How FAST is the RTX 4090 for 3D Animation + Rendering??

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I've got a TUF 4090 in my main machine and a FE 4090 in my mini-itx render box.... Using them for redshift and it's almost exactly 2x as fast in the benchmark.

That plays out in most scenes I've rendered for the most part depending on what exactly it's rendering.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/smb3d 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2022 🗫︎ replies

Doubling rendering performance from Turing to AMpre and Ampere to Lovelace is a pace I am not sure Nvidia can handle even next gen

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ResponsibleJudge3172 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2022 🗫︎ replies
welcome I'm sir Wade and today we're answering three questions about the Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 GPU how fast is in pair against the previous generation the 30 series cards and a Quadro RTX a6000 card a studio level very expensive card with all that speed of Mind what can we do with that power how does it actually affect our workflows and impact what we do on the day-to-day and number three is it worth the cost is it a good value for the money you're paying for it I'm gonna be looking at all of this through the lens of digital content creation through the animation visual effects that type of work we're looking at the creative application people who are making stuff with these cards not just gaming and I have a whole spreadsheet of stuff that I've been testing eight different tests I did on every single card all for Creative uses particularly when it comes to Maya and blender I didn't do as much as I would have liked on Houdini unreal Cinema 4D so if that is something you want to see do this video a like if you get like 15 000 likes in this video I'll know that there's enough people actually interested in that to make a part two but for now let's dive in to the testing the benchmarks and just seeing how powerful this card is spoilers it's pretty insane the first thing I want to do was a blender Benchmark and I have to say something happened with the 4090 it's literally off the chart like it's not even on the line graph the highest plotted value on this graph is in the mid 5000s this is more than double that that was shocking to run this and find that result that's crazy but if we jump to our data we can see that the 4090 starts off with a strong lead that more than double the samples per minute of the 3090 eclipsing everything else below it as a quick bit of context the RTX a6000 is the quadro Studio level card in performance it's generally about comparable to the 3090 just depends on the use case of which one of those two is going to win but anyways the 490 is basically four times as powerful as the 3070 which is already a very fast card the next test I ran was a 16k image render of the junk shop scene one of my favorites because of how much detail there is in this shot this is an older scene but it's rendered in the newest version of blender in Cycles but I chose this scene because there's not a lot of Ray tracing and refraction and Reflections and things like that there's a little bit of that with the specular of the colander and maybe some volume of the smoke but overall there's no shaders in here that really benefit from Ray tracing and refractions and things like that which is what the 4090 is really good at because of its fourth generation tensor cores and third Generations RT cores Ray tracing cores it is going to be a lot better at those types of tasks and so if we're not pushing it to the limit in that category what is a good sort of Baseline lowest expected performance from this card compared to the others and that's how we get this graph you can see that the 490 is still quite a bit faster than everything else but we're not going to see massive leaps here because we're just brute forcing a faster render we're not taking advantage of all the features that the 4090 has to offer as far as the ray tracing but keep in mind that's only one frame and the story gets a little bit more interesting as we dive deeper one of the things that I think people are going to want to know about is actually rendering animated sequences if you are doing animation or making a real project you're going to want to see how that performance Stacks up over multiple frames what I did was take the production files from blender's Sprite fright short film and set that to render using their settings that they used for their movie you'll notice that the first frame is very similarly matched across most of of the result and that's because the first frame has that whole loading render kernels it takes a while to kind of calculate and compute and get ready to actually render the subsequent frames render a lot quicker you'll also notice a conspicuous missing player from here this is something very interesting that I have never gotten the chance to really talk about on this channel before the importance of vram the 3070 straight up failed the test it couldn't render the shot now the 3070 is a great card and it's fast but the problem was it couldn't handle that scene due to the amount of vram it required to put this entire 3D scene on the GPU to then calculate and render out the data it was more than the 370 could handle and I got an error 2 minutes and 12 seconds in that said frame failed can't do it sorry no go and I even tried optimizing and simplifying the scene a little bit further to see if I could bring down the load and I was not able to do it without just totally tanking the quality which would have messed up our benchmarking results so the takeaway here is that when you are looking at these graphics cards and you're considering do I need this one or that one when it comes to the vram a lot of people don't talk about why that's useful if you are working with a large 3D scene with a lot of data and you want to render on the GPU you would hope to be able