Spiritual Transitioning Made Easy – Don Keathley

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[Music] all right here we go are you ready for another session this morning on Sunday to get into the word and discover some things and I want to encourage you today in some areas that I just feel like maybe you need to be encouraged in we've just come through a six-week series on Hell's illusion and I know from communicating with some of you that it really stretched you I brought to you some things that you had never considered never thought about taught on things that maybe you have never uncovered even heard presented and yet it resonated on the inside and you begin to look at some of these things closer there are so many new things coming into the body of Christ they're new to us there's no such thing as new truth right there's no such thing as new revelation there are some things that God is emphasizing at that current time but there's no truth there's just revival and there's uncovering of mysteries that have always been Paul said there's some things have been hidden from ages gone by from ages past but it's now being revealed to the people of God and that's what's going on all over the world right now we're beginning to see things we've never saw before so in light of that what I would like to do I'd like to talk about this morning how to make a spiritual transition and I think this is probably very apropos right now how to make a transition from where maybe you were or where you are to what you're now seeing and the big question is how do you know if it's true how do you know if it's right we went through six weeks on hell's illusion and maybe it was so contrary to everything that you've ever heard it certainly is contrary to the things that I had ever heard and if you'd have told me this if you if I would have watched those six videos 10 years ago I would have thought it was wrong I would have thought that that guy is flipped his wig he doesn't know what he's talking about but do you know what as the Holy Spirit begins to show us things we begin to see things in a different light I want to begin over Luke chapter 5 this morning Luke chapter 5 so in light of everything that's going on in your life you're seeing things you're hearing things you're perceiving things you're understanding things that you never saw before right you're hearing teachings on things that you've never considered how do you know if it's right I won't talk today about how to make a spiritual transition and ultimately I'm gonna give you three questions to ask yourself whenever you hear something whether it's on Christian television whether it's in the digital Cathedral on Sunday morning or Wednesday Night Live or your you're at a conference or a seminar and you hear teaching I want to give you three questions to ask yourself that will help you stand right path and also will help you make a transition in your life from where you're at to where the Lord is taking you Luke chapter 5 and verse 36 these are some good verses Luke chapter 5 verse 36 is not Jesus spoke a parable to them and he said no one puts a piece from a new garment into an old into an old one otherwise the new makes a tear and so the piece that was taken out of the new does not match the old he goes on in verse 7 he says no one puts new wine into old wineskins or else the new wine will burst the wine skins and be skin be spilled and the wine skins will be ruined but new wine has got to be put into new wineskins so that both are preserved and no one having drunk old wine this is so important no one having drunken old wine immediately desires anew for it always says the old is better you ever been there when the new wine begins to flow and you hear it you go I don't know man I I kind of feel more comfortable with the old that that's a that is a great scripture those thirty six seven eight and I know or verses are some good scripture to meditate I think it I think it contains a big key for all of us if you're on this journey to the land of truth and freedom then there aren't going to be things that you encounter you've never encountered before so I think that scripture gives us some good insight I think Jesus is making it very simple and yet difficult point at times to build into our lives the point is that I think the point that Jesus is making he's saying when the light of Revelation shines and were confronted with life-changing truth and we're confronted with it we better be flexible enough like a new wineskin to hold the new revelation you know an old wineskin is not very flexible it's kind of brittle it's kind of kind of tough and so that new wine is is for a minute it's bubbling it's moving and if you put that new wine into the old wine skin it will expand it it will break the wine skin and he's saying that's kind of how new revelation works when it comes into your life if you're not flexible if you're not prepared for it if you're not ready to handle it and you still got that that brittle hard life when the new wine comes in and it begins to expand it's gonna it's going to create a problem for you but when you're seeing with a single eye and you're hearing with a single ear you'll know that the Spirit of Truth has been continually pouring into your life all the new wine you can handle that's one thing I have I'm finding about revelation and uncovering truth he's willing to give me all I can take I'm the one that has to yell uncle at times as they wait a minute I can't absorb anymore I can't I can't look it anymore I have to stop and let myself get wrapped around everything that I got right now there there are things I'm seeing that I would like to teach that honestly it's not really rooted yet so that I can't pour it out I can't serve you the wine till I've really drunk it and ingested it myself but man I'm learning here pour as fast as you can take it he'll pass this as much as you can absorb