Girl Will Die If She Fails To Seduce The Demon Lord | Anime Recap

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The Story begins with our main character Aileen devastated because her fiance Prince Cedric announces that he wants to break off their engagement he wants to be with another girl called Lilia but Aileen is confused and thinks she has seen this dream before so many times eventually she understands what's going on realizing she's in the game she was once obsessed with in her past life this dissolution of their engagement is an event from The Game's second act so aen handles the situation by leaving without causing a scene seeing this everyone including the prince are shocked aen realizes that this is the world of Odom game as for the game Lilia is the female lead who will fight with the awaken Demon Lord while Aileen is the villainous who dies at the end at the hand on the Demon Lord knowing that her fate is to die Aileen thinks about what she can do under these circumstances to survive she remembers that the bad ending for her is triggered by The Awakening of the Demon Lord so she will have to stop the Demon Lord from Awakening she goes to the demon Lord's Palace but stops at the door unable to get in there's a voice offering to help her and it's the Demon Lord who smashes the door open Aileen is scared but as she looks behind she sees the Demon Lord and finds him to be so handsome that she was shocked and mesmerized by his looks he asks what she wants with him and Aileen asks him to marry her there is a strike of lightning as the Demon Lord is shocked at the request and Aileen faints at the sight there's a flashback to Eileen's past where we learned that no matter how hard she tried she could not keep up with her brothers and she felt like she had no value until Prince Cedric proposed to her this was the first time she felt valued and becoming the empress became her only dream she worked hard for it but ended up being seen as an arrogant woman when aen wakes up the Demon Lord is with his two AIDS Keith and Bill Zub he is not angry about the proposal just shocked they ask if he will marry her but he says no because it could be some kind of trap but aen says that she came by her own will we learn that the Demon Lord Claude elmire is actually Prince Cedric's half brother and his demonic nature was discovered when he was 10 years old he was stripped of his position and banished to an abandoned Palace if his hatred for humans awakens he will transform into the final boss dragon that kills Aileen aen proposes once again causing Claude to blush he asks if this means she likes him but she says no confusing him Aileen even tries to threaten him with a sword but he sends her home with his magic Eileen's father tells her that she's been invited to the banquet for Cedric's engagement with Lilia Aileen goes again into the forest but can't find the palace due to its magical barrier so she catches a demon Crow with a cookie which had a sleeping pill and she threatens the Demon Lord saying she would make the bird bald so Claude appears and takes aen back to the Palace Aileen asks him if he would escort her to the banquet but suddenly the demon bird comes and alerts them that a fenry cub has escaped the forest bil zuub says he will bring it back but Keith says his appearance will cause too much of a commotion aen volunteers to go and Claude asks why she's helping them them so she says that she wants them to owee her a favor and Grant her request Aileen goes to find the cub and sees some students are torturing the Little Cub she scolds them but they don't listen to her eventually the mother of the Cub appears and the students get scared and run away Aileen helps the Little Cub back to its mother and she leaves Prince Cedric and Lily arrive and Cedric blames Aileen that she brought the Cub to hurt Lilia but the Demon Lord appears and thanks Aileen for her help clearing her name they leave together in a flying C marage and Claude thinks that Aileen isn't a normal girl Aileen tries to explain that this is the world of the game but the Demon Lord thinks she is making a fool of him and drops her from the carriage they fall but the Demon Lord catches her and agrees to attend the ball with her to repay his debt to her alen is happy and blushes believing she may be able to escape her fate Eileen's father tells her that Prince Cedric will be taking all of their businesses according to the contracts this is a tremendous loss to their family and her father tells her she needs to recover the loss before the banquet in 2 months Aileen runs into her reporter friend called Jasper and asks him for a favor she goes to the palace and asks the Demon Lord to let her repair his castle she wants to give employment to servants which were fired by Prince Cedric and borrow some land in the demon Forest surprisingly Claude agrees to her request he tells Keith to investigate why they haven't been receiving their payments and Keith believes that a noble has been embezzling the funds Aileen says that she has already asked her friend to look into it I E's Shadow turns into a portal and the Cub she saved jumps out Claude tells her that he turned her Shadow into a demon Gateway so demons will accept her wherever she goes Eileen meets with Jasper and we're introduced to Donnie the architect Ruck the medical researcher quarts The Gardener and her friend Isaac they all go to the Palace to meet the Demon Lord where Claude warns them not to bother the demons and that he knows everything that happens within the forest Donnie asks what needs to be repaired and the Demon Lord shows a massive hole in the roof the cast is being held up with his magic and is in dire need of repair they all get to work and Donnie is in charge of repairs Jasper and Keith are looking into the embezzlement of their funds and the rest of them are making new Pharmaceuticals for their new business they decide to get into making Cosmetics because it will be popular with the women Prince Cedric gets informed about aen Gathering all the unemployed servants at the demon Lord's castle