Getting to Know Glowforge - Stream & Live Chat

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[Music] [Music] hello hello everyone thank you so much for joining us here today i am bailey from glowforge and you might have seen me in your email inbox or on your facebook feed before but today we have some prints for you that we've never done before and i'm really excited to share them with you now we actually have a team of glowforge experts live in chat right now so if you have questions about your glowforge or questions about getting a glowforge go ahead and ask them anytime i have got two friends with me here today nick thank you so much for joining us today we know your time is really precious and we're grateful you chose to spend it with us uh my name's nick i'm one of the content producers here at glowforge and if you've seen any of our photography or video chances are you've seen my work and today i'm really excited to share with you how to design for glowforge and sharing some of the tips and tricks that i've learned in my five years now here at the company and in addition we've got ellen uh joining us today hey ellen how are you hi nick thanks so much for introducing me i am so excited to be here with all of you today to show you what it looks like to print on your glowforage my name is ellen and i am a social media person here at glowforge that just means that if you've seen us on facebook twitter instagram i am most likely the person that you're going to talk to if you reach out to me i have the best job in the world for me of course because i get to connect with our glowforge owners on social media i get to see the amazing things that everyone is printing every day so i'm super excited to share that with you today and also some prints thanks you too so i don't know about y'all but i've been spending a lot of time lately at home and getting my house organized so first i'm gonna print something straight from the glowforge catalog so if you're not a designer like myself or you need a quick project or a gif to bring to a dinner party that kind of thing this is perfect for you then like nick mentioned he's going to show us how to design for glowforge in really easy simple ways i promise you can do it and last ellen is going to customize something that she just picked up off of amazon and we actually decided to show you one of our most asked for materials which is fabric yes you can print on fabric um but first actually our ceo dan he couldn't join us for the full time today but he wanted to drop by and say hello so i think we've got him here hey dan how are ya thanks bailey thanks for letting me crash the show i gotta tell you i am so excited to be here because you are one of the most important people in our company you are the reason we get up every morning and go into work or go down to the basement as the case may be here because you are thinking about what glo what glowforge ownership could do for you you're thinking about what having something like this in your home or office could do to transform your life maybe you're thinking about taking your hobby to the next level maybe you're thinking about how you can do something with your kids that's going to transform the way they think about making things instead of buying them maybe you're about to launch a business or scaling a business that you have already whatever it is we're going to try and show you everything you need to know to make your decision how easy it is to print how powerful and fast the machine is and the whole time we'll be answering your questions so anything you want to know we've got you covered my goal is for you to walk away today knowing if glowforge ownership is right for you and okay be lying if i didn't say my goal is for you to decide yes but yes or no i appreciate so much the time you're spending here with us today i appreciate so much you thinking of our company and i love the ideas that are going on in your mind right now and the things that you're going to be able to create with your glowforge if you're able to own one thanks so much for joining us today bailey thanks for having me thanks dan all right well we've got some prints to get to oh but before we get started i wanted to mention we do have a discount for all of you here today so if you are on watching this stream right now scroll down and you'll see that right there or just check your email inbox later this afternoon if you registered for this stream via email and that will be good for up to uh 500 off your glowforge all right well we're gonna get started with the first print now which i have the pleasure of doing so i'm gonna print something straight from the glowforge catalog which is a secret that not everyone knows about but it is amazing there are tons of designs for you there ready to print at the push of a button there are toys and games jewelry gift ideas and practical items for around the house now this month's design of the month was this retro trailer organizer so i printed this up at home the other day a little cooking show action for you but you can see it's an organizer that might hold pencils or flowers or what have you it's so clever it uses a living hinge design right here so this is all made of wood and i actually customize it for myself so i put a little quote on the door which says um always take the scenic route and you can see my little dog's face poking out here and then i just use some paint pens to apply a color directly to the proof grade hardwood oh right i'm gonna click in here because what we're gonna print today is actually the print of the month look at this the retro camper trailer desktop organizer so just like any of the designs in the catalog you can buy them to print once or as many times as you want or what have you so i actually already downloaded this one since i already printed it so i'm going to go ahead and go back to my app where i've uploaded it so here we are just on and you know the great thing about printing on glowforge is that you can do it with any device that you can access the internet so you know i'm here on my mac and i'm just on a web browser and so