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what's going dazzlers welcome back to dad's games and we're back with another horror game this one hits close to home because in this one you are the star of a youtube ghost hunting show that's right you and your friends are in the woods and you're going to a far far away location of a vacant hotel and that's the name of the game vacant you and your friends try to uncover the mysteries whilst filming for your youtube channel like yours truly and all doesn't go to plan let's be really good i've had good things about this play the game all right uh vacant this should take me back to my ghost hunting i think i gotta use the arrow keys it's so weird all right these are our characters apparently they're slenderman's children you mind stopping for a bit i need to catch my breath yeah sure thing thanks it's a lot further than i'm used to hiking get used to it oh i can walk around well our fashion sense needs so it's pretty long hike yeah there used to be a road when the lodge was still operating but it's all overgrown now you're in the woods thanks again for filling in i know hiking isn't the usual job description you said your usual camera guy is sick he's got a demon in him yeah it's an awful timing i just really need to get this episode taped this week i know what that's like the 10th anniversary is coming up and i want to post the video that day and none of the big ghost hunting channels have filmed here yet it'll be totally new content tell me where that location is please too hard to get to huh yeah the whole hiking for hours things keeps most people away but it's going to stop it's going to be so worth it once we're there it better be it could be really really big deal if i do this right like catapult the channel to full time kind of big like that's games i hope that works me too okay i'm good now let's go we should be close by all right tiffany i'm coming i'm gonna call you tiffany because no one's assigned names where's my face tiffany maybe you can film that oh no trespassing nice this is it and we made it before it was completely dark too so like i'll be climbing the fence or whatever shouldn't need to there's supposed to be a hole in the fence we can get through somewhere around here oh you've done this before haven't you ignore the massive sign that says no trespassing there's a hole if i was skinny enough to fit through there i'd be amazed all right here we go i love i i like these like 2d side scroll adventures yeah that's plenty big enough wow you really can't just walk right in huh you'd think they'd have security or something after what happened or we could learn the history right but i think it's just too far out to bother they had some guards for a couple of years but i guess it stopped being worth it it just feels like someone should be here to make sure that we're just here to film and not like ritually kill ourselves why would you say that in the middle of the woods is that what you think happened to them i don't know i mean no one knows right yeah well let's go see for ourselves huh all right enough of the weird [ __ ] where's your face where's my face all right that was easy oh my god when i get back i'm going to get some new hiking shoes these are literally rubbing me in oh look at this what is this wow look at it okay we should start filming now or what camera have we got i want to get the first reactions to everything sure let me get the camera out imagine if you left it at the car so how exactly did you want this to work basically film as we walk around i have a ton of research notes so i'll talk about things as they come up you said you haven't done any of this sort of ghost like before right i should probably take notes myself and do this um like they're doing it right okay well feel free to talk on camera if you want or ask me questions whatever just make sure you got get footage of anything good or creepy got it i'll poison out my face i want to do the episode intro out here first before we head inside sounds good you ready now yeah okay then and action hi everyone welcome back to dusk games and welcome to another ghost hunt if you're new to the channel i'm oh pariah and i'd like to explore the weird haunted places and try to find proof of the supernatural her name's prior also if you're new to the channel holy crap you've chosen a wild place to start for this episode we've made it to the place where you're not going to believe until you see it it's a shed let's face it also this is unrealistic because you wouldn't have got into the video this quick you need to talk for five minutes straight about how you're meant to smash and abuse the like button tonight we're going to be staying overnight and i'm at the martial lodge yes that marshall lodge in case this is somehow the first you're hearing of it get ready because it's the site of one of the strangest unsolved mysteries of our time what really happens to the 54 people who came to this isolated place in the woods 10 years ago 54. is the martial large as so many people claim genuinely cast or is it simply an ordinary building with a tragic past unfortunately royal couldn't be here today but i got someone new join us instead this