Get Your Hopes Up - Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller

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the following program is made possible in part by the ministry partners of the hour of power and viewers like you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is this is the day the lord is made we will rejoice and be glad in it good morning hello visitors and church family we are so thrilled that you're here and our prayer is that you would leave here with more of god zoe or life or miracle power in your body than when you came we love you yeah we're so grateful you're joining us wherever you are today we have the cool experience of hearing an interview i did just a few days ago with tim tebow so we're going to hear that and also haven't's going to be singing today so that's pretty good you know someone said on twitter i want to hear haven more and i was like great let's do it you ready um kinda okay good enough for me anyway we're just so glad you're with us wherever you are we're so grateful to be gathered together in the name of jesus let's begin with a word of prayer father we thank you so much for all you've given us and we're just opening our hearts today we're going to let go of bitterness we're going to let go of grudges we're going to let go of fear we're going to let go of all these things that tie us down and today we're going to receive from you we lift up your name would you receive this offering lord we pray this all in jesus name amen amen turn to the person next to you and say god loves you and so do i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thee [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] my song shall be near r [Music] the sun down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Music] in preparation for the message luke 17 11. now on his way to jerusalem jesus traveled along the border between samaria and galilee as he was going into a village ten men who had leprosy met him they stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice jesus master have pity on us when he saw them he said go show yourselves to the priest and as they went they were cleansed one of them when he was healed came back praising god in a loud voice he threw himself at jesus's feet and thanked him and he was a samaritan jesus asked were not all ten cleansed where are the other nine has no one returned to give praise to god except this foreigner then he said to him rise and go your faith has made you well amen thank you so much for joining us on our power today we hope you found incredible hope and inspiration from this program spring is a time of abundance a time when we can savor the colors and the sights and sounds of god's creation in fact everywhere we look we can taste and see that the lord is good psalm 36 7 8 says how priceless is your unfailing love o god people take refuge in the shadow of your wings they feast on the abundance of your house you give them drink from your river of delights our savior welcomes each of us to taste his blessings and to drink of his delights and this is what our power is all about by helping us take the gospel message around the globe you enable millions to feast on the wonders of the lord's goodness from the comfort of their own homes for 51 years we've proclaimed the hope of christ's love and extended his heart of hospitality to countless lost and hurting souls as you've joined us in this mission we've seen many many people transformed by the nourishment of divine truth and blessed by the gift of gathering in the family of god in fact this legacy is at the heart of our special may offer for your one-time gift of 150 or five monthly gifts of thirty dollars we'll send you the taste and seed book and kitchen set perfect for spring and summer this colorful culinary inspired collection is enhanced by a vibrant floral motif and includes our brand new taste and sea gathering the lord's goodness book featuring beautiful photographs memories and recipes shared by members of our hour of power and shepherds grove staff this collection was compiled to inspire you to welcome people to your heart and your home we've also included a glass cutting board inscribed with the phrase be grateful and a reference to hebrews 12 28 a matching ceramic trivet with the words be faithful and a reference to luke 16 10 a coordinating ceramic spoon rest with the words be grateful and a reference to hebrews 12 28 and a colorful embroidered cotton tea towel with the words be thankful and a reference to colossians 3 15. call write or go online and request the taste and see book and kitchen set for your one-time gift of 150 or five monthly gifts of thirty dollars hannah and i are praying that the many flavors of god's goodness will overwhelm your senses in the midst of the spring season may he flood your heart with joy and fill your hands with heavenly gifts that can be tasted seen and shared with others thank you so much and remember as always god loves you and so do we tim tebow is a former athlete who played in both the national football league and in major league baseball after stepping away from sports he focused his passion on helping others and established the tim tebow foundation in 2010 this dynamic organization aims to bring faith hope and love to those who need a brighter day in their darkest hour also an author he has written several books and recently released his first children's story bronco and friends a party to remember which teaches kids about the importance of embracing their unique qualities and abilities please welcome tim tebow tim hi welcome so nice to have you on the program and sorry we couldn't have you in the church with covet and everything going on but we're so stoked you're joining us