Getting My Life Together! Pantry Organization! ... It Was Bad. Now It's AWESOME!!

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[Music] [Music] hello party people today is the day you've all been waiting for i know i've been waiting for it since i moved in the most exciting room in the house i call it a room because it's basically the size of my son's old bedroom it is such a huge pantry and i'm going to organize it today and when i open it up you're going to be like kim so i please ask judgments be left at the door before we open it okay here we are at the door [Applause] they need a little wd-40 but let's peek inside shall we [Music] i know you might be thinking ah kim this is not that bad oh just wait there's more all around the bottom i can't even open it all the way because i have stuff behind the door nothing is organized there is no place for anything specific in here food just keeps getting piled on top of itself and well needless to say it needs some tender love and care i should get my wide angle lens in here so you can really see what's happening let's do that so as you can see uh when we moved in i said this is gonna be great this is gonna be fantastic i put my old baskets up here uh organization just shot i really did try look at the decor pieces i added yes thank you so much i know i said it wasn't organized in here but really when i'm trying to find something okay well most of the time i can't find anything but i have a general idea of where it is need some beans and right here spices i got you chips grab a bag baking supplies in this general facility i got a lifetime supply of marshmallows i really don't know what's back there you want some grits cool you want to add chocolate chips okay granola bars are probably somewhere in this basket i got empty boxes i have random cups i got grocery bags full of groceries i don't know where to put any of this stuff i have a basket full of aprons who needs this many aprons but i do think they look cool needless to say i need some help i should also preface this video by saying we just moved in a couple months ago relax we have the rest of our lives to get this place in order but today's the day let me show you some supplies that i have gathered through the past few months i got some baskets from the thrift store i actually grabbed these from the target dollar spot they were five dollars a piece and they stack on top of each other and i thought oh maybe i can put my onions and potatoes in there i don't know we'll see i grabbed some more of these from home goods home goods because they match the ones that i already have i bought one set from costco like several years ago i got some lazy susans from ikea i hear these are great for the corner cabinets i grabbed some more white baskets from target and i found these labels right next to the baskets that i thought might be helpful they were kind of pricey though seven dollars i think for three so we'll see i'll hold off on those if i don't need them organizing stuff can be quite pricey i found these shelves eight dollars from target and they're metal so i thought maybe these will be great for the canned goods i don't know it'll be trial and error and then i found these baskets from ikea so you know what time it is time to get your life together let's do it i actually don't even know what the first step is oh there's just so i guess okay well what should how should we go about doing this like should we gather all the garbage that is clearly garbage like these cookies from christmas holiday cookie tray from costco sell by december 9th it's only been a couple months i don't see any mold and they smell fantastic still good soft and chewy can we just make cookies instead well i guess the best course of action is to take every single thing out of here wipe the place down and then put the stuff back on the shelves in an orderly fashion is that possible time will tell i guess we should clear the floor out first make some space so i can actually move it's just a thing of beauty this is gonna take all day if i get sick it's definitely from that cookie there are two things that bother me the most about my pantry and one of those things is me not being able to find anything then i need to find something and the second thing is when people come over and that door is wide open there's no hiding the mess so i'm real glad we're doing this today why you wanna let me go nah now are you saying that to change [Music] it feels like a heart attack someone help me catch my breath well i've hit a wall you know when you're running a marathon you're like 22 miles in and you think i'm done can't do it anymore i cannot move once more step further that's where i'm at except for i'm only like 10 minutes in oh 10 minutes into a six hour project just keep thinking surely i don't have to take all of this out i could just like plop it into some baskets shove it back right no kim no you cannot do that ah there's so much stuff so much stuff and yet i look in here and i'm like i don't want to eat any of this oh guess what i found sometimes you got to step on top of that stool to see the good stuff i found some salt and vinegar chips thank you so much it's just the motivation i needed right now best part of cleaning out the pantry there's always a snack available for when you need a break it's a big task i know why i've