the supply is endless the supply is endless this the Spirit of Truth man there is no end Paulsen is going to take the ages to come for him to show his goodness and grace toward us in Christ Jesus there's there's no limit to what he can pour out the limit comes on the containers end how much the container is prepared to hold and some of us that got that old-time religion we're not prepared to handle anything new we can't take anything new and what we like to have when we come to church is some bias confirmation we want to hear something that we've always heard and want to drink some of that old wine because we're we're accustomed to drinking that but the problem is guys and gals there's a Reformation working in the earth right now there is there are some things going on all over the world all in every country every nation and you're part of it he has set you aside for whatever reason to be on the forefront of this and the question is are you ready can you handle it can you deal with it can you handle some rapid-fire changes in your life when he shows you something you've never seen can you can your theology change you better keep your theology fluid my theology used to be pretty set in concrete I thought okay this this is all nailed down pretty tight this weekend we can take this one to the bank he has torn my theology up his word has never changed but the way he has me view his word in the lens through which I now read it has made an entirely different book as he changed no he's changed me and he's changed the way that I read it so Ken can you make rapid changes to your theology to your belief system the way that you've always handled stuff the way you've always believed it when the Spirit of God begins to pour into you can you make a quick change here's what a quick change looks like Luke chapter 5 you're there come back to verse 27 verse 27 here's that here's there's a quick change and says after these things Jesus went out and saw a tax collector named Levi at the tax office I get a picture of this here's Levi he's gone to work for the day he works 8:00 to 5:00 here he probably Wars the three-piece suit he's a tax collector he's an accountant it's not we might be like a CPA just doing what he does what he's done every day throughout his adult life right we're talking about making quick change we're talking about when new wine comes can you expand with it so here comes Jesus to Levi that is just doing what he does every day Monday to Friday 8:00 to 5:00 Jesus looks at him it knows that he is one that he has hand-picked just like you right he's had picked you to be on the front of this he hand-picked Levite Matthew to be one of the twelve to go places and see things the rest of the multitude would never see an experience so he says Matthew Levi I want you to come follow me now I love that verse that verse really moves me because that's where the rubber meets the road right that split-second when Jesus looks to them makes eye contact locks in on Levi he says come follow me Levi has got a quick decision to me do I follow the new wine that he just poured into me do I drink it or do I stay with the old and what's familiar what's comfortable the job that I know how to do it says in verse 28 so he left everything and followed Jesus he just got up from the table left the cash drawer left all the books left everything and followed Jesus here's what I get out of those two verses when you see Jesus you hear Jesus you respond to him your world is never going to be the same again Matthew never went back to being a tax collector never went back to being an accountant his world changed at that point forever because he was willing to make a transition he was he was willing to shift in his life and when those times come and you see something you know we came through six weeks of illusion of hell I've done about 28 29 parts I can't remember exactly on embracing your divinity which I want to get back to I've got 10 more to say about that but when you embrace divinity there are changes there are things that happen you see you perceive and so like Matthew Jesus is okay come on let's go follow me do you do it Levi transition he's shifting and his life was never the same again not let's look at an entire generation of children of Israel entire generation died in the wilderness because they would not transition to the Promised Land it was not God's vest it was not it wasn't his plan I don't believe but he let them either drink the wine or not drink through wine an entire generation was lost in a wilderness because they couldn't shift to what God had prepared for them now here's where it breaks down in that fifth chapter of Luke that we were reading out here's where it breaks down verse 39 and no one having drunk old wine immediately desires the new you know that that old wine tastes good and you know how it tastes you know how how your body reacts with you know everything about it but when you drink the new wine you're not sure where you go with this any story says when you first experience the new why'd you don't like it as well it creates a lot of questions creates insecurities because the old wine tastes better but now if you keep drinking the new you're gonna totally lose your taste for the old like right now I have no taste to go back to the way I used to be I have no no taste that go back to being a charismatic nothing against charismatic I have no interest in Pentecostal fanaticism and emotionalism have no interest in I have no interest anymore in lighting people I'm praying for them and and if they fall down feel like I really accompli I have no interest in that because I've tapped into something that is new wine that is revolutionized my life and at first when I saw grace that when I saw unconditional and I saw mercy that endures forever I saw the Fatherhood of God at first it did not taste right and I kinda wanted to go back especially when everybody