Getting Street Fighter 2 on Super Nintendo at LAUNCH July 1992 - My Retro Life

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the hype I can't explain to you the hype for Street Fighter 2 on Super Nintendo the idea of having Street Fighter 2 at home seemed impossible and for it to play anything like the arcade played seemed so far beyond the realm of possibility what's up guys it's your buddy Tyler coming at you with a brand new video here on my retro life are you a street fighter fan what was the first Street Fighter game you ever played for me it was Street Fighter 2 but not all the Super Nintendo like this cartridge that I'm holding in my hand no I originally played Street Fighter 2 in the arcade back in the day somewhere in 1991 or 1992 it was at Champs a local breakfast restaurant that me and my family would often attend after church and this place had a nice little Nook in the corner where a number of the hottest arcade games were found and one of those games at one point was Street Fighter 2. games like this didn't really exist you got to remember guys that fighting games were not a dime a dozen before Street Fighter 2 after Street Fighter 2 yes I mean this was the The Catalyst for a fighting game explosion that happened in the 90s this was the poster child as we played this game time and time again saw it at more and more arcades that we would encounter and every time we we found the cabinet we want to put a quarter in because this was just you know the hottest game of the time everybody wanted to play Street Fighter 2 or they wanted to watch somebody play Street Fighter 2. [Music] I'll be walking if you were in an arcade hanging out back in 1991 1992 chances are you either played Street Fighter 2 that day or you watched somebody play it it was just the thing to do [Music] you win but playing the game in the arcade was one thing dreaming about whether or not it was going to get released on a home video game console was another with the NES this almost seemed like an impossibility surely the amount of animation and beautiful Graphics incredible backgrounds the the color palette that was used in Street Fighter 2 this was Next Generation stuff this was the kind of game that defined the arcades back then and really made you realize I can't have the arcade at home it's impossible well that's what we thought we thought it was impossible the Capcom wanted to prove us wrong and with next-gen Hardware coming out the Super Nintendo seemed like the perfect platform to drop the hottest game ever to hit arcades [Music] what you're on Kitty camera when my cousins and I got a Super Nintendo that console along with the Sega Genesis just launched us into an entirely new spectrum of what we could imagine gaming to be suddenly the games we were playing like Super Mario World and f-zero final fight from Capcom these games made it seem possible that we could have the arcade at home before that it was an impossibility as I mentioned before the NES the Sega Master System they couldn't handle stuff like Street Fighter 2 but now we were playing with power super power and the Super Nintendo was the ticket home for games like Street Fighter 2. [Music] now sometime in March or April of 1992 my dad was traveling for business and he was at a airport where he found a egm magazine on the newsstand that really caught his eye and the reason for that is because the front cover was that of Street Fighter 2. they were featuring a 15 page special preview of the Super Nintendo Home console Port of Street Fighter 2 and he knew he had to get this issue he read the issue cover to cover on the airplane and when he got home he showed me the issue and we got so hyped for Street Fighter 2 because of this issue of egm and it was just amazing to just look at the pictures and just imagine this game at home I can't stress to you guys enough how much of a uh of a miracle it felt like the idea of having Street Fighter 2 at home seemed impossible and for it to play anything like the arcade played seemed so far beyond the realm of possibility and so not long after dad picked up that issue on the newsstand he came home from work one night I remember it was very late at night he came home and in his hands was Street Fighter 2 on the Super Nintendo it had come out and he had gotten it almost as soon as it came out it was within days of the game coming out and Street Fighter 2 was now mine I could say that I had Street Fighter 2 in my house it was it was as if fantasy had become reality and the game played like a beauty okay I mean it just it ran so well it was it was so close to the arcade you know obviously there were little things that the arcade did differently had more details more animation but this was such a faithful Port I want to say that this was probably the most faithful Port of an arcade game to a home video game console that we had ever played up into this point and finally you didn't have to keep popping in quarters you know every time you saw this game and you wanted to play it or you were mesmerized by it you'd watch other people play it or you yourself would just you know crave getting a chance to play Street Fighter 2 in the arcade and now it was home and it was ours to master every morning every afternoon after school [Music] I remember inviting