been putting it off will it be worth it in the end um will my kids come in here and actually find what they're looking for i don't know when i say hey go grab me that honey do you think they'll be able to come in here and know where to find it i don't know oh my gosh i found my hair clip i've been looking for this thing oh my gosh i've been looking for the lid to this we don't use these lunch boxes i i mean i'm going to keep this one because it's a wolf and i love it pretty sure i bought this for me but i'm letting wentworth borrow it this one is beat up this one's kind of beat up too i don't care i'm keeping it oh what else is down here you guys want to see all the skeletons what do you think we're gonna find down here your gas is as good as mine we have plenty of cups and plates for entertaining [Music] barracuda look like toaster we don't ever use it should we keep it around for like those just in case moments i don't know if you ask me i would say no oh look my kids hate these oh look a five dollar box of gluten-free pasta probably put this somewhere special whoa whoa oh an empty basket hey we're getting somewhere oh a bin full of crap great a bag of cheetos sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy life i should put a seat in here whoa whoa okay break's over oh it's sticky if i find one more empty bag i'm gonna lose my mind does anyone know where the garbage can is oh cool i found these don't ask me what they are but i'm sure one of my kids will be happy i found them [Music] pantry cleans out [Music] the watch [Applause] [Music] i definitely went crazy cleaning out my pantry hey also in my defense we used it as a dumping ground get off my back [Music] [Music] oh my gosh are we halfway done no not even close but i got half of the shelves taken down so it's about progress right now i feel like this side has less i don't know it looks like it has more because it's all smaller but let's just go for it all this stuff too man this is a lot this is a lot of work but i'm gonna do it i'm gonna take all this down okay ready a one a two a one two three oh and this is what happens uh when you shove stuff behind other stuff and you can't find it anyone want some naan bread are those chocolate chips or rat droppings i don't know i can't do any more oh my gosh finally my pantry is empty i'm not gonna lie that took me two hours longer than i thought it was going to take me what year is it i can't believe i'm looking around like how did all of this stuff fit in my pantry it doesn't make any sense just the sheer law of physics it does not make any sense let me show you around the chaos i have tried my best to separate it so i have aprons i have stuff i rarely use i have party supplies paper plates paper cups paper napkins that kind of thing canned goods probably stuff i have to go through most of the stuff on the middle island i need to go through these baskets i'm sure there are a lot of empty bags and whatnot i've got peanut butter a stack of p who needs that much peanut butter and then there's more peanut butter and boxed noodles and oh my gosh the snacks actually not that many not as many as i thought there would be well really all of this is snacks then we have the baking supplies moving on to more baking supplies moving on to popcorn and hot cocoa moving on to the world's largest supply of marshmallows why do we own this you know what to my defense i did plan on making s'mores so i have all of the things to make s'mores haven't made them yet a condiment section not too bad not really too embarrassed about that cereal moving on over here we have the canned goods which i thought i would have more of i have spices and random stuff down there vitamins sprinkles and specialty items the second lunch i just ate and some vino we don't even drink why do we have this can i just leave everything like this can i be done for the day i did not anticipate this taking as long as it i thought it won't take me as long as it took me to do my closet a bullet was i wrong i need to start overestimating how long things are gonna take me because in my head i was like oh two and a half hours cut and dry it'll be good to go i feel like i'm halfway so i guess my next task will be just going through these bins and um like this well i didn't even know we had those the kids will probably be so happy to find a snack random rant like this is open probably stale these i've had forever we can get rid of them you know what there are some foods that we try most of these are gone and after a while if you just don't like them and you know that you're not going to eat them for us we just keep it in the pantry we're like maybe one day we'll grab for it that day will never come again we've eaten our hearts out can't handle it anymore time to say goodbye time to move on with our lives i have some tortillas in here oh lots of rolled oats that's fantastic oh wow oh my gosh this is empty you guys why look what look what i found more peanut butter so now i know we have plenty of powdered peanut butter next time i go to costco i do not need to buy any oh my gosh if i can tell you how many opened bags of powdered sugar that i have they're all here all of them a one a two oh is that it that's anticlimactic ah here's another one three completely unnecessary anyone wants sincerely white bread this is probably so bad let's look at