is elena behind the camera uh hi super casually awkward how are you feeling about staying here overnight a little nervous we had to hike up a couple of miles stop moaning about the hike and there's literally no one else around i don't think i've ever seen a place this empty before so weird to say yeah it's not so easy to get to so we could possibly brought those people to an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere let's find the answers you got all that yeah look great you look great i mean i i i perfect let's head into the lodge i'm still filming as we go look at me vlogging and [ __ ] this is kind of cool i'm gonna lie so before we head inside let me explain a little bit about history of the lodge you probably know about the marshall disappearances as they came to be known but weird things were happening here years before any of that first off it's a strange place to build a hotel but in the middle of the woods miles from the nearest town yeah it's almost like a lodge hotel there's millions of them oh it's mast hill okay mars hill lodge opened 15 years ago branding itself is a place for people to really looking to get away from it all they had hiking trails swimming and boating down by the lake outdoorsy stuff for people who wanted to get out into nature without the effort of camping but it was quickly plagued with a series of misfortunes and tragedies just a few months after opening an employee on the night shift went missing two guests at two separate times suffered medical emergencies and died waiting for an ambulance to make the long drive from the nearest hospital man it really is a far away hotel isn't it and then finally a guest disappeared in broad daylight the lodge limped on for a couple months after that but eventually shattered just two years after it opened it's too far away from anything to be any real use so it just stayed here empty unused unkept for local teens coming up here to drink and scare each other until 10 years ago with that let's see what's waiting for us inside oh we're in wow look at all of this we're really inside this is crazy what do you expect okay so first impressions obviously there's a lot of debris around but it's not in terrible shape what was that noise stop it some junk from people coming up here drinking and breaking things right so 10 years ago this place has been sitting empty for a couple of years since the lodge closed hardly anyone knows about it what you just said everyone comes up here to drink just some unfinished building in the middle of nowhere when the locals in the nearby towns start getting odd requests people are coming into town and asking to be driven up here dozens of people over just a few days come into this abandoned building room is spread some local paper runs an article about it and the bigger paper takes notes a reporter comes up and finds 54 people camping out up here right in this building 54 people camping but no no one knows about it they're thinking it's weird hippie commune thing right except none of the people they interviewed are able to explain why they're there what none of the people know each other none of them have any reason to know that must heal lodge even exists the most any of them can articulate is that they just felt they had to be here they dropped their lives their jobs everything to come to this empty building none of them have heard of before so why the hell are they here so the reporter comes back the following day and every single one of those 54 people had vanished oh they weren't dead at least they've left everything behind like food literally left half dozen plates just gone and not a single one of them has ever been found and we chose to go here and now we're here there's plenty of theories and very few answers were these people caught up in a weird supernatural phenomenon a cult that committed mass suicide out in the woods where no one will ever find them or maybe something else we can't even comprehend i don't know what we're going to find here but i bet it's going to be unbelievable so whatever it's the ghosts of the guests who tragically died there the spirits of those who disappeared or whatever anomaly causes 54 people to verge on this spot 10 years ago are you ready to learn what secrets this place hides got all that yes i did yeah that was really good here thanks can't have a pro let's take a look around see what we find i'll get the emf reader in case any activity starts okay you do that i'm just gonna film [ __ ] die that's comforting oh we can go upstairs or that way let's take a look what's back here first oh she's got a little oh wait what's this must kill no one was actually killed here right though well not as far as we know according to the info that was made public there were no signs of blood or anything indicating any struggle and no bodies obviously all right i'm not going in there let's go this way first all right we should probably check the corridors and then just do like uh what's this somewhat smashed up a table and tried to burn it that seems pretty dangerous yeah that's really weird there's like photographs in there here too you see that oh yeah god they're so weird they're too bad to tell what they are off oh well