this is my dashboard you can see all the projects that i've done before and here is the little retro trailer so i'm going to go ahead and click to open it all right so what we're seeing here is you know an overhead camera shot of my glowforge bed real time that's that's really the piece of material that's in it right now it looks like i need to move my whole design up a little bit so i'm going to go ahead and highlight it and then scooch it up so it just fits perfectly on my material i love that you can move around the material the designs on your material in real time it's a great way to save space if you're printing something tiny obviously this design takes up the whole bed so i'll just go ahead and leave it how we've how we've designed it to fit on there so okay looking over on the left side here you see medium maple plywood that's what i've got in there and that's what the qr code right there is letting the glowforge know but if i was using another material i could just click here and select which one but with the catalog i don't have to click anything the score cut and another cut step are already designated for me and all i have to do is make sure that it's on the material in the way that i want and then i just go ahead and go over here and press print now what's happening right now is the glowforge is sending down um a little laser that measures the height of the material and that's to make sure that it is accurate within one one thousandth of an inch that's the width of a human hair it is amazing and it says it's magic time so once the button is glowing i can just press it and we can get started now today we are printing with proof grade proof grade is a line of materials that we selected especially to work perfectly with your glowforge every single time and actually your glowforge will come with a starter pack so that you can get started printing the minute that you've got it out of the box and set up and trust me you will want to but we don't just sell uh you know plywoods like i'm using today we also have hardwoods like cherry maple walnut uh basswood tons of gorgeous woods veg tan leathers a ton of beautiful acrylics either clear colored everything you could want you can see a piece of proof grade right there and there's a little qr sticker right in the corner there's a camera on the inside of the lid of your glowforge so when you put in your proof grade material the camera will take a picture of the qr code and automatically load your settings yeah and then you'll notice that these all look white because of the masking but they're not this is actually some masking that we put on top it's just a low tack adhesive and it helps protect your material during the print when you're done you just use either your finger nails or pro tip i use gorilla tape to kind of stick to the material and peel it off perfectly and oh my gosh it is so satisfying you are not limited to just proof grade you can print on hundreds of materials on your glowforge like on a wood cutting board you have laying around the house or a rock from your backyard it is so easy to use your glowforge printer just put in your material and you can immediately start printing i'd love to show off a couple of the prints that i've been doing recently a lot of people probably don't know but i used to be a leather worker before i joined glowforge and i've had just the best time exploring that material with lasers and so here's a great print that anybody out there can do this is a custom dog collar that i created for one of our friends dogs it is vegetable tan leather cutting engraved on the glow forge and you can probably see that beautiful pattern right there and this has got no stitching at all just with these couple of bits of hardware you can have a fully functioning collar personalized customized exactly the right size and it goes together in just a few moments one of our customers this is actually a print purchase from one of our customers made this incredible resin wood turtle so you can see all the colors in there and i think there's little stones in there to make up this amazing wood printed on a glowforge and then filled with a little bit of resin it is just the cutest little sea turtle sea turtles of one of my favorite animals that's incredible now i i couldn't finish without jumping in with one more leather tip that i think everybody out there is going to find super interesting this for me was a groundbreaking moment in glowford ownership and i'm going to show you my personal wallet to do this now this i've been carrying for maybe four years so excuse the fact that it looks a little dirty but this again was all cut on the glow forge every stitch hole was cut so i could just thread the needle through it even has this cool pop-up function here again all solid leather but you'll notice that the design on this wallet if i can get that to focus just for a second is pressed into the leather that's not engraved and i did that with this and this is just a piece of quarter inch which we call thick acrylic i engraved the design to create a stamp and then i pressed that into the leather and so this type of thing typically if you outsource this and had it made out of metal would cost you hundreds of dollars i took a scrap of acrylic maybe spent 20 minutes engraving it and i was able to achieve something like this that has held up to four years of use and abuse over time you might have seen this up behind me this guitar was made using the trace function which um ellen will show us a little later in this stream so if you can see there's this gorgeous hand-drawn illustration on here i'm one of our friends actually drew this her husband is a guitarist and he's in not one but two seattle area weezer cover band so obviously he needed a custom guitar but how this works is that the the body of the guitar you can just buy these separate and it fits in the bed of the glow forge so the the drawing was done on paper and then captured with the camera and then engraved directly onto the guitar and you get this incredible custom musical instrument made on a glowforge and like we've shown you here today