the date september 15 2001. i mean 21. what year is it i will say there are plenty of foods like this that we don't eat or won't eat that i will give to other people i'll donate i'll ask my family around hey you want these whoever comes over next they'll be the winners of some egg noodles because my kids can't eat them oh my gosh these are probably stale white rice i was looking for this the other day gluten-free breadcrumbs always a must-have those are stale for sure i can't i can't do it anymore you know what needs to get done uh a good sweeping in here like why are my cleaning cloths in here i'm just going to sweep this place up and it's going to look like a million bucks oreos on the ground we've got marshmallows clearly all the food my kids try to sneak i should put a camera in here [Applause] [Music] i can tell you one of the most annoying things in the world next to stepping on legos is stepping on chocolate chips ouch oh my gosh there's oreos all over this place another oreo might as well eat it definitely stale also i don't know what i was thinking like is someone gonna come in my pantry and attack me why do i have two flashlights in here i guess to make sure if the power goes out i know what's most important i gotta make sure i see my food so i have some uh cleaning stuff and i'm just gonna wipe down these shelves really quick nothing too expensive they're not like crazy dirty we've only lived here a few months but that's enough to make a mess i can't see what's up here am i getting it clean i think so oh my gosh will these shelves hold me oh my gosh it's filthy up here all right let's just wipe it down top to bottom now i can reach oh my gosh i almost lost my balance and fell to my death now i can reach those okay oh boy oh the circus hello barnum and bailey is that you gotta make sure i get every crevice might as well dust these all on up here on cam everyone's watching i made it thank you all right next shelf you walk in with a mischievous ring i'm gonna have to sweep again okay well can you tell it's cleaner in here i can it definitely smells cleaner feels cleaner mostly because it's completely empty but okay i guess it's time to bring all the stuff back in okay it's not really the time to bring stuff in but i am gonna try to uh lay some stuff out in here just to see if i can configure things should i put this up higher down low you know i watched a lot of like pantry organizing videos those are lazy susan's by the way in the corner oh yeah those look great anyway so many of them said to put a lazy susan in the corner so you can easily access whatever's in the corner and it's not just like shoved back there playing hide and go seek great what's next saw the best there was me hey two bed this is just a smidge too tall to stack i could put them up top but if i need a potato or onion i'm really upset that these are just a little bit too tall but you know what i can i can lay them out right here is that a good spot for them no i don't know i also have these i actually don't even know if cans oh oh oh my gosh what a waste well i maybe i can do it like side by side i don't know if cans will stack under there but it's worth a shot you gotta try it out oh my gosh can we just leave this pantry empty it looks so good i grabbed these baskets from my laundry room i knew they'd come in handy i you saw i had baskets here but right now they're full of stuff so i'm just making sure that everything looks good where it is should i put one here yeah why not okay that looks great okay i'm envisioning like pastas in here and maybe i don't know what in here maybe something else than this one and then this one too shoot and that is looking good i'm feeling good feeling alive feeling like i survived survive the pantry clean out not yet though we're still like halfway done i feel like i've been saying i'm halfway done like since the beginning i'm going to start to put the baking supplies up because whoa don't drop it those balancing skills okay here we go okay this system seems to work for me like that love it want some more of it now on top of the jars that i already have i did buy more because i do have a lot of stuff that i use that isn't in like almond flour and need to put that in a jar i plant maybe like pancake mixes i need to put in a jar that kind of cocoa powder maybe the hot cocoa stuff i think it'll be nicer that way and this listen i know my jars aren't labeled and it usually works for me this used to be pancake mix i don't know man it just smells like flour and last time i tried to make pancakes they were not good so i do feel like it was one of those things where i was like oh yeah this you'll remember kim and then i never remember i'm gonna put that right behind the flower i like to have my rice easily accessible wait which one is bigger i don't think all my rice is gonna fit in there but you can sure try oh it might hey nope definitely not [Applause] close i feel like we're finally at the step where we're like halfway right well you know what i got all the big containers because i thought oh i need big things turns out i don't i just need stuff to like put my chocolate chips in i don't have like an over abundance of those i do have an overabundance of these they were buy one get one free and i feel like that's a fantastic deal so i am going to you think they're all gonna fit in