Getting Started with Volumio, the Music Server on a Rpi that works with Home Assistant

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remember when we used to rip CDs and have mp3s on our iPods yeah ancient history well if you're looking for a way to resurrect some of those old mp3s I found a really great network-attached media player called voloom you in the next few minutes I'm gonna take a Raspberry Pi and amplify our hat some old speakers and Ballou me oh and create a fantastic little media player ready set go [Music] this is the equipment we're gonna use Raspberry Pi amplifier hat power supply micro SD card some old speakers the key component here is the amplifier hat it's made to sit right on top of the Raspberry Pi and one of the things I really like about it is that you can just put a 12-volt power supply to it and it will supply power to the Raspberry Pi so you don't have to have a separate 5 volt power supply that's fantastic now you can use voluma oh and a Raspberry Pi and not use the amplifier hat but the sound that comes out of the Raspberry Pi headphone jack is really weak so you're gonna want some kind of an amplifier there's others that are also made to fit on top of the Raspberry Pi or you can just use an external amplifier if you have one once you got your Hardware decided it's time to work on the software this is Volumnia essentially what it is is a stripped-down version of Linux it's made to run on a Raspberry Pi and it dedicates all the resources of the Raspberry Pi to making quality audio it's open source and it's beautiful downloading and installing boom you couldn't be much simpler click get started select your platform in most cases it's probably gonna be the Raspberry Pi and download the image next we're gonna burn that image onto an SD card I'm gonna use edger but it doesn't really matter what you use select the image there it is I want to put a lot of local files on this SD card so I got a 64 gigabyte card and flash and wait this is the message you get when it's done you may get a message from windows saying we don't recognize this disk format you want us to format this Drive say no you can eject the SD card and put it into your Raspberry Pi now just take the SD card slide it in the PI connect the hat to the PI and the speakers to the Hat and with all that done we should be ready to fire it up now you will be able to use your Valu mio PI with Wi-Fi but for the initial setup it's easiest if you just connect it with an Ethernet cable to your network now we're ready to fire it up now when you first power up your PI it'll take a few minutes for the loomio to get loaded so be patient but then you can type Ballu mio dot local in your browser and you should get a page like this if you don't it may be because you don't have Bonjour installed so you can either install that or you can go to your router find the new device called voloom you find its IP address and put that into your browser now let's go through the setup I speak English I know sometimes it's hard to tell but I do that's an old joke I already have another voluma oppai running that I called blue mio home so this one I'm gonna call it blue mio box since I'm gonna set this up kind of like a boom box that we can move around the house with speakers so the kids can play music when they're dancing or doing whatever else so type the name you want it to have and then hit next next we select our output you can use the audio jack or you can use the HDMI jack or if you have a DAC or digital to analog converter you can select your board from this list now the one I have doesn't seem to be on this list it looks a lot like a hifiberry but it's not a hifiberry and it doesn't say that it is a hifiberry so I'm just gonna select generic and if it doesn't work it's okay because I know I can come back and change these options later and then hit next on the network tab hopefully you see your Wi-Fi network and you can connect to that here after you put in your password this is the page I get when it starts back up one of the things you'll notice is down here at the bottom it shows both my Vaalu miios the one I just set up and my velu meal home pie and from this interface I can switch back and forth between the two well when the setup finished and I tried to play my first song work turns out I chose the wrong amplifier board I just went to the settings playback options and tried hifiberry amp now it works it did have to restart one more time but now we're good now that we got the amplifier and the speaker's working time to start selecting some music there are a lot of different ways to get music in balunia one easy way is through the web radio selection go to browse and web radio and then choose how you want to find your stations and there'll be a list of a ton of different web radio stations that you can listen to if you find one you like you can add it to your favorite unfortunately some of the radio stations don't work and they give you a message that sounds like this there's plenty of others that do work now we use a lot of Spotify and we have a premium Spotify account to get Ballou mio to play Spotify you need to add the plug-in go to settings plugins and then Spotify now you go to installed plugins and there's your spotify plugin before to really do anything you have to