Getting The Film Look In Blender And Davinci Resolve | Dehancer Pro

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if you want to turn this into this or turn this into this I highly recommend that you follow along this video I will be showing you how to render out your images and grade them individual solve how to prepare open exr files and how to just all around have a good starting point in order to grade your images or animations so follow along so before rendering our image in order to color grade it inside the event resolve we need to do a couple of things now the first thing we would like to just go ahead and check out our render settings I won't be talking about the s or anything else I will be spending most of their time talking about color management now here I will be using agx right let's leave a look at base compress it doesn't matter at this point why are we using agx because it's just way better and it holds a lot more information and it a very nice color space to be working with especially if you are used to something like ases so it's less work now after which we need to go to the output properties for the output properties and default is usually PNG or jpeg in our case we need to be using open exr why are we using open exr because it gives us a full dynamic range so we have a lot more information stored that we can play around with when we get to creating our image now you also have to go ahead and check the color make sure that it's RGB the color depth I like to go ahead and have float full so we have more details and more information to play with now for the coding this is very important especially if you are doing animations by default it's set to one of these last lless colorx personally I would like to use dwaa or dwab so slightly lossy why because it turns a exr file from 200 megabytes up to 4 megabytes 4 megabytes in this case the file was like 1.6 megabytes if are doing animations instead of in animation Tak like one tab of of data it would be taking you like 10 gabes for example now after doing this you would need to go ahead and go to the color Management in to the follow scene you need to go ahead and press override and you know any of these technically could work but I like to use agx log you will understand it is s now why did we do this why didn't we just go do a JPEG reg jpeg without thinking much about the color space we need the colors to be consistent from blender and the vent result so we have the same exact result I don't want blender to interpret the colors different you can divent resolve and vice versa now after doing this we will go ahead and come down here to divent resolve so if you don't know the V result it's the industry standard for color grading now this is how the default UI looks we have here a something that says no Clips in media pool so what you want to do is add your image here for example or you know your sequence or just video right so go ahead and we have a r file now you might say why does it look like this you said that it will look great when using open exr you li to us no I did not lie I promise you this is how it's supposed to look and it does not look like this at all inside of the V resolve so it looks washed out as if it has no contrast no saturation now this is what is called a row file so the color transform is the most Blend or the most washed out in order to retain the most information we would need to make these informations in order to get a nice result in a minute now let's add a different uh timeline here using our same exact raw file now when doing this let's choose the second one here and let's go ahead and choose the color tab here as you could see we had multiple tabs let's choose the color tab as you can see it has nodes here right so let's go ahead and just press this uh it has the nose so like the ble composor one important shortcut to know is all s so press alt s in order to add multiple noes now these noes are not like Blended we don't like drag one of these out here and it will give you it will give you a note but you know it's done a bit differently so what you do here is press alt s and let's do that three other times you will understand why any minute each of these will be responsible of doing a certain action and slightly changing our the look of our image now the most important thing is to make this look correct so make it look consistent for blender what you need to do this is till the V resolve to show you the correct image using the color transform you could go ahead and add a from there was all fixed color you could go ahead and add a color space transform but it would need a lot of fiddling around and it's not the easiest way you could go ahead and add a dctl but in G it is a bit of playing around the easiest way is by using Lots so for a lot is a lookup table you might familiar with it if you're not familiar with it it's practically like a filter that changes color based on a cube file do Cube so I have made my own using the configuration file from blender and I will be linking it down below as well or you can download this back from Andre d as well now how do we add the slot so if you want to see the lot you go ahead and press slot you and you will find these right and you could preview how they look right now we have this lot here the important thing we need to do is add it in the first place so what you want to do to add it is just press project settings go ahead and press that go to the color management tab you and go to look up tables and press but Lot F so what does that what does this F hold it holds all of your Lots so we have many many rots here right what you want to do is just copy paste your Lots folder inside of the lot folder inside of the uh trajectory that the vent resolve gives you directly now let's say I will add my own I have it here it's called