Giant Planets! ๐Ÿช | @PlanetCosmoTV | #Compilation | @Wizz Explore

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[Music] [Music] exercise is fantastic cosmo i'm okay just tripped over this plug well not to worry i'm the jogging key [Music] [Music] wow what a workout i'm a powerhouse a very thirsty powerhouse i need a nice cool drink with loads of ice oh yes ice is what i need if there's one thing i want it's ice no ice that's strange the fridge isn't working i'll fix it i am a supercomputer after all running fridge diagnostics estimated time left quite a while but i want ice now gil will figure it out i'm sure but until then no ice i'm afraid [Music] oh this again [Music] any ice back here ice anywhere ice are you out there [Music] oh you can still have a drink without ice dad without it my drink will be warm warm i just want ice dad is very upset about the ice i better not mention it again in case dad gets even more upset i have an idea let's take a trip somewhere take your mind off well let's just go somewhere okay so where are we going where are we going [Music] i never do we going today where are we going where are we going today [Music] where are we going today how about one of my favorite planets planish saturn oh one of the big ones let's find out about saturn hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet saturn so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this big one is called saturn saturn is a stripy yellow color it's a planet made of gas clouds and the most amazing things about saturn are the beautiful rings around it so remember saturn is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and you'll always know saturn by its amazing rings could you please help me remember that [Music] saturn is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and it has amazing rings thanks cosmo out we'll leave mum with gil to fix the fridge but what about my ice i still want eyes try to forget about the ice dad we'll have a great time on saturn begin launch sequence [Music] yellow stripes it has [Music] it's the gorgeous one [Applause] [Music] in the dark things [Music] we left gil back home without him how will we find saturn dad we were told all about saturn weren't you paying attention i was busy thinking about ice oh dear will you help me find saturn great one of these three planets is saturn but which one is it the smallest planet the biggest one or this one that oh looks a little different which one is saturn [Music] ah this one is saturn because it has big rings around it remember saturn is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and it has amazing rings saturn here we come [Music] we're getting close now wait until you see it dad fashion is the most amazing planet let's get a better look saturn no that's titan saw one of saturn's moons oh but look saturn it's one of the most amazing planets in the whole solar system aren't saturn's rings fantastic i wonder what they're made of thanks for taking me to saturn cosmo it's even better than that time i knitted a scarf as long as four elephants they never wore it elephants don't like sharing saturn almost makes up for not having any ice almost would you like to see more of session yes time for a space walk everybody remember where we parked here goes one two three oh brilliant come on saul come on cozmo [Music] uh i'll just wait here come on cosmo let's all go together no it looks a bit far i'm a bit scared of floating out in space [Music] we all get scared sometimes don't let it hold you back you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i won't let being scared hold me back here i come one two three is fun [Music] look at dad he's having a great time daddy happy he's very happy off i go to saturn's rings and i think he's finally forgotten all about the ice wow the rings are made of ice ice saturn's rings are made of ice lots and lots of pieces of ice hey that's something amazing to tell your friends sasha's rings are made of ice sparkly then that means we can use ice from saturn's rings for your nice cool drink that's what i wanted all along ice oh this is the best iciest day ever i love saturn let's collect some ice [Music] oh [Music] we should have worn gloves so my hands are getting very cold with all this oh ice so cold dad is getting too cold quick we better get him inside now who fu fancies an ice cold drink so lovely and cold [Music] oh dad hot soup is much better when you're cold saturn is amazing and so isn't it fantastic that saturn's rings are made of ice bye bye saturn begins launch sequence [Music] [Music] it's [Applause] [Music] and we learned something amazing today saturn's huge rings are made of ice [Music] see amazing things [Music] [Music] scan complete the fridge isn't plugged in what not plugged in oh there's that plug i tripped over earlier better plug it back in [Music] there we go you fixed the fridge dad all by yourself mission complete you're amazing dad yes i am pretty amazing aren't i you do know that it was you who unplugged the fridge in the first place don't you dad still amazing and that's why i had to spend all day mopping the floor amazing don't worry even though dad fix the fridge you're amazing too mom you're both as amazing as saturn [Music] oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon do you like drawing i do