around me wanted me to to go back to the old way but when you keep tapping into the new all of a sudden the old doesn't taste so good here's what I'm drivin here's what I'm driving in here's where I want to go you are seeing things you are hearing things you are experiencing things that he has prepared you for he has got your wines getting ready things that just a short time ago you would have considered false things that just a short time ago you too looked at instead I don't I don't believe that I think that's wrong that's heresy and you were too ran from it and gone back to drink some of the old wine come on you know what I'm talking about and you would have wanted some more biased confirmation to come from a conference or a seminar or a word from a prophet somewhere he has prepared you he's prepared you to change he's prepared you to be part of a company all over this nation that will lead a Reformation a radical grace revolution Peter a man and I want to read his transition in just a minute but Peter a man that finally got some of it and in in in in 2nd Peter chapter 1 let me read this verse for you because this this this is good 2nd Peter chapter 1 verse 12 he said for this reason I will I'll not be negligent to remind you always of these things though you know them watch and you know these are these are such rich words you are established in the present truth and I told you to start this teaching I told you there is no such thing as new truth no such thing is new revelation God has always contained at all he didn't just whip up a batch in 2019 to pour it out new stuff nobody ever ever heard this all new no but there is present truth this present truth of grace this present truth of embracing your divinity is just simply what Paul taught religion has perverted it religion has created something different so now we and we got used to drinking that old wine of religion so now when when restoration comes when reconciliation comes and he begins to pour out that new wine it's new to us but really what it is it's just a present truth it's a truth that the father is now emphasizing and integrating and working into his people see people that they would be afraid of that that term present truth if you said if I stood up in church somewhere instead of like I'm gonna bring to you some present truth they would hear that oh he's got something new age to tell us because present truth might be new to you but it's just what God is trying to bring to the people now now Peter was this this self-righteous prideful religious follower of Jesus and he had as his theological world rocked one day you wouldn't think that Peter after the crucifixion and resurrection at being with Jesus forty days and hearing that forty day seminar and everything pertaining to the kingdom of God watching Jesus ascended into heaven you would have thought he had dropped all his religious ways but he didn't he ran right back to him the old wine tasted good to Peter so Peter remained a practicing June I'll be showing his transition Acts chapter 10 because he'd been prepared in the time he spent with Jesus to make shifts big shifts look at this in Acts chapter 10 here's old Peter doing his religious thing praying at a certain time making sure that he's getting all of his prayer time in in a next 10 and verse 9 it says the next day is they went on their journey and drew near to the city Peter went up to the housetop to pray about the sixth hour he got to give his hour of prayer it could you not tarry with me one hour he became very hungry and wanted to eat but while they made ready they're downstairs getting dinner ready he fell into a trance and he saw heaven opened and an object like a great sheet bounded the four corners descending on him then let down to earth and in it were all kinds of four-footed animals of the earth wild beasts creeping things birds of the air and a voice rose up and said Peter rise up kill and eat Wow there's stuff on that binky that Peter can't eat he's good religious Jewish boy the old wine that he still drafter he been with Jesus for three and a half years the old wine still tasted better he still the new wine he he's balking at it tells him right look Peter Peter says not so Lord verse 14 for I have never eaten anything common or unclean but he says in verse 15 here here comes here comes the boom here comes the new wine here comes the time of transition Lord spoke to him again it said what God has cleansed you must not call common or unclean all right so Peter says I get it I I don't want to mess with these Gentiles like these nasty old Gentile I'm special but he got it he made the transition we dropped down to verse 28 Peter says to them you know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or even to go one to another nation but God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean do you understand how much of a transition that was for Peter even though he traveled with Jesus that was no respecter of people saw Jesus himself in operation he had not yet made the transition but when he was confronted with the new wine he hit either drink it or not drink it verse 29 therefore I came without without objection as soon as I sent for I asked them for what reason have you set for me so Peter Peter got that was it that was that that was a huge transition now did that come out of the clear blue no Jesus was prepared here for that during his entire earthly ministry he prepared Jesus I prepared Peter to break tradition to break his doctrine all that he'd been taught his whole life and you have also he has brought you to this point he's brought you to this point now if you're open you're sensitive you're pliable like a new wineskin you'll hear it you'll see it you'll transition Peter could have closed it off Peter could have said no in his heart of the Mist he would have missed what he had been prepared for you have the opportunity you can dig