Giant George Pig 🌳 | Peppa Pig Official Full Episodes

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bedtime story it is night time daddy pig is reading Pepper and George a bedtime story and so the prince the princess the budgie and the Frog all lived happily ever after the end the bedtime story has sent Pepper and George to sleep good night my little piggies George is awake dinosaur girl George you naughty piggy go back to sleep George is not sleepy [Music] time is for sleep tell you a bedtime story once upon a time there was a little pig his name was Georgie Pig and he was off to make his fortune soon he came to a forest do you like the story George inside the forest there's a little house [Applause] and inside the house was a bowl of porridge Georgie Pig was very hungry so he ate it all up Yum Yum Yum but just as he finished baby bear walked in and said I did my magic porridge Georgie said yes baby bear said that was magic porridge it will make you go very big and then Georgie Pig the gun to grow he grew and he grew and he grew until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest the end are you sleepy George no not even a little bit no oh okay I'll do a bit more story baby bear said there is a box of golden treasure at the end of the world but it's too far for me to go because I'm too little Georgie said I will carry you there so Georgie Pig walked to the end of the world walked and he walked and he walked are you sleepy yet no he walked through forests across mountains across seas and are you sleepy yet no he walked all the way to the end of the world and found a big box of golden treasure oh and a big dragon girl yes a big green dragon with little wings and breathing fire Roar luckily it was a very friendly dragon and he said you can have the treasure but then Georgie Pig began to shrink he shrunk and he shrinked and he shrunk until he was the same little dirty pig as he was before how will we get back home now said baby bear I can fly you home said the dragon say Georgie Pig and baby bear hooked on the dragon's back and flew all the way back home to the Little House in the forest and then it's the end George is asleep pepper is asleep pepper what are you doing out of bed night time is for sleeping not playing night night my little piggies sweet dreams Pepper and George are in their little beds fast asleep [Music] it is a lovely sunny day Peppa George and Rebecca Rabbit are playing Piggy in the middle [Music] cat Rebecca George is the piggy in the middle oh George is trying to catch the Bull's Shadow silly George that that's not the ball that that just it's shadow look when the ball moves its shadow moves as well you've got a shadow too George is trying to walk away from his shadow he can't walk away from your Shadow you need to run away from it pepper is trying to run away from her Shadow oh still there hello everyone hello Susie we're trying to run away from our shadows no one can run away from their Shadow oh you need to use a scooter we e Susie is trying to ride away from her shadow see but your Shadow is still there oh [Music] hello everyone here is Mr elephant with Emily and Edmund hello we're trying to run away from our shadows you can never run away from your Shadow I know we can't go fast enough no Susie it's nothing to do with how fast you run you see my shadow is still underneath me even if I run faster my shadow keeps up with me Daddy Your Shadow is too big it's slowing you down it's not that Emily your Shadow always stays with you why when something gets in the way of the sun it makes a shadow like this oh I have the biggest Shadow because I'm the biggest and George and I have the smallest Shadows because we are the smallest very clever Edmund I'm a clever clogs [Music] oh whose Shadow is that that's the biggest Shadow ever it must be a giant it's not a giant the shadow is being made by a cloud wow what sort of cloud is it um it's a big cloud it's called a stratocumulus yes Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs look our shadows are getting longer oh that's because the sun is getting lower in the sky it's nearly night time my shadow has gone yes Emily when the sun sets the Shadows go away Peppa George bedtime okay daddy bye forever bye bye [Music] it is bedtime I'm a bit sad that my Shadow's gone away don't be sad Peppa the electric light can make shadows and we can make shadow puppets Mummy Pig is using her hands to make a shadow puppet it's a birdie listen to it sing tweet tweet I'm a little birdie done Peppers made a spider my name is Mr skinny legs like Terry oh George is making a shadow puppet George dinosaur [Music] George has made a dinosaur that's really [Music] light pepper good night George good night Shadows night Shadows [Music] basketball it is a lovely sunny day Peppa and her friends are in the school playground today we have a special person coming to teach you basketball [Music] hey that's me I'm the coach a basketball teacher is called a coach clever daddy Peppa call me coach okay Daddy coach does anyone know how to play basketball no it's fun you have to run bounce the ball and throw it through the hoop wow easy peasy oh it is not as easy as it looks to play basketball you need to train hard and keep fit are you fit daddy coach yes I'm super fit Daddy cough got a big tummy this tummy is pure muscle first I'll teach you how to get the ball from here to here I can do that no Daddy you can't use your feet that's football Danny dog likes football in basketball you bounce the ball with your hands like this who wants to go me me [Music] Susie Sheep is bouncing the basketball very carefully well done Susie now everyone try everyone is learning how to bounce the ball now I'll teach you tackling what killing tackling is trying to get the ball from another player like this try and get the ball from me George George is very good at tackling now throw the ball through the hoop you need just a bit more training there George let's have a little practice game split into two teams boys against girls the girls are in one team the boys are in the other that's not fair we've got little ones on our team don't worry the boys team will still win yeah we're a super team Emily Elephant is very good at reaching high with her trunk Emily's using her trunk trunk ride oh yes that is fair it's not fair we want Emily on our team no she's in our team stop arguing you can all be in the same team okay the children are all in one big team oh but who will we play um well hello the parents have come to take the children home I know you can play the grown-ups but they are bigger than us but you've been taught basketball by Daddy coach yes let's play them we're the children we're the grown-ups Team all right I'm quite good at Cricket yes well this is basketball you throw the ball through the hoop but you can only use your hands or your trunk but not your feet Ready Steady go the elephant has the ball tackled by George pass to Zoe Zebra to Richard Rabbit the children have won hooray all thanks to Daddy coach the new house Daddy Pig is working hard in his work room what are you doing Daddy I'm building a new house it's very small is it a house for elves and fairies no this is a model the real house will be much bigger ah and this is a drawing of what needs to be built a something is missing Daddy Peppa has drawn a swing to go outside the house perfect would you like to visit the new house yes please daddy pig is taking Pepper and George to see the house he is building but Daddy there's nothing here that's because the building work hasn't started yet [Music] here are Mr Bull and his friends Mr Bull has come to build the new house on building it Daddy I've done the hard bit Mr pool just has to follow my instructions hello Mr Pig wash it to me car park swimming pool Rocket Station