people burning efforts and [ __ ] find me below what this is weird it's not really like the other graffiti yeah people put weird [ __ ] in places like this yeah yeah you don't really explain anything to me or make me feel comfortable what's in here oh kitchen my favorite place what's this so this was the kitchen back when the lodge was still operating people who came up here the ones who disappeared they were here for a few days right so what did they eat the reporter who saw them said some were cooking on campfires outside there wouldn't have been power for the fridge or stoves or anything maybe they knew they wouldn't be here for long good question i don't know no one really knows if they were planning to stay here long term or what it doesn't seem like they even knew ah there's the tapping going on i'm not really a fan i can't believe there's so much stuff in here like it's pretty gross now but this all solid kitchen equipment too much trouble to get it back down i guess what the [ __ ] are we gonna do with a pot oh should we look in the fridge if there's been food rotting here for years i don't want to know about it true it's not worth filming i guess all right okay the kitchen goes on jesus was that from the kitchen ah yeah we're not going in there now that's it oh my god there's like so many oh there's so many rooms to look through like a locker room some kind of locker room for employees you said an employee went missing too right yeah that was a few months after the lodge opens there was a man named eddie one of the night cleaners one night during the shift he left the room to get more towels and just never came back at first they thought he got fed up with the job and left but then he never showed up in town again he left everything in his apartment behind including his dog a guy disappeared and they don't do anything about it right but if they didn't have anything to go on so eventually it was concluded that he quietly skipped town and the search ended but i don't buy that and i bet those of you watching don't either there's way too many loose ends like why not tell anyone he was leaving and why would he leave his dog behind knowing what we know now it really looks like the first in a larger pattern of disappearances surrounding this place wow i actually want to watch this girl's channel oh toilet i think there is a ghost here it would really be sad to have to haunt an employee's bathroom oh yeah well i don't think anyone died in this room specifically so just in all the other rooms only some of them officially there have only been two deaths here both guests but we don't really know what happened to all those who disappeared but surely they did some sort of blood detection after that like they would be able to tell if those people had died here right i think so but as far as anyone knows no usual traces of blood were found scary um you good was this locker always open shut up uh i'm not sure you see something stop it no why'd you do that then why'd you do that he'd stop a little cupboard here oh gross there's to be some sort of health hazard yeah don't touch it then oh okay that goes into the locker room all right we've seen all that what's in here a map is this the lake yep it seemed like a likely place to turn it seemed like a likely place to turn up bodies but they sent down divers in the days after the disappearances of nothing i don't think anyone died here this is unbelievably dead plant yeah what's the most dead thing that we've seen so far okay oh no wait a noise came from the kitchen didn't it holy crap look at this this fell off or something pushed it over can whatever move this give us another sign always hate asking on my ghost ones are either one of the guests who died here we're just here to look around all right well we should leave one of the night vision cameras in here in case there's other activity while we look around on it where where am i gonna leave it where'd you want me to put it help me help you all right there we go oh look at that this is really cool all right so we've got the kitchen sorted what's this i think this was the dining room this is where one of the guests passed away after suffering a stroke right at one of these tables okay is paul still here with us we really like to speak with you if you so can you please give us a sign that you're here can you make this email free to go off oh god don't ask well not getting anything here right now onwards what's in here oh wait there was a basement we should probably go down in there oh stairs or this way well the whole thing's collapsed don't get too close all right i'm out i'm out stairs oh there's a hole damn what a mess it must have rotted away uh is it safe to be walking around in here it's fine probably that's reassuring it'll be fine just don't go jumping on things thanks thanks you're gonna get me killed love that love that for me so far there's absolutely nothing here ah nice little bathroom that's nice so these are the guest rooms the people who disappeared slept right here in these very rooms ten years ago this is terrifying recording of a reporter who came up here the morning after everyone disappeared when she realized that something was wrong she was walking