Getting Your Heart Established: Part 1 – Don Keathley

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[Laughter] [Music] [Music] good morning everybody and welcome to our sunday time together called the digital cathedral this is your first time with us i want to give you a special welcome and say god bless you for being with us today and hope that you find what we talk about what we discuss and the comments that are made uh helpful to you in your spiritual development and growth let me just make a personal confession this morning i have had a hard time determining what to teach every sunday morning because to be honest with you i have about 20 things that i have lined up in my thinking that i want to bring to the table i don't have enough sundays i don't have enough wednesdays of of the week to be able to fulfill everything that i feel we really need to teach right now so i'm thinking about and i i'd like some feedback on this i'm thinking about kind of putting together a one-man seminar one-man conference that would be totally live-streamed that i could just for several hours like just hit it you know and just get out there everything that i feel god is doing today i'm gonna i'm gonna slow the pace down just for two weeks one of the things i feel that i'm definitely called to do is to keep you encouraged keep you centered keep your cristo crystal-centric keep your eye on the ball and make sure that uh you know we're drawing people to jesus we're not drawing people to some kind of theory or intellectual exercise we're actually drawing people to jesus in a life that is transformational as revelation continues to pour in and my goodness how much revelation is being dispensed today in so many from so many different sources radical grace hyper grace has totally kryptonited religion it has taken religion to the mat it has pinned it and it has shown that legalism it doesn't cut it anymore it's been exposed and we have revealed the impotence of organized religion and i don't know what organized religion is going to do to be honest with you fewer and fewer people are are involved in organized religion i just read this week that only about 60 percent of the people have returned back to church after the pandemic and i think one of the reasons for that is because people have found that their relationship with god is not based on a building it's based on fellowship it's based on relationship and let's be honest with one another a lot of the relationship fellowship in a church is not genuine it's not real it's based on like beliefs and if you don't believe that just try adjusting your theology a little bit to what the norm is for that particular church or denomination and you'll find out real quick where the fellowship is and where the camaraderie and the brotherhood is so what i want to do for two weeks i want to come back to kind of 101 first base and i want to talk to you about why it is that you should want to live this message out why it's important that you live it out why it's important that we demonstrate it excuse me let me just say by living it out you're actually teaching it you're actually teaching this message by your lifestyle which is the very best way to teach somebody said you know we we should we should teach and when necessary use words and that's that's so true the best way to teach is by the way that you live so i'm going to talk to you and what i want to do between this week and next week i want to give you eight solid reasons eight solid reasons why it's important that you live this message and teach this message through your life so i'll probably use the word teach and live um back and forth but i they mean the same thing and i want you to understand that we're talking about demonstrating this message before our culture in our world we're seeing tremendous change today tremendous change and it's only going to accelerate so i want to make sure that you fully understand and you have fixed within yourself why it's important that you live this message and by living it you're an example and you teach to others best way jesus taught was by example most of the things that jesus taught verbally i think went right over the heads of the disciples but when he demonstrated they tended to catch it he taught him parables to bring it down to where they could understand it so it's highly important that we live this message and understand that as we live it we really are teaching it now radical hyper grace has led us to probably six foundations i want to share three foundations this morning that grace has opened the door to then i want to share with you four reasons this morning why it is it's important that we live this message out why we teach it with our lifestyle radical pure hyper grace has opened the door and it flies in the face of what i learned for years what i taught for years it just lies in the face of it and one of the foundations that i think vitally important that we understand that has been established in our lives first of all this is a foundational principle of radical pure hyper grace and we have to be convinced of these six that i'm going to share the foundations these are apart from the eight reasons why we live it and demonstrate it but we need to be firmly fixed on the foundation of the fatherhood of god of all people he is the father of all that verse from ephesians 4 verse 6 nails it down so tight when it says that there is one god and father of all who is through all above all and in all now think about that he's not you're not just a creation the people you deal with the people you're living this message out in front of they're not just a creation of god it's true they are but they are also sons and daughters one god who is above all through all and in all that's ephesians 4 6. now most of us were taught that we were only brought into the family when we prayed the magic prayer when we lived a life of obedience when he lived a life of consecration well that's a word i haven't used in a long time when we lived a life of being a fully devoted follower of jesus but even paul demonstrated in acts chapter 17 verses 28 and 29 that that god is the father of even the idol worshipers that paul was addressing on mars hill he explained very carefully i'm not going to take time to read those scriptures i got so much ground to cover this