Getting A House Rental Ready Lots Of Handyman Work And Lots of Money | THE HANDYMAN |

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hold on whoo bumpy ride another one right trailer still there I've got a camera that attaches to my license plate and a switch on the dashboard to turn it on and off and I just have it down here on the center console last week I don't sure what was distracting me but driving down the highway looked out the camera and the tongue lock is up I didn't pull the bolt out and flip it down and you know and lock it luckily I've got a tongue of a tongue weight on here and it didn't come popping off at those big bumps like that if you're not latched down and have a safety fan I just use a bolt through your ear lock there your tongue comes flying up make sure you always double-check of course I do this hundreds and hundreds of times a year on and off on and off found and make mistake once but that is the only time since I've been pulling a trailer which has been since 2010 that I forgot to latch down the trailer latch lock nothing happened I just got off at the next exit and I flipped it down but it's nice to be able to have that camera pointed right on my trailer hitch as this is an older 2006 and I don't if this truck doesn't have a backup camera option so I got a affordable camera on Amazon and it's been in for years this worked great I'll post the link I'll add that to the links in the description I'm always updating it even if I don't tell you so click Seymour Seymour butts at the description and you'll see a whole long list of things you can hear my phone that's my next job my next job that is going to be put on the schedule because it won't have for several months that's how things go just randomly I get in my truck and get a text message hey Andy man we're thinking of redoing our master bedroom shower are you interested Marshall said yes I am sporting a fiber and new summer wardrobe I was starting to look a little bit like a hobo last year's shorts and t-shirts were getting little worse for wear with some stains mainly just stains couple rips here and there but when you do this type of work every day your clothes don't last very long but also you have to look clean and professional all this stuff came from Costco looks pretty good I was reasonably-priced not a stitch of cotton on me today I'm going all polyester spandex yep I'm wearing this shirt is 20 percent spandex 80 percent polyester I brought you label trail flex turbo dry and wicking what all that means is you're not gonna smell cotton this isn't all that great for doing hard work because it makes you stink and no one wants a stinky handyman but I'm back at the house that I put the two 20 30 amp circuit for the dryer and yeah they're still getting this place cleaned out look at the stains they say this is good carpet and all they have to do is clean it but I'm not sure what made all these nasty stains on here hopefully it's not cat puke I'm gonna a quick run down all the odds and ends I'm I'm gonna do in this house and then I'm gonna get to work now they had two new windows installed and they've got this white pine wood trim you know I think it looks pretty decent I had to get a little creative up there around this this built-in shelving unit here but that's kind of it's gonna be to be expected also I've got to hang new curtain rods on every window so first thing I'm gonna do is get all everything taped off and and I have to stain these these window sills and window trim to get close match to this room over here this has nice oak much higher end a nice quality oak window sill and window casing around there looks a little bit of a wood putty in there on that miter joint but I think it looks pretty good especially for a rental house so I've chosen just a I can't remember what what it's called natural honey oak something like to go on the window in that room and these two windows here here's another one what else do I got to do here oh I've got to replace a whole bunch of switch covers they want to get rid of the flowers and this one will stay for some reason that this carpet is extremely static charged every time I touch something I get zapped I'm afraid yep anything I touch metal I get shocked it happened the other day - gonna replace that one and replace this double switch plate so switch plates are not very complicated one other project is hole in here apparently this has been freezing the pipes these older houses don't have any exterior wall insulation so what I'll do is I'll just pack some in and around there and I'm just going to screw a board over this what I'll do is I'll disassemble the this p-trap here and this drain line for the p-trap and I will just drill a hole and a board that's in that rough shape and then screw it to the back of the cabinet and that'll keep drafts from blowing in and freezing these supply lines right here repainted so I don't have to worry too much about getting the stain on the walls or things like these but I am going to tape everything on as a precaution the most important thing is not to stain the vinyl window that's what the main goal is I can paint over other things but once the stain gets into this vinyl window normally if I were to have installed this trim I would have pre-stained everything it makes things a little easier whoa also this was a nice book windowsill and the house that say was it non rental I spend time standing in getting it sanded right and even sand on the polyurethane I'm not sure I got a seal it with something after it's stained this one's rubber-banded on down to the shoelace what are you doing this one's already done these sometimes you - you focus on speed and you make mistakes in the other room okay back to the first room temp to say this tool here if I leave the house without this I literally will turn around and go home and get it this is my Leatherman titanium charge I literally can't function without it it's almost as much a necessity to my day is having a cell