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I'm joking to get fit and health there the only thing is I can't jump very far in here I have to keep stopping to turn around it's not ideal oh anyway keep up the good work golden and remember to drink plenty of water thank you Dr hamster bye bye bye bye [Music] bye I'm going back home poor doctor hamster Can't Get Fit she needs a bigger space to run around in hang on maybe I could build something follow me this is grumpy rabbit's Boatyard now let's get building what are we going to build a present for Dr hamster to help her get fit we need these and this I'm not forgetting this and a little bit from this washing machine how can you make a present from this pile of rubbish it's not rubbish Bobby Pig this is an excellent ladder and so is this one are you making a roundabout no are you making a battling pool no what do you think it's going to be George dinosaur no I just need to wrap it up grumpy rabbit is wrapping the present finished hooray biggest present ever yes it's too big to fit in the car that's all right we can roll it MP rabbit has rolled the present all the way to Dr hamster's surgery what's that nice we've got a present for you Dr hamster oh thank you hey I wonder what it is why don't you open it and find out all right oh that's lovely eh what is it exactly I just need to fix it in place get in and jog all right this is [Music] yes every hamster should have one doctor hamster loves hamster wheels every hamster loves hamster wheels [Music] Breakfast Club Peppa and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning who knows why we have come to play group early today isn't it today no Danny that is not the reason is it because like her so much well I do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes Pedro we have all come to play group early because today is Breakfast Club and who knows what we do at Breakfast Club correct everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of talking talk talk talk talk yes yes thank you Peppa I eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes Pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day uh what is energy energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity that's right Edmund [Music] so Rebecca what do you use your energy for I use it for hopping for thinking what's he doing Edmund he's thinking I was thinking Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs it can take a lot of energy to think and now we will all choose what to have for breakfast we have bread cheese Jam porridge yogurt and I have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can I have cereal please of course you can Madame Gazelle can I have toast please yes Susie I shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute cut it wow can I have toast please everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case I will have to use the big toaster [Music] it's a super toaster let's ready everyone wait for it here it comes [Music] [Applause] everyone has caught their toes again again no children eat the toast you have first can I have honey on my toast please can I have marmalade please of course children I'm having strawberry jam on mine I'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast I'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am I I'm getting strawberry jam energy I'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me use the energy from the food to get our bodies and Minds ready for the day copy me children egg Apple yogurt pancake and toast which one for breakfast do I like the most toys breakfast is over and everyone is ready to [Music] Viking day Peppa and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig Grand Pig hello hello mum historical reenactment day is it yes today I am a viking what what's that Vikings were people who lived a very long time ago they had helmets and Shields and ran around shouting yeah granny of course here are some helmets I'm a viking wow wow wakey wakey and George love being see you later George come and see what I've made for Viking day granny Pig has made a great big dragon's head it's to go on the front of our Viking boat Viking boat yes today we're going sailing with the other grannies it's just an excuse to have tea and Cake it's not just tea and Cake we also have sandwiches and an apple here are the other Viking grannies hello [Music] Madame Gazelle why hasn't your helmet got horns on in actual fact pepper Vikings had helmets without horns like this see nones but you have got horns have I yes goodbye Grandpa Pig goodbye have fun on your Viking boot are we going on a video Viking boot granny not a real Viking boat we will be using Grandpa Pig's boat instead I'm sure he won't mind here is Grandpa Pig's boat above Vikings lower Dale Vicks on the dragon head and you two need real Viking life jackets are we all ready then let's go oh how do we start the boat I'll phone Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig speaking hello grandpa how did how did you start your boat just press the green button and off you go thank you bye bye they're taking my boat ah my boat Vikings onward oh dear the picnic basket has been left behind [Music] my boat ah Granddad Dog Follow That boat aye aye Peppa Pig Vikings Vikings Vikings [Music] all this sea air is making me hungry hungry hungry where is trick basket but I'm so hungry food food the Vikings are very hungry we need food look what's that it is Miss Rabbit's food stall [Applause] Vikings 40s two juices and cake please oh oh okay ah there they are of course you Granny Pig you've arrived just in time have I yes tea and cake tea and Cake Don't Mind If I Do Vikings love tea and Cake everybody loves tea and cake [Music] fire station practice today is the mummy's fire station Practice Day hello Mummy Pig are you ready for action yes Miss Rabbit mom and what you test oh there won't be much to see Peppa it's mostly just sitting around and drinking tea Daddy Pig we do proper fire service training here ready steady go is our motto and to get that right we need to practice yes stay and watch daddy pig might learn something [Music] service control room time for a cup of tea I think what did I tell you we need a cup of tea to get ready for the day in an emergency we have to be ready in seconds this first practice will show you just how ready we are when I ring this Bell the tea drinking stops the helmets go on everyone slides down the fire pole [Music] into the fire engine and off they go [Music] follow me outside for the next bit [Music] [Applause] remember Ready Steady go you just saw ready now watch our steady you have to be very steady when using the fire hose mummy's Ready Steady go mummy dog fixes the hose to the fire engine mummy Pony rolls out the hose and Mummy Pig points the squirty end at the Target turn the water on water on [Applause] the target is hit and the fire is out that looks fun it's hard work daddy pig is it really get this just feel how heavy this fire hose is oh yes that is heavy and that's even before we've turned the water on turn the wall okay sorry [Music] it is not easy to hold a fire hose steady that was hard work now you see why we need to be super fit yes and how do we get super fit on the fire station an obstacle course this is the fire station obstacle course running through this keeps us fit and healthy so that in an emergency can keep shown already and are steady now let's practice our go ready steady go first obstacle is the inconvenient Wall go go [Music] next is the confusing crawling tube cool where am I so here I am oh across the sea soul of General upsets your Tippy Toe tires one two one two one two up for sloping rope wall and down the yippee zip wire [Music] s oh dear Mummy Pig is stuck oh Mommy all right I'm fine Peppa actually this mud is quite nice hey Mommy [Music] Everyone likes fire station practice especially when there are muddy puddles to jump in [Music] what shall we play Let's do digging um I'm not very good at digging I am squeak what's this wow Molly's digging a long tunnel oh I found something what is it wow it's a pirate treasure chest I wonder how it got there it's a mystery we better tell my daddy my goodness where did this hole come from Daddy Daddy we found some treasure how did it get there we don't no it's a mystery maybe we should call the police oh they'll know what to do this is the police station foreign police station hello it's Daddy Pig here we found some pirate treasure pirate treasure you say we'll be right there hello hello that is how the police say hello hello hello I'll be a policeman when I grow up good lad so where's this pirate treasure then under the ground we were just thinking this tunnel when suddenly we found this yes yes yes that pirate treasure all right it's just like the pirate treasure we have back at the police station let's take this back and put it with the other one oh dear police officer panda is dropping coins along the way right back to the police station can we have the Nina please I'm not [Applause] down here is where we keep all the lost things wow umbrellas shoes a Lamppost even a lost cupboard oh that's not lost Freddie this is where we keep the pirate treasure oh it's gone that's strange another mystery hello hello there's a hole in the wall and a tunnel someone has dug a hole and taken our treasure chest down the tunnel a criminal mastermind no doubt I wonder where it goes look there are coins on the floor uh-huh a trail let's follow the trail we'll soon find out who took our treasure we're outside my house and the trail of coins ends now we'll never know who took the treasure from the police station it's a mystery I know who took it who we did hey follow me this is the tunnel we dug this morning yes it goes all the way back to the police station and we didn't know it was the police station but this is where we found the treasure so you found the pirate treasure that was in our Lost Property cupboard yes mystery solved well done Freddy [Applause] that was excellent police work yes I do believe you'll make a very good police officer one day just remember to keep your ears and eyes open who left that Lamppost there that's not a safe place for a Lamppost I'll make a note dangerous obstruction in workplace environment you see children a police officer's work is never done and the Mystery of the buried pirate treasure is solved foreign [Music] ERS pepper and her friends are at playgroup children today you will learn how to play recorders oh take a recorder each [Music] cow does anyone know how to play music on the recorder you blow it like this no but that is not music Peppa that is a horrible squeaky noise to make music we must play in a way that sounds uh not horrible yes Danny [Music] twinkle twinkle [Applause] lovely you see all music is made from notes foreign we just play the notes in the right order [Music] that looks easy no do it like this no like this stop stop that was not music at all no that was a horrible noise and why was that we weren't playing the right notes and they weren't in the right order so let us Begin by learning the first note [Music] this is hard it will get easier with practice now this is the next note in our tune Bravo it is home time the parents have come to pick up the children and remember practice practice foreign oh somebody is learning how to play the recorder yes daddy Madame Gazelle said I have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you well I uh do some work in another room [Applause] [Music] very good Danny shall we call that a day no Madame Gazelle said I had to keep on trying until I get it right [Music] pepper and her friends have been practicing the recorders all week they are getting a concert for the parents welcome to our concert ready children [Music] bravo bravo oh [Music] haven't the children worked hard yes it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert I want you to learn this tune go home and practice practice practice Peppa loves the recorder everyone loves the recorder [Music] the perfect day pepper and her family are going to a shopping center today it's a big show it's not one shot pepper it's lots of shops all under the same roof wow but we're not shopping today shopping at the shops no mummy's here for a perfect day experience [Music] this is Miss Rabbit's Spa hello Mummy Pig are you ready for your perfect day experience yes I think so but what exactly is it oh lots of lovely things you can have a massage have your fingernails painted oh have a herbal face wash that all sounds lovely do we have to do it too Daddy no Peppa we can go and find our own perfect day oh goody bye mommy see you later who are we going to find our perfect day daddy hmm I don't know it's just shops and shops and Magic moving stairs that pepper is an escalator can we go on it yes oh man here is Susie's sheep oh it's Susie hello hello Peppa where are you going we're going to the top where are you going we're going to the bottom Peppa has reached the top quick Daddy I need to go down to find Susie I'm coming to find you Peppa I'm coming to find you Susie ah you're going the wrong way Peppa and George are back at the bottom but Susie is at the top I think that's enough escalators for now but I need [Music] then we can use the lift I need to find Peppa then let's take the lift it's not working someone else is using it we just have to wait but I need to find ah Susie from best friends Papa look what I've got Susie's in boxes how how do you do that in the photo booth I'll show this is the photo booth you sit in here put the money in there and then it flashes it's not flashing I think it's broken oh I missed it there's more when does it flash ah I missed it again it's your funny face and the last one has it finished yet I think I might be in that one here are the pictures look at all of those funny face faces again again I think it's time we pick up Mummy Pig mummy did you have a perfect day yes thank you I did Peppa did you yeah yes we went up and down the magic stairs and we saw Susie and did some funny pictures that does sound nice home time [Music] daddy pig did you have a perfect day my perfect day starts when we get home daddy what's your perfect day come and see daddy pig is jumping up and down in bloody puddles everyone is jumping up and down in the muddy puddles it's the perfect end to a perfect day [Music] TV lands pepper and her friends are watching their favorite television program super potato [Music] a bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato I love watching super potato me too super potato is the best fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your