look stars that's right stars saul loves the stars are you two ready for bed dad shh it's late are you two ready for bed teddy beddy and that is the end of the story i love stories [Music] good night saul good night cosmo i love you both good night dad no nobody saw sometimes a little bit afraid of the dark it'll be okay look [Music] when saul can see the stars he's happy tomorrow i have a super important fantastic mission to another planet would you and saul like to come to yes please daddy good night good night cosmo [Music] [Music] where are we going [Music] today [Music] venus earth [Music] jupiter saturn uranus don't forget neptune i never do where are we going today [Music] today we're off to planet uranus that's right i need dad to erect a static chromatograph to trace the hydrocarbons in you mean i've got to put up a huge machine with my big muscles i've been working out all week for this let's find out about uranus hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet uranus so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this big one is called uranus uranus is a bluey green color it looks beautifully smooth uranus is one of the ice giant planets so it's incredibly cold so remember uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth it's incredibly cold could you please help me remember that [Music] uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth incredibly cold thanks cosmo out begin launch [Music] there's a sequence green world it's called uranus world it's the seventh planet it's so far away [Music] approaching outer planets now please specify destination planet uranus that's one of the big ones right don't you know of course i know i am a supercomputer but if you could just give me a clue will you help me find uranus great look at these three planets they're all big but look very different could uranus be this huge brown planet this yellow planet with the big rings or this bluey green planet [Music] bluey green so this one must be uranus uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth incredibly cold dad let's go [Music] there's planets uranus [Music] warning surface unstable that means the ground is all squishy looks all the clouds are so pretty clouds warning surface unstable uranus whoa fantastic warning surface unstable did say self is unstable didn't i i say a lot of things do you not listen no no you don't will you get things wrong i do not what about that time you computed that the best thing for me to wash socks in would be custard i've grown 2 415 times smarter since then right i better get to work setting up this big fancy machine cosmo i'll need you to look after saul okay right oh dad come on saul let's have a look around kill open bay doors i'll need lifters help for this warning service i'm stable [Music] i don't believe it [Music] looks all the sky is beautiful here on uranus the sun looks so small i can barely see it through the clouds the atmosphere on uranus the clouds and gas is so thick it's almost impossible to see anything through it even the sun hey that's something amazing to tell your friends the cloudy atmosphere on uranus is so thick it's almost impossible to see anything through it it will be getting dark soon you better head back and see how dad is getting on [Music] this is taking longer than expected cosmo i'm fantastic at it of course but well lifter is a little bit clumsy excuse me sweetie whoops i am a silly move sal is very tired is it time to go home i have to get this machine finished there are blankets in the spacecraft why don't you take saul inside and get him tucked up for [Music] good sleep sir no nobody nobody oh no saul is scared of the dark and it's very dark in here dad dad saul is scared sorry cosmo i'm a bit tangled up here you'll have to make him feel happy so he can go to sleep me i don't know if i can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i'll find a way of making soul happy i know stars when saul sees the stars he's happy i'll take saul to the observation deck when saul sees all the stars outside he'll be happy again where are the stars oh do you remember the cloudy atmosphere on uranus is so thick it's almost impossible to see anything through it stars is there any way i can show saul some stars all we brought was lifter huge machine parts and crayons for drawing can any of these things help me show self some stars i can draw stars with crayons like we did earlier there's a star there's a star and there's a [Music] that's a lovely star girl [Music] stars so love stars good night so good night cosmo [Music] all finished all finished my gosh it's full of stars [Music] begin launch sequence far from the sun there's a blue green world [Music] it's called uranus and it's smooth not swirled it's the seventh planet [Music] it's so far away cold so cold [Music] we saw you're in us today and cosmo learned something amazing today the cloudy atmosphere on uranus is so thick it's almost impossible to see anything through it far from the sun there's a blue green world it's called uranus and it's smooth not swirled [Music] [Music] stars mission complete [Music] oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon it's very cold in here i'm conducting an experiment measuring the exothermal properties of hydrogen in some zero temperatures mom is playing with cold