GETTING OUR GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPY! first day home + puppy haul!

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yeah you you take all my wrongs and make them better yeah you you're making me wanna try forever I feel so great I'm a sweet baby well today is the day we're getting our puppy this has been years in the making show the back seat look we got our puppy bed currently not no puppy in there but soon stick around and there will be one we are on our way and we're getting lunch right now and then we're gonna pick up our boy we think we're like What 90 on the name oh are you a hundred we're here we're here [Music] to meet our boy he smells so good [Music] oh my gosh wow he's so calm you're so sweet it's very affectionate I was never the one to write up a song for just anyone I I was always the one to find myself lost in all conversations all cause I've always been told that things will unfold if you keep on waiting but then you came along and proved me all wrong I was so mistaken cause you glue all the pieces back together yeah you you take all my wrongs and make them better yeah you you're making me wanna try forever I feel so free on my sweet baby [Music] cause nothing was changing but with you it's so clear and now that you're here I see colors Spectrum cause I finally learned my lesson [Music] back together [Music] sweet baby oh my God [Music] think to myself thinking out loud we won't need nothing else for the rest of our time and I know it so well I will always be by your side [Music] together yeah you you take all my wrongs and make them better yeah you you're making me wanna try forever I feel so free I'm a sweet baby everyone formally meet Teddy Teddy Teddy say hi say hi we don't he doesn't know how to say hi yet but we'll get there we're gonna sit and chat about all the dog things and then I'm gonna show you guys everything I got in preparation for the puppy I'll do a little puppy haul and that will be really fun he just woke up from a nap he was sleeping under the couch we just told our family they didn't know we were getting a dog so we just facetimed everybody I think I've decided to create his own Instagram especially so that I don't spam my own Instagram with all of his content because for the people that don't care about dogs I don't want to annoy them so if you guys want to see oh he just plopped right there just like his attention span this video has been so Majestic we originally were planning on naming our dog biscuit our first Christmas when we got engaged Sam bought me this like what is this this little tag and it says biscuit because that was our dog name at the time and we knew we wanted to get a dog that's how long we've been waiting and then we thought about Simba golden retrievers slipping all over the wood floor because golden retrievers often look like lions with their like Mane and stuff so we thought about that I really loved the name Theo I love that I love the name Theodore for a boy he didn't want that for a kid name so I was like what about a dog and we weren't on that train either so then we settled on Teddy and if you guys follow me on Instagram then you saw that we went to this like hunting dog show and there was a dog there named Teddy and we were like yes like that sounds good it sounds right I've got Teddy here he just had some water and some food so I thought I'd show you guys oh thank you everything that we got um in preparation for getting him I did a lot of research and trying to look into like what in the world do we need I had no idea and honestly I didn't start buying things until probably Tuesday and today is Saturday and I have fallen in love with the website Chewie I know it's like a huge brand and I see why it's like the Amazon of dog toys I'm gonna show you guys everything that we got so the first thing that we bought is the crate that we have and a crepe mat I can't remember the exact size we got but we got a really large size so he can grow into it but it has a divider so that while he's small it will like feel smaller we're definitely gonna train him we want to teach him to love his crate the next thing we got is this 40 stuffed animal but the reason we got it is because inside it actually has like a heart that beats he's used to sleeping with all of his litter mates and now he's going to be sleeping alone so this has a heartbeat in it so it will feel like the rest of the dogs and we actually put this in with his mom and his litter mates whenever we got him so it has their scent all over it and it sat there for like an hour with them so hopefully that will help with his anxiety especially like adjusting to a new place okay now I'm gonna go into the stuff that we got at Target they have so many cute dog things so the first thing are his dog bowls this is what they look like they're kind of like a plastic kind of thing you like that noise you know some food is left in there and I like that they're neutral target has some really great and cute options and to go along with his food bowl we also got this mat that goes down underneath the food bowls so that water doesn't drip anywhere and it is like a non-slip mat with real hardwood you can't get water on the floor so I feel like that will be very helpful for whenever he's drinking water to just like pick it up and he actually just did it like 10 minutes ago and it works perfectly is dripping everywhere the mat was big enough that it just got on the mat which is great and we also got his dog bed from Target so we were between this one and another like neutral one Sam loved this one I was like I guess I really like it too like green is the color in our house we don't have much of it but if I'm gonna put color anywhere it's going to be green so we thought it was cute and it's the perfect size puppy bed he can grow into it for a little bit but we'll definitely have to get a new one whenever he's like fully grown I also got this basket to put all of his toys in we are big on the idea of minimal toys so we only got very specific ones we did not want anything that squeaks I know dogs love that but with Sam working from home and me working from home too that just would not work so we actually got this toy it is called a silent squeaker so it's got a squeaker inside but it's so high pitched that we can't hear it but the dog can so it won't Annoy Us but it will still