Fiverr always remember to eat your five please seen this before I know all the words by heart yes they show the same story again and again and again brilliant isn't it yes and we will remember all of the words forever yes we remember all of the words forever is so tiny on TV in real life they are big big and Tiny and how do they get in our TV it's some sort of magic it's not magic it's science Edmund elephant is a clever clogs would you all like to see how they make TV yes please hey let's go to TV Land this is TV Land stop work here um no then I'm afraid you can't come in but we are children and we want to see how TV is made oh in that case in you go thank you oh wow hello there here is Miss Rabbit have you come to see how we make television yes very good follow me potato hello everyone hello you see he's not tiny he's big we're ready for you now super potato The Show Must Go On This is where the magic happens it's not magic it's science you're a bit of a clever cloaks aren't you yes yes okay we're ready to go light camera and action fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five and Scott that was amazing the camera now turns all of that into magic bits magnetic signals the go to a thingy on the roof the thingy turns the magic bits across the sky to the TV aerial on your roof unless you have a cable or a dish and down into the TV sheep and her mummy are at home watching television fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always [Music] would any of you like to be on TV yes please we just have to put you in front of the camera okay action what do I do just say something anything okay I'm Peppa Pig this is my little brother George wow Pepper and George are on TV and this is Daddy Pig hello Peppa it's for you ha I can see you on TV am I tiny yes you are tiny this isn't it can I be on TV again of course now we've recorded that you can be on TV every day hundreds and hundreds of times [Music] everyone loves TV [Music] Grandpa Pig's birthday pepper and her family are dressed in their very best clothes today is Grandpa Pig's birthday a party a party we're going to a party you know it's not really a party Peppa what do you mean it's just a nice quiet meal in a restaurant on Grandpa Pig's birthday and you haven't been to a restaurant before have you no so that will be fun won't it yes pepper and her family have arrived at the restaurant oh it's nice oh Peppa come back why we have to be shown to our table by the waiter have you booked a table where with Grandpa Pig please follow me hello hello hello are you here for the party shush Peppa these people are having their own meals and remember it's not really a party oh Peppa George happy birthday grandpa is this my birthday card yes we made it ourselves it's lovely but it's sad it's not a real birthday party I think I'm a bit too old for a real party Peppa I think Grandpa would rather have a nice quiet meal with party hats oh pepper that's not a hat it's a napkin the napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes would you like to order drinks Madam could we have a bottle of water please of course can I get you anything else party hats please party it's yes because it is my Grandpa's birthday a Grandpa Pig's birthday I'll see what I can do Peppa they don't have party hats in Posh restaurants like this thank you are you ready to order food it yes please and the menu today we have dried fish with seaweed cheese strained carrot on a muscle cuff or cream of sweet in a vegetable soup um I think I might try the uh strained carrot on a muscle cough ah cream of sweet for me please perhaps the dried fish ah same again please and for the children see please spaghetti Pepper and George love spaghetti the spaghetti is knit on the menu but I will ask the chef Peppa you can't ask the things that aren't on the menu of sweet dried fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti spaghetti [Music] actually it's my birthday could I have the spaghetti too please and me and me and me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti [Applause] cheese balloons of course marvelous lovely balloons hooray this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the cake [Music] oh happy birthday grandpa big blow out the candy Grandpa hooray birthday party music please [Music] in the future Peppa is at Susie sheep's house this evening mummy sheep and Mummy Pig are going out don't worry mummy we can look after the house while you're away that's very kind of you Susie but we have a special babysitter coming that'll be her now hello everyone hello it's my cousin Charlotte sheep is the babysitter hello Charlotte thanks for coming we won't be out late you can watch TV and I've made you some pizza oh thank you you two be good we will bye how old are you Charlotte I'm 17. 17. that's very grown up you can do anything you like when you're grown up that's right you can drive a car and even stay up late wow in the future when you're grown up you'll be able to do that too but grown-ups also have to go to work you know that sounds fun can we stay up late with you Charlotte sorry it's your bedtime now oh night night sleep well no night night [Music] Susie yes are you awake yes I wish I was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching TV and eating pizza yes and babysitting I'm going to the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and blue I'll drive so will I [Laughter] daddy dog will be a space man yes I'm off to space and George will be a dinosaur dinosaur [Music] and Freddy Fox will be a policeman hello hello what's all this year then this is our grown-up car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye what will your job be I will be a nurse but in my lunch break I will fly a plane afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world what will your job be Peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer [Music] and a swing [Music] and I will marry Pedro oh Danny and I'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children will be there the two will look after all these children we will and time everybody few few Mummy Pig and Mummy sheep have arrived back home hello has everything been okay yes everything's been fine hello are you two still awake yes Mommy we've been thinking about the future it's very tiring being grown up yes it is oh we need to get some rest yes you do good night little ones good night grown ups pepper and Susie need a good night's rest to be ready for the future [Music] doctor hamster's big presents Pepper and George are taking Goldie the fish to the vets for a checkup Ahoy there Peppa and George hello grumpy rabbit what are you doing here I bought Nigel for his checkup Nigel is grumpy rabbit's pet newt hello Nigel next show your birdie gets lots of rest and it'll be singing like a canary in no time oh music to my ears bye next please the Charles Nigel hello Nigel let's have a look at you he's looking fine oh good he's getting lots of exercise oh I wish I could be more like you Nigel I need to get fit and healthy but I haven't got the time why don't you go jogging it's what I do to keep fit but I'm too busy here you can jog while you work all right I will I'll start this minute Dr hamster is jogging to get fit goodbye Dr hamster goodbye grumpy rabbit next please that's us [Music] no then go there how are you keep him busy that's what I like to see Dr hamster why why you can pull up and down I'm joking to get fit and health fair the only thing is I can't jump very far in here I have to keep stopping to turn around it's not ideal oh anyway keep up the good work Golder and remember to drink plenty of water thank you Dr hamster bye bye [Music] bye hello grumpy rabbit what's a lift oh thanks I'm chugging him got to keep fishing healthy poor doctor hamster Can't Get Fit she needs a bigger space to run around in hang on maybe I could build something follow me this is grumpy rabbit's Boatyard now let's get building what are we going to build a present for Dr hamster to help her get fit we need these and this I'm not forgetting this and a little bit from this washing machine how can you make a present from this pile of rubbish it's not rubbish Bobby Pig this is an excellent ladder and so is this one are you making a roundabout no are you making a battling pool no [Music] what do you think it's going to be George dinosaur no I just need to wrap it up grumpy rabbit is wrapping the present finished is the biggest present ever yes it's too big to fit in the car that's all right we can roll it MP rabbit has rolled the present all the way to Dr hamster's surgery what's that nice we've got a present for you Dr hamster oh thank you hey I wonder what it is why don't you open it and find out all right oh that's lovely eh what is it exactly I just need to fix it in place get in and jog all right [Music] yes every hamster should have one doctor hamster loves hamster wheels every hamster loves hamster wheels [Music] Breakfast Club Peppa and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning who knows why we have come to play group early today isn't because today oh Danny that is not the reason is it because so much well I do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes Pedro we have all come to play group early because today is Breakfast Club and who knows what we do at Breakfast Club correct everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of talking talk talk talk talk yes yes thank you Peppa I eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes Pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day uh is energy energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity that's right Edmund [Music] so Rebecca what do you use your energy for I use it for hopping very good I use energy for thinking what's he doing Edmund is thinking yes I was thinking Edmund elephant is a clever clogs [Laughter] take a lot of energy to think and now we will all choose what to have for breakfast we have bread cheese Jam porridge yogurt and I have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can I have cereal please of course you can Madame Gazelle can I have toast please yes Susie I shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute cut it wow can I have toast please everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case I will have to use the big toaster [Music] it's a super toaster Play exciting everyone wait for it here it comes [Music] [Applause] everyone has caught their toast again again no children eat the toast you have first can I have honey on my toast please can I have marmalade please of course children I'm having strawberry jam on mine I'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast I'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am I I'm getting strawberry jam energy I'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy everyone has lots of lots of energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me energy from the food to get our bodies and Minds ready for the day copy me children leg Apple yogurt pancake and toast which one for breakfast do I like the most toast breakfast is over and everyone is [Music] Pepper and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig Granny Pig hello hello mum historical reenactment day is it yes today I am a viking what that Vikings were people who lived a very long time ago they had helmets and Shields and ran around shouting tell me granny of course here are some helmets bye King wow Heather and George love being Vikings see you later come and see what I've made for Viking day granny Pig has made a great big dragon's head it's to go on the front of our Viking boat Viking boat yes today we're going sailing with the other grannies it's just an excuse to have tea and Cake it's not just tea and Cake we also have sandwiches and an apple here are the other Viking grannies hello day kings are coming are coming Madame Gazelle why hasn't your helmet got horns on in actual fact pepper Vikings had helmets without horns like this see nones but you have got horns have I yes goodbye Grandpa Pig goodbye have fun on your Viking boot are we going on a Viking boot granny not a real Viking boat we will be using Grandpa Pig's boat instead I'm sure he won't mind here is Grandpa Pig's boat above Vikings lower Dale [Music] vixon the dragon head and you two need real Viking life jackets are we all ready then let's go oh how do we start the boat I'll phone Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig speaking hello grandpa how did how did you start your boat just press the green button and off you go thank you bye bye they're taking my boat ah my boat Vikings onward oh dear the picnic basket has been left behind [Music] my boat ah Granddad Dog Follow That boat aye aye Peppa Pig Vikings Vikings Vikings [Music] all this sea air is making me hungry hungry hungry where is the is the picnic basket we've forgotten the food [Music] the Vikings are very hungry we food look what's that it is Miss Rabbit's food stall [Applause] Vikings 40s two juices and cake please oh oh okay ah there they are ah caught you Granny Pig you've arrived just in time have I yes tea and cake tea and Cake Don't Mind If I Do Vikings love tea and Cake everybody loves tea and cake [Music] fire station practice today is the mummy's fire station Practice Day hello Mummy Pig are you ready for action yes Miss Rabbit me expand what you practice oh there won't be much to see Peppa it's mostly just sitting around and drinking tea Daddy Pig we do proper fire service training here ready steady go is our motto and to get that right we need to practice yes stay and watch daddy pig might learn something [Music] service control room time for a cup of tea I think what did I tell you we need a cup of tea to get ready for the day in an emergency we have to be ready in seconds this first practice will show you just how ready we are when I ring this Bell the tea drinking stops the helmets go on everyone slides down the fire pole [Music] into the fire engine and off they go [Music] follow me outside for the next bit [Music] [Applause] remember Ready Steady go you just saw ready now watch our steady you have to be very steady when using the fire hose mummy's Ready Steady go mummy dog fixes the hose to the fire engine mummy Pony rolls out the hose and Mummy Pig points the squirty end at the Target turn the water on water on [Applause] the target is hit and the fire is out that looks fun it's hard work daddy pig is it really yes just feel how heavy this fire hose is oh yes that is heavy and that's even before we've turned the water on turn okay sorry [Music] it is