through the guest rooms filming all the backpacks and blankets that have been left behind and not a soul in sight we definitely need to stay in one of these rooms overnight okay you do that and i'll just go oh okay oh wow that's loud hello is there someone here who wants to speak with us we're just here to look around can you help us are you the one of the people who disappeared 10 years ago these were the rooms you were staying in right i'm so nervous is there something in here you want us to see i'm not getting much this time how much of a reaction do you normally get some older places as super actors others not so much we might just need some other method of communicating with them some spirits took better to certain methods than others or there might be another area in the lodge that's more active all right there it's about in place you visited groceries this year pretty much just happens that when you leave a bunch of stuff untouched for years and years yes well that's the second toilet i've touched i want to leave now okay this way no okay all right let's keep looking it really is uh probably gonna be in the basement that we're gonna find the most active stuff there's a lot of trash here probably drunk from the local kids coming up to party it's pretty long distance just to drink a few beers for your parents all right we get it it's far away guards this generation is lazy you get to come to cool abandon [ __ ] and you're moaning about walking what's in here oh holy [ __ ] um yeah yep this is bad damn look at all the kind of stuff that's written here i mean there's a lot of usual edgy hail satan type stuff but some of this is just weird this is the realm of the dead and dying take cover and weep for it does not hear you like what in the hell does that mean means we should leave we're crawling on our hands and knees we are screaming in the dark none of this was here was it ten years ago no this is just some sort of shrine to the victims but in the most twisted way possible make sure to get some good close-ups of this okay okay no problem hope you're paying me so you said the guest disappeared i don't remember hearing anything about that one yeah that was the second disappearance it was kind it was a kid staying here with her parents oh crap yes it was bad the main theory is that she's wandered out into the woods and got lost there were search parties tracking dogs the whole deal but they didn't find her no that was just a couple of months before the lodge closed for good do you think that's what really happened to her is that why the lodge closed not officially but it didn't help oh you get multiple questions you can ask there'd already be multiple deaths and losing a kid it's hard to recover from that damn well i would subscribe to this channel so far i'll leave you alone i will leave you alone don't you worry you will be left so how are you feeling about staying in huh pretty good actually it's creepy but it doesn't feel that bad no regrets coming down here then not yet anyway we'll see if i actually managed to fall asleep oh yeah i barely slept at all the first time i stayed in a place like this yes yes if i was comfortable i'd be weird well we're looking through all the rooms and uh nothing so far i spoke too soon you heard that right yeah definitely is someone there don't go off you madman sounded like something scraping on the wall down there this is exactly what it's like ghost hunting everything's a ghost sounded like it was right around here didn't it is there a spirit he wants to talk to us can you give us a sign that you're here maybe he wants us to leave alone very funny i'm not joking can you give us a sign if you want us to leave guess not then wants us to stay damn the atmosphere for a 2d side scrolling game is amazing did i go in here i don't think i did okay well we're gonna leave here now because there's nothing here i think i did go in here these these are all rooms oh wait did i go in this one i don't know if i did you know you gotta you gotta search all these okay this isn't scary but who steals a mirror he steals a mirror and then hikes back for miles of it huh maybe some kids broke it i'd take the mirror if i saw my reflection in it i'd be off let's try the basement if there is a basement oh no i can't go that way can i i swear i saw a basement somewhere there it is see i did read something earlier said you'll find me below welcome to hell great that's not ominous at all [Music] okay oh x marks the spot you can really smell the damp down here i bet it floods when it rains hard that's why there's so much debris around here at least they have some a drain so it's not some disgusting ball of water probably drains out to the lake oh well i was wrong coming down to the basement [ __ ] i was right hello is this someone who wants to be late with us can you do that again show us your hair don't do it again oh [ __ ] are you getting all of this yeah yeah we're trying to find out what happened to the people who disappeared here are you one of them or are you one of the guests who died can you help us find out where all those people went there's a lot of people wondering what happened to them wow that's something ah okay were they forced to