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what's up everybody Peter McKenna here and welcome back to yet another video today is a fun day I have to take pictures of this here ring for a special launch that's happening well today I wanted to do something a little special for it I didn't want to just do a regular product photo I want to do something a little bit out there a little more involved than I thought I would bring you along for the entire process you see I want you to see the conception the setup the actual shoot and the edit so that you can be doing the exact same thing by the end of this video so that's what's going on today let's hard-to-get I thought let's get stuff [Music] [Applause] so I send my friend some dice that I made and he took an incredible photo upset Dyson you see he was seemingly rolling the dice through the frame and it looked so good and I thought to myself man I must have taken so many takes Sam how did you do that he's a genius and a wizard and Photoshop and explained that it's fake he put all the dice in individually and and made that happen on the computer I thought well that's great he taught me how to do it gave me some tips and tricks and I thought today we would recreate Sam's photo using some finger rings okay so let's talk about what I'm thinking will work for this shoot I want to use this surface because it's super modern and it matches the ring it matches the vibe and I feel like it will match the grid really well and we'll make this the main surface but I want it to look like it's being lit by window light this is our countertop what I'm thinking is the 300 the 300 D is here and that is blasting all of our light side light as if you were shooting beside a window that was maybe right here I want this photo to kind of look like I'm rolling dice but rolling a bunch of rings so I think my hand would be here 1 2 3 4 or 5 how's that for a hand and the Rings would be rolling down the table now I'm gonna need some other props a strewn about so that these rings are rolling through them and it looks great and it's all list from the side so we need to set up this light we need to get some props and then position me in place with my hands we can get that shot of the Rings rolling now you might be asking yourself Pete how are you gonna get those rings to roll and without shooting it a thousand times we're actually gonna Photoshop the Rings in individually by taking five different photos you may be asking why you need five photos and why are you doing it this way not actually using the big window that you have I don't want the light to change if I'm gonna be taking five photos because I'm photoshopping in the Rings the exact position I want them to be so that looks great I need that light to stay the same it needs to be constant that's why we close the blinds and we're going to tweak everything so it's exactly the way we want it we want full control and that's what this tutorial is about when it comes to shooting items products stuff like that how to get full control and have your shot be exactly the way it is in your head or on your iPad or on a napkin or maybe back of your hand or maybe you just I don't know maybe it's maybe it's out of a box that's on a box maybe you wrote it on the flap of the box in second timer okay so looking at the frame right now it doesn't look exactly like window light and I think that's because it's just such a targeted space where we have this 300 D so I need to light up the background more so it doesn't just feel like there's a single window in this one space turning on my background light this one right here kind of lights up the back of the frame okay I think I might add this board to the surface I liked the reflection but then I realized it's just gonna be double the photoshopping because if I'm putting these rings in with like tweezers or something which I'm gonna do I'll have to Photoshop that out of the reflection as well which I think lends more to the style of these rings anyway and doesn't make them any less modern gonna try it out get in there show these coffee flakes I think they might look cool I just dumped them all over the wood board there's absolutely no need for it like it seemingly doesn't make sense when there's more texture in its subtle texture like this like sawdust on the ground or raindrops on top of an item they don't take away from it they just make it more interesting and subconsciously you won't even pick up on it you'll just see it as a whole thing dope that looks good you can probably use a bottle of whiskey like a glass a little bit in there a couple more props it warmed it up like real nice oh we got a sample that I'm lacking on the props right now so I got to be creative I like the coffee grinds the whiskey's good playing cards makes sense I just want to give a little more depth you see what needs to happen here is around five photos a photo of the basically set without any rings the photos meet seemingly rolling the Rings then three photos of each individual ring so that's five photos that we're combining into one photo so the frame can't move it can't be handheld because if it's a little bit off when you're masking and painting in the other objects the lights different that's really the constant light if the camera is in a different place it's just not gonna line up so everything has to be fully controlled and dialed how do you guys like that word boy I say it a lot apparently so take a drink every time