things it's all very scientific stay back cosmo the slightest mistake could ruin the whole experiment we thought you hard workers could do with a drink i made water well poured water well salted my experiment months of work gone lovely drinks gone mommy's sad it's okay it was only water but it's frozen all over my experiment it looks like an ice rink now an ice rink for ice skating i used to love ice skating like a ballerina dancing on ice well i'm too busy for ice skating these days gil how long would it take to reset experiment conditions around seven months four days 11 hours 22 minutes and 43 seconds i'm sure i can find a quicker way your mum is the best ice skater i've ever seen even better than me and i'm pretty fantastic i have very strong ankles i wish i could go ice skating i got it to finish my experiment sooner i just need to take it somewhere incredibly cold one of the coldest planets where are we going where are we going today [Music] i never do where are [Music] we going today [Music] one of the ice planets i'll prepare my equipment an ice planet cosmo there must be loads of places to ice skate there do you think so oh there must be let's find out about neptune hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet neptune so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this one at the end is called neptune neptune is a big blue planet neptune is the farthest planet from the sun that makes neptune terribly cold one of the ice giant planets so remember neptune is a big blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold could you please help me remember that [Music] neptune is a big blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold thanks cosmo out right everything's ready and are you ready for ice skating begin launch sequence [Music] blue makes it cold [Music] is [Music] neptune that's not neptune that's jupiter neptune is very different will you help me show neptune to saul great let's draw neptune neptune is round but what color is planet neptune yellow red or blue which crayon would i need [Music] blue neptune is a blue planet that's right this is what neptune looks like saul neptune is a blue planet blue planet yes like that planet oh that is neptune neptune is a blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold so everyone needs to wrap up warm imagine an ice rink disco lights well they might not have disco lights but as long as it's smooth and solid we'll be able to skate who is flying the ship the ship oh the ship [Music] entering neptune's atmosphere now all under control [Music] neptune is beautiful so blue so windy and swirly oh i can't wait to go ice skating swish swish swish swish swish no swish that's not smooth and solid be careful everyone the surface of neptune isn't solid gill please extend the platform extending now thank you for saying please i mean it's only good manners but it's still nice not solid it's not like an ice rink at all it's not even like the hard ground at home neptune's surface isn't solid it's all smooshy and mushy hey that's something amazing to tell your friends neptune's surface isn't solid amazing but not very good for skating daddy sad swish swish if only there was some way of ice skating out here well no point in complaining unless there's a neptune complaints department which i don't think there is to cheer us up i brought water for everyone well [Music] whoa don't worry i'm fantastic at not slipping on ice ouch [Music] just need to bring this very delicate equipment down to mud watch out it's very slippy slippy like an ice rink the water has frozen and turned to ice dad we can go skating on the ice oh we couldn't skate on a patch of ice as small as this cosmo for a big ice rink we'd need lots of water gil how much water have we got approximately 5.7968 skill is it slots yes beginning experiment what now now we wait oh if i'd known we'd be waiting i'd brought a book well we can enjoy the peace and quiet surprise [Music] my experiment not again [Music] well i wasn't going to ruin it twice was i an ice rink ice skating [Music] you might but you'll get better i don't know mom i don't think i can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right [Music] would you like to skate soul take my hand [Music] everybody happy [Music] i wake up what oh dear is there danger the experiment was a success gil you did very well i did really i mean oh yeah of course i am a super launch computer [Music] makes it cold and we learned something amazing today neptune doesn't have a solid surface it's all mushy [Music] i love ice skating me too thank you dad now would anyone like a drink before bed drinks i'll get them [Music] and then boom oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon dad is telling us a story dad loves stories the rain poured down gotta clatter clutter the sky lit up with lightning and then boom more thunder dad stop telling scary stories it's not a scary story i'm not scared of storms i'm not scared of anything i'm a bit scared it's okay cosmo there are no storms here on the moon now that's enough i like stories they make me happy intruder alert intruder sorry only the postman delivery for a mrs mum thanks oh i can't wait to find out what's inside what is it it's an advanced sensor array designed to measure the electromagnetic oh i thought it might be something