satisfy that like idea of getting like a squeaker and this isn't from Target I got this off of Amazon I'll have a link down below it was six dollars which is great then we got two chuckit balls these are great great balls kind of the smaller size then we'll upgrade him to the bigger size then we got a Kong we can't wait to fill this with peanut butter and just let him chew on it and then we got him a deer antler um these are great they last forever they're better than bones we don't want to just give him any kind of bone because they're often really bad for dogs and then the last toy that we got him is one of these kind of like pull toys I feel like it would be good for him to play tug of war with there you are here's your toy hey and we also got him this like air Chuck it ball it can go further because it's got holes in it I don't know so I did order this set off of Amazon I thought it was so cute but then we got it in and I didn't really love the feel of it so I think we're gonna return it it's very very cute so if you're looking for a cute collar set I definitely recommend that um but when we were at PetSmart we did just get him like a basic black training collar that will be really good for him to learn to walk on a leash and things like that and then we're gonna buy him a harness we just didn't know what size he would be so we didn't get one yet we need to take him there and see what he fits in we also went ahead and got one of these long extended leashes and one of these like steak things so that if we're ever in the front yard he can be out there with us if we ever go camping or anything like that this will be great so he can roam around but not like you know be on the loose so we just went ahead and got that and we got this little poop bag canister from Target it's just cute I feel like you need one of these then we got one of these from Amazon it's just a little brush and then for the nail trimmer we got this set it's a nail grinder and I think also comes with the trimmer this is also from Amazon I had really good reviews and I've seen a lot of other people recommend it then this isn't necessary but I thought it would be important I got this musher's secret pop balm and in the winter they're like paws can kind of crack and so apparently this is really good for them where is he for cleaning supplies we did get these Nature's Miracle deodorizing Bath Wipes and I think this will be good to just wipe them down every once in a while our breeder recommended this spray to us whenever we got him he smelled so good and she was like this spray is so great um for like in between baths and things like that so we're planning on getting that I don't remember what it is I haven't bought it yet so I'll link it down below for carpet cleaner we do have resolve you know if he ever has an accident in the house and then we also got this this is Nature's Miracle and this one it's the enzymatic formula as I say it enzymatic it's supposed to break down the enzymes in their pee so that because you know how dogs will pee in the same spot over and over it's because there's is there this is supposed to break that down to prevent that it like breaks down all the enzymes so hopefully that will work and we got a container for the food but that hasn't come yet that's coming from Amazon I'll link that down below as well last thing that we got is this little like portable Drinker for them we actually used it today and he caught on real quick so if you click this button like water will come out if you pour it and if they are done and don't finish the water you click the button again and it goes back down into it so this is great on walks or like today when we picked them up and we had him in the car he just drank it in the car and it was really really great I just got that all over me that is everything I got we try to keep it minimal but it does add up really quick and I'm sure we will get more stuff over time all the things we got off of Amazon I did link that in our Amazon storefront and I'm sure I'll have things linked down below of course it's almost dinner time so we will probably go grab dinner I don't have any groceries and then we'll probably chill in the house and hang out with our little Teddy boy oh my gosh he's asleep again he loves being under the couch fell asleep again say he's just sliding lucky for that [Music] is this your favorite spot in the House Bunny hi hi buddy [Music] are you such a good boy are you the Chica boy oh like an hour and the puppies oh just kidding good morning hi buddy good morning time to take him to the bathroom ready [Music] oh here good here [Music] all right this is Teddy's first experience of us leaving him in his crate we're just gonna go grab dinner really quick so it should only be like 30 45 minutes so he's eating in there right now and then I filled a Kong with peanut butter so hopefully he's good and I put this little thing in there with its heartbeat on it hurts my heart to leave him in his crate I know he'll love it eventually but I don't want to scar him so we just got back and we came home and he wasn't crying at first and we opened the door and we hear him crying and we walk in the room and we were like it stinks and he had pooped the crate peed it was a bad situation we were probably gone for 20 minutes max poor guy was just probably so distressed I feel so bad so hopefully tonight is better we just cleaned everything up please again under the couch I think that's like the only place he actually really likes we got Jet's Pizza we've got mozzarella sticks in the oven and we're gonna Chow Down it's been a day the best day ever because we got you teddy is fast asleep we're gonna enjoy our pizza probably watch some TV thank you guys so much for watching this video stick around if you want to see more about him about our lives and with that being said I'll see you guys in my next video bye
Channel: Jaclyn Brooke
Views: 73,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haul, jaclyn, brooke, GETTING OUR GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPY! first day home + puppy haul!, getting my first puppy, puppy vlog, getting my golden retriever, cute golden retriever videos, golden retriever, we got a puppy!, we got a golden retriever puppy
Id: olOGi9kjFcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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