Getting back into the swing!

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hi Fred what's going on everyone I'm sure some of you guys are upset that I haven't been recording anything lately haven't posted a video in some time here uh almost I believe it's been almost 2 months um really not much has been going on in my life not uh not much at all nothing I feel that you guys would be interested in watching I have literally just been going around doing estimates and going home and spending some time with the family uh family's been pretty sick recently here so but anyways we're getting back on the train here I know I keep fluctuating on my videos I apologize but uh anyways today uh we're going to go help Francisco out uh he's got another side job to go do uh we're going to go haul out the dirt and everything for him and bring some stone for him but other than that not not too much crazy going on in my life right now uh I do have a good amount of jobs sold it is the what is April 30th today so I have my first job starts actually next week but uh from there I have the May booked up and all the way through June almost in or I have one job in July right now so I guess we're off to a good start um either way I still have the grass accounts which is pretty awesome that all of those grass accounts ended up resigning with with me so all the accounts that I bought from Victory are are uh still with me uh this is my fourth year now which is pretty cool so I got to get the Ford unhooked here and got to get it unhooked from the lawnmower trailer and then go pick up my dump trailer which is actually at my friend's uh yard up the road so let's go get that stuff taken care of that doesn't happen too often dropped the Jack and it lined up perfectly with the pin that's pretty cool but yeah I've been out grass cutting a couple times now I think this is going to be my third week uh back out grass cutting so grass is starting to grow for sure good enough trailer disconnected get this thing fired up go pick up that dump trailer and go help out some friends just pulling up to the yard here fortunate enough to have a friend that let me rent this space from him instead of having to drive all the way up to Westbend to my other shop that I have every day that uh it's almost a half hour drive north of me so this the winter shop I should call it uh this yard right here is only 5 minutes down the road 10 minutes down the road from where I live so that's huge instead of driving around all day backed up to this trailer once or twice before it's crazy to me this Ford squats way less than that duy does and this Ford already has a utility box on it not saying that I'm a Ford guy by any means but uh I sure do love this truck going to pull ahead and take the skider out of hereo it's warm in here got this all hooked up going to head over to Schmitz get some recycled concrete base material uh Francisco was talking to me earlier he thinks that his job's going to need two yards so go pick up two yards of that and go stop by and give him a hand just rolled up to Schmid's here let's go say hi to my mom no one's home were you going poopity dupy so were you no I was sitting there for like 10 minutes where you didn't hear your ding-dong there's a fan in the bathroom oh two yards of Base please how's your day going fantastic good it's beautiful outside Hans you got a copy it is nice out the sun is out it was like windy it was chilly this morning two yards of Base please OK Oak got our gravel um the job Francisco's job is right up the road here um I'm running a little bit early so I'm probably going to go get some lunch here and then go meet him so I just stopped at home grabbed a grabbed a bite to eat here really quick brought some snacks for later on some bananas not going to record me eating those but uh anyways I'm going to head over to Francisco's job his job is literally 10 minutes up the road from where I'm at so catch back up with you guys once we're we're over there he's got that load of gravel dumped from Francisco well since this is Francisco's job I'm not going to record much of it uh dro the gravel off here uh he's going to load the trailer up with some dirt I'll go dump that stuff off tomorrow it's kind of later in the afternoon already so we'll get this all taken care of I'll help him out he always helps me out so I'll catch back up with you guys once uh there's something to record that he didn't already record all right everyone it's uh the next morning I had to drop the trailer off cuz I helping J or so the next morning I had to help Francisco after he got done working at Victory so by the time I got there to go help him all the areas to dump all these trailers and everything were closed so going to run off go get that dumped and I have a bunch of other running around that I got to go take care of today so let's head off to the dump there let's get these doors opened up and dump this thing out just drove across a scale down there and and I would rolled across a scale at 26,00 323 lb good thing I have a CDL right Hydraulics are just impressive to me I mean that's it's a lot of weight just to lift up like that it's pretty insane that you can do that with hydraulics so I noticed while I was at the Cory uh dumping that load of dirt I was kind of mentioning the brakes on my dump trailer I noticed that one of the brakes uh the wiring got ripped out so I have these crimp connectors here I just stopped my Harbor Freight I got to get some extra wire cuz it pulled the wire out and I don't know where the rest of it is so I'm going to stop in there grab a wire and see replace that wire there see if that fixes the rest of my issues all right well I'm sorry for the noise in the background uh people are cutting grass here at Harbor Freight I ended up just getting this trailer wire kit instead of buying a whole wire or a whole wire spool that was only 8 bucks compared