fun well i do need someone to drop it off to another planet oh me me i'll take it i'd be brilliant at it please can i come too sorry please you don't even know where you're going yet where are we going [Music] [Music] where are we [Music] [Applause] today i need you to go to jupiter wow which planet is jupiter the really big one wow let's find out about jupiter hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet jupiter so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this huge gas planet is called jupiter jupiter is orange and brown with stripes jupiter has this huge red spot here jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system biggest by far so remember jupiter is an orange and brown stripy planet with a big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system could you please help me remember that jupiter is an orange and brown stripy planet with a big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system thanks cosmo out i need you to take the advanced sensor array the big shiny machine and drop it into jupiter's atmosphere right into its big red spot got that big red spot begin launch sequence there is a giant planet it is the biggest one of all jupiter jupiter [Music] it's orangey brown [Music] is [Music] alert approaching asteroid belt no problem switching to manual that's a lot of rocks they're called asteroids dad whatever they're called they're really in the way i can't see where jupiter is will you help me find jupiter great look we can see three planets through the asteroids but we can only see little bits of them which of these belongs to jupiter some stripey rings a swirly blue bit or a big red spot which is planet jupiter [Music] the big red spot yes jupiter is an orange and brown stripey planet with a big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system dad that's jupiter [Music] there's the big red spot tomato tomato i don't think the big red spot is that tomato sauce is it dad tomato no it's um well let's find out as long as it's not a store may boom sorry [Music] it's a storm isn't it we're right in the big red spot and it is a storm hey that's something amazing to tell your friends about jupiter its big red spot is a giant storm noisy tomato too scary can't move too scary but dad you're not scared of anything you're right i'm big and strong aren't i nothing scares me too scary we have to get back inside dad quick [Music] i'm scared cosmo it's okay we're inside now no i'm scared of what your mom will do if we don't do as she asked and drop this into the atmosphere oh you'll just have to go back outside then i can't it's too scary can you do it it's scary for me too hmm tomato oh saul is too little i'm the only one with the most amazing muscles ever the only one who can lift this shiny machine the only one who can complete this mission gill take me back up have a nice day nice have you seen it up there nice [Music] cosmo can you hear me yepa loud and clear i have to push this machine all the way to the edge of the ship i've got the muscles but this'll take courage backbone guts cosmo that's where i need you i need you to stop me being scared while i do this how can i do that i don't think i can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i'll find a way to stop you being scared dad i know stories make dad happy that's what will take his mind off being scared we'll tell him a story dad we're on our way [Music] what's the best way to start a story let's see once upon a hmm once upon a what comes next tomato no that's not right once upon a time that's it once upon a time there was a tomato okay have tomato one day the little tomato had a very important mission was he a brave tomato cosmo he was very brave just like dad he had big muscles and he loved to knit push and this tomato went on an amazing journey to jupiter push where he got a bit scared oh too windy i'm not going to make it but even though he was scared the tomato was brave and kept going push because even the bravest tamashas get scared sometimes almost there [Music] the way it goes [Music] and the little tomato completed a very difficult mission all by himself not by himself with his fantastic children who he loved very much and that is the end of the story now let's all think up a story to tell mom so that she won't know i was scared it's okay to be scared sometimes dad you're right besides i was only a little scared boom boom silly stop noisy to matter begin launch sequence [Music] there is a giant planet it is the biggest [Music] round and we learned something amazing today jupiter's big red spot is actually a huge storm there is a giant [Music] i stood there right in the middle of the big red spot and the helium rain poured clatter clatter clatter i pushed and pushed and then away it went mission the sky lit up with lightning boom it's okay mom there are no storms here on the moon you are sure about that aren't you no storms yes daddy phew i've had enough of storms for a long long time [Music] hmm [Music] oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon i'm playing hide and seek with saul i can't find him anywhere [Music] you're the one i love my ball of wool my lovely ball of cosmo what are you doing i'm looking for salt we're playing hide and seek i'm having a shower cosmo dad's shower is alone time [Music] dad alert call