Getting the Animation Results You Want Part 5 | Live Training | Unreal Engine Livestream

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hi and welcome to the Unreal Engine news and community spotlight earlier this week the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences together with the Linux Foundation launched the Academy Software Foundation is a nonprofit organization designed to provide funding structure and infrastructure for the open source community in the motion picture industry and we here at epic couldn't be more pleased to be a founding member the widespread use of open source software has created challenges included silo silo development managing multiple versions of OSS libraries and varying governance and licensing models that need to be addressed in order to ensure a healthy open-source ecosystem the mission of the a SWF is to increase the quality and quantity of open source contributions by developing a governance model legal framework and community infrastructure that lowers the barrier to entry for developing and using open source software developers interested in learning more or contributing can sign up to join their mailing list link included below it's been a busy week for our teams out at SIGGRAPH and a breakthrough demonstration Nvidia CEO Jenson Huang revealed the speed of light a real-time cinematic experience utilizing nvidia turing architecture RTX technology and new unreal engine rendering advancements featuring the Porsche 911 speeds our concept before looking technology unveiled on stage is the culmination of a joint development effort to unlock offline quality ray-traced rendering in a game engine the speed of light demo debuted running on two NVIDIA Quadro r-tx cards with new unreal engine features including rate rays translucency rate race rig rectangular area light shadows ray traced reflections ray traced diffuse global illumination and dynamic textured area lights read more in the link below earlier this year at GDC we partnered with three lateral to reveal a stunning development in real-time human driven digital characters beaching and Reese Andy Serkis this Tuesday three lateral unveiled the next iteration in this story watches a Cyrus Black Sea Lesly morphs into digital Andy while being driven by the same Macbeth performance three laterals comprehensive Technology framework uses ue4 to power 4 d volumetric capture and empowers much more than just extraction of data for animation it provides detailed info the facial deformations and motions to build fully valid animation curves a next-generation process compared to 2d and 3d facial tracking and solving the scattering of annotated data and level of photorealism have wider implications for machine learning and can be applicable in entertainment biometrics medicine and many other fields were blown away by three laterals capabilities and look forward to seeing what they're able to achieve next we're happy to introduce the Unreal Engine online learning platform the new home for all our training series and video tutorials our extensive online training illustrates common workflows in a series of detailed yet easy to follow videos so you can master ue4 for your own projects this new platform includes a lot of the great video content you've already seen on our web site plus dozens of new videos on common workflows new features and a whole lot more the content is split into several tracks such as area focus or job role with all content labeled for experience level the learning platform is open to everyone offered free of charge and more content will be added regularly access the Unreal Engine online learning platform through the video tutorials option under the learn tab on our website and get started today MotionBuilder has long been a favorite of character animators whether working with motion capture data or animating by hand now with the motion builder live link plug-in there's no need to export and import mo Buddha to Unreal Engine while you're working you can stream mobu motion capture and animation directly into the engine and preview it in real time the plugin works with Unreal Engine 4 19 and above and is offered free of charge to get the plug-in download motion builder live link from github for information on installing and using the plug-in see the connecting live link to mo boot Opik in the ue for documentation and if you have custom external or external software or hardware that you want to interface with Unreal Engine you can write your own plug-in that integrates live link and it's all the same build same benefits and you can see our lively plug-in development guide for details on that on to our weekly karma earners these folks are jumping into answer hub and helping out their fellow devs so we'd like to give a huge shout out to everyone every none dijo Spyder Thompson in 1:3 Nebula Games Inc shadow river peace women sake mighty enigma red box and Ozzie Berger you guys are the bomb it's our first community spotlight is a project by Nazira sani he created this gorgeous New York living room environment is created in under a week and he's put together just a really fantastic scene it's really incredibly realist realistic well lit it looks fantastic so great work on this project our second community spotlight is a it's called distributed ue4 dedicated cluster technology so Jim has created this technology short debt and it allows you to distribute actors across multiple dedicated servers they'll interact as if they were on the same server the intent behind distributing the game across multiple servers so it allows you to build more