a house can you build it exactly like this please bigger Mr Pig wants a house is it going to be built of straw or steaks or bricks Mr Pig bricks please good choice don't forget ring don't worry Peppa we won't [Music] wants to help too okay George could you put a blob of mortar here yeah it looks like squelch mortar is a very special card of mud that sticks bricks together Peppa would you like to lay the first brick yes please well done I'll do the rest bricks must be laid straight and level see line after line that will take ages yes will you finish it today oh no you can't build a house in a day it'll be finished tomorrow good see you tomorrow Mr Bull bye guys put the sticky mud down and I put the brick on top that all sounds very exciting now close your eyes and go to sleep it is morning Pepper and George cannot wait to see the new house it's finished almost finished it just needs to be inspected Mr rabbit is the building inspector hmm very good but wait it's not finished what you forgot the swing move oh no we didn't thank you Mr Bull now it's all ready for our new neighbors to move in Neighbors yes Peppa we've got new neighbors Mr Wolf and his family are moving into their new home oh look little piggies hello I'm Wendy Wolf I'm Peppa Pig thank you for building our house Mr Pig what's it made of straw sticks it's made of bricks let's see how strong it is I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll hmm that is strong what's your own house made of Mr Pig bricks so don't even think about it I swing that was my idea it's very good you have a go can you push me no oh I'm puffy instead [Music] Potato City pepper and her family are going to Potato City what is Potato City mummy it's a theme park pepper where the magic of vegetables never ends it sounds a bit boring it will be fun Potato City here we go here we are the family have arrived at a field of potatoes is this Potato City it must be and it looks like we picked the right day to visit there are no Crowds Are you sure this is the right place daddy pig it just looks like a farmer's feel to me excuse me is this Potato City no that's Potato City repeat it it isn't quite what I was expecting it's fantastic how many tickets two adults and two children please Miss Rabbit busy isn't it busy no this is quiet for potato City have a lovely day Peppa's friends have come to Potato City too hello everyone hello and this is Mr Potato himself welcome to Potato City where are the magic of vegetables never ends see how vegetables grow learn how they keep us fit and healthy and get shot into space by the potato rocket pepper and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket George wants to ride on the potato rocket too are you sure George it looks a bit High daddy pig doesn't like heights hurry up daddy pig oh I'm not getting on George is too small to go on his own oh okay make it quick oh it's very quick George has changed his mind oh dear George come to Mummy maybe I'll just get off too have fun daddy pig it stopped well I'm glad that's all over [Music] everybody that was fun wasn't it Daddy yes lots of fun Mommy what's that go around and put your head through that hole so look I'm a carrot oh yes and I'm a pumpkin welcome to the dinosaur Garden say hello to my dinosaur friends ah don't be frightened they are not real but this is exactly how they would have looked walking the Earth together no it's not what Triceratops lived in the Cretaceous Period Doris was Jurassic they would not have walked together how do you know that I'm a clever clogs anyway who wants to ride one me me because dinosaurs ate potatoes no anyway children like dinosaurs dinosaurs roll up for the event [Music] I like potato City because it teaches you about vegetables and swings you round and round potato city where the magic of vegetables never ends Pedro Pedro Cowboy it is a lovely sunny day Pedro has a new play tent here are Peppa George Danny Dog Susie Sheep and Wendy Wolf hello Pedro howdy everyone welcome to my cowboy Camp yeah it's a tent it's a cowboy camp where Cowboys sleep at night time are you going to sleep here in the night um no that might be a bit scary but we can pretend it's night time but it's not night time just pretend the sun is the moon okay Pedro can we be Cowboys too yes you could be my partners it's my little cowboy hungry I sure am ma that's how Cowboys speak would you cowboys and cowgirls like something to eat too yes please ma do the Cowboys always Camp next to their mommy's kitchen no you have to pretend the house is not here this is the wild west what's that the wild west is the land where cowboys live what do cowboys do they tell stories sing songs and eat beans beans on toast for everyone 's on toast everybody cowboy song you yes I made it up and it goes like this I'm a brave Cowboy anime to my beans with a binge [Music] baked beans [Music] baked beans [Music] let's have a story in the tent I could tell a story make it scary it was a wet and windy night in the wild west and wild animals were out looking for food looking for King food at night some animals eat at night Susie wild animals and the brave Cowboy Pedro was alone in his tent but he couldn't sleep because something was outside the tent was it a wild animal what's that it's a wild animal oh it is a tiny little bird come to look at Pedro's tent I think it was an eagle eagles live in the wild west is everybody all right yes mummy it's nearly home time but we haven't done the pretend sleeping yet everybody back in the tent good night partners I'm glad there aren't any wild animals out there oh yeah it's a wolf yes it's my daddy Mr Wolf has come to take Wendy Wolf home all the parents are here to pick up the children bye everyone are you coming in Pedro I want to pretend sleeping a bit more okay [Music] mommy can I come in now yes my Brave little cowboy even Brave Little Cowboys like to sleep indoors sometimes night Pedro good night Mom Peppa and George's garden daddy pig is sitting in his favorite Sunny Spot ah what a perfect day for doing nothing Daddy Pig loves doing nothing how could this be better I know a cup of tea [Music] Grandpa Pig has come to see Pepper and George hello Pepper and George you're going to have your very own flower garden oh I got a packet of flower seeds for each of you now we need a nice sunny spot to plant your seeds here we are Grandpa Pig is digging Pepper and George is gone oh ah for the workers thank you Daddy Pig uh what's going on we're making a Garden do we need a flower garden yes but that's where I sit in my chair there are more important things than chairs daddy pig but I always read my newspaper here important things than nipples daddy pig yes like flowers look daddy pepper has lots of flower seeds George only has one flower seed oh but it is quite a big seed could you fetch us some water daddy pig hmm okay seeds need water to grow they get very thirsty some little birds have come to watch don't let the birds eat the seeds Peppa here's the water daddy scared the birds away oh daddy pig looks like a scarecrow pepper George bath time oh but what if the bird the birds come back don't worry Peppa I'll make sure the birds don't eat the seeds thank you Daddy good luck daddy pig see you tomorrow bye [Music] ah this is nice daddy you have to be the Scarecrow what oh shoo shoo naughty Birds stay there until the birdies go to bed okay Peppa all the birdies have gone to bed daddy pig can go inside now [Music] it is morning George let's look at our flower garden oh baby plants morning ah your plants have started to grow soon they'll have flowers on them a little snail has come to take a look oh dear snails like eating plants Grandpa Pig can you take Barbara to your garden um okay I'll take care of Barbara it is one week later Peppa George come and look my flowers