coming in it's mission control patch it straight in here gil [Music] greetings mission control i have an important mission for you we've detected a group of meteoroids meteoroids rocks shooting through space for classified safety reasons we need you to find out where they go they were last seen moving towards another planet to find the meteoroids head to that planet which planet where are we going where are we going [Music] venus earth [Music] where are we [Music] [Applause] the meteoroids are approaching planet saturn go there find them follow them and report back mission control out let's find out about saturn hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet saturn so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this big one is called saturn saturn is a stripy yellow colour it's a planet made of gas clouds and the most amazing things about saturn are the beautiful rings around it so remember saturn is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and you'll always know saturn by its amazing rings could you please help me remember that saturn is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and it has amazing rings thanks cosmo x come on dad let's head to saturn and find the meteoroids no problem to me i'm super amazing at finding things now where did i put the keys begin launch sequence [Music] yellow stripes it has [Music] it's the gorgeous ones [Applause] [Music] kill set course for saturn turn right at next junction head down the little lane watch out for cows that doesn't sound right are you okay gil yes i'm perfectly fine oh sorry no i'm having a dreadful crash hard drive one failing hard drive two failing hard drive three i have a hard drive three oh that's failed too unable to continue gil has crashed will you help me find sasha great finding saturn is easy isn't it it's the one with the big amazing rings oh but all i can find is a big view of the solar system this side has little rocky planets this side has big cloudy gas planets is saturn a small rocky planet or a big gas planet a gas planet saturn is a big gas planet look sasha is a stripy yellow planet it's a gas planet and it has amazing rings welcome to gill 5000 for all your super computing needs gil we found saturn [Music] we're almost at saturn slow to one quarter impulse excuse me impulse power do we not use that um well just slow down then gil [Music] the meteoroids should reach this point any moment now let's look for the meteoroids when you see flying rocks shout meteoroids like this meteoroids let's look [Music] meteoroids whoa they're fast gill follow those rocks me the ship can't turn that fast it's too big we should have come in something smaller smaller gill you're a genius to the star pods [Music] ready for lunch i mean launch sorry i'm thinking of sandwiches [Music] we better split up you head towards saturn i'll go the other way i've lost them i can't see the meteoroids head for saturn they were going in that direction right oh dad [Applause] wow oh that's not right saturn has amazing rings but i can't see any do you see rings no me neither that can't be saturn i must have gone the wrong way did you find the meteoroids around saturn cosmo i can't find saturn or the meteoroid's dad i'm totally lost i can't do this dad yes you can you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i'm going to find saturn and those meteoroids what was that better take a look oh look at the planet the rings are there saturn's rings it is saturn saturn's rings are so thin i could barely see them when i looked at them head-on hey that's something amazing to tell your friends saturn's rings are so thin sometimes they can barely be seen at all the meteoroids dad [Music] that one's heading off on its own [Music] it's heading towards that small moon that's no moon that's a oh wait actually it is a moon that's mimos one of saturn's moons they're heading for saturn you're right they're going to break through saturn's atmosphere cosmo there's going to be a wonderful meteor shower let's head to saturn and watch it together didn't you say showers are alone time not this kind of shower [Music] here they come shooting stars a meteor shower oh pretty [Music] wow well we found the meteoroids cosmo we're both the best at finding things time to find our way home launch sequence [Music] trains [Music] yellow stripes it has [Music] and we learned something amazing today saturn's rings are so thin sometimes they can barely be seen at all [Music] so the meteorites never made it past saturn good work cosmo mission control out dad what are you doing i'm playing hide and seek i'm so thin that when i turn sideways you can't see me you can't see me right i can see you me too bound you sorry dad [Music] oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon we're getting ready for a visitor the mission controller is coming it must be something important she's here do i look okay oh i should have tidied my desktop greetings mission control hello mummy dummy mission controller is our grandma hello granny no time for hellos cosmo i have an important mission for you i'm going on holiday and i need you to take care of my little doggie while i'm away his name is quantum he likes to be told he's a pretty dog [Laughter] now be sure to take him for a walk take him for a watch no don't say it out loud never