and thinks that they are up to something sketchy Aileen and her team make some products which come out excellently everyone is working and seeing that demons and humans are working together it makes claw happy but Jasper tells them about a rumor that is going around that Aileen is after lady lilia's life she has been receiving threatening letters which has Eileen's name written on it Aileen suddenly remembers that in the game the culprit was the villainous but in reality she is not the one who wrote those letters so she calls for Ammon the demon bird to bring those discarded letters from the Imperial Palace but the Demon Lord refuses worried for the bird's safety but Aileen convinces him and he eventually agrees Prince Cedric Comforts Lilia who has been afraid because of the threatening letters he believes that Aileen is behind it and swears to make her pay the demon bird manages to grab one of the letters from the palace time passes and it's finally the night of the banquet Eileen's father waits for her and she appears in a beautiful dress she's nervous which her father finds strange because he has never seen her nervous before it's because the dress she is wearing is a gift from the Demon Lord and it was received the night before so she had to change CH up her makeup hairstyle and perfume to match it at the last moment so she was a little worried about how she looked her father tells her she looks stunning and they arrive at the banquet inside the palace all the girls are talking about Aubin skin products the girls say that only a few selected can get their hands on it and this increases the Curiosity of the girls for Aubin her father says he has never heard of the company before but aen tells him it's actually her company she is happy her plan is working and they will soon recover from their losses at this her father takes his leave and aen talks to Isaac she is pleased that their product is successful and asks if he has investigated the threatening letters Isaac has discovered the culprit and gathered evidence to expose the truth at any time however he has some bad news and tells Aileen that Lilia has gone missing Aileen remembers that in the game she wrote the letters and hired goons to kidnap Lilia Isaac tells her that Prince Cedric has sent some soldiers to the demon forest and Aileen gets worried about Claude Isaac tells her not to worry saying he wouldn't lose to some Knights because he is after all the Demon Lord aen knows that if things continue like this she will end up as the culprit she tries to think of a way to turn the tables but suddenly Prince Cedric tells his Knights to capture Aileen meanwhile in the Forest bil zuub Finds Lilia in the forest while patrolling and he takes her to the Demon Lord he asks her how she entered the forest without him noticing apparently she has strong resistance to Magic and has a connection to the holy sword called Maiden he asked asks her to leave but she says that she is worried about him being all alone in the forest having to make sure that the demons don't fight with humans she feels sad for him but Claude doesn't believe her because he can send soldiers entering the forest Lilia tells him it's just a misunderstanding saying Cedric must have sent them because he was worried about her due to the threatening letters however Claude knows the truth that Lilia was the one who wrote the letters to herself she says she did it to prevent Aileen from kidnapping her and she came to tell them that she already knows Eileen's plan she believes Aileen hates her for stealing away Prince Cedric she says that she had to meet with him again and suddenly the demon Lord's head goes numb bil zuub approaches Lilia but the same thing happens to him Claude realizes it's the power of the Holy sword maiden and Lilia says she can make his wish come true but this just reminds him of Aileen and it angers him that Aileen was outdone by her he uses his magic and sends Lilia away back at the palace aen asks the Prince why he is treating her like this when she is a guest he says that Lilia is missing and accuses her of being the one who kidnapped her she asks if he has any proof but the prince is sure that only she would do such a thing he says that she loves him and must be trying to get rid of Lilia to get back together but Aileen tells him that she is already over him and wants nothing more to do with him Cedric doesn't believe that she doesn't want him and tries to force her to admit that she's lying suddenly a butler comes running in and reports that the Demon Lord has arrived the roof shatters and Claude arrives with Bill Zub he repairs the roof and everyone is amazed at his magic he warns The Prince about sending his soldiers into the forest he apologizes to Aileen for being late and the two walk away Cedric asks Aileen if she really did kidnap Lilia and she denies it the prince is confused who would have taken her so aen calls for Isaac he shows one of the threatening letters and Compares it to the invitation letter for the banquet from Lilia she proves they are from the same notepad with matching Rose designs so the culprit is Lilia self Cedric is shocked and Aileen says farewell to the Prince Aileen signs the document that officially ends her engagement to the Prince Aileen is finally a free woman and Claude offers her to the first dance Cedric can't believe that Eileen has chosen his brother over him he feels betrayed and says that he won't let her get away with this Aileen thanks the Demon Lord for escorting her and mentions that Lilia was found in the forest she knows that this was his doing and asks what he thought about her she gets worried about Lilia because she is is the heroine that can trigger the worst ending for her but Claude snaps her out of it and says that Lilia isn't his type aen asks about what they talked about and he tells her that Lilia said she would help Grant his eh aen knows that his wish is that demons and humans don't give up on each other and this surprises him he goes to give her a farewell kiss but as he does aen suddenly recalls how he loses his faith