Gilded Dreams Yae Miko Artifacts Comparison | Gilded Dreams vs Thundering Fury, Shimenawa, Gladiator

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in this video i'll be comparing the new guild of dreams artifact set with yamiko's previous artifact sets in many different ways after the comparison i'll talk about how you can build it properly and some of her uses so first i'll be testing using two-piece gladiators with tupushima nawa then two-piece thundering fury with two-piece shimano slash two-piece gladiators and finally i'll be using four-piece thundering fury and for the variations for the gilded dream set first i'll be using kill the dreams with 230 em less than attack person sounds and then next i'll be using 230 em plus an em sans and finally i'll be using 180 em meaning two point members having the same element and an em sense also ignore the numbers themselves because i'm using a test build the numbers are not that high but at the end i'll show you my real build now for the damage output for gilded dreams without reactions it's actually not that strong which makes sense because it only provides you with em and not attack percent like how the normal artifact sets do so as you can see non-artifact sets are doing better by like 300 and so but it's still not that far back now for her skill though you might not know this but her skill actually gets buffed by em so not just the reactions but also her e gets buffed by the am and you're gonna see later on how good her skill is because of this buff but at the moment you're gonna see she's still gonna be a bit weaker but that's because the four piece hasn't been activated and for that you need a reaction now for her although the other dreams is gonna be really bad because there's no em buff plus there's no reaction here and her l doesn't get buffed by em so you're gonna see the gilded dream set do way worse than her skill and her normal attacks because there's more damage and the difference between the two numbers is also larger so as you can see the normal artifacts did so much better than the killer dreams artifact set and especially for the ones with the em sans now it's time for aggravate and you're gonna see the results change drastically so first for her normal attack the damage difference won't be that huge because the attack itself is not getting buffed by the em unlike her skill but you also need to keep in mind that aggro weight works differently than vaporize and melt the attack itself doesn't get buffed by two or three there's damage added to your attack which we can see for her skill plus activate you're going to see some huge damage bonuses as you can see 14 000 16 000 and keep in mind this is my test build and my real build can do like 26 000 or even more it's just so much better than the normal artifact sets as you can see it's almost better by twice the damage than the normal artifact sets and now for hyper bloom you already know who's gonna be better it's of course gonna be killed the dreams with the amount of em it provides while the normal artifact sets provide you with none and that's the reason why i didn't test it out for the other two hours fixed because you're gonna get the same amount of damage it just depends on the amount of em you have i also test it for electrocharge as some of you may use electric charge so i said why not and it's again the same thing with killer dreams doing more damage because it's a reaction the normal artifact sets are not that great the em provided by the guild of dreams artifact set is just so much better as you can see guild dreams is just amazing for yayamiko due to how her skill works as you can see due to this skill or sorry this talent her e gets buffed by 15 by every elemental mastery point that's why her skill does so much damage well with guild dreams i personally will be using yellow dreams with an em cup for yayamiko instead of an attack person cup but an attack person cup is also fine too and about the killer dreams bonus as you can see it depends on your party members if you have the same elements or the different elements i would recommend having yay plus another character for aggravate teams but for hyper blooms just having yayamiko is also fine and also if you're using yayamiko for like microwave teams make sure you have like a lot more crit rate like even though i have 50 to 252 which is really good you need a lot more crit rate for yamiko if you're using aggravate because of the way accurate works to get the huge damage buff you need both your attack and the aggregate buff to create so have at least 50 trade trade though you should definitely go for more and about the artifact sets i didn't use in my tests such as thunder suiter and emblem of cert fate now i've seen a few people use these rfx sets but i don't personally recommend them like even though thunderstorm is actually pretty good like if you can see it's four piece bonus which increases your damage by 35 is really good but you need to have them be affected by electro at all times and if you don't have this available at all times this set's just not good so i don't really want to use a set like that for emblem of surface as you can see it buffs your er and also gives you a lot of damage for your burst but i personally think yayamiko's strong point is her skill not her burst so i would prefer having health dreams which gives you more ems so your skill can be even stronger and at the same time it is also buffing your alt i also wanted to show you how good yayamiko can be with the proper build the one i was using was just for testing and my real build does a lot more so i have these two teams which i mostly use this is my accurate team for yamiko and this is my hyper bloom team i personally think this one is more cooler so i'm going to show you this first so let me go into a domain and show you guys how good guy miko can be so this is my hyper bloom team i absolutely love this team there's so many reactions that you can do with this team so for example sometimes i use yamiko and kokomi sometimes they're just casually sweating around elements sometimes i'm using yamiko with a traveler it's pretty crazy you're gonna see how quickly these enemies will die first you're gonna see me swirl electro and then after that i'm gonna use a traveler to you know apply quicken you know for my electro attacks then switch to kokomi to create seats and finally mikko to end them all and three two one they're dead okay 46 000 at the end so yeah this is pretty good now this team here is not my favorite but it's still pretty good and can easily i think clear abyss of floor 12 uh but it's not just yay miko doing all the damage it's both yai miko and fishel who will deal damage in this theme so it's both official and yaimiko catalyzing because it was not just the amigo who was buffed in the update was also official and as you can see there are a lot of numbers on the screen and they're gonna die any second now three two one yep they're dead so this this seems pretty good electric units mostly don't deal a lot of damage with one single attack like hutau but often work by doing many attacks at once which may be weaker but accurate buffs just that the attacks themselves don't get multiplied by some number but some amount of damage is added and this damage added depends on your character's level which then gets buffed by em which kill the dreams quiet and some other stats too so make sure you level up your yamica to level 90 if you can this damage is then added to your attacks and can make your attacks which may not do a lot of damage like for example yayamiko skill do a lot more this doesn't really buffer alt by a lot because again the alt won't do two extra damage damage will just be added on anyways if you're curious about my build here is the build i'm using currently the vidset first of all it's a pretty good weapon especially because of the em if you get it sometimes uh i do need more refinements but it's fine for now then my artifact sets of course kill the dreams with some really good artifacts as you can see free trade include damage all around except for this but we'll get one in the future c0 and 999 anyways that's all i got for you guys today i hope this helped you guys this video took me a very long time to record and you know edit took me i guess about 20 hours uh but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed if you want to help me out you can i guess like the video and if you really want to help me out you can subscribe and yeah anyways that's all and i'll see you guys next time bye you
Channel: Rad
Views: 84,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, yae miko, genshin impact 3.0, genshin impact game, genshin impact graphics, genshin impact wiki, artifact comparison, yae miko artifacts, yae miko artifact comparison, artifact comparison yae miko, gilded dreams, gilded dreams genshin, gilded dreams yae miko, yae miko build, genshin gilded dreams, sumeru artifact sets, gilded dreams artifact, yae miko artifacts comparison, genshin, yae miko guide, yae miko gilded dreams, thundering fury, yae miko damage
Id: vigTzsYX0w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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