morning but if you want to see paul's exposure of the fatherhood of god to even idol worshipers those that were not believers they were a long way from being you know evangelical or pentecostal charismatic believers that prayed the magic prayer they were people that were worshiping an island paul wanted them to know he really nailed it down that we are all children of god we're all sons we're all daughters so contrary to religion that is the gospel that is some of the the very best news that i think we can ever uh give to anybody the second foundation is that radical grace has taken us to is unconditional love religion teaches i taught unconditional love for years but you know what i did i put conditions on the unconditional love i said god loves you unconditionally if you're obedient god loves you unconditionally if you love him the gospel the gospel is unconditional love with no conditions paul said it like this paul said nothing can separate us in that eighth chapter of romans he said nothing can separate us from the love of the father and john said that we love him because he first loved us so any love that we have toward the father is a result of first him initiating the love that's totally different than what we learned in church in church we learned that god responds to our love that's wrong that's backwards we respond to his love he loved us first he chose us before we ever chose him he chose us in christ before the foundation of the world before there was ever a problem there was a solution you've always been in him he's always loved you unconditionally so assurance of love without hoop jumping without meeting a certain criteria sets people absolutely free and what i have found since 2003 is when when the unconditional love really dawns on people then their love for the father grows exponentially and i think it's because of what john said when we realize how much he's loved us then we we respond to that love we were made to be responders to the father not initiators we don't have to initiate anything we respond to everything that he has already accomplished that he's put within us that he has fulfilled on our behalf third foundation hyper grace radical grace pure grace takes us to is the idea of inclusion inclusion is the operative word of the new covenant it's the operative word of the gospel religion thrives on exclusion religion thrives and most of your friends that are in church today have a them and us mentality some are in some are out some have it some don't have it and based on their performance the prayer they've prayed the belief the faith they'll be all that stuff determines whether they are included or not included that's not what the gospel says the gospel for example in first corinthians chapter 5 and verse 22 says that as in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive so we can't attribute to the first adam more power than the last adam okay and we also read in ephesians 1 4 and i quoted a little bit earlier that he chose us in christ before the foundation of the world now there's a verse in second timothy chapter four that is a little less quoted but is is equally as powerful and i want to give you this i hope by going through this over the next this week and next week that i'm going to give you some tools to work with in in working with people as you demonstrate this message people are going to ask questions no question there's no doubt about that they're going to ask questions so i'm trying to give you a foundation to help you have confidence and assurance of why you live this message out why i'm convinced i need to live this message out why i teach at the digital cathedral why do the wednesday night secret place it's because this message is covering the face of the earth at a phenomenal rate and you and i are the carriers of the message all right second timothy chapter four let me just get over it real quick because these verses uh i think really lay the inclusion down well they're not as quoted as often as others but first chris uh ii timothy chapter four verse nine uh and verse 2 timothy chapter 4 and verse 9. that's that's that's not right that must be first first timothy chapter four let me just hop over there real quick i think i might have copied the wrong scripture down yes this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance listen for to this end we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living god who is the savior of all men especially those that believe not exclusively believing has a real advantage don't ever discount believing which is a response to revelation but he's the savior of all men now if you believe then your eyes are open you're awakened you're quickened and it's to a great advantage but i just want you to see there from first timothy first timothy not second first timothy chapter four verse nine and ten that he in fact is the savior of all men you know when i look at this message i have to be honest with you one of one of the highs one of the real highs of the most high is to see somebody's eyes open up to this and maybe that's why i'm taking a couple of weeks to do this i want you to enjoy i want you to see the light bulb come out of people there's there's nothing like it when people awaken to the truth it makes all the effort all the sacrifice worth it all paul must have enjoyed that he must have enjoyed turning the light on way more than he felt the rejection the pushback the denial of people that tried to kill him beating him to death i mean a man suffered some real stuff but he must have enjoyed watching the gentiles be awakened there were two groups that gave paul kind of trouble two groups that give us the most trouble today in pushback in this message and paul's day called them the jews that was the hard-line religious we call i would call those the typical denominational people today typical denominational episcopalians presbyterians baptist they have a set theology they're not coming off of it it's been established a long time they're not they're not going to change that was one group the other group of course was the judaizers which were jews that it that acknowledged jesus received they believed in jesus but they still carried a little bit of the old law they said you have to be circumcised that's the tough group to work with that's the joseph princes the