from florida so welcome of course thank you so much for having me i appreciate it i like the suit fashion game on point hey appreciate it glad to be here with you thanks so much hey so most people know your name know who you are but for those who maybe don't know like my grandma for example you know tell people who you are and and sort of why you're well known well first of all uh what's up grandma i hope you're having a fantastic day um i don't really know what to say i would just say i'm someone that i've been blessed with the platform from sports but more than that um my heart is to to love jesus and love people and fight for as many people as possible and um try to proclaim jesus name everywhere i go with everything that we do and help as many people in the process and that's my mission that's my calling and specifically it would really be to enter chaos inner darkness and bring um the light of jesus and you know specifically that's really feel like where i feel called when i was 15 years old uh to enter hard places for those that are abandoned for those that have been abused for those that have been thrown away for those with special needs for those being trafficked um to be able to enter those hard places and be able to love them care for them and like the intro said to bring faith open love but the greatest of these is love and so that's what we want to do is we want to bring god's form of agape love to those in hard places and the best definition i've ever heard of that is to choose the best interest of another person and act on their behalf and that is um that is my goal that is my purpose and that is my plan to do um every day that i'm blessed that's awesome tim tebow i that is a great you sound like a preacher and uh if i were you i would have started with the heisman trophy but you're a lot you're a lot more humble than i am i think it's really great you've had such a successful career in sports and and in football and baseball also and and now uh you really have a heart to reach the hurting people how did that transition happen how did what was it like because you said you started when you're 15. so you had sort of this passion for ministry before you were well known in sports how did you make that transition well i i when i was 15 i had the chance um in a very remote um island of the philippines because the philippines is made up of thousands of islands i had a chance to meet a boy who was born with a speed on backwards in in a very remote village in his village looked at him as cursed as lest and as insignificant as a throwaway um but god really pricked my heart in that moment that he wasn't a throwaway to god and he better not be a throwaway to me and i know that day that i fell in love with that boy but i also fell in love with every single boy or girl like him around the world and i still knew that i loved sports that i wanted to pursue sports but that day sports didn't matter quite as much and it didn't have the same sting right i still loved it i still wanted to be as good as i could but i knew it wasn't my ultimate calling or purpose or passion i still wanted to win listen i've never showed up to a game i wanted to lose but i knew that there were more important things than just winning or losing and really specifically it was that moment that day that really changed my life that when i had the opportunity to start my own foundation after i finished college that was the first thing i did when i graduated was we started the tmto foundation and when i wrote the mission statement to bring faith open love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need it was one of the easiest things that i've ever done because all i did was i thought about that boy in the philippines and i thought what did he need where was he he was in his darkest hour of need and he needed faith hope and love and he needed it now and he needed us to fight for him and that's really where that passion started and so i wanted to use a platform that god had given me through sports and even during sports to be able to use that to be able to take that platform and turn it into purpose um because if all you do is you win or lose a game it doesn't really matter people are going to forget that and that doesn't last for eternity and yes i agree i think the heisman's awesome but guess what the heisman ain't coming home to our our our forever home right in heaven but we need to have a mindset of where it's going to last forever right and so why we think that's cool it's not as cool as having a chance to tell someone about jesus it's not as cool as being able to um lift someone up it's not as cool as being able to rescue someone out of trafficking or pick up an abandoned child those things right in our society they don't seem as cool but they're a lot more cool and they're gonna last a lot longer than any championship or trophy ever will amen wow what a great word did you ever have a chance to go back and find that kid i mean this person that inspired you to do all these great things i have been to the philippines many times i was actually born there and we lived there for five years when i was growing up and we've been there many times i have not had the chance of seeing sherwin again that was his name an incredible young boy i have not had that opportunity but there is a hospital now um the tivo cure hospital now in the philippines that have taken every boy and girl like that free of charge and bring them in um and give them physical healing but also spiritual and emotional healing yeah and so you know that it was a big inspiration um is you know so many times in the philippines and other countries like it they don't have the access to some of the medical care that we have here and so now every