blender agx lock to D Vinci I would recommend that you don't use this in all honesty if I had known about this back before I have made it I wouldn't have even bothered to make it so just download this one for free and add it now if you hadn't choose to use mine you know I would be flattered but I wouldn't recommend you just go ahead and go here copy this using contrl C and go here to the lot section and just paste it and once you paste it you would need to press on updat less and save and directly you will find a folder called agx SL now let's just preview this now this looks wrong didn't change much this looks also wrong so let's just put this ax Lo before the finished before the final uh before the final uh note now let's do something let's check the C as you can see we have I believe it's called the histogram quot that I'm not a professional color grer I'm just someone that does CGI and wants to make his images look as pretty as possible now as you could see look at how much additional information we have and you know we have a full dynamic range more or less now after we add the information and make it look how much information we have we have almost no information it's it's very it's way less Dynamic than what we had here so look at how much more data we have here so you know it appears to me from this curve here that it has around like 60% more data I believe so how do we see this as you could see this is might look a bit intimidating so let's choose our first one and let's let's say you want to add some exposure you could go ahead and add from the curves here so go just go ahead and do this or you could go ahead to the left for example let's do zer 0 point let's do 0.5 0.5 here and we have more exposure now let's go ahead and for example let's add some more contrast you could go ahead and add it from here as well or you could go ahead and just add it from the curve so what contrast is it just makes the image more contrasty by making the darker points darker and the lighter points lighter right so I'm prly doing the same using the Curve right so let's just do this from the contrast here and you know since this is a exr file you get to have a lot more you know Freedom when add the contrast so you don't really burn the image as quickly as you would when not having any dynamic range now here let's say for example you want to go ahead and just play with the temperature you know or the tint if you for example want to add some slight greenish tint as I did here you could go ahead and play with the gain or Gamma or the offset but in this case you know to keep this very very short I won't do that now this looks still bad and I want this to look like a it has been taken by a camera and cameras have imperfections they have dtin they have noise they have grain they have scratches they have felon damage how can we do that well we can do that by using a plugin the same way we can do things inide of under by using plugin so what's this PL plugin called it's called deaner Pro I have used this plugin in the past using their free trial and when their team has approached me in order to do a video showcase in it I was more than threat now to keep this as transparent as I could this video is not sponsored I was not paid at all to say anything good or bad about this plug-in it's just a matter of showcasing it what I do have is a promo code which is called alternativ Vision CGI and when you buy and you type this code when checking out it will give you a 10% discount and give me a royalty as well so by doing that you get to have a discount if you happen to decide to buy this at all which I would personally recommend doing especially if you're going to be doing a lot of color grading or you know if it's part of your job color grading and let's just take a look at how it works so you go ahead and just locate it here it will be at the right end so film emulation you just drag and drop it to the last node and it looks very different from begin now let's disable everything that's enabled by default in order to start with a clean canvas now let's start by just talking withad the input let's leave it at work uh work. 709 that looks correct let's go ahead and you know here you get to have to play around with the exposure I wouldn't recommend that you do that you s as you could see we have a lot less information so our image is more prone to burning a clamping as you can see here now let's keep this at zero could goe and play around with the temperature you know you could goe and play with the film develop order to ask in contrast but you know as I mentioned earlier we have an XR let's make use of that much information now let's go ahead and let's for example say want to give it a certain camera profile that emulates a camera now you're unlock the has Pro comes with many many profiles they are not only lost but they also has uh hold some more information as you would see the moment now let's just play around with these and in till we find something that we really like now as you I'm just scroll in my mouse wheel until I see something that I kind of dig let's go back to this one I like this one more list or you know there are many to play with so let's for example let's s on yeah I like this one let's keep this one you could go and play around with this as well this SL as well see how it changes your image so I would like to leave it at this point now we have film compression now this is an imperfection right most photographers at all wish to not have film compression that we as CI artists who really need imperfections we don't need the perfect computer generated look that has no let's say margin of error or of exterior factors that might change the look of our image to the give it some more imperfections or some issues per se so once you press it you could see you you start seeing some ISS you start