robust worlds with more actors and with AI as intelligent as you can make them the API is provided from within a standard doing 4 plugin and uses similar to standard server development so it looks like jen has created some real interesting technology here he's also looking for additional feedback or even folks to get involved with the project so you can join his discord server to do so our third and final community spotlight this week is a project called walking with dinosaurs so artists in motion has just recently finished this short animation as part of a recent revival of global creatures walking with dinosaurs the Arena Spectacular so there is a three minute long sequence that takes you across six different cretaceous area landscapes on a continuous camera move so it's a really visually stunning project and I hope that they'll share the video with us sooner than later because I'd love to see all this in motion all right thank you for joining us for our news and community spotlight hey and welcome to our Unreal Engine livestream I'm your host Amanda bot with me we have Jay haasvelt returning Jim's like her major so thank you all for joining us I know you're all very excited about Jay discussing the turn in place it's been a hot hot topic for quite a while yeah we've been putting it off for a little bit but we're doing it today it's gonna be cool and then Jael dive in in just a sec at the very end of the stream we'll be doing some summer ue4 Jam kick-off so theythey won't be announced at the end so you will have to learn a little from Jay before diving into your own game jam so I hope you're excited though yeah feel free alright so let's start so this is this is the moment you guys have been watching my prior streams I think this is number five now yeah I've been doing pretty kind of relatively small stuff bite-sized stuff this one is far more complex so I'm going to try to break it down for I assume a lot of you out there like say an animator like me you're not a programmer so I want to break it down into kind of easier to understand chunks so first of all let's let's just start here I'm starting with the shinbe shouldn't be packaged we have in the marketplace I downloaded her as is but from a starting point there are a couple things we need to change on her so for this demo actually wanted to go with our strafe system and not run into your direction system so again I covered this on a prior stream but I'm gonna go over it again so on this shouldn't be player character what we want to do is use controller rotation y'all you want to turn that on and then when we go to character movement we want orient rotation to Mouse to turn off so let's go ahead and play this and see if I'm getting the behavior I want okay so this is the behavior I want right now she is not she's not gonna stay put when I turn and this is where we want we want to insert the turn in place animation if she's running I don't have this strafe plugged in but we would you know on the last dream I had plugged in the strafe before today we're gonna skip that part before now we have her rotating in place and so when you bring up a question like how do you turn in place like if animator asks that that's a pretty it's actually a more complicated question and what you want to do is break that down into like smaller bite-sized chunks so really right now we don't even want her to turn in place so I actually want her to kind of stay keep her feet locked and have the rest of her aim you know like use the aim offset to litter right or left and I'm gonna show collision and I don't know if you guys can see that on the stream that if you guys can see her capsule or not it's kind of thinly drawn and go to full screen here you can see it's capsule so when I turn the mouse to the right or left that capsule is moving and we actually want her to offset from that capsule so getting back to how it break down a problem the first step I want to do is how can I offset her from this capsule and keep her looking looking straight so to start here we're gonna open up her animation blueprint what I would recommend like I said before is duplicate your animation blueprint and that way if you mess up it's okay you have one to start with so I've already duplicated one and I'm calling it turn in place stream and a blueprint and I want to go ahead and hook that in to the blueprints the character blueprint and it looks like I've already connected it here so we're good to go I'm actually done with the character blueprint for the rest of this and that was under glass right yeah that's under annum class right here okay so let's get back to our blueprint so here is the blueprint that my character blueprint is using this is an imprinted choosing so what we want to do is we actually just want to rotate the root node and there is a node in here called rotate root node a rotate root bone so on this node we only want to worry about the yaw so I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the pitch I'm going to turn off everything else and we're gonna feed that in to the rest of our stream and so off this y'all let's go ahead and create a new variable and let's call this sorry let's create it first promote to variable and we're going to call this root yah offset all right so this root offset in today's demo is this this thing is the most important thing we are going to be changing the value of this different ways and that is always going to change the root bone so let's go to the event graph and start getting to a point where we could feed in different values to this to this thing so one thing we want to do just