andrew womacks um they've got grace but they're they're still that tinge and they're not willing to go for unconditional love without conditions they're not willing to go for inclusion there still has to be something you do they're they're still hung up on tithing all those kind of things so there's a mixture message there and that sends such a double-minded message to people that it's it's just great to be free the difference today than in paul's day is that the mixture message has controlled the church for generations and it's been considered orthodox so when we come along and we're teaching paul's message of grace plus nothing it's looked upon as heresy another gospel presenting another jesus is changing fast and that's what the evangelical has taught for generations and i'll tell you this it's not changing in churches as i say the presbyterian church the catholic church the baptist i doubt if they're going to change southern baptists are not going to embrace what we teach they're not going to embrace what you're living it's not changing on that level it's changing on a grassroots level it's changing person to person so it's vital it's vital that you and i really become soundly uh established in in why we're doing this with all of the flex let me ask you this we've all gotten flak i've gotten flak you've got most likely you've gotten flak from from believing this you've posted on facebook you've explained it to friends they just have totally rejected it with all the pushback the flack why do we continue to live this why teach it i mean it's it is an uphill battle paul to the gentiles to all that will listen today i think paul nailed it down in ephesians chapter 3. let me take just time i've got so much to do this morning to get to you but i i don't want to rush so fast that i don't lay good foundation ephesians chapter three let me let me read just a couple little verses here ephesians chapter three i think paul really nails it down here ephesians chapter 3 verse 1 he said for this reason i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god which was given to me for you so this message of grace has been given to us for other people it's not just for you now you've embraced it you've got a hold of it but i'm telling you something this morning look at me right now i'm telling you something this morning it's not just for you it's for other people as well he goes on and says in verse 7 he said i became a minister according to the gift of grace of god given to me by the effective working of his power it is a powerful working force within us then he says in verse 8 to me whom least of all the saints this grace was given why that i might preach among the gentiles the unsearchable riches of christ that's why it's been deposited within us that we can spread it and uncover these unsearchable riches that are in christ that most people have never encountered never heard before never embraced because nobody was explaining then he says in verse 16 let me read down through verse 19. he said of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strength with might through the spirit in the inner man he's praying for them that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith and that you would be rooted and grounded in love and be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width the length the depth the height and to know the love of christ which passes understanding and knowledge and that you would be filled well this is my boy that you would be filled with all the fullness of god see you are filled with the fullness of god you know that i will i will i will guarantee you the people you come in contact with have no clue that they're filled with the fullness of god they think maybe they got a little dabble do you got a little bit just and they're striving to get more that's the whole thing we want to be one one more of god we're we're begging to play that god would come and fill us to the to the full he's already filled you to the fullness and verse 19 says to know the love of christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with the knowledge of god with the fullness of god that's that's mind-blowing that's a powerful force so let me just give you some reasons this morning why it is that you and i live this message and through our living it we teach it i'm just coming back to some basic principles here but i i want it firmly fixed in your mind that what you're doing is worth the effort it's worthwhile or reason number one reason number one is this god has assigned and he has appointed you the task of living this message i don't know why god's chosen us i sometimes ask god that i say god you know i wasn't looking for this in 2003 i was happy pastoring had a head of staff had you know everything was going fine the church was filled we had you know multiple services had school daycare everything was clicking you should you gave me this revelation and it turned everything quickly turned everything quickly why he chose this i cannot answer that but all i know and i think it has that to some of our personalities we do have thick skin we're strong-willed those are good traits when they're spirit directed nothing wrong with strong will when it's spirit directed which is one reason why i think honestly he probably choses we've got a strong thick skin we're able to hang in there we're able to push forward those are all characteristics of reformers every reformer from calvin to wesley to paul jesus they were all able to deal with the rejection the rejection the pushback paul said this acts chapter 20. paul addresses this very very thing in acts chapter 20. watch verse 24 acts chapter 20 verse 24 paul said none of these things move me none of these things move me nor do i count it my life dear to myself i don't come yep it doesn't really much matter so that i may finish my race with joy watch and the ministry which i received from the lord jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of god he has given you this message so that you can share it with other people what is the grace message really what is it let me just say it to you like this grace is everything that god has done for us he fully accomplished through christ by extending his unconditional love and unmerited kindness to us to bring us into a loving relationship with himself