Giant Encounters in the Old Americas

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this investigation is sponsored by June's Journey hey fellow Seekers I'm Mr Mythos in 1539 an army of 600 soldiers and slaves trekked 4 000 miles through the forested Wetland of what we now know as the southeastern United States leading these troops was a Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto one of the most successful explorers of the new world who made his riches plunder and gold and selling slaves among the native tribes warnings of his expedition spread quickly on October 5th 1940 De Soto and his men were rusting in the remains of a village when in front of them the Shaded Forest began to rustle and a massive figure emerged de Soto's private secretary Rodrigo roniel was the one to record this encounter cool seeing him we paused done with amazement a great limb giant the heads of our tallest men reached only to his breast and quote this towering native gazed down at the troop of Silence Spaniards then locked his eyes on Hernando de Soto in rough broken Spanish the giant introduced himself as Black Panther the son of the powerful Chief Tuscaloosa he announced that Chief Tuscaloosa wanted to meet them and a welcoming Feast was being prepared curious DeSoto and his hungry men agreed to follow black panther into the dense forest the way to his village little did they know that they were being led into one of the deadliest giant Encounters in recorded history but before we meet the Giants as many of you know I investigate mysteries for a living but after a long day of digging up the secrets of the Ancients sometimes I just want to sit on the couch with my cat without the most effective detective tool that I own which is my phone and play some June's Journey today's sponsor June's journey is a murder mystery game set in the 1920s and your goal is to find hidden Clues and fantastic scenes to piece together the story and reveal the killer each meticulously crafted scene teleports you to the Roaring Twenties and as he progressed through the levels all these storyline twists and Shady characters keep you on your toes but don't get it twisted June's journey is a ton of that's for fun but I also seriously recommend it for relaxation it's caught a great atmospheric soundtrack and his artist so Whimsical and creative that searching for Clues has never been so meditative you can download June's Journey for free by clicking my link in the description June's journey is available on Android and iOS mobile devices as well as on PC through Facebook games thanks again to June's Journey it's time for us to dig into the history and mystery of real encounters with Giants three days had passed as Ariana DeSoto and his army followed the indigenous giant who called himself black panther finally they cross through the edge of the thick forest into a sunlit clearing and laid the rise on a large settlement guarded by towering barricades of heavy logs wrapped together with monstrous Vines they'd reached the domain of Chief Tuscaloosa the tribal Capital known as mobile and it wasn't so much of a village as it was a city black panther guided them through the entrance inside the Spaniards counted over 80 houses some very large with dry mud walls and roofs sealed by river cane and giant Palm leaves the young giant LED them onward to a tall shaded mound in the distance there on the mound sat Chief Tuscaloosa with a hundred regular-sized tribal Warriors guarding him from all sides black panther approached and his father stood up to greet him it De Soto and his men were in shock Tuscaloosa was taller than his son by at least two feet quote a giant mightier than his son with big boned sinewy limbs like a gnarled leafless tree high up he towered his speech was couched in Fair Expressions yet beneath it I detected undertones boating but little good to me or mine and quote the chief turned toward the crowd of Spaniards and his hand motioned toward the largest house in the village beckoning them to go in and enjoy their feast inside fresh food was laid out and beautiful women danced sung and played flutes the Army was in awe however not all was as it seemed as they'd sat ate and drank for hours De Soto began sobering up and looking around he noticed a chief Tuscaloosa was nowhere to be found it was almost night so this sort of went outside to look meanwhile inside the feast hole Rodrigo roniel writes quote old women with the children are all gone I glanced above and saw unnumbered scowling faces peer from riffs and loopholes I saw their crafty Warriors slipping Spears and bows and arrows under leaves of poem I knew though late the deadly danger that encompassed us the dancing and the singing ceased and cooked outside Hernando de Soto spotted Chief Tuscaloosa at the entrance of the village the grounds of the entire Village had been cleared and the giant was about to leave this was an ambush sorrow immediately cried out for his men to defend themselves as they rushed out a hail of arrows came down on them slaughtering 200 of the Conquistadors the Russ battled their way out and escaped in the early morning the survivors regrouped and plotted their Revenge they approached the village of mobila and launched an assault on a barricade they hacked away at the logs and eventually broke through and stormed the city the Conquistador Set Fire to the buildings killed over 2 500 tribes people and beheaded tuscaloosa's son black panther it was a massacre and at the end of this Fierce nine hour Siege which would become known to history as a battle of mobila the entire tribal Capital had burned to the ground