boy like him gets a chance to come to the hospital and get that physical healing so they're not looked at as cursed but they also more importantly get to hear the good news of the gospel amen that's awesome well you don't have children yourself yet i know you hope to someday but you have you have such a heart for kids though and i i love that i mean we have a heart for kids too and you've written a couple books already but in this kind of line of just loving children especially children that are kind of like this child you spoke of you wrote this great book that's out now called bronco and friends a party to remember so tell us a little bit about your book well um this was very near and dear to my heart and i really um i wrote it to um to all kids but specifically kids that feel a little bit different and feel unique and maybe feel less than and feel discouraged right and and um i want every single boy or girl that reads this book or has this book read to them to know their worth to know their dignity to know their value to know how loved they are and so really the story of this book is how every single one of these animals is invited to this grand party at the end of it but they have to be able to find their puzzle piece that's going to play into the bigger puzzle because if not you can't get in and so the main character bronco helps all these other animals that have strengths and weaknesses have abilities and disabilities just like all of us do and he helps all of them um have the chance to get into this party but he can't find his puzzle piece but um uh um at the end um he's able to get his puzzle piece because really his purpose was to help everybody else find theirs and so he's able and and really the moral of the stories we all have a piece of play in god's grand puzzle and sometimes we might feel like it's our strengths or sometimes we might feel like we have weaknesses but god can use them both sometimes we have abilities and sometimes we have disabilities but god can use them both and the literally the book ends with you are unique you are wonderful you are special and i want every single boy or girl to know that that they are unique they are one of one they were created in love by love and for love and god has an amazing plan for their life they are special god has an amazing plan for their life and they are wonderful in ephesians 2 10 you know in christ jesus we are a masterpiece they are a masterpiece in christ jesus for good works which god prepared long ago and we really understand that verse god wrote a poem about their life before they were ever born and he calls it a masterpiece in christ jesus that's how we need to treat every single boy and girl and that's what they need to know is they need to know the love of god for their life and the specific plan god has for them because that changes a life the worth and the value because so many times in our society we want to teach our kids to compare and contrast and and you need to look like this you need to act like this you have this ability no you need to be exactly who god made you to be because he created you the way that he wanted you and he's never made a mistake and it's not going to start now and it's not going to start with them so when we're able to encourage every single boy and girl in their work in their god-given value ability and purpose then i believe that we'll be able to set the next generation up for not just success but significance and that's a lot more important than success amen what a great word i it's interesting it's so interesting to hear somebody from the competitive world of sports you know so much comparison so many prizes so many you have to be like on the top one tenth of one percent to even get through the door and it's i think it means a lot when someone like you says things like that especially to kids who probably feel or anybody who feels like cut actually it's interesting because when i got this book our son who's uh nine years old actually uh is recovering from brain disease and so he's more like a two-year-old you know and so it's been hard for him you know he loves animals and it's hard for him to play with other kids a lot of times so i was even telling hannah i'm like i was told the team i was like i'm keeping this book this is for cohen you know but i love the message because for our son that's that's exactly where he is probably you know and a lot of kids you know who have maybe special needs or maybe just socially don't feel like they fit i think christians especially need to have that message that like god uniquely loves you just as you are you don't have to be any different i just love that message and i love this book a party to remember by tim tebow if you have kids that are special in your life get this book for them i know it'll mean a lot to them tim tebow thank you so much for joining us today what a powerful message you have thank you thank you so much for having me i appreciate it so much thank you for what you and your church are doing and we're grateful for you guys and god bless y'all thank you sir god bless thank you guys thank you so much for joining us on hour of power today we hope you found incredible hope and inspiration from this program spring is a time of abundance a time when we can savor the colors and the sights and sounds of god's creation in fact everywhere we look we can taste and see that the lord is good psalm 36 7-8 says how priceless is your unfailing love o god people take refuge in the shadow of your wings they feast on the abundance of your house you give them drink from your river of delights our savior welcomes each of us to taste his blessings and to drink of his delights and this is what our power is all about by helping us take the