SURPRISE!! I GOT A PUPPY | first 24hrs with my Corgi puppy.

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[Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning everybody and welcome back to my channel it is wednesday today i'm just out on my walk trying to do this on every day that it's really nice outside and today is a absolutely beautiful fall day so getting my little walk-in i love to go on this walk it's like six kilometers in total and it's just so nice especially in this weather it's like not too hot not too cold perfect weather to go on a walk i'm just wearing this sweater from maurizia a vest some leggings from gymshark and my favorite walking sneakers they're by um oh my god why can't i remember now the north face i think are they yeah they're by the north face and they're just like a really really amazing walking sneaker they're actually a trail running sneaker technically but i find them perfect for walks like they're so comfortable my feet no blisters they have like this rounded bottom to them that makes it so easy to walk in them and i just literally love them so yeah just going on my walk get some steps in aiden's still at my apartment chillin and probably gonna go back there shower and kinda like figure out the rest of my day and what i wanna do today i feel like i need to go run some more errands because i feel like i have no toilet paper [Music] all right guys i'm on the move again because i'm going to the grocery store even say hi he's making passes what up but i might even think our store i just need a couple things we don't have any paper towel barely toilet paper um i need a new brita filter all of that stuff and then excitingly later i'm going to look at a puppy which i'm really excited about it's a little corgi girl and you know it could be the one she could be the one so we'll see but i'm really excited you guys know how much i've been wanting a dog recently so yeah she's adorable so we'll see about that what happens keep you guys tuned in but let's go to the grocery store and get the goods bye honey struggling yeah that is a can opener so pretty it's pretty crap [Music] okay so we're off now to go and see the little cute angel puppy i'm so excited um i don't think i'm gonna like vlog too much obviously when we're like meeting the dogs that'd be really awkward i didn't tell the people that i was a youtuber but you know it's a little next level if i have to start vlogging the whole experience but if it goes well when i see you guys next i will have a puppy if it doesn't go well i will not have a puppy so stay tuned to find out what happens next this is my new friend this is millie minnie are you gonna be the best girl ever i think you are i think you are she's like what is this camera but she's obviously like already i feel like the camera ready all the time if i pull my phone she just sits and stares at it in perfect form you're so good ready come here milly come on milly cow she doesn't know about the camera look at her she's like what is that really good yes that's so good this is camera you're gonna have to get used to it because you have youtuber for mommy but yeah her name is millie she is so cute very feisty already we're gonna be teaching you to be a good girl all the time aren't we yes we are and you're gonna be a little angel princess and hopefully not pee too many times in my house hi everyone it is like seven a.m and i'm just getting ready for my first little wedding milly out for a paint it's probably freezing out so just preparing to go outside i'm getting all my stuff on and then i'm gonna go get her out of the crate and bring her downstairs so that she won't be on the floor i'm gonna try and start off today on a good note have her first pee of the day outside then i'm gonna come back in and feed her make my breakfast all that kind of stuff so welcome to my first full day as a puppy mom of my girl mill a common little sassy clean milk she's so cute though millie was a good girl and went painful outside didn't you honey she did but what she really needs to work on 120 is walking on the leash terrible absolutely terrible she literally throws temper tantrums if she doesn't get her way which i've heard no i've heard that corgis are very very strong-willed stubborn and so true she thinks she knows the best way to go and if you try and redirect her she lays down and goes and rolls around her back like it's the hardest thing to ever happen to her but she did go pee and poo almost immediately when she was outside so i was really happy with that she at least knows to go to the bathroom i mean living in a city she clearly doesn't mind concrete because she's just wet off the concrete you've probably been used to peeing on concrete haven't you yeah we're gonna have breakfast and then play for a little bit and then you gotta go over another play to make sure that you don't have accident right and then i gotta call the vet about you today and we're gonna try and get you in puppy glasses [Music] yeah i'm gonna do i guess like a brief explanation of how i got her i saw her an ad for her she was actually being like kind of rehomed like i don't know the whole situation but she did have different owners i think they said they were fostering her and they were re-homing her basically for a breeder and i was like she is adorable so i messaged them and then they were like i think you would be perfect basically and then i met her and i just thought she was such a little fiery bundle of joy a little crazy chicken nugget that's for sure she's nuts but we're gonna have yes you're crazy you're crazy we're gonna play and have breakfast right now that we know you won't have sitting in the house now we know you won't have accident let's go get a toy all right guys it is 9 55 in the morning now i've let millie out three times and she's been so good no accident well actually that's a lot she peed in my garbage but no poo poo accident so that's good and i just let her out now and she went and peed on the grass so she's doing really good i just booked her appointment for sunday to get her second round of vaccines so after that i'll be able to take her out like a lot more because right now i've just kind of been avoiding most interactions because i do want to keep her safe and i know that she needs to get her second round of vaccinations first so trying to keep that in mind but she's going on sunday so that'll be good but she's being a good girl i'm just waiting for her to get a little bit tired i might play with her a bit more and to get her pretty tired because i still need to go back to the pet store and get a couple more things for her so