after searching the wreckage however Chief tuscaloosa's body was not found among the Dead all assume that Chief Tuscaloosa had escaped deep into the forest so De Soto and his army spent the next several weeks searching for him during that time the Spaniards encountered many other gigantic man-made Mounds just like the one Tuscaloosa had sat on as a throne but they never found Tuscaloosa a few months later Hernando de Soto caught a fever and died and his body was dumped in the Mississippi River these surviving conquistadors returned to Spain to deliver their official report that Giants in America indeed existed just as other Expeditions and conquistadors before them had claimed many of the most well-known and influential explorers of the new world the Americas encountered Giants and documented it some of these tries were hostile and Ill World While others were friendly and kind between tribes they varied greatly in looks and culture the only real difference from humans was their size but Christopher Columbus first reached the Americas in 1492 but he wasn't the one to First discover the Giants there that title goes to the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci who the Americas are named after Amerigo Vespucci made the first European contact with American Giants in 1499 and much further south on the map than Hernando de Soto place on the Caribbean island we know today as Curacao in his journal Vespucci writes cool we landed to see if we could find fresh water going along the shore we beheld very large Footprints of men on the sand and we judged if their other members were of corresponding size that they must beat very big men we discovered a trail and set ourselves to walk on it two leagues and a half inland we met a village of 12 houses in which we did not find anyone except five women two old ones and three girls so lofty in stature that we gazed at them in astonishment end quote Amerigo Vespucci did what early European explorers of the new world tended to do he accepted drinks from his unexpecting hosts and immediately began plotting with his men to kidnap these three girls who were abnormally tall however their plans sizzled out when the men of the village returned cool when the men entered some of our fellows were so frightened that at the moment they thought they were done for they were of such lofty stature that each of them was taller went upon his knees than I was when standing erect they were of the stature of giants we gave them soft words in sign language that we were men of peace and that we were out to see the world in fact we judged it wise depart from them without controversy they stuck with us all the way to the Sea and until we embarked end quote 20 years later in 1519 the Spanish explorer Alonso Alvarez de Pineda would be the next to report an encounter with Giants this was in the same region later trucked by Hernando de Soto the southeastern United States is somewhere along the Mississippi River de pinetta and his men landed at a large settlement of native Villages this Society was inhabited by in his words a race of giants from 10 to 11 poems in height and quote these goliaths were covered in golden jewelry and other ornaments and they were also super friendly thankfully they offered the Conquistadors food and a place to rest and help prepare their equipment most interestingly dip Panetta recorded that there wasn't just Giants living there but also a population of pygmies a people of extremely short stature the Spaniards stayed and left without any issues and in his report delivered to the Spanish governor of Jamaica de Pinera talked very highly of these people the same unfortunately can't be said for another giant encounter one year later this was recorded by the Italian scholar Antonio pigafetta who traveled alongside one of the most famous explorers in history the master Navigator Ferdinand Magellan on behalf of Spain Magellan had set out on the very first expedition to circumnavigate the entire world in October of 1520 over a year into Magellan's Voyage he and his crew were sailing in the narrow Straits of the southernmost tip of South America this was Patagonia at first the Explorers were struck with sheer awe at this exotic unknown land of glacial Waters grassy deserts and snow powdered Cliffs however the magic of this place also extended to its severe unpredictable weather it wasn't long until repeated barrages of rain wind and lightning force them to dock their ships and land for six long weeks according to Antonio pigafetta Magellan's appointed Voyage chronicler cool we had been two whole months in this Harbor without citing anyone when one day quite without warning we saw on the shore a huge giant who was naked and who danced leaped and sang All while throwing sand and dust on his head he was so told that even the largest of us only came midway between his waist and his shoulder his eyes were ringed with yellow and in the middle of his cheeks were painted two hearts Captain ordered one of the crew to walk towards him telling this man also to dance leap and sing as a sign of friendship when the giant saw us he marveled and was afraid and pointed to the sky believing We Came From Heaven end quote Magellan and his crew followed the giant back to his village and there the other towering tribes people made the same mysterious gesture cool when our men reached them the Giants began to dance and sing lifting one finger to the sky six days later eight giant approached our men he first touched his head face and body and then did the same to our men afterward lifting his hands toward the sky end quote this sign language is notable