not easy to hold a fire hose steady that was hard work now you see why we need to be super fit yes and how do we get super fit on the fire station an obstacle course this is the fire station obstacle course running through this keeps us fit and healthy can keep Joan already and are steady now let's practice our go ready steady go first obstacle is the inconvenient Wall go go [Music] next is the confusing crawling tube cool where am I so here I am oh across the sea saw of General access your Tippy Toe tires one two one two one two up the sloping rope walk [Music] and down the yippee zip wire [Music] s oh dear Mummy Pig is stuck Mommy right I'm fine Peppa actually this mud is quite nice hey Mommy [Music] Everyone likes fire station practice especially when there are muddy puddles to jump in [Music] what shall we play Let's do digging um I'm not very good at digging I am watch this the money mole is good at digging wow Molly's digging a long tunnel oh I found something what is it wow it's a pirate treasure chest I wonder how it got there it's a mystery oh we better tell my daddy my goodness where did this hole come from Daddy Daddy we found some point with treasure at the end of our tunnel treasure how did it get there we don't know it's a mystery maybe we should call the police oh they'll know what to do this is the police station hello police station hello it's Daddy Pig here we found some pirate treasure pirate treasure you say we'll be right there [Music] that is how the police say hello hello hello I want to be a policeman when I grow up good lad so where's this pirate treasure then under the ground we were just speaking this tunnel when suddenly we found this yes yes yes that pirate treasure all right it's just like the pirate treasure we have back at the PlayStation let's take this back and put it with the other one oh dear police officer panda is dropping coins along the way right back to the police station can we have the Nina please why not [Applause] potato down here is where we keep all the lost things wow umbrellas shoes a Lamppost even a lost cupboard oh that's not lost Freddie this is where we keep the pirate treasure oh it's gone that's strange another mystery hello hello there's a hole in the wall and a tunnel someone has dug a hole and taken our treasure chest down the tunnel a criminal mastermind no doubt I wonder where it goes look there are coins on the floor uh-huh a trail let's follow the trail we'll soon find out who took our treasure we're outside my house and the trail of coins ends now we'll never know who took the treasure from the police station it's a mystery I know who took it who we did hey follow me this is the tunnel we dug this morning yes it goes all the way back to the police station and we didn't know it was the police station but this is where we found the treasure so you found the pirate treasure that was in our Lost Property cupboard yes mystery solved well done Freddie that was excellent police work yes I do believe you'll make a very good police officer one day just remember to keep your ears and eyes open who left that Lamppost there that's not a safe place for a Lamppost I'll make a note dangerous obstruction in workplace environment you see children a police officer's work is never done and the Mystery of the buried pirate treasure is solved hooray foreign [Music] ERS pepper and her friends are at playgroup children today you will learn how to play recorders oh take a recorder each [Music] wow does anyone know how to play music on the recorder you blow it like this no but that is not music Peppa that is a horrible squeaky noise to make music we must play in a way that sounds uh not horrible yes Danny [Music] twinkle twinkle [Applause] lovely you see all music is made from notes [Music] foreign we just play the notes in the right order [Music] no do it like this no like this stop stop that was not music at all no that was a horrible noise and why was that we weren't playing the right notes and they weren't in the right order so let us Begin by learning the first note [Music] ah this is hard it will get easier with practice now this is the next note in our tune it is home time the parents have come to pick up the children and remember practice practice my God [Applause] [Music] oh somebody is learning how to play the recorder yes daddy Madame Gazelle said I have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you well I uh do some work in another room [Applause] Lucy is practicing too yes that's it [Music] very good Danny shall we call that a day no Madame Gazelle said I had to keep on trying until I get it right [Music] pepper and her friends have been practicing the recorders all week they are giving a concert for the parents welcome our concert ready children ah [Music] bravo bravo [Music] hasn't the children worked hard yes it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert I want you to learn this tune go home and practice practice Peppa loves the recorder everyone loves the recorder [Music] the perfect day Peppa and her family are going to a shopping center today that's a big shop it's not one shot pepper it's lots of shops all under the same roof wow but we're not shopping today no shopping shopping shops no mummy's here for a perfect day experience [Music] this is me is Miss Rabbit's Spa hello Mummy Pig are you ready for your perfect day experience yes I think so but what exactly is it oh lots of lovely things you can have a massage have your fingernails painted oh have a herbal face wash oh that all sounds lovely do we have to do it too Daddy no Peppa we can go and find our own perfect day oh goody bye mummy see you later who are we going to find our perfect day daddy hmm I don't know it's just shops and shops and Magic moving stairs that pepper is an escalator oh can we go on it yes hold my hand here is Susie Sheep oh it's Susie hello hello Peppa where are you going we're going to the top where are you going we're going to the bottom pepper has reached the top quick Daddy I need to go down to find Susie I'm coming to find you Peppa I'm coming to find you Susie Peppa and George are back at the bottom Susie is at the top I think that's enough escalators for now [Music] then we can use the lift I need to find Peppa then let's take the list it's not working someone else is using it we just have to wait but I need to find Papa and Susie become best friends Papa look what I've got little Susie's in boxes how did you do that in the photo booth I'll show you this is the photo booth you sit in here puts the money in there and then it flashes it's not flashing I think it's broken oh I missed it there's more smile when does it Flash oh I missed it again it's a funny face and the last one has it finished yet I think I might be in that one here are the pictures look at all all of those funny faces again again I think it's time we pick up Mummy Pig mummy did you have a perfect day yes thank you I did pepper did you yes we went up and down the magic stairs and we saw Susie and did some funny pictures that does sound nice home time [Music] daddy pig did you have a perfect day my perfect day starts when we get home daddy what's your perfect day come and see daddy pig is jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone is jumping up and down in muddy puddles it's the perfect end to a perfect day [Music] TV lands pepper and her friends are watching their favorite television program super potato [Music] bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato I love watching super potato me too super potato is the best fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five always remember to eat your five we've seen this before I know all the words by heart yes they show the same story again and again and again brilliant isn't it yes and we remember all of the words forever yes we remember all of the words forever everyone is so tiny on TV in real life they are big how are they big and Tiny and how do they get in our TV it's some sort of magic it's not magic it's science Edmund elephant is a clever clogs would you all like to see how they make TV yes okay let's go to TV Land this is TV Land stop do you work here um no then I'm afraid you can't come in but we are children and we want to see how TV is made oh in that case in you go thank you wow hello there here is Miss Rabbit have you come to see how we make television yes very good follow me hello everyone hello you see he's not tiny he's big we're ready for you now super potato The Show Must Go On This is where the magic happens it's not it's not a Jake it's science you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you yes okay we're ready to go light camera and action fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five and Scott that was amazing the camera now turns all of that into magic bits the go to a thingy on the roof the thingy is the magic bits across the sky to the TV aerial on your roof unless you have this and down into the TV and her mummy are at home watching television fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive [Music] would any of you like to be on TV yes please we just have to put you in front of the camera okay action what do I do just say something anything okay I'm Peppa Pig this is my little brother George wow Pepper and George are on TV and this is Daddy Pig hello Peppa it's for you papa I can see you on TV my tiny yes you are tiny this is fun can I be on TV again of course now we've recorded that you can be on TV every day hundreds and hundreds of times hooray [Music] everyone loves TV [Music] Grandpa Pig's birthday Peppa and her family are dressed in their very best clothes today is Grandpa Pig's birthday a party your party we're going to a party you know it's not really a party Peppa what do you mean it's just a nice quiet meal in a restaurant on Grandpa Pig's birthday and you haven't been to a restaurant before have you no so that will be fun won't it yes pepper and her family have arrived at the restaurant oh it's nice oh Peppa come back why we have to be shown to our table by the waiter have you booked a table where with Grandpa Pig please follow me hello hello hello are you here for the party shush Peppa these people are having their own meals and remember it's not really a party oh Peppa George happy birthday grandpa is this my birthday card yes we made it ourselves it's lovely but it's sad it's not a real birthday party I think I'm a bit too old for a real party Peppa I think Grandpa would rather have a nice quiet meal with party hats that's not a hat it's a napkin the napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes would you like to order drinks Madam could we have a bottle of water please of course can I get you anything else party hats please RTX yes because it is my Grandpa's birthday Grandpa Pig's birthday I'll see what I can do Peppa they don't have party hats in Posh restaurants like this thank you are you ready to order food yes please on the menu today we have dried fish with seaweed cheese strained carrots on a muscle cream of sweet in a vegetable soup um I think I might try the uh strained carrot on a muscle cough ah cream of sweet for me please perhaps the dried fish ah same again please and for the children see please spaghetti Pepper and George love spaghetti the spaghetti is knit on the menu but I will ask the chef Peppa you can't ask the things that aren't on the menu of sweet dried fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti spaghetti [Music] actually it's my birthday could I have the spaghetti too please and me and me and me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti [Applause] cheese balloons of course marvelous lovely balloons this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the cake oh happy birthday grandpa big blow out candles Grandpa hooray birthday party music please [Music] in the future Peppa is at Susie sheep's house this evening mummy sheep and Mummy Pig are going out don't worry mummy we can look after the house while you're away that's very kind of you Susie but we have a special babysitter coming that'll be her now hello everyone hello it's my cousin Charlotte sheep is the babysitter hello Charlotte thanks for coming we won't be out late you can watch TV and I've made you some pizza oh thank you you two be good we will bye how old are you Charlotte I'm 17. 17. that's very grown up you can do anything you like when you're grown up that's right you can drive a car and even stay up late wow in the future when you're grown up you'll be able to do that too but grown-ups also have to go to work you know that sounds fun can we stay up late with you Charlotte sorry it's your bedtime now oh night night sleep well no night night [Music] Susie yes are you awake yes I wish I was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching TV and eating pizza yes and a babysitting I'm going to the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and blue I'll drive so will I [Laughter] daddy dog will be a Spaceman yes I'm off to space and George will be a dinosaur dinosaur [Music] and Freddy Fox will be a policeman hello hello hello what's all this here then this is our grown-up car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye what will your job be I will be a nurse but in my lunch break I will fly a plane good afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world what will your job be Peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer [Music] and a swing and I will marry Pedro money and I'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children will be there the two will look after all these children we will that time everybody few few Mummy Pig and Mummy sheep have arrived back home hello has everything been okay yes everything's been fine hello are you two still awake yes Mommy we've been thinking about the future it's very tiring being grown up yes it is oh we need to get some rest yes you do good night little ones good night grown-ups pepper and Susie need a good night's rest to be ready for the future [Music] doctor hamster's big presents Pepper and George are taking Goldie the fish to the vets for a checkup oh hi there Peppa and George hello grumpy rabbit what are you doing here I bought Nigel for his checkup Nigel is grumpy rabbit's pet newt hello Nigel next show your birdie gets lots of rest and it'll be singing like a canary in no time oh music to my ears bye next please such as Nigel hello Nigel let's have a look at you he's looking fine oh good he's getting lots of exercise oh I wish I could be more like you Nigel I need to get fit and healthy but I haven't got the time why don't