to put that entire scene directly onto the GPU so that it can calculate everything very quickly now to be fair you can do a bit of a hybrid approach where whatever doesn't fit on the the GPU Ram can also share system memory and read back and forth but I've tried that before two years ago I rendered this shot and I actually rendered it on the 3090 and on another GPU took about 20 or 22 minutes per frame to render but when I put it on the other card it took almost three hours per frame to render quick correction is actually way worse than that I found the note I left myself back when I did it the actual specs were that it took 12 to 13 gigs Peak vram which was more than the 38 he has but fits fine on the 3090. the 3090 actually took about 40 minutes per frame to render for some reason I don't know what was going on and get this over 23 hours per frame to run on the 3080. I don't know what that's about if that was like a weird driver at the time an early build of blender that didn't work very well with these cards I'm really not sure why that happened that shouldn't have been normal but my interpretation was always that it was a vram thing because that was the only controllable variable rule that I could find that made any sense so but anyways that's my correction enjoy the video I wanted to also project that over the course of a short film so if I make some tweaks so that the 370 can play along this is roughly what we can expect for a three minute short film or 4 320 frames 24 frames per second this is my projection of how long it would take to render that short film if you had no complications and just had it running constantly the 490s gonna get it done in about 15 hours the 30 70 is going to be closer to 40 hours and the other ones are in the middle somewhere around 24 to 28 hours all of these speeds are very fast most other cards are way far behind this curve but we're just you know we're a little spoiled now that we're looking at these 30 series cards but yet the 49 is still managing to pull ahead in a meaningful way that is a nine hour difference between the 4090 and the 3090 and most of us know that when you are finally doing a render of something animated you're probably on a time crunch very rarely are you rendering just because you want to you're usually you have to you run out of time you've already gone over budget on how much time you could spend animating and doing everything else you have to render yourself to do sound you have to do music blah blah blah this is not the time for things to take a long time so those nine hours make a huge difference I also did some viewport testing just to see what it felt like to work on this card in the blender viewport with Cycles on and with and without denoising I wanted to see if it was noticeably faster than any of the other cards definitely was [Music] [Music] and if I turn off denoising just to like really like give it a little bit of a harder time like I can literally just move around in real time and I can still see her hair if I don't let it sample anything I'm still getting basically real-time viewing of everything on here the moment I release I can see everything that's that's wild I was wearing a much cooler shirt last night but if we go over to our next results and check out 3dmark I ran the ray tracing Benchmark of Port Royal which is just very Ray tracing heavy once again the 49d almost doubled the performance of the 3090 in this test I mean consider the fact that the 30 90 80 and 70 all part of the same series of cards are only about that much of a difference from each other and then this one happens to LEAP this much that's pretty incredible and 3dmark is often used for gaming stuff so we're dipping as close as we are going to get to the gaming world you can see here how that performance is going to be playing out there's a lot you can do but again focusing just on the creative applications if you are doing a lot of shaders with you know glass diamonds things that reflect and refract you've got a lot of specular highlights you might have subsurface scattering anything with transparency you're probably going to notice the significant difference and there's only so much I can test in the short window I had to make this video again if you want to see a part two like this video and maybe we'll do another one but this is all very promising so far so jumping over to our Maya benchmarks it's definitely less scientific I have approximations and so on average when I rendered individual frames of this sequence the 4090 again was almost double the 30 90. and this scene was taking a while I had the samples cranked up I had a whole bunch of different bounces in the ray depth limit Ray depth limit is how many Ray tracing bounces are allowed to compute before we say cool if it's done we need to finish the render I had that turned up pretty high and you can see it's a pretty significant difference now everything I've shown so far is great if you have a lot of rendering to do but a lot of animators watching this are going to be like cool how does that help me because I don't render that often and normally I don't get to show you this benefit but I finally have something interesting to share I've talked about this before but Maya doesn't do an amazing job of fully utilizing all of the hardware in your computer the GPU is not often used in this same way it is in something like Unreal Engine that puts a lot of the deformations on the GPU but in some cases if you have a modeler that understands what Maya needs and a rigger who can use deformers that are compatible with the GPU as well you can build Rigs and assets you can see noticeable speed improvements in this example I'm not speeding anything up you can see that I'm able to move the character and preview what it looks like in Arnold in the Arnold render view all in basically real time there's the slightest little delay moving things but that's pretty normal most of us are used to with these heavier character rigs you go to move