Will My Child Survive After Drinking Acid? | Children's Hospital | Real Families

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[Music] a lot more timid than she was you know she's very quiet and I could hear her screaming upstairs I wasn't expecting see her getting sick and telling me her mouth was burning this stuff is used for a strip and grease from chip shop tiles she's followed us and is resulted on a significant burn to her ghoulish tellers barked at the top and the bottom if we could get this to stay off and it'll be brilliant we make it a whole new life she's gotten enough not ready yes dumb broad like you know the concert it's not unless we can do you know I wrote her if she wasn't having it done be going through all this at this age it's just it's not fair [Music] the show ossineke a lot we knew it was a part that she asked to keep it open there's a few weeks left to see if the improvement will persist let's hope her esophagus has now decided to remain open [Music] before she got sick she was really really outgoing and everything else for when she went to the hospital for ten weeks she came to an end herself a bit but she started to come over shout it out more again no would she's a lot more timid than she was you know she's very quiet did everything kind of before she shut up jumped out a car at m1 thought she was walking at em once nearly and she jumped down a car under ten once they John that's enough to make a bed Adi is for allegiance 12 major gets all over everyone and it's pretty hard to golly how do we killin each other butcher didn't we all do that they don't treat you're any different from before strenghtens hospital for this happened the treat are the same they like an enormous it's the fight to pay Nigel's fairly good now and he understands more so than Ali surely was working in the chippers and she brought home some acid chains and pails in the kitchen I was getting uniforms out for her in a burrow and came downstairs before me the stuff was out and she took a sip fetched out was juice and I could hear her screaming upstairs I taught she fell our cart finger and something I wasn't expecting when I came downstairs to see her getting sick and telling me her mouth was burning so we just put her in a car and brought her over to de cachi department a ton more they kept us over there for three hours and then they transfer this to Mullingar she won't open them out no matter what we tried she won't open them out the next one and then the doctor came in and she opened her mouth and the back for troll was burnt and souls are transyl's suffering from a severe acid burn kayla was transferred to Temple Street for urgent investigation to put a probe down and the courtesy honey burning so didn't think she was too bad we were to go back up and get the probe back down two weeks later it looked like she just had superficial burn marks on her stomach but see me takes three weeks for scar tissue to form we came home 10 and she want some right in herself and I knew it and John knew it everyone knew it that knows our knew she wasn't right she wasn't eating or drinking and then it got to stage where she wasn't even swallowing her saliva ready to go do you want to take a little bit in okay go over it again in the following weeks Kayla's situation deteriorated that's fine okay dad to opener to have to repair all of her esophagus it was all totally burnt her suffused to stop bad I had to put string up an outdoor and all just to keep it up so I could repair itself she was like that for she had the string I said for about eight or nine months actually kind of got to a certain stage you know it tightens up now because of the amount of scar tissue it all tightens up and it's a tightness then no food we passed them through the hall so if you go back up then and get something in there and pull it back off to widen it again since her burned kayla requires monthly treatment under the guidance of John Gillick and Owen laughs Anna Kaela was a five year old girl who swallowed potassium hydroxide or caustic soda so this stuff is used for its drip and grease from chip shop tiles and unfortunately Kayla mistook this for you know fizzy drink Kayla's esophagus was so damaged initially that she had to have a gastrostomy so we could feed her into her stomach and that's a tube that goes into her stomach and then once things have settled down a little bit once it was no longer necessary for her to be in intensive care we could then gradually open up her esophagus by delaying it dilating it grace can I get you to hang on to the end of this one first please hold on all I would do is under x-ray guidance and open theatre we put a guide wire down into her esophagus where the stricture was and we'd blow up a balloon then in that area and to try and break up the structure we started off quite slowly we used quite small balloons and then gradually worked up over a process of months to bigger balloons to try and get it up to a normal size the balloon is literally blowing up at the scar or trying to break down the scar and you open that by doing that on a regular basis though you'll eventually break the scar and that Kayla's esophagus will heal without a significant amount of scar tissue or with a scar tissue in a certain place so that therefore it doesn't air restrictor dannegan although an initial solution to the problem of healing the medical team were consistently aware that a longer term solution may be needed and a more intensive transplant procedure once you damage your esophagus our hero that you really can't can't repair it we would hope that the dilatations would become less necessary and to make on the stage when we can actually physically stop them now if we can't kate is looking at a much bigger procedure and her parents know that you replace her her gullet with another part of her gosh which for a six-year-old girl is a very intense of a very serious procedure and wound us you know we'd have to think long and