ESP8266 Basic AT Commands using Arduino | Name Password Change of ESP8266 using AT Command

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welcome to DPV TEchnology.In this video we will learn how to communicate with ESP8266 through AT command using Arduino IDE and we will learn how to change name and password of esp8266 wifi with the help of at command. so lets get can buy all types of electronics components modules senors at best price from To send At commands from Arduino IDE, Arduino microcontroller should be in reset mode. because to send at command we only use the arduino IDE software not the arduino microcontroller, so to set the microcontroller at reset mode, we have to connect the reset pin of the Arduino to ground pin of the Arduino. here is our connection diagram, we have to connect the rx pin of the esp to rx pin of the Arduino. then Tx pin of the ESP to Tx pin of the Arduino. Then we have to connect the ground pin of the ESP to Ground pin of the Arduino.Then we have to connect this CH_PD pin of the ESP to 3.3V pin of the Arduino.Again we have to connect this VCC pin to 3.3V pin of Arduino. In some cases, during transmission of data, the ESP8266 may require more current, so if it requires more current, then we have to connect this vcc pin of the ESP8266 to external 3.3V power supply, not to this 3.3v power supply of the Arduino, because this 3.3V power supply of the Arduino cannot provide sufficient current to this ESP8266. So we have to connect this Vcc pin to 3.3V power supply that is externally which can provide sufficient amount of current to this ESP8266 module. At last we have to connect this reset pin of the Arduino to ground pin of the Arduino to keep this microcontroller as reset mode. so here is our connection, thsi is the VCC pin that is connected to 3.3V pin of Arduino. Thsi is RX pin, that is connected to RX pin of Arduino.This one is CH_PD pid that is connected to 3.3v of Arduino. this one is TX pin that is connected to Tx pin of Arduino and this one is ground pin that is connected toground pin of Arduino, here is the reset pin that is connected to ground pin of Arduino. Now connect your Arduino board to your PC through your Arduino USB cable. Now open your Arduino IDE software, then go to file, then go to new and click on new. After that we have to uploadf this blank scetch. before uploading this balnk scetch, we have to remove this tx and rx wirers from the Arduino and this reset wire. then we have to upload this. after uploading this code, we have to again connect this, rx and tx wires and also this reset pin. so here we can see it is uploaded, done uploading. now we have to connect this wires again, so we have connected it. Now go to your Arduino serial monitor here, no go to bottom right corner here and set the baud rate at 115200. Now we will send AT commands to communicate with this module. SO type AT then press enter. so here we can see the module response is OK, that means it is now in AT command mode.After that we will send AT+RST, A T plus RST then press enter. So this will reset the wifi module.Next we will send AT+GMR, so here we can see AT+GMR , it will show the version of the ESP module.Clear output. Again I will type AT+GMR. Thsi will show te version of the ESP module.After that we will send AT+CIFSR then press CIFSR then press enter, so this will show the IP address of the EsP8266 module. We can set the esp module in two modes. Station mode and AP or Access point mode.Station mode means ESP8266 will act as a client , it can request a URL from server, if we set the esp8266 in AP or access point mode, then ESP8266 will act like a wifi router where our phone or pc can be connected. By sending AT command AT+CWMODE=1, we can set the esp8266 in client mode. TO set the esp8266 in wifi router mode, we have to or access mode we have to send command CWMODE=2, so here we can see it is now, it will now act as wifi router. So if we send command AT+CWMODE=3, then, the ESP8266 will act as mode 1 as well as mode 2 that means it will act as client as well as wifi router. Now we will check the SSID that is the name of the esp8266 and the password by sending command AT+CWSAP then question mark, then press enter, so we can see the default name is ESP and password is password for this esp8266, for my esp8266. now I want to cahnge this ssid or name and this password. So to do that type command AT+CWSAP=then double quotation then the name that we want to set , suppose I want to set it as MY_ESP, MY_ESP and then double quotation close,then double quotation start then the password, suppose I want to set the password as 12345678, so then this quatation then comma, 1,4 this one and for, after that press enter. So now I can see that response is OK, that means my default name is now MY_ESP and password is 12345678, lets see AT+CWSAP then quetion mark. So here we can see the name is MY_ESP and password is 12345678.Now it should be noted that in most of the cases, this password must be equal or more than 8 character long, otherwise you will get error. Now let us see whether that password will work or not. First go to wifi, then I can see this is the name MY_ESP,then here password ,so password was 12345678, now we can see it is connected can buy all types of electronics components modules senors at best price from thank you for watching.
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Keywords: esp8266, esp8266 arduino, esp8266 tutorial, esp8266 projects, esp8266 wifi module, esp8266 at commands, esp8266 at commands not working, esp8266 at commands tutorial, esp8266 at commands with arduino, wifi module, wifi module arduino, at command arduino, arduino, arduino esp 01, arduino esp 01 wifi, esp 01 at commands, esp01, arduino esp8266 connection, esp8266 name change, esp8266 password, esp8266 wifi password change, esp8266 change ssid and password, esp8266 ssid password
Id: lP0ehhbb1eQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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