you go jogging it's what I do to keep fit but I'm too busy here you can jog while you work all right I will I'll start this minute Dr hamster is dogging to get fit goodbye Dr hamster goodbye grumpy rabbit next please that's us [Music] how are you keep him busy that's what I like to see Dr hamster why why you can pull up and down I'm joking to get fit and health fair the only thing is I can't jump very far in here I have to keep stopping to turn around it's not ideal oh anyway keep up the good work Golder and remember to drink plenty of water thank you Dr hamster bye bye bye Pepper and George are going back home grumpy rabbit what's a lift oh thanks I'm jogging him got to keep fishing healthy poor doctor hamster Can't Get Fit she needs a bigger space to run around in hang on maybe I could build something follow me this is grumpy rabbit's Boatyard now let's get building what are we going to build a present for Dr hamster to help her get fit we need these and this I'm not forgetting this and a little bit from this washing machine how can you make a present from this pile of rubbish it's not rubbish Mommy Pig this is an excellent ladder and so is this one are you making a roundabout no are you making a battling pool no what do you think it's going to be George dinosaur no I just need to wrap it up grumpy rabbit is wrapping the present finished hey it's the biggest present ever yes it's too big to fit in the car that's all right we can roll it and be rabbit has rolled the present all the way to Dr hamster's surgery what's that nice we've got a present for you Dr hamster oh thank you hey I wonder what it is why don't you open it and find out all right oh that's lovely eh what is it exactly I just need to fix it in place get in and jog all right this this is finished it's a hamster wheel yes every hamster should have one doctor hamster loves hamster wheels every hamster loves hamster wheels [Music] Breakfast Club Peppa and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning who knows why we have come to play group early today is the reason is it so much well I do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes Pedro we have all come to play group early because today is Breakfast Club and who knows do at Breakfast Club eat our breakfast correct I love eating breakfast so do I me too everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of talking talk talk talk talk yes yes thank you Peppa I eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes Pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day ah what is energy energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity that's right Edmond [Music] so Rebecca what do you use your energy for I use it for hopping for thinking what's he doing Edmund he's thinking I was thinking Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs it can take a lot of energy to think and now we will all choose what to have for breakfast we have bread cheese Jam porridge yogurt and I have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can I have cereal please of course you can Madame Gazelle can I have toast please yes Susie I shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute cut it wow can I have toast please everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case I will have to use the big toaster [Music] it's a super toaster let's ready everyone wait for it here it comes [Music] [Applause] everyone has caught their toast again again no children eat the toast you have first can I have honey on my toast please can I have marmalade please of course children I'm having strawberry jam on mine I'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast I'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am I I'm getting strawberry jam energy I'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy everyone has lots and lots of energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me use the energy from the food to get our bodies and Minds ready for the day copy me children egg Apple yogurt pancake and eggs [Music] breakfast is over and everyone is ready to [Music] Viking day Peppa and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig Granny Pig hello hello mum historical reenactment day is it yes today I am a viking what that Vikings were people who lived a very long time ago they had helmets and Shields and ran around shouting granny of course here are some helmets by King Heather and George love being Vikings see you later bye come and see what I've made for Viking day granny Pig has made a great big dragon's head it's to go on the front of our Viking boat Viking boat yes today we're going sailing with the other grannies it's just an excuse to have tea and Cake it's not just tea and Cake we also have sandwiches and an apple here are the other Viking grannies hello her luckings are coming [Music] Madame Gazelle why hasn't your helmet got horns on in actual fact pepper Vikings had helmets without horns like this see no horns but you have got horns have I yes goodbye Grandpa Pig goodbye have fun on your Viking boot are we going on a free Viking boat granny not a real Viking boat we will be using Grandpa Pig's boat instead I'm sure he won't mind here is Grandpa Pig's boat All Aboard Vikings lower the sail [Music] on the dragon head and you two need real Viking life jackets are we all ready then let's go oh how do we start the boat I'll phone Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig speaking hello grandpa how did you how did you start your boat just press the green button and off you go thank you bye bye they're taking my boat ah my boat Vikings onward oh dear the picnic basket has been left behind [Music] my boat ah Grandad Dog Follow That boat Vikings Vikings Vikings we sail across the sea we like two sharks all this sea air is making me hungry hungry hungry where is the picnic basket we've forgotten the food but I'm so hungry food food the Vikings are very hungry we need food look what's that it is Miss Rabbit's food stall [Applause] Vikings 40s two juices and cake please oh okay ah there they are caught you Granny Pig you've drive just in time have I yes tea and cake tea and Cake Don't Mind If I Do Vikings love tea and Cake everybody loves tea and cake [Music] fire station practice today is the mummy's fire station Practice Day hello Mummy Pig are you ready for action yes Miss Rabbit mom okay expand what you practice oh there won't be much to see Peppa it's mostly just sitting around and drinking tea Daddy Pig we do proper fire service training here ready steady go is our motto and to get that right we need to practice yes stay and watch daddy pig might learn something [Music] drone room for a cup of tea I think what did I tell you we need a cup of tea to get ready for the day in an emergency we have to be ready in seconds this first practice will show you just how ready we are when I ring this Bell the tea drinking stops the helmets go on everyone slides down the fire pole [Music] into the fire engine and off they go [Music] follow me outside for the next bit [Music] [Applause] remember Ready Steady go you just saw ready now watch our steady you have to be very steady when using the fire hose mummy's Ready Steady go mummy dog fixes the hose to the fire engine mummy Pony rolls out the hose and Mummy Pig points the squirty end at the Target turn the water on water on [Applause] the target is hit and the fire is out that looks fun it's hard work daddy pig is it really yes just feel how heavy this fire hose is oh yes that is heavy and that's even before we've turned the water on turn the wall okay okay sorry [Music] it is not easy to hold a fire hose steady but was hard work now you see why we need to be super fit yes and how do we get super fit on the fire station an obstacle course this is the fire station obstacle course running through this keeps us fit and healthy so that in an emergency can keep shown already and are steady now let's practice our go ready steady go first obstacle is the inconvenient Wall go go [Music] next is the confusing crawling tube oh where am I so here I am oh across the sea soul of General upsets Tippy Toe tires one two one two one two up for sloping rope walk and down the yippee zip wire [Music] s oh dear Mummy Pig is stuck Mommy right I'm fine Peppa actually this mud is quite nice hey mummy yippee Everyone likes fire station practice especially when there are muddy puddles to jump in [Music] [Laughter] what shall we play Let's do digging um I'm not very good at digging I am quick watch this wow Molly's digging a long tunnel oh I found something what is it wow it's a pirate treasure chest I wonder how it got there it's a mystery we better tell my daddy my goodness where did this hole come from Daddy Daddy we found some pirate treasure at the end end of our tunnel treasure how did it get there we don't know it's a mystery maybe we should call the police oh they'll know what to do this is the police station hello police station hello it's Daddy Pig here we found some pirate treasure pirate treasure you say we'll be right there [Music] that is how the police say hello hello hello and when I grow up good lad so where's this pirate treasure then under the ground we were just thinking this time tunnel when suddenly we found this we're at Treasure all right it's just like the pirate treasure we have back at the police station let's take this back and put it with the other one oh dear police officer panda is dropping coins along the way right back to the police station [Applause] this way to the Lost Property down here is where we keep all the lost things wow umbrellas shoes a Lamppost even a lost cupboard oh that's not lost Freddie this is where we keep the pirate treasure oh it's gone that's strange another mystery there's a hole in the wall and a tunnel someone has dug a hole and taken our treasure chest down the tunnel a criminal mastermind No Doubt I wonder where it goes look there are coins on the floor uh-huh a trail let's follow the trail we'll soon find out who took our treasure we're outside my house and the trail of coins ends now we'll never know who took the treasure from the police station it's a mystery I know who took it who we did hey follow me this is the tunnel we dug this morning yes it goes all the way back to the police station and we didn't know it was the police station but this is where we found the treasure so you found the pirate treasure that was in our Lost Property cupboard yes mystery solved well done Freddie that was excellent police work yes I do believe you'll make a very good police officer one day just remember to keep your ears and eyes open who left that Lamppost there that's not a safe place for a Lamppost I'll make a note dangerous obstruction in workplace environment ho ho you see children a police officer's work is never done and the Mystery of the buried pirate treasure is solved [Music] recorders pepper and her friends are at playgroup children today you will learn how to play recorders oh take a recorder each laughs and now does anyone know how to play music on the recorder you blow it like this but that is not music pepper that is a horrible squeaky noise to make music we must play in a way that sounds uh not horrible yes Danny please twinkle twinkle [Applause] lovely you see all music is made from notes [Music] we just play the notes in the right order [Music] looks easy no do it like this no like this stop stop that was not music at all no that was a horrible noise and why was that we weren't playing the right notes and they weren't in the right order so let us Begin by learning the first note [Music] this is hard it will get easier with practice now this is the next note in our tune foreign time the parents have come to pick up the children and remember practice practice [Applause] [Music] oh somebody is learning how to play the recorder yes daddy Madame Gazelle said I have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you well I uh do some work in another room [Applause] Susie is practicing too yes that's that's it [Music] [Applause] no Madame Gazelle said I had to keep on trying until I get it right [Music] foreign ERS all week they are giving a concert for the parents welcome to our concert ready children [Music] bravo bravo [Music] hasn't the children worked hard yes it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert I want you to learn this tune go home and practice practice practice Peppa loves the recorder everyone loves the recorder [Music] the perfect day pepper and her family are going to a shopping center today that's a big shop it's not one shot pepper it's lots of shops all under the same roof wow but we're not shopping today no shopping shops no mummy's here for a perfect day experience [Music] this is Miss Rabbit's Spa hello Mummy Pig are you ready for your perfect day experience yes I think so but what exactly is it oh lots of lovely things you can have a massage have your fingernails painted oh have a herbal face wash oh that all sounds lovely do we have we have a day no Peppa we can go and find our own perfect day oh goody bye see you later where are we going to find our perfect day daddy hmm I don't know it's just shops and shops and Magic moving stairs that pepper is an escalator can we go doing it yes hold my hand here is Susie's sheep it's it's Susie hello we're going to the top where are you going we're going to the bottom pepper has reached the top quick daddy and find Sue Susie I'm coming to find you Peppa I'm coming to find you Susie ah you're going the wrong way Peppa and George are back at the bottom but Susie is at the top I think that's enough escalators for now but I need see then we can use the lift then let's take the lift it's not working someone else is using it we just have to wait but I need to find Papa and Susie are best friends Papa look what I've got little Susie's in boxes how did you do that in the photo booth I'll show you this is the photo booth you sit in here puts the money in there and then it's flashes it's not flashing I think it's broken oh I missed it there's more smile when does it flash ah I missed it again it's your funny face and the last one has it finished yet I think I might be in that one here are the pictures look at all of those funny faces again again I think it's time we pick up Mummy Pig mummy did you have a perfect day yes thank you I did Peppa did you yes we went up and down the magic stairs and we saw Susie and did some funny pictures that does sound nice home time [Music] daddy pig did you have a perfect day my perfect day starts when we get home daddy what's your perfect day come and see daddy pig is jumping