gospel message around the globe you enable millions to feast on the wonders of the lord's goodness from the comfort of their own homes for 51 years we've proclaimed the hope of christ's love and extended his heart of hospitality to countless lost and hurting souls as you've joined us in this mission we've seen many many people transformed by the nourishment of divine truth and blessed by the gift of gathering in the family of god in fact this legacy is at the heart of our special may offer for your one-time gift of 150 or five monthly gifts of thirty dollars we'll send you the taste and see book and kitchen set perfect for spring and summer this colorful culinary inspired collection is enhanced by a vibrant floral motif and includes our brand new taste and sea gathering the lord's goodness book featuring beautiful photographs memories and recipes shared by members of our hour of power and shepherds grove staff this collection was compiled to inspire you to welcome people to your heart and your home we've also included a glass cutting board inscribed with the phrase be grateful and a reference to hebrews 12 28 a matching ceramic trivet with the words be faithful and a reference to luke 16 10 a coordinating ceramic spoon rest with the words be grateful and a reference to hebrews 12 28 and a colorful embroidered cotton tea towel with the words be thankful and a reference to colossians 3 15. call write or go online and request the taste and see book and kitchen set for your one-time gift of 150 or five monthly gifts of thirty dollars hannah and i are praying that the many flavors of god's goodness will overwhelm your senses in the midst of the spring season may he flood your heart with joy and fill your hands with heavenly gifts that can be tasted seen and shared with others thank you so much and remember as always god loves you and so do we i see the sun waking up in the morning reviving dreams reminding me there's a garment of praise for [Music] happiness i'm living in the goodness get your hopes up i see the sun waking up the morning reviving dreams reminding me [Music] i'm living in the goodness [Music] get your hopes up lift your head up let your faith rise get your hopes is [Music] christ behind me [Music] get your hopes up [Music] wow wow sheer raw talent and skills very good thank you haven thanks for blessing us this morning and thank you to all the musicians who the men's uh ensemble was unbelievable too and orchestra thank you very much what a great morning well welcome we're so glad you're joining us believe god has something good in store for you this week i just know that everything god is doing in your life is for your benefit the enemy wants to hurt you he wants to deceive you he wants to harm you but when we run to the lord only good things will come yes there will be hardship and setbacks but in the end i should say god will bring us where we need to get and so i just want to encourage you i just believe that this week is going to be better because you started your week in this way so whoever you are would you stand with us we're going to say this creed together hold your hands out like this as a way of receiving from the lord let's say this together i'm not what i do i'm not what i have i'm not what people say about me i am the beloved of god it's who i am no one can take it from me i don't have to worry i don't have to hurry i can trust my friend jesus and share his love with the world thanks you'll be seated well today's sermon is called get your hopes up and uh that is the right thing to do to be a hopeful positive big vision kind of person when you serve a big god he draws you into a bigger reality and my hope is that this morning as big as you are you're thinking your heart will get bigger than it was even a moment ago not because of me but because of what the holy spirit is confirming through his word in your life we interviewed a wonderful gentleman a good friend of mine earl larmer who was the chairman of the board for our power in australia just a man who seems to be very joyful he's very successful in business and in life has a big heart for god he started out as a actually i believe a worship leader at a baptist church played oregon i think did some things with the choir but uh was also an accountant and in life did well in real estate in other ways has been able to be generous to foundations and ministries like ours and i really enjoy talking to people like earl risk takers and big thinkers he was someone and is someone who was very influenced by norman vincent peale as my grandfather was the founder of this church and i asked him you know what was the biggest thing that norman vincent peale you've listened to all of his messages and followed him around what was like the biggest takeaway you could get from him that you think impacted your life and he said and he said in an interview also in our power a few years ago he said well he talked really often about two things that i think make a big difference the first is what he called outgoingness the the willingness to shake hands and smile and meet new people and ask questions and get to know others he said this is really important to succeed in life this even though we don't always feel outgoing the importance of intentionally being outgoing and noticing others and reaching out to others and he said the second thing which is even more important is a sense of enthusiasm now imagine this an accountant saying that the two greatest things in life to succeed is enthusiasm and outgoingness but i i i so he said enthusiasm which he was right means god within and theos thieves you know god is inside of me if god is within me than it ought to show right it ought to show in the way i act and the way i feel in the way