because it happened with seemingly every giant they met during their stay the question is what exactly were these people trying to communicate were they indicating that their tribe had some connection with the sky or were they asking if the Explorers had come from the sky as if they had visitors from there before ancient alien theorists let me know your thoughts in the comments Magellan and his men rusted in this small Flatlands Village for several weeks during which they'd gotten to a few hijinks in one instance they took a mirror from their ship and gave it to a giant to show him just how huge he was but this immediately backfired pigafeter recorded quote the giant scene himself was greatly terrified leaping back so that he threw four of our men to the ground and quote told these Giants were extremely friendly even if they were skittish Around Mirrors unfortunately Ferdinand Magellan couldn't hold back his Conquistador urges he'd confirmed with his own eyes that Giants actually existed and became obsessed with the idea of taking two of them back to Spain as proof so Magellan plotted a kidnapping his chronicler pegafeta admits that the scheme was a cunning trick but necessary because these Giants would have easily killed them if they tried to do it any other way the trick was to lead a few Giants to an isolated area then shower them with all sorts of metal gifts including knives scissors bells and mirrors and in these shiny confusion slop cuffs and chains on the legs of two of the Giants and pretend it's jewelry quote these Giants took great pleasure in seeing these Fetters and were grieved that they could not hold the Fetters in their hands because their hands were already full of other trinkets but when they saw the bolt across the Fetters being struck with a hammer to rivet it and prevent them from being opened these Giants were afraid but the captain made signs to them that they should suspect nothing end quote at this point the other Giants realized that they'd been fooled and that their friends were in danger they began to shout at the sky above then attacked Magellan's men killing one but when they realized that they were far outnumbered they ran off for reinforcements meanwhile Magellan and his crew escape back to their ship with the two giants they'd chained up and set sail riding away on the high seas it was then that Magellan gave a name to the Giants he called them the patagonians and the region they lived in was Patagonia in Spanish and Portuguese the word para means foot or Paul and usually in the large sense thus Patagonia literally means land of the big feet on the ship Antonio pigafetta reported that quote each of the two patagonians we captured at a basket full of biscuit and drank half a pail of water at a gulp they also ate rats without skinning them end quote sadly within a few weeks both patagonians became terribly ill and died and not long after Captain Magellan would go on to face multiple mutinies and eventually meet his own slow painful death from a poisoned Arrow his last sight being his crewmates leaving him to the enemy at the end of this cursed Expedition his chronicler Antonio pigafetta was one of only 22 men who survived and his detailed notes on the patagonians would soon become the most famous giant encounter in recorded history look these accounts from European explorers in the 1500s really make this mystery interesting because we've confirmed many other discoveries of these same explorers as factual Hernando de Soto was the first to discover the Mississippi River Amerigo Vespucci was the first to realize that Brazil was part of a larger continent which he called the new world Alonso Alvarez de Panetta accurately mapped the Gulf of Mexico and much of the gulf coast of the United States including what we know today as Texas and experts often call Ferdinand magellans epic voyage across the world the most significant Voyage ever undertaken due to the sheer number of achievements and discoveries made that were later confirmed as genuine and true it's strange that these accounts of giant encounters are almost always dismissed despite them being found in the very same records and if they're not dismissed entirely people usually chalk them up to the idea that Europeans at this time were remarkably short it's true that skeletal analysis shows that the average height of Europeans in the 1500s was around five and a half feet tall but according to the records of the Giants that would still mean these Giants stood between eight and a half to 11 feet tall as far as we know the tallest human in recorded history was Robert Wadlow who stood at eight feet and 11 inches due to an extremely rare medical condition so I think it's right to say that an entire colony of people with that height might not be classified as humans but Giants it's no surprise to the native people of this land that the Americas were once home to a race of giants vital records of native mythology have been documented since the 1500s and Giants are frequently mentioned this is particularly important for the Aztecs whose Empire and culture would be made extinct by later Spanish conquests who not only carried out countless massacres but also introduced contagious deadly diseases which wiped out over 80 percent of the native population few records were made before the Aztecs were all but gone in 1544 a seven-year-old child named Diego Duran moved with his family from Spain to Mexico where he grew up in the culture of the remaining natives Not only was Duran surrounded by Aztec culture but he became fluent in nawala the Aztec language and learned to read their ancient