your heels in you can let fear insecurity you can let peer pressure from other people miss the new wine that you've been prepared to receive you can back up and say just give me some of that old-time religion that's what I really like that's good enough for me of all the groups in the Bible that should have recognized Jesus the Pharisee should have knew their Bibles knew the signs of his coming they you could say that they had been prepared but they refused to transition let me show you their refusal John chapter 10 John chapter 10 we just looked at it at Peter and in the the quick transition he made we saw a Levi but here's how it one looks that doesn't transition John chapter 10 and verse 19 look at this therefore there was a division among the Jews because of what Jesus said and many of them said he has a demon he's mad why do you listen to him others said these are not the words of one who has a demon can a demon open the eyes of the blind see something they were beginning to see something's going on here some dummy immediately reject it and others began to say wait a minute we we need to look at this a little closer and and that's that's a good attitude and that was the feast of dedication in Jerusalem and it was winter and Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch and the Jews surrounded him and said to him how long do you keep us in doubt if you are the Christ tell us plainly right now Jesus is gonna pour them a great big glass of new wine right now I'm gonna drop down I'm gonna drop down to verse 30 jesus said I and my father are one well that right there that that was more new wine and they weren't willing to accept Jesus is part of a great big glass he filled an iced-tea tumbler full of new wine and they refused to take a sip and in verse 31 here's here's him digging their heels in then the Jews took up stones again to stone Jesus right so as as he transitions you as he as he rocks you're entrenched belief system as he opens your eyes the question is are you hearing truth is what you're hearing the right thing dude is that something you can take to the mat is it something that you can follow I want to give you three questions to ask yourself to help you get as Peter said established in the present truth so as you shift as you transition as you try out that new wineskin you know it should be it should be free from a lot of fear a lot of stress so I want to give you three things to ask yourself right when you hear something maybe that maybe you say man I've never heard that before that's different that's a different take that's a different twist I see in scripture some things you're reading a book and you go whoa look at that you're reading the Bible and you go holy mackerel I never saw that before right ask yourself this ask yourself this because you're going to make shifts you're gonna make transitions new wine is flowing today revelation is coming forward ask yourself number one is this what the Father through the Spirit is saying to me to me right now I want you just forget other people is this something that he is saying to you it if lasting change might here's my experience if lasting change is going to happen then you have got to know in your knower that what you're seeing what you're hearing he is saying to you personally you in particular you know the the resonator within starts to shake and tremble whoa this is this is I got this one this is for me see we saw Peter transition in acts 10 and I guarantee when that blank he came down with all that unclean food on and he's a good old Jew he's a Jewish boy still practicing his Jewish religion even though Jesus prepared in a translation transition make a transition there was a time when he said that I know this is right he's he's speaking to me Lord said rise up kill and eat he was speaking to Peter and Peter knew it so the first thing you got to be convinced though when you transition is is what I'm hearing is he speaking this to me now we saw Peter transition let's look at Paul transition over in Galatians chapter 1 here's where Paul made his transition Galatians chapter 1 and let me start with the verse eleven glacials chapter 1 here I'll get over there just a second Glacius chapter 1 here's Paul's transition he said but I make known to you brethren that the gospel which was preached to me is not according to man right watch watch how Paul knew that God was speaking to him he said I didn't receive him from man I wasn't taught it by a man it came through the Rev came through the revelation of Jesus Christ for you have heard of my former conduct and Judaism how I persecuted the Church of God and measured tried to destroy it i advanced Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my father's but here comes the new wine but he was well established in the old but when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace to reveal his son unto me that I might preach him among the Gentiles I didn't confer with flesh and blood I had to know that he is talking to me that he's saying this to me he said I didn't go up to Jerusalem to those those that were apostles before me but I went into Arabia and stock all of this new revelation that I was hearing I stuck it in a crock-pot that's not what he said that's keithley translation I stuck all of this in a crock-pot just let it cook right he you got to know that he's speaking to you so sometimes you just let a crackpot you know you don't have to make a microwave shift right you you don't have to all of a sudden see something and it just say well I got it you run out and tell everybody put it in a crock-pot you need to know is this what the father through the Spirit is saying to you and sometimes it takes contemplation you know the less static that you're around with people and all that the more that you can unload people in circumstances not the better you can hear less that equal beyond the station so as you're