seeing some changes especially in the blto areas now as you could see let's enable it and let's push it further as you can see it's slightly suppressing our higher colors now let's just have a little bit of that let's play around with the white point and let's give it some slight burning I like to have some burning in my images just to emulate a c with lower dynamic range now after doing that you could go ahead and play around with any of these but what I like to talk about the most is film gray I really not F grain or noise it's different from the grain that blender makes the blender noise comes from not having enough samples to clean up the image but this one looks very very light let's give it a lot just for the sake of this tutor and let's play around with any of these profile here I would like to go ahead and choose the iso y00 to get this type of sharp uh and call the rise noise so it's not monochrome and it holds like some colors which add some really nice details GRE now we have the Noy image in a positive way we could add the Elation as well so as you can see Elation is just where we have some type of leading near the lighter image lighter areas of the image let's also add some blue and as always you have a couple of profiles to play with to emulate a certain camera lens now all of these are like actual phenomenons that happen with a camera lens and you No cameras can get scratched can get foggy so they do have some really nice sliders and options here to emulate that now we also have some film damage let's enable this here and let's do for example 60 to70 mm and let's highly up it it won't be visible now but it will be when I will play this as an animation now you could go ahead and explore any of these you know you can go ahead and choose the F play with the film with gate weave I would recommend that you just explore this as much as you can I also like to add a vignette now how do I like to add a vignette I like to have the exposure at minus two make sure that it's enabled first and I have no feather way I also like to this way I get to see it more clearly now I don't want this to be affecting the image way too much so I like to have the size slightly larger let's turnone down the exposure s less crazy and let's now add some feather until we need it so I would like to keep it at around 35 which is point as you can see this is with this this is with and this is without let's keep it with let me get the play around with the uh T now let's consider this as a filter for example and you have the uh slider of this transparency or the amount of this filter now this is without and this is with without with without and with as you could see this is like the layer system in photosop so it gives us a bit more control so we don't have without want all of this you know and this can be really powerful tool if you would for example exaggerate all of these effects in order to for example uh see it better and see what it does when experimenting but you want it less effective in the final image you could just go ahead and make this very very exaggerate for example and here in the output you choose the total impact and you lower it so from 100 let's do for example uh 50% so if we keep it at zero nothing and 50% it gives us 50% of what of all of the uh filters that we added now we could go ahead and generate a lot out of this this lot can be used anywhere else it can be used inside of for example un engine it can be used inside of Photoshop so this where you could be generating like a 100 lots for really quick use and employing these you know in any software that you want thus making multiple lots and saving you a lot of time now this looks interesting let's go ahead and compare it with what we had beforehand and let's let me just show you something very interes now let's play this as an animation this is our raw image you know it has nothing let's take a look at this image here now as you can see the noise is moving and every now and then you see some type of kind of damage or teing in the film and no I'm not sure if it's visible in the compression but it's it's really really really nice now as you can see here in the corner especially it's very visible in the corner some type of white flickering now let's say we want to export this as an image for as a sequence what you want to do is go ahead to file export you could go in at timeline or current frame as let's do current frame as and just export it as a JPEG or and any other type of file for me that you have available here now let's swub this up we have taken a look at how to export from blender making sure that we have set it to open exr and using the agx log we have also gone ahead and put on toin resolve applied our colors and make it and make it look normal again we have also played around with a really really amazing plugin called the Haso Pro now as I mentioned earlier if you do have time to buy this feel free to use my promo code this video is not sponsored I repeat it again but you know personally I find this tool very very useful now until next time take care and enjoy yourself
Channel: AlternaVision Studio
Views: 1,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender 3d, environment tutorial, midjourney, AI, blender modeling, game design, unreal engine, 3d, for beginners, blender architecture, Ghibli style, cinema 4D, how to make volumetric light in blender, environment art, Blender cinematic, realistic blender tutorial, Blender forest, Exr, Davinci resolve, dehancer, film, blender compositing, vfx, cinema, lut, after effect tutorial, color grading, cinematic, short film, Film emulation, Grain, noise, AgX, ACES, nuke, fusion
Id: Y8XptagzOa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 7sec (1267 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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