yeah they're definitely fit in here hot cocoa kind of smells like fish food now i smell the cocoa it's too strong i can't get this open our family cat growing up her name was coco no relation to the hot powder oh my gosh two of them were open what a catastrophe okay great that was real fun i've got to tell you it's looking real good in here i'm proud of this progress wow this is a dream just having this pantry alone is a dream and then having it you know semi look like this i'm like i'm sorry who's this i'm gonna start on putting the cans away and i don't think these shelves make much sense for that and i searched and searched for like the best solution on how to organize canned food and i just couldn't find anything that i liked that was a reasonable price i you know there are a bunch of containers and things but i don't know at the end of the day i was like it's not working so i think i'm going to use these for spices or something did i just say that out louder in my head i can't remember anyway um yeah so i'm just going to start stocking up my cans i typically buy this same type of canned food over and over again coconut milk chicken stock black beans red beans soup chicken tomato sauce that's a lot but i'm going to try to organize them yes oh my gosh biggest pet beef when cans don't stack on top of each other why what they should automatically be made to stack on top of each other no that's going to fall over if someone touches it what's going to break a toe let's see if these can't stack on top of each other ah like true cans should i just have to say i'm laughing at the powder on my cheeks [Music] okay so um i don't plan on like decanting everything that's not really my style because i know i won't keep up with it but for things like this this is hot cocoa in here and this is hot cocoa it's just a little container of it this is actually dairy free for my kiddos and when i put out a charcuterie board when we have hot cocoa night well it's not sure who to report it's a hot cocoa board get off my back i like to have this little container to put on there because i think it's cute so i might as well like get rid of a can in the process you know what i mean rather than keeping it really low so this is hot cocoa this is cocoa powder and i should label it but i mean i'm pretty much a chef so if i open that up and smell it i'm like yep that's cocoa powder you know other than that i think we're looking pretty maybe this shredded coconut i could add some sort of coconut to it and really i should like empty that okay let's do this the right way you empty out the stuff that's older so you put that on the top and then i'll put the rest of the shredded coconut in here and the reason why i do decant this stuff mostly because i already have a jar for it otherwise and like shredded coconut comes in pretty small bags and stuff and we use a lot of shredded coconut when i do energy balls so we shredded coconut the chia seed flaxseed which i'm pretty low on but oh man now i don't have enough room oh see what i've done maybe i can smoosh it see the difference this is definitely unsweetened and this stuff is nice and sweet oh oh yay if you think it you could do it all right well that made me happy are we halfway done yet i'm just gonna throw everything on the lazy susan and wish for the best over here this is a pretty large lazy susan so i feel like it can hold a lot wow look at that plenty of space for more this is incredible baking powder baking soda let's put those on the inside cause they're ugly oh my gosh okay something fell off hold on that's back there we're good we're good one more spin okay something definitely fell off that time too close to the wall dancing on the ceiling here we go hey 20th time's a charm hey remember the 20 bags of powdered sugar that i have uh i almost forgot about them i'm gonna throw them in here and i just hope that this is big enough pretty sure it should be sometimes you just got to get a little love tap i guess condiments were next on my mind i just put out like most of the bulk condiments that we have a lot of uh i was initially going to put it on the lazy susan but they're just too large for that so i'm gonna get all the other condiments and try to stack them here i've never had lazy susans before so i don't really know how to load it i guess like taller stuff in the middle maybe wow this thing is so large it fits so much okay and then as we turn we want to be able to see what they are right okay getting the hang of this okay well i've got to turbo the speed here because it really is taking me just about four years to get this done okay good enough where should we put the crisco right there awesome i never use frisco all right let's hide it then hey oh shoot don't do that lesson learned i think my hair says it all at this point it's like it's never ending i feel like i'm making progress yeah and then i look around and i'm like am i making progress no no i'm not i actually think i'm losing my mind i don't know what to do next people make it look so easy like oh pantry clean out today ready set go and then they're done and you're like oh that looks so good let me try and five hours later i'm like why why did i even attempt it i still have all these bags to go through i still have all this stuff on my counter all these bins are full of crap still somebody please come over