hard before we go down that road some months down the line the options seemed limited for Kayla who is continually revisiting the hospital unfortunately also these routine dilatations offer only a temporary solution due to added radiation concerns we were planning on once that if we could keep it open and keep it open sooner or later it might give up clothing just and stay open but it's 18 months down the road now and it hasn't after about six months you know we felt that although it was working well and Kayla would be it would end up being quite symptomatic relatively quickly oneself for me good girl she would get very good relief and she would be able to swallow most things and then unfortunately after about three weeks she would notice that food was beginning to stick again and then would have to change back to a more sort liquid diet unfortunately it's a little dose of radiation and cumulatively where it becomes a bigger dose because of the fact that you're doing the procedure more often she's gotten an off not ready yes and I do have to have to actually do an exercise they're doing it so they can see what they're doing I like she's way over a quarter for her age like you know dumb droid like you know like we can't or things like that so we just have to cut across that bridge when I call them further down the road I just took them all I'm gonna try and get her about her there's not much we can do you know [Music] I'm hoping they don't make her stay in her pajamas you know under 14 Network Bergere you know a year and a half since her accident a breakthrough procedure offers new hope for Kayla and the chance of avoiding major invasive surgery after several months we felt that Aloha was working it wasn't quite working as well as we wanted to Kayla would stricture Dan again and after a couple of weeks we got up to a very nice size but unfortunately it would it would constantly come back down again we were hoping that we would break up the scar and that eventually she would come back to us and say I don't want another one unfortunately that never happened we discussed it at multidisciplinary meetings and we said well is there anything else that we can do John decided to do some further investigating and and found Luigi in in Rome a surgeon in Italy has tested a technique of inserting a temporary stent or tube down the esophagus in the hope of hindering the formation of scar tissue mr. John gillip now he was them he was looking into other options because I couldn't keep going to bedrock only and he actually came across this room we were kind of a bit skeptical at first but then he came back to us and he said he looked further into it and it it seemed me to having great success over there wait so we decided then if he was happy enough that we were as well [Music] roll the stance that they taper and seem to quote me no ingenious in that of us it's relatively small it's almost like a homemade device and it's quite simple to put in and the child can eat around that's not having a doctor in order that's great John and I both felt quite positive about it that's certainly their success rates looked very good we did feel that it would be the best thing she just knows she's going over to try and make her a bit better and that we won't have to be gone for a stretch every every three weeks and it might be every six months and that's what we're hoping for at the moment if it was every six months it'll be brilliant check I'm hoping that it work and good stay open and that she won't have to go to the hospital every three weeks that's the only thing we're like she missed seven weeks of school last year just by checking one day off you know and and I'm hoping just said it's just a co-chair that visits fast but that's all right very cat is barked at the top and the bottom but the bottom is not too bad it's the top quarter major damages and this thing when he goes in from the top so it'll only be able to repair the top half and she still have the bit of damage on the bottom but that's not closing up at the same rate as the top so if we could get this to stay open we'd only have to go to Dublin maybe every six months which would be so much it'd be brilliant we make it a whole new life again you know it's not reckon and it's worrying you know because she's still just what she's my baby and she always will be my baby if this doesn't work that she has to go for a transplant so I'm hoping that's not gonna work because she's still only small to go into surgery like that like Ana is major surgery so we're hoping that this will work and it will just take that off the table all together you know arriving in Rome Kayla and her parents made their way to Bambino jesu Hospital a head of surgery the operation is hoped to change their daughter's life after a severe acid burn and rule out a more intensive transplant procedure she doesn't eat enough so what we kind of do is we give her votes to a syringe we kind of just watch her dinners you know what she's eaten and then when it goes down a bit we have support run a machine that night so she gets all her nutrients over course four hours four or five hours they're going to insert silicone and stent and they leave it in for 40 days and the hope is that it'll give up and just stay open this doesn't work or an exception is the transplant I wrote her if she wasn't having it done you know if she still she's only six and to be going through all this at this age it's just it's not fair you know she's only a chanela baby both John Gillick and Owen Laughlin from Temple Street joined the family in the hope of learning more about this breakthrough procedure let's explain everything he explains to girls in the bad and you're not left sitting there wondering what's going on with me the fact that he's actually common way is to see it it's a comfort Kane is mad about him so she's delighted that he's going to I do worry even when she's only gone up for the routine teen because it involves risks like there's