they're so pretty and look at George's blood it's a beanstalk and it goes all the way up to a Giant's Castle oh no Peppa but it does go quite High George's flower is taller than a house oh George has grown a sunflower well done George I love our flower garden now let's make you a vegetable garden but that's where I sit in my chair there are more important things than chairs daddy pig like tomatoes carrots and potatoes I do like a nice potato Daddy Pig loves potatoes everyone loves potatoes horsey Twinkle Toes Peppa and George are playing in their bedroom dinosaur George stay on your side of the bedroom that's your side and this is my side do not cross the invisible line boost hello Mr zebra hello Daddy Pig I've got some letters for you is there anything for me and George hmm I'm afraid not they're all for mummy and me oh there's a parcel as well probably that box of reinforced concrete I ordered stamps on it that's because it's from a long way away bye now oh the label says it is for Pepper and George mummy a parcel for George and me oh there's a letter too dear Pepper and George here is a present for you to share love from your auntie Dottie Auntie Dottie lives far away in another country oh what is the present it's got wheels it's not a car George it's got legs it's a table it's got a tail oh tables don't have tails there's a handle as well what can it be there's something else in the Box it's a toy horse I shall call it Twinkle Toes Aussie Twinkle Toes oh see Twinkle Toes remember children Aunt Dottie sent the present for both of you you'll have to share sharing can be fun can I play bus bus let George have the first turn he's the youngest George likes playing with horsey George it is called turn says Peppa with my magic horse Twinkle Toes Peppa likes playing with Twinkle Toes whoops perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside yes mummy what's deep here yeah maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill and the quickest way down the hill is to ride down are you sure you should Daddy don't crash like you always do oh oh I know what I'm doing Peppa I'm a grown-up [Music] how are you going to stop Daddy where are the brakes clever daddy you use the duck pun to stop what was that big splash what Big Splash daddy pig did you know you've got a duck on your head oh uh yes well I did fall in the pond George wants to ride on the toy horse [Music] George cannot make the horse go if only there was someone big and strong to push George along I big and strong I can push George what a good idea Peppa Pig Twinkle Toes oh see Twinkle Toes horsey I know because the present is for both of us we'll call her horsey twinkle toes and George love playing together with Aussie Twinkle Toes pepper has brought Goldie the fish to the vets for a checkup you've got our healthy happy fish she's lover thank you Dr hamster hello hello Dr hamster this is Mr elephant Mr elephant and his family are out for a walk in the mountains we found a sick lizard it's a gecko Edmund knows all about lizards he is a clever clogs I'll be straight there can we come too of course let's go are we going in an ambulance no the mountains are too far away we'll go in my airplane [Music] George loves airplanes all apart who had an airplane Dr hamster oh yes I'm the flying vet thank goodness the Vets here [Music] where is the sick lizard here it is oh poor little pickle what is wrong with the lizard it seems to be upside down I just flip it over there Dr hamster has made the lizard better hooray oh another emergency hello hello a grandpa pig here Grandpa Pig is out sailing his boat it's Polly she's a sick parrot ah sick parrot I'll be right there look Polly it's the flying bed where are we going are we going to see playing Peppa we can land on the water hello Peppa George hello grandpa we've come to make Polly better how long has Polly been sick since we came out on our boat trip uh-huh I know what's wrong with Polly oh get Polly to dry land the sooner the better there's an island there we go Polly is not a sick parrot anymore oh another emergency hello hello Daddy Pig here Daddy Pig is in his office there are some ducklings stuck on our roof I'll be right there [Music] thank goodness you're here foreign Dr hamster here Mrs duck laid her eggs on our roof and now the ducklings have hatched [Music] who can make a quacking noise make good quacking pepper start quacking and the ducklings will follow you quack quack quack quack quack quack lead them to the duck pond please pepper okay I mummy duck quack quack all because of me hello is it in urgency yes it's Mr hamster I'm late for me too bye bye bye Dr hamster thank you no problem it's all in a day's work but a flying bet [Music] Kylie Kangaroo it is a lovely sunny day Mr and Mrs kangaroo have come to visit hello g'day Mr Pig we met at the airport remember um um it was a while back you said we could visit anytime did I yeah since we last saw you we've had Kylie and Joey say hello kids Hello I'm Kylie Kangaroo I'm Peppa Pig and this is my little brother George this is my little brother Joey Joey lives in mummy kangaroo's pocket it's thirsty work this traveling around would you like a drink yes please lemonade my favorite that's lovely yeah sit down are you hungry I'm always hungry no worries we'll make lunch Mr Kangaroo is going to cook lunch on a barbecue corn on the cob anyone yeah we should do this at our house hi Mom this is our house Kylie let's play in the garden we can play my favorite game jumping up and down in my deep puddles I like jumping too first we have to find a puddle oh they're on Teddy Muddy Puddles the ground is too dry for muddy puddles I Wish It Would Rain I hope it doesn't rain oh we love Ryan we don't see much of it back home well if you want to make it rain in this country have a barbecue we can still do jumping George is quite good at jumping but I am the best watch this that's how you do it now you try Kylie okay kangaroos can jump very high wow here is Rebecca Rabbit hello Rebecca this is my friend Kylie hello Kylie are you playing a game we are jumping rabbits are the best at jumping watch this well done Rebecca but that's not as good as my friend Kylie go on do your jump I don't want to show off do it okay that is high Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping here is Pedro pony hello everyone nay hello Pedro this is my friend Kylie Kangaroo she's my friend she can jump higher than anyone no one can jump higher than me or my super space Hopper [Music] show him Kylie but Pedro did really well do it okay oh Kylie Kangaroo is the best at jumping I could jump on a little bit tired what was that it is raining like I said if you wanted to rain start a barbecue I'm afraid we'll all have to go indoors what and miss the rain kangaroo has got a big umbrella to shelter everyone from the rain food's ready who's hungry me mmm yummy Pepper likes corn on the cob Everyone likes corn on the cob it stopped raining the rain makes everything so fresh and green and wet and muddy this is how you jump in muddy puddles wow that looks fun I'm the best at jumping but Peppa's the best are jumping up and down in muddy puddles the noisy noisy night Peppa's family are having a sleepover at cousin Chloe's house you must be tired after your long journey yes early night would be nice first we'll put Baby Alexander to bed this is baby Alexander's bedroom Alexander likes noise it sends him to sleep we like noise in this house we're a noisy family Peppa George you're staying in my room tonight [Music] Pepper and George are excited to be sleeping in cousin Chloe's bedroom good night good night good night good night good night good night night everyone is tucked up in their beds asleep Baby Alexander is awake Pepper and George are awake [Music] it's the vacuum cleaner um why are