picking up on the voice of the father under number one is this what he's saying to you let me give you three quick sub points under that to help you know if he is speaking to you I'll just say this in kind of religious terms okay there will be a witness of the Spirit with your spirit there will be a witness of the Spirit with your spirit are you are you are you are you still with me as you're as you're shaking as you're shaking out of your normal pattern kid can you you know my feel to your senses a little uncomfortable might feel a little unsure and you don't want to make a mistake you're a little bit fearful but it will start to it'll start to go off on the inside of you and what I've always what's my pattern has been I understand things better inside before my mind catches up I've never been one that intellectually gets it and then my spirit catches it from my mind I've always perceived down in here and then I've let my mind battle and rage and try to dismantle it or whatever see the longer you crockpot it the longer you just let it miss marinate this let it cook slowly the more settled in new truth will feel at first it feels very strange it's like driving a different car riding a different bicycle it's solved it's kind of the same but it's only you know there's a little different the nuances are different and like I said sometimes your spirit will pick up out of your spirit will go off I'm sure Paul spirit went off what when Jesus presented himself and we begin to reveal himself Paul's spirit was drinking it up but if the mind was still going back to the old mine going back to the old Jewish stuff saying many stuff doesn't this doesn't add up this has nothing like I've already taught what I know it in Romans chapter eight I love watching Paul because knowing how he transitioned what he went through he can say this as many as they're led by the spirit they are the sons of God for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear but you received the spirit of adoption by where we cry Abba Father and the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that's what I'm after at that point all I want to did is he's saying this to me how am i how am I taking it into my spirit all right under that point one here's the second little thing that helped you to confirm that as you as you ponder Scripture or hear a teaching or reading a book that trigger the revelation it confirms what you're seeing I'll be seeing I'll be seeing something I'll be gotta be trying to reveal something to me I'll be reading scripture or a book I might even be watching a YouTube video if somebody else do some teaching and when I'm all of a sudden seeing or hearing you're watching it just totally builds up and confirms what I am seeing for me that's that that's a great lean into when my mind has given me fits what I can I can perceive it being from somewhere else and that's tonight's source at this point somebody's teaching I read it in a book I read it out of scripture whatever for me that helps one of my mind goes fits that they have plants my feet when other people walk away from me what other people reject what I what I'm saying or what I'm thinking that helps me know the wind and the waves are not going to sink my boat this is this is the rock you build on his word is a lamp to your feet is a it's it's a it's a light to your path all right so is it you got to know that he's speaking it to you point one sub-point is it bearing witness with your spirit second of all are you seeing it from other places and in third of all what what's you're seeing you're going to begin to find out other people are seeing the same thing I don't know if you've noticed it over the last six six weeks I did that I did that six week series on hell's illusion I don't know if you noticed but all over all over social media now that whole thing is beginning to really bubble up the spirit of truth is saying much the same thing in many quarters right now that even six months to a year ago you weren't here didn't see it like this so what he's showing to you you're gonna begin to see others seeing it also what God established to us is new to us it might be an unveiling to others also you're never here's what I want to say you're never alone in advancing the kingdom you might feel alone but you're never alone one that one of the one of the pluses of the inn is it helps you to get connected with people all over the world and what you're seeing what you're sensing what's going off in your spirit what you're seeing in books now and in Scripture other people all over the place are seeing it also so the first thing that you want to ask yourself is this is this what the father is saying to me I got to know for me all right second of all once you once you grab it say this is a big question right here if you're going to be able to receive new wine into your wine skin question number two are you willing to release the past are you willing to release the past now this is where the cost is calculated this is where the cost is calculated because there is a cost whenever you move into something new there is a cost this this is the step where loss occurs you know the past is where your friends are the past is where your security is the past is where your comfort zone is can you let all of that go can you release the past this is where most of us stopped we C and we desire the new we love the new we want to talk about it we want to kind of hang around it but the old wine still tastes really good and when I get around some of my old friends that are filled up with new wine that's all theirs that's all it's rolling out of them it's hard not to drink it again can I let all of that go can I let the past go you can't you can't stretch and reach out for what he's showing you out there if you're still holding on what's back here see you no matter how hard you stretch you can't go that far you got to let this go to