Crack The Safe Challenge! Heist Board Game!

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[Music] what's going on guys welcome to battle universe I'm talking about one just this one hey guys you're not in the shop that's your camera what's going on hey guys what's going on guys welcome back to Bali universe my name is CJ we have Patrick we have Samantha and we have woodland and today we are in the board game universe whoo I just met guys today we are playing a super fun game called heist one team one mission we came up with a couple different rounds that are gonna change how the game is actually played and you guys will find out as we go along basically we have four different roles and we all have to work together as a team to crack this vault and to get all the gold that's inside we have Samantha hello the lookout would lend the looker just the hacker hacker Woods is the hacker Patrick is the money man can you tell any money money bag moneyback moneyback and I am the explosives expert expert self-proclaimed we all have to work together if we fail we fail as a team and if we win we win as a team so everyone else to do their part okay yang sure to stay tuned because we're playing with these small pieces for the first round but we're gonna play with actual items and it's gonna get wild we're gonna do there's a bunch of difficulties and with this game it goes faster and faster each time so we're gonna do level one first to show you guys how it works ah we're gonna bet busters you're gonna pass it than a blood blaster so how it's gonna work everyone pick a blaster off your wall okay and if we fail as a team we all lose a blaster I'm gonna bet putting this so I'm betting my boss bobber can I get the bow and arrow no and maybe one right above that yeah keep screaming the narrator in this little box will tell us everything we need to do in order to crack the vault right time for those glasses I just want to see guys how do I look those I kind of I can see on this alrighty guys we're starting nobody gets hurt so funny man hacker explosives expert okay let's play another one normally let's go explosives expert get the headset put the gloves down hacker get the drill good job bro funny man get the map yeah Steve look out get the gargle alright we all have an item good job guys that's me if you have the item in front of you to the hacker [Music] school and this does that mean the channel was deleted now basically it gets way harder we jail like spaced out that's not cool what's up quick it's upside down explosives expert get the headsets I don't know if you guys can tell but it's opening to the hacker the goggles for the head alright guys obviously that round was super easy but now you know how the games played so now we're gonna replace all these items with actual real life items and it's going to get quicker and harder to figure out every single level we have Woods's dirty gloves really brighten my rails plus we have a drill an actual drill which we'll throw at each other yikes we have a head set explosives those are real dinamita mmm must be Italian yes a torch map where does this go to the heist part yes did you say the heist part nice Park just in case you guys were wondering I misspelled that it's March and then dude is the response er by Apple new MacBook Pro guys we don't have millions of dollars we're not gonna throw a real laptop around calm down and it goes no-one said it we haven't even uploaded this yeah who are you talking you get 3 mistakes in the entire level before the alarm goes off so whoever has that third mistaken alarm goes off the game we're moving on to level 3 here we go explosives expert yes the goggles pass the flashlight to the explosives expert everyone press your button now get the map get the explosives to the hacker everyone get the laptop the laptop let's go hey guys explosives expert get the goggles create the laptop for the drill flashlight lookout get the explosives for the flashlight use the laptop the drill will trade the map for the gloves pass the flashlight to the hacker everyone press your fun now pass the drill to the workout use the goggles grab three million dollars look out get the goggles bloody man get the explosives raise the flashlight for the laptop the laptop is hard to the explosives expert trade the gargle for the headset pass the map to the hacker we almost awesome funny man get the drill great explosives for the flashlight hey the reason I pushed it twice was because I push it I pushed it on accident but then it said and the gloves and I realized I had the gloves so fast dude let's actually do a heist guys we made it as a team that means we all get to keep our blasters put him back up on the wall if there's any other crazy fun games just like that comment down below let us know what you want us to try we'd love to play click this video right here that's a board game playlist click this video YouTube recommends for you don't forget to subscribe and we'll see you guys next time about a log
Channel: Battle Universe
Views: 309,232
Rating: 4.9136505 out of 5
Keywords: Battle Universe, Nerf Battle Universe, hi5, hi5 nerf, hi5 studios, nerf, nurf, nerf battle, challenge, game, funny, boardgame, board game, new board game, new board games, board games, board game challenge, heist, crack the safe, heist game
Id: L1Q0QhN5TQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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