you vacuuming at night what oh no we found noises the best way to get Baby Alexander back to sleep he likes noise we're a noisy family everyone is back in their beds asleep Baby Alexander is awake [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] to get Alexander to sleep the more noise the better is there another way that doesn't use noise we do find noise is the best way when George was a baby we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house and that always sent him to sleep how strange no loud noises that's right how many times around the house was it Mummy Pig three times 50 times daddy pig is pushing Baby Alexander around the house 50 times good Baby Alexander is asleep can you let me back in I'll just switch the alarm off the alarm back on Peppa what are you doing up I can't sleep Daddy it's a noisy night okay Peppa let's get you back to bed now which bedroom are you staying in stop Daddy baby Alex Oma the light has woken Baby Alexander it's all right I've got the vacuum cleaner I've got the trumpets stop stop I remember another quiet way we used to get George to sleep oh yes we drove him around in the car I'll get the car started don't forget Daddy Daddy has set off the noisy house alarm the noisy house has woken everyone up [Music] it's Miss Rabbit in her rescue helicopter yes thank you all right cheerio uh oh all that loud noise I said Baby Alexander to sleep he's really fast asleep now oh thanks to my noisy daddy well done Daddy Pig we should have you to say more often International Day pepper and her friends are at playgroup they are dressed up in costumes from different countries today is international day when we celebrate all the countries of the world [Applause] pepper is dressed as France I'm France George is Russia Pedro is America yeah Zoe is Japan konichiwa Susie is Holland hello what the world do they sing the song of Harmony together I like singing do I does everyone remember the words yes [Music] [Music] lovely and later we will sing that for your mommies and daddies it is play time enjoy yourselves play nicely together all the countries are playing in the playground the United Kingdom is on the slide France and Switzerland are on the swings Germany is playing hopscotch one two three America Russia Spain and Greece are in the sandwich I'm building a big sand castle Yeah here are Holland and Japan now it's now it's a return in the sand pit why because you've had your turn you can play on the slide now but we want to play here oh dear there is not enough room in the sandpit for more than four countries what's going on it's turn in the sand pit but we were here first is Cersei being a bit bossy George started it leave George alone he's only little hello hello what's all this noise about then hey that Trish us out of the sandpits no we're not yes you are George started oh dear the countries of the world are not playing nicely together peace and Harmony what's that noise oh no the countries are fighting I can't play in the sandpits yes we can he's not fair arguing Susie you're always telling people what to do no I am not alone what is happening America Russia Spain and Greece won't share the sand pit hi is being bossy you're the bossy one that is enough is this how you think the countries of the world behave um don't they of course not all the parents have arrived how is international day going uh too bad excellent lovely we will Now sing for you the song of Harmony peace and Harmony in the world peace and Harmony in the world peace and Harmony in all the world peace what a wonderful display of togetherness pepper and her friends love singing together in harmony all the countries of the world love singing together in harmony the Rainy Day game it is raining Pepper and George have to stay inside I don't like rainy days I like rainy days because they make Muddy Puddles to jump in can we jump in muddy puddles Now [Music] Peppa we need to wait until it stopped raining when will it so let's listen to the weather forecast this is the weather forecast it will rain all day [Music] I know we can play the Rainy Day game what's the Rainy Day game I'll show you if I take this rubber duck and hide it where you can see it do you think you could find it Daddy if we can see it you haven't hidden it watch this I will put the duck here now you tell me where it is yeah exactly it's too easy Daddy it won't always be so easy Peppa who wants to go first because because the easy game George can go first okay you all wait here Daddy Pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for George to find the duck is somewhere in your bedroom George is looking for the rubber duck but it is quite difficult to find oh George you can see it just look with your eyes George is using his eyes to look for the rubber duck you're getting warmer colder warm again George has found the rubber duck I saw it straight away this game is too easy okay Peppa's turn I will do the hiding this time Mummy Pig is going to put the rubber duck somewhere for pepper to find I will see it straight away ready the rubber duck is somewhere in the kitchen I've come to find you rubber ducky I know where you are you're in the sink the rubber duck is not in the sink I know you're hiding under the table the rubber duck is not under the table it's sitting with else that's yellow that lives in the kitchen there you are Peppa has found the rubber duck it was in the fruit bowl hooray well done I want to play the Rainy Day game again okay this time you can both look for the duck daddy pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for Peppa and George to find ready I'm in the sitting room [Laughter] is it on the sofa no is it on the television no it's not anywhere would you like a clue it's sitting on something very big and very wise and very handsome it's on your head that's the best hiding place ever oh the rain has stopped why don't we play outside but I want to play the Rainy Day game again I think you might like this outside rainy day game even better which is this game give me a clue we need to find a muddy puddle I found it at the game this game is not just about the finding pepper what do you do with a muddy puddle jump up and down jumping up and down in muddy puddles I like Rainy Day Games especially the one when you jump up and down in muddy puddles Mr potatoes Christmas show it is Christmas time and pepper and her play group are going to the theater to see Mr potatoes Christmas show we're here look it's the Christmas vegetable family Mr Potato Mrs carrot sweet cranberry and Little Sprouts here are your tickets find the seat with your number on it here's my seat number five quickly now children the show is about to begin um Madame Gazelle I need the toilet oh Pedro sorry uh sorry thank you quickly now Pedro I've never been to the theater before it's exciting isn't it sorry uh thank you then everyone quiet now what's that music the show is starting oh sorry everyone it is not the start of the show it is Madame gazelle's phone ringing wow [Music] here welcome to the Mr potatoes Christmas show where the magic of vegetables never ends hello children I am Mr Potato this is Mrs carrot here is cranberry there is everyone's favorite Christmas vegetable little sprout s Little Sprouts gone little Sprout where are you he's lost oh can you help us find him boys and girls yes yeah you see him boys and girls shout out there's Little Sprouts [Applause] that's it when you see him shout like that there he is [Applause] behind you I can't see him they're not very good at looking are they there you are you cheeky little Sprout I'm the magic fan lifting her up I can grant you one wish do you wish for I wish we had we had your wish is my command now we can sing our Christmas song would you like to hear it boys and girls [Music] that's the end