Getting Over It But Everything I Touch Falls!? - MODDED Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy

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[Laughter] uh you know everyone is always like later orange lady table yo what up boys we're in version 1.54 again that's because all items are accessible when i did getting over it but everything you touch disappears the original version of that mod was supposed to be getting over it but everything i touch falls but it wasn't possible now it's possible let's go leads alright so if you pause the game we got some options there's a couple modes that says objects will fall three seconds after being touched you can change the settings mode everything you touch falls or killer hammer we'll get to that later i'm gonna be honest i think that's my favorite part but we're gonna start with the endurance for now everything you touch falls let's do two seconds all right everything i touch falls after two seconds this should be uh should be interesting all right this is easy no problem no problem okay no i just want to stay and watch them fall oh what the heck that one came flying up dude someone get unlocked dislodged and they just come flying oh no oh no we're not going to make a pet help i mean uh oh hi lantern how's it going wait what is this tree oh it's gone now okay we can still do this we can still climb uh maybe not this may become one of my favorite mods not just uh this part but no no no the other mode okay we have two seconds after everything we touch we gotta be speedy we gotta be speedy huh everything you touch turns into a prop essentially oh no no no no no ah i was gonna try and pull myself up and get on top of the the giant wall so at the end of our last video you've probably seen i teased this mod but that was an early version and uh basically whenever an object touched an object it would make it fall so there was kind of a chain reaction issue with that as soon as you touched one object it would touch another and before you know it the entire map was falling down that was a bit of a problem no no it'll be everything will be all right the freaking girder just goes by if we ever get to the top of the map and you come back down here it's just going to be a pile of everything the entire map is just now down here as props i think i'm i'm caving we're already changing it to three seconds okay okay you know i'm not gonna lie if i had that on two seconds i think i would have made that that was actually pretty good oh my god dude oh it's starting to lag half the map is falling oh no the sky is falling the sky is falling oh no oh no no there goes the church what are we doing is the entire map down here it's just piles of stuff hey look a couch wait this is part of construction oh there's the hot tub bye hot tub oh the orange table what up it's the orange table dude oh we making it boys getting a little laggy but uh we making it oh boy the church the church the church oh there goes the church [Music] oh half the mop map half the mop half the map is props by this point [Music] oh you only get one shot at snowballs wait what do i what do you mean you only get one shot at everything holy lag don't fall bucket no no ice no yes push me up somehow i don't know what's happening no no no i can still do it i can still climb it somehow i don't i can use the notches oh wait there's literally a notch there i can grab it i might be able to do this somehow i gotta like pull it over and then up to it yes okay oh no oh we gotta be quick we gotta be quick i touched it [Music] no no no let me up no oh come on shopping cart i'm i'm coming oh no i don't think it's happening boys i think we destroyed them oh there there goes the other rock i think we destroyed the mountain hey wait wait you want to come over here can i can i knock you over here yeah there we go now i can climb off of you nope okay [Laughter] oh no hey the snowman what up snowman how's it going where'd your eyes go oh my god that was huge what is that it's massive um oh my god holy crap oh okay reset holy rip eardrums i think the majority of the lag is from items being inside of other items though even if there's a lot of items it doesn't usually lag until they're like intersecting oh no no no oh no okay we're good we're good the timing you good tree hey hey get out of here you screw me over tree oh no no no no oh no i went to pogo off the thumb and it just went ye i just smacked into it flying all right we cheated to get up ice we put it on a 10 second timer we're gonna go back to three try and accomplish the tower oh my god the leg it's brutal it's brutal oh i what was that why am i sliding why am i going up what is happening what i knocked the tower into space causing it to trigger zero gravity we are we're not floating time to go to my favorite part of the mod and i think this is uh this is probably now my favorite mod if you change the mode to killer hammer hold mouse one down and hit an object to turn it into a prop now we can control what we want to break so i can go hey i don't like this rock i light it ah this one's fine but this one get it oh make anything you want into a prop i kind of want this paddle give me the paddle oh look at it dude i love it so all you have to do is hold down your mouse you just click and hit something whatever your mouse hits while you're holding click down turns into a prop the girder later hey do you guys hate the lanterns and chimney just get rid of them take out the lanterns you'll never have to deal with them again oh i got it no more lanterns yo the electrical box let's go get outta here just freaking needed it wait wait wait wait wait sideways can i like push it out nope it's just kind of here now all right we're building a new map we're rebuilding the construction site what about this one oh oh my hammer oh no i'm going to continue with all the stuff we've broken anytime you want to reset just ctrl r that'll reload the scene all right we now no longer have the wall oh no what is it doing there how did it tilt upwards oh let's go no more rail guys bye tub stupid barbecue stupid pumpkin stupid idiot get out of here oh damn the piece of wood i thought it was going to be part of the ladder ah get out of here hot tub oh for those of you who watched the tournament and you've seen what happened to me you'll know i want to get rid of this toilet i cannot unfortunate okay so sladeski is also you know a similar ahead in splits he's at construction he's not orange off his first run and kasha just completed his first run yeah everyone right now oh no cody what's even if cody he's stuck in the toilet oh okay he got out i don't know how long he was there for get up out of here toilet yeah also you know it'd be kind of nice if these annoying lamp and chair weren't here i think furniture would be a lot nicer get out of here this one's annoying too you get caught on that yeah oh that was a little more than i wanted but that's fine uh you know everyone is always like later orange lady table i'm gonna force myself to do thumb skip there is no more thumb oh no i didn't mean to click all right can i get in there too how do they put it back in its position hey we're inside of the furniture mess now this is confusing no more slide no the kids flying dude you you okay there you all right out there kid uh and bill that might make this jump difficult all right hold up don't go anywhere anvil i still need you nope all right we got to do it this way knock the pillar down the telephone booth that's so weird make a bridge oh that'd be sick everyone knows you want to do it get out of here oh yes no more snake that felt good what about this thing this oh no i didn't want to get rid of that oh no there's no recovery do no rights sorry do not ride what what are you talking about this there's no snake shopping cart you know i know a lot of people that get stuck on the shopping cart and have a hard time getting out or maybe can't even get out guess what no more shopping cart are these individual blocks let's try and get rid of the bottom one oh my god oh hey [Laughter] jenga right you pull it out let's just knock it over it didn't trigger wait there's a bridge oh no we triggered zero gravity there oh it's back what where did the tower go oh no ah you got so close but this is past mending you got the bad what do i do now oh i know [Applause] bro i just freaking whipped it down [Laughter] oh no it's going into space wait where it fell wait can i climb the tower to get the gym okay this is the wrong the wrong rock we're supposed to be higher yes jim wait oh no so what happens if i kill the snake while riding the snake let's let's get some momentum boom oh it's sideways bro yo what up slide oh my god it has no friction we bridged it boys no more danger here don't have to worry about falling down that hole we have freed the van where'd it go there it is it like got stuck on the side of the orange or something dude excuse me can i come in thank you oh no what happened what happened uh [Laughter] well thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed the video leave a like if you love the video consider subscribing i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Codyumm
Views: 2,272,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: getting over it, bennett foddy, benet, bennet, GOI, speedrun, speedrunning, mod, modded, hilarious, funny, silly, lol, rofl, Codyumm, gaming, live streaming, mods, modding, moding, cheat, cheating, hack, hacks, diogenes, thanos, thanos snap, vanish, disappear, disolve, fall, prop, props, falls, falling, dynamic, kinematic, physics
Id: wC64XpM6jJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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