a chance Karis esophagus can perforate even when she's a paranoid ideation so I don't know about this it's nerve-wracking and it's worrying you know she's fairly bright so there's no point sitting there and saying oh don't say 19 front of our arrangement just Tyler explained the situation to her in her that she can understand it and then she's not frightened and she knows what's going on the nurse to explain everything for you not in phases er which I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing beforehand Hannah was and she wouldn't even wing gee but the slightest thing it's a trough where's now nothing exciting to her you know the kids are straight and she just got a alright a milk so we're you know it does not really fast there anymore [Music] we have not decision as of jurisdictions and now we would perform a stand that tomorrow we put inside in the esophagus this one the stent is stated we perform using the normal surgical drainage that we overlap one over the other to obtain the desired sides understand the leg in length and in diameter other important thing luigi is that you can you can eat a normal diet or in your experience you can eat a normal diet with that yes embrace this stent works because the food that the child can eat after its position is the pass between the esophageal wall and the stent wound and irreligion equivalent by [Music] straightforward and these told me my faith tomorrow morning yeah so I don't think it's gonna be any different from from Temple Street but he's doing it uh later and he's going to put in his tent so he's not gonna do anything that we don't have until already like an energy to be exactly the same as before probably be more comfortable than the string she's had in 40 and if she can take it 60 days says the longer the better she seemed more than sensible enough training to tolerate that so we'll see he says that we should have no problem but I mean Coast at a time we can think about it she has come over here as a day case and you know we can do this but I wouldn't undisciplined if achill to take it it's not anything you know it's not lighting anything usually complicated thought out anything that we can't do in Temple Street ourselves it's just the idea and making it no need to see how it's done mommy where's the king to the 16 centimeters to all the length of her esophagus hopefully you think so yeah so I mean you know I wouldn't start yeah come here chickens just yet what I am yeah seems like a very sensible nice guy people you know yeah this is this is a lesser option than all your own all the ones you have to consider okay Kayla see play with your Barbie alright see ya where is your heart everything's all go through mornin hopefully everything works out in the game again I was Barnes at the top under marshal so hopefully at my cat2222 areas of damage you know please open them out did dandy oh he seems happy enough yeah so when he's happy we're kind of happy you know we have to just trust him being awesome on reading it after she had to [Music] got my breakfast all away human you know what you asked to play it biggest gold ice cream in the restaurant you do not pay the kid that goes they want her to these in which she town because ever actually stretch result because I understand so it sounds like a recipe for [Music] take it in Rome the procedure to help hinder the effects of a severe acid burn on Kayla had begun closely observed by the temple street medical team we hope the deposit understand ok waited at all huh this is a very good opportunity to to insert the standard it was difficult they had reservations about the top part of our structure they knew that was very gonna be very difficult to address with the stance ok that's a plastic tube it's holding your gullet open it's stitched to an NG tube which is a tube that goes into your stomach so it's going into her nose the plastic bit is in Argolis and then the end of the tube itself is in her stomach and it's been held in there with a piece of plastic the idea is that she moves this around a little bit on a daily basis she swallows whatever she wants and hopefully this will prevent her esophagus from stricture in then [Music] should I do hello my fine and Giovanni louisia and Paola want to talk to you as well I mean there were some very good points when they did the ultrasound they said that some parts of her esophageal wall didn't look too bad at all which is the first time we've ever had that information that's great news and they were able to stretch her and hope they put in the stent understand is long enough to cover all of her stricture you know she's got a tube in and you have to prepare yourself for that I'm sure she'd be able to cope with it yeah it went you know as straightforwardly as you could hope and I think they did an excellent job so if this works these guys I think are fantastic yeah that's great this works it's kind of fun to be tennis solution this isn't ourselves so yeah since actually covering all of her restrictions off if it does work the way they say it's going to work food hooks you know it works well then it means that that's it like it from the information we've got like it's a 70% success rate yeah I take that demand side I take that I need a he's gonna talk to hear that everything went weighted and it's just so different like it's really a weight lifted you know absolutely deleted now I'm just going to keep your fingers crossed hope that she's in that 70% yeah she's all we can do Luigi man sergeant I did the operations song just once I have a word with us and explain a few things to us delay in raion we're just kind of let's hear and I'll give her hope doctor might be yeah you know I know hunter were talking to us about this source and why that might work we're going to go ahead and we're going to try this then everything that's on the plate range ready we have performed together the start of the procedure is a right this situation is not very beautiful because