to kind of get this this fit graph in order is when I changed our character to orient with the mouse we are now in a situation where we're not going to get a delta between our aim rotation interactor rotation so for the shinbe you guys downloaded we can go ahead and disconnect the Delta and we're actually just gonna go ahead and feed in a cure rotation right into the break rotator we're not going to worry about baton rotation at all okay so we have that in order okay so let's go ahead and we want to be able to set our yaw rootball offset okay so let me find a good point in my graph to add this let's go to right here okay so I'm going to drag and drop the root Y all offset over here and we want to set this so we only want to change this value of root Y all offset when we're idle when we want to turn in place we don't want to set it when we're running or if we're you know Manto you know playing a montage in melee so what we want to do is let's go ahead and add a branch here and basically this is going to be a true branch where if any things are happening any of these things are happening we're gonna always keep this root ball offset a zero we're not gonna rotate the bone so let's think of the scenarios where we want this so is accelerating we don't want to do that let's say if speed is greater than zero we don't want to do it and we also don't want to do it during our melee so let's set up a real quick what about during a jump jumps fine because you will be moving yeah during a jump yeah so let's go ahead and create a new variable basically let's say if any montage is active we will not do this so there is a note here we can say is any montage playing if that montage is playing let's just promote that to a variable and let's call this is montage and so right now we're just kind of setting up some of the things we need some of the information we need to to do the logic of turning and this will all start making sense here in a little bit ok so now we have a new variable is montage and we'll put that in our list here ok and we're gonna go ahead and make a boolean so what we're saying is if you're accelerating if you're speed it's greater than zero we'll add a pin here and if montage is playing looks like I added a little extra character on that but it's fine so basically if any of these are happening it is therefore true and we're gonna set root Y offset to zero we can go ahead and feed this so that's actually the easy part now we actually want to figure out how what to do to the root offset when you are idling what are we gonna do to it so basically what we want to do is we want to look at your Y value that's like the direction you're facing in the game and then as you turn the character we want to get that difference and we want to keep accumulating that so if you turn right to the 90 we want to get that 90 number and apply it to the route offset so if you turn 90 positive we want route y'all offset to be negative 90 and that's gonna keep your character still so let's go back up to the yaw so earlier this is why I said we should probably get this in order what we want to do is go ahead and set a yaw last tick variable and I will explain I'll explain what how we'll use this alright y'all last tick and we actually want to set this first so off the break rotator yah this is up in the set roll pitch in y'all section we want to go ahead and set y'all last tick then we're gonna set our we all and we don't want z yaw to feed into y'all elastic we actually want what we said over here to tell what y'all a stick was so let's go ahead and we're gonna get the aw information here and we're going to go ahead and pull off pitch so the order of operation is going to like set pitch it's going to set y'all last tick so when y'all last tick ticks it's going to basically just look at this value so let's say this value is 10 this is going to be set at 10 whereas now with the new frame jaws being is getting its number from the break rotator so that might be 12 so we now have two variables we can get a delta from so let's go ahead and drag off here and go ahead and get that delta so we will get y'all a stick and then let's do y'all let's go ahead and subtract the two so they're asking is this the same way that it's done in fortnight this is this is done yes this is I think pretty much the same way in fortnight yeah actually this is I'm not bragging it all but this way he's actually little better than fortnight so I'll go over that a little bit but I do want to say Ray Arnett who set up the fortnight system helped me on this one all right so so you know we're getting a delta between these two numbers and let's say right now is like say - you know - per frame is what it is but funny enough if you look back in this blueprint I've already set to Y all Delta just to get our lean our leans but this has a F and Terp on it I need one that's instant so I'm gonna go ahead and basically essentially make a different kind of y'all Delta so let's just promote this and let's call it essentially it is a yaw Delta but let's just call it Y all change over frame that's essentially what it's doing okay let's go ahead and feed this let's feed this into here okay so now we have Y all change over frame and this is the number that we want to continuously keep adding to our our gaw offset our root Y all offset so this is set so these variables are set let's go back down to where the action is going to happen so remember this is where I set up the branch where we don't want the root Y offset to do anything here let's go ahead and duplicate this now this root Y offset number is going to