with bailey's prints example if you stick with the catalog and with proofgrade you're going to get a truly perfect and seamless print experience but i'll tell you this i've been at globe footage now for a while and i consider myself an expert but if you spend just a few days maybe a week printing with your printer at home you'll be able to accomplish at least i'd say 80 of the prints that i'm doing on the day-to-day and if you're like me you might be thinking well i'm not nick i can't think of all these incredible things to print so where do i get ideas from let me share two of my favorite places so the first place is the glowforge owners community forum if you visit right now you can see thousands of photos from glowforge owners who have printed some amazing things and pro tip there's even a free laser design section there so you can download a design and immediately print it on your glowforge and the second place that i absolutely love visiting is hashtag glowforge on instagram there are hundreds of thousands of posts on there from glowforge owners who are sharing the amazing things that they're printing every day i definitely get inspired by the amazing things that they do all the time yeah and when ellen says that you can get started printing right away she is not kidding i'm telling you our customers tell us that most of them are printing within 30 minutes of the glowforge box landing on their doorstep and i know it was something that is a point of anxiety for some folks is setting up a laser in their home but actually setup is so easy right nick that's right three super simple steps number one you need wi-fi regular power and a friend and you're gonna carefully lift that glow forge out of the box it's pretty heavy so it's just good to have a friend to help you with that number two set it on a surface and remove all of the packing material there's a few orange little screws and bits of foam that you'll need to pull out and step three after you've plugged it in go to and follow the steps that's all you need to do and within 30 minutes just like bailey said you'll be printing or have finished printing and you really can do this my dad just got an iphone a few years ago he got a glowforge pro a few months ago and i knew it was coming that day and he texted me you know it was coming and then i didn't hear anything from him for a few hours and then i got a text that was a photo of a little box that he'd already made printed put together oh and customized with engraves of castles from scotland from the trip that we went on together last summer so my dad is incredible everyone can yeah well nick i think um it is your turn to wow us with some design skills right that's right yeah i'm super excited to share this with you we get this question a lot and that is how do i tell glowforge to cut score and engrave and it's super simple i promise you all we do is use a couple of different colors a combination of shapes that are filled with color and shapes that are outlined with color and glowford can read that in whatever way you like so if you want to follow me over to my computer i'm going to share my screen and we're going to start with google slides free piece of design software that anyone can use and that can output files that can be printed directly from your glowforge within just a couple of minutes and nick are you going to show us what you're printing today or keep that secret oh yeah great point daily let's do a little uh reveal cooking show style like you mentioned exactly now sticking with sticking with our theme of organization what i've got today is something really simple now i've got two different versions of these but these are organizers for your closet for either at home or maybe when you take a trip to a local airbnb but we've got a place to store masks scarves this particular one has got a spots for some earrings and other that's so cool and i've got a couple of different designs too here's another version this one's printed out of white quarter inch thick acrylic so it's really sturdy and this one's got a spot at the top for belts masks scarves and then a second hook at the bottom maybe for something else that you're storing and so that's what we're going to be printing today oh so useful i love it all right so here we are in google slides again like i said piece of web-based software anyone can access this and i'm going to show you how to design something that you can cut score and engrave which are the three basic print operations in your glowforge so i'm going to grab a shape to demonstrate this doesn't matter what it is for this particular example i'm going to pick this one now glowforge can cut things how do we tell glowforge to cut very simple we take this shape we remove any color that's inside the shape and we set the outline of that shape to any color we like in this example i've got black super simple if we send this to glowforge we can cut that shape out now what if we wanted to score that shape which is just like cutting but not going all the way through the material well what i can do is make a copy of this and change the color of the outline now the colors here don't matter at all the main and the important part is that we use different colors to differentiate the different print steps so in this instance i can choose cut for this black square and score for this pink square now let's say we wanted to engrave the shape well you might have guessed exactly how to do this already based on what we're doing so far all i have to do is remove the stroke from the outside add a fill any color that we like and again when we send this to glowforge we can tell it to engrave this one score this one and cut this one perfect and just very simply by using those different combinations of colors and lines and fills we can create a design and if you follow me over to adobe illustrator which is my design program of choice you'll be able to see the two designs that we're working with today and i'm going to show you how to apply that technique in a real life example okay so let's focus on this triangular version here you can see everything right now is