phone you know that and also my watch if I don't have my phone my Leatherman or my watch my day is off because I need both of them a lot okay I don't want to get this on my new clothes I probably should go put my thing on just a tie back suit as you can tell it's got some Sameer conditioning they don't hold up very well at all but my other suits I guess they're all at home the like cover all suits so this Allah doesn't look very professional at all keep mine this is not an owner-occupied or anything else like that so I'm just gonna make the best of it try to keep these clothes looking the decent as possible all that going with a a just like a staining red I'm still starting at the top so if and when drips drip down here I can just give them a quick wipe so they don't cause a blotch it's actually looking pretty good it's definitely not going to match the oak that is on the other the other windows but at least it'll look like a finished surface and that's just raw wood ah should have my safety glasses on there in the truck I don't get this dripping in my hind today I'm 100% done with the stain the stain is out of the house and what I'll do is a video close up off the floor so that there's no way for me to get blamed for staining or messing up the floor there are little fuzzies on here oh that's a bug just a lot of bugs in here no stains on the floor no stains of course you can't really see this backlit but take my word for it there is no stains on the vinyl we double check this one this one's completely taped off I don't even get any stain on the windows but double check this one over here no staining on the countertop I'm gonna leave that tape up for when I come back to do the poly these are all clean here I'll get this all cleaned up and move on to the next thing I've done a whole bunch of work and I was talking to the daughter of the lady who owns the house and then it is a sad story getting old but I mean when your spouse has died and we really don't have anything to do you know this is the lady she we talked for 45 minutes just they owned this house since 1972 and they bought it for $22,000 can you man I know how many years ago that is 76 is 41 so for 45 years ago what the heck was the world like 45 years ago and she's like 80 in her 80s so that would put her at about my age the the lady who owns is bought this house and she was probably in her early 40s but these are the nice oak trimmed out vinyl windows and a parent apparently her dad installed them and he has passed away the mom she wanted to die in this house that's what this lady told me hello you know people just opened up to me sometimes so probably should have showed you that little trick there I'll show you the next one I'm sure there's some over on that window the blind there curtain rods came with these these are one of my favorite types of wall anchors I have a whole box of these that's like one size larger that I keep on my tool trailer for well hanging things on walls and they're they're so easy I'm using one of the existing holes flat-head screwdriver these ones are held in with some sort of lag bolt lag screw I like to stagger my days till I miss rush-hour I do all my emails from China holy cow they're coming in like like to a night now want me to make custom videos for them like hold on you got to put this in the title I might listen man you know long it takes to make a video not gonna do it for nothing so I told this one Chinese company last night I said sure I'll make you a video and they're like okay well it needs to have this in the title you need to put our our what does that thing is it's gotta be the thumbnail I'm like listen you want me to make custom thumbnail custom title totally sell out me for your Chinese joke now get offended there are some great things that come from China but I went to their website and it's filled with garbage and then we're gonna offer me a hundred and fifty dollars and free product from their garbage Chinese website maybe if they see this video that will discourage them from wasting my time once in a while I get some cool stuff okay I said if I can't use it and it's uh you know obviously I mean just junk on some oddball website like who the heck is gonna shop there nicer shop there what do I need I need longer screws I'm gonna screw right into the studs on this one so I need some water Springs I'm not sure if I showed this yet or not but this is the one hole that the property manager showed me the daughter of the lady who owns this so oh no there's more there's more handyman so I've got this big hole see how bad it is not too bad a lot of people a lot of people people have brought it up about how I just grabbed a hold of this insulation and they think that it there it's gonna poison you something it's not I wouldn't go rubbing this on my naked body or anything but my hands don't have any adverse effects from handle huh don't eat it it's another thing people ask how taste it's not cotton candy install this earlier OOP did this doorknob also did a doorknob in the back it's time to clean up replied go check okay time to go join the gridlock at 6:35 p.m. got confused there I am gonna bring you back with me tomorrow and show you how that wipe-on poly works it's the will be the first time I've ever used a wipe-on poly I'm assuming it has to be quite thin and you might need to do multiple coats to get a buildup of what polyurethane is usually capable of so we'll find out how this wipe-on poly works tomorrow
Channel: The Handyman
Views: 80,539
Rating: 4.8985076 out of 5
Keywords: how to stain wood, wood window trim, wood window casing, window casing, how to install a window, how to rent a house, home improvement, home repair, diy projects, Handyman projects, handyman, the handyman, home remodeling, kitchen remodel, bathroom remodeling, how to paint a wall, tool trailer, work truck, towing a trailer
Id: 55Hh_rJUlbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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