in humans when the one human he trusted since he was young ends up betraying him the next morning aen pays a visit to a sleeping Keith B holds a knife up to him and aen questions what he's been up to we learn more about Keith when he was young he fell into a pond and the Demon Lord saved his life using his magic in front of all the servants which ultimately led to him getting banished Keith admits he's been selling demons but aen knows the truth shocking him with the contract for the demon Lord's land apparently Keith had forged the contract and ended up getting blackmailed over it trying to avoid her bad ending Aileen swears to help Keith later aen recalls an ending from the game Lilia and Cedric investigate the secret demon trade they discover that Keith is the culprit and report him to the Demon Lord they then catch him in the Act and the Demon Lord kills Keith losing his faith in humans and transforming into a dragon at which point Lilia kills him with the Holy sword Aileen is determined to stop this at all costs she meets with her team and they prepare a plan Keith joins them but soon a demon Crow appears from Eileen's Shadow alerting them that they are under attack Cedric and Lilia meet with Claude they tell him about Keith's betrayal but aen soon arrives Cedric says that selling demons is a violation of the non-aggression packed with humans but aen reasons that it is only a moral issue and not a violation of The Pact Lilia is shocked to hear this reasoning but aen insults her and says it's none of her concern causing Lilia to cry and run away Cedric chases after her and soon Keith enters Keith is about to confess but first requests to finish his work with Aileen which the Demon Lord allows Keith continues to sell demons as normal while Aileen and B Zu watch from a distance the event occurs just like in the game as the noble arise but when aen looks for Lilia who should be watching from behind a bush she isn't there Keith proceeds with the plan demanding the noble hand over his account book but when he refuses bil Zu throws a fireball into the sky which explodes with light and Keith takes the opportunity to grab the book he makes a run for it and then shows off his skills as he fights off the henchmen Keith prepares for the second part of of their plan because of the non-aggression paact demons are not allowed to attack humans however Isaac suggests that there would be no problems if the demons dug holes or accidentally dropped chemicals onto people the henchmen fall into their trap and the demon Crow dumps a mysterious substance onto them which blinds their vision and makes them sneeze aen worries this might be overdoing it but they catch the noble and his man aen is glad that this should stop the Demon Lord from Awakening but suddenly Keith getss knocked out while Cedric and Lily appear Lilia takes out the holy sword but bil zuub charges at her Lilia panics and cuts him the cut Burns him and Lilia becomes distraught as she had only intended to use her sword as a threat Prince Cedric grabs aen telling her he will make her his second wife and knocks her out Keith and bil Zu report back to Claude Keith admits commits his betrayal and apologizes he couldn't protect Aileen who helped to redeem him he tells him that Cedric kidnapped aen and Claude quickly teleports to save her when aen wakes up she finds herself chained to a bed she asks what Cedric is planning and he tells her that this is the only way for the emperor to accept Lilia the others leave the room and Cedric begins to undress aen but soon she is found by the demon Crow who alerts the Demon Lord and the room begins to shake the room is torn apart as Claude descends from the sky he sees aen chained up and becomes enraged his hand transforms and he blows Cedric away as he confronts his brother Claude begins to awaken and aen re realizes that she has become the trigger for his Awakening Lilia rushes to Cedric and he tells her to ready the holy sword aen realizes that their plan was to make Claude awaken so Lilia can slay him and be recognized by the emperor Claude continues to lose it and keep keeps transforming the demon Crow manages to break Aileen free from her shackles and she tries to get him to calm down but he can't control himself and completely transforms into a dragon Lilia plans to end his suffering but as she charges at him aen jumps in the way and gets stabbed Lilia is shocked and tries to pull out the blade but Eileen grabs onto it she thrusts it into herself saying she also has the blood of the Holy maiden and claims she will be taking the sword Lilia can't believe what's happening and Aileen tells her that she is the real main character she absorbs the sword and rushes to the Demon Lord she begs him to return to his human form and as she cries her teardrop falls onto him and he is able to transform back into a human and aen is able to achieve an ending that was never in the game [Music] back at her home Aileen rests and her father tells Claude that Aileen decided not to expose Prince Cedric's actions to the public in exchange for his right to inherit the throne to be reinstated Claude says he has no interest in the throne but I's father tells him that he will only give his daughter away to the emperor so he changes his mind and agrees to become the next Emperor the Demon Lord becomes the Crown Prince and officially gets engaged to Aileen Aileen teases Cedric about supporting his brother and and Claude lifts Aileen up into the air aen gets embarrassed and Claude tells her she can run but ailen corrects him saying she is the one that has caught him but that's where the video ends let me know in the comments what you thought about this anime and if you enjoyed watching this video consider liking and subscribing for more like it thanks for watching and I hope to see you next time
Channel: Anihub Recap
Views: 1,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime recap, anime recapped, anicap, anime explained, aniplot
Id: sIAGgvsR47U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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