leave for some reason elena yeah i think we should turn off our lights love this bit to make ourselves more open to communication um okay let's do it turn yours off oh [ __ ] wow this is awful isn't it this is good just be yourself let yourself get used to the dark okay who we're talking to if you're still here can you touch my hand to make yourself known i do not want anything touching my hand my hand or knock on the walls or something we really want to figure out what happened here 10 years ago do you know anything about that [ __ ] did the people who disappeared come here willingly did something make them come here not getting much i could try something else do you know what happened to them did something hurt them here are they dead prior hmm i don't think i want to be down here anymore it feels really bad whatever's down here doesn't mean there's any harm right but they're all missing that's supposed to be a yes or no i think that oh okay it seems like there's a stronger presence over here maybe is there something over here you want us to know about i really don't like this same and with priya priya oh [ __ ] prayer but are you such a dick what the hell ha ha sorry sorry it was too good chancellor to pass up [ __ ] this i'm going back upstairs no no wait wait wait i just i was just being a jerk i agreed to help you film your show not get [ __ ] pranked yeah i know i won't do it again sorry we can be done with the basement for now it's a good spot though i want to film more down here later but i can do it myself if i have to sounds good [ __ ] you okay back upstairs then but we should at least set up one of the static cameras down here in case anything happens okay i can do that fine i'll do it there's your stupid camera prank me again and the only paranormal activity that you'll receive is my thumb in your ass there is an upper upper floor that we haven't been to let's go upstairs all the way up go any further up ah okay you can't actually go further up all right so i guess now we're just looking for anything we haven't done there's been some weird activities so far i think we should do a spirit box session here all right this is basically the heart of the building we could definitely get something good here okay cool all right i'm with you not completely but i'm with you so for those of you watching who haven't seen that before this is a spirit box basically as a tool for helping any spirits that are communicating with us on the show we have one person asked question and the other person listed through the headphones while blindfolded that way the listener does not know what the questions are being asked to avoid bias and interpreting the answers elena are you okay with listening uh have my eyes and ears totally covered after what you did to me in the basement that's right i don't trust you okay i deserve that but if i listen then you have to ask the questions and i don't know if you know how to do that i've seen spirit boxes in shows before it's pretty important part of the ghost hunt i can write down some example questions if you need them i know what to ask really all right i'll trust you just make sure that if you get interesting answers you follow up on them i will okay putting blindfold and headphones on now can you hear me guess not now we can disa um hello so i haven't really done this before there's any uh spirits here with us my name is luna so uh can you let me know you're here around you're you're with us okay okay that's good i think uh all right are you one of the people who disappeared here absent absent so you're someone who disappeared i will take that as a yes if you're one of them then where did you all go green i'm not sure what that means woods can you give me some more details water like the lake but there weren't any bodies found in the lake do you mean something else with the water approaching what what's approaching oh [ __ ] we need to go behind you're not messing with me are you priya okay this is fine so why this place did someone tell you to come here ribbon or maybe r.i.p r.i.p a lot of people think that you are part of some sort of cult is that true is that why you came here scared you were scared of what did they make you do something out here did you hurt someone did you kill yourselves all right yep time to leave what the hell prayer prayer there was a big crash upstairs literally just now [ __ ] let's go see all right you know next time we're just gonna watch like friends on netflix oh look picture fell off this is fell off the wall wow look at that what did you ask it uh just about what happened to the people who disappeared and then this fell isn't this right where the emf went off earlier too there's definitely something going on in this room i think we should stay here for the bit see if it does anything else you can set up a camera on the tripod for a bit give your arms a rest okay sounds good ah my arms are rested so you're going to be happy about this but i think we should turn our lights off again no this isn't like the basement there's enough moonlight up here to see a little look it makes the show more suspenseful to do stuff like this let me see what it's like about the lights okay oh this isn't bad sorry