leaving you and i nothing to do but to say thank you so it's everything that he's done for us in christ to bring us into relationship with himself he's always been a relationship with us but he's brought us into relationship with him through his loving kindness through his mercy he's finished it all and the only thing that you and i can now say is thank you that's all we can say so he has given to you this message for some reason god selected us to carry this message to live it and it's called the mess the ministry of reconciliation uh what is the same corinthians chapter 5 verse 18 says that god was in christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them and then he finishes the verse by saying this and he has given to us the ministry of reconciliation you have a ministry of reconciliation we have a ministry to tell people god's not mad at you he's not angry he's in full relationship with you and there's some things that comprise this ministry of reconciliation that i want you to to be fully aware of that when you carry the people let me just list a couple things ministry of reconciliation that you have remember we got this message number one he's assigned it to us he's given it to us he's revealed it to us he's given us this ministry of reconciliation which is comprised of some key components first key component of the ministry of reconciliation which you have is to let people know they're forgiven of all their sins past present and future sin is a moot point moot point what it says in in hebrews that he remembers our sins and our transgressions no more sin is a big thing in the church sin consciousness is a huge thing because it keeps uh it keeps people coming and it keeps them paying that's just the honest truth they want to learn to come so that they are free from sin they already been free from sin evangelical church needs to repent they need to change their mind on this sin issue they insist that you ask forgiveness they insist that you that repentance means bawling and squalling and telling god how sorry you are that's not what repentance is you know well what it is it when the light bulb comes on you change your mind so one week they teach first john 1 9 out of context totally out of context that if we confess our sins he's faithful and just and they teach that he doesn't forgive until you confess them then the next week they come over at hebrews 8 12 and say that god remembers our sins and our trespasses no more is it any wonder people are double-minded and confused in church and why they don't know what they believe and why there's no confidence there's no security there's no trust into god this is you have to forgive them and yet i remember them no more i mean which one is it which one is it that's that's a mixed message and you'll hear that from some people from some guys well-known have the big ministries that profess to be grace teachers and and they're talking out of both sides of their mouth with first john 1 9 and hebrews 8 12 taking first john 1 9 totally totally wrong not considering audience not understanding that what confess means homologio means to say the same thing about sin that god says and what god says is hebrews 8 12 that he remembers it no more and that's what we need to confess and when you when you agree with god i'm getting off on a tangent when you agree with god about your sin then sin consciousness goes and righteous consciousness prevails he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness that's what agreeing with god about sin does that's what first john 1 9 is all about homology is coming into agreement with god and what he says about our sins all right second thing is this people need to know that they're free from all law no laws i'm sorry there's no laws especially especially the laws that are made by churches man-made laws those are the ones that really hang us up and and condemn us make us feel guilty we put all kind of strap all kind of laws on people so when you carry the ministry of reconciliation you live this message out you need to let people know and you need to live a life of grace not of law no mixture in this third of all they need to know that they can call god father because we're all sons we're all daughters and i covered that a little earlier in the universal fatherhood of god this is a big one they need to know that no longer do they have to fear god do they have to fear eternal conscious torment that is the biggest lie that has come down the pike it is an illusion i wrote a book on that if you haven't read it go to amazon hell's illusion is the title of the book i need to say no more because that book lays it out including every verse where the word hell is used evangelical church ain't gonna let go of hell because that's that's the main tool for conversions that's the main tool to make converts fear fear insecurity not trusting a god that might throw you in a fire pit but you need to let people know and you know if they don't receive it that's fine but the seed has been planted last thing this ministry of reconciliation includes i would say would be this that people can know with assurance that as we've said they are forgiven accepted and they're loved beyond their wildest dreams that's the message you carry that's the message of reconciliation god's chosen you first point this morning god has chosen you for whatever reason to live this because he's revealed it to you you're on the front edge of this it's still it's still breaking across the nations people are coming in every day awakening but it's going to take some of you seasoned people that have been in this a little bit of time to be able to answer questions explain what it means and help people get to the next place all right second reason we live this message out second reason i teach it others teach it is because it's the truth of the gospel it flat out is the gospel apart from grace there is no gospel apart from grace you got the wrong jesus paul knew that there were other jesus floating around when he was teaching he he talked about that in second corinthians chapter 11 and verse 3 and 4. he talked about another gospel and another jesus what is another gospel what is another jesus let let me see if i can hit for you real quick what another jesus is another jesus is earmarked because he did not finish what he came to