i think and the way i treat others and so he said that in life this enthusiasm for life and this outgoingness is a key factor in being happy and successful and you know ever since i heard that on occasion i try to pay attention to when i'm not feeling outgoing or when i'm not feeling enthusiastic and my guess is that during covid people are not feeling this way well how can you be outgoing if you can't even talk to people and can't shake a hand hopefully things will change but but but as sort of the snow is thawing on the you know coveted world it's important to remember that in life we ought to be these things outgoing and and enthusiastic and many other things and i know what you're thinking for those of you who don't feel that way bobby i can't just will myself into this and i think sometimes that's true sometimes it isn't but i think at the heart of being this kind of a person and this is what my today's sermon will be is actually not choosing as much to be those things first as much to be thankful for life thankful for your past thankful for your journey for your family or your friends or your church or whatever it is you have the more thankful we become the more energy we have and the easier it is to have these attributes that make us successful in life it's going to be hard as the world opens up and you have to work from your office again for example or you have to or you get to do these other things in life that maybe have gone away for a while remember that in life life is a lot like fishing you'll never catch anything if you don't put your line in the water and as a kid being forced to fish all the time i can tell you there were many times you would sit for hours and hours and hours without lying in the water and you swear there's not a fish left in the sea but the key is to keep fishing and to keep putting the line in the water and you never know one of these days you might just catch something really big and the older you get the bigger that fish will become that's a joke that's old fishing joke the older i get the bigger the fish was many of us are dealing with the law of inertia if you took a science or physics course in high school you probably learned newton's law first law of the law of inertia i always learned it like this the correct version is behind me but i always heard it like an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by an outside force an object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an outside force this is true whether it's apples falling from a tree or comets in space and this also has to do with bobby shuler and hannah and haven schuler and every other person whether they be a schuler or not and many of us when we are at rest we tend to stay at rest and we're in motion we tend to stay at motion many of us after uh covet have found ourselves a bit like this guy just kind of a couch potato kind of hard to get up out of the couch and really do anything because an object at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted on by an outside force this is why as a leader i have learned to employ the the old axiom if you want something done give it to a busy person man that is true i can tell you how i can't tell you how many times i've been frustrated or i give a task to someone that has almost nothing to do and a week later they still haven't gotten it done and then you give a task to someone that seems like they are drowning and things to do and you give it to them and hours later it's not only done it's done well this is true i think of most people how many times have you thought you know the whole house is completely destroyed and you think well i'm just gonna clean up my office and next thing you know you clean your office and you clean your bookshelf and you vacuum your room and then you move to the next room and hours later you've actually cleaned the whole house because an object in motion stays in motion so my goal today in a way is to get you moving again get you off the couch and get you doing something in motion my hope is to be the outside force that moves the object at rest and i want to get into your mind this morning because i can't physically come into your living room pull you off the couch and get you outside to work i want to encourage you that at the heart for believers at the heart of having a positive outgoing enthusiastic will and mind is an even deeper attitude of thankfulness i miss the opportunity to rhyme with attitude with the word gratitude which we've all used before so i guess it's a cliche an attitude of gratitude this this spirit of being thankful all the time that's a perspective a way of seeing your past it's interesting how many of us can have the same experience and some look at at life in a thankful way and some of us look at life in a begrudging way in a complaining way most of us have things to complain about most of us have been cheated or or lied to or taken advantage of or harmed some of us even violated and and many of us have every right to feel unthankful and to feel frustrated and uh and you shouldn't necessarily get rid of those emotions either but the default emotion the thing that you go to all the time is sort of an attitude of just being thankful not for what you've lost but for what you have left today we're going to talk about this power of thankfulness and how it affects everything we do in life a scripture that was read today and it read beautifully by my wife hannah we're a family ministry here at hour of power uh what is luke 17 11 through 19. it's one of my favorite stories it's preached on a lot but i feel like the most important bits are often missed so i'll do my best to preach it bobby's style first the story begins at jesus the great rabbi prophet healer is