hieroglyphs over the years Dron grew into one of the most trusted Europeans in the eyes of the Aztecs and their elders and shamans chose him specifically to preserve their first-hand narratives so he spent the next three decades of his adult life living in their community and recording interviews with them this unique Arrangement is why his work titled the history of the Indies of New Spain is arguably the most important documentation we have today on Ancient Aztec beliefs and traditions it's also how Diego Duran first learned about the origin of giants in America according to Aztec mythology there's us a place deep in inner earth known as Chico Ma's talk in English Chico most talk translates to the seven caves these seven caves belong to seven different tribes one of which was the Aztecs thus chikomas talk is believed to be the place from which the Aztecs and other Mesoamerican people first emerged onto the surface of the Earth according to Diego Duran's records quote when these six tribes had settled on the surface World they recorded in their painted books the type of land and kind of people they found here these books showed two types of people one from the west of the snow-covered mountains toward Mexico and the other on the East where Puebla and Cholula are found the people from Puebla and Cholula were the Giants the kinemetsen which means men of great stature end quote according to the Aztecs the kinematsim were already there when their people emerged from inner earth so these Giants actually have a much more ancient history than these seven tribes of chikomas talk if we rewind to the very beginning of life on Earth an age the Aztecs refer to as the first Sun the first people to be created were giants the God test ketlapoca credit this race of giants from his own ashes after throwing himself into a great fire and the other Aztec gauze provided the Giants acorns for nourishment however a long fight sparked between tescat lapoca and his archrival and fellow God ketokoro at the end test cat lapoca became so enraged that he sent Mighty Jaguars to the Earth and these fanged Predators viciously tore apart all the Giants with no survivors thus ended the age of the first sun which lasted exactly 676 years however this wouldn't be the last of the Giants they'd eventually be reborn though it would be a long time until this happened the age of the Second Son lasted 676 years the same length as the age before it and likewise the second sun ended in another apocalyptic event where catastrophic hurricanes and floods destroyed the world any living beings who survived by climbing up into trees were turned into monkeys after this came the age of the third son which lasted a significantly shorter 364 years the third son was when the Giants were recreated and this time they were better faster and stronger their race was named the kinemetzen which can be translated in two ways either men of great stature or the old ones according to the pre-hispanic Mexican mythologist otilia Meza the kinemetsen Giants stood over 10 feet tall and weighed more than 600 pounds the kinemetsen came with an unexpected problem though these Giants chose not to worship the gods who created them which made the gods extremely unhappy these new Giants needed to be punished so the world was again destroyed This Time by a horrific Reign of Fire and Ashes however the kinemetsen were far more capable than their predecessors and part of this Advanced giant population survived to see the next age the fourth Sun like the first and second Sons the fourth son also lasted 676 years still needed to be made extinct though among other problems so the Rival Gods test KET lapoca and quetzaguaro put aside their differences to cast the most catastrophic destruction of them all a massive sweeping flood across the Earth this Deluge killed almost all life but even then a few kinemetsen Giants managed to survive cool all of the giants either perished in inundation or were transformed into fishes save seven who fled into Caverns when the waters subsided one of the Giants called xiaohua surname the architect went to Cholula where he built an artificial Hill in the form of a pyramid which served for an asylum to himself and his sixth Brethren end quote most people don't know that the Great Pyramid of Cholula located in modern-day Mexico and see largest pyramid in the world by volume its volumetric size of 4.45 million cubic meters is larger than any other ancient man-made structure we found almost double the size of Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza as far as we know the Great Pyramid of Cholula was constructed over 2 200 years ago and the only reason why it survives to this day is because the Aztecs had heard news that a Spanish conquistador Army was headed their way so they made a massive effort to bury the entire pyramid with dirt and shrubs in order to hide and preserve it when these Spanish arrived in Cholula in 1519 they took one good look at the site and thought it was an interesting Hill and the perfect place to build a church even though Diego Duran recorded the legend of a Great Pyramid built in Cholula no one ever actually believed it was true over hundreds of years though the dirt slowly eroded and finally in the early 20th century long past the era of Spanish conquest and destruction the Great Pyramid of Cholula was again revealed to the world archaeologists have studied the pyramid since 1931 and one feature of it is particularly mysterious for unknown reason the Great Pyramid of Cholula is actually composed of six different pyramids each superimposed on the other as a sort of Stack the topmost