and help me i just need some help help i need somebody joanna gaines is that you at my door i'm gonna do this you know what i do when i feel overwhelmed and feel like there's no end in sight i give myself a time limit i'm gonna give myself one hour and i'm gonna go as fast as i possibly can and see if i can finish it in one hour i feel like it's attainable one whole hour i mean it's already been five so what's one more at this point i feel like we're at the home stretch we're basically halfway done let's just do it let's just do it and live that sounds really good to me how about you go i feel like once i start putting this stuff in baskets it's not going to be so bad so all of this like overflow the stuff that i don't really use all the time i'm gonna throw it in the basket this is not the best basket but this is what i have to work with so i'm going to use it what am i putting in here hey pancake not good good what else what else what else what else have we got to put in the basket i that's what i was looking for [Applause] one basket down 700 to go [Music] nobody told me to settle down date nights and late nights don't get around this song [Music] i get you drunk [Music] nobody [Music] yes i'm just too scared to settle down there'd be many nights i got too high and almost left but there's something about you something about you i like about [Music] one of us [Music] i get too drunk and too [Music] nobody loves me [Music] one of us [Music] [Applause] [Music] the one hour timer just went off i'm not finished i feel like i'm halfway though i definitely made progress so i'm happy about that i still have a lot to go through i feel like it's just like the little things at this point but i can see the end in sight so that's good although i don't plan on like labeling the jars right now it's fine i also thought oh maybe i'll like hang something up so i can hang my aprons on it so maybe i'll look for that those are pans i need to just take them out of the box actually when i'm done i'll give you a little tour but uh almost there i still have some random stuff up here to deal with random stuff over here oh gosh the cereal i almost forgot about this and the oreos i need to hide these up high i also have some sugar to put in a jar i wish i had a larger jar for the sugar actually and that's something that i can buy down the road when i see one at home goods or whatever but for now it's like fine actually will it can i what do you think this whole five pound bag will fit in here what is this a five pound no that's ten pound no it won't fit we'll just leave it at that for now while this is nice and sealed shut okay well wouldn't you know it i bought these command hooks from costco last time i went there and i think i'm just going to use these it was ten dollars for 16 hooks which is kind of a crazy price and i checked with the door closing this is plenty of space uh for it to not break the door you know what i mean like it won't be in the way and i can hang these all the heck over the wall all over the place for now i'm just going to do like one strand hang my aprons i can hang my reusable grocery bags although i have so many of those i have them in a cabinet right now like under the sink in the island and it literally takes up the entire cabinet because they're pretty big i love reusable grocery bags get off my back i have a lot of them i also have a lot of aprons i'm a maximalist i've come to terms with it so can you um i don't really know how to do this hey that's how you make memories well i ate again and i just went through all of my aprons i have so many how many let's count 14 and most of them are thanks to you guys so maybe i'll wear them more if they're hanging up right so that's my hope there they are oh they look fantastic oh my gosh amazing check it out unbelievable man that's pretty cool right there that is pretty cool it is 2 a.m i'm just kidding it's not feels like it it's not even close but i think we're finished and by we i mean i moral support thanks to you um i have been tidying up around the kitchen that's a disaster that i don't want to show you but i will anyway and here we go we're pretty much there right that stuff is just to donate in the back this i just need to sift through so really it's not that bad i it's just it just needs to be done right won't take too long but i'm going to show you around the pantry feel so much better every member of my family has come in been like what of course it's a crazy transformation from what it was anything would have been better than what it was but i feel like this is lovely this is the dream pantry that i've always wanted of course it could be better it could be elevated if i you know decanted all of my boxes of crackers and but that's not practical for me i'll i'll never keep up with it so i know that so i'm not gonna do it i hide it behind bins and that's how i like it and if i need a snack i'm just like oh snack bin let me pick one out can you feel me all right here it is the grand reveal that was nice to look at hard to listen to i'll give you one side at a time up there i have like overflow of there's reynolds wrap and stuff like that and there's ziploc bags and stuff that's my huge tiered tray i like to put boards together with that is a s'mores bin it's got a ton of marshmallows that it's got the freeze-dried marshmallows all