traveling from galilee in the north to jerusalem in the south now if you know anything about first century biblical geography israel was a samaritan sandwich you had galilee in the north which is part of israel judea and the south which is part of israel but then this bubble in the middle samaria where the samaritans lived who were half brothers but enemies of the jews and so to go from the north to the south or vice versa you had to either go through or around samaria and this is what jesus is doing he's traveling along this boundary between galilee and samaria on his way to jerusalem and as he's doing so he sees a gang of ten lepers in a leper colony who probably 50 or so feet away that might have been the common law back then cry out to the prophet jesus have mercy on us have mercy on us of course they're asking for him to heal them it's interesting to think of the plight of a leper leprosy today is curable the actual term for leprosy is uh i think it's called hanson's disease and and today it's treatable with a antibiotic or antimicrobial i can't remember but it's it's basically curable although many parts of the world parts of india for example still suffer from the disease because they don't have access to the medicine but in those days and through much of history lepers are are not only suffering but they look like they're suffering all the time so on top of this in judaism and in the ancient world in general there was a rule that if you had leprosy you couldn't be with everybody else because it's a contagious disease in those days following the law of moses in fact the jews had to go a step further in their suffering god had instructed in levitical law in leviticus 13 and 14 a method for how to keep the tribe safe from leprosy and what would happen is if a jew noticed some kind of a thing on their skin or rash or something like that they would go before the priest and the priest would examine them and then the priest would say to them okay you definitely have something you need to wait seven days outside of the tent and i'll look at you again and if after seven days it went away or if there's certain markings or things the priest would say ah it's just a rash you can come back in you're fine cool it with uh whatever whatever caused your rash strawberries no more i don't think there were strawberries in the desert back then hannah doesn't know i don't know anybody know okay all right that's enough of that but if after seven days it didn't go away and the priest realized this is leprosy the person then had to have unkempt hair they had to change from normal clothes into unkempt clothes and what does this sound like they had to wear a face mask how many of you feel like lepers today and had to leave the camp and could not be with anybody but other lepers and there they had to live out their days unless a miracle or something happened and the rash went away now think about this for a minute not only are you suffering from the illness but if you're a married man or woman you have to leave your children you have to leave your job and your family you're an outsider if you're single you're never going to meet somebody you have to say goodbye to your family you've basically died unless some some amazing thing happens your new life is to live in an outside colony with very few amenities very very small dvd collection and you know no friends or family except for those that live there and everybody's feeling grumpy aren't they i mean if you've got leprosy and you lost your family you're just not in the mood to play monopoly so this is not a good environment in all seriousness it would have felt like basically you might as well die here are these 10 men the great healer is walking along and they cry out jesus have mercy on us he stops and sees them on the road and this time now there's another story where jesus actually holds the samaritan keep in mind they have to everywhere they go they have to yell unclean unclean if they go anywhere and in another story jesus touches the man and holds the man and then he heals them in this story it's almost the exact opposite from a distance jesus gives them a word he gives them the word of god a commandment and he tells them go show yourself to the priest that's all he says what does this mean well in judaism if you are healed you then after you believe there's nothing on your body anywhere you can go show yourself to the priest and he can deem you clean and you can come home but they are still in tattered clothes they are still missing limbs they still have patches all over their skin they have all sorts of gross things but he says even though in the natural they are still sick in the spiritual he's promised them in a jewish sort of way that if they take the step of faith to believe him first by going to jerusalem then they'll be healed and guess what they did they began the long journey a four day walk to jerusalem they began that'd be embarrassing wouldn't it to show up to jerusalem still a leper and uh obviously a priest isn't gonna do it so but they decide okay we're going to show ourselves to the priest this is a this is important thing to learn about faith by the way so much of of living a miraculous life for god is trusting the word of god sometimes over what seems to be true in the natural to trust that what god says will become true in the natural even though i don't see it now and to take a step according to that in the name of jesus to just trust to just say to myself either the word of god is true or it's not and it is and so the scripture says that they began the long lonely difficult walk to jerusalem and they began it in the natural as suffering lepers but in the spiritual they claimed a promise and it would be true now here's the