Getting a TRUE SUN GOD on Round 1?! FASTEST Sun God in Bloons TD 6!

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what's going on everybody my name is Ryan or Tootsie and today we're going back to balloons tower defense it feels like it's been forever since we Jin in this amazing fun game it's been like Hello we've been so preoccupied with playing like terraria and adventure times balloons like I don't know it's kind of like slipped out our grasp but don't worry guys because today we're gonna be getting a true Sun God temple at round one that's right guys at round one we're going to have a true Sun God temple okay and it's gonna be awesome so let's see I guess we should probably just do an expert map because well you know we're gonna be playing we're gonna have a true Sun gun temple anyways we could do quad we could have quad and we could put the true Sun and got temple like right in the middle that would be pretty awesome let's do that we're obviously gonna put it on the hardest difficulty footage standard and let's do this guy so round round one alright so what we're gonna do is I want to put down where is it all right we'll put this guy down right here and that's where we can put our true Sun God temple down okay so now what we're gonna do guys is we're gonna go ahead and then we're gonna go to our insta-mom keys and we're gonna get and we're just gonna put down the true son got temple alright what does he not fit no he doesn't fit oh my goodness does he not oh wait wait come on come on he can totally fit do we have to really put him over here in this corner this isn't it alright so we'll just go ahead we're gonna put our truce and get dumped over right here then OOP alright there we go guys round no it's round three I've lied to all of you but you guys get the idea anyways I can't believe it guys well I lied to all of you we got it down at round three instead it's okay guys so what we're gonna do now is we need money wait I just realized this guy should give us like wait since he doesn't have any so every round I wonder if he gives us 20,000 but I don't think so cuz he has no bonuses right he doesn't have any like sacrifices so I don't think there's gonna be any yeah he doesn't actually grant you any money which is really sad I was hoping to get really rich from this but it looks like we're not gonna get rich I feel like we can just walk away now I mean we're gonna see oh wow crazy this is gonna be so he already has all these pops we need to get his range up oh yeah we actually need to get money okay let's look at wait look at how high quality that grass texture is I've never looked at it that grass looks so nice whoever drew that's very talented it does not fit in look how high-quality the grass stick that's crazy like committed to that bush that grass looks really nice we need to get some banks here we go banks banks banks banks there you go all right long life banana valuable banana increased production and director production all right now we're just gonna wait until we I want thanks yeah I don't want to get banana plantations they take so long all right I need a monkey farmer wait no I don't want a monkey farmer I don't need a monkey farmer what do I need to waste a monkey farm before I'm gonna turn this into a bank in like five minutes no not five minutes and probably like two minutes all right this guy this guy she's going crazy okay this guy is just literally he's popping all these balloons okay he's literally popping all these balloons you doesn't care I need double the money I need more money we do not have enough money for this I can't wait for us look at him he's just like dude this guy definitely his aim hax look at him look at him to spin around he's like pew pew pew pew he's crazy look at him go okay he only has 900 pops Ivy Lee is probably the most wasteful like uh-uh insta monkey I think I've ever used literally ever used come on monkey Bank there we go okay so we got our first monkey bank I just want to get a bunch of monkey banks I mean there's nothing else that I have to do we basically already gotten past around 80 right I feel like what we need to do is we need to get to around 100 we've already used it I feel like it's a waste if we don't get to round a hundred right I feel like that's what we really need to do five hundred dollars I need more so increase production and greater production okay so look I think the balloons go around right so they go from here to here and then here to there right I'm pretty sure that's what they do I could be wrong but either way I don't think any booms have even are have even considered getting by because if they did I'd be very upset they're not allowed to get by what's this right already at $4,500 for that see you just are getting like balloons faster faster not balloons money I don't know why my brains just not working right now camo balloons cam baboons are getting by we've already lost lives what do you do in true Sun God temple okay you losing the game I can't believe it he literally can't hit he literally can take ammo bones he's a god this guy is literally a god a the true Sun God this guy overlooks everything and then just some piece of rubber that's painted a different color gets to sneak by him think about that literally think about how crazy that is okay so we're gonna put the village down and then we're also gonna do um radar scanner there we go so now he has even more range and now we're gonna use this for more banks because banks are awesome and well banks are awesome I don't need to I I yeah I think I think my case rests I think I hope I don't know we're just gonna keep going he gave just cheap one shots all the Seaport Village I can't believe I lost lives I feel like such a silly person like max max Salinas doesn't boom done literally can't I don't get any sillier than that all right we need create a production see now what are you gonna do now camo balloons huh literally it's over I can't wait for the first mobile app the first Moab is gonna just be dee dee um done wait what happens if we had this true Sun guy temple and then we had another true something on temple and we put the true Sun and got temple down well we had the other one I don't know that's a great question that how is our money doing we got twelve thousand do I want to collect all not really that's not that much we're gonna wait for that once that maxes out I think we'll collect all and then it'll get some more I mean it's not like we need to really do anything I like how he like he spins I guess he tries to hit all the last like balloons blasts or like all the first balloons so he's just like spins around and goes crazy money money money money there we go collect okay now we have thirty thousand dollars we're doing great we're living the high life okay look at all these banks we're investing oh no I did not want to do that sell sell bad banana farm bad I wanted to make sure we have there okay I think that's enough banks we don't need any other banks but I do want know there's the Moab the Moab is now gone the mob didn't stand a chance here we'll put our brewmaster down all right there we go larger portions here we go we'll just put on stronger stimulant why did I put on that effect I don't care I don't really care about that but yeah look at oh my goodness look at his range now once he has the effect on he's like he almost has global range almost it's really good okay I wonder if we could get like us another son got temple next to them to boost them I guess I'd be relatively