goodbye children happy Christmas Happy Christmas everybody that was a bit quick wait there's one more surprise a very important person has come to see you all can you guess who it is Father Christmas hello children have you all been good yes have you all been cleaning your teeth yes have you kept your bedrooms tidy jolly good ho ho ho Merry Christmas now now so we'll sing our Christmas song Yes George's new dinosaur [Music] George is playing with his favorite toy Mr Dinosaur George loves playing with Mr Dinosaur Mr Dinosaur is made of plastic it is almost impossible to break him girl George loves playing with Mr Dinosaur in the bath at night time George always takes Mr Dinosaur to bed with him oh Mr Dinosaur does not have a tail anymore poor George you have had Mr Dinosaur a long time I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did maybe it's about time you got a new dinosaur yes we could go to Mr Fox's shop tomorrow this is Mr Fox's shop Mr Fox's Shop sells ever everything I'm sure we'll find you a lot a dinosaur here George does not want a new dinosaur George a big dinosaur I'm sure falling can I help you we'd like the dinosaur in the window please certainly good choice this is the dino Roar it Roars it walks and it sings a dinosaur song Dino Roar Dino Roar listen to the dino roar roar wow Dino War we'll take it more George is playing with Dino Roar in the garden don't play too roughly with Dino raw George he has moving parts and might get broken George cannot play with Dino Roar in the garden George wants to play with Dino raw in the bath George if you get Dino raw wet he'll stop working George cannot play with Dino raw in the bath it is night time George has taken Dino Roar to bed with him [Music] [Applause] somewhere else George cannot have Dino Roar in his bed at night it is morning why is George looking so sad George can not play with Dino raw in the garden in the bath or in bed never mind George Dyna raw can still Roar oh I think the batteries must have run out daddy pig already how many batteries are in here hundreds and so thousands Dino Roar needs lots of batteries to make him Raw [Music] it doesn't work dinosaur that's not a trumpet pepper you found Mr dinosaur's tail oh now daddy pig can mend him I'll try hmm I think it might be quite difficult to mend Oh Daddy Pig has mended Mr Dinosaur oh I am a bit of an expert at mending things George loves Mr Dinosaur Mr Dinosaur is George's favorite toy in the whole world imagine kissing party and it is home time at Peppa's playground children next week there won't be any playgroup why Madame Gazelle I am going away oh goodbye children goodbye and George are home from playgroup Mommy there is no more play group no more playgroup Madame Gazelle is going away I suppose she has been teaching a long time Madame Gazelle taught all the mummies and daddies when they were children Madame Gazelle taught me everything I know who can count to three one two three thinking about it Madame Gazelle must be very old which is probably why she's decided to stop teaching I know we should give Madame Gazelle a leaving party sounds fun it is a day of Madame gazelles leaving everyone has come to help Pedro you stay outside and tell us if Madame gazelle's coming along why we don't want Madame Gazelle catching us getting her party ready or it wouldn't be a surprise okay I hope we've invited everyone what about Madame gazelle's old friends wasn't she once in a pop group that's right she played guitar with The Walking gazelles foreign what fun we'll be there good everyone's coming now let's make the party food this is the playgroup kitchen everyone is helping with the party food Emily Elephant and Wendy Wolf are decorating cupcakes I'll do the icing I will sprinkle the hundreds and thousands Pepper and George are making jelly jelly wubble wobble wobble Pedro pony is outside keeping guard Here Comes Madame Gazelle we're not ready stop her Pedro okay hello Pedro you're early for playgroup yes but go inside why not it's too isn't it uh yeah yeah Pedro can I go inside now ah no it's against the law what are you talking about pedal we're ready you could go in now surprise [Music] here is a present for you an antique clock it's made of solid plastic thank you but why is there a party for me everyone wanted to thank you for being the best teacher in the world so we've made you a leaving party because you're going away forever I'm not going away forever but you said there was no more play group oh Peppa all I said was no play group next week I'm going on holiday I will be teaching for many years to come who else could be the teacher no one I'm very happy Madame Gazelle is not leaving yes and I can't think of a better reason for a party and every party needs music hello Gigi have you still got your guitar of dogs Let's uh Rockets [Music] the Rainy Day game it is raining Pepper and George have to stay inside I don't like rainy days I like rainy days because they make Muddy Puddles to jump in can we jump in muddy puddles Now [Music] Peppa we need to wait until it stopped raining when will it let's listen to the weather forecast this is the weather forecast it will rain all day [Music] I know we can play the Rainy Day game what's what's the Rainy Day game I'll show you if I take this rubber duck and hide it where you can see it do you think you could find it Daddy if you see it you haven't hidden it watch this I will put the duck here now you tell me where it is exactly it's too easy Daddy it won't always be so easy Peppa who wants to go first busy game George can go first okay you all wait here Daddy Pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for George to find the duck is somewhere in your bedroom George is looking for the rubber duck but it is quite difficult to find oh George you can see it just look with your eyes George is using his eyes to look for the rubber duck you're getting warmer colder warm again George has found the rubber duck I saw it straight away this game is too easy okay Peppa's turn I will do the hiding this time Mummy Pig is going to put the rubber duck somewhere for Peppa to find I will see it straight away ready the rubber duck is somewhere in the kitchen I've come to find you rubber ducky I know where you are you're in the sink the rubber duck is not in the sink I know you're hiding under the table the rubber duck is not under the table please it's sitting with something else that's yellow something yellow that lives in the kitchen there you are Peppa has found the rubber duck it was in the fruit bowl hooray well done I want to play the Rainy Day game again okay this time you can both look for the duck daddy pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for Peppa and George to find ready I'm in the sitting room [Laughter] is it on the sofa no is it on the television no it's not anywhere would you like a clue it's sitting on something very big and very wise and very handsome it's on your head that's the best hiding place ever oh the rain has stopped why don't we play outside I want to play the Rainy Day game again I think you might like this outside rainy day game even better [Music] we need to find I found it is that the game this game is not just about the finding pepper what do you do with a muddy puddle jump up and down jumping up and down in muddy puddles I like Rainy Day Games especially the one when you jump up and down in muddy puddles mummy rabbits bump Peppa and George are playing with Susie Sheep and Pedro pony here are Rebecca and Richard Rabbit hello Rebecca I've got a secret what is it my mummy's got a bump in her tummy oh has she eaten too much no there's a baby rabbit inside baby rabbit in your tummy yes would you like to listen to it yes please can you hear a little heartbeat yes I can it's going boom boom yes sometimes