the stand this the nose is the student yes we're happy to dilate and if this is a make me good shots for me that's great thank you very much thank you very much [Music] just coming out to see yeah because which is just a big crocodile so she'd sleep for a couple hours but she's the best thing for her she's not worse than she normally attracts like yeah that's the tube now and doesn't seem to be any more abreast front at all yep hopefully this is it oh yeah hopefully following surgery Kayla was prepared for further scans to check the stability of her esophagus [Music] no I doing this underhanded ran off running home he's in mourning though pleasure to meet you Anna they say buy an ice-cream jitney look forward to that did you did you have this one of the ice cream yeah spit up not now and choose dollies and in and out so that was so much activity over an hour tall at Sun is to be Chandler to to swallow you want to swallowed up it no can try to swallow very good very good my first camera can imagine 24 hours so see she has this contrast gentle and and everything's okay but never have some tea and drink and drink no I got to back Walter [Music] to give her something to drink but they take an x-ray and electric going down and they can see it go down something or them that if there's extra I think she's in good form she's just not talking about yeah no she's not boards from I've often seen her a lot more smoke so she says she's not an iPad which is a good thing it's just that I think it's just a fact that the tubes come over and all that so comfortable she's in the best times possible assault well that's it there's little Tino Nick they say good day Jose Ramos or senseless I was ready to swallow carrots well another Florida and that's just she's always been like that and you can fight only could argue where and if you got your absolutely no her in the coming hours dad also had to say goodbye leaving Kayla in Rome with mum to recover shut up [Music] oh it's too much why not this one it is not you [Music] I don't really want to go for I just have to get home out in the home as well and everything else I'd like to stand a much happier she had this ice cream from it - Marcus [Music] a little food project because Canada scoffs come on we want feels to get that they're going beyond the church that gets to swallow [Music] you understand the info I had leave I really do but I have to go down that's it I would keep in contact with over the phone hopefully everything will be all right man it's only for a few days she'll be home in three or four days nobody's her hair especially here leaving the little one in a foreign country and she's only six all modes and upwards known hopefully this is it [Music] three days later Kayla's sister and aunt wait with dad for Kayla to arrive from Rome [Music] she got rid of the temperature on Saturday and she was a great know I'm she didn't swallow all that Saturday or Sunday was on Sunday morning doctor delete you antennae had a word in her ear she started to swallow a good thing and simile she's coming on great now since I think her throat was a little bit sore and then I think he was the factor being away from everyone and I tell she was very afraid like doctor drily G come out and said that if she didn't swallow she would have to say an extra couple of days and the fact that she wasn't swallowing I was kind of prepared for a chin off [Music] are you feeling kid the ladies behold its Manson whatever back it's the best okay she's not eating properly at the moment so she's gonna be fed through a peg for a few days until she's packing and trying to wean her off the food and put her back on regular first so you wouldn't be able to you BBQing underwear home would you the next few weeks will prove decisive for Kayla who will return to Temple Street for the stent to be removed well it says in 60 days and as I'm she has no problems we have it taken out and love results thing you know and she still has to move she's to move it in never knows I keep swallowing Nate itself that's our main objective now at the moment is to dare to eat back eat properly now and that you know [Music] [Music] 6262 does yacek for Siri she was a brat and all who are far too worried yeah she was meeting a lot and we knew it was a part that she asked to keep it open Kris cough the course of antibiotics she just so taken since day just a review so whether they're going to take it out or not we don't know yet salt with when th doctor what he thinks and says so maybe they could leave it in because she was so sick in the beginning our secrets just take away G chicken nervous oh yeah she the crisps things you think no don't be too hard for she's just title it look as if she's in growth wrong what do you want to keep at then Kayla how do we take it out you're the boss they don't get rid of it get rid of it see here she goes yeah she don't really well 60 days very good let's hope she doesn't need it yeah we looked at her goalless when I was coming out and you could see that it was quite raw up at the top and and Luigi feels that this is an important characteristic if it looked clean if there was no bleeding if it didn't look raw that would be a good sign so the fact that it looks quite raw he thinks is is of some concern anything to be born of Somalia but we're hoping against hope though this way to the end of it at the moment it sounds like she can swallow around the stent and she can swallow you know a fairly normal diet I mean at party she Pizza one night and that went down okay so I mean I think that is a good sign it indicates you can at least tolerate the stand thanks thank you Thank You Catherine Daisy yep okay Wow yep is it gonna say made in Rome [Music] right excellent it all went fine so you know nothing to worry about so it's out and it came out very easily the lining of our goddess is a bit raw but you'd expect that and what her goal was moving so it's a lot less rigid and has been so it looks as if it's less