usually camera gopro doesn't get hung up or stuff like this it's fine i know it's asking a lot more than usual gigs and i'll just edit out the parts where you argue about the lights you know it'll be edited anyway so people don't have to watch like five hours while standing around right so i was wondering what made you interested in coming up here besides the getting paid part oh i am getting paid you're really into ghosts you can say that i like watching stuff like this online i think there's a lot of things like what happened here that can't be explained and when terrible things happen in places like this it leaves something behind so it's being so being here pretty scary for you then kind of but also i know i'll wake up in the morning and everything will be okay understand what made you start the channel some prior experience with the supernatural oh no i don't actually believe in ghosts man it's like based on my life really yeah you seem super into emf going on and off and everything yeah and going on about how ghosts not on the picture off the wall yeah i know there's a lot of ghost hunters who really do believe in what they're doing but the way i see it is that i'm providing entertainment i can craft a story that makes people want to watch and i'm good at it honestly i think the emf meter and spirit boxes and all that are [ __ ] humors are really really good at seeing patterns in randomness and convincing themselves it means something but like what would the ghost communicate through a radio or electronic fields it doesn't really make sense but if it's the people expect to see and i know how to build it into a good narrative so why'd you act like you think it's real because i'm the main face of the show and my subscribers watch because they want to see something scary and unexplainable not me telling them that the weird scratching around the head is actually raccoons or whatever well i i put explanations to everything in my show it's not like i want to trick people and make them feel dumb for believing it's real i like running the channel and i'm good at it i like telling stories and visiting these weird creepy places and making people feel something they want to watch you're a fraud if i could finally get the channel to full fame that would be amazing i'd do pretty much anything for that i get that it's cool that you so into the craft of it elena yeah there's a man standing outside what what exactly what a man there's a man outside just standing in the dark is it another joke i swear i'll kill you i'm not [ __ ] joking there is a [ __ ] guy out there let me see come over here slowly no sudden movements oh my god he's just standing there is it security did you tell any of your viewers you were coming out here no i'm not an idiot what is he carrying it looks like a crowbar we need to leave we need to leave now are you still filming am i filming there's a guy oh [ __ ] go there's obviously oh god let me get the camera yeah got the camera [ __ ] let's go oh [ __ ] he's moving he's coming inside he's he just came in don't make a [ __ ] sound oh my god oh my god turn it off now i am do you think he heard that no it's a big place oh my god he's coming what do we do i don't know oh jesus hide [Music] where's he going i need to leave before he comes back i agree bria wait listen he's coming back i think he's going back downstairs is he doing i don't care what he's doing we have to get out of here now oh my god let's go downstairs quick what was that that sounded like the basement if he's not up here then let's get the [ __ ] out hold on a second no no where you going oh crap i'm leaving yeah see you later i get a new friend oh [ __ ] actually elena you're still filming right what what the hell are you doing you have to come see this we need to record this we need to leave if that guy comes back up he's not coming back up what just come see and you'll understand this is i don't even know we have to film this pray up no no oh my god listen to your friends where is he it's the basement in it why did i come into the basement oh there you are oh what he's not down there is he that's what the crowbar is for to throw the gate up could a person even fit in there there's a tunnel or something it's small but yeah you could crawl through we have to see what's down there no no we don't you don't get it there's no hidden tunnel there's no one ever talked about and a guy just vanished into it it could be the whole thing what happened to those people are you listening to yourself this is insane we could be the ones to solve it for real not fake ghost stuff i've never going to get a chance like this again damn car that's not you you're not going to solve it those people all want went out into the woods and died and animals ate their bodies so no one will ever find them and maybe they'll kill themselves on purpose or maybe it was an accident we don't know but it isn't that way more likely than anything involving this give me the camera what if you want to go down there if you don't want to go down there i'll film it myself oh it's the worst idea of terrible ideas it is right in the woods miles away from a creepy guy who just crawled into this tunnel the way this works is we