up and down in bloody puddles everyone is jumping up and down in muddy puddles it's the perfect end to a perfect day [Music] TV lands pepper and her friends are watching their favorite television program super potato am I a bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato I love watching super potato me too super potato is the best fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five always remember to eat your five we've seen this before I know all the words by heart yes they show the same story again and again and again brilliant isn't it yes and we will remember all of the words forever yes we remember all of the words forever everyone is so tiny on TV in real life they are big how are they big and Tiny and how do they get in our TV it's some sort of magic it's not magic it's science Edmund elephant is a clever clogs would you all like to see how they make TV yes okay let's go to TV Land this is TV Land stop do you work here um no then I'm afraid you can't come in but we are children and we want to see how TV s made oh in that case in you go thank you wow hello there here is Miss Rabbit have you come to see how we make television yes very good follow me hello everyone hello you see he's not tiny he's big we're ready for you now super potato The Show Must Go On This is where the magic happens it's it's a jig it's science you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you yes okay we're ready to go lights camera and action fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five and Scott that was amazing the camera now turns all of that into magic bits the go to a thingy on the roof the thingy since the magic bits across the sky to the TV aerial on your roof unless you have this and down into the TV mummy are at home watching television fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to reach your thoughts would any of you like to be on TV yes please we just have to put you in front of the camera okay action what do I do just say something anything okay I'm Peppa Pig this is my little brother George wow Pepper and George are on TV and this is Daddy Pig hello Peppa it's for you papa I can see you on TV am I tiny yes you are tiny this is fun can I be on TV again of course now we've recorded that you can be on TV every day hundreds and hundreds of times [Music] everyone loves TV [Music] 's birthday pepper and her family are dressed in their very best clothes today is Grandpa Pig's birthday a party a party we're going to a party you know it's not really a party Peppa what do you mean it's just a nice quiet meal in a restaurant on Grandpa Pig's birthday and you haven't been to a restaurant before have you no so that will be fun won't it yes pepper and her family have arrived at the restaurant oh this is nice oh Peppa come back why we have to be shown to our table by the waiter have you booked a table where with Grandpa Pig please follow me hello hello hello are you here for the party shush Peppa these people are having their own meals and remember it's not really a party oh Peppa George happy birthday grandpa is this my birthday card yes we made it ourselves it's lovely but it's sad it's not a real birthday party I think I'm a bit too old for a real party Peppa I think Grandpa would rather have a nice quiet meal with party hats don't Peppa that's not a hat it's a napkin the napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes would you like to order drinks Madam could we have a bottle of water please of course can I get you anything else party hats please party it's yes because it is my Grandpa's birthday a Grandpa Pig's birthday I'll see what I can do Peppa they don't have party hats in Posh restaurants like this thank you are you ready to order food it yes please and the menu today we have dried fish with seaweed cheese strained carrots on a muscle cuff or cream of sweet in a vegetable soup um I think I might try the uh strained carrot on a muscle cough ah cream of sweet for me please perhaps the dried fish ah same again please and for the children see please spaghetti Pepper and George love spaghetti the spaghetti is knit on the menu but I will ask the chef Peppa you can't ask the things that aren't on the menu of sweet dried fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti spaghetti [Music] actually it's my birthday could I have the spaghetti too please and me and me and me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti [Applause] balloons of course marvelous lovely balloons this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the cake oh happy birthday grandpa big blow out the candy Grandpa hooray birthday party music please [Music] in the future Peppa is at Susie sheep's house this evening mummy sheep and Mummy Pig are going out don't worry mummy we can look after the house while you're away that's very kind of you Susie but we have a special babysitter coming that'll be her now hello everyone hello it's my cousin Charlotte Charlotte sheep is the babysitter hello Charlotte thanks for coming we won't be out late you can watch TV and I've made you some pizza oh thank you you two be good we will bye bye how old are you Charlotte I'm 17. 17. that's very grown up you can do anything you like when you're grown up that's right you can drive a car and even stay up late wow in the future when you're grown up you'll be able to do that too but grown-ups also have to go to work you know that sounds fun can we stay up late with you Charlotte sorry it's your bedtime now oh night night sleep well night night [Music] Susie yes are you awake yes I wish I was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching TV and eating pizza yes and babysitting I'll go into the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and blue I'll drive so will I [Laughter] daddy dog will be a space man yes I'm off to space and George will be a dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur [Music] a Freddy Fox will be a policeman hello hello what's all this here then this is our grown-up car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye bye what will your job be I will be a nurse but in my lunch break I will fly a plane afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world what's your job be Peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer [Music] and a swing [Music] and I will marry Pedro or Danny and I'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children will be there but who will look after all these children we will that time everybody [Music] Pig and Mummy sheep have arrived back home hello has everything been okay yes everything's been fine hello are you two still awake yes Mommy we've been thinking about the future it's very tiring being grown up yes it is we need to get some rest yes you do good night little ones good night grown ups pepper and Susie need a good night's rest to be ready for the future [Music] the presents Pepper and George are taking Goldie the fish to the vets for a checkup Ahoy there Peppa and George hello grumpy rabbit what are you doing here I bought Nigel for his checkup Nigel is grumpy rabbit's pet newt hello Nigel make sure your birdie gets lots of rest and it'll be singing like a canary in no time oh music to my ears bye next please that shows Nigel hello Nigel let's have a look at you it's looking fine oh God he's getting lots of exercise oh I wish I could be more like you Nigel I need to get fit and healthy but I haven't got the time why don't you go jogging it's what I do to keep fit but I'm too busy here you can jog while you work all right I will I'll start this minute Dr hamster is jogging to get fit goodbye Dr hamster goodbye Grandpa rabbit next please that's us [Music] how are you keeping busy that's what I like to see Dr hamster why why you can pull up and down I'm joking to get fitting health fair the only thing is I can't jog very far in here I have to keep stopping to turn around it's not ideal oh anyway keep up the good work Golder and remember to drink plenty of water thank you Dr hamster bye bye bye Pepper and George are going back home grumpy rabbit want a lift oh thanks I'm jogging him got to keep fishing healthy poor doctor hamster Can't Get Fit she needs a bigger space to run around in hang on maybe I could build something follow me this is grumpy rabbit's Boatyard now let's get building what are we going to build a present for Dr hamster to help her get fit we need these and this I'm not forgetting this and a little bit from this washing machine how can you make a present from this pile of rubbish it's not rubbish Bobby Pig this is an excellent ladder and so is this one are you making a roundabout no are you making a battling pool no what do you think it's going to be George dinosaur no I just need to wrap it up grumpy rabbit is wrapping the present finished hey it's the biggest present ever yes it's too big to fit in the car that's all right we can roll it the rabbit has rolled the present all the way to Dr hamster's surgery what's that nice we've got a present for you Dr hamster oh thank you hey I wonder what it is why don't you open it and find out all right oh that's lovely eh what is it exactly I just need to fix it in place get in and jog all right this is [Music] yes every hamster should have one doctor hamster loves hamster wheels every hamster loves hamster wheels [Music] Breakfast Club Peppa and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning who knows why we have come to play group early today isn't it today is not the reason is it because like her so much well I do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes Pedro we have all come to play group early because today is Breakfast Club and who knows what we do at Breakfast Club is correct everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of talking talk talk talk talk yes yes thank you I eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes Pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day ah what is energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity that's right Edmund [Music] so Rebecca what do you use your energy for I use it for hopping very good I use energy for thinking what's he doing Edmund is thinking yes I was thinking Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs it can take a lot of energy to think now we will all choose what to have for cheese Jam porridge yogurt I have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can I have cereal please of course you can Madame Gazelle can I have toast please yes Susie I shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute cut it wow can I have toast please everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case I will have to use the big toaster [Music] it's a super toaster let's ready everyone wait for it here it comes [Music] [Applause] everyone has caught their toast again again no children eat the toast you have first can I have honey on my toast please can I have marmalade please of course children I'm having strawberry jam on mine I'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast I'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am I I'm getting strawberry jam energy I'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy everyone has lots and lots of energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me use the energy from the food to get our bodies and Minds ready for the day copy me children egg Apple yogurt pancake and toast which one for breakfast do I like the most toys breakfast is over and everyone is ready [Music] Pepper and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig Granny granny Pig hello hello mum historical reenactment day is it yes today I am a Viking what's that Vikings were people who lived a very long time ago they had helmets and Shields and ran around shouting yeah cow granny of course here are some helmets I'm a viking wow wow Heather and George love being here see you later George come and see what I've made for Viking day granny Pig has made a great big dragon's head it's to go on the front of our Viking boat Viking boat yes today we're going sailing with the other grannies it's just an excuse to have tea and Cake it's not just tea and Cake we also have sandwiches and an apple here are the other Viking grannies hello her lungs are coming too [Music] Madame Gazelle why hasn't your helmet got horns on in actual fact pepper Vikings had helmets without horns like this see no horns but you have got horns have I yes goodbye Grandpa Pig goodbye have fun on your Viking boot are we going on a free Viking boot granny not a real Viking boat we will be using Grandpa Pig's boat instead I'm sure he won't mind here is Grandpa Pig's boat above Vikings lower sale it's on the dragon head and you two need real Viking life jackets are we all ready yeah then let's go oh how do we start the boat I'll phone Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig speaking hello grandpa how did you how did you start your boat just press the green button and off you go thank you bye bye they're taking my boat ah my boat Vikings onward oh dear the picnic basket has been left behind [Music] my boat ah Granddad Dog Follow That boat aye aye Peppa Pig Vikings Vikings Vikings [Music] all this sea air is making me hungry hungry hungry where is Lake basket but I'm so hungry the Vikings are very hungry we need rabbit's food stall [Applause] Kings 40s two juices and cake please oh oh okay ah there they are caught you Granny Pig Pig you've arrived just in time have I yes tea and cake tea and Cake Don't Mind If I Do Vikings love tea and Cake everybody loves tea and cake [Music] fire station practice today is the mummies fire station Practice Day hello Mummy Pig are you ready for action yes Miss Rabbit Man me can we stay and watch you practice oh there won't be much to see Peppa it's mostly just sitting around and drinking tea Daddy Pig we do proper fire service training here ready steady go is our motto and to get that right we need to practice yes stay and watch daddy pig might learn something [Music] service control room time for a cup of tea I think what did I tell you we need a cup of tea to get ready for the day in an emergency we have to be ready in seconds this first practice will show you just how ready we are when I ring this Bell the tea drinking stops the helmets go on everyone slides down the fire pole [Music] into the fire engine and off they go [Music] follow me outside for the next bit [Music] [Applause] remember Ready Steady go you just saw ready now watch our steady you have to be very steady when using the fire hose mummy's Ready Steady go mummy dog fixes the hose to the fire engine mummy Pony