i'm gonna wait till she's a bit tired then put her in her crate and then probably head out and get the stuff that i need from the pet store but she's being a really good girl so far you're learning so much already and getting even better every day i don't know what she's trying to eat currently but there's something there that's really interesting her what is that is that you is that millie is that millie is that millie she sees herself in that reflection is that millie that's millions i just went and got some more things from her from the pet store i did get her some stuff last night like emergency stuff like her crate oh so that's her she's sleeping and some other stuff this crate actually doesn't fit her i need to get her a bigger one but it was the only one they had so she's gonna definitely outgrow this soon but for right now it's okay she's able to lay down so she's still comfy in there but i got her some stuff so i got her this collar by wolf concept she obviously is still growing so i want to wait till she's fully grown to get her like her good stuff that i'm going to spend like good money on but i picked her up this little donut collar so cute i got her a little name tag that says millie which is super cute and then i picked up some toys and whatnot i got her a new harness because her seemed a little bit small to me either way she'll grow into this one if the other one is this one's too big but hers seemed really small so i picked her up this new one then i got her a little slow bowl feeder which kind of is just a little bit of a puzzle so it takes her a little bit longer to eat which will be good because she does eat super fast like inhales her food so i got this some chocolate balls she doesn't really understand fetch yet but we're working on it this little toy ball that i can put like treats in and she can use as a puzzle like roll it around to get the treats out which is good and then i got her just a kong with the kong treat so that if i'm gonna leave her for a little bit i can put a treat in there and leave it in her crate with her that so that she looks at her crate as a good place in a place that she gets snacks and stuff she's already very good in the crate shockingly i've never had a dog this good in my life in a crate she doesn't even cry much in there and she just kind of lays down goes to sleep so that's good but yeah got her a bunch of stuff i'm gonna put her little thing on her collar soon because it's so cute all right guys it is 1 16 now i let millie out again she was good she peed and pooed outside she's been doing so good with that and now she's sleeping again so i'm taking advantage of all of her naps to get work done basically any editing filming anything i need to do i'm like the minute she passes out in her crate i'm like perfect it was work time i am actually really tired though today i didn't sleep well last night i think i just had in my mind like all the things i need to do today and i was just like oh my god i have so much thing to do about her and i didn't sleep very well i slept probably like four or five hours so i'm not ideal so i'm really tired but i'm trying to like power through today so i can just get a really good sleep tonight and just try and sleep like through the night completely before i let her out again tomorrow but right now i'm just looking into signing her up well i'm editing this video that you're currently watching and i'm going to look up enrolling her in puppy school and like a little puppy place in toronto i just want to socialize her a lot for the most part make sure she's around like other puppies other dogs and has all those social skills if any of you have any tips and have had a puppy on raising it training it anything let me know down below in the comments i would love any advice she's pretty good with the crate so that one's not that bad i do need to work on like walking on a leash and i need to work on most like tricks she only knows sit so i gotta teach her everything else and she's very stubborn so she's not as easy like when i trained aussie way back in the day he was so fast to learn everything because he wasn't stubborn he would just do it while she's very like what's in it for me kind of situation so a little bit harder but we got it i'm tired it's like a new mother i feel like i just like gave birth and now i'm sleep deprived like what is this are you just checking in how are you doing today how are you liking your second day at your home actually technically your first full day since we got you last night and you basically just played pooped and went to sleep but you know what else you did today you haven't pooped inside and you only peed on the rug once no not the marble and you peed the other time on the pee pad inside so that wasn't too bad and it was by the front door so you kind of knew what you were doing slightly see if she comes after me if i leave she seems to be pretty good with it so far do i have a follower do we have a who is that is that little mill is that little mill with the ball go get it she gets a little scared when she hits the walls yes good girl mill i really want to teach her to play fetch she's kind of getting it like slowly like i feel like if i keep doing repetition she's gonna understand it totally but i do feel like oh do we don't eat the pee pads oh no too they're literally like little talons okay i'm gonna get it then i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it i don't she's like no i'm over that [Music] really just woke up from her nap i was able to take some a little bit of time for myself while she was napping showered made myself look a little bit more presentable all that jazz but yeah i'm about to go let her out again she definitely probably will have to go poo poo right it's poo poo time so i'm gonna let her out but i just want to come on and end off today's video because i'm kind of a busy night and finish editing this and all that stuff so i hope you guys enjoyed it i hope you guys enjoyed meeting millie and you're excited for all the content with her little cute face she's ready to go poo-poo but yeah love you guys so much and i will see you all in my next video bye really say bye to everyone say bye thanks for tuning in say bye good job [Music] no
Channel: Chelsea Trevor
Views: 141,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chelsea trevor, puppy, getting puppy, corgi, Pembroke welsh corgi, first 24hrs, picking her up, picking up, puppy routine, training, 2021, corgi puppy, cute corgi, vlog, daily vlog
Id: nlWKPcv5fIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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