black and if i send this to glowforge we can cut score and engrave it but we can't do all three so all i need to do is start changing some of these colors i'm going to leave the outlines black because i want that to be a cut i'm going to select this inside line which is just a decorative score to make things look pretty and i'm going to change the color to epic and then let's say i wanted to make glowforge print these circles differently we could engrave them cut them or just change the order of the print steps again we'll select them we'll change the color and that way when we save our design glowforge is going to be able to separate these elements into different print steps so we can cut score and engrave and let me show you exactly what that looks like now top tip here in terms of file types glowforge can accept lots of different ones but i always prefer a pdf so in this case we're gonna go file save as we'll choose a pdf and then we'll be able to upload that straight to the design software all right so let's switch to the glowforge app this is like bailey said accessible from anything that can access the internet and what you're looking at right now is my dashboard it's all the different prints that i've done recently and if i want to upload the pdf we just created we're going to click create and upload or like i have already open it from my dashboard just here and so here you can see our design superimposed onto our material and this is my favorite feature of glowforge i can see what's inside the bed and this is wonderful because i can work super efficiently and super effectively with the material i'm using let me show you an example for this particular print i don't want to just put it in the middle of the sheet like this so i'm going to grab it move it up to this top left corner and make sure we're reducing the amount of waste completely now we're not going to print this other design today so i'm going to select that hit delete just to remove it and we can see based on what we just did we've got three print steps on the left hand side now these are all based on those three colors that we just set up in our software we have the little holes that we set as green we have the inside lines we set to be pink and we have the outside lines that we set to be black and you'll notice that when we click into these we can choose engrave cut or score for any of these details now this print is super simple so all i'm going to do is choose the holes and set those to be a proof grade cut i'm going to select the inside line set that to be a proof grade score like this and you'll notice it's defaulted to draft we have a few different options here i'm going to switch it to high quality because i want this to look really nice oh yeah and then finally the last step we have a cut step and that one is automatically set up for us so we're good to go perfect that in essence is it that is how simple it is to create something to print on your glowforge so next step the most fun bit probably let's hit print and we'll upload that design right to the printer so that's all uploaded and as you can see in just seven and a half minutes we're gonna have a completely custom closet organizer to house whatever accessories we want to organize not bad seven minutes oh it's great wow the really fun part i i said pressing print was the fun part in the software but really we want to be hitting that glowing button on the printer so let's do that yay the button is my favorite part so we hit the printer we see that the head starts to move across all right so you can see how quickly this is moving now i deliberately set those little circles to print first so you can see just how quickly glowforge can be and in just a matter of moments it's got all of those little tiny details perfectly circular to store those earrings that are part of this design it is so satisfying to watch i love how the tube glows kind of pink it's gorgeous i like to turn the lights off in the room and you know a little club atmosphere while i'm printing i think what we're hearing here is no matter how many times you've printed on your glowforge it is mesmerizing to watch yeah just five years later and i'm still elbows on the top leaning in you know exactly half an hour of my day quite easily doing that look how fast it's going i think a lot of folks assumed that cutting through a piece of wood would take a long time but no it moves through it like butter yeah it's really incredible and this just as a reminder this is thick maple plywood too so this material is a quarter inch thick so we just saw nick use two different versions of design programs google slides which isn't a design program at all but you can also use other programs like that like microsoft powerpoint or iu's apple keynote which is very similar but you also have the option of incredible design programs like adobe illustrator or even inkscape which is free that's right and like i mentioned before glowforge can accept lots of different file types i prefer pdfs because that can create cuts engraved scores all the different print operations but you can use svgs if you're using more complicated software or you can upload your jpegs your pngs your normal image files that you might download off the internet or take with your phone camera and my favorite design tool is using just a pen and paper you can draw something on a piece of paper and easily put that in your glowforge upload your design and design just using pen and paper yeah that is so cool and you know a really main question that we get all the time is which type of glowforge should i get because i don't know if you all know but we do have three types of glowforge the glowforge pro glowforge plus and glowforge basic so today we're all printing on glowforge pros so that's what this this guy is right here and it's our most popular model most people choose to buy it but they all are the same size and footprint and weight and everything so you can set it on the same table in your home i would not trade my glowforge pro for the world because it is our fastest printer model so it prints three times faster than the