rolls out the hose and Mummy Pig points the squirty end at the Target turn the water on water on [Applause] the target is hit and the fire is out that looks fun it's hard work daddy pig is it really this just feel how heavy this fire hose is oh yes that is heavy and that's even before we've turned the water on turn the water okay sorry [Music] it is not easy to hold a fire hose steady but what's hard work now you see why we need to be super fit yes and how do we get super fit on the fire station and obstacle course this is the fire station obstacle course running through this keeps us fit and healthy healthy can keep doing all ready and are steady now let's practice our go ready steady go first obstacle is the inconvenient Wall go go [Music] next is the confusing crawling tube oh where am I so here I am bye Mommy hello across the sea soul of General upsets Tippy Toe tires one two one two one two up for sloping rope walk [Music] and down the yippee zip wire [Music] oh dear Mummy Pig is stuck oh Mommy all right I'm fine Peppa actually this mud is quite nice hey Mommy [Music] Everyone likes fire station practice especially when there are muddy puddles to jump in [Music] what shall we play Let's do digging um I'm not very good at digging I am squeak watch this wow Molly's digging a long tunnel oh I found something what is it wow it's a pirate treasure chest I wonder how it got there it's a mystery to tell my daddy my goodness where did this hole come from Daddy Daddy we found some treasure how did it get there we don't no it's a mystery maybe we should call the police oh they'll know what to do this is the police station a police station hello it's Daddy Pig here we found some pirate treasure pirate treasure you say we'll be right there [Music] that is how the police say hello hello hello I want to be a policeman when I grow up good lad so where's this pirate treasure then under the ground we were just sticking this tunnel when suddenly we yes yes yes that pirate treasure all right it's just like the pirate treasure we have back at the police station let's take this back and put it with the other one oh dear police officer panda is dropping coins along the way right back to the police station [Applause] this way to the Lost Property down here is where we keep all the lost things wow umbrellas shoes a Lamppost even a lost cupboard oh that's not lost Freddie this is where we keep the pirate treasure oh it's gone that's strange another mystery there's a hole in the wall and a tunnel someone has dug a hole and taken our treasure chest down the tunnel a criminal mastermind no doubt I wonder where it goes look there are coins on the floor uh-huh a trail let's follow the trail we'll soon find out who took our treasure we're outside my house and the trail of coins ends now we'll never know who took the treasure from the police station it's a mystery I know who took it who we did hey follow me this is the tunnel we dug this morning yes it goes all the way back to the police station and we didn't know it was the police station but this is where we found the treasure so you found the pirate treasure that was in our Lost Property cupboard yes mystery solved well done Freddie that was excellent police work yes I do believe you'll make a very good police officer one day just remember to keep your ears and eyes open who left that Lamppost there that's not a safe place for a Lamppost I'll make a note dangerous obstruction in workplace environment you see children a police officer's work is never done and the Mystery of the buried pirate treasure is solved thank you [Music] recorders pepper and her friends are at playgroup children today you will learn how to play recorders oh take a recorder each [Music] wow does anyone know how to play music on the recorder you blow it like this no that is not music pepper that is a horrible squeaky noise to make music we must play in a way that sounds uh not horrible yes Danny [Music] twinkle twinkle [Applause] lovely you see all music is made from notes [Music] we just play the notes in the right order [Music] that looks easy no do it like this no like this stuff stop that was not music at all no that was a horrible noise and why was that we weren't playing the right notes and they weren't in the right order so let us Begin by learning the first note [Music] this is hard it will get easier with practice now this is the next note in our tune foreign it is home time the parents have come to pick up the children practice practice [Applause] [Music] oh somebody is learning how to play the recorder yes daddy Madame Gazelle said I have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you well I uh do some work in another room [Applause] Susie is practicing too yes that is [Music] [Applause] no Madame Gazelle said I had to keep on trying until I get it right [Music] foreign ERS all week they are giving a concert for the parents welcome to our concert ready children [Music] bravo bravo [Music] haven't the children worked hard yes it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert I want you to learn this tune go home and practice practice Peppa loves the recorder [Music] the perfect day Peppa and her family are going to a shopping center today that's a big shop it's not one shot pepper it's lots of shops all under the same roof wow but we're not shopping today not shopping at the shops no mummy's here for a perfect day experience this is Miss Rabbit's Spa hello Mummy Pig are you ready for your perfect day experience yes I think so but what exactly is it oh lots of lovely things you can have a massage have your fingernails painted oh have a herbal face wash oh that all sounds lovely do we have to do it too Daddy no Peppa we can go and find our own perfect day oh goody bye mummy see you later where are we going to find our perfect day daddy hmm I don't know it's just shops and shops and Magic moving stuff downstairs that pepper is an escalator yes hold my hand there is Susie it's Susie hello hello Peppa where are you going we're going to the top where are you going we're going to the bottom pepper has reached the top quick Daddy I'm need to go down to find Susie I'm coming to find you Peppa I'm coming to find you Susie ah you're going the wrong way Peppa and George are back at the bottom but Susie is at the top I think that's enough escalators for now but I need [Music] then we can use the lift I need to find Peppa then let's take the lift it's not working someone else is using it we just have to wait but I need to find Papa and Susie from best friends Papa look what I've got little Susie's in boxes how did you do that in the photo booth I'll show you this is the photo booth you sit in here put some money in there and then it flashes it's not flashing I think it's broken oh I missed it there's more smile when does it Flash oh I missed it again it's a funny face and the last one has it finished yet I think I might be in that one here are the pictures look at all of those funny faces again again I think it's time we pick up Mummy Pig mummy did you have a perfect day yes thank you I did Peppa did you yes we went up and down the magic stairs and we saw Susie and did some funny pictures that does sound nice home time [Music] daddy pig did you have a perfect day my perfect day starts when we get home daddy what's your perfect day come and see daddy pig is jumping up and down in bloody puddles everyone is jumping up and down in the muddy puddles it's the perfect end to a perfect day [Music] TV lands pepper and her friends are watching their favorite television program super potato am I a bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato I love watching super potato me too super potato is the best fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five always remember to eat your five we've seen this before I know all the words by heart yes they show the same story again and again and again brilliant isn't it yes and we will remember all of the words forever yes we remember all of the words forever everyone is so tiny on TV in real life they are big how are they big and Tiny and how do they get in our TV it's some sort of magic it's not magic it's science Edmund elephant is a clever clogs would you all like to see how they make TV yes please okay let's go to TV Land this is TV Land stop do you work here um no then I'm afraid you can't come in but we are children and we want to see how TV s made oh in that case in you go thank you wow hello there here is Miss Rabbit have you come to see how we make television yes very good follow me hello everyone hello you see he's not tiny he's big we're ready for you now super potato The Show Must Go On This is where the magic happens it's not it's logic it's science you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you yes okay we're ready to go light camera and action fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five and Scott that was amazing the camera now turns all of that into magic bits in the signals the go to a thingy on the roof the thingy since the magic bits across the sky to the TV aerial on your roof unless you have this and down into the TV her mummy are at home watching television fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive [Music] would any of you like to be on TV yes please we just have to put you in front of the camera okay action what do I do just say something anything okay I'm Peppa Pig this is my little brother George wow Pepper and George are on TV and this is Daddy Pig hello Peppa it's for you papa I can see you on TV am I tiny yes you are tiny this is fun can I be on TV again of course now we've recorded that you can be on TV every day hundreds and hundreds of times hooray [Music] everyone loves TV [Music] Grandpa Pig's birthday Peppa and her family are dressed in their very best clothes today is Grandpa Pig's birthday a party a party we're going to a party you know it's not really a party Peppa what do you mean it's just a nice quiet meal in a restaurant on Grandpa Pig's birthday and you haven't been to a restaurant before have you no so that will be fun won't it yes pepper and her family have arrived at the restaurant oh this is nice oh Peppa come back why we have to be shown to our table by the waiter have you booked a table where with Grandpa Pig please follow me hello hello hello are you here for the party shush Peppa these people are having their own meals and remember it's not really a party oh Peppa George happy birthday grandpa is this my birthday card yes we made it ourselves it's lovely but it's sad it's not a real birthday party I think I'm a bit too old for a real party Peppa I think Grandpa would rather have a nice quiet meal with party hats that's not a hat it's a napkin the napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes would you like to order drinks Madam could we have a bottle of water please of course could I get you anything else party hats please party it's yes because it is my Grandpa's birthday Grandpa Pig's birthday I'll see what I can do Peppa they don't have party hats in Posh restaurants like this [Laughter] thank you are you ready to order food yes please and the menu today we have dried fish with seaweed cheese strained carrots on a muscle cuff or a cream of sweet in a vegetable soup um I think I might try the uh strained carrot on a muscle cough uh cream of sweet for me please perhaps the dried fish ah same again please and for the children see please spaghetti Pepper and George love spaghetti the spaghetti is knit on the menu but I will ask the chef Peppa you can't ask the things that aren't on the menu of sweet dried fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti spaghetti [Music] actually it's my birthday could I have the spaghetti too please and me and me and me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti [Applause] cheese balloons of course marvelous lovely balloons hooray this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the cake [Music] oh happy birthday grandpa big blow out the candle Grandpa hooray birthday party music please [Music] in the future Peppa is at Susie sheep's house this evening mummy sheep and Mummy Pig are going out don't worry mummy we can look after the house while you're away that's very kind of you Susie but we have a special babysitter coming that'll be her now hello everyone hello it's my cousin Charlotte sheep is the babysitter hello Charlotte thanks for coming we won't be out late you can watch TV and I've made you some pizza oh thank you you two be good we will bye how old are you Charlotte I'm 17. 