babies give a little kick nay what what I don't know which which children like to think of a name yes please hello Mummy Rabbit would you like a cup of coffee I can't have coffee but I am quite hungry would you like a carrot I'm a bit off carrot have you got any potatoes yes we do maybe a potato with jelly and cheese and strawberry jam please a potato with jelly cheese and strawberry jam what a funny mixture of food we need to think of a name for the baby yes if the baby is a girl she'll be called Rachel rabbit or how about Roost rabbits Rooks and rabbits Sharon rabbits I don't think so Pedro Sharon rabbit sounds wrong I like Rosie Rosie rabbits it's perfect but what if the baby is a boy oh how about Rufus rabbits Raymond rabbits Michael rabbits Michael rabbit yes Robbie rabbit thank you for the potatoes with jelly cheese and strawberry jam Mummy Pig my pleasure we sort of a name for the Baby Rosie if it's a girl and Robbie if it's a boy they're lovely names it's sad that the baby can't have both names oh my tummy it's all that funny food you've been eating I don't think so Daddy rabbit the baby is coming right to the hospital quickly now don't panic bye bye good luck did you pack everything on the list I've got it all pillows scented candles yoga music and enough food for three days what Panic Don't Panic anyone in we are having a rabbit hello sister what are you doing here I'm having a baby remember oh yes you better come inside then can I come too no you'll have to park the car first don't worry having a baby always takes a long time out of the way everyone my sister's having a baby this lot should last us a good few days whoa where shall I put all this stuff back in the car we don't need it now what daddy you missed all the excitement have I is it a boy or a girl both we've got baby twins wow it is the next day and Mummy Rabbit is home from hospital hello twins are they boys or girls they're both a boy and a girl they're called Rosie and Robbie so you did use both Flames yes Rosie rabbit and Robbie rabbit they're the best names in the world and we thought them grumpy rabbits dinosaur park today is Freddie Foxx's birthday and all the children are going on a big adventure where are we going for your birthday stay Freddy I don't know but I can't wait to get there we're here [Music] welcome to grumpy rabbits dinosaur park dinosaur George loves dinosaurs are there really dinosaurs here no just pretend ones for you real dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago Edmund Knows a Lot About Dinosaurs he is a clever clogs but we've got better than real dinosaurs we've got singing dinosaurs listen to [Music] [Applause] me they're a bit small yes aren't dinosaurs meant to be big oh yes we do have a big dinosaur a real Whopper would you like to meet Dude yes these are its Footprints we just have to follow them these footprints look very real are you sure there's no living dinosaurs about crampy rabbit a quite sure daddy pig over the boulders everyone hey oh the footprints have stopped look there are some green steps it's a big slide [Music] wow it's a big dinosaur yes it's my whopping ginormous dinosaur slide that is some dinosaur he's a brontosaurus really the correct name is Apatosaurus you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you right my little explorers are you ready for the next bit of the adventure we have to find an egg an egg the eggs are little it could be anywhere leave it to me Foxy's love hunting for eggs [Music] Freddy Fox has a very good sense of [Music] smell what an egg it's huge the eggs are big it's a dinosaur egg is it real no it's better than real it's pretend watch this the dinosaur egg has a birthday cake inside it it's not a pretend cake is it grumpy rabbit no the cake is very real and very tasty who wants some me me birthday boy first here you go Freddy time for a bit of song and dance everyone copy me do this talk to the dinosaurs come to the door to the dinosaurs [Music] do the dinosaurs this is my best birthday ever Grandpa pigs train to the rescue Grandpa Pig is taking Pepper and George for a ride on his little train Gertrude I love Gertrude the train and the good thing is Gertrude has rubber wheels so we don't have to go on train tracks we [Music] Grandpa's little train goes choo choo choo all day long rabbit is taking the grown-ups to work in her big train morning grandpa pig out on your toy train again Gertrude is not a toy she Cho lukumuti oh that's nice I can't this is as fast as Gertrude goes the big train is going very fast oh dear the big train has broken down what's happening we need to get to work hello Miss rabbit having trouble with your train it's not funny grandpa pig all of my passengers need to get to work you need to get yourself a train that doesn't break down like Gertrude that's a good idea how you get what I'm borrowing your train I'll change but what am I going to do you can stay here and mend the big train righto I do like mending things oh what fun riding a toy train Gertrude is not a toy she is a miniature locomotive of course all aboard the toy train can't go any faster no go together slow train Mrs Cow is waiting for the train at the next station toy train Gertrude is not a toy train she is a miniature locomotive off we go ha Grandpa Pig loves mending things so many interesting bits and bobs oh dear a traffic jam good treats can ride on the grass of course Miss Rabbit is taking a shortcut to pass the duck pond up the hill and to the next station where's the big train the big train is broken we're riding Grandpa Pig's toy train today Gertrude is not a toy training next stop the end of the lane this goes here and that goes there Grandpa Pig has mended the big train good as new last stop now you can all do your important work hang on it's taken us so long to get here it's home time oh back we go then but if we travel on Gertrude it will take ages to get home hello everyone I've mended the big train excellent Grandpa Pig all changed off we go [Music] it's about Gertrude we can't leave her behind yes don't worry we can take the toy train as well Gertrude is not a toy we know she is a miniature locomotive in the whole wide world oh [Music] spider web daddy pig is hard at work in the study Pig this study is a complete mess it's not that bad I love cobwebs they give the room character cobwebs means spiders and I don't like spiders I do spiders catch flies and flies are horrid well as long as I don't have to see a spider hello Mr Skinny Legs oh where have you gone find it I don't want it in the house everyone is looking for Mr Skinny Legs Mr Skinny Legs is not in the filing cabinet Mr Skinny Legs is not under the chair Mr Skinny Legs is not on the table oh I wonder where Mr Skinny Legs is it sounds like mummy has found him don't be scared mommy get rid of it okay we'll take Mr Skinny Legs into the garden now Mr Skinny Legs has got the whole garden to play in bye bye Mr Skinny Legs it is starting to rain Mr Skinny Legs is running back to the house maybe he did he's climbing up the water spout incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout down came the rain and whisper in Sea out on the sunshine and dried up all the rain incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again I don't want Mr Skinny Legs in the house daddy pig let's take Mr Skinny Legs a bit further into the garden there we are a nice tree for you to live in what is he doing he's making a web pepper spiders live in webs and use them to catch flies oh very busy yes it's hard work but little web that's why you must never ever break one if you do the spider has to do all the work again yes daddy bye bye Mr Skinny Legs it is bedtime I liked watching Mr Skinny Legs make his web today and tomorrow he'll make another web really yes Mr Skinny Legs makes a new web