difficult wouldn't we get another so we could try to get a son got a temple to boost him get like a support son got a temple that makes his rings even further get like global range try to get the longest range possible on a tower it would have to I'd have to put it on on Pat fusty because Pat is like literally he has no range to begin with it would be funny to get Pat fussed he have like maximum range literally Pat fusty with a global range he's just he's literally turning into monkey looky-looky just punching balloons across to the screen just nearby well at some point like the raid if the range is a little bit weird with him because at some point it like just kind of stops working and it just gets a little weird all right we're at 7,000 once that maxes out we're gonna be good I mean that's at one point like do we even need to put anything else down here we'll put weight we can just start getting rid of all these things there we go we just get rid of all of it get rid of all these nice gazebos wait can I also oh wait they can oh that's not bad okay I feel like I want to put aim what should we put down guys what would be a great tower to put down okay let's collect all let's put down what is something I feel like I really want one of these guys one of these guys is always nice Bab and then we maxed it out and get spirit of the forest and then heart of thunder there you go and then once these like grow out he gets so many pops like no balloons are gonna get by anymore it takes so long for it to grow all the way out I probably should have put him more in the middle and then wheeze in the middle it'll grow outward there we go the heart these things are so crazy strong literally edges pop look at his pops he's already got fuller thank you for $200 new come on grow a little bit further yeah alright it's grown on the entire track now what is that what is what are the balloons gonna do huh what are they gonna do nothing they're gonna do nothing because they can do nothing all right this is just wait what happens if you have to if you have to spirit of the forest like what happens if you have two of them do they grow like double vines and does it become like twice as deadly I have no idea how that works but I'm kind of curious I kind of want to know how that works I want to point out the fact that this guy almost has as many pops as this guy that's 40,000 watts in this guy is 20,000 bucks he already has half the amount of pops as a true son got temple I stand by the fact that probably by the end of this I think this guy's gonna have more pop than the true son got temple maybe not I don't know I have no good scooting this guy's popping balloons faster I don't know I don't know who's gonna have more pops I literally have no idea I wonder if this guy by himself could win a game so he can't hit wait what happens if we what happens if we do that and so we can pop all types of points I'm not sure 34,000 50,000 his biggest problem is Moab but he has this ability for Moe Watson that would be really interesting I'd like to see how that plant how that works it would be really difficult it'd be really interesting to see I don't think it's possible especially once you get into later rounds because you can use the explosion thing I guess you'd have to God boost him and you'd and I mean if you use God boosted he'd be able to win but I don't know I'm actually a little bit spooked I'm a little bit scared I mean it we have our truce on got temple so it doesn't even matter look at him go he just attacked him 60,000 mops on he pops this guy off 50,000 he's actually getting close he's getting close he's about to pass the truth son got oh wait I should collect all that there's so much money I totally yeah I just totally forgot about that oh my goodness just luckily I'm getting rid of the alchemist I don't want him to have any extra support that he doesn't need there we go we're gonna give them the we're both they're both gonna have the exact same upgrades guys comment down below right now who do you think is gonna have more pops by the end of this I think I don't know probably the true so I'm gonna tell because it's gonna go back to Moab's now and my wives are just that's just the true sudden got temples gonna pop it like I'm sure the like he's probably jumped away at seventy five thousand I might be wrong I might be very wrong I might be very very wrong what is happening why is the true Sun God temple losing to a lowly Drude why is he losing to add rude oh no eighty thousand eighty 1080 1080 to the droopy the drew paestum the Drude has more pops than him now Oh what is happening right now what is this video turn into eighty-three thousand ninety million thousand ninety thousand pops eight you don't even this guy is five thousand more balloon pops than him now ninety three thousand a hundred and seven thousand I could just be dead wrong this church Sun God temple has got to step it up he's he's literally losing to some grass person literally just just I don't I don't understand anything anymore nothing makes sense to me literally nothing makes sense anymore five hundred and twenty thousand hundred the Druids literally gonna lap this gun the Sun God temple I guess the Sun got temple doesn't have any black buffs like this we haven't sacrificed anything to it but still still what is happening look he's like oboes pop to be at be by himself oh there we go he's catching up is he catching up he's not catching up he's falling he's still falling behind this is I can't believe what I cannot believe what I'm seeing right now also I love that I have like two hundred thousand dollars I'm not even worried about it we're just watching these two Titans battle it out oh I'm gonna wait until like round two for the zone G and then won the zone G comes out I'll pop it one hundred and thirty thousand one hundred and sixty thousand this is really scary no clue who's gonna win this one I it's problem there's no way that the Sun got temples gonna beat him anymore leave that I think that it might be possible to win with just this guy with just these vines these vines are so overpowered it's not even close I think I want to do a video we're using just this vine guy and seeing how powerful he is like no buffs except the village and just seeing how crazy he is leave that 180,000 yeah here was this $50 or more pop so what is this that's madness actual madness he's popping everything yeah I'd have to play on logs which is the longest map and then just let him go to town because look it's already damaged ham it's already damaging it okay here's the zomg where is it all right ready boom all right we did it guys thanks for watching today's video if you enjoy and you want to see more PT balloons td6 hit that like fun subscribe and turn on notifications thanks for watching bye everybody
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 91,376
Rating: 4.833292 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Bloons tower defense 6, Tewtiy, Bloons, Bloons TD, Bloons TD Battles, BTD, BTD Battles, Tewtiy bloons td 6, Half Cash bloons td 6, Half Cash mode rage, rage btd 6, bloons td 6 rage, raging, tower defense, mobile game, iphone game, ios game, google play game, Tewtiy sun god, round 1 sun god, round 1 sun god bloons td 6, round 1, fastest sun god, how to get a sun god bloons td 6, how to, sun god, super monkey, fastest super monkey, round 1 super monkey
Id: keDbxkb5oh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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