glowforge basic and i think the most important part for me is that slot in the front so there's a slot in front of your glowforge pro called the pass-through slot and that's for enormous prints you can print furniture or all kinds of huge prints using that pass-through slot you'll just take some material push it in the front and back of your glowforge make your first print and then connect each print as you push them forward through the slot yeah absolutely so that's just on the glowforge pro we also have the glowforge plus which is another premium at-home offering it's speedier than the basic it has the double warranty and then we've got the glowforge basic and you know what i like to say the best part of having a glowforge is having a glowforge you can print amazing things on your glowforge basics so whatever you get you're gonna be happy with it ellen was just talking about pass-through and i want to spend just another minute on that because it is so amazing i would say it's the biggest bonus feature of the of the pro would you agree with nick yeah absolutely and if i just point over my shoulder here if i get my finger in the right spot that piece of artwork that you can see on the wall is actually a piece of pastu art and let me grab it so you can appreciate how big it is it is enormous i think he's what four feet tall three and a half feet tall oh let me move for scale just for a second so you can see but yeah look how big that is and how far away i have to stand from the camera for you to see it yeah and we actually even do sell a proof grade material in that four foot uh long length that fits right through so you can push it through for sign making or i've seen some really great height charts that sort of thing that's right and if i just show you really quickly as you can see there's a slots in the front of the glowforge and i can put the material in here and push it all the way through to the back so when you upload your design in the glowforge app it'll automatically segment them into the pieces so that you can push them through flawlessly believe it or not the biggest pass-through project i've seen was 50 feet long on our community forum someone posted that there it's it's amazing i don't know where they got that material but you should check it out another thing i wanted to make sure that we touch on today is ventilation it is very important that you ventilate your glove forge out a window or door every time you're printing but it's super easy and your glowforge actually comes with everything you need to ventilate which is just one thing a window a door and this one thing which is a aluminum dryer hose the kind that comes with your dryer you attach it to the back throw it out a window you're good to print that's right super super simple but let's say you're in a position where you're not near a window or a door and you can't ventilate using the standard hose well we have a product that can help with that it's called the glowforge air filter it's about the size of a recycling bin it has one knob on the front to control the airflow and you just ventilate your glowforge straight into the glowforge air filter it's as simple as that fantastic now nick uh speaking of printing has your print finished up oh yeah let me grab it from the machine and i'll show you perfect let's see it now i'm going to pull this right out of our material and i should mention too that once your print's finished you can pick it up right away it's not hot it's safe to touch and here is what we made now this is awesome look at that now again quarter inch thick piece of proof grade maple plywood so you can see that beautiful wood grain it's super strong and sturdy and this slips right over the uh the rod in your closet to store your garments all right ellen i believe that uh you are now going to print for us on a few things that you picked up on amazon is that right yes i am so excited to print on this so uh as i mentioned before i am the social media person behind all of glowforge so i get to see the incredible things that glowford donors print all the time and they definitely don't limit themselves to proof grade materials so we won't hear either so today i've got an exciting print for you i'm going to be printing on this fabric canvas bag and i'm going to add a little bit of personalization on there i'll show you what it looks like to find a design online and then use what we call trace to design with a piece of pen and paper so if you want to follow me over to my glowforge over here let's get started so here i am inside of the glowforge app and i'm just going to open up one of the designs that i already found from the internet i just downloaded this cute pencil because we'll be printing on this canvas bag so i'm going to take my canvas bag over here and when i open up my glowforge like i mentioned there is a camera on the inside of your lid right here that's going to take a picture of it so when i close my glowforge lid here we'll see the canvas bag appear inside of my app just like magic and there it just appeared so now i'm just going to take my design and i'm going to resize it here just like that you can also rotate it or you can even flip it but i'm going to drag this down to the corner right here and then just pull it off to the side and then if you want to follow me over to my glowforge i am going to show you what it looks like to create your design using pen and paper so here i've got my sharpie and i'm just going to create my design and i'm going to make it say ellen and let's add a little heart maybe at the end just like that and now i'm just going to take that piece of paper and i'll put it inside of my glow forge again and we'll be able to see my design up here inside of the glowforge app just like we did before and there it just appeared so all i have to do is import artwork select trace and then i'll be able to just make a little box around the design that i just did place that artwork down and then i'll be able to drag and drop it in place and again i can resize this just like the other one so let's pull this over here down next to my little graphic so it'll