Get Your Lawn Off To A Great Start This MAY By Doing This | Spring Lawn Grass Renovation

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hey guys welcome back to the channel akes Lawn Care here I hope you're doing well so today we're going to be scarifying overseeding and top dressing this lawn and the first step we're going to start with is mowing the lawn as short as you can and the reason why we do this is it helps when it comes to scarifying you're not going to be tugging at any long grass and it also allows the current grass you have to compete with the seed that you're going to be sewing so Gaz has just started to mow and once he's finished that we'll then get ready to scarify okay so second step now this is scarifying so the reason why we scarify is to remove any dead fatch unwanted debris from the lawn anything that's been building up over the year I like to scarify yearly some people like to scarify every other year some people sometimes scarify twice a year but I think yearly is best maybe sort of autumn time for me personally I prefer to do it in the ulum it's just part of my routine and scheduling for the customers unless someone say says otherwise so as you can see there's plenty coming out there and this is going to be perfect for if you're going to sew seed so if you want to sew seed if there's any bare patches in your lawn well you just really want to lift your lawn up and give it a full overseed then this is ideal because you're going to remove any fatch between the grass and this is going to allow for when you sew the seed to have a good seed to soil contact okay so once you've done your first pass you're going to want to rake up all that fatch off the lawn and bag it and get rid of it because you're going to want to go over it again especially for this lawn it is very faty and as you can see there's still plenty of fatch still coming out and the reason why we do this we go length ways and we go widthways you can go diagonal this is just to make sure that those blades are getting into that fatch and get as much out as possible right so next step for me is always to mow over the lawn once you've done your scarifying and you've R up as much as possible just whiz over with your lawn M especially if you've got a collection box cuz this is going to allow you to suck up any of that last remaining debris on the lawn that you don't want and that's going to really help when you com to sewing the seed okay guys so time to start seeding so we're using a mix of R and Fescue here this is an 80% rye and a 20% Fescue so normally I would spread this with a drop spreader but we're using the handheld spreader today usually the handheld spreader is it will work for these size Lawns just takes a little bit longer with the drop spreader you tend to get a better spread of seed and nice even spread the handheld you just got to be a little bit more patient and just keep your eye on where you're sewing that seed okay so the next step is using the lanzy Laur soil spreader so you can normally do this without one of these you can use a shovel and just go and throw soil everywhere or you can do little clumps of soil around and spread it out if you like but the thing I love about this is that this isn't going to disturb the seed so where we've spread the seed this is just going to run over the top so it's just going to roll over and add a nice thin layer of soil over the top of it and that's what we're trying to achieve here we don't want to disrupt that seed we want to keep it in place and this this tool is going to do that so as you can see we start moving and all it's doing is just spreading a nice thin layer of soil and it's falling down in between the grass that's currently there and it's just going to Nest on top of that seed okay so we finished spreading the soil and next I'm going to get my lawn m which has a Roller built into it and we're just going to run over the lawn and just sort of going to apply a bit of pressure to that soil so this is going to allow that soil on top of the seed to Nest nicely in there and allow a good seed to soil contact and this is going to help improve germination and also when you soak that lawn you know that that seed's nesting in that soil and it's going to stay nice and moist as well so this is why we do this you can use a garden roller if you like you can even go around and use your feet I don't really recommend your feet I prefer to do something which is going to be a little bit more smoother uh as you can see I'm lifting the mower here I don't really want the wheels to disrupt any of the seed because it's got a split roller it turns quite elegantly should I say so it's not going to really disrupt the ground below it you might have a little bit of movement on the seed but it shouldn't be too much so I always recommend just going over and just sort of compacting it a little bit we're not looking to you know heavy compaction here we're just looking to Nest that se [Music] great success this is looking quite covered in sore but it was quite bare anyway there wasn't much going on there it was basically just mud so there's always a seed in there so flattened it down with the m so we should have a nice lawn hopefully fingers crossed guys e fingers crossed for a nice lawn [Music] hey guys thanks for watching so I'm pretty pretty happy with it it was first time I used the ly compo spreader and I think that's really helped benefit there's a couple of areas that might just need a little bit of you know some areas just that need a bit more seat but this happens you know thanks very much um and yeah appreciate it enjoyed this content consider liking and subscribing that' be awesome and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: Acres Lawn Care
Views: 247,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn care, lawn, lawn tips for beginners, renovating a lawn, renovating your lawn, lawn renovation, fixing my lawn, improving lawn, ugly lawn, awesome lawn, lawn beautfiul, beautiful lawn, lawn transformation, lawn before and after, fixing a bad lawn, lawn looks dead, wiping out my lawn, lawn care for dummies, get the lawn you want, lawn you want, silvercymbal, silver cymbal, ultimate lawn fix, diy lawn care, diy lawn, fix an ugly lawn, fix a bad lawn, overseeding
Id: r-OnvufDsv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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