do he did not accomplish the mission that the father sent him on the father sent jesus by jesus own confession to seek and to save that which was lost only question we have to answer is was he successful another jesus was not successful another jesus might seek the loss but he didn't have the power to save the lost that's another gospel that's another jesus another jesus did not say it is finished another jesus says i did my part now you need to do your part i did my part you need to do your part here's what jesus said jesus said my meat my food is to do the will of the father that sent me and to finish his work that's john 4 34. i m the f my me the thing that that sustains me that drives me that nourishes me is to do the work of the father not just to do finish it to finish it so according to jesus he finished it he was successful another gospel is any gospel that you must do that you must try to be that you have to strive to become to affect its benefit whatever the benefits you believe the gospel are if you have to do something pray something believe something affect something in your life become something to get the benefit that's another gospel that's not what paul teached todd in galatians 3 paul said you crazy galatians who's bewitched you he said i want to ask you guys one question did you receive jesus by the hearing of faith or by the works of the law he said having begun in the spirit are you not going to be perfected by the works of the flesh paul was addressing them because they had been infiltrated after paul left galatia by the judaizers who said yeah jesus is a good thing we we like jesus but you must be circumcised to be saved so there's all kinds of hoops today you got to pray the prayer you got to be baptized you got to speak in tongues i mean there's all kind of stuff that is attached to what it means to be made whole which is what saved is saved is the word sozo it means to be made whole to be made up right to be made perfect that's not a ticket to heaven there's there's no verse that i know and you can correct me there's no verse i know in the new testament post-resurrection that ties the word saved in heaven together in the same verse religion has done that it's another gospel the right jesus and the right gospel is is the one that paul got persecuted for so when he got stoned beaten with rods it teaches a right standing with god apart from works apart from effort apart from religious nonsense it allows you to rest the right gospel the right jesus allows you to feel totally secure in what the cross fully accomplished and what the resurrection is provided for us and the only way that you can fall out of grace listen to me sin you don't fall out of grace when you sin where sin abounded grace super exceeded you don't fall out of grace when you sin paul told the galatians that the way you fall from grace is to go back under the law it's impossible to experience grace when you're living under law it's impossible to experience grace when you've got all all of the the trappings of law strapped to you by by your church or by your pastor god bless them god bless them they they're most of them are just doing what they've been taught what they learned over to preacher factory went through there in several years spent a lot of money thousands of dollars and are now out instructing people to do what they learned to do in school and maybe what they were raised also to do that was my case raised and educated and just parented it back who was i going to challenge those gray-haired phds back in the day i wasn't going to chill i didn't know what questions to ask but spirit of truth changing all that all right number three here's the third reason that you and i want to live this message and buy our life teach it demonstrate it let me just say this this is not an effort this is just being you this is just being you but i want you to have that inner resolve that inner confidence that says okay this is the reason we're doing this this is why we're part of it this is why we're extending this message this is why we live this message first of all it's because we're picked to do it you can't get around that you you're one of the first people on the planet they got this now there's tons of others thousands upon thousands of others that have gotten it since probably you saw it if you've if you've been in this message three four or five years i'll tell you what you were on the you were in the beginning of it when i started teaching this back in 2003 i did not know anybody honestly i did not know anybody that was taking this journey that i was taking finally steve mcveigh was probably the first grace friend that i had and i met steve through social media we became good friends still great friends today he's a he's a super guy and he's to really nurture me a little bit and encourage me as a pastor to stay with it turn the ship looking back if i had anything to do again i would turn it a lot slower so if you're a pastor watching me don't you don't turn a ship on a dime you take a long turn on this but i want you to be confident in what you're doing and why you're doing it all right number three number three we live this message and teach this message so that grace might remain with the here [Music] hear the trash guy trash day here number three that it might remain with you here people need to hear this over and over and over and over because faith really does come by hearing the more you hear it the more you get settled with it the more you become fixed on it the stronger it becomes when i first started teaching this message honestly i had a hard time explaining it i knew it in here but i couldn't explain it and the more that i would spend time with it the more comfortable it became until finally there was a day i kind of stepped over the line i could articulate i could teach it i was teaching it at church where i really had it that was a mistake because people would ask me a question i couldn't answer it i didn't have the background i didn't have i didn't have the depth and so what i'm doing this week and next week i'm giving you some depth on this i'm helping you to grab hold of why we're doing this just understand people need to continue to hear it now there's two ways that i've observed that grace no longer remains or has the impact that it did for paul all