every day where will the new web be Daddy I don't know we'll find out tomorrow good night night it is morning daddy pig is getting ready to go to work I don't want to be late I have an important meeting at the office daddy you look very hard yes I do but not as hard as Mr Skinny Legs bye bye everyone see you tonight [Music] Daddy what is it you cannot drive the car today why not look Mr Skinny Legs has built a web joining the car to the house daddy you said you must never ever break a web did I yes daddy pig if you move the car you will break the web but how am I going to get to work don't worry Daddy you can borrow my little bicycle [Music] here you are thank you Peppa daddy pig is riding Peppa's little bicycle have a nice ride to work I will Peppa bye bye daddy pig works very hard but Mr Skinny Legs works even harder [Music] Grandpa Pig is showing Peppa and George around his garden here are my cabbages broccoli and sprouts potatoes carrots and beet Roots live here and over there is the fruit grandpa that pepper is a weed what is a weed a weed is a cheeky plant growing in the wrong spot oh pull it out and throw it in this bucket there's no room for weeds in my tidy Garden Grandpa Pig is very proud of his garden Maybe [Music] carrots no Peppa strawberries belong with a fruit everything has its place isn't that right granny Pig yes Grandpa can we find a little place for this uh no what is it Granny it's a plastic gnome pepper and he's going to live in our garden no no he isn't there's no room there's plenty of room what about here I can't have that ugly thing looking at me all day Peppa George do you think my gnome looks ugly no granny I think he looked cute there Grandpa you're outnumbered the gnome stays ah and here come the rest of them what Mr Bull is bringing Mr gnome a truckload of new friends The Gardens of our plants not plastic moo where do you want the Gnomes we don't want gnomes thank you oh goodbye naughty Grandpa Pig those are granny pig's gnomes oh it appears we do want gnomes okay okay they're lovely there's this as well Cheerio thank you Mr Bull goodbye bye bye what's this a giant gnome no grandpa it's a well a well pepper is a very deep hole with water in it oh and as it happens I do need water for my garden so a well will be useful but that is not a well it's made of plastic and there's no hole it's beautiful what's the point of a well without water it's a wishing well you throw a coin into it and make a wish can I make a wish granny of course Peppa here's a little coin I wish I wish I wish or don't tell us what you're wishing for okay very good granny do the wishes always come true yes oh goody but now it's time for Grandpa to take you home bye bye granny bye bye goodbye my little ones Paul you are very lucky having or wishing well in your garden do you think so Peppa yes can Wish for Things whenever wants hmm and the wishes always come true because Granny Pig said so yes do you want to know what highway for Grandpa what did you wish for Peppa I wish that I could have a wishing well and gnomes in my garden oh well I think we can do that Pepper and George have arrived home Mommy Daddy I made a wish and it came true really what did you wish for Peppa lots of gnomes and all wishing well for our Garden oh uh Grandpa Pig I don't think we have enough room nonsense you've got plenty of room uh yes I suppose so Pepper and George love gnomes and wishing wells everybody loves gnomes and wishing wells [Music] pepper and her friends are playing at Danny Dog's House I'm a sea captain sailing across the sea we are jolly pirates shiver me timbers it's the posts it is Mr zebra the postman hello Bobby dog I've got a postcard for you thank you Mr zebra bye now who is the postcard from mummy it's from Captain Dog daddy he's finished his sailing trip around the world and he's coming home oh how exciting I wonder when he'll be back Ahoy there Mr zebra hello Captain dog hello Daddy [Applause] daddy [Music] Captain dog is home from the sea my mummy dog my sweetheart how long are you home for Daddy forever I've decided my traveling Days Are Over I've been around the world and made me fortune and lost it again oh and made it again [Music] I love to travel but there's something I really miss when I'm away what daddy my darlings of course so I'm hanging up my captain's hat for good [Music] tell you all about my travels I've been away for a year and a day sailing around the world all the way around yes what did you do at the bottom did you fall off no I held on tightly wow what an adventure it was and I've brought back presents for all of you presents here is a drum for Danny from a far away jungle thank you Daddy very good Danny I can bang it louder perhaps that's enough banging for now and for all your friends some seashells from a desert island if you hold them tear here you can hear the sea yes I can hear the seaside and for my darling mummy dog a chest of golden Jewels oh how lovely that will come in handy ah it's great to be home it is morning Captain dog is up early Daddy what are you doing I'm checking the wind daddy why Sailors always check the wind before they sail but you're not to say her anymore oh yes I did say that didn't I so you miss the sea Daddy no no I don't miss the sea but I do miss my boat I've got a boat that grind that dog made for me that's an exact copy of my boat you could help me sail it that sounds like fun [Music] Peppa and her friends are at the duck pond Ahoy there Shipmates room for another boat on The Brady Waters yes excellent Danny our boat needs a captain it can't sail itself daddy will you be my belts Captain I'd be delighted Danny if you'll be my first mate yes please launch the boat aye aye Captain wind is southwesterly the waters are calm my last adventure was sail in a boat around the world my next adventure is sail in a boat across a duck pond Captain dog likes sailing across duck ponds Everyone likes sailing across duck ponds [Applause] it is a lovely autumn day pepper and her friends are playing in the leaves hello tiddles what are you doing here potatoes potatoes it is Dr hamster the vet here's toodles thank goodness you found him oh naughty ties back in your box it's your bedtime it's not bedtime yet it's bedtime for tittles he sleeps all through the winter and wakes up in Spring that sounds nice you like sleeping don't you Pedro yes oh dear tiddles tiddles has run away look he's up that tree oh Turtles I don't know why you like climbing trees how are we going to rescue tiddles Chuck no I'll ring the fire brigade [Music] tours of a tree again we're on our way [Music] stand clear fire engines use ladders to rescue pets from trees come on tiddles tiddles is climbing higher in the tree come here you little pickle mummy cow is climbing into the tree be careful mummy cow oh dear I'm stuck cows are not very good at climbing trees hang on I'm coming up here tiddles oh I'm stuck too elephants are not very good at climbing trees well that didn't work did it what are we going to do now chop the tree down no I'll call the next rescue service [Music] Granddad dogs breakdown service hello tittle's the tortoise is up a tree taught us up a tree again I'll be right there [Music] um how do you get tortoises out of trees up the tree down yes let's chop the tree down no okay I'll climb up instead hooray [Music] no I seem to be stuck dogs are not very good at climbing trees [Music] no we'll have to call the highest rescue service in the land I'm on my way it is Miss in her rescue Helena hello everyone let's rescue this tortoise uh who's playing who's flung your helicopter oops silly me I'll just put the autopilot on autopilot on have a nice day Auto pilots fly helicopters on their own got you you little rascal this rabbit has rescued tiddles hey thank you Miss Rabbit for saving my tiddles