look like i just finished drawing my heart with the pencil we'll pull out this piece here really quickly and now since i'm printing it on a non-proof grade material i'll need to select settings for my canvas bag so here i'll just come over to canvas bag which i've already saved as a custom setting and i'll click canvas bag and then we've got all the settings ready to print on our glowforge so here all i have to do is click print off in the upper right corner and we'll get started and that prints only going to take four minutes so let's do my favorite part which is pressing the glowing button i also like to do a little dance so let's dance a little bit push that button now i'm printing on this canvas bag that i just bought from amazon but i've seen glowforge owners print on the strangest things that are so unexpected like pumpkin pie or even jeans too it's amazing oh yeah and you can pick up stuff from the store just like amazon like i mentioned or a ton of things from around your house like a leather wallet that you engrave with your initials i've seen such beautiful creations from glowford runners yeah it is amazing the people the things that people experiment with i personally have seen macaroons marshmallows i guess food is quite popular for events and that kind of thing but if you start looking at the world around you with an eye for what could i put in my glowforge the possibilities will really open up let me tell you and it's pretty easy uh to use your to use settings on non-proof grade materials um there's manual settings uh that like speed and power that you can manipulate and you can find tons of setting guides just on our site if you want to print on a pumpkin pie trust me somebody else has done it before and they've probably shared the settings with you there so that's a great starting point wow and look at that and i i mean i really want to point out how much versatility we have in the glowforge and how great this print is at demonstrating that and the print that i did and bailey did this glowforge printer was cutting through solid wood and yet here we are with a delicate piece of fabric engraving the surface of it we're not burning all the way through we're just discoloring the surface to get a permanent mark on that product you know ellen when i saw all those things that you that you bought on amazon i was thinking gosh i would love to buy something like that personalized for myself i think it could be perfect for a business right and actually tons of our customers cannot help themselves but to start businesses right sometimes they they buy a glow forage just you know to use it for fun as a hobby and then their friends and family see the things that they're making and they're like hey could you make me one and then it turns into a full-blown business i've heard that story more than once yeah i hear it all the time i get you know what dms or private messages from glowforge owners telling me that they didn't really mean to start a business but people have been asking for their prints and so they started one and now they've paid off their low-forged printer yeah and of course i mean some people already have a business and they add a glowforge to the business to either make it faster or more efficient or to be able to add customizations that they weren't able to offer for and their custom before and their customers love it and like we said earlier uh when you customize something you can sell it for quite a bit more we actually have some of our customer stories here to share with you today so let's watch those when i started my business i guess it was more of what you'd call like a side hustle i was creating for the sake of creating and if i made a little money too you know that's great when i first got my glowforge i really you if you had asked me i could not have told you that this is where i'd be today i had no intention of becoming an international toy designer glowforge adds not just fiscal value to our business but a whole bunch of creative value it has just been the best decision i've made for my business with the glow forge having an idea making it and having it on my store by the end of the night i started doing what i love and i've managed to make a business out of it that i'm really proud of it really brings our personalization to our computers to the next level but there's so many things you can do with this really the sky's the limit with your creativity now i'm kind of the person that people come to when they want a pendant for their own business it's just been a super inspirational and fun journey it feels now like it was the natural culmination of the things that i love and then having this this amazing machine that allowed me to bring those ideas to life we love using our glow forge we're going to continue to use it and personalize so many different things we can't wait to see what we can do with it next you know what i love about that video and those customers is that they're kind of all at different parts of their journey like one didn't have a business one is leveling up a business and one has managed to start an international toy business on amazon accidentally so that's just the kind of magical things that might happen when you get a glow forge speaking of magical my canvas bag print just finished up so i'm gonna go over there and grab it right now so here we are with my design and i'm just gonna pick up this piece of paper that i drew it on and look at that an exact copy of my handwriting printed on my canvas bag so cute you can see how it's so easy to personalize prints like this i actually wanted to share bailey and nick have not seen this before so i'm going to show you what i just made i made this little frame of me my puppy and my fiance of like little polaroids so i made this print myself and it's some home decor but it's so easy to make personalized items that will fit perfectly for you know your home or just the amazing gift that's personalized for a friend and i absolutely love this so that's so clever and you know ellen sometimes i'm jealous of your job because i think you get to spend quite a bit of time checking