of his life paul never outgrew grace paul never gave up on the message and paul had tons of revelations it was paul that brought to us the revelation of christ in us it was paul that talked about the mysteries hidden from generations but now becoming evident so he paul went into some deep stuff paul went into some you know some very deep revelations but he never left the foundation of god he was always a grace guy he was always a grace man grace was always at the forefront of everything that paul was teaching so that that's kind of the way i am i love exploring you know we're we're going through a lot of teaching on i am right now we're learning how to be a creator and grace has taken us there i'm fully convinced that you can create the life you want to live that you are endowed as an i am as an extension of i am that i am in his image and likeness that he has he has placed within your hands all things that pertain to life and godliness it's up to you to begin to create and learn how to do that so we're doing i love all those things but i will never back up on the message of grace that's that's that is the baseline of it all but i've noticed two things where grace stops having impact and i don't want this to happen to you or the people that you work with number one grace is replaced or it's crowded out by something else by something else in in galatians chapter one this happened and this happened to paul time and time again he would he would uh come into town get everybody stirred up get everybody excited get everybody free out of the law then the judaizers would come in behind him and replace or crowd the message out they would they would tell people yeah paul paul's all right but he doesn't have the whole truth he's he's bringing you you know this is this is not right in galatians chapter 1 verse 6 and 7 paul said i marvel that you are turning away so soon from him who called you in the grace of christ to a different gospel so they brought they were brought in in grace but they turned to another gospel that's what hap paul said look man something's crowded the grace out of your life your your come under the constraints of another gospel verse 7 which is not another but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel the good news the grace message so here's what happens today here's one thing i've observed people come in they they hear them they love it but they go back and say to their friends this is what i found and this is amazing i love this message and people go man you don't you want to stay away from that that is that's air that's gotten out there where the buffalo roam and the deer and the antelope play you don't want any part of that that's heresy that's heresy church doesn't believe that church doesn't believe that you need to you need to rethink that so they create people create enough doubt in someone when they first come into this message enough doubt and unbelief about the truth of grace that they begin to question themselves and they begin to go back to egypt that's just what it boils down to they go back to egypt and maybe one of the motivations of me doing this week and next week is is for this third point that you first of all you don't let anybody crowd this message out of you see once you see it you can't unsee it those that get the message crowded out like like paul addressed in galatians chapter one verse six and seven those that get the message crowded out they're never going to be happy because you can't unsee what you've seen but they bend they think something must be wrong with me i thought that when i first started teaching in in you know pastors on staff would come to me all concerned and and try to talk me out of it i i would think many times man maybe there's something wrong with me i mean everybody else says it's like this and i'm over here saying it's like that and sometimes i would take one step forward in boldness and i then i would meet opposition i'd take two steps back and i'd pull back i better be a little bit more safe about this i've learned man you can't be too reckless with grace you cannot take grace too far you cannot stretch it beyond its limits it's impossible but some people when they first come in not well grounded they haven't been in the digital cathedral or maybe they just come in and they've heard the message they love it go back talk to their friends talk to their pastor talk to their elders and they and they discourage them from the message and so they give it up it's tough i i'm going to admit to it it's tough when all of your church friends question you and and you bail it's easy to fear it's easy to doubt it's easy to question yourself it it knocks the luster off your joy when you're not deep into this it knocks the luster off your jaw and it it and you just go back to the way it was and you sink back into the box that contains you and that's just the wrong thing to do so to avoid this we need to keep teaching it need to keep implementing it that's why if you're with me at the digital cathedral and you've been your length time you know that i do the like stop the bus messages or i do like what i'm doing this week and next week i just come back and say look let's let's let's go back over this let's get some more understanding about this let's let it really take root because i've had people that have been talked out of it or the second thing the second thing i've noticed is this people think they outgrow it man i've got friends right now that say yeah i got the grace thing down now i've moved off into other things it's time to move off into other things but you can't let go of the grace but they they've totally annihilated they've moved they've moved beyond grace it doesn't captivate them anymore see if that if you're just after an intellectual stimulation that that will be the case grace i'm going to tell you grace is the highway that leads to every other city on the journey that's why i put these foundations down at the beginning the first three i'll give you three more next week fatherhood of god universal fatherhood of god uh you know the the inclusion unconditional love grace takes you to those places and what i don't like to see happen is to lose people that have gotten off the greece highway they've taken an exit off but they don't understand that the exit that there's another entry