say it out loud he gets a little carried away if he hears the w word more carried away than that not a word from me then if there's one word this dog will never hear from me it's walk i love you mummy mission control out bye granny have a nice holiday [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he's a roley doggy let's play planets quantum planets spin around i'm spinning like a planet [Music] no that's not how you play planets silly doggy look at him rolling that is quite enough this dog is clearly in need of his w-a-l-k [Music] his walk why don't you take him somewhere and tire him out somewhere far perhaps to another planet where are we going where are we [Music] going where are [Music] where are we going today [Music] venus earth jupiter [Music] where are we [Music] [Applause] definitely one of the outer planets i'll need the time to tidy up so let's say planet uranus let's find out about uranus hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet uranus so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this big one is called uranus uranus is a bluey green color it looks beautifully smooth uranus is one of the ice giant planets so it's incredibly cold so remember uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth it's incredibly cold could you please help me remember that [Music] uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth incredibly cold thanks cosmo out take quantum for his walk and don't say that word out loud who knows what would happen zipped not a word i will definitely not say the word begin launch sequence far from the sun there's a blue green world it's called uranus world it's the seventh planet it's so far away [Music] hello doggy excuse me if you do not speak english i am at your disposal with 187 other languages with their various dialects and sub tongues computers are delicate are you sure you want to engage hyperdrive no no hyperdrive you have selected yes engaging hyperdrive [Music] gil where are we unknown scanning two planets found one of these planets must be uranus will you help me work out which one it is great one looks smooth the other looks sort of swirly do you remember if uranus looks smooth or swirly [Music] smooth uranus looks very smooth uranus is a bluey green planet it looks very smooth incredibly cold let's go there it is planet uranus [Music] uranus doesn't have solid ground that means it's not a good place to bring quantum for a while don't say it i wasn't going to me no i'd never say that i have an idea back out into space can't bring quantum for his you know on uranus but we can take him outside here for a space you know what a space w-a-l-k not getting it a space walk oh a space what dad phew that was close i almost said space walk [Music] well that wasn't so bad i don't think he's [Music] [Music] ow no finished press that you have selected espanol bienvenido aguiles in coming [Music] we have to get him outside before he breaks everything [Music] he's rolling again i know i'll distract him and you grab him dad then we'll take him outside for his [Music] oh but he looks all wrinkly i won't be able to hold on to him i don't think i can do it you always tell me i can do anything and you can do anything too dad really of course really i can do it that's right now hurry quantum look i'm a planet now dad [Music] [Music] isn't that right dad dad [Music] [Laughter] enjoy your walk [Music] he'll be okay dad loves walks planet uranus looks so beautiful oh i can see it turn uranus is uranus isn't spinning it's rolling most planets spin around but planet uranus rotates on its side like it's rolling hey that's something amazing to tell your friends planet uranus rotates on its side [Music] quantum you're not a silly dog you're a very clever dog oh you were playing planets all along roll like uranus roll [Music] ah you're too tired for rolling now after your long don't say it please not again never ever again launch sequence there's a blue green world it's called uranus world it's the seventh planet [Music] and we learned something amazing today uranus rotates on its side like it's rolling far from the sun [Music] you've really tired him out haven't you look at him he's a cute doggie [Music] how's my little cutie baby i'm doing very well thank you oh you're my cutie baby too he's sleeping granny we took him well you know the thing we can't say all the way to planet uranus uranus you say well have you ever been to mexico put the kettle on and granny will tell you all about it he's a very clever dog granny he likes to play planets did you know that uranus rolls it does ah all tidy and i might even have enough time to go for a little walk [Music] oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon mom has been showing me how to make paper flowers not like that saul i'll show you slowly and carefully when i was a little girl back on earth i would lie out in my garden full of real flowers and i'd look up at the stars at the clouds fluffy all shapes and sizes some looks like little fish others like huge mountains the clouds sound amazing cole coming in for you it's mission control i'd better go and see what this is about do you like the clouds we don't have clouds on the moon just sky and stars i think mum misses the clouds now slowly and carefully i did it i made a paper flower [Music] oh song you've