best part of the story actually that many people miss not all 10 of them were jews if you like to read the bible you might remember that one of them was uh anybody a samaritan now samaritans were the enemies of the jews they were not the same religion they had a samaritan torah they had a samaritan temple or at least they used to that had been destroyed by the jews and these were like half brothers that hated each other they looked very similar so ethnically they would have seemed identical but outwardly as a faith they hated each other and so if you were a jew and you went to samaria there's a very good chance you'd be killed or vice versa if you were samaritan and went to israel there's a very good chance you're going to die this samaritan was bundled up with these other nine and when jesus said to all of them go show yourself to the priest he took that promise for himself and it would have been very easy for him as a samaritan to say well i'm not a jew that's not for me even though god said it to him he had every opportunity in the world to disqualify what god had promised to him he had every opportunity to say i'm not religious enough or maybe he was just saying it to the others or to say gosh that would be embarrassing or to say i'm a leper i'm not going to go to a jewish temple and and be healed maybe i'll be killed no he took what christ said at face value and it was accredited to him not only his righteousness but in its healing isn't that good news and whatever god says to the the jew he says to you the word of god is true for anyone who would believe it do not disqualify a promise of god to you don't disqualify it that's what the enemy wants as you go god will make it so and that was true for the samaritan so imagine that this is the ultimate fake it till you make it story a samaritan walking with his nine buddies who i love that they didn't like you know tell jesus or anybody else oh he's he's a samaritan sorry no they were they were kind of cool with it they're probably all friends and imagine that a four day walk maybe three day walk they're walking along and every single day it gets a little bit better isn't that great every day patch goes away every day they feel a little better every day their energy gets a little bit and then all of a sudden they arrive to jerusalem maybe they're completely better and they just elation that in obeying god over four days their skin got well and they decided to show themselves to the priest now in jesus day if in the weird chance that you were healed of leprosy perhaps it was just eczema or dandruff or something like that no head and shoulders back then and you're better you have to go through a process of being brought back into the community and proclaimed well so all 10 of these guys would have gone through this ritual the ritual looks like this is actually beautiful you take a live dove okay or some kind of a bird and you d so when the so this is what happens first the the man who has leprosy and is now healed comes before the priest and the priest examines him everywhere and he says you are well this is what we're gonna do you take a live dove and you dip the dove in blood and living water and you take the bird out to an open field and you release it what is that a symbol of i mean as christians it's hard not to relate this beautiful image of a bird being dipped in blood and living water and bring free it's the symbol of forgiveness and healing forgiveness and healing and the freedom that comes by being given this gift of grace from god when you see that bird flying in an open field and you're a healed leopard you're supposed to have this image of your head of that is me i've been healed by god's grace i've been forgiven by god's grace i was dead but now i'm alive i was lost but now i am found all 10 of these guys would have had this amazing feeling of watching a dove covered in blood and water flying free and they would think man this is me and then they go through an eight day process where they have to sleep outside just to make sure and then on the eighth day they're examined again and then they have to shave every hair on their body that includes back hair eyebrows and everything below the belt shall we say everything has to be shaved they're examined again and then there's a ritual of where they they take a bath and they're given new clothes and then what what happens they get to go home after after an offering they get to go see their wife their kids their husband their employer they get to go back to their favorite coffee shop just imagine that the sense of freedom and joy that you would get from going to this amazing process of receiving a miracle from god through jesus and then what happens we know the end of the story don't we there's jesus he's still walking along the road maybe in another town and out of nowhere comes the samaritan who's completely shaved he's got no eyebrows he's got no hair on his head no arm hair he's running at jesus in new nice clothes no longer wearing a mask no longer hair and kemp he throws himself at jesus feet and he thanks him for all that he's done it begins to just pour out worship to god because this man who is dead is now alive wow and what's jesus response where are the others where are the other nine by the way jesus knew he was a samaritan and he believed that he would receive that gift but he says where's the other nine and this is just bobby okay this is bobby commentary 101 this is just me but you think about it you've got eight days a four day walk down to jerusalem and then an eight day ritual and all this amazing stuff i think those nine jewish guys in their mind kind of felt like they had this one in the bag i think like as they were going it was still great it was still