back into the freeway and if you want to continue to remain crystal centric then you're going to remain grace centered you're going to remain christ-centered jesus came full of grace and truth you're going to remain full of grace which is going to take you into truth so it's it's extremely important that we understand that one of the reasons we live this message and we teach this message is because people need to have it reiterated all the time grace has an eternal unveiling that is invaluable it provides growth that we shouldn't ignore and and paul said something about that and and i might just read that scripture in just a minute but i i don't know how anybody could say they've graduated from the school of grace when paul said ephesians 2 7. you know three four years people have think i've got it all down i've learned all there is to learn i don't need to know anymore about this message no that's wrong paul said in ephesians 2 7 that it would take the ages to come for the father to unveil the riches of his goodness and his grace in christ jesus it's going to take eternity man we haven't even scratched the surface it gets gooder and gooder and gooder and gooder and gooder now will it take us places absolutely takes the fatherhood of god unconditional love inclusion i am that i am the creator all different kind of things but the basis is the grace what he's provided for us totally sovereignly single-handedly through the death of burial the resurrection of jesus that we don't strive for he imputes into our life leaving us nothing to do but to say thank you and to continually awaken to all the goodness that we have john 1 4 john chapter 1 and verse 14 says that jesus came full of grace and truth jesus came full of grace and truth truth and grace are running buddies one leads to the other truth always flows out of grace if if the truth that you're pursuing has not come out of grace i questioned it i really question i don't think there's any truth outside the goodness of god outside of what he's provided for us through christ jesus that's that's the basis of it all so i'm hard on that i realize that and i may lose some people over it that have gone off out into something else we're not going off into something else that is not christ-centered and grace and truth based truth flows out of grace and grace reveals more truth so the deeper you go in grace i just nailed it right there the deeper you go in grace the more truth you're gonna see because you're uncovering jesus you're uncovering the christ you're uncovering the christ within see one of the things grace will teach you it'll give you a pop quiz if you're if when you think of the father jesus christ lord and your thoughts immediately go outside of yourself rather than within then you really haven't tapped into grace yet because grace flows from within truth flows from within the christ flows from within so you're not going to outgrow this thing you're not going to outgrow it in that 16th verse of john chapter 1 where in verse 14 he says that jesus was full of grace and truth all right full of grace and truth and verse 16 it says and of his fullness we've all received so we have received within us the fullness of his grace and truth do you think i mean come on really seriously do you think you're gonna outgrow that three four or five years i don't think so i mean that that's not even reasonable come on think about it think about it you can't you can't plummet the depths of the grace and the truth that were invested within christ that now we have received the fullness of in just a short amount of time it's grace upon grace it's glory to glory it's one helping after another it's one layer at a time it's it's it's one revelation leading to the next revelation right so that's three three reasons so far why we live this message and out of living it we're we're we're a living epistle people can read it people learn from us and the fourth reason is is really big to me fourth reason i live this and teach it is because grace changes people grace changes people people will be changed by the example of your life when they see your freedom and your love for the father and that you're not a wacko of some kind you're solid as a rock full of grace and truth you're just you you don't have to put out veneers and religious heirs try to pretend you're perfect when you're not perfect come on we're not perfect none of us are perfect we don't have to act see grace brings us freedom that we don't have to be perfect and that that opens that enables us to grow by leaps and bounds i have never ever in all my life all my years of ministry have seen the drastic change within the lives of people that grace brings and brother i've been there for all of it i have come through all of it since since 1969 i have seen every every wave come in and every wave go back out this is not a wave this is a way jesus said i am the way this is the way because for the first time for the first time in all all the years i've ministered he everything revolves out of him and it's coming from the grassroots up it's not coming from platform superstars down it's not coming from structure down it's coming from regular folks like you and me that have had our eyes open and we've we've awakened and it's changed us so while people are resistant to the change change is still taking place like leavening a lump we're leavening the lump we're the salt of the earth we're the light of the world and as we continue to shine people gravitate to it and i've seen i've seen such tremendous changes that this message brings it's changed me i'm not the same guy i used to be i look in the mirror now and i i see change going on i'm not trying to change it's i used to religiously by discipline obedience prayer fasting all this stuff revivals deliverance healing of memory all that stuff try to change listen he can change you in a twinkling of an eye through grace that divine influence that produces effortless change as you rest in him one reason why i teach and live this message and i'm encouraging you to know to why you're doing the same why you've been selected why you understand what you're doing is because you're changing the lives of people you don't have to be the pastor you don't have to be the apostle prophet evangelist pastor or teacher just the disciples the sons the