change all the time because we will be in idle mode and turning so what we want to do is get that Y all change over time and just like we did to get the yaw Delta we're going to add it to root y'all offset and again what's going to happen I'll kind of talk through the kind of the order of operations is let's go ahead and this is going to be false so feed it into here so guests can see my mouse cursor so what's gonna happen is the root guy offset number is going to come through here and let's say that's 90 and we said it root golf set is now 90 so over here it's going to root golf set that said at 90 is also going to add to the all change so let's say now it's 92 well now 92 is now setting the new root guy offset so think of that over frames at 90 he's gonna become 92 94 96 one thing too is when we're dealing with y'all it's going to give us a number between like negative 360 to 360 you can get pretty high numbers what we want to do is go ahead and normalize access and what this does is it basically gives you a full 360 degrees with negative 180 is 1 range and positive 180 is the other so let's go ahead and put in a normalize axis here all right so those kind of thing between this range is kind of facing forward or this is basically taking you know imagine imagine negative 360 you know when you're doing a circle negative 360 is the same as zero right or negative 180 is the same as 4 I can't do the math that fast but what I mean right so it's normalizing it so that way your min and Max is is 180 I got you okay so theoretically this should all be working let me make sure all my connections are set here I'm gonna compile let's go ahead and save all right now if I play expectations are that she is going to stay in place there we go look at that she's staying in place now if you guys remember earlier she would she would move with the capsule so if we show collision so now the capsule is actually rotating and look at her feet her feet aren't sliding in more she's staying locked so all we did there is we did new turn in place we did the first step of the problem we had her counter what the mouse is doing so we need to do a couple things now so I did change the way the yaw works and you know if I were to go back and play this this will really show you guys is the yaw was driving the aim offset for her now if I run around you can see that yaw is it's doing some funky stuff and so she's kind of looking around while she's running somebody wants to know what the yaw change over frame is yeah y'all change over frame is a variable that's basically getting the yaw and then comparing it to the yaw last tick okay and I can if I have time for questions I could always scan over know the graph okay so what I want to do is go to her aim offset and animgraph and I'm just going to disconnect y'all and for those who haven't seen what aim offsets are basically it's just a series of poses that I could feed in a rotation value to change you know where she's looking that's a name offset okay so I'm gonna go ahead and disconnect y'all I'm just gonna straight up delete it okay so now if I play the game she's not going to look around at all she's just gonna stay straight all right so now our next option which is a little bit even more complex as we want to get her to turn in place right so let's first of all let's just go back to our event graph our animgraph we're gonna go to the n graph we're gonna go into her ground locomotion state machine and we're gonna go into her idle state and we're actually going to make a nested state so you can put state machines in state machines and we're gonna call this one idle and turns okay and this is going to feed in and so I'm gonna go ahead and copy this play idle because I'm going to use it here in a second okay so now I need to make a new state and I'm gonna go ahead and make that idle state again thought the keyboard battery went out for a second Oh scary exciting alright so then we're gonna make another state and this is going to be our turn States okay so in the idle state we know we're gonna play the idle animation it's pretty normal we're gonna let it loop and and everything else in our turn state we can play either the right turn or the left turn and we're gonna do use the turn 90s turn 180s so we have our left turn and we have our right turn and we're going to do a blend Bible because basically we're gonna say whether your route rotation offset is negative or positive you'll choose either right or left make sense so true is gonna be left because you know when you turn right you're offsetting your if you turn right positive your offset is going to be negative let's go ahead and get our root bone y'all offset and if this is greater than zero we can't we will go ahead and choose turn left okay now in our state machine we need a roll to get here so go into here again like our most important variable we made is this root root y'all offset going to get this if it is greater than 90 we want to go ahead and go into go ahead and go into a turn state but we can it is possible to get a negative 90 or positive so let's go ahead and put an absolute value and this will just make sure that number is 90 regardless of whether it's negative or positive and we'll say once it's greater than 90 we can go ahead and go into the state all right we need to go back to the turn so one thing we're I'm for for the transition I'm just going to give it a very small blend I'll explain why later for our turns we want to make sure these don't loop so let's go ahead and turn off loop okay and then once you're done turning we'll just go back into idle so let's