give you a little more room to stretch to get to what's in head of you so can you release the past when you when you trace through scripture I did I did a little fast a little study I trace through scripture and what I found was Abraham Moses Joseph David those individuals as well as people groups had to release what they had had to release Abraham had to release everything David had to release wow Joseph had to release his brother his father he had to let it all go to get to where they needed to go right so this this is big a lot of people can't do that a lot of people cannot do that but Isaiah said this Isaiah chapter 43 this is one of those verses you ought to underline in your Bible if you haven't done so already Isaiah chapter 43 and let me read just verse 18 and part of 19 haste that don't remember the former things how do you how do you do that well nor consider the things of old other words you have to stop pondering on it we have to stop considering it stop meditating stop looking back and saying man if I I think maybe I made a mistake Friday just then children of Israel did that they said oh we should have never left Egypt what do you do lead us out are you trying to leaves out here in the desert that we might die we had been better off just to remain back there see they couldn't let it go they couldn't let the past go they left Egypt in a day but they couldn't get Egypt out of them in 40 years because they couldn't let it go and there are people today that you're going to talk to about present truth everything the Spirit of God is saying and it's gonna start resonating with that but you know what they're gonna do they're gonna rear up and they're gonna confront you with old wine they're gonna want thee they're not going to want to let go of all that is representative in the old not when I say let the past go on talk about the good and the bad not just the bad I'm talking about there are a lot of good things back there that's where your identity usually was established often often God would give somebody a new name when they let the past go they would get a new identity like a Abram to Abraham Saul to Paul they got a new name Saul he had Saul had to release to become Paul Henry let it all go and I'm sure it wasn't easy for him in Philippians chapter 3 we read this Philippians chapter 3 verse 4 he said if anybody has confidence in the flesh if any one else does he said I've got more than anybody else he said I was circumcised the eighth day he's going to tell you what a purebred he was he said I was circumcised the eighth day of the stock of Israel the tribe of Benjamin a Hebrew of the Hebrews concerning the law Pharisee this guy was crammed medela crammed he's the concerning zeal persecuting the church concerning the righteousness which is of the law this is this is the area he set up the righteousness which is though the law I was blameless he had pretty good opinion of himself in his former life but what things were gain to me those that I counted lost everything that I was blameless then I had Hebrew the Hebrews a Pharisee the best of the best I had to let it was good it was good I'd let it all go the prestige the reputation the name recognition the platform the invitations I had to let it all go can you see that even Jesus had to let it go right you're right there in Philippians come back to chapter 2 chapter 2 verse 5 let this mind be in you which was also in Christ alright here's what he had to let go who was in the form of God did not consider it robbery to be equal with God that's that kind of correlates with what Paul said that he was a Pharisee the Pharisee blameless in the law he had he had you know top-shelf credibility well so did Jesus who being in the form of God did not think a robbery to be equal with God he had to let all of that go had to let the past go but made himself of no reputation taking upon the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men and found it in parents of a man he humbled himself he came will beat it to the death even the death of the Cross right so all of the past he had to let go and everything that was lofty being equal with God everything from that point on was a step down it appeared but God was pouring new wine into Jesus to come and bring a revelation of the father to the world and he was willing to and let the old go and embrace the new and so we get down to verse nine and says wherefore God has highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name right so there's there's value in letting go so the mind and let go has got to be your mind also are you with me alright so what the first question is this is this what God's thing to me I'm not worried right now what he's saying to you I got to know for me the way that I know is for me is because it's going to witness with my spirit I'm gonna feel I'm gonna I gonna know there's something there I might might my senses might fight it my head might fight it but I know there's something going on there how do I need to crockpot I need to explore it second of all when I read the word when I read a book when I'm watching a video or hearing a teaching there's going to be something in there that is gonna highlight and I'm gonna say yet right there it is two other people are seeing the same thing and second of all then once I settle into that this this comes where you got to count the cost can I release the past that might be some friends I don't have near the friends I used to have I don't have near the associates I don't have anything anymore really it's all gone it's all it's all history it's it's in the past but I've had to let that go right and here comes a third question once all of that is done here's the big one question number three can you act courageously can you act courageously what does that mean it means there comes a time that you have to come out and identify to the world where you stand that means when you've