pyramid is the one most recently constructed around the 9th Century A.D and every pyramid lower gets progressively more ancient today only the first three of these six stack pyramids have been studied and explored all that we know about the remaining three pyramids is from the use of ground penetrating radar the radar did reveal something extremely interesting though directly beneath the Great Pyramid and very deep underground there exists a vast tunnel Network at least five miles of tunnels have been mapped but archaeologists suspect that more tunnels lie even further below well no one has any idea where they might lead or what they might connect to this Subterranean tunnel Network certainly sounds in line with the Aztec myth that the giant architect shellhua emerge from inner earth to construct the original pyramid in most records of Aztec mythology the Great Pyramid of Cholula was built by xiaohua as a sanctuary for the seventh surviving kinemets and Giants to forge a new era for the race but some variations describe shell Hall going Beyond his original intentions and continued building the pyramid upward as a way to reach the realm above the clouds the heavens of the Gods who tried to destroy his people and this could help explain the Stacked pyramids at some point though during this ambitious Endeavor the Great Pyramid became a bit too tall for comfort and the gods realized that xiaohua had to be stopped Diego Duron recorded this ancient story quote irritated at the daring attempt of xiaohua the Gods hurled fire on the pyramid numbers of workmen perished the work was discontinued and the monument was afterward dedicated to quesoco end quote many died however the giant architect xiaohua and many of his brothers and sisters survived and these kinemets and Giants went on to build over a dozen more monuments and great cities for their people including the massive Capital Tenors titlon which will actually return to soon because something very big happened there but many centuries after the kinemetsen built these places they'd face an enemy who'd cause the downfall of their great giant civilization and these were humans but not just any human these were these seven tribes of chikomas talk who left inner earth and in ancient times they drove the kinemets and Giants out of this land by force according to Diego Duran's records the war against the Giants was waged between the 10th and 13th centuries A.D when the Aztecs the last tribe to leave chikomas talk joined the other six tribes and entered the region we know today as Mexico Diego Duran wrote quote when the new nations came the Giants showed no resistance or anger but rather all they fled toward the hills hiding themselves there the others were enraged at the coming of the Invaders and tried to defend their land the Invaders fought with the Giants until they killed them or drove them from the country end quote though the Giants had size and strength and fought tooth and nail for their Homeland the seven tribes formed an alliance to outnumber the kinemetsen's already endangered population and over a thousand Giants were killed a surviving ancient manuscript known as the Codex Rios contains a remarkably graphic depiction of one of these Giants disemboweled and being roped and dragged into a fire by Aztec warriors this illustration which unfortunately I have to sensor was made by a native Aztec in the mid-1500s based on these myths some of the kinemet sin threw themselves off of cliffs rather than facing torture or Slaughter those who fled by foot were pursued relentlessly and exterminated however it was widely believed that some of the Giants escaped to mountains caves islands and other isolated locations and rumor had it that a large population of surviving kinemetzen had migrated to the north to what is now the regions of northern Mexico and the Southern United States this actually might explain the strange fact that the majority of giant encounters recorded by European explorers happened to take place in these regions but generally speaking the Aztecs believed that this war led to small kinemets and populations migrating all across the Americas so clearly the Aztecs were not shy when it came to talking about Giants as real history but Diego Duran didn't just hear about it a apparently he himself encountered a giant in the flush Jeron wrote quote it cannot be denied that there have been Giants in this country I can affirm this as an eyewitness for I have met men of monstrous stature here I believe that there are many in Mexico who will remember as do I a giant Indian who appeared in the procession of the Feast of the Corpus Christi he appeared at dressed in yellow silk and a halberd at his shoulder and a helmet on his head and he was all of three feet taller than the others end quote it appears that even though the Aztecs and Giants used to be mortal enemies over the centuries eight select few Giants were accepted as allies and subjects of the Aztec empire there are other credible eyewitness accounts similar to the one testified by Diego Duran and this brings us to perhaps the most well-documented record of a giant encounter in Old America which occurred in the Aztec capital city I mentioned before Tenors titlon located in the center of modern-day Mexico City the tenos Teton was the largest richest and most powerful City in mesoamerica it's estimated that its population was between 200 to 350 000 people making it one of the world's largest cities at the time and this city I say history with Giants according to Aztec mythology was originally built by a giant named tenos one of the seven kinemetsen giants who