just made a mess [Laughter] i've been in the gym i just did 300 rowing things maybe a thousand check out how big i am i'm the biggest of all even bigger than mum and she's big well dad today you're going to find out what big really is mission control is sending us to the biggest planet in the solar system biggest planet where are we going where are we [Music] going today [Music] venus earth [Music] jupiter where are we [Music] to the biggest planet in the whole solar system planet jupiter is jupiter really bigger than me yes is it bigger than an elephant yes is it bigger than a blue whale crossed with an elephant that just ate a really big sandwich full of big stuff yes wow let's find out about jupiter the observatory please patching you through now hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet jupiter so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this huge gas planet is called jupiter jupiter is orange and brown with stripes jupiter has this huge red spot here jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system biggest by far so remember jupiter is an orange and brown stripey planet with a big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system could you please help me remember that [Music] jupiter is an orange and brown stripy planet with a big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system thanks cosmo out so is it really bigger than yes incredible begin launch sequence [Music] it's orangey brown got a red [Music] it is [Music] approaching asteroid belt floating between mars and jupiter are millions of rocks they're called the asteroid belt kill set course for jupiter through the asteroids i can't see through rocks you know i think i can see something peeking out from behind the asteroids planets we'll find jupiter will you help me find jupiter great we can't quite see what these three planets look like but we can't see what size they are is jupiter the smallest the middle sized or the biggest one [Music] the biggest this must be jupiter jupiter is an orange and brown stripey planet with a big red spot and it's the biggest planet in the solar system thanks for helping course set destination jupiter [Music] approaching jupiter now is it big senses indicate that jupiter is huge massive humongous technically it's ginormous it doesn't look that big to me well maybe it is a bit big dad take us into the atmosphere i have some tests to run cosmo why don't you and saul watch from the observation deck here we go [Music] aren't sheeps all those are clouds jupiter is made of gas clouds hey that's something amazing to tell your friends jupiter is full of gas clouds the clouds are beautiful just like mom used to see in her garden when she was little mom misses the clouds i think she'd like to be a little girl again [Music] these readings for jupiter's atmosphere are incredible gil where is everyone we all need lots and lots of paper this is going to be a wonderful surprise i'm fantastic at surprises i once surprised a donkey actually it made the donkey a bit sad right i'll get the paper i'll keep mom from coming in until you're ready we're going to give mom a wonderful surprise just wait until you see it dad what are you doing nothing but you can't come in why not you see something's going to happen you must leave what what's going to happen something wonderful [Music] got the paper yay [Music] over and over again this way or that way oh i can't remember how to fold a flower i can't do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right i remember slowly and carefully i did it a flower so did you fold yours that's all gil open the observation deck door i'm sorry mum i'm afraid i can't do that alert i think mum really wants to come in now she's getting a bit cross with me okay we're ready [Music] hello cosmo saul dad what is going on in here [Music] surprise mom we made a garden just like the one when you were a little girl look look at the clouds oh cosmo look closely can you find any shapes in the clouds last one looks like a butterfly i see a fish look for shapes in the clouds shout out what you see a flower a star [Music] sheep that's right so that's cloud looks like a sheep i see one that looks like a big ball of knitting with knitting needles and a stripy jumper dad oh you're right wow the clouds are beautiful jupiter is amazing thank you so much cozmo just so you know while you've all been lying around i've gathered the data we need on jupiter i'm not boasting or anything but it was easy for me most of it you did very well gil time to go home launch sequence [Music] round and we learned something amazing today planet jupiter is full of gas clouds [Music] it's nice to be home do you miss the clouds a little i loved being a little girl almost as much as i love being a mom to a little girl all of my own right here i lie out in our garden full of flowers i open my eyes and look up at the stars at the stars [Music] oh hello it's me cosmo i live on the moon it's lifter's birthday today shh it's a surprise surprise what oh hello lifter it's your birthday happy birthday lifter you have to make a wish lifter and then blow out the candle are you sure deary have you ever seen me blow anything out i can rustle up quite a breeze it's not as if you're going to blow us away is it for that you'd need super amazing bagpipe playing