awesome that they took a step of faith but i almost feel like they the word we might use today they felt a bit entitled to it like they knew it was they're like we're jewish we're going to our temple but the samaritan was he just had his hopes up you know he was just kind of like god said it to me and i'm going to trust that it's for me too and and and i don't think he had the same assurance even though he was doing the same action and so i think when he received the gift he was grateful in a way that the others weren't and you know what kills me this is the part that kills me the most i'll tell 10 of them if they were going home would have been going north him to samaria and them to galilee in other words jesus is coming south and they're going north to go home they would have like almost passed each other or been very close and even then the other nine because they've been they were so excited to see their spouse so excited to see their family so excited to get to that party that they couldn't just veer off the road a little bit to say thank you but the samaritan did i think that today i mean i would be tempted in that way to just be like oh hell no i'm thankful i'll let him know later i'll go find him later and then you never do think there's something about someone who truly experiences god's power in their life as a free gift not as something that i earned not as something i was you know born with but it's just a huge surprise that was that was god's word enacted in my life that i just i just think there's something about that that causes a person to be more grateful to to live life in in a sort of open-handed way i'm not sure if that makes sense to you it makes sense to me that there are some people who want something expect something and then get that thing and then there are other people who want something and then hope to get that thing and get it and the responses between the two are very different it's the difference between entitlement and thankfulness and it's a big issue today and so often i think we we have so many wonderful things that we we have in our life but we're sort of just used to it it's sort of like well we had that yesterday and the day before why wouldn't i have it today three square meals and a roof over my head a family or friends who love me being able to walk these are things that that a lot of people don't have and so it's easy to fall into this rhythm of life where we just forget how lucky we are or really how blessed we are and it's easy to focus on what we've lost versus what we have left i think that in life to live like the samaritan is to be overjoyed and grateful even for the little things and i think when we do that we continue to see god's outpouring of miracles in our life if you need more miracles in your life become a more thankful person become a person who worships the lord become grateful to the giver and he'll want to give you more that's true isn't it for those of you who like giving gifts when someone's super stoked about a gift you've given them don't you want to give them more and when you give something to your nephew for example and he doesn't care i'm talking to you caleb just kidding and they're like ah thanks like that's it that's the last one congratulations you are cut off see i i want to be over the moon about every breath in my lungs i want to be over the moon about my wife and my kids i i got to go to yosemite yesterday by the way we were in yosemite yesterday we were stuck in traffic on the way home i had a choice to make am i going to be grumpy about being stuck in traffic or am i going to be grateful that i got to go to yosemite and so much of life is like that isn't it don't encourage you anyone anyone who has a grateful heart becomes a magnet for miracles a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles this is my most ripped off quote by the way i wrote this in a book in 2006. i see it all the time now but it's true a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles i think many of us have a type of soul leprosy a numbness what happens is when our soul becomes numb it's easy for the things of life to eat away at us and we look down and we're missing something that we really wish we could get back the cure to the numbness you're experiencing life is living life with a thankful heart i want to encourage you to live every single day with what i think of as a slow thankfulness almost like you would feel you know if you were a tourist in a wonderful place you'd always wished you could go that the thing that everybody who lives there takes for granted every day you see in a fresh way i would encourage you to see your own life in a fresh way to experience your life in a way of slow thankfulness thankfulness live every single day with a slow thankfulness and engender in your own life a heart of gratitude and watch how you will become a magnet for miracles lord we love you and we thank you that you love us we thank you for your word the word of god is true and doesn't change lord we love you is in jesus name we pray amen [Music] hi friend have you subscribed to our channel yet if not then i hope you will our power is filled with uplifting content to nourish your spirit and help you grow closer to jesus we've created this channel to remind you that no matter who you are or what you've done god loves you and so do we
Channel: Hour of Power with Bobby Schuller
Views: 5,454
Rating: 4.9207921 out of 5
Keywords: Bobby Schuller, Bobby Schuller Sermon, Inspiration, Encouragement, Choir Music, Worship Music, Tim Tebow, Haven Schuller
Id: UR7bSrlOLuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 40sec (3460 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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