go tell someone and then they come and look in the creepy channel in the murder basement so we don't die find them do that but can hike back down in the dark by yourself to the car that you don't have the keys to oh my god what a dick and i hope whoever drives in the middle of the night sees you and alone is enough to help oh god he's gonna maybe go down there you're an [ __ ] yeah now i'm gonna go film that make me famous see you in a bit i'm gonna have to go down on i can't believe i'm doing this god damn it screw this i should not be doing this no you shouldn't you're checking your chances in the woods oh god what am i doing oh [ __ ] i'm going to die down here maybe oh this has been peeled back there's a cave or something back there are you in there [Music] okay i'm just going to look for a second that's it and when i find her i'm going to kill her you've got to execute it hello priya oh god over here oh god are you seeing all this who even knows this is here who's crying this is definitely not in any of the reports i really don't care this is far beyond anything i'm okay with we need to go do you hear that sounds like crying yeah ah gods you need new friends eleanor you need me for oh oh god that's him what's he doing he's just crying what's over there it's just a big pit in the ground oh [ __ ] you don't think he's going to oh oh no hey what the hell are you doing hey are you okay stay back okay okay i just back here we're just at the lodge and saw you come down here this isn't right this is not supposed to be anyone else here will you come away from the edge it's not safe no i i can't let you stop me look i don't know how to say this do you need help we can all go back down to town and find something to talk that's not what i'm supposed to do do you know isn't that why you're here know what i dreamt about this place and when i woke up i knew it was real and once i knew it was real i knew i was going to come here and i knew i was going to jump in what are you saying please don't get closer that's what it wants right that's why it brings people here oh [ __ ] but i i don't want to jump i don't want to whoa hey whoever told you that you have to do this is lying to you you can come back with us and no one told me didn't didn't you know when you saw it no you didn't you didn't know about this place at all you shouldn't be here but now you know it's real and now that you know it will make you jump too what oh crap [Music] i'm gonna pull her back you take a step closer i'll [ __ ] kill you you don't understand it's not up to you anymore not anymore now that you know you belong to it like everyone else down here it's time for me to join them see you soon oh crap don't get close to the edge he's just gone i can't even see where it ends he would have thrown you down there too all this [ __ ] was saying about how we were going to jump in right i haven't even heard him hit the bottom yet he grabbed the camera when you got off me all the footage i don't care about the footage but getting out of here right now oh god jesus do you i don't want to talk about it elena we just watched a guy kill himself i don't want to [ __ ] talk about it we are going what are we going to do i don't know we have to tell someone about the cave we don't have the footage the camera we can still tell someone there's going to be someone looking for him right i can't just leave him down there to be another unsolved mystery the other people who disappeared do you think they maybe then we definitely have to tell someone we can't dammit priya isn't this what you wanted you solved the big [ __ ] mystery a guy is dead and you get to be the hero of the internet for the next month and you're pissed because you don't have the footage of your stupid show it's not that what is it then it's about what he said you know that now you know it's there you're going to jump in if we tell someone that other people will know about it too god why are you acting like anything he said is real he was clearly insane i heard it when he fell in it was in my head like he said now you're stressed and scared and almost died and it's making you paranoid i mean prayer come on it's a hole in the ground it can't make you jump into it not just me you know about it too but it's not real you don't want to get back up there right we're not going to jump in right right oh no wow that was so good damn it i love that and as a a ghost hunter and as someone who still doesn't believe in ghosts um but enjoys the history and locations a lot of this felt um very personal to me the way this game panned out was exactly um how it works in the real world except that there's no one jumping into chasms that uh that doesn't happen i love this game i i enjoy the um 2d games every once in a while let me know what you think in the comments like i've crossed my channel and i'll see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 767,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz black, HORROR, SCARY, LAUGH, COMEDY, DAZ GAMES, humor, daz watches, amazing, GHOST HUNT GAME THAT TURNS EVIL, ghost hunting youtuber, ghost hunting, video game, gameplay, let's play, VACANT
Id: Y8sXlb1W4z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.