you hear dialed of chocolate milk okay now this is what you're gonna need for this photo a pair of tweezers now this is all I have so what I want to do is just hold the edge of that ring with the tweezer I'm gonna hold it like this we're gonna snap the photo and because we have those blank frames I can paint my hand out easier so the only thing I have to paint out in Photoshop is just where the tweezer is that's a lot better than having to paint out my fat fingers holding a ring that cover half of it and changed the light on it and cast them as skin color into the shiny parts all I'm gonna have instead is that [Music] one of the tips that Sam was mentioning is if you can get those objects interacting with other objects in the frame ie casting shadows or seemingly kicking up some dust that makes it look like the shot may have actually happened and you caught the perfect frame less of like you just cutting and pasting items into a single photo with Photoshop we want to avoid it looking as fake as possible like putting a mountain in a desert or something like that so that's the goal all right welcome back to the desk now it's time to edit all five of those photos that we took into one beautiful photo now to do that load all the files in get them all into Lightroom then I go through and I flag which ones are gonna work I didn't just take one picture of every ring in one position I used a few positions to see so I would be able to choose at the end when I'm going through on the computer which one looked the best in relation to the other ones and how far they were how far away they were from each other how close etc once I chose them I went ahead and exported them I didn't do any edits yet and then I brought them all into Photoshop but Before we jump in to photoshop we got to take a moment to thank our sponsor for this episode which is none other than Skillshare wait wait wait wait if you've never heard of Skillshare before I don't understand if you have any spare time if you have free time on a bus on a train at home sitting watching TV eating breakfast eating lunch outside lounging summertime vacation whatever it's a great time to learn new skills to learn even the skills that I'm teaching you now if you wanted to learn more about Photoshop and Lightroom and photo retouching there are hundreds thousands of online courses to do so one of my favorite courses and a buddy of mine on here Brandon Wolfe oh great photographer an incredible photographer another street photographer that I love and I've been following for ages trash hand has another great course online if you want to go in and learn styles and tips and tricks from all these individual creators and that doesn't end at photography or Lightroom you can literally learn anything now for the first thousand people that click the link in the description below but it's just the first thousand so if you just click now pause and click now you'll you'll get it we're gonna give away two months free of a premium subscription two months free literally just get in there and cram for the summer just load it in highly recommended you ever realize I suck at winking like my whole face like I just can't close one eyeball without maybe they have a course on how to wink properly once I had them on Photoshop I started with the base layer that was the background picture that was nothing in it at all then I pasted on the picture of my arm in my hand then I pasted the pinky ring then I pasted the second ring then I pasted the hero piece which was front and center so once I had all those layers built then I went ahead and masked them one at a time now clicking on the layer mask at the bottom with the paintbrush selected with I believe it's white as the foreground you can paint away everything in that photo that you don't want revealing the layer beneath which in our case is the frame of the background in my hand seemingly rolling these rings so after painting them away as close as I could and then going to the next layer and painting that one away and going to the last layer and painting that one away all three rings are now visible in frame it looks okay but you noticed looking at it it just looks a little bit off because the Rings are just kind of seemingly pasted into position they don't really look like they're a part of the environment they look like they were added even though we took them in the same environment so what I did is added field blur to every single layer so the ring that was in the very back corner which I labeled all the layers according to the names of the Rings heritage I blurred the heritage ring the most out of all three then I blurred the shield ring a little bit less than heritage and then obviously Voyager I blurred the least amount but there is one little trick that I did with the Voyager ring that sells the image completely you see this plane of depth-of-field here where is actually a sliver of focus across the frame I made sure that this ring fell into the same plane of focus so I duplicated the layer went up to filter gallery filled blur and that's what gives you a really realistic looking depth of field with Photoshop now I added a feel blur to the entire layer then I went back into the layers palette added another mask to that and paint it away the blur along the same depth of feel sliver that's in the background photo so it matched you see the depth of field in the foreground and the depth of field in the background based off of how shallow that