go ahead and just do all o matic rule now that basically says play out the animation then return go ahead and move out of that state and for turns we also want to always reset on an entry okay okay so now what we should see is we should see her play to play a turn animation when she turns 90 so I'm gonna aim 90 and she played a turn animation so she is playing an animation however you can see she's not turning right she's playing the animation but plan animation moving on turning the reason she's not turning is if you look at the animations we authored let's go ahead and pull up one if you see the animations we authored you'll see like the animator takes that rotation out once once we animate it in Maya turning 90 we actually back that 90 degrees back out of the turn because the game capsule is actually doing that 90 degrees for you and you don't want a double double turn but what we do on Paragon and this is why I said this way is a little bit better than fortnight it's because in Paragon we have the concept of these distance curves so what we've done is you can see the curve the animator used to back out that rotation we've actually made it a distant curve on the animation and Paragon we use this to control how fast you rotate how are we on time by the way all right so we're actually going to use this to dictate our turn rate and one other thing while oh you know I'll get to this okay so basically you'll notice each each turn animation has this in it so one thing the animations we shipped with - you guys have super-long settle portions - the animation which is something Paragon could use but we don't need that here so what I'd recommend if you are going through this along with me or if you want to do it later go ahead and get to about the one second mark and we're gonna go ahead and remove frames beyond 31 so the turn will have last for about a second let's go ahead and do that to the turn right let's go ahead and remove frames 31 to 60 okay so now both animations are just about a second long while we have these open okay so let's go back to our event graph and we're going to essentially start a whole new section here so what we want to do is modify our route offset based on that distance curve and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a new branch because basically we only want to do this if you're actually playing a turn animation and so basically we need a true something to tell us this is true that we're turning right now we have nothing you know you seen the variables we have no variables telling us that we're turning so let's go ahead and come up with a way to do this I'm gonna go back to our animations and basically we could say if this animation is playing we're turning so let's set that up so we have this cool thing here is you could where you can add metadata so I'm going to add a new curve create new and we're gonna essentially call this is turning okay let's load up the turn left 90 and we're going to add that same metadata this time I don't have to stay create new it is now part of the list of curves okay so if I go back to my event graph I can now use a get curve node get curb value and the curve name is is turning and I'm gonna use a node you guys actually taught me about you guys asked me why I don't use it and then I looked into it and it's a very good use and it's nearly equal to node oh because sometimes you get those weird point zero zero ones so let's do a nearly equal float so basically were saying if the animation has that metadata what that matter that data is doing is essentially saying that curve has a value of one throughout the whole curve so I'm gonna go ahead and say if it's nearly equal to one because you do get blends and stuff sometimes and we'll just give it a threshold of point zero zero one I love that that's just an option it's like nearly yeah really it's close it's almost there ish close under ish so so I have this branch condition and and then if this is true if you are turning we're going to do a few things so we also have like I said the distance curves so these are curves we want to look at as well so basically we're saying if you're turning we want to we're looking at the is turning curve yes you're turning so now since you're turning we want to look at those distance curves while you're turning so let's go ahead and get that get that get curve value node again I'm going to plot that down but this time we want that distance curve that's playing so off this branch rushing into a sequence of events we need to do a sequence of events because we're going to be getting a delta on these these distance curves as well so let's add a sequence here and for now we're actually going to skip the then zero that's the first note off the sequence we're actually going to go straight to then one and actually before we do that let's go ahead and pull off this curve value and we're going to set a new variable right here so this variable is going to be called curve we'll call this just curve value I guess I should have called it the distance curve value but this is just a curve value that's set into our turn animations and we want to go ahead and also create a curve value last frame so think of this just like we did the last frame we want to go ahead and duplicate this we'll call it her value last frame let's go ahead and set that and then what is setting the curve our last frame is going to be our last tick of the curve value and so again if we were to run through this and let's say the curve value is zero it's set then we go through on the next frame of the animation and now the curve is like five