that good stuff and that's just bulk and overflow up here is like i don't know gluten-free paleo stuff like that like mixes and then i have spices and spice packets and extracts and you know all that good stuff moving down here we've got the cereal sometimes we have more than that sometimes we have less my kids aren't really into cereal so i'm not really big on buying cereal containers especially since i don't know i we don't buy a ton of cereal and then we have the pasta boxes their vitamins and overstock then we have the bulk food section maple syrup peanut butter ranch dressing olive garden italian barbecue ketchup honey and what i love are these lazy susans they really are fantastic i always thought oh they're fine but you know what i never had a corner that i needed a lazy susan in so that's why i never really understood their value but now i'm like oh my gosh yeah man yeah uh my salt and pepper container doesn't belong in here but that's fine uh what else is down here oh some madras lentils space for growth here uh those are like taco night so it's tortilla almost said tortillas but i know how much that offends some of you tortillas and hard shell tacos i also have some grits over here over there and then this is for like entertaining so there's cups here paper plastic there's paper plates two kinds and bowls plastic bowls and then we have a ton of forks don't ask me what's in that bin because i i honestly don't remember at this point some cutting boards sometimes i need them and they don't fit in the place where i have my cutting boards in my kitchen and then some potatoes onions i've never kept food like that in my pantry never had a pantry of this size so i don't know we're gonna see how it goes and then all of my beans what's in here oh here's the popcorn bin we've got a bin of everything we need to make popcorn this is gluten-free pastas and then some like rice noodles and packets of rice these are snack bars for the kids don't you love how i organize them by variety just fantastic and the kids are going to get in there and be like uh anyway so it doesn't matter it's fine these are all gluten-free dairy-free pancake mixes yes we always have this many it's a problem and then down here i didn't feel like i needed to put this in a different container i just ripped off the top of it which is honestly what i used to do with so many boxes but i felt like this box was the perfect size these are like the little protein bars that i got from costco they are fantastic by the way they're true bar yeah they're great i'll just say that what's up here oh more snackies room to groove more snackies because we are snackers over here i like to eat every hour on the hour more snacks did i say that and some more snacks it'll fill up once i go grocery shopping and then i have all my baking supplies right here the overstock is behind it um yeah because there's plenty of room on this shelf and then we have more up there and then in the baskets that is like sprinkles and specialty items like easter stuff mostly sprinkles and like stuff to decorate delicious treats actually let me grab this stool because i found this stool at home goods a while ago i initially planned on putting it in my laundry room but i feel like i could probably use it in here too well you still can't see inside how about that this is mostly like uh brownie mixes and cake mixes this is hot chocolate dairy free chocolate chips and stuff like that and this is baking stuff that i don't use all that often did you see any of that or was it useless back there i have my big bertha bowl and the toaster i did decide to throw it up there i wasn't quite ready to get rid of it yet um and then i did throw some chocolate chips in here i found a lot of random bags and rather than having a bag that's open and my kids to find it and like dump it out everywhere cause it's happened more than one on one occasion i figured that was a better because before i didn't want to empty them in here and you might be able to tell even now because when you open them yeah see um when you open them a little bit they'll age and then they'll start to dry out so these don't look as dark can you tell the difference everything is just so shadowed there can you tell the difference or is it still a crazy it doesn't matter just trust me it like oxidizes or something like that anyway this is it can you even believe oh and there's chips down in that bin too down there like chips and pretzels and you know snacks more snacks but this is it a hard day's labor a hard day uh yeah definitely definitely hard labor here not really i'm joking well that is it thank you guys so much for watching and hanging out with me while i organized my pantry dang felt like organizing a room which it basically is it's so big i'm not used to having something like this it's insane insane but it is such a joy to be able to have all of this stuff inside it's i mean what is this my pantry it doesn't feel like it not yet i hope you enjoyed it all if you did subscribe put a little happy in your day i'll see you next time bye
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 161,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PANTRY CLEANOUT, Wads for Dinner-q0hsDm, pantry clips
Id: z7XDhGiYEnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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