strictured and I suppose the only thing is that if she is narrower anywhere it's up at the top where it's always been but at the same time she's not narrow enough that she can't swallow and the stent was still there so you know he really can't ask for more and we'll see how she goes but it is it's good news it's how it's it looks good and hopefully as it stay opened we call the box for anywhere about today you know we knew we're going to have to win so they're happy welcome to list a genuis or if they're happy we're happy you know when you're so sick in the after all I talk did we do the right thing at all but now I know we did the right thing [Music] well hey coffee up get higher I think this is a very good chance and I think if it doesn't make the whole of our esophagus stays open it at least has isolated the Troublesome part to one single dish so I think it's you know it's definitely a vast improvement I'd love to give you a guarantee but you know at this stage what the story is I can't oh yeah yeah and as you probably come up a bit of blood I wouldn't be worried about her that's normal get her to swallow whatever she wants don't restrict her in any way keep her on the medicine for the reflux we'll see her in a month if we see it before that we don't wanna I mean ideally amant that night there's a few weeks left to see if the improvement will persist she can swallow basically everything in the moment and let's opera her esophagus has now decided to remain open [Music] [Music] and pretty upset Kayla had a very special scent put it in wrong yes good yeah and that's how I'm gonna perform yeah yeah yeah two weeks out tomorrow two weeks low well it seemed as if it was closed down it's a Monday and Tuesday she has to wash everything down yeah it's clearly gotten still a little bit of stock and and the idea with the centrist that one systems me nothing that's done ever again to this which is his she has a lovely smile so what does she be a celebrity well you know what this one don't you [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh maxilla caught it was right to my senses my daughter I saw that just over every story yeah that's how it's going down but I can sing right that's an ally kala stench came out and we did a contrast and that shows that she is still quite narrow and unfortunately you know she structured down again sooner than we would have hoped [Music] [Music] whilst offering some relief the stent failed to hinder the recurrence of scar tissue and the narrowing of Kayla's esophagus [Music] she needed a dilatation just before Christmas and she needed one after Christmas so she's needing a dilatation every three weeks or so which is not remarkably different from before the stent the one thing that I think we can say is that she's a lot easier to tolerate and we also can get her to a bigger than later than before descent so there has been some improvement not as much as we'd hoped I would have personally hoped that we would have seen a better improvement but it was not to be there was a period oh we've got four weeks over and then it was a lot of period it went to every two weeks and every three weeks I kind of said that every three weeks she goes yeah Kayla's options at the moment are to continue to be delayed it's every three weeks or so so she's looking at a monthly dilatation so her year if we go forward like this would be a dilatation every month or so and the question is can you cope with this kind of interference with your life again we're back to the the major surgery route is that something that should be entertained which which she considered us [Applause] the major surgery route would be replacing her esophagus would either a piece of piece of a small Bell and her stomach are a piece of our large boat so you are putting our true quite major surgery John and Shirley aren't particularly keen on this route at the moment but I think we need to get an opinion on that and that that is that is being planned at the moment the other alternative is do we try a stent I think that is the route that we've all decided probably the best bet for kale at the moment it's the lease and least invasive she's coped with it very well in the past it means that she can have a relatively normal quality of life with the stent it may not look the prettiest but she can eat practically anything with the stent and I think we're gonna go Appa sizing the stent compared to the last time around the transplants is just way too severe it's a major operation and there's no guarantee it's going to work so we said we we weren't going to even discuss having transplanted more so they'll have the other stance put in see if it works if it doesn't we can go back to the stretches because if she has transplanted to some work we can't go back to having stretches it comes with its own problems that is fine you know and the body could reject a is her water different problems you know we're looking off she's here with us in fact you know so one day every three weeks is not the end that worked it's not a lot to ask but we're not the ones controlled like she's only six at the end of man it's horrible good you know there were times when kala was far for our secret than she is now and to see her you know lead a relatively normal life he's good it does give you hope for her future Oh caustic soda is dangerous stuff it's life-changing [Music] you
Channel: Real Families
Views: 5,400,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Real Families, child injuries, child recovery, child welfare, child wellness, childhood accidents, children's health, emotional journey, family experiences, family support, family unity, healthcare dedication, medical advancements, medical ethics, medical examinations, medical miracles, medical triumphs, parental challenges, pediatric care, pediatric development, pediatric trauma
Id: AsVBMo0qCuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 25 2018
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