to the 30 bucks that they wanted for a wire spool so that's what I am going to use um somewhere in here I have a set of really nice wire crims these right here they're from MCO so all right let's get this trailer lifted up and get to working oh man I wish I would have seen this I didn't realize I had a whole spool of wire sitting in the trailer H oh well I guess I have extra wire [Music] now all right let put up the safety here just to be safe oh I need to get the wallet out of my back [Music] pocket all right so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to tie in to the rear brake here or no it just looks like these got ripped out right here so I'll take the extra stuff right here and just cut into it and splice it in right there I guess I didn't need wire but I have it now let's go something like that I'm going to have two buck connectors in one area but I don't really ever drive this trailer in the rain or bad weather so all right that'll work right the devil's lettest that uh little Toyota car there pulls up and it smells like a smells like a skark don't do drugs kids don't do drugs all right call that good hopefully that works I I still don't know if that's going to be 100% my issue because even with the three other axles work or three other tires brakes working I should say this trailer just didn't have a lot of braking power um you know I used this trailer all last year a lot and use the brakes a lot so I'm sure the brakes are pretty worn out so maybe this will buy me a little extra time who knows we'll see owning a business is like a fox chocolates every day is something new sometimes you get some pretty disgusting chocolates and you just have to deal with what you got so there was a noticeable change with the uh braking power but it sure ain't new brand new so I'll probably wait to do brakes on this thing for a little bit yet probably uh use it a couple more times obviously I'm testing the brakes with you know the trailer unloaded and when you would hit the brakes it would lock up the tires which it didn't do that before so now I'm just curious once it actually is loaded if there is a noticeable difference so I'm going to get this trailer on hooks and go right on a check and I got to deliver that up to my winter shop for whatever reason the guy that I'm renting the shop from he won't let me mail checks to him he always wants the check's hand delivered which is kind of annoying but I just got to do what I got to do so first of every month rent is due and from there I think I'm going to try making it out and go cut some grass um there's a chance of rain tomorrow and tomorrow is one of my days for cutting so I'm going to try getting out there and doing that around 3:30 today I have an estimate to go do and and then from there I have to go help Francisco out for about an hour or so uh he needs to borrow my compactor which actually that compactor used to be his I bought that uh from him but go help him out and I'm going to run back home and start editing this video you guys will be seeing this video Thursday morning today's Wednesday so kind of is what it is so let's get to it [Music] [Music] [Music] so I just got here to this guy's Castle he owns like 150 acres here or something you can't see his house but it's trust me when I say the place is massive this is the guy that only offered to pay me like $100 a month or take $100 a month off rent at the shop that I'm renting another thought that I had while I was coming out here the reason why I think he wants you to hand deliver these checks is a guy's like 9,000 years old and thinks still he he probably still thinks that stuff gets shipped by buggy and horse horse and buggy so I don't know kind of a kind of a bummer to drive I mean cuz from where I'm living right now to drive out here to give him a rent check so a half hour it's 1 hour of my day just to come give him rent when I could just drop it in the mail just like everybody else in this world I know it sounds like I'm complaining but at the same time oh it just seems kind of crazy to me to do all that but it is what it is so I'm going to run back home now uh not a 100% sure what I'm going to do just yet I'm probably going to go cut some grass uh yeah yeah I'll probably have enough time to go cut a couple properties so I'll go take care of that bring you guys along so I know this video is all over the place it just is what it is right so I'll catch back up with you guys soon here so just got back home here I'm going to I got some time here I'm going to go cut some grass and then I have that as at 3:30 today so I'm only going to be able to get a couple of my accounts done but it's supposed to rain I think I mentioned that earlier so if I can get ahead of it a little bit that'd be good uh I've had a couple people ask me of business advice I guess let me take you guys off here I've had a couple people uh ask me about business advice and my advice is I don't have much to give to you you know this is only my fourth year I'm still learning uh still get kick down you just I guess my best advice is get back up and keep trying um if I were to give any I guess my best advice that I could give you guys um if you are planning on going out as much you know I don't enjoy cutting grass but the commercial accounts that I have what I enjoy about it is that it is a steady income so once a month I am getting a check from all uh I believe six accounts that I have have so every month on the 15th I get six checks and you know I'm not going to tell you guys prices or anything like that but for me uh in my financial situation if I did no other work so concrete work grading anything like that the grass cutting would pay for my bills plus some so that is a a huge benefit doing the concrete work and all that that's just you know extra money on top of it at the end of the year and I've been pretty blessed with the amount of work I've