survived the great flood so perhaps it's fate that a giant would be the city's greatest hero and defender in its final days in 1521 a massive Siege was waged against tenos tilon this was led by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes who'd become infamously known as the very man who conquered the Aztec empire and the siege of tenoshtelon was the decisive event during this brutal 75-day War the Aztecs called upon their strongest Warriors to protect their capital from the Spanish horde and Hernan Cortes detailed one who posed a major threat in his report to Charles V the king of Spain Cortes wrote the Aztecs had one formidable Warrior of Giant stature called zelucassin every stone he sent bringing down its Target he was made aim of all the Spanish archers and Musketeers his great stature making him easily distinguishable but they could never defeat him end quote today Zilla cassin is often referred to him as the Goliath of the Aztecs according to details given by multiple Witnesses Zilla cassin stood well over 10 feet tall remembered as one of the Aztec Empire's Three greatest heroes his weapon of choice for giant Boulders which he hurled at the Spanish Invaders zelikassin crushed and killed so many of Cortez's men that the Spanish Army immediately marked him as Enemy Number One this battle between the Spanish and Zula Cassian is special because it's widely considered to be the most well documented and credible giant encounter in history and the reason is because there are detailed records of him made not only by the Spanish but also by the Aztecs themselves the following is an account from an Aztec Elder who survived the battle translated from the Aztec language nawala cool the Great Captain ziela cassin arrived bringing with him three great huge stones of the kind used for building walls he carried one of them on his hand and the other two hung from a shield he hurled these stones at the Spaniards he scorned his enemies Spaniards as well as Indians they All Shook with Terror at the mere side of him when the spanners found out how dangerous he was they tried desperately to kill him they attacked him with their swords and Spears fired at him with their crossbows and tried every other means they could think of to kill or him end quote from most of the reports it's indicated that bullet scenarios had very little effect on zelicasin he continued to hold back these Spanish invaders for weeks on end he even went on to taunt and intimidate them by fighting without armor or head protection and decorating himself with brightly colored feathers Paul shelled necklaces and gold lip pendants in the end the Spanish never directly defeated zelakazine however they did win the war with another strategy even though they weren't able to invade the stronghold while the giant guarded it they surrounded the city of tenos Teton from all sides placing a Stranglehold on those inside and slowly tightening it cutting off all supplies from the outside soon the Aztecs began to face a famine so serious that they turned to eating leather wood and Bricks there was very little rain and no access to fresh water so the people were forced to drink contaminated water and thousands died from dysentery and to make things a true hell the entire city was ravaged by smallpox one of the most contagious diseases known to history the Aztec Goliath Zeal account scene may have not been killed by Spanish weapons but it's assumed that at some point the giant meta's fate inside the city walls from either starvation dehydration dysentery or smallpox after zelakazine had fallen the Spanish Army Advanced Inward and it wasn't long until the few Aztecs left surrendered as disturbing as it is heartbreaking the fall of tenos tylon marked the fall of the Aztec Empire and would change the course of history irreversibly For Better or For Worse it also ended up serving as one of the most intriguing records of a real-life giant because the accounts and descriptions of zelucasene given by both the Spanish and the Aztecs match up and this indicates that the witness's words are accurate and if that's true then Giants may have actually existed but if Giants aren't fantasy but a historical reality there's certainly a lot more records and perhaps physical evidence worth investigating so if you want a sequel let me know in the comments thank you for watching if you're looking for more on the historical mystery of giants you're gonna love my video The Missing Link floods Giants and ancient apocalypse and if you want to know all the details about the infamous biblical Giants known as the Nephilim check out my video Fallen Angel demonology explained in obsessive detail thank you to my patrons your generous support is a massive reason why I'm able to keep bringing these old and obscure Mysteries back into the world if you'd like to join in I've got links in the description to pledge monthly or make a one-time donation and 100 goes right back into these videos I'm Mr Mythos never stop seeking I'll see you in the next one peace foreign foreign
Channel: Mr. Mythos
Views: 1,406,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: giants in america, giants in america documentary, giants in North America, giants of North America, giants in Mexico, patagonian giants, magellan giants, conquistadors giants, Aztec giants, Aztec mythology, giant mythology, history of giants, giants in history, extinct giants, did giants exist, Mr. Mythos, mr mythos, mrmythos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 24sec (2304 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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