GIMP Tutorial: Installing Brushes

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[Music] yes this is Nick with logos by Nick comm and today I'll be demonstrating how you can install different brushes in and this video is in response to a previous tutorial I did about creating a smoke effect in that video has gotten far more views than I thought it would get up until this point a lot of you have asked me how to install brushes in so I figured I just put together a quick little tutorial to do this so the first thing I'm do is I'm just going to minimize the window the good thing about this is that you don't have to restart or close out of it in order to do this so we can leave it open the whole time if we want so I'll go ahead and minimize that when we get out of the screen recording software there we're going to open up our file explorer just open up a folder and we're going to go to the local disk to see Drive and we're going to look for Program Files right here I'm going to double click that we'll look for to go ahead and open that then we're going to go to share and then 2.0 and brushes and this folder right here is where we're going to place the brushes now the file extension for a brushes dot gbr or something like that or GRB I think it's gbr but Photoshop brushes will work in as well and I'm going to demonstrate that right now because that previous tutorial I made was using a Photoshop brush some of you have actually said you had a problem installing that like you couldn't you couldn't use it because it was a Photoshop brush that shouldn't be the case this works the same on Windows as it does on Linux and I'm not sure about Mac but um with Windows and Linux this works the same so I linked up the the brush the link to these smoke brushes again in the description so go ahead and click on that and we're to go ahead and download that we want to click this button right here be where you'd like these fake download buttons that are really they're just ads so just uh who knows what that is that could be anything so just click on the actual download button which is down here and it should be downloading but it's not let me try it again oh there we go I'm just going to minimize the screen minimize the window actually and now that it's done downloading I'm just going to click and drag that on to the desktop let me just minimize that and if you're using Linux or a bun - you're going to want to right-click this and go to unzip here or unpackage here or whatever it is extract here I think is what it is in Windows you don't have to do that you could just open it up and we're going to have our our files in here this is what we're gonna be looking for the ABR file that's a brush file for Photoshop so what I'm going to do is I'm going to take that smoke brushes underscore normal 22 I'm just going to click and drag that into the brushes folder for the brushes folder and you're going to need administrative privileges to do that to make sure you're not signed into any kind of you know guest accounts or secondary accounts on your version of Windows go ahead and click continue to allow that and it's going to go ahead and install a whole bunch of us smoke brushes and let's go back to they're not there yet but what we do is we go down to this bottom right corner and there's this little refresh icon refresh brushes go ahead and click that when I click that pay attention to what happens here you'll see all the brushes show up I'll go ahead and click refresh and there we now have a bunch of different smoke brushes and I'll demonstrate it here I'll grab a brush there's a smoke there's your smoke as one that installed that one file installed a whole bunch a whole package of different brushes so you now have that and that's a great site to look around on deviantART you can just search around for Photoshop brushes you could find all kind all kinds of cool stuff like fire and cracked glass and stuff like that it's really fun to play with so that's how you can install brushes using pretty simple if you have any questions though leave me a comment and I'll help so as always thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Logos By Nick
Views: 162,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gimp, graphic design, learn graphic design, graphic design for beginners, tutorial, install, brushes
Id: X92Tw5-jWTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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