lungs like mine go on make a wish okay then brace yourselves wish that was fantastic wind winds that was like wind lifter you have the strongest breath ever so what did you wish for lifter i hope it wasn't a slice of cake what i love more than anything is interior decorating decorating beautiful designs and where am i in this grey room my wish is to be able to decorate my little room [Music] wallpaper i knew it would come in handy sometime oh how exciting no don't look this is going to be a surprise off you go leave me to my decorating oh why don't we go somewhere we'll come back later and see lifters room wind wind that's a great idea so we could all go somewhere windy where are we going where are we going [Music] where are [Music] where are we going today mercury venus earth jupiter [Music] where are we [Music] [Applause] there's neptune that's windy going to neptune would give lifter time to decorate a room in peace let's find out about neptune hello cosmo key in here this astronomer is going to tell us all about the planet neptune so pay attention this is the solar system and these are the planets this one at the end is called neptune neptune is a big blue planet neptune is the farthest planet from the sun that makes neptune terribly cold one of the ice giant planets so remember neptune is a big blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold could you please help me remember that neptune is a big blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold thanks cosmo out are you sure you'll be okay on your own lifter of course petal couldn't be happier wait until you see what i do with the place begin launch sequence [Music] makes it cold [Music] take us to neptune gill an update for your neptune location file is available downloading update now download failed retrying please wait we don't have to wait for gail will you help me find neptune great these are all the planets the sun is here if we could remember whether neptune is close to the sun or far away from the sun then we'd know which way to go is neptune close to the sun or far away from the sun [Music] far away this one is neptune neptune is a big blue planet farthest from the sun and it's very cold it's out that way dad update installed now to get to neptune we know farthest from the sun well it would have sounded better coming from a supercomputer [Music] there we go i'd really rather stay behind you know the trip out will do you good gil do you feel it's all the wind is even stronger than lifters breath waiting what we need is a kite and it just so happens a kite what's this everyone no don't watch that that wasn't it don't worry dad look stabilizing shoes here it goes wow it's flying look so kind keep going dad [Music] kites fly up in the air i kite whoa it's getting windier scanning analysis indicates that conditions are very windy can you be more specific girl um yes breezy blustery one might say hmm westerly wind approaching 2 000 kilometers per hour is that a lot yes that makes neptune the windiest planet in the solar system the windiest planet in the solar system hey that's something amazing to tell your friends neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system and that's too windy for us we better head back to the ship dad don't worry i did seven extra push-ups this morning arms of steel but if i let go my kite will blow away it's my favorite kite it's my only kite dad let go before it takes you any higher warning prepare for massive gust of wind in three two one [Music] those gassy hills will be nice and soft that's right we can just let go over one of those hills it's too high i don't think i can do it they'll be perfect for a soft landing you can do it you can do anything cosmo really of course really i can do it that's right let's jump onto the soft hills help me work out when to let go when we're right above the hill shout now now not yet when we're right above it now almost now let go everyone [Music] you'll get another kite someday [Music] let's get inside we'll go and find out how lifter is getting on with our decorating launch yay [Music] makes it cold [Music] and we learned something amazing today neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system [Music] lifter it's beautiful it is rather lovely isn't it sweetie it's been a wonderful birthday just wait until you see the rest of it the rest of what oh lifter oh the moon base is beautiful the whole moon base every inch well done lefter mission complete all i have left is this one square of flowery wallpaper seems such a shame to let it go to waste hmm a kite go dad yay wind wins [Music] the home of abc's one two threes and all your favorite kids tv characters now let's find kids tv or i can press this microphone wiz that's how easy it is [Music]
Channel: Wizz Explore
Views: 304,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wizz, wizz explore, tv for kids, kids tv, cartoons for kids, Planet Cosmo, Cosmo, Space, Learning about Space, Solar System, Planets, Learn About Planets, Science, Science for Kids, Earth, Venus, Hottest Planet, Holiday, Full Episode, Big Little Planet, Giant Planets, Compilation, Planet Cosmo TV
Id: q302P3JRZtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 2sec (5822 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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