something and you have that little delay that for it to move anyway in this case I don't think the delay is the rig but I think it's the renderer and that's really cool because the render side is obviously being helped by the GPU but the deformation in the viewport where that's normally a CPU bound process this is also being helped by the GPU as well because this model and this rig were designed to work with newer Hardware they're extremely performant they're basically 24 FPS constantly you don't really have to worry about it even on fun slow Hardware they're really fast by the way if you're interested in this character and where you can get a whole bunch more like that I'm going to put a link in the description to Pro rigs I have a whole video already filmed talking about these rigs I just have to finish the edit so that's happening super cool make sure you subscribe so you don't miss this kind of stuff so this is a great example of this card being useful in more ways than just rendering but finally coming back to our third question is it worth it and that's going to come down to a few questions for you because every tool every piece of Hardware when you're in this business is an investment if you're a creative person and you're working with these tools and software time is money and that goes for whether you're a student and you're doing your short film your Capstone your thesis project whatever it is or if you're trying to break into the industry with a short film or a great demo reel and you're going to really polish it do all the rendering things like that maybe you're a professional you're doing freelance or you're actually just working on big projects in all these cases time is money and you can pretty much just stick your hourly rate times the amount of hours you're spending or wasting on certain processes and see if it ends up adding up I have one example I want to throw into the conversation just so we can talk about it render Farms are a thing if you were to work on a three minute short film like our example earlier and you wanted to render 4 320 frames the cost of the 4090 GPU from the low to the high end you can pretty much see that regardless comparing it to the one project that price is worth paying for the time and money saved not giving it to somebody else when you could just have the hardware to do it yourself or unlimited projects right now this is a very very specific example using specific numbers and trying to match the conditions that we had in this video and these different examples this is not something to like go off of a representation of the prices of these companies and things like that these are just the calculator results on their websites for what I punched in but the point stands that if you are doing a lot of rendering and if you're just making stuff on your own you have to ask the same question how much time can you afford to let that computer just sit running and doing its thing or if you're just doing stuff in the viewport how much time are you wasting sitting there trying to make a change waiting waiting trying to see what that change does oh don't like it tweak wait again wait again that's a very training process but if you've got the time to let it sit there and you're not in a big rush then maybe it's not necessary to pay for a more expensive card to speed that process up just yet but if you find yourself in a situation where you're trying to get a job in the next six months or you're trying to finish this project in a reasonable timeline or you've got a freelance opportunity and you don't want to have to pay a bunch of money there are a lot of great reasons why this card makes a lot of sense we get to have a slightly different conversation about that than the Gaming Community because they just talk about performance and frames and things like that for the most part we actually use these cards to do things with each other to collaborate to make money and make content and these RTX cards in general have a lot of possibility I mentioned in my unboxing Nvidia Omniverse that is a free set of tools to do crazy cool stuff and collaborate with other artists in real time with all of these features enabled while they're rendering all the fancy stuff so if you don't have one of these cards you can still participate by using Omniverse and working with other people but if you want to be seeing all the ray trace results and all that kind of stuff in real time an RTX card is going to be really helpful so make sure you subscribe if you don't want to miss that stuff but there's a clear winner if you're looking for the ultimate speed and a huge thank you to Nvidia studio and the Omniverse team for hooking me up with these gpus I actually have the entire 30 series and the 4090 from Nvidia studio and the a6000 from Nvidia Omniverse I made a video for them a while back and so it's because of them I'm able to do this video and do all this Benchmark and testing for our community to hopefully provide some good Insight if you are curious about these cards so thanks to them thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed this remember to give this video a thumbs up if you want to see a part two happy to do it I just didn't have a lot of time to make this video so thanks again for watching I'm sir Wade and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Sir Wade Neistadt
Views: 266,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 4090, nvidia rtx 4090, rtx 4090 benchmark, rtx 4090 price, rtx 4090 3d, nvidia, 4090, 4090 blender, 4090 maya, c4d, houdini, 4090 3d animation, 4090 rendering, blender 4090 speed, 4090 optix, 4090 cycles, 4090 eevee, 4090 arnold, 4090 redshift, 4090 octane, 4090 3d rendering, 4090 for artists, 4090 review, 4090 benchmark, blender benchmark, 4090 vs 3090, how much faster is 4090, is 4090 better, is 4090 worth it, 4090 speed, 4090 examples, blender rtx, rtx comparison
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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