17. that's very grown up you can do anything you like when you're grown up that's right you can drive a car and even stay up late wow in the future when you're grown up you'll be able to do that too but grown-ups also have to go to work you know that sounds fun can we stay up late with you Charlotte sorry it's your bedtime now oh night night sleep well night night [Music] Susie yes are you awake yes I wish I was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching TV and eating pizza yes and babysitting I'm going to the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and blue I'll drive so will I [Laughter] daddy dog will be a space man yes I'm off to space and George will be a dinosaur dinosaur [Music] a Freddy Fox will be a policeman hello hello what's all this here then this is our grown-up car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye bye what will your job be I will be a nurse but in my lunch break I will fly a plane afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world [Laughter] what will your job be Peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer [Music] and a swing [Music] and I will marry Pedro oh Danny and I'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children will be there the two will look after all these children we will anytime everybody few few Mummy Pig and Mummy sheep have arrived back home hello has everything been okay yes everything's been fine hello are you two still awake yes Mommy we were thinking about the future it's very tiring being grown up yes it is oh we need to get some rest yes you do good night little ones good night grown-ups pepper and Susie need a good night's rest to be ready for the future [Music] doctor hamster's big presents Pepper and George are taking Goldie the fish to the vets for a checkup oh hi there Peppa and George hello grumpy rabbit what are you doing here I bought Nigel for his checkup Nigel is grumpy rabbit's pet newt hello Nigel next show your birdie gets lots of rest and it'll be singing like a canary in no time oh music to my ears bye next please that shows Nigel hello Nigel let's have a look at you he's looking fine oh God he's getting lots of exercise oh I wish I could be more like you Nigel I need to get fit and healthy but I haven't got the time why don't you go jogging it's what I do to keep fit but I'm too busy here you can jog while you work all right I will I'll start this minute Dr hamster is dogging to get fit goodbye Dr hamster goodbye grumpy rabbit next please that's us [Music] how are you keep him busy that's what I like to see Dr hamster what Whomping up and down I'm joking to get fit and health there the only thing is I can't jump very far in here I have to keep stopping to turn around it's not ideal oh anyway keep up the good work gold death and remember to drink plenty of water thank you Dr hamster bye bye bye Pepper and George are going back home there's Grumpy's rabbit hello grumpy rabbit what's a lift no thanks I'm jogging him got to keep fishing healthy poor doctor hamster can't get bit she needs a bigger space to run around in hang on maybe I could build something follow me this is grumpy rabbit's Boatyard now let's get building what are we going to build a present for Dr hamster to help her get fit we need these and this I'm not forgetting this and a little bit from this washing machine how can you make a present from this pile of rubbish it's not rubbish Bobby Pig this is an excellent ladder and so is this one are you making a roundabout no are you making a battling pool no what do you think it's going to be George dinosaur no I just need to wrap it up grumpy rabbit is wrapping the present finished hey it's the biggest present ever yes it's too big to fit in the car that's all right we can roll it rabbit has rolled the present all the way to Dr hamster's surgery was that nice we've got a present for you Dr hamster oh thank you hey I wonder what it is why don't you open it and find out all right oh that's lovely eh what is it exactly I just need to fix it in place get in and jog all right this is [Music] yes every hamster should have one doctor hamster loves hamster wheels every hamster loves hamster wheels [Music] Breakfast Club Peppa and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning who knows why we have come to play group early today isn't because that is not the reason is it because so much well I do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes Pedro we have all come to play group early because today is Breakfast Club and who knows what we do at Breakfast Club correct everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of talking yes yes thank you Peppa I eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes Pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day ah what is energy energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity that's right Edmund foreign ergy for I use it for hopping for thinking what's he doing Edmund he's thinking I was thinking Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs it can take a lot of energy to think and now we will all choose what to have for breakfast we have bread cheese Jam porridge yogurt and I have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can I have cereal please of course you can Madame Gazelle can I have toast please yes Susie I shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute cut it wow can I have toast please everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case I will have to use the big toaster [Music] it's a super toaster let's ready everyone wait for it here it come [Music] [Applause] everyone has caught their toast again again no children eat the toast you have first can I have honey on my toast please can I have marmalade please of course children I'm having strawberry jam on mine I'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast I'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am I I'm getting strawberry jam energy I'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me use the energy from the food to get our bodies and Minds ready for the day copy me children egg Apple yogurt pancake and toast which one for breakfast do I like the most toast breakfast is over and everyone is ready to [Music] Pepper and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig granny Pig hello hello mum historical reenactment day is it yes today I am a Viking what's that Vikings were people who lived a very long time ago they had helmets and Shields and ran around shouting oh come granny of course here are some helmets I'm a viking wow wow wakey wakey and George love being see you later bye George come and see what I've made for Viking day granny Pig has made a great big dragon's head it's to go on the front of our Viking boat Viking boat yes today we're going sailing with the other grannies it's just an excuse to have tea and Cake it's not just tea and Cake we also have sandwiches and an apple here are the other Viking grannies hello [Music] Madame Gazelle why hasn't your helmet got horns on in actual fact pepper Vikings had helmets without horns like this see no horns but you have got horns have I yes goodbye Grandpa Pig goodbye have fun on your Viking boot are we going on a free Viking boot granny not a real Viking boat we will be using Grandpa Pig's boat instead I'm sure he won't mind here is Grandpa Pig's boat All Aboard Vikings lower the sail Vicks on the dragon head and you two need real Viking life jackets are we all ready yeah then let's go oh how do we start the boat I'll phone Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig speaking hello grandpa how did how did you start your boat just press the green button and off you go thank you bye bye they're taking my boat ah my boat Vikings onward oh dear the picnic basket has been left behind [Music] my boat ah Granddad Dog Follow That boat aye aye Peppa Pig Vikings Vikings Vikings [Music] all this sea air is making me hungry hungry hungry where is fake basket but I'm so hungry food food the Vikings are very hungry we need food look what's that it is Miss Rabbit's food stall [Applause] Vikings 40s two juices and cake please oh oh okay ah there they are caught you Granny Pig you've arrived just in time have I yes footy and cake tea and Cake Don't Mind If I Do Vikings love tea and Cake everybody loves tea and cake [Music] fire station practice today is the mummy's fire station Practice Day hello Mummy Pig are you ready for action yes Miss Rabbit Man what you test oh there won't be much to see Peppa it's mostly just sitting around and drinking tea Daddy Pig we do we drop a fire service training here ready steady go is our motto and to get that right we need to practice yes stay and watch daddy pig might learn something [Music] to this control room time for a cup of tea I think what did I tell you we need a cup of tea to get ready for the day in an emergency we have to be ready in seconds this first practice will show you just how ready we are when I ring this Bell the tea drinking stops the helmets go on everyone slides down the fire pole [Music] into the fire engine and off they go [Music] follow me outside for the next bit [Music] [Applause] remember Ready Steady go you just saw ready now watch our steady you have to be very steady when using the fire hose mummy's Ready Steady go mummy dog fixes the hose to the fire engine mummy Pony rolls out the hose and Mummy Pig points the squirty end at the Target turn the water on water on [Applause] the target is hit and the fire is out that looks fun it's hard work daddy pig is it really this just feel how heavy this fire hose is oh yes that is heavy and that's even before we've turned the water on turn the water okay sorry [Music] it is not easy to hold a fire hose steady that was hard work now you see why we need to be super fit yes and how do we get super fit on the fire station an obstacle course this is the fire station obstacle course running through this keeps us fit and healthy so can keep Jonah ready and are steady now let's practice our go ready steady go first obstacle is the inconvenient Wall go go [Music] next is the confusing crawling tube cool where am I so here I am oh across the sea saw of General upsets Tippy Toe tires one two one two one two up the sloping rope walk [Music] and down the yippee zip wire [Music] oh dear Mummy Pig is stuck oh Mommy right I'm fine Peppa actually this mud is quite nice hey Mommy [Music] Everyone likes fire station practice especially when there are muddy puddles to jump in [Music] what shall we play Let's do digging um I'm not very good at digging I am watch this the money mole is good digging wow Molly's digging a long tunnel oh I found something what is it wow it's a pirate treasure chest I wonder how it got there it's a mystery oh to tell my daddy my goodness where did this hole come from Daddy Daddy we found some Point treasure how did it get there we don't no it's a mystery maybe we should call the police not they'll know what to do this is the police station police station hello it's Daddy Pig here we found some pirate treasure pirate treasure you say we'll be right there hello hello that is how the police say hello hello hello I want to be a policeman when I grow up good lad so where's this pirate treasure then under the ground we're just thinking this time this tunnel when suddenly we found this yes yes yes that pirate treasure all right it's just like the pirate treasure we have back at the police station let's take this back and put it with the other one oh dear police officer panda is dropping coins along the way right back to the police station [Applause] this way to the Lost Property down here is where we keep all the lost things wow umbrellas shoes a Lamppost even a lost cupboard oh that's not lost Freddie this is where we keep the pirate treasure oh it's gone that's strange another a mystery hello hello there's a hole in the wall and a tunnel someone has dug a hole and taken our treasure chest down the tunnel a criminal mastermind no doubt I wonder where it goes there are coins on the floor uh-huh a trail let's follow the trail we'll soon find out who took our treasure we're outside my house and the trail of coins ends now we'll never know who took the treasure from the police station it's a mystery I know who took it who we did hey follow me this is the tunnel we dug this morning yes it goes all the way back to the police station and we didn't know it was the police station but this is where we found the treasure so you found the pirate treasure that was in our Lost Property cupboard yes mystery solved well done Freddie [Applause] that was excellent police work yes I do believe you'll make a very good police officer one day just remember to keep your ears and eyes open who left that Lamppost there that's not a safe place for a Lamppost I'll make a note dangerous obstruction in workplace environment you see children a police officer's work is never done and the Mystery of the buried pirate treasure is solved [Music] recorders pepper and her friends are at playgroup children today you will learn how to play recorders oh take a recorder each [Music] now does anyone know how to play music on the recorder you blow it like this no no but that is not music Peppa that is a horrible squeaky noise to make music we must play in a way that sounds uh not horrible yes Danny [Music] twinkle twinkle [Applause] lovely you see all music is made from notes [Music] we just play the notes in the right order [Music] that looks easy no do it like this no like this stop stop stop that was not music at all no that was a horrible noise and why was that we weren't playing the right notes and they weren't in the right order so let us Begin by learning the first note [Music] ah this is hard it will get easier with practice now this is the next note in our tune it is home time the parents have come to pick up the children and remember practice practice foreign [Applause] [Music] oh somebody is learning how to play the recorder yes daddy Madame Gazelle said I have to practice oh yes practice makes perfect will you help me of course daddy pig will help you well I uh do some work in another room [Applause] [Music] very good Danny shall we call that a day no Madame Gazelle said I had to keep on trying until I get it right [Music] pepper and her friends have been practicing their recorders all week they are giving a concert for the parents welcome to our concert ready children [Music] bravo bravo oh [Music] the children worked hard yes it was a very good experience for them it's hard to think it was only for a week of our lives and now it's over children for our next concert I want you to learn this tune go home and practice practice practice Peppa loves the recorder everyone loves the recorder [Music] the perfect day pepper and her family are going to a shopping center today it's a big show it's not one shot pepper it's lots of shops all under the same roof wow but we're not shopping today shops no mummy's here for a perfect day experience [Music] rabbits Spa hello Mummy Pig are you ready for your perfect day experience yes I think so but what exactly is it oh lots of lovely things you can have a massage have your fingernails painted oh have a herbal face wash that all sounds lovely do we have to do it too Daddy no Peppa we can go and find our own perfect day oh goody bye mummy see you later who are we going to find our perfect day daddy hmm I don't know it's just shops and shops and Magic moving stairs that pepper is an escalator can we go on it yes oh my hand here is Susie Sheep oh it's Susie hello hello Peppa where are you going we're going to the top where are you going we're going to the bottom pepper has reached the top quick Daddy to go down to find Susie I'm coming to find you Peppa I'm coming to find you Susie ah you're going the wrong way Peppa and George are back at the bottom but Susie is at the top I think that's enough escalators for now but I need [Music] then we can use the lift I need to find Peppa then let's take the lift it's not working someone else is using it we just have to wait but I need to find ah Susie from best friends Papa look what I've got Susie's in boxes how how do you do that in the photo booth I'll show you this is the photo booth you sit in here puts the money in there and then it flashes snap flashing I think it's broken oh I missed it there's more smile when does it flash ah I missed it again it's a funny face and the last one has it finished yet I think I might be in that one here are the pictures look at all of those funny faces again again I think it's time we pick up Mummy Pig mummy did you have a perfect day yes thank you I did pepper did you yes we went up