my friend Chris who when in 1992 when we got this game it probably was around the first right around the first time I ever met Chris and knew Chris he really became such a good friend of mine over the years I remember having him come over and just playing this a lot with Chris back in the day and and any friend who was wanting to come over and check it out it was always uh you know such a fun thing back in the day because my dad was such a gaming Enthusiast and video gamer that you know we would get the hottest games like this um you know close to day one and so it was like you know call up your friend after you get Street Fighter 2 or games like it come on over I've got it and and they came over and we had a blast [Music] foreign it was a lot of fun at the Esposito house we had a lot of fun we played the hottest and newest games on the newest consoles all the time there really isn't a whole lot of footage of me playing this original version of Street Fighter 2 the original Home Port on the Super Nintendo there's one little moment in Christmas of 1992 right at the end of the Christmas holiday my dad filmed my buddy Albert and a bunch of like other kids down the neighborhood I think his sister was there they came and they did Christmas carols at our front door and said Dad recorded them and then after we shut the door you can hear that I'm playing Street Fighter 2 in the background [Music] crazy neighborhood eh [Music] did you listen closely did you hear Street Fighter 2 come on back there yeah that was me unpausing the game I pressed the start button and I began playing the game again I don't know how far I was in it or anything like that but man that's a fun little clip there because it's a testament to how how much we played this game way past the summer you know this was Christmas time and we're still playing Street Fighter 2. these days I feel like people play games they kind of beat them and toss them to the side this was a game that like you played for years and years [Music] Get Up Stand Up for both of you stand up wow excuse us we were still talking about this game and loving it it had become a pop culture icon I remember my cousin Manny getting the coolest Street Fighter 2 t-shirt during Christmas of 1993. good job thank you after he got that T-shirt with Vega on it I swear you could hear the way we react to it it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen it was officially the coolest t-shirt I'd ever seen in my life and I only wish that I had it in my size but it was super cool watching Manny wear that he proceeded to wear that most of the rest of that holiday when I look at this game I just immediately get transported back to those days being a six-year-old and just having all these new games come out in either the arcade and then do our home console being a kid in the 90s is wrapped up in all these different things whether it be Ninja Turtles or you know the Lion King Disney movies Super Nintendo Sega Genesis Nickelodeon and then wrapped up in that pop culture ball with all those other different franchises and things that we loved is Street Fighter 2. well that's gonna be it for this video guys I just wanted to take some time to reflect on Street Fighter 2 the original Port of Street Fighter 2 to our Super Nintendos was unlike anything at the time it was so amazing to have Street Fighter 2 in your house at home it's like the arcade came home and when you own Street Fighter 2 when you own this game you basically had permission to just say to everybody in your neighborhood everybody in your school that you are the coolest kid in town when you had Street Fighter 2 it didn't matter how wimpy you were or how many times you got picked on at school and how many times you got picked last for basketball or anything like that if you own Street Fighter 2 you are the coolest kid around because this was the hottest game in town and everybody knew it everybody knew about it and everybody wanted to be that kid that owned this game I kid you not so Street Fighter 2 thank you for being such an amazing piece of our childhood all of our childhoods really I'm sure so many of our childhoods were impacted in one way or another by this game and this franchise and uh so glad I was here for it it was it was a fun ride guys well if this is your first time to the Channel please do consider subscribing I love talking about my game crazy family and all the Amazing Adventures we shared with video games so many of which were caught on tape by my dad you guys are awesome thank you so much for your support I'll catch you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: My Retro Life
Views: 139,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro gaming, my retro life, retro nintendo, street fighter 2, street fighter 2 original, street fighter, street fighter 2 super nintendo, snes street fighter 2, street fighter games, street fighter 2 launch, street fighter 2 arcade, street fighter launch, street fighter 1992 game, street fighter 1991, retro fighting games, capcom, street fighter capcom, capcom street fighter, capcom fighters, super nintendo, super nintendo 1992, super nintendo games, snes, snes games
Id: 2PF8eAw2VgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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