it's going to have the Delta between the two the curve last value and the curve value we'll have two different two different values so then we can get a Delta between those two the do once or sorry I'm going to show you what we're gonna do on the then zero part we're actually going to add a do once and so this is because when you first start your turn animation there is no distance curve to compare with you're actually going to get your basically to get a delta between 0 and 90 on the curve it's going to do a big pop what this does is it says the very first frame you enter that turn animation you don't have to look at the last frame and so on this one we're going to go ahead and just go ahead and set the curve value and basically if the branch is false we're going to feed that into the reset do once alright alright so we've got a curve value so this is now we're going to reset our route y'all offset again let's go back to this guy like I told you in the beginning we are going to be updating this value a lot okay I set this guy and then this guy is going to have essentially where we want to do the curve last value let me drag and drop these I'm gonna do curve value last frame with the curve value and we've done this concept three times now where we've we've gotten if you know a value last tick so this is a pretty important concept here and we're going to go ahead and subtract these two and once again so that this value here imagine you know the over the course of one frame but comparing the curve that distance curve on the turn animation let's say you get a value of like two right so we have a number coming out of here that say that say it's two so what we want to do is get this root Y offset that we had currently and we're gonna go ahead and get that value and we want to subtract so let's say like you looked 90 right you turn 90 you look 90 the root Y all offset now has that number of 90 as you play your turn animation your you want to slowly subtract each frame you're subtracting like say two per frame two degrees per frame until you're back down to zero so that's what we're going to do here is subtract subtract there and we're gonna update the root go offset so we're getting near the end guys believe it or not we're getting close right now I have nothing feeding into my branch graph so let me go ahead and find a good point to do that branch off here okay all right so we have everything flowing through once again all right so let me just double check I went through this kind of quickly let me double check I have everything hooked up okay curve value our distance curve is getting the Delta between these two then the route y'all offset is going to be slowly subtracting essentially pertick the Delta of these two and then we'll have a new route Y offset that's set at the very end of the graph so let's see what happens Tim what do you think is gonna happen it's gonna get turnt it turn something happen all right I've been waiting to use that joke truth 40 minutes all right so turning left and oh all right she turned she did something that was right that was very abrupt and she's turning there cool cool and her dangly bit sir all right flying all over so what happened there is those curves on our animations are zero to 90 whether you're turning right or left it's zero to 90 right so what we actually want to do is put a multiplier so if you're turning let's say if you're turning left you want it you want to put a negative one multiplier on those curves so let's go ahead and add a multiplier to let's see curve last frame let's go ahead and multiply this by 1 or negative 1 depending on what which direction are you going and just like we did in our graph let's go ahead and get our root offsets just like we did in our annum graph in the state machine we will say if you're greater than zero we will select a float so this will give you an option of different float values to choose and we'll feed that into the multiplier so if I did this correctly I'm gonna say should be negative one so fruit Oh y'all offset is greater than zero we'll multiply by negative one and basically this gives us our value for right or left so one more time let's go into here okay and she's she's still turning but she's she's for whatever reason that number is not abating so let's go let's go back in and let's make sure we have everything hooked up quickly so first of all let's go back to our enemy graph so many layers so many layers like inception turns so for one we were getting a little bit of logic the reason she was turning over and over and over again is this max transitions on the idols and turns we should set this to one okay that is going to get rid of that with her turning in place it seemed like we were not getting the proper offset let's go back and check all our let's check our graph flow real fast so like I said on the stream countless times is this stuff is a lot of times trial and error a little bit and so it's very common just kind of leave something something off a graph and it's good just go back and just double check the flow of everything so let's get back to where we started in our initial branch we're saying you know don't turn we know all this stuff worked because this stuff was backing out it was backing out just fine when we when we went and she was you know I turned right and she would stay looking forward so we know this stuff is working let's go back up to this graph here and we're saying let's just check the spelling of all the curves so we're saying is turning if it is go ahead and the condition is true okay and then let's go to sequence bear with me