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yo we're now on the ferry from Hong Kong to Macau it's just an hour ferry ride between both of those places but no I'm not going to gamble I'm just going to get the hell out of Hong Kong we're headed to the airport I mean don't get me wrong I love Hong Kong but like after being there for a week you start to get very claustrophobic there's huge crowds everywhere the hotel rooms are tiny and I need a little breather so we're headed down to Cambodia [Music] [Applause] all right Frankie we're at happy paradise pizza and Phnom Penh Cambodia I don't really know what the weed laws are here but apparently pretty lacks because this place is famous for its happy pizzas which means they just throw a bunch of weed on the pizza and they have differing degrees of happiness I got the extra extra happy so all of these pizzas you can make extra happy yeah can I do a Hawaii Pizza extra happy five dollars it was an extra five bucks small price to pay you know you can't really see the wheat on it it kind of looks like oregano you got a little bit of like a spice on it monster bites only everybody knows the rules yeah that's that's the Cambodia flop that's good cheese you know when you're in Cambodia sometimes you expect them to be breaking out the super artificial cheese this is good cheese the crust though some of the worst crust I've ever had I mean take a look at this crust it's not the best but um I got the I got the Hawaiian happy and it's got mushrooms on it I don't know I've never heard of a Hawaiian pizza having mushrooms it's not bad for for agent pizza in New York actually in New York this place would probably still do pretty well because there's not a lot of pizzerias in Manhattan that put loads of marijuana on their pies and I don't know if the happiness is like infused in the cheese or if they just put weed on it cuz I don't even think you just put weed on it that's not the best way to get you high but if they put like a weed oil on it I should be pretty happy in like 45 minutes you trying to take a bite button here you go just try to hold the camera just shove that in your mouth come on monster bites on me I've heard reviews from this place it's kind of 5050 down the line you got somebody being like oh I got a small and I was happy for six hours you have other people being like I think it's a scam so don't worry I won't I won't lie to you guys I'm gonna I'm gonna pound it the rest of this and then you're gonna we're gonna check in with me and like in like an hour and I'll let you know if these happy pizzas are actually as happy as they claim to be rush mode [Music] okay I'm starting to feel a little bit happy but I think I took a wrong turn and now I'm in a a market place when I think what would really make me happy is my hotel swimming pool so I need to get back there pretty soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now for my official rating now keep in mind we're going off the asian pizza scale so the grading is gonna be a little bit off on an asian pizza scale I'm gonna give that a 7.3 actually so not horrible on the New York scale we're probably looking at like a 2.2 but now for the Happiness rating am I happy I mean yeah I'm pretty happy but that could be because I'm going hippo mode for the first time in like six months but yeah I do feel a little high I mean smoking a lot of weed doesn't always make me happy it kind of makes me anxious and confused but uh yeah I feel happy and I do feel high so well I also I mixed in a happy shake to mango pineapple milk and a lot of happy spice the happiness rating eight point eight point seven not too bad across the board except for that quick tip around two New York Pizza scale hi anything gonna take one last little slurp and then hippo motor off into the distance remember folks monster bites only everybody knows the rules [Music] you [Music]
Channel: The Wonton Don
Views: 264,835
Rating: 4.8508158 out of 5
Keywords: China, Donnie Does, Wonton Don, Shanghai, Weird, Whoa That's Weird, Asia, travel vlog, barstool sports, happy pizza, weed, cambodia, phnom penh, edibles, pizza review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 34sec (394 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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