no problem Mom thank you for saving my job goodbye haven't you forgotten something what oh yes my helicopter bye everyone what a naughty tart toys you are oh good you're sleepy now back in your box sleep well toodles tiddles has gone to sleep for the winter he will wake again in the springtime George's new dinosaur [Music] hahaha George is playing with his favorite toy Mr Dinosaur George loves playing with Mr Dinosaur Mr Dinosaur is made of plastic it is almost impossible to break him George loves playing with Mr Dinosaur in the bath at night time George always takes Mr Dinosaur to bed with him George Mr Dinosaur is Broken Oh Mr Dinosaur does not have a tail anymore poor George you have had Mr Dinosaur a long time I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did maybe it's about time you got a new dinosaur yes we could go to Mr Fox's shop tomorrow this is Mr Fox's shop Mr Fox's Shop sells every everything I'm sure we'll find you a lovely new dinosaur here George I'm sore George does not want a new dinosaur look George a big dinosaur oh I'm sure good morning can I help you with like the dinosaur in the window please certainly good choice this is the dino Roar it Roars it walks and it sings a dinosaur song Dino Roar Dino Roar listen to the dino roar roar wow whoa we'll take it more George is playing with Dino raw in the garden don't play too roughly with Dino raw George he has moving parts and might get broken George cannot play with Dino Roar in the garden George wants to play with Dino raw in the bath George if you get Dino raw wet he'll stop working George cannot play with Dino raw in the bath it is night time George has taken Dino Roar to bed with him [Music] [Applause] somewhere else George cannot have Dino Roar in his bed at night it is morning why is George looking so sad George can play with Dino Roar in the garden in the bath or in bed never mind George Dyna raw can still Roar hmm oh I think the batteries must have run out daddy pig already how many batteries are in here hundreds and thousands Dino Roar needs lots of batteries to make him Raw [Music] a trumpet doesn't work dinosaur that's not a trumpet pepper you found Mr dinosaur's tail oh now daddy pig can mend him I'll try hmm I think it might be quite difficult to mend Oh Daddy Pig has mended Mr Dinosaur oh I'm a bit of an expert at mending things George loves Mr Dinosaur the dinosaur Mr Dinosaur is George's favorite toy in the whole world the pet competition pepper and her friends are at playgroup children tomorrow we will have a pet competition bring your pets to school the the will win a prize I'm going to bring my pet goldfish I'm going to bring my sticking set I will bring my gecko I'm going to bring monkey that's not a real pet it's a doll it's not a doll it's monkey he likes you Danny Zoe can bring monkey if she wants to home time children don't forget your pets for the competition tomorrow it is the evening before the pet competition pepper and Susie are getting Goldie the fish ready you've got a big day oh lovely Pedro is talking to his stick insect a stick insect is an insect that looks like a stick tomorrow you will come with me to play group they will decide who is the best pet and it will be you Edmund elephant is talking to his gecko watch me you do it zebra is talking to her monkey are you excited exertion monkey remember to be good tomorrow don't be a Cheeky Monkey it is the day of the pet competition who is going to decide which pet is the best Dr hamster hello everyone hello oh what Lovely Pets you've got that's a happy little fish what's its name it's Goldie you've met her before she's got a very shiny Bowl what does goldilock doing she likes swimming around and going like this wonderful and who is this this is my stick insect what's his name Stephen what does he do he looks like a stick amazing oh what kind of animal is this it is a gecko does he have a name Henry doctor living artist Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs right and what does he do this [Music] oh who's next monkey is he meant to be upside down yes he's asleep oh I see well he's lovely I've brought my pet too tiddles the tortoise he likes climbing trees and who's the winner yes who's won the prize oh the price goes to the end take those Dr hamster has picked her own pet to win the prize that's not fair yeah it's your own pet oh no this is only the prize for the best tortoise the price for the best fish goes to Gold did the fish the prize for the best gecko goes to the gecko hooray the prize for the pet who looks most like a stick goes to Stephen prize for the best monkey doctor hamster he's not a real monkey he's just pretend the prize for their best pretend monkey goes to Monkey hooray but star which is the best pet of all all of them they're all happy healthy pets they're lovely Mr Foxy's shop mummy and daddy pig are wrapping up a present oh a present is it for me or George no pepper it's not for you or George oh is it a toy no it's a glass vase that's a bit of a boring present it's a present for grown-ups we've bought this for granny and Grandpa Pig it's their wedding anniversary and judge buy them a present too that's very sweet of you Peppa but presents can cost a lot of money we've got money in our piggy bank Peppa and George have one penny and two buttons to spend okay let's go shopping this is Mr Fox's shop there help you it's Granny and Grandpa pigs pigs I need a present my shop has everything oh I'm sure you'll find something you like big teddy I'll be the present Peppa the present is not for you it's for granny and Grandpa oh yes bunny teeth they're wind-up joke teeth very popular can they be the present for granny and Grandpa I think Granny and Grandpa have all the teeth they need Peppa do your granny and Grandpa like gardening and digging yes [Music] buy one get get free they they've made some buckets and books and everything oh dear I know Grandpa likes sailing his a boat say no more I have everything a sailor could ever wish for do you have Pirates treasure ah everything except pirate's treasure oh do Granny and Grandpa like antiques what does antique he mean antique means old and rare usually yes but my antiques are brand new that chair comes in a set of 12. nice isn't it is it made of oak yes it's made of plastic Oak is it comfortable you mustn't sit on it antique chairs are not for sitting on so what do you do with them you look at them that's not much fun even for a grown-up buying a present for granny and Grandpa is hard work I don't understand my shop sells everything there must be something you like there is I like this Teddy and I think Granny and Grandpa would like it too oh oh let's buy the teddy bear a very good choice who's going to pay one penny and two buttons here's your change one button thank you Mr Fox pepper and her family have come to give Granny and Grandpa Pig their presents granny Pig Grandpa Pig hello my little ones how anniversary oh another glass vase it's a grown-up present that's why it's a bit boring it's lovely we'll put it with our other glass vases George and me bought you a present too foreign I hope you like it a teddy bear for Grandpa and me thank you Peppa and George he's very good at cuddling does he have a name um he's called Eddie the teddy and what does Eddie like to eat and broccoli that's the best present we've ever had oh but if Eddie is going to live here he'll need children to play with we can play with him Granny and every time you visit us he'll be here for you to play with oh goody
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 130,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: 145Gn6GfLww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 53sec (7253 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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