daughters manifesting are changing the whole whole landscape of our world we're awakening here's here's a good scripture here's here's the change that happens uh romans 5 17 says for by one man's offense death reigned by one then it says two key words much more they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one christ jesus so as people receive the abundance of grace and this imputed gift of righteousness that has already been given to us you can't earn it merit it receive it it's it's been deposited within us the key is this the last two words last three words they shall reign in life reign in life that's what this message is about this is not about to sweep by and by walking on streets of gold growing a pair of wings and flying around the universe this is about living in victory now that's why i'm i'm loving this cr creating idea is because we want to reign in life they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life grace is going to be the teacher of how to reign in life what is it titus 2 11 and 12 says that grace teaches us how to live uprightly and holy in this generation the world we're living in can go to hell in a handbasket it doesn't affect you and me in fact we will bring change into our culture at some point might not be in my my lifetime might not be in your lifetime i don't know but i'll tell you what we are turning the ship and the next generation that comes to build is not going to have to start at ground level zero like we did not gonna start at the first step we're taking this down the road away so that they can pick up on it where we leave off so does believing practicing sharing grace uh unconditional love inclusion message having a great big jesus jesus is getting bigger by the day does does it have a price tape you bet it does bet your sweet baby it has a big price tag you probably uh won't be stoned like paul probably won't be beaten with rods i doubt that or cat and nine tails uh by the religious crowd like paul did but you may lose friends people you thought were friends people you hung with for years went to lunch with after church on sunday told you what a wonderful person you were you may lose those kind of friends because you're no longer in agreement with their religious doctrines but i'll tell you this this is my experience the new people that become your friends that understand what's going on today will become more of a friend than you've ever known and they might only be virtually you might only know them through facebook i get so much encouragement over to don keithley ministries page i'm blown away by the depth of the revelation that's coming off that page and people that post if you're not a member there you need to go over and become a member that's where we do the the secret place on wednesday night seven o'clock central uh this message changes people the new people that come in are gonna be are gonna understand you he's going to there's going to be a union a spirit connection that what you had before was a theological connection that that doesn't cut it when push comes to show and times get tough it needs you need a spirit connection you need a union with people that will be able to encourage you so why do we why do we live this message why do we why do we uh example it uh exemplify it in front of our culture in front of our world first of all we're called to do it he's he's appointed us anointed us to carry this message second of all it's the truth of the gospel he can't get away from it anything else is another jesus in another gospel third of all so that it might remain with people so that when we live it and teach it and show it time after time after time after time it will continue to be with them and number four because it's a it's a life changer it's a game changer for people once they open their eyes to it i'll tell you this is what cranks my engine is seeing the lives of people changed all right let me let me pull the train into the station let me read one last verse from hebrews chapter 13. and this this will end up for us don't don't check out yet don't don't click off hebrews 13 and verse 9. it says don't be carried away with various and strange doctrines right mixed your message and there's all kind of crap floating around out there don't be pulled off with it for it is good that the heart be established by grace i'm establishing you my my mission is to establish you we we teach other things we besides grace which has surprised some people but i teach a lot of different things but let your heart be established by grace not with foods which have no profit those who have been occupied with them they don't profit when when you get hung up on doctrines do's don'ts hoop jumping doesn't profit anybody keep your heart established by grace we're called to do it we're appointed to do it we're going to do it it's important we do it so let's continue all right we'll talk about this a little bit uh wednesday night thank you once again for being with me today thank you for your love your support uh those of you that support us monthly man you're a huge blessing thank you it does you know you got skin in the game that's what it says to me when somebody is willing and the amount is yeah the amount is good but it doesn't give the heart i mean the heart says look man i'm with you in this and so when people do that it really encourages me and helps us do what we need to do which is going to be a continuing message so thank you and thank you for the prayers the good vibes the positive thoughts you send let's continue to send them to one another make your posts on don keithley ministries uh light up the world invite your friends there don't miss the secret place wednesday night at 7. uh that's worth just joining there whether you ever post or not you beat the secret place seven o'clock central on the don keithley ministry page you have a great day wonderful week and we'll see you next time sunday morning 10 a.m central at the digital cathedral [Music] you
Channel: Don Keathley
Views: 2,824
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Grace, Preaching, Advice, Love, Grace Church, Jesus Christ, Pure Grace, Radical Grace, Don Keathley, Joseph Prince, Andrew Wommack, Creflo Dollar
Id: cs-VtIyhbA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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