been getting you know in this past 4 years or so um and you know I just got uh last night I got an email for one of the biggest jobs that I've ever signed for um it is a driveway so I am I'm really excited about that uh that somebody you know would trust a a newer business to come do it uh there's no difference in finishing a driveway than there is finishing a patio or a sidewalk it's just the concrete's thicker so and you know I I have experience with it and I feel comfortable with doing a job like that and I also have all the help uh that I that I would possibly need which I'm very happy to have Francisco Eric uh I am going to have a couple of my other buddies that do concrete concrete work as well to come help out on a job like that but yeah I guess the short end of that is I don't have a whole lot of advice besides when you get kicked down just get back up and keep trying um everything that you everything you guys see that I have right now this didn't happen overnight um yes this is my believe this is going into my fourth year officially on my own but I would say for the last 9 to 10 years I've been doing side jobs after work and going out and you know working uh kind of like what Eric and Francisco are doing where they have their full-time job at the end of the day they go do a side job uh it got to the point where I was getting so busy with that and Ryan had the opportunity of buying out a portion of his business the grass cutting accounts that I have and for me that was my golden ticket to say all right it's time to go out on my own and that's what I've did and I'm just keep on moving along with it uh every day I'm learning something new and getting better with communicating to customers and just going from there so anyways enough of this rambling let's get hooked up to this trailer and go cut some grass and get some cash right some of you guys that watch Tik Tok may know who I'm talking about uh grow it we mow it I kind of enjoy watching that guy so this year uh I've done this Pond hundreds of times but I also picked up the neighbor's house right here which is kind of nice convenient so I just do all this property in one shot know and I actually picked her up last year for plowing so she had asked if I wanted to do the grass cutting and I was like sure why not I'm here [Music] this property is done and the property right next door to it you guys are a little dirty there anyways both these properties are done I ended up cutting this residential uh yard twice cuz the grass has gotten so long there and she's a very nice lady and I wanted to just leave everything look really nice for her uh for whatever reason her Grass Grows like super quick I didn't realize that anyways uh I got to go meet up with Francisco he's going to be renting my compactor which used to be his so I'm going to go meet up with him help him load that in the back of his truck and then I got to go finish one more other residential grass count that I have I only do two residentials they just kind of they pay me enough put it that way so anyways let's go meet up with Francisco get this loaded up and then I'm probably not going to even record the other one it's grass cutting is I don't know it's a boring thing so if you guys want to see more grass cutting let me know I guess I can put more videos out about that anyways let's go do it what's going on Tito how you doing man what's going on Francisco so Francisco came to pick up the compactor so he also needs a wheelbarrow it's going to cost you about $100 to rent this you know that right oh this with the pins too okay no it's $10 a pen oh Dam I regret selling my comp I I told everybody that used to be yours you got CH the um you got a lot of he's like I don't got I got change and I got 100 I got money another Benjamin to my stack big I like the Benjamins when you got to waste them right yeah you got yeah many V mix i' rather have 100 sometimes because if you got a lot of twis you spend them faster oh yeah it's straight up and you double guess when you pull 100 you're like man do I really want to break that I don't need that ice cream bar 10 later yeah so all right you guys Mike thank you sounds Goode we'll see you when I'm done I'll bring you back okay sounds good yeah we'll see you guys soon Francisco and Tito are out of here they got to go do their little side job that they were working on earlier um I'm always happy to help those guys out I mean they're always helping me out on my jobs so it's cool to have him want to do his own side jobs as well so see you all right uh from here now I ended up going and cutting that other account uh that residential account see you Tito so I uh got done doing that other residential account um now I'm going to head off to that estimate I'll let you know how that estimate goes see if it's uh I get the warm and fuzzies that they're going to sign up with me or if it's just a cold you know interaction with someone um sounded like the were pretty interested in the work that I did so I'll keep you guys in touch but probably that'll be the end of the video and we'll catch you guys on the next one but I'll catch back up with you in a little bit here all right well I just got back home here oh Freddy just jumped on me you want to go outside um anyways I just got back home here uh went to that estimate that one's kind of not sure about it but while I was out doing that I got an email for a quote request so I got another one scheduled for tomorrow uh tomorrow is supposed to rain um planning on cutting grass probably not going to record that but this weekend I have a bunch of mulch to do it's uh close to 50 yards or so I'll probably record that but uh anyways thanks again everyone for watching and tuning in catch you guys on the next one [Music]
Channel: AMW Services
Views: 48,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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