out all of the amazing projects that are on hashtag glowforge on instagram which i know is like the ultimate place to find glowforge inspiration you can hardly help getting lost down a rabbit hole there oh absolutely and this definitely was not a completely original ellen idea this was definitely inspired off of someone else's incredible work so it's just a great community where you can see what other folks are doing and then you know create something on your own based off of theirs or you know just in collaboration it's it's really great yeah and i think there's more than like 130 000 hashtag glowforge posts which to me personally blows my mind because i think i did the first hashtag glowforge on instagram back in 2015 when i started our instagram account so it is just really special and incredible for me to look at it now and see everyone on their posting all day so i actually pulled some of my favorite projects so that you can see them so okay first there's this amazing cutting board now this is probably a cutting board that they bought off you know amazon or ebay something like that but they made it so special by using a family member's handwriting a handwritten recipe and so that will be just a keepsake forever i can only imagine okay next this one just wow it is some leather armor looks like it might be cosplay or you know run fair i'm not really sure what era or what you know world that might be from but it is really incredible oh next up this one this is kind of like a layered wood and paint kind of project which i think i could probably attempt something like this at home i also love to paint and i love combining two mediums like that and then this next one is it's kind of like a large flower and it's actually backlit it's a mandala sort of flower and i saw a few more photos of this and it's actually hung on the outside of someone's home like in an outdoor eating area and it's massive very very cool this next one this is actually done with pass-through so you can see that it's like i don't know six feet tall five feet tall it's a measuring chart for you know your kids rather than maybe marking on the wall you can have one that leans against the wall and i think those have been particularly popular to make and sell the next one is this cool little organizer going along with our theme of organization here and it's actually for essential oils which i love to uh diffuse essential oils into my workspace i'm a big sweet orange fan great for working but they do they go everywhere i just have them in a little bowl so this clever little organizer it's perfect for your custom collection and then last but not least this is a perpetual calendar that has a bunch of moving gears so like four different parts of it move you can shift the day of the week you can shift the month you can shift the time and it all moves together perfectly in sync and wow glowforge owners are amazing well i think we are just about out of time here today but i want to thank all of you for joining us and make sure if you have any last-minute questions you can throw them in chat right now our team of experts is still there and we'll hang out for a bit afterwards to make sure you get those answered um but it was so fun printing this with you today i'm just going to show you my my finished version again um this one was really special to me that i got to do a little camper my husband and i actually during this past year we took a four week road trip and it was not with a camper but we loved road tripping together so much we've previously done tons of international travel couldn't do that this year so um it was really fun just like spending hours in the car together and now we're thinking about getting a camper of our own i don't know if our cats and our dog will be able to come along with us to all the trips but this was really cool for me to make and uh it's gonna look great on my desk it's so cute i love the personalization you did on that camper and so i hope you enjoyed seeing my personalization of my little photo frame that i have here and it was so much fun showing you what it looks like to print on non-proof grade items too that's definitely where i tend to lean you know my sister comes over all the time and she brings things that she's bought from on the store and she says oh i want to add this image to this or this image to this and you know she's an artist so she comes up with the most amazing designs and i really like being able to bring her ideas to life with her in just a couple minutes just at home and that result was great ellen i love that photo frame that you created and everybody here i remember earlier on i promised you some tips and tricks and i completely forgot to mention this one so when we're designing something like this that has to interact with something else in the world like the rod in your closet it's so easy to switch your material in the glowforge and print the same design i'd recommend printing a little quick test on a piece of paper this is just a piece of card that i had laying around and i can print this in just a matter of seconds verify that everything fits just as i like before i commit to using my proof grade material super smart i love that that is a very good material saving and frustration saving tip for everyone well again everyone thank you so much for joining us um i hope you had fun printing with us and that you learned a few things you've got some inspiration for things that you might print on your glowforge or you're you know thinking about whether you're gonna get one soon if you are considering getting one remember there is an exclusive discount uh it's available on just scroll down a little bit it's only good till the end of the month so make sure that you jump on that and you'll also see that in your inbox from me later today thanks everyone bye thank you everybody [Music] you
Channel: Glowforge
Views: 3,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hFaQc12vIIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 45sec (2505 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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