and down the magic stairs and we saw Susie and did some funny pictures that does sound nice home time [Music] daddy pig did you have a perfect day my perfect day starts when we get home daddy what's your perfect day come and see daddy pig is jumping up and down in bloody puddles everyone is jumping up and down in the muddy puddles it's the perfect end to a perfect day [Music] TV lands pepper and her friends are watching their favorite television program super potato [Music] a bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato I love watching super potato me too super potato is the best ah fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your Fiverr always remember to eat your five we've seen this before I know all the words by heart yes they show the same story again and again and again brilliant isn't it yes and we will remember all of the words forever yes we remember all of the words forever everyone is so tiny on TV in real life they are big how are they big and Tiny and how do they get in our TV it's some sort of magic it's not magic it's science Edmund elephant is a clever clogs would you all like to see how they make TV yes please okay let's go to TV Land this is TV Land stop do you work here um no then I'm afraid you can't come in but we are children and we want to see how TV s made oh in that case in you go thank you wow hello there here is Miss Rabbit have you come to see how we make television yes very good follow me hello everyone hello you see he's not tiny he's big we're ready for you now super potato The Show Must Go On This is where the magic happens it's not it's not Jake it's science you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you yes okay we're ready to go light camera and action fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five and Cat that was amazing the camera now turns all of that into magic bits in the signals the go to a thingy on the roof the thingy is the magic bits across the sky to the TV aerial on your roof unless you have this and down into the TV and her mummy are at home watching television fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive [Music] would any of you like to be on TV yes please we just have to put you in front of the camera okay action what do I do just say something anything okay I'm Peppa Pig this is my little brother George wow Pepper and George are on TV and this is Daddy Pig hello Peppa it's for you papa I can see you on TV am I tiny yes you are tiny this is fun can I be on TV again of course now we've recorded that you can be on TV every day hundreds and hundreds of times [Music] [Music] Grandpa Pig's birthday Peppa and her family are dressed in their very best clothes today is Grandpa Pig's birthday a party a party we're going to a party you know it's not really a party Peppa what do you mean it's just a nice quiet meal in a restaurant on Grandpa Pig's birthday and you haven't been to a restaurant before have you no so that will be fun won't it yes pepper and her family have arrived at the restaurant oh it's nice Peppa come back why we have to be shown to our table by the waiter have you booked a table where with Grandpa Pig please follow me hello hello hello are you here for the party shush Peppa these people are having their own meals and remember it's not really a party oh Peppa George happy birthday grandpa is this my birthday card yes we made it ourselves it's lovely but it's sad it's not a real birthday party I think I'm a bit too old for a real party Peppa I think Grandpa would rather have a nice quiet meal with party hats that's not a hat it's a napkin the napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes would you like to order drinks Madam could we have a bottle of water please of course can I get you anything else party hats please party it's yes because it is my Grandpa's birthday a Grandpa Pig's birthday I'll see what I can do Peppa they don't have party hats in Posh restaurants like this thank you are you ready to order food it yes please and the menu today we have dried fish with seaweed cheese strained carrots on a muscle cuff or cream of sweet in a vegetable soup um I think I might try the uh strained carrot on a muscle cough uh cream of sweet for me please perhaps the dried fish ah same again please and for the children speaking see please spaghetti Pepper and George loves spaghetti the spaghetti is knit on the menu but I will ask the chef Peppa you can't ask the things that aren't on the menu of sweet dried fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti spaghetti [Music] actually it's my birthday could I have the spaghetti too please and me then me and me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti [Applause] cheese balloons of course marvelous lovely balloons hooray this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the cake [Music] blow out candles Grandpa hooray birthday party music please this is such a happy birthday grandpa [Music] in the future Peppa is at Susie sheep's house this evening mummy sheep and Mummy Pig are going out don't worry mummy we can look after the house while you're away that's very kind of you Susie but we have a special babysitter coming that'll be her now hello everyone hello it's my cousin Charlotte Charlotte sheep is the babysitter hello Charlotte thanks for coming we won't be out late you can watch TV and I've made you some pizza oh thank you you two be good we will bye how old are you Charlotte I'm 17. 17. that's very grown up you can do anything you like when you're grown up that's right you can drive a car and even stay up late wow in the future when you're grown up you'll be able to do that too but grown-ups also have to go to work you know that sounds fun can we stay up late with you Charlotte sorry it's your bedtime now hello night night sleep well night night [Music] Susie yes are you awake yes I wish I was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching TV and eating pizza yes and babysitting I'm going to the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and blue I'll drive so will I [Laughter] daddy dog will be a space man yes I'm off to space and George will be a dinosaur dinosaur [Music] and Freddy Fox will be a policeman hello hello hello what's all this year then this is our grown-up car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye what will your job be I will be a nurse but in my lunch break I will fly a plane good afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world what will your job be Peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer [Music] and a swing and I will marry Pedro money and I'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children will be there the two will look after all these children we will that time everybody few few Mummy Pig and Mummy sheep have arrived back home hello has everything been okay yes everything's been fine hello are you two still awake yes Mommy we've been thinking about the future it's very tiring being grown up yes it is we need to get some rest yes you do good night little ones good night grown-ups pepper and Susie need a good night's rest to be ready for the future [Music] doctor hamster's big presents Pepper and George are taking Goldie the fish to the vets for a checkup oh hi there Peppa and George hello grumpy rabbit what are you doing here I bought Nigel for his checkup Nigel is grumpy rabbits pet newt hello Nigel next show your birdie gets lots of rest and it'll be singing like a canary in no time oh music to my ears bye next please such as Nigel hello Nigel let's have a look at you he's looking fine oh good he's getting lots of exercise oh I wish I could be more like you Nigel I need to get fit and healthy but I haven't got the time why don't you go jogging it's what I do to keep fit but I'm too busy here you can jog while you work all right I will I'll start this minute Dr hamster is jogging to get fit goodbye Dr hamster goodbye grumpy rabbit next please that's us [Music] how are you keeping busy that's what I like to see Dr hamster why why you jumping up and down I'm joking to get fit and health fair the only thing is I can't jump very far in here I have to keep stopping to turn around it's not ideal oh anyway keep up the good work Golder and remember to drink plenty of water thank you Dr hamster bye bye bye Pepper and George are going back home there's Grumpy's rabbit hello grumpy rabbit want to lift oh thanks I'm jogging home gotta keep fiction healthy poor doctor hamster Can't Get Fit she needs a bigger space to run around in hang on maybe I could build something follow me this is grumpy rabbit's Boatyard now let's get building what are we going to build a present for Dr hamster to help her get fit we need these and this I'm not forgetting this and a little bit from this washing machine how can you make a present from this pile of rubbish it's not rubbish Bobby Pig this is an excellent ladder and so is this one are you making a roundabout no [Music] I just need to wrap it up grumpy rabbit is wrapping the present finished present too big to fit in the car that's all right we can roll it grumpy rabbit has rolled the present all the way to Dr hamster's surgery what's that nice we've got your present a present for you Dr hamster oh thank you hey I wonder what it is why don't you open it and find out all right oh that's lovely eh what is it exactly I just need to fix it in place get in and jog all right this is it's a hamster wheel yes every hamster should have one doctor hamster loves hamster wheels every hamster loves hamster wheels [Music] Breakfast Club pepper and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning who knows why we have come to play group early today isn't because because we didn't learn enough things yesterday no Danny that is not the reason is it because you like her so much well I do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes Pedro we have all come to play group early because today is Breakfast Club and who knows what we do at breakfast club eat our breakfast correct I love eating breakfast so do I me too everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of talking talk talk talk talk yes yes thank you Peppa I eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes Pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day uh what is energy energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity that's right Edmond so Rebecca what do you use your energy for I use it for hopping good for sinking what's he doing Edmund he's thinking I was thinking Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs it can take a lot of energy to think and now we will all choose what to have for breakfast we have bread cheese Jam porridge yogurt I have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can I have cereal please of course you can Madame Gazelle can I have toast please yes Susie I shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute cut it wow can I have toast please everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case I will have to use the big toaster [Music] it's a super toaster let's ready everyone wait for it here it comes [Music] [Applause] everyone has caught their toast again again no children eat the toast you have first can I have honey on my toast please can I have marmalade please of course children I'm having strawberry jam on mine I'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast I'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am I I'm getting strawberry jam energy I'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy everyone has lots of lots of energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me use the energy from the food to get our bodies and Minds ready for the day copy me children egg Apple yogurt pancake and eggs [Music] breakfast is over and everyone is ready to [Music] fighting day Peppa and George are spending the day with Granny and Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig Granny Pig hello hello mum historical reenactment day is it yes today I am a viking what that Vikings were people who lived a very long time ago they had helmets and Shields and ran around shouting granny of course here are some helmets bye King wow Heather and George love being Vikings see you later come and see what I've made for Viking day ready Pig has made a great big dragon's head it's to go on the front of our Viking boat Viking boat yes today we're going sailing with the other grannies it's just an excuse to have tea and Cake it's not just tea and Cake we also have sandwiches and an apple here are the other Viking grannies hello Granny Pig are you all ready for Viking day yes and these little Vikings are coming too [Music] nothing Al why hasn't your helmet got horns on in actual fact pepper Vikings had helmets without horns like this see nones but you have got horns have I oh yes goodbye Grandpa Pig goodbye have fun on your Viking boot are we going on a real Viking boat granny not a real Viking boat we will be using Grandpa Pig's boat instead I'm sure he won't mind here is Grandpa Pig's boat All Aboard Vikings lower the sail big head and you two need real Viking life jackets are we all ready then let's go oh how do we start the boat I'll phone Grandpa Pig Grandpa Pig speaking hello grandpa how did you start your boat just press the green button and off you go thank you bye bye they're taking my boat ah my boat Vikings onward oh dear the picnic basket has been left behind [Music] my boat ah Grandad Dog Follow That boat aye aye Peppa Pig Vikings Vikings Vikings we sail across the seas all this sea air is making me hungry hungry hungry where is the picnic basket we've forgotten the food but I'm so hungry the Vikings are very hungry we need to find food look what's that it is Miss Rabbit's food stall [Applause] Vikings 40s two juices and cake please oh okay ah there they are ah caught you Granny Pig you've arrived just in time have I yes tea and cake tea and Cake Don't Mind If I Do Vikings love tea and Cake everybody loves tea and cake [Music] fire station practice today is the mummy
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 2,885,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes, pepa pig, peppa pig song, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, cartoon, for kids, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, kids cartoon, kids stories, kids stories about baby, peppa pig tales, peppa tales, pappa pig, pepa, pig peppa, pep pig, pippa
Id: _mErvrikdUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 36sec (14376 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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