turn it on once it's on now you can go in and log into your account simple stuff username password save if you got your username and password right when you go back to browse you'll have a new box for Spotify one downside about Spotify and Volumnia is that it won't import any playlist that you already made on Spotify that's too bad but you can make new playlists and you can browse their playlists search through find a playlist that you like what sounds good metal metal ah there you go just for an example let's make a playlist click Add to playlist since I don't have one already I can just start a new one so now I've added that song to that playlist and if I see others I want to add I simply click Add playlist again and then select that playlist easy as that it's gonna take a little time to go through and set up a bunch of playlists but every time I set up a new playlist I find new music or old music that I forgot that I liked so it's not a bad thing to have to do it again so far that's two ways to get music from Ballou mio web radio stations and Spotify what if you want to play those local mp3s we were talking about there's a couple ways you can do that after having Ballou mio set up for a few minutes it should get recognized as a network storage on your other computers to open it up you're gonna need to log in but if you promise not to tell anybody I'll give you the secret username and password use your name voluma o password Ballu mio - and there you go now you can open the SD card on Ballou me oh if you go to internal storage you can put files here that you want to have access to from the SD card so I'm gonna grab a bunch of old mp3s and pop them in here once those files have finished transferring to your PI you'll be able to find those songs by going to music library then internal and they'll be right there you have the same options of adding them to favorites or to another playlist now I want to show you one more way to get your music go to settings and then my music one of the options you have here is network drives if you click add new device it'll scan your network and give you a list of available network drives now the only one that I have here that has any music on it it's just my other Volumnia PI but if I wanted to go to the internal storage on that PI and map a network drive this Ballou me up I could run music from that one and there it is so you don't have to keep your music on the PI you can keep your music on a different computer and just connect to it through the network drive option another way to get to your music is to attach a USB Drive to the PI that's running Ballou me oh this has been hit or miss for me sometimes the USB Drive shows up sometimes it doesn't sometimes I can access the songs sometimes I can most likely that's a problem on my end but that is part of why I opted to just put all my songs on the SD card instead to get your USB Drive go to browse then music library and if you're lucky you're here B Drive will be there I don't think it's gonna show me any songs usually when it takes that long to load it's bad news yep now it's gone completely and if you're lucky you'll be able to get to all your songs I don't know why I've had trouble hopefully nobody else will so now we've covered all the ways that you can get music with Volumnia web radio Spotify your SD card a network attached storage like a hard drive on another computer and a USB Drive attached to the pie that's pretty good now one of my favorite things about Valu mio is how good it looks so let's check out how to customize the appearance go to the settings appearance and then you can select from some preset backgrounds I like this one a lot you can select a solid background if you want and best of all you can put your own background at least you're supposed to be able to select your own background and best of all you can select your own background yeah now I want to say a little bit about navigating around balunia there are three tabs here at the bottom brows playback and cue there's nothing in my queue right now because I just cleared it anything that you click on will go to the cue like that so you can select individual songs add them to the queue or make a playlist or just add them to your favorites but you can also select playlists Spotify has a lot of playlists if you want to play a whole playlist from Spotify you find the playlist that you want and then select add to queue that'll put all the songs from the playlist in the queue if you try to just click the playlist it'll show you all the songs in the playlist but it won't add any of these songs to the queue you can go through here and add them individually make them favorites add them to a playlist or add them to the queue but if you want to play the whole playlist you need to add the whole playlist to the queue not necessarily intuitive so i thought i'd show you how to do it now if you want to create your own playlist using one of these Spotify playlists unfortunately you can't just click Add to playlist you can do that and you can name it but then when you go to play that playlist nothing happens there's no songs there so the way to do it is to add the whole playlist to the queue and then go to the queue and click the little disk to save the queue as a playlist of course you can go through here and take out any songs you don't want on your playlist first now when you're browsing and you go to my playlists you'll have this 90s rock playlist I think that's it for the tour of Baloo Mia now one of the things that I love most about velu mio is that it integrates very easily with home assistant if somehow you stumbled onto this video and don't know already I love home assistant it's an open-source smart home hub and if you want to know more there's a video link getting below mio into home assistant could not be any easier once you have a balloon EO PI running on your network as long as you have the discovery component activated in home assistant which means just having this discovery : line in your configuration llamo file the Lumia will be auto discovered so all you have to do is restart home assistant and it'll appear as a media player and here it is in my home assistant I have both of my lumia PI's actually I don't even think I had to restart home assistant to get the second one to show up maybe I did and I just don't remember anyway you can even select your playlists that's awesome of course play pause and volume control are part of it as well and I've shown you this a couple times already but when you integrate Ballou mio into lovelace as an iframe card you get the full browser experience which is my favorite and if you missed it before in the lovelace video these are the lines you need to add a voluma o iframe card pretty simple unfortunately it doesn't seem like text-to-speech works with Volumnia maybe it does and I just haven't figured out how to do it yet that's what I'm hoping anyways so I called this velu meal box because I used some old speakers and a big piece of sonotube to make a portable party box check it out this is my loomio party box it's a 10-inch sona tube used for making concrete pillars 6x9 from the truck inside is the pi the amp hat and a 12 volt rechargeable battery so I'm gonna put the other speaker on the top seal it all in and see how it sounds well there it is my Valu mio party box Raspberry Pi battery old truck speakers not too bad I like it one more really cool thing I want to show you and that is how to play a sound with a service command in home assistant so that it can be part of the action of an automation I've tried doing this a lot of different ways with chromecast and my move a home mini and I've always struggled and it wasn't straight forward with Volumnia either but at least I got it to work so that's better than I've been able to do in the past this is the process first you got to grab the sound files that you want this is a fun movie sound clips website here's a couple good ones I'm gonna grab the flack file I tried the wav files and I tried the mp3 files and some worked and some didn't so far the flack files have all worked now save that file to the internal storage or the SD card on your Valu mio PI for me that's right here it takes a minute for that file to transfer to your Valu mio PI but pretty soon you'll be able to navigate to the SD card and find the file that you just downloaded I like that now the trick to making this possible in a home assistant is to create a playlist for each of these files that you want to play you could probably put a bunch of them in one playlist if you just wanted them to circle through one at a time I just want to play one file at a time so I'm gonna put one file per playlist so find the file you want hit the three dots and then click Add to playlist since we only have one file in the playlist I'm just gonna name it after the file and after you've created that playlist you can go to home assistant and in the services tab the service is media player select source then select your volu mio as the entity it'll fill in the entity ID of your Valu mio for you so the only part you need to add is source and then the name of the playlist with velu mio the only selections that you can make as a source are playlists that's why you have to make a playlist for each mp3 that you want to play but in this format it works like this that just creeps me out so now what's that going to look like in an automation here's the automation that I made to play that sound the trigger is a state change of one of my RF sensors the action service is media player select source the data is the entity ID of my value mio box and then the source is the name of the playlist when you've got that done go to home assistant reload your automations and now we can test it out here's the sensor working there's a lot of fun things you can do when you can get an mp3 of a sound clip like that to play on a media player in your house imagine the possibilities well that's it Volumnia Raspberry Pi amplifier hat old speakers awesome tunes I love it remember if he gets stuck on anything and you need help best place to go is this cord here's a bunch of information that I like to put at the end of every video because it seems important well that's all for now as always thanks for watching until next time adios [Music]
Channel: DrZzs
Views: 144,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Home Automation, Home Assistant, Volumio, Raspberry pi, DIY electronics, Music Player, hifi, Audiophile
Id: UAFF88-3yak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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