Getting your Arduino online - Using the ESP-01 and Blynk

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it's great making things work for NAR do we know but eventually after some time you'll want to expand on your projects by connecting them to the Internet so that you can monitor and control them remotely the ESP zero one is a Wi-Fi module that's compatible with the Arduino combining the ESP zero one with an Arduino and a web-based mobile apps such as blink we can easily get our projects online the ESP zero one can also be used to stand alone for simple applications such as creating Wi-Fi enabled switches which can be purchased online readily configured the module consists of eight pins transmit and receive pins power from a 3.3 volts in and grampians reset and CH PD as well as two input pins GPIO zero in GPIO - when connecting to an Arduino the GPIO pins are not needed we also won't need to use the reset pin to connect you will need three resistors rated at one - in ten kilo ohms you will also need a breadboard and a series of jumper wires as the ESP zero one is not breadboard friendly start by connecting the ground pin to the ground rail on your breadboard then connect this ground rail to the ground on the Arduino now connect the red power rail of the breadboard to the 3.3 volt output on the Arduino if you're using a nano you'll need an additional step which I'll explain later now connect the green cable from the transmitted pin to the digital pin 2 on the Arduino connect the VCC pin to the positive 3.3 volt rail on the breadboard connect the blue cable from the receive pin to somewhere in the middle of the breadboard insert a to killer ohm resistor between this pin and the Graham rail on the breadboard now attach a one killer ohm resistor between this wire and the digital pin 3 on the Arduino you finally attach the CHP deep in to the 3.3 volt positive red rail via a 10 kilo ohm resistor and that completes our circuit all that's left now is to connect it to the PC via the USB port and ensure that the red and the blue lights on the ESP 0 on an outlet when using an arduino nano the 3.3 volt from the nano is usually not sufficient to power at the ESP zero one you're better off to use the five volt output using a 3.3 volt DC voltage regulator such as the AMS one one seven connect it as shown in the schematic here ensuring that you do not supply the ESP zero one with five volts as this can damage it the sketch that we're going to use to test our Wi-Fi enabled Arduino is an example sketch that's available from the blink website once we've selected the correct board and connection type we can copy the sketch to our Arduino IDE once within the IDE we need to change some of the very rules of in the sketch to match those of the Wi-Fi network we're trying to connect to on the arduino uno or nano we'll be using the software serial so you'll want to uncomment the line regarding the software serial as well as the include software serial h file you will also want to comment the ESP serial definition line your final code should look something similar to this you may also need to change the board rate depending on the default setting of your ESP in my case 9600 in order for the ESP 0/1 to work with the Arduino you'll need to include two libraries the first is the blink library which is available from the library manager simply search here for blink and install the first library that appears in the list the second library required is not available in the library manager and must be downloaded from the github page of the user vs hy m ANS kyy download the blink esp8266 library and extract it to the libraries folder of your arduino installation now restart the arduino ide and compile the sketch at this stage the sketch should hopefully compile without error before uploading check that you have the right board selected from the Tools menu in this case an Arduino Nano click upload to test the sketch load the serial monitor and check that the Arduino connects to your Wi-Fi network at this stage it will not connect to blink as we have not provided an authentication token and that completes this tutorial we should now be able to confer our Arduino projects to Internet enabled once thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe for more tutorials and check out my website kibou calm
Channel: cabuu
Views: 69,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arduino, nano, uno, esp-01, esp8266, iot, internet of things, tutorial, wifi, internet, home automation, project, micro controller, microcontroller, micro-controller
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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