guys okay so here's our curve value on the do once I didn't feed anything into it I've basically I set it at zero we do not want that we want to go ahead and get the curve value from the distance curve so here's a part I did not connect something so let's go back now let's test this again yeah they're also mentioning I don't know if you already address this but the last node that has one multiplier of negative one uh-huh and they said the other zero and it should be a positive one yes that's why I invite you guys to this thing we invite you I am NOT all right not ten that is right that's a that is why One Direction was working so we're super close we're getting there okay and let's go back and play let's go fullscreen and see it in all its beauty all right so we're turning left and she turned left we turned right she turned right okay all right so I have one last thing to do I want to show you guys real fast because I'm super short on time all right we have we want to go ahead and get that a.m. offset working in the animgraph so remember where I deleted that y'all from the a.m. offset blendspace we want to get the all-important route y'all offset because this number is doing everything we wanted to do but we want the inverse of that so I will do a multiplier float x float will just say negative one so we want to invert it there might be another way to do this we'll do it this way okay and for the very last step she is now idle she's she's looking left you can see her head turning left and right and now she turns left she does to turn animation she turns right she just turned right oh there you go guys perfect oh thank you so much for your help this is awesome I'm short on time I don't think I have time for many questions but please hit me up on Twitter I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have really quickly okay they're asking I guess this is nothing in particular with tournament so I guess what happens if you turn the camera quickly to more than 180 degrees really catch up or yeah that's it yes it should catch up in this case yeah and then they're wondering if it's possible to trigger the turn in place you know at 45 instead of 90 degrees I imagine this oh absolutely setting it yeah the the trigger point is that number I put in the in the rule set so I the reason I chose 90 is because I animate AddThis at 90 but you can have the let's go to the am graphing stin this rule set for the turns yeah any other questions about this particular I know some of you all have additional animation questions this was specifically a more turn in place event and so you have more questions always feel free to toss them out on the forums or reach out to us I would love to sit here and let you do Q&A with Jay but we also need to get to our summer ue4 jamming nobody wants to know about the jam nobody nobody I don't I think they all like they've already decided of it space cats that's which that was not our theme right we didn't be did you pick space cats no but what first of all thank you so much for doing absolutely lots of people have been highly anticipating the turnitin time the all-important turn in place they were wondering really quickly actually if so this is not something that will be included in the blueprints that are available on the marketplace no but I'm sure I can put maybe this blueprint up on github or sorry if we can upload it to the forums and provide a link to it from this chat so if you want to see the project all set up yeah that would be good oh I'm sure I left some stuff off here I'll comment it and we'll put it up for you guys to dissect first first sample from Jane Animation it's gonna be a thing I'm gonna make it a thing but yeah so we are super pumped for our summer ue4 Jam this is always one of my the quarterly jams are one of my favorite part we get to play all these amazing games that you've all are making before we get to the theme announced and all that jazz we do want to give a huge shout out to all our sponsors we have crowd forge that IO they've been supplying their platform that lets you find a team so you're still in that last minute like somebody or collect a team you can go sign up there lots of great folks Houdini is also you might still have time to go sign up for their trial but our winners will also receive a one-month one you're Houdini licensed man wears a heart sometimes guys one year yep quick sille is also providing some free materials and scans prior to the jam so if you haven't gone it downloaded them there's still time to sign up through either midnight I think it's midnight tonight so get over there they've got tons of amazing projects products and we have some really incredible prizes from them I don't know I'm jelly of the people that are gonna be taking home those yeah qixels megapixels there's also still time for you to sign up for perforce or get access through assembler so if you shoot us an email at community at Unreal Engine comm I'll be sending out invites for you to get that set up and yeah we love having them onboard I think one of these days they're gonna sit down and really dive in on how to get folks set up with version control it can save you lots of time and pain these version control controls just definitely do that family is offering a free library sound library to all those folks during the jam so if you're in your a lot of folks are really bad and dude in the 11th hour right there are a lot of sounds available from them we're really great to have appreciative to have them on Dowler our the oh yeah the new one has joined us there he's sponsoring with the Deller and it's