drunk the wine of grace radical pure grace finished work of Jesus apart from human religious effort you're going to have to come out of the closet buddy and you're going to have to let the world know no longer are you bound by that tradition and those laws and those rules for relationship then we're going to find out if you let the past go now do you do you see why I that you've got to know that you heard for yourself because there's going to be times when people walk away and if you don't know that you've heard for yourself you're gonna become depressed you're gonna you're gonna fall by the wayside you're not gonna make it it means there comes a time that you have to come out and say this is me can you act courageously I think God knew that Joshua was going to have a struggle with that so he tried to encourage him a little bit when Moses died and and there came a transition into the life of Joshua to take Moses this place and Moses wasn't sure about it it was still croc potting with idiom he knew God said something do it he knew that God was working in his life so God says this God says here's here's know how to tell you he says no man Joshua will be able to stand before you all the days of your life the same way I was with Moses I will be with you I won't leave you and I won't forsake you verse 6 be strong and of good courage for this people you'll divided inherits the land which I swore to their fathers to give them only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you don't turn from it to the right or to the left get a tunnel vision that you may prosper wherever you go and he goes on in in in in verse 9 he says I have have I not commanded you be strong and of a good courage don't be afraid or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go then in verse 18 he said whoever rebelled against you I get your commands it doesn't heed your words and all that you command him shall be put to death he said but I want you to be strong enough a good courage so here's the point can you act courageously let me put it another way can you stand all alone not many can can you stand by yourself now I think a lot of you that are listening to me on the digital Cathedral watching this on you maybe after the Sunday you're drawn to this message you're drawn to what we're doing I think that you got it selected you to be the front wave because you can stand alone it's one of the things we have a little bit tougher skin I don't get offended you can't really can't offend me I'm unoffending all say what you want do what you want I don't really don't become a fender I know I'm secured Who I am and what I'm doing I can stand alone can you and when you stand alone you got to know that everybody's not going to be happy with you everybody's not going to see it your way they're not going to understand where you're going but also knowing that because you answered the first two questions you know that you know that you know that God has spoken this to you and you've let the past go knowing that then you can understand that the father like he was telling Joshua that he's got your back the father takes full responsibility for you in every way he will up gird you he'll uphold you he never abandons her destroys his precious possessions he molds them he he works them he shapes them because there be forces working through people that will try to dissuade you that will try to discourage you trying to get you to lay it down and to give it up to quit but when you know and I say this in conclusion when you know that you know that you know that he's spoken to you you've released the past the good the bad the ugly all of it then then then you've got this clear field that you can act courageously even if you know that you are the only one which you won't be he speaks it to many but we feel like it sometimes even if you're the only one there are some people that will not act courageously until they see you acting courageously in that first chapter of Joshua come down to verse 16 and 17 after the Lord finally got Joshua to see okay I'm bold I'm courageous he's with me I can stand alone I could act courageously then in verse 16 and 17 the people responded to the they said Joshua whatever you tell us to do will do we're gonna follow your lead we'll be courageous when you're courageous we'll be bold like you're bold see there will be some people that are out there you're on the front wave you're on the you're on the first boat to hit the shore there gonna be other people out there that will follow when they see how you react but I'll tell you right now if you don't act for you at this stage of where everything is nobody will act for you you the father and the son are a great team I'm done this morning let me just finish by saying this guys we live in an awesome time we live in an awesome day the chains are off the doors are open let's be part of this grace love discovery tsunami that's covering the earth when he speaks it to you act let the past go and act courageously I'll tell you I feel blessed to be party party I feel blessed to be part of the team to team up with you God has assembled us from all over the world but to take this message out let's do it let's act strong and bold in Jesus name I want to talk more about this on Wednesday night so catch up with you Wednesday night on Facebook eight o'clock Central Standard Time we'll see you back next Sunday god bless you have a strong week and listening for Jesus saying come follow me and respond act courageously be bold he's got your back see you next time
Channel: Don Keathley
Views: 4,816
Rating: 4.8130841 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Grace, Preaching, Advice, Love, Grace Church, Jesus Christ, Pure Grace, Radical Grace, Don Keathley, Joseph Prince, Andrew Wommack, Creflo Dollar
Id: 2UFQvNya7Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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