheon he's just keeping it real there now so just the epic epic uh I had so many characters I get dark apotheosis almost every time I play slate seconds man it's a Beth Five Points there and then we have pride let's see let's see where the moon goes does it just go to the other Corner no it doesn't right in the middle good old Moon okay we got priority now for this last round currently I'm down by three victory points was it say 15 I got 13 I'm down by two and if you get two you could get two on your turn if you get to go next looking at the board I've got a tactic I can score for two and easy two be hard to wrestle the objectives away from me but the uh if I go again I'll probably get five because I can choose any one of these for kill something that started in your army and I got more than enough on the table to do which means I would win by one point because neither one of us are getting a grant that's how close the game is so close that's how close the game was priority uh I got a freaking two you got one screen get these guys out of here dude I'm taking it we're taking it I boom done crush them all but we're gonna save all the viewers time because you guys can understand what's probably gonna happen there and we'll call it a slaves to Darkness Victory right there the slaves to Darkness have successfully taken the territory of the Gilded wave for the chaos Alliance thus solidifying their hold of the realm of metal don't forget everyone if you want to take part in this campaign go to mini challenge for all the details all right guys we're gonna have ourselves a quick post game I forgot to let you know Joshua to speak up because the mics are not a thing right now only the camera's gonna be picking up so telling you to talk a little bit louder I'll do my best thank you that works uh so man uh what was the plan what was the idea of the 120 goblins that was the idea 120 goblins I I own 120 so if I rent any less than that I'd be wasting goblins that's fair wasting your dollars in the paint time and all that stuff now it freaking it almost completely really scuffed me on the points because it was like that you got that I made a mistake of Letting gobs Go first I didn't even consider the ramifications of I'm probably not gonna get any points on the second turn but I got lucky if I didn't get that priority in the sector and hard loss for chaos almost guaranteed yeah ideally that's what I'm just trying to hold the objectives down for as long as I can and outscore you early so that you have to fight that comeback battle I would like to imagine that it wasn't me commanding the Army at all it was a girl Gore and he just got dumb lucky got a couple CR the Army got a couple critical roles in the right spots that were able to get them back into the game and start cleaving down Goblins the second turn of the game 75 goblins died to my four chaos wearers you just didn't roll you rolled two saves at the beginning of that combat phase and not a single one after that I set expectations and then I'm broke them they just couldn't hold but the the idea was there the idea of just bogging this road down in goblins and bodies of goblins and just tying up this little force of slaves of Darkness uh until like narratively enforcements pop out of the hole but the Goblins broke we break the shrine nothing comes out that's I guess what would happen in the end and then we make our way back to baralam here that was the the idea there uh what'd you think about you you said you play against laser Darkness a lot like one of your friends plays them yes it is quite a bit it's almost like a very familiar kind of like yeah super familiar with me he plays nurgle too oh okay okay um so I'm pretty used to that like struggle to wound kind of thing yeah hard to hard to get him in combat there uh yo got the Soul Grinder down and then got these guys down a little bit but they got a couple rallies in they actually didn't rally that much because I screwed up the coherency lost through the coherency so I think really I only rallied three I only net three Warriors after everything was said and done uh so not too too bad there uh otherwise I wasn't nothing the The Chosen definitely did what chosen should do they kind of waited on the flanks they were a little impetuous they got in there but nothing could really threaten them on that flank too much huffa could have done a lot of damage but they kind of waited a little bit then came in and kept cleaning up afterwards it was like that that turned three when they were these both these units were available to try and push this flank up and they just kind of never stopped cleaving they hit a road bump and the 20 extra gods that showed up and then they got cleaned down I think in hindsight the only thing that would have been nice is to keep the inspiring presence for the I think it was like 10 guys over here or something I think that's the big mistake yeah um is I mean risking it I think if you know if I rolled a one or a two yeah if it was only a um a one CP saying I think it would have penned out but it didn't yeah it would have been nice to have them over there because then they would have had the chosen title for a little bit longer The Chosen wouldn't have been able to um I can't remember actually I have no idea what the pacing would have looked like if those goblins stuck around they ran away on my turn and then you charged in with huffa that's what it was I think those if those goblins are treated and rallied that could have been kind of good because then the chosen would have just been sat there like with nothing going on so that probably would have been the best bet I guess the knights didn't do that the knights did okay nothing held I guess they actually took no damage I think from office charging I don't I can't remember what happened there they lower their save they and take the Mortal wound and then huffa just didn't roll well I guess essentially it and then the rest of the game was just chopping things up back and forth all over the place there uh but this does frustrate the group's plan because the plan was the Goblins were gonna take the road and then from the road who's gonna alley-oop into the attack oh I think it was going to be probably ogres jumping in oh Corey playing ogres that dig out bigger holes for them guys and they were going to run up in was the plan to attack the city yeah okay so would it poor Barlow what a what a contentious location so volatile just taken by chaos now held by chaos the rule of chaos could be a little strict but there is order in these cities I'm Gonna Keep the order in those cities for the for now I suppose uh anyways folks that's it for this one thank you Josh for the outstanding game because I like the concept of like just killing things on mass I do that every now and then with zombies or necrons and stuff like that I get it I 100 get it I do it often myself too because on one end you're playing the game a lot with lots of models then the other guy's having fun because he's just cleaving things right exactly you've got a game plan you're not gonna win fights yeah he's having fun you're having fun doesn't matter who wins it's great exactly that's and that's why I always appreciate that kind of build uh anyways folks that's it for this one catch you guys later for some more Lost City to come happy wargaming [Music] oh
Channel: MiniWarGaming
Views: 25,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniwargaming, miniature wargaming, minis, tabletopgames, miniaturetabletopwargaming, warhammer, warhammer40k, 40k, ageofsigmar, warhammer40000, horusheresy, gamesworkshop
Id: MNUR-vk0cfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 49sec (8569 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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