a cryptocurrency for those that don't know and he's gonna be playing through all the game jam submissions on his twitch channel so once the jams all wrapped up he'll start playing through and he's gonna actually he has its own allure dialer category where he will be picking the most entertaining game so jump in on that I feel like that Street is gonna be a lot of fun I mean I think he's letting the community kind of get involved in obtaining but also that I think that's a really neat cool we're excited to see him long huge thank you to SB he's supplying his FPS shooter starter kit with poly pixel it's a really well-known marketplace seller they have a lot of really fantastic assets and they're offering all of their available packs to our winners so you stuff and again we have our finalists will be entered into a raffle for a falcon northwest laptop it's one of the most beautiful laptops i've ever seen is the best packs were amazing we do a handful of backpacks around and we're all like oh it's really neat there's totally like tsa ready but the laptops are really nice it's a custom Unreal Engine branded laptop and intel is always one of our amazing sponsors they're doing the insanely fast I feel like SSDs their Intel obtain SSDs and they're really nice pieces of hardware those will go to all our finalists that well as well and you should definitely check out their game dev program they have this great they're they're trying to provide marketing resources or information on just how to help you succeed that's what their game to have program is all about so if you are a small team that has a game reach out to them they are totally here to support you and we love working with them so man I have a few minutes to kill we categories you know we're doing something new this time so in the past we're doing a best mobile game and the not that that hasn't been a thing before so we're doing an on-the-go category but now you can submit iOS games I cleared her with our team's QA folks say we can totally do it you have to do a development build but we can resign it and play your games so if you're an iOS developer you can now submit mobile games awesome instead of just doing Android so we're really excited to celebrate that and with all the mobile optimizations that we've had recently we thought it'd be cool to see what mobile games you all can make and we're doing these something something reality I love seeing your AR and VR games and then army of one because it's always impressive and I really love the army of one Corey lets us to see what a solo developer that's just one person one person yeah one person yep are not gonna get art music programming everything yeah it's it I think one of the couple of the games last time that we're like in the top five or so are we're army on one games it's it's incredible with those folks too I'm gonna talk real quick about twitch cuz when you guys are streaming over the next five days we'd love to watch you guys making these games so if you do stream you can stream under the Unreal Engine game category on Twitch so make sure you do that and if you do that tag us on Twitter at Unreal Engine or use the hashtag ue4 because that's during these games um game jams that's how I spend my weekends is is watching people on unreal making stuff in the engine so I'd love to hang out with you guys so that said I think there's no I don't I think I mean we could yeah you guys good over the course the next five days do you use hash tag Yui for Jam yes we absolutely love seeing what you're working on and its progress it's really fun to see the concepts turn into more refined in progress work to getting to see your final projects like that is an enjoyable journey in of it sounds like it's an interesting story but key note about needing the game many of you are a handful of you got tripped up last time upload your game to itch dot IO but then you also have to do the added step of adding it to the jam page so I know some of you're like oh I got it up in the final hour and then you're like why is it not on my dream patient you have to you have to submit it's a two-step process and make sure you leave yourself time to upload because we had people last time who tried to upload in there it was too big or Internet problems so make sure you leave time yeah yeah give us a submission and then if you need to resubmit you're always welcome to update that file up until but it's better to have something qualified than nothing yes yeah so so even if it's not necessarily you know you want to make another change upload just like give yourself two or three hours to package and upload yeah there you go so the theme are you ready I think ready do you don't you yeah I'm all ears are you you look very animated it's not a space cat it's not all right the theme drumroll yes well that escalated quickly so all right this is your theme I hope you have lots of crazy ideas I know that we just had a few fun ones off the bat so I'm sure given some fancy brainstorming moments you're gonna come up in some wild and wacky ideas and we cannot wait to play them so please have fun enjoy your weekend take care of yourself and we will see you next week oh and fill out our survey and get a t-shirts we sent out the for today all those things yep all right have a great week everyone bye everybody bye [Music]
Channel: Unreal Engine
Views: 37,380
Rating: 4.9401197 out of 5
Keywords: Game Development
Id: yP4ygKHwlS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 18sec (3558 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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