looks this ring would only be in focus in a certain spot the whole ring itself would not be in focus just based on how the background image looks so I had to make sure there's a little bit of blur on the ring in the foreground and a little bit of blur in the ring on the background and that's what really made this photo start to look realistic for me once I was happy with those changes I saved it brought it back into Lightroom and then just added my color stylizing if you will to make it my style and give it that kind of attitude and pirate life attitude that I feel these rings represent and matches the whiskey and the playing cards and the knife and the foreground and once you were done all of that you have a photo that looks like this so yes that's a lot of steps there's a lot of things involved in that but when you break it down step by step it's not overly complicated now this edit took me an hour so that entire screenshot you saw that was just condensed into these few minutes was an hour of work so it's not someone that goes by fast but there are a few tips that Sam gave me that I'll pass on to you so that if you're doing this in the future or tonight or in the next 20 minutes you'll be able to take these things to account to help you get the most realistic looking photo possible now that I got my message up here at Sam his first tip is obviously using a tripod which I mentioned when we were setting this up in the first place preferably artificial light so the environment isn't changing on you making things way more difficult Sam says not only are the objects interacting with each other but the last tip would be having them interact with the environment itself and that goes back to if you're rolling dice or if you're rolling rings they are kicking up some of the dust on the table or they are casting shadows onto the table the object and the environment are working together to make it feel realistic not just things floating in the ether for no reason so hopefully some of those things help you when you're taking your photos some things to keep in mind also check out Sam say hi for me tell him I sent you I'll leave his link in the description below you've also probably seen it pop up on the screen by now but Sam is a great photographer and we have a lot of fun working with my other brand Pete's pirate life so Sam thanks for the tips thanks for letting me recreate your photo and yeah heiped if you liked this ring if you were like oh those are some nice rings Pete you always wear a turquoise ring like you wore one in the bucket shot you've been wearing them forever we see them in your video since the beginning of time where did you get them which is honestly an email I get you'd be surprised the amount of people who want to know where I get my rings I made these rings I made them I made them with the company in Toronto where I get a lot of my rings from called clocks and colors and they're available now you can get them at the link below and yes I know you're probably the shameless plug but honestly I'm super proud and super grateful to be able to do things like this with cool people to make products that speak to me that inspire me that that take my passions like photography and the outdoors and wrap them into products that I use on a daily basis and have been so if that's of interest to you click the link if it's not don't even worry about it I hope you enjoyed the tutorial but I'm super proud of this collection it's three rings and a pendant and necklace and the necklace the pendant is actually based on one of the photos that I had minted onto Canadian currency you've probably seen it of mount rundle so they're all designed based off things that I love things that are very me and my passion for the outdoors and heritage and so on and so forth and if those interest you this is my favorite one that's the the classic PM turquoise ring that you see all the time then you've got the mountains won't remember me right here with the antlers on the side then you've got shield named after the Canadian shield with with some cool tree roots on the side that's it that's the whole collection and we're super excited and we're super excited about it and I'm just pumped and if you're pumped I'm pumped if you're not I'm still pumped thanks just thank you I really appreciate you the links are below all the links are below check them out I think he might like them they make you better photographer especially if you wear one on every finger then you're like 10 times the photographer you're gonna pick a card for me you're at home so you can't say stop so I'll just I'll just stop for you anywhere let's see if you can see it that'll be your card right there okay don't forget it we're going to leave it in the middle of the pack here's the thing boom jumps jumps out of the pack to my hand and then it vanishes and comes back magic welcome to the new video good
Channel: undefined
Views: 667,858
Rating: 4.9436822 out of 5
Keywords: Peter McKinnon, Product Photography, Photography, Take better product photos, product photos, prop photography, antique photography, treasure hunting, make money with photos, make money with photography, Vlogger, Peter McvKinnon Tutorial, Cameras, Camera Hacks, Peter McKinnon Tutorial, How to take product photos, make money with product photos, monetize your photography, monetization
Id: S032w8H6f-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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