Getting schooled by MKBHD

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- Hit you in the-- - Whoa my goodness! (yells) I feel like I'm gonna vomit. (laughter) - [Peter] What's up everybody, Peter McKinnon! What's up every. (claps) - PWhat's up guys, uh. (clearing throat) - [Peter] Everybody Peter McKinnon here and today we're talking about how you, What's up everybody, Peter McKinnon here. (claps) (clears throat) - Pwhat's up guys, MKBHD here, I. - Just, just take like a little more, like a little more from the chest, like you kinda like, wet lips, like Pwaaa! Like a fight sound, like Pwhat's up everybody. - Alright. - Just like yeah, yeah you got it. - Alright, alright. Alright. (dog barks) (laughter) (soft hip hop music) Alright. Hey what is up guys? MKBHD here and welcome back to... - We're doing a collab, it's gonna be amazing. - [Peter] Dude, I have a question for you. - Alright. - Okay, my question, I shoot everything in 1080p, all of my vlogs, all of my videos, my tutorials. I downscale everything to 1080p, but you, you shoot everything in 8K. I need to know why? Like it's just YouTube, like people are just watching them on their phones and this looks good right now! - Yes it does. - This looks, I mean it helps that your office is lit like impeccably. - Yeah. - But I mean, I don't know, I kinda feel like there's no point, there's not point to it. I need you to help me understand or try to defend why you do it. - I can confirm there is almost no point. Something called the Law of Diminishing Return that you come up against very often in this world of technology, where you spend twice as much and it gets twice as good. You spend twice as much again, it gets 10% better. You spend twice as much again, it gets 2% better. And I could shoot everything on you know a DSLR or on a C200 and probably have the exact same effect. And it's all about the content of the video at the end of the day. If I'm reviewing a phone, you still see the phone, but that last little bit that's hard to reproduce and hard to tangibly understand that you get from, not just shooting 8K, but from RED's color science or from shooting raw that is just for my own personal satisfaction. - Okay. - The little, little bit of detail, the crispiness, - yeah, yeah. - that type of thing, I feel it. I feel like maybe 1% of the viewers might feel it too. - 'Cause like I have the ability to shoot raw on my C200 and I just like, I never use it. You think I should? You think I should start shooting raw on it? - Maybe in your studio stuff. Maybe if you have like a set environment. It might even keep you from getting bored in like, like if you shoot in the same room 10 times and you get those same 10 angles and you know them really, really well, maybe opening it up and shooting raw and like playing with it a little bit might actually yeah, change your experience a little bit. - I think so we can fully grasp what he's talking about here, - Fully. - I think we should shoot - Yeah. - I think we should shoot in 8K. - Let's do it. - Let's do it right now. Okay one, two, three, four. You thought I was going on three didn't you? Okay. (laughs) Here wait. (laughter) We were just talking about why you shoot 8K for YouTube. - Yeah. - And you told me I need to visually show you why. Let's do some of these talking points. So here we are, we're in 8K, but I'm probably even gonna, I might even downscale this. It could be downscaled to 1080p at this point. - All the way to 1080? - It'll still, you'll It might be 4K, but - I think you'll still notice the difference 'cause there's a couple other little intangibles, like color science and some dynamic range stuff happening and even sharpness when you downscale. - Yeah. - So, you'll still see it, I think. - So okay, continuing on that then. - Yeah. - Shooting 8K for YouTube. I've always said this in my videos, I've been like, guys everyone's phones like only display, like they don't even display 4K anyway. You said there's like one phone on the market. So like explain to everyone that watches, why you do it? 'Cause I like, it's not that I teach everybody, it's not that I teach you guys not to ever shoot 4K, but I'm kind of an advocate that like it doesn't matter at all, unless you wanna use it for like post production reasons. - So overwhelmingly I agree. The resolution matters way less than what's actually in the video. - Yeah. - But there are a couple reasons why I shoot 8K and downscale to 4K that are particularly useful for things I do. Couple examples, one stabilization. You just have a lot more data for the software to work with. Whether it's - Warp stabilizer or whatever. - Yeah warp stabilizer, whatever final cuts doing that helps a little bit. Cropping in still. - Yeah. - When you're on a big wide sensor like this, if I give myself a ton of extra head room and I wanna straighten things out and punch in a little bit and make it, I'm basically framing it after I've shot it. - Right. - That's another reason for shooting in a wider, bigger resolution. And then just general crispiness. There is just the - It's your thing. - Just the way it looks, like I'm a big fan of sharp resolution detail and there's something you get from shooting at a higher resolution and downscaling and just having the textures. Textures is another thing. - Yeah. - iN fabrics and skin and hair and just little things you don't notice. - I teach that a lot in photography, - Yeah. - just how texture is everything. - And it might not matter at all. If I'm just shooting a vlog, I'm just walking down the street, you might not care about that. But a lot of times it's just me and a camera and I have a lot of time to myself to think about these little things and it kinda manifests it in the way you light things and the way you edit. - Okay. So it's a little more useful for like controlled environments, not necessarily the run 'n gun vlogger like me, like myself? - Yeah. - I would love to do it, but it just doesn't make as much sense as someone like Marques who is, - Sitting here. - you know in a studio with perfect light and audio, by the way the sound panels in here, so good! Tell me about the sound panels 'cause you guys know I just got an office, sounds terrible, walked in here, it's huge and there's like (snaps) like nothing, no sound. There's just like this random dog every now and then that barks. (laughter) that is it. But tell me about the sound panels. It's all about, just looking about where, imagine the sound is a wave coming out of your mouth. It's gonna bounce back and forth between the walls. It's gonna hit the ceiling and floors. So basically we're in the business of diffusing it. - Yeah. - It's gotta hit something and bounce somewhere else. - Yeah. - To not come back and echo. So there's sound panels on the ceiling. There is tiles all around the floor and then in the corners we have what's called, bass trap square that tends to amplify the return wave the most, where sound gets little bouncing around in the corner and comes back at you just as loud. - We're gettin' deep here. - So bass traps are everywhere in the studio, all around the corners you'll notice them. And then there's just furniture and just generally things for sound to bounce off of. So it's no longer a seven second echo. It actually is pretty dead in here. I've always noticed like, your videos are particularly always perfectly exposed - Well thank you. - And they sound incredible with like really good headphones. - Yeah. - You're like that makes me fell so good. - And I'm glad someone noticed, yeah. - While we have this super crispy setup, I was just informed Marques here has never tried coffee. - Never. - Never. Never in your life, not once has it entered the system. So we're gonna go downstairs and we're going to get Marques a cup of coffee and he's going to try it in crispy 8K down converted to 1080p. (laughs) And we're all gonna bear witness to the creator of the decade trying coffee for the very first time. (inhaling) I'm as excited as this, as you are about like a new 8K sensor. (scraping) The first time. (laughs) This is a latte. I didn't like, when someone hasn't tried coffee before, there's so many different types of coffee they could try, I just went with a latte, just 'cause you know there's like, latte is like a good portion of milk in it, steamed milk, so it's not as offensive to someone that's never. I'm gonna try it first, just to see how good it is downstairs. - Okay, it smells like coffee. - Okay it's not too offensive. Here we go, we need a countdown. We need to like make this intense. (intense dramatic music) Okay three, two, one. - That's yeah. Yeah. It's hot. - What'd you think? What does it taste like? Do you like it? - It, um eh. - Take another sip. - It's alright. - Take another sip, take a sip. - So like, you know how you smell coffee. Like it has like a aroma. You smell the coffee beans. - I'm so excited. - It's like, I like the way coffee smells. I gotta say, but. - And you you like the way it tastes? - I wouldn't voluntarily drink this though. - No? - No. - If you had, if you were like forced to drink like 10, - This, - You would love it, 100%. - I'm gonna try to - Sugar it up? Yeah. - I don't know if this is gonna make a difference. - We brought sugar just in case it would, you probably need like, probably at least like two in there. - Oh the whole thing, really? - Yeah just dump two in there, yeah. - Alright. - My cousin put like five in and he still didn't like it. There's something in Canada called a Triple Triple, which is like three cream, three sugar. You can get a four by four, which is four cream, four sugar. And a Wayne Gretsky 'cause he was number 99, so it's nine cream, nine sugar. (laughs) In select northern locations. - Come on. - Yeah. It's true. It's actually not bad. Like if I had this, like if I had this downstairs, I'd be so pumped. - Yeah. Not as this, - It's funny because I do it downstairs at my office. - That's exactly right. Now this is, yeah. I don't know. I'm not the-- - I bet you'll like it better with sugar. - Alright. Let's try it. - And then you'll be able to run like super fast 'cause you're just gonna be like so caffeinated. - You know I'm scared of being one of those people who like depends on it. - Oh. - Seems like everyone turns into that. - No. Better? - A little better. - So you don't hate it? - I don't hate it. - You don't love it, like it, but it's like it's not, it's not bad. - It's alright. - Alright. - C+. - Okay, okay. - Like I, don't hate it, but it's, I'm not in pain or I don't like really hate it or anything so yeah it's, but I don't know if I would go out of my way. - It hurts a little, but I'll accept that. - That's fair. - Dude, thank you for trying that. That's amazing! - No problem. - Okay now, show me some tasty awesome camera gear because this place is (gasps) there's no shortage. So good. - So this is what we shoot videos with (light pop music) and to be clear, we don't need all of this, like we don't have to shoot with all of this, but every single thing in here has its own specific purpose for what we shoot. So like this, this is the main camera. It's the one you're probably familiar with, if you've seen my videos. The monster 8K sensor. The epic W or sorry the carbon fiber body. It happens to have one of my favorite lenses on it, the 24-35 city version, full frame. - Oh my goodness. - Big sensor. - Stop it, stop it. - I can shoot everything on that, but we have, like we have the 1D X that you're shooting on here for a little bit of autofocus action, in fact we shot episode one of autofocus on this. So like the Cannon. - There she is, I love it. - C200 is here for a lot of the same stuff, but also because it's doing 4K, it's doing raw, it's doing the entire super 35 sensor. The RAVEN is in here, the EPIC-W's in here. Just a lot of different things. - What is not in here? - There's not Nikkon or anything. (laughter) I mean there's a lot. There's some frequently used, like there's favorites. I love the 18-35, so I have more than one. One, two, three, four. I have more. Some of 'em get like bent out of shape and like you scrape it and you get some weird stuff under the glass and you just have to get another one. So that's happened. (laughter) But, one of my favorite lenses ever is this ZEISS Otus 55, but you Peter are convincing me I need an 85 because on that big monstrous sensor, a 55 just isn't a telephoto lens anymore. It's a mid-range lens. - Dude why don't we throw the 85 on RED? - Oh don't make me do that. - We should 100% do it. - Man, this things gonna collapse if we put any - Let's do it, - more glass on it. - Let's do it. - I might do that, - Let's do it right now. - I have the 100 and it's great, I'm just, - Let's do the 85 right now, let's go. Grab it. (grunts) There she is. Here you go. - Look at that aperture, oh my God. - That's incredible, right? (laughs) I know look it'S such a fat piece of glass. - Oh my God. Alright. - Hey man, I don't think you have enough batteries to be honest. - You know what, we travel sometimes and we need our fair share. - I think you could, you could fit like a few more and yeah, just like yeah. - Can never have too much power. - It'd be a little better. - We all know you can't have enough batteries. - That's true. I just have six 1D X batteries. (laughs) Yeah. Look how good this looks. Look at it. Just come on! - I don't even need another lens, but here you are trying to convince me I do. - Oh 100% you do. Hey want me to try these VR goggles? I've never actually had VR goggles on before. You'd think that I probably would have, but now that I think about it. I don't think I've ever had VR goggles on, especially never gamed in VR, so I could very well vomit all over his really cool TV, but let's hope that doesn't happen 'cause that would just suck, 'cause vomiting sucks. Let's go try VR. What is this? Yeah. Whoa. Oh it like compresses to your head. I have to have this. Oh what? Do you play this everyday? - Maybe. - You have to play this everyday. There's no way you don't play this everyday. Is there like a Halo for this? - No. - Yeah we need that. (laughter) We need this with Halo. - We're on our way. - Oh okay, yeah. I'm never gonna work again. - Your a believer. See. (laughter) - Okay so that is, that was amazing! Hope you guys enjoyed that, Him trying coffee for the first time, 8K footage, VR. I feel like I'm going to explode, had so much fun. So thanks to this guy for lettin' us hang out. - Thanks for hanging out with us. - And peruse your property. - For sure. - Amazing collab. And now, - I loved that and you're welcome back anytime, - Dude. - Especially when it's nice like this. - Yes. 100% we'll be back. And peace out guys. See you in the next one. That's what you say right? - Thanks for watching. - No you do it, you do it. - Thanks for watching. talk to you guys on the next one. Peace! (upbeat hip hop music) - Hey sorry I'm back for like two seconds because this isn't a proper MKBHD collab without this. - [Marques] Woo. - Do the thing, do the thing. Oh! (laughs) What did happen, wait. Does it pick up fast? - It picks up faster then every other car in production on planet Earth. - What? - Yeah. - Does it? - You didn't hear about that? - No I didn't hear about that. - Oh yeah, no. - Tell me about that. - So like usually you measure, you know the 0-60 time on a fast car. That's like a pretty solid benchmark. Five seconds, four seconds, three seconds. - Yeah. - This one does 0-60 in 2.4 seconds. - 2.4 seconds? - Yeah. - That's even possible? - You wanna see What that's like? - Yeah, yeah. - I'd say hold on tight with two hands, so it doesn't like - Okay, I got it. Hit you in the-- - Whoa my goodness! Holy crap! You weren't kidding at all. - Nope. - Dude I felt like Doctor Strange, when he gets kicked out of his body and he wow! I feel like I need a cigarette after that. I don't even smoke. (laughter) I feel like I'm gonna vomit. (laughter) Oh my, I can't believe how that thing goes absurdly fast. Oh, okay I'm going to the airport. - Alright. - See you later. (upbeat hip hop music)
Channel: Peter McKinnon
Views: 1,497,443
Rating: 4.9544764 out of 5
Keywords: MKBHD, Marques Brownlee, MKBHD Review, Peter McKinnon, Peter McKinnon Vlog, Q&A, 8K Footage, 8K, 4K Footage, 4K, 8K for Youtube, Resolution, RED, RED Weapon